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Year 7 Health Education

Assessment: Challenges and Choices

Week 5, Term 3
Date distributed Assessment type In class assessment

Week 8 Term 3 4 x 50-minute class

Date due Friday 16th September Assessment Conditions sessions

In your Health Education classes you have been discussing the effects of alcohol, smoking and other drugs
on the human body. You have discussed different types of drugs and the classification of these.

Caffeine Investigation
In this task students will identify and investigate key information about caffeine and develop an informative
resource for people their age.
Students will complete:
1. Brainstorm 6-8 key facts that young people should know about caffeine. Record research notes,
using the Money Method note-taking sheets provided.
2. Investigate each of the above facts in detail, particularly, why it is important for young people to
know this information. These notes are to be recorded using the Money Method note-taking sheets
3. Design your informative resource, sharing their information about caffeine and the effects on people
aged 12-13 years old. The resource must include:
a. At least 5 key pieces of informationen
b. Rationale: an explanation for why this information is important for 12–13-year-olds
c. A list of information sources (bibliography)
4. The resource format (video, brochure, radio advertisement etc.) can be of the student’s choosing,
however, must be approved by the teacher.

Accurate Accurate Mostly accurate Some accurate Information is
information, information, information, information and inaccurate or the
which is highly which is mostly with some relevance. (1) task is
Accuracy of
relevant for relevant for relevance to incomplete. (0)
target group. (4) target group. (3) target group. (2)
The inclusion of The inclusion of The inclusion of The inclusion of No justification
each piece of most information some some of why
information is is justified, and information is information is information is
Explanation for
justified, and evidence of why justified, and an justified. (1) important for the
the inclusion of
evidence of why it is relevant is explanation of age group. (0)
the information
it is relevant is included. (3) why it is relevant
included. (4) is included. (2)
Resources Varied and Sources of Sources of Sources of Sources of
Varied and reliable sources evidence are evidence are information are information are
reliable source of evidence are mostly reliable. limited and may unreliable or few unreliable or not
of information. used. (4) (3) be unreliable. (2) in number. (1) recorded. (0)
Score: / 12
Use this page to brainstorm before you begin to research caffeine

How many teenagers have an overdose of

Caffeine. What do we know about CAFFEINE?

What do you want to know about

caffeine and teens?

Caffeine gives you energy

When was caffeine first

Is adapted from plants

What body systems does
Caffeine affect?
Is found in some drinks
Such as Coca Cola

Is there any laws about trafficking?

Does caffeine cause
Certain cancers?

Is used in many foods and drinks Is it a physco-active drug?

- Energy Drinks
- Chocolate
- Coffee and tea
Is it considered a stimulant or depressant?
Money Method of Summarising
1. Read the paragraph and identify the key words.
2. Write the key words into the grid at the top of you summarising slip.
3. At 10c a word, create a summary sentence that uses the key words from the grid.
4. Try to keep you sentence under $2.

Key Fact: Caffeine is a psychoactive drug that affects the central nervous system

Key Words
Caffeine Drug Central nervous Legal moderation
stimulates safe
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Caffeine is a legal drug that is available to adolescents; it is a psychoactive drug (affects the mind or
mood) and stimulates the central nervous system. In moderation it is safe for adolescents.
Justify: this is important because adolescents need to know what type of drug caffeine is.
Reference: Health Engine. (2010). Caffeine consumption in children and

Key Fact: The smart amount of caffeine is 400 milligrams for healthy adults.

Key Words
amount 300-400 mg adults legal safe
caffeine FSANZ Body.

Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)

The FSANZ (Foods Standards Australia & New Zealand) have declared that the safe amount of caffeine for a
Healthy adult is 400 milligrams or less.
Justify: This is important because it tells people the amount of caffeine that is safe for their body.
Reference: Coffee Addiction. (2020). [Website]. Science
Key Fact: Caffeine effects the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, and the central nervous system.

Key Words
Caffeine Cardiovascular sys. CNS
effects Respiratory system system

Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)

The different body systems that are affected by caffeine is the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system,
And the central nervous system.
Justify: This is important because it’s the systems that are affected by caffeine in a negative way.
Reference: Caffeine- Better Health. (2022). [Website]. Better Health

Key Fact: Teenagers tend to rarely overdose on caffeine because they have a low tolerance for caffeine. This is
usually transmitted through energy drinks such as Gatorade, Monster and Red Bull.

Key Words
Low tolerance Energy drinks rare
Caffeine transmitted *examples*
teenagers overdose
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Teenager rarely have overdosages of caffeine but if it does occur, it is because of energy drinks such as Monster,
Red bull, and Gatorade.
Justify: This is important because it guides teenagers into being considerate of energy drinks and the intake.
Reference: Caffeine Overdosage. (2019). [Website]. Medical News

Key Fact: Some diseases that caffeine can give you is lung cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and rarely,
colon cancer.

Key Words
diseases caffeine Lung cancer many diet
cancers diabetes Colon cancer amount
affects High blood pressure body
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Caffeine can give you many diseases and conditions depending on the amount of this drug being in your diet.
Some of these diseases are lung cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer.

Justify: This is imperative because it highlights the key diseases which warns teenagers of the risks of high intake
of caffeine.
Reference: Um, C. (n.d.). Colorectal Cancer Risks From Coffee.

Key Fact: Caffeine is a stimulant meaning that it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body.

Key Words
caffeine stimulant Brain to body
Speeds up messages
meaning travelling
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Caffeine is identified as a stimulant, meaning that it accelerates your body’s messages travelling from the brain to
the body,

Justify This is vital because it explains what caffeine does to the body and what would occur in the brain when you
have consumed caffeine.
Reference: What is Caffeine? (2021). Caffeine- Alcohol and Drugs.

Key Fact: Caffeine disrupts a teenagers sleep cycle and also the quantity and quality of sleep they receive.

Key Words
caffeine quantity
disrupts quality
Sleep cycles research
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Studies have proven that caffeine can actually have negative effects on a teenagers sleep cycles, the quantity of
sleep, and quality of sleep.

Justify: This is important because it is one of the risks of caffeine on a teenager’s body.
Reference: n.d. Caffeine and Teens.

Key Fact: Negative effects that are caused by caffeine are vomiting, high blood pressure, seizures, and headaches.

Key Words
Negative effects High blood pressure caffeine
caused seizures Awareness
vomiting headaches guidance
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Some major effects caffeine has on teenagers is high blood pressure, seizures and also vomiting. Teenagers should
Be aware of this because it will guide them as an adult. They will become aware of all the negative effects that this
drug has on their body’s as well.
Justify: Outlines the main effects on teenagers from caffeine.
Reference: n.d. Caffeine and Teens.
Key Fact: Caffeine effects you physically as well. For example, headaches and muscle pains.

Key Words
caffeine examples drug
Effects the body headaches Disease &
physically Muscle pains
Sentence Summary (Budget $2.00)
Not only does caffeine affect you mentally but it also affects you physically. For example, this drug
causes headaches, and muscle pains in teenagers. Experts have shown that an overdosage of this drug
can lead to such conditions.

Justify: This warns teenagers to reduce their consumption of caffeine as it has countless negative
Reference: n.d. Caffeine (for teens)

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