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Natalia Davydova

psychoanalyst, candidate of historical sciences

02 Research summary

08 Putin’s Nazism: the structure of

the perverse psyche

20 Freedom to perpetrate violence as

the core of Putin’s Nazism

26 Nazism factory: the role of


32 Why has Russia been seized by

the epidemic of Nazism? The role
of perverse ruling class, social
frustration, ressentiment and the
repressive apparatus

42 Conclusions

44 Author’s afterword
Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis


Why should Ukraine and the world get to
understand the deep meaning of the “Russian
For more than three months the main topic around the world has been the war waged by Russia against Ukraine. It
was difficult to believe that in the XXI century’s Europe an attack on a peaceful nation was possible; it was yet more
difficult to realize that Nazism, long forgotten as a sick dream, had engulfed a vast country. What’s different: Russian
Nazis refer to themselves as “fighters against Nazism”, and they now have nuclear weapons.

It would seem that the lessons of WWII should help humanity unite and prevent Putin’s regime from continuing to
commit war crimes. However, far from all politicians and even intellectuals are aware of the need to fight Nazism.
How is it even possible after what happened in Bucha, Borodianka and Mariupol not to realize how dangerous “the
Russian world” is?

What prevents the whole civilized world from

fully opening its eyes to the essence of
Putin’s Nazism?
Besides such obvious reasons as obtaining personal and “geopolitical” benefits, there are also certain psychological

Firstly – the threat to narcissism, since admitting that Putin’s ideology is Nazi ideology would mean any country
could be nazified under certain conditions.

Secondly – the political correctness and cancel culture that make it a taboo to paint an entire country in a
negative light.

Thirdly – the trauma that Nazism is able to inflict even over distance. A person who is objectively safe can still
experience a whole range of reactions to trauma: denial, fear, lethargy, hebephrenic syndrome, etc.

Unless we symbolize the trauma, the point of the cut will be filled with delusions and illusions that hinder our
understanding of the essence, purpose and motivation of Putin’s regime. By taking advantage of the above Russian
authorities are able to influence the West. This becomes obvious when European and American politicians are
heeding and echoing (often unknowingly) Putin’s propaganda.

At the same time, mistakes and illusions are becoming more and more costly today. Every new day of hesitation
brings with it not only new deaths but also the risk of this Nazism outbreak becoming an epidemic, or
even a pandemic. That’s why it’s very important now to fill the gaps in our understanding of Nazism, and to study
this phenomenon as well as its supporters. Understanding “the Russian world” will give us tools for action.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

The approach to the analysis

This research is based on propaganda statements made by government officials and private individuals. Since it’s
propaganda, it won’t be very useful to try to extract information from the content itself. Much more interesting would be
to pay attention to slips of the tongue, mistakes, inconsistencies, illogicalities, emotional implications, etc. In the study,
Lacanian psychoanalysis has been applied.

This report outlines the results of our research into several aspects of Putin’s Nazism:

the psychological portrait of its adept;

the reasons / conditions for its emergence and rise;

the essence of “the Russian world” and its “freedom”;

the role of Putin’s propaganda in modern Russian, mechanisms and methods of its influence;

the interaction between propaganda and the repressive apparatus.

01 The perverse essence of Putin’s Nazism

The first thing that would help make sense of the new phenomenon and understand a Nazi is admitting that we’re fac-
ing a different psychic structure that is not intuitively comprehensible to us being completely different from our own.
The analysis of propagandist statements has shown that Putin’s Nazism is based on a perversion – namely, sadism.

The peculiarity of the perverse structure is the refusal to recognize the Law: a pervert’s thought and speech are
capable of containing mutually contradictory things such as: a “peaceful country” and a “country that attacked”, “shell-
ing residential buildings” and a “peaceful country”, even “I’ve shelled residential buildings” and “There’s no blood on
my hands”, etc. By adding an extra signifier a pervert is able to break the conventional Law without consequences for
their psyche. For instance, a pedophile pervert knows that he’s hurting a child (it’s nearly impossible to find an opposing
view) but rejects that knowledge by adding the additional condition “this depraved child has made me the tool of his
enjoyment” – and since the pedophile is but a tool of the child’s enjoyment, he’s not doing any harm. The sadist’s
desire is destruction and authority, the most complete authority is to kill.

Based on peculiarities of a perverse structure it’s possible to explain many incomprehensible manifestations of “the Rus-
sian world”, such as the inhuman brutality of the Nazis in the occupied territories. The pervert’s subjectivity isn’t formed
yet; he sees himself as the tool of desire (violence) of the Other.

He lacks guilt and empathy. Similarly, other people are non-actors and therefore their bodies or lives lack any value in
the Nazi’s eyes. Moreover, a lack of subjectivity may limit one’s capacity for analysis, profound learning, and reflection,
while a lack of understanding needs filling with delusions (e.g., conspiracy theories) and magical thinking. That explains
a superficial copying of things and processes (Alyosha the Robot, democracy).

His emotional sphere outside of his desire for violence is limited by pure self-interest. The pervert can neither perceive
nor understand love, grief, or compassion.

02 The freedom to perpetrate violence as the
core of Putin’s Nazism
A Nazi leads his struggle for violence even when it contradicts his interests and logic. A Nazi of the Putin
format struggles for his highest value – freedom; however, that freedom lies in his right to practice sadism wher-
ever his victim can permit it. The only guilt, the only sin for “the Russian world” is becoming a victim, dis-
playing weakness. Who could be a better enemy for a sadist than Europe, where thanks to political correctness
there’s a unique situation of violence deficit? The Nazi considers the West unfree because a strong person there is
bound by law and political correctness, while “the Russian world” is free, because one can freely practice violence to-
wards the vulnerable without any consequences. The dictatorship of the weak and the voluntary castration of the strong
is seen by the Nazi as a hideous violation of “traditions” – that’s why “the West is rotting.” The national idea of “the
Russian world” is sadism, the right to use violence against a victim, who is guilty by default. In this report
we’re going to focus in detail on what chaos Russia “exports” to the West, and who that collective Other is, whose tools
the supporters of Putin’s Nazism actually are.

03 Why has Russia been seized by the epidemic

of Nazism? The role of perverse ruling class,
social frustration, ressentiment and the
repressive apparatus
Naturally, not all 140 million Russians are subjects with perverse structure prone to sadism. However, the majority of
Russians have been infected with perversion, and their goal is to perpetrate violence everywhere their victim
can’t fight back.

What made it possible to nazify a giant country in only 30 years? The consumerist society's repressive “order
to enjoy” has brought about a lot of aggression because of the enormous social and economic inequality. There are
few productive ways of expressing that aggression, since there are few ways available of improving one’s social status.
The consolation was found in ressentiment, which later on was used by a bunch of perverts who obtained access to
power. By producing sadistic propaganda (as no other propaganda can be produced by sadists) and strengthening
the repressive apparatus perverts had kept seducing and destroying until they nazified their country. The
tools and methods will be studied in this report.

04 Nazism factory: propaganda and the

repressive system
Nazi propaganda isn’t creating any new meanings or captivating ideas at the moment. It doesn’t need that. It has
infiltrated the psyche of Putin’s Nazism supporters and is holding it. Without propaganda the “Russian world”
warrior, who’s bringing the light of traditional values to the rotten West from the great (but very peaceful) country, will
turn out to be an ordinary citizen of a temperate climate zone, of average looks, from a country that won the battle
against fascism decades back.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

The Nazification catalyst is the repressive system, which works in the following directions: it punishes and
intimidates, it separates friends from foes and it brings about the Stockholm syndrome.

The key method of Putin’s propaganda is its mass character, the area bombardment by messages. By en-
gaging a large number of agents of influence on numerous platforms it creates the effect of the message being su-
per-popular, obtaining not those who believe in the messages but those who believe in the believers of those messages
(interpassivity1). Since Nazis don’t experience guilt but only its ersatz – “what will others think?” – the belief in believers
becomes enough to believe that bombing residential buildings or murdering children is socially approved and even
worthy of praise.

05 Interacting with Nazis’ perverse psyche:

misconceptions and traps
By viewing a Nazi as a perverse sadist we’re able to answer a number of questions.

Question one: what absolutely infernal evil are we facing and what wicked plans is it still capable of implementing?
It turns out that there’s a diagnosis for this “evil” and science has already encountered this phenomenon, even though
it doesn’t lend itself well to therapy. The sadist will definitely be scheming, but as he does everything superficially, his
schemes are bound to be far from perfect.

Question two: why can’t we reach understanding with a pervert, achieving a mutually beneficial solution? Let’s imagine
the following situation. One side wants to avoid bloodshed and prevent a world war. To this end, it will appeal to kind-
ness and peace as the absolute value, conduct itself as if both sides are interested in peace and preserving lives. The
sadist, however, wishes to enjoy the psychological destruction of negotiators, the annihilation of the enemy’s country,
to see his grandiose reflection in the eyes of others and get the quickest possible reward. The first party projects their
own psychological apparatus – including its feeling of guilt – onto the Nazis, regarding them as similar neurotics, only
very angry and cynical. Therefore, it starts appealing to conscience and common sense, and threaten with dire conse-
quences for the country.

The sadist, however, views others through her own reflection where there’s no feeling of guilt, other people’s lives are
worthless, and war is as valuable for them as heroin is for a drug addict. Appeals to kindness appear to remain unheard.
The pervert fills the incomprehensible with fantasies and delusions, thinking that the opponent is merely a hypocrite who
wishes for peace only out of fear. And if he is scared then he has fewer soldiers, less military equipment, and fewer
nuclear warheads; hence, he’s a victim that needs to be destroyed. You can’t scare a sadist with dire consequences
for their country. When the opponent appeals to consciousness, it is seen as desperation - and therefore
it’s time to attack. Such negotiations are to no avail from the point of view of the declared subject matter. They can
have secondary goals, though: to feint the desire to reach an agreement, to exert psychological pressure, to maintain
the façade of “a peaceful country” etc.

By understanding the essence of Nazism we can get rid of dangerous illusions that Putin’s propaganda is using. For
example, would it have been possible to avoid the war had Zelensky not mentioned nuclear weapons? Or if there had
been more Ukrainian speakers? Or if Putin’s officials hadn’t lied to him about Ukrainians waiting for “the Russian world”
with open arms? Or if Zelensky had proven that Ukraine is not under the dictatorship of Nazism? Of course not. The
pervert first makes a decision and then looks for justifications. Surveys, the bomb, Nazis – their only purpose is keeping
the semblance of order in a perverse psyche. The desire to destroy is primary, all else exists only to torture
the victim a bit longer, and to take advantage of the Stockholm syndrome and witch hunts in the future.

It is a mistake to try to defend oneself against Nazis’ accusations. Perverts view everything through their
own reflection, glancing over the surface. Whatever is under water, they only see it through themselves, unable
to penetrate underwater. For example, “Nazi biolabs” mean that Russia already has such biolabs or is planning
to build them; “Ukraine is rapidly getting poor ” means that “Russia has big problems because of sanctions” etc.

The most dangerous of all the misconceptions is trying to “appease” the aggressor, wishing to save his face
by introducing tough limitations. Within the logic of a perverse structure the narcissist rage of castration is
not the most dreadful thing. The most dreadful thing is when a sadist doesn’t meet any obstacles and
immerses himself completely in jouissance, loses himself and pushes the nuclear button to rid the planet
of “Nazism”.

Ukraine quickly realized what’s going on when it faced sadism. The rest of the world though is still
under the illusion of negotiations, face-saving and appeasement. Some Western intellectuals have capitu-
lated in advance. They pronounced the new Nazism “a hurricane” that can’t be stopped – it’s therefore better to
simply hide and wait while looking for ways of forcing Ukraine’s capitulation. At the same time, some countries and
politicians don’t understand what they are facing and put the whole world and order under threat, as this war is
not being waged for Ukraine, it is waged for humanity itself, for human dignity. If we lose then everyone
will lose, and those who survive will find themselves in such a reality that hasn’t been yet described by any dystopia.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Putin’s Nazism:
the structure of the perverse

with another psyche
All we need is some order,
to protect ourselves from chaos 2

Deleuze G., Guattari F.

01 Contact 1. An aunt from Rostov has sent some

rays of kindness
Many of us had our first encounter with Putin’s military and trying to induce guilt for the criminal actions of their
propaganda when, during the first days of war, we, own aggressor country. It doesn’t look like support at all.
shocked by initial missile strikes, picked up a call from In fact, it doesn’t look like anything… human?
a relative (a friend, acquaintance , “that contact I met
at a conference”, “that guy I drank with in Egypt”) from When trying to answer the question “What has hap-
Russia. Some hypothetical “aunt from Rostov”, who just pened to Russians?” people often try to give a simple an-
last summer came to Odessa for a visit, is now shouting in swer: it's the omnipotent propaganda that has deceived
her phone that “Nazis have taken power in Ukraine, but Russians that is at fault, or Russians’ natural penchant for
the Russian army is already on its way to attack “military obeying the dictator, including his propaganda. But the
objects” with “high-precision strikes””. We just need to natural penchant doesn’t explain, for example, the exist-
have to be patient a bit and then “the miracle of denazi- ence of pro-Putin supporters in other countries and why
fication” will happen; until then – “I’m sending you rays of not all ethnic Russians believe Putin’s propaganda. Prop-
kindness, and do try to think positively.” And then things aganda doesn’t seem that omnipotent: while an absolute
get from bad to worse. One careless move on a mes- majority of Russians do support the war (according to
saging app - and your aunt is shoving information about surveys from VCIOM, FOM, Russian Field, Menyailo,
biolabs, infected birds, “the second army in the world”, Extremescan)3, an absolute majority of Belarusians don’t
NATO’s aggression, military parades, nuclear warheads (the war is unconditionally supported by only 3% of
and so on into your head. But you do feel: it’s not about them)4 – despite the fact that Belarus watches the same
the warheads. Putin’s TV, most of its population speak Russian, and the
country is within Russia’s cultural field. Moreover, Rus-
People, especially relatives, are used to helping and sians’ support for the “special military operation” has only
empathizing with those who are in a vulnerable situa- increased since the war started, and now it is majority
tion. Our aunt, however, replies to our story of bomb- even in Moscow5 .
ings with: “we aren’t bombing anybody”, “its only military
objects we’re bombing”, “yes, Mother Russia does have The inferior quality of Putin’s propaganda in 2022, its
a lot of weapons – oh, what a parade we had in Mos- deliberate incompleteness and carelessness on all levels
cow”, “you just need to be patient for a bit”, “this is for is another reason for doubt. For example, the concept
your own good, you’ll thank us later”, “you’re hardly be- of war has changed several times already: “we’re help-
ing bombed, stop whining”, “and anyway – where have ing the Ukrainians and fighting against Nazis”, “tears of
you been these 8 years?” So first they question if you’re Donbass”, “NATO wanted to attack us from Ukraine’s
actually telling the truth; then they question what you saw territory”, “biolabs”, “we’re fighting against America that
with your own eyes; then they imply that there can be an fights us with Ukrainian hands”. What on earth do the let-
infinite amount of such shelling; then they depreciate your ters Z and V mean? Finally, why hasn’t Putin’s propagan-
well-justified anger, trying to force you into feeling unmo- da ever produced a single fake without obvious signs of
tivated gratitude, proclaiming this conversation irritating it being a fake?

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

For example, how could they have used pieces of foot- It is Putin’s Nazism. I want to stress that I think it’s
age published long before the war even started to de- more correct to keep using not “Rushism” but “Putin’s
nounce the Bucha genocide as fake, or sign “a docu- Nazism” until we have a better word. What Russians
ment” with “signature unclear” (just like in their statement are professing today is fully consistent with every criteri-
of work)? Their country is at war; was it their laziness that on for Nazism in its ideological part 6(as Yuliya Latynina
prevented them from asking a question about the state- said about its essence: “Russians are the supreme na-
ment of work or double-checking the facts? tion: if you don’t agree, you’re a Nazi.”). That’s why this
phenomenon is not unique enough to deserve a unique
Perhaps, the incredible charisma of some propagandists name.
is the reason? But many of us have tried to watch the
shows of Solovyov, Kisilyov, Skabeyeva or Simonyan. “Rushism” associates Nazism with a specific nation,
which is completely useless, since if that nation is the
We’ve hardly felt any desire to find ourselves in “the Rus- cause, then to destroy Nazism you must destroy the na-
sian world” that they depict: it looks rather like madmen’s tion. If you think it is necessary to destroy a nation, then
protest against discontinuing an anti-psychotic medica- you yourself has become a Nazi, thus refuting the thesis
tion. This bedlam cannot be enough to turn your aunt that Nazism depends on a nation. This is how the fight
from feeding her grandson watermelon on a beach in against Nazism reaches a dead-end. Moreover, it is
Odessa to calling for carpet bombings. quite obvious that there are Nazis of other varieties and
from other nations. It's impossible to deny the key impor-
Yet, propaganda does work, people are ready to lose tance of Putin's propaganda for the Nazism of 2022, so
money and relatives for it, some are even ready to go “Putin's Nazism” or simply Nazism seems more correct
and die or send their children to die. So what on earth to me.
makes it effective?

02 Contact 2: Negotiations
. During its first negotiations with Ukraine Russia put forward Did negotiations actually start when Arahamia’s group
an ultimatum that it was not going to discuss. The essence was told, “You must accept the fact that we will kill you”?
of the ultimatum could be reduced to annihilation: at the Was the Ukrainian team expected to participate in a
country level, Ukraine's subjectivity was to be destroyed, terrible performance, to play along, pretending that
and at the personal level, denazification was planned. Russian delegates were decent people, and that the
As we have already understood from the actions of negotiations, whose outcome was to be the negotiators'
“denazifiers” this meant physical destruction. The fact that death, were something normal?
no plan for denazification other than the destruction of
“the Nazis” was attached to the ultimatum or discussed in Human logic suggests that promising to kill the negotiators
the public space also speaks in favor of this implication. if they accept the ultimatum does not increase the
Vladimir Zelensky and his team were specifically called likelihood of it being accepted. As a rule, people don't
Nazis more than once. It follows that one of the points want to die. What was that all about, then?
of the ultimatum was to kill the negotiators from Ukraine.

03 Contact 3. “Liberated” cities and the

shelling of residential buildings
Each of us was left with a black hole in our worldview, in the apocalyptic ancient evil that slaughters people and
a place where we learned about the crimes of Russian animals, destroys for fun, rapes women, men, children,
soldiers in occupied territories. It was as if we gazed and old women; that mines unique historical monuments,
into the abyss, at some creatures possessed by demons, apartments, and home yards; that leaves ugly messages

on school walls and smears the walls of a neurology Pedophiles, in addition to destroying a child's body,
clinic with excretions; that spares no money for shelling seek to break them mentally. Contradictory messages,
peaceful homes. the denial of any knowledge that the victim received
from their own senses, the depreciation of emotions,
It is impossible to find any rational explanation for such the demand that the victim tolerate, or rather receive
systematic brutality. Intimidating the population? It makes all the horror with gratitude, as some sort of help or
sense when the main hostilities are between guerilla education, the order to enjoy what is happening – all
fighters and invaders: the more frightened the locals of that is expressed by your own relative, as if she
are, the fewer guerilla fighters there are. Right now, were not a pensioner from a bedroom community, but
Russian military are mostly shot at by the Ukrainian army. a sophisticated libertine from the pages of Marquis de
How are armed people supposed to be frightened by Sade, perpetrating violence for violence's sake at every
shootings and torture of the unarmed population? On opportunity while despising utilitarian rationality.
the contrary, the thought of captivity will cause terror and
therefore surrender will not be considered. It would seem That weird feeling of contact with the inhuman, the alien,
more logical to show good attitude toward the locals which arises on contact with a supporter of Putin's Nazism,
in order to win over the pro-Russian Ukrainians’ hearts, gives us a clue to the essence of the phenomenon, as it
rather than killing a loyal local MP who invited Russian turns out that our psyche interacts with another cosmos,
soldiers to his house and poured them some vodka. another way of psychic organization – an inverted,
Besides, isn't it obvious that massive Russian war crimes perverse, dangerous psyche, the psyche of a pervert.
will only increase support for Ukraine, which means
more weapons and more sanctions? So what could
have prompted these atrocities?

Going back to the aunt from Rostov situation: her “be

patient, be smart: this is for your own good, soon
everything will be over and the denazification will begin”
reminds me very much of something. It reminds of the
stories of pedophilia victims.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

How does a pervert think?

Since the world is on a delusional course, we must adopt
a delusional standpoint towards the world 7

J. Baudrillard

The perverse structure

When talking about a pervert, I don’t mean sexual per- For comparison, a neurotic may answer “yes” to the
version. It can be present or not present (not every per- question of his mortality by acknowledging the fact that
vert acts out his perversion, not every pervert expresses human life is finite. A neurotic might answer “no” and pro-
his perversion though sex, and not every sexual perver- test for the rest of his life, trying to invent a cure for death.
sion is performed by a pervert.) First of all, after Jacques But in our psyche, it cannot be that you are both mortal
Lacan8 , that implies a special way of organizing a and not in the biological sense.
psyche, a special way of handling the Law 9.
Believing in the existence of two mutually exclusive things
It should be stated at the outset that I do not believe that at the same time can drive one crazy (try, for example, to
all those who support Putin's Nazism are subjects with imagine speech based on the principle that anything can
a perverse structure or that there are 140 million sadis- be said, anything, without any rules) and dissolve him in
tic maniacs living in Russia. In that society, just like in psychosis, but the pervert does not want to be dissolved
any other, all structures can be found. However, the dis- into it (although he always hears its voice). He wants to
course of Russian propaganda is blatantly perverse, and preserve his self-consciousness. To do this, the pervert
the perversion, which is in all of us (but repressed to such has to invent his own way: “I know pretty well but still...”
a degree that we are unaware of it) is awakened in a In order to break and preserve the Law, he introduces an
Nazi of the Putin format: it is no longer repressed and is extra signifier, an extra condition. It plays the same role
partially or fully realized. The Russian society is infected as a fetish. An example: red shoes for the fetishist, without
with sadism. which he cannot initiate sexual intercourse. In order to be
able to perform the sexual contact, the fetishist must have
One peculiarity of the perverse structure is that the per- his or her partner wear red shoes. The fetishist can put
vert is able to respond to the Law with “yes” and “no” the shoes on or he can take them away, he is the master
at the same time, he both accepts and rejects the Law of the situation.
(Verleugnung). In his psychic reality two mutually exclu-
sive things can peacefully co-exist. For example, when A pedophile is well aware that one must not rape chil-
asked “Do you know that you are mortal?” the pervert dren. He understands that irreparable harm will be done
can answer “I know very well that I am mortal but still I’m to the child: information about this is freely available, the
not.” This “I know that very well, but...” is the basis of the damage is not even to be questioned. But his desire is
pervert's psyche. stronger, and he already knows that he will break this
law. It is only a matter of preserving his psyche when he
Meduza10 published a piece of research on what sup- goes beyond the limits of what is permissible. Then the
porters of Putin's war propaganda say. The journalist who element of “I know very well that children must not be
conducted the research pointed out that war sympathiz- raped, it will harm the child and is forbidden by law” is
ers combine contradictory things in a striking manner: preserved (while actually being violated) by introducing
“Americans wanted to take over Ukraine. No one needs the condition “the child himself seduced me, he is vicious
that useless country,” “Did Russia attack Ukraine? – No. and has drawn me into his depraved acts: I know very
I mean yes, but we weren't the first ones”, “So you don't well that it is prohibited to rape children, but it is not me
like the war? Then why aren't you going to that war?” etc. who rapes, it is the depraved child: he wants it, he se-
There is a strange pleasure and agitation in saying these duces me, and I am only an object, the tool of his lust in
words, and the journalist compares it to a trance. his own hands.”

A perverse attitude towards the Law is demonstrated by The Law is omitted here, but it is clear that it is implied
the following propaganda statement: “Russia has never that “I am well aware that you mustn’t bomb civilians.”
started a single war; war is unacceptable, our country The new signifier is “criminal indifference towards the
always stands for peace (more so than any other coun- suffering of the Donbass,” which allows one to violate
try - we’re an exceptionally peaceful country, the ex- the Law – “to bomb civilians.” Of course, “criminal in-
ample for everyone), it was for the sake of peace that difference” is from the same realm as the child who has
we started the war the special military operation against seduced the pedophile, from the realm of the Imaginary.
the Nazis on the territory of Ukraine.” Like a pedophile, What is the pervert's desire? To bomb peaceful homes.
a Putin-format Nazi knows full well that peaceful coun- Moreover, the introduction of the signifier is not caused
tries do not start wars, because war is unacceptable. This by moral hesitations: the law has already been broken –
position is supported by history, archives, memoirs, liter- it is only a matter of preserving the psyche.
ature, films, journalism, and common sense. But on the
other side there is a dark desire, coming from the depths It follows that if we remove the subterfuge and the Law
of the psyche, to destroy homes, to kill and rape (even from a statement about the war (for example, such state-
if not with one's own hands). It is already clear that it ments as “NATO was preparing to attack” or “NATO
will not be possible to obey to the law, so the pervert fights with the hands of Ukrainians”), then we are left
introduces a new signifier: “Nazis”. This is how they can with the usual, well-known fascist desire, the well-
ensure a semblance of the Law: “We, the government of known perversion – the desire to carry out violence,
the most peaceful country on the planet, know very well engage in sadism. Unfortunately, this is also confirmed
that war is unjustifiable, but the Nazis in the Ukrainian by the non-verbal messages of the Nazis: “the Russian
government forced us to denazify Ukraine / the people world” is no longer associated with anything but murder
of Ukraine asked us to denazify their country/ “The Im- and destruction.
mortal Regiment” forced us...
The idea that sadism is the basis of Nazism/Fascism is
That purpose (to preserve the semblance of the Law, thus not something unexpected. It was thoroughly explored
to protecting the psyche from chaos) is also served by by Erich Fromm and Pier Paolo Pasolini, whose Salò, or
“NATO's aggression”, and “they were preparing an at- the 120 Days of Sodom movie is physically impossi-
tack against our territory...”, and the nuclear bomb that ble to watch, because it accurately shows the transgres-
Ukrainians were preparing to invent, and the biolabs. In sive, perverse, sadistic essence of fascism, alien to the
the aforementioned Meduza's study, someone replied psyche of the ordinary person in ordinary times.
to the question “Did Russia attack Ukraine?” by saying:
“No. I mean yes, but we weren't the first to attack it.” Let
us reconstruct the perverse thought process: “I know very
well that it is not justifiable to attack another country (but
I really want to attack, which means that) it was NATO
(we can insert anything here) that was preparing an at-
tack, so therefore we were not the ones who attacked,
we were not the first ones”. The proofs that NATO etc.
are mere psychological tricks are as follows: NATO's
aggression or biolabs are actually not taken into ac-
count in Russia’s military plans in any way; there are no
roadmaps or scientific research into denazification (the
country is rather big, so mobile crematoria alone will not
help), and no one is working on a vaccine against the
“virus that infects only Russians”.

Thus, a perverse propaganda statement consists of 3 ba-

sic elements: The Law, the violation of the Law (behind
which is desire), and the introduced signifier (which we
can recognize because it is the performative (new) in the
statement). If you remove the Law and the performative,
you can understand what the desire of the pervert is. For
example: “Where have you been all these eight years?”

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Consequences of
discarding the Law
The way the subject replies to the question about the The pervert's “I” is fragile; he is in constant danger of slip-
Law determines whether or not subjectivation will occur, ping into psychosis, he has a lot of anxiety, his picture of
whether he will say “I” about himself. The neurotic (this is the world is fragmented. The pervert projects his inner
what we call the “normal” person, compassionate and crisis onto the outside world, his own ugliness onto the
guilt-ridden) accepts limitations, the Father's Law, he sep- ugliness of others; he judges everyone by his own stand-
arates himself from his mother, from jouissance, and so he ards, therefore, for example, he will never recognize
becomes an actor, thinks himself an actor, acquires the others' good intentions (because there are none in him),
“I”. The psychotic remains immersed, unseparated. Say- rather, he will look for some hidden motives.
ing both “yes” and “no” to the Law, the pervert is stuck
in-between. He does not separate himself from jouis- I will illustrate some points with an example from the
sance11 completely, but he does not go into a full fusion popular TV series Dexter. The protagonist, Dexter, knows
with his mother, into psychosis. very well that it is forbidden to kill any people. But, unfor-
tunately, such a prohibition does not suit him: he craves to
Lacan thought that the perverse structure forms because kill, he cannot help killing. If you break the Law and sink
of the mother being too strong or the father, who was into a bloody feast (and you are drawn there), you may
supposed to represent the Law, the restrictions, being too not come back to yourself. Realizing that Dexter can-
weak. Otto Kernberg divided perverts into two groups not not break the existing Law, his stepfather introduces
(depending on the depth of their immersion into the per- an additional signifier that allows him to get away with
version) and believed that the milder form was caused by breaking the Law: “It’s forbidden to kill anyone, but it’s
a strong castration anxiety12 and the more severe form - forbidden to kill serial murderers a little less.” Instead of
by separation anxiety13 . a Law that cannot be followed, Dexter's father gives him
a new one. This new Law is a very strict one: to compen-
As a consequence of not accepting castration, not being sate for the discarding of the old Law, Dexter must gather
separated from his mother, the pervert's way of dealing evidence and think through the murder down to the last
with the Law has special consequences for his psyche. detail before killing. As long as Dexter is following this
The pervert has self-awareness, he is able to use speech, Law, he is fine with his psyche, his life, and the Dark Pas-
but the pervert has no “I”, rather he thinks of “me” (moi), senger.
being stuck at the narcissistic stage. At the narcissistic
stage only the quantitative characteristics of “more/less” Dexter does not understand those around him; he has
are understood, while the qualitative ones remain inac- to emulate his personality, create it by observing ordi-
cessible, such as “possession/belonging”. nary people. He does not have any character traits that
haven’t been formed by his desire to kill. But if we try to
Since we can only understand the subjectivity of others characterize Dexter the killer, it turns out that it is not he
by analogy and in the presence of our own subjectiv- who kills, but the Dark Passenger (the voice in his head,
ity, the pervert perceives those around him as objects. prompting him to kill). What is Dexter himself? The ob-
The pervert does not completely detach himself from the ject of the Other's jouissance, which for the pervert is the
infantile unity with his mother, part of him stays in jouis- frightening, haunting Dark Passenger. Dexter does not
sance, in psychosis. The pervert thinks of himself as the think of himself as an actor, he has no desires of his own,
tool of enjoyment of the Other, he serves the jouissance and Dexter himself finds himself constantly captured in
of his mother (the psychic image of the mother, the moth- the other character's field of desire.
er's voice in his head).
Dexter's whole essence is that he thinks of himself as an
Since the pervert is an object, he has no sense of guilt object. Dexter is not an actor with his own desire, he is
and will not regret his actions. Nor can he look for the the object of the jouissance of the Other, the Dark Pas-
causes of his problems within himself, as he is the tool of senger. Dexter hates the Dark Passenger and dreams of
the Other's will; he will only look for them in the outside getting rid of him. But what will be left then? This is gen-
world. Because of this, the pervert has no access to feel- erally true of any sadistic pervert: because of his fragile
ings such as sadness, love, or empathy; his two strongest identity, he needs other people, yet he tries to destroy
feelings are rage and the desire to possess. them, at least verbally.

Because the pervert remains in the narcissistic stage, he The pervert’s
is prone to paranoia and magical thinking. The pervert is
not inclined to analyze phenomena or things; he glides speech: jouissance,
over the surface. It is akin to Narcissus looking at his re-
flection in a lake: he sees no fish under the water, no transgression and
rocks, no underwater plants, only himself. Even if some-
thing appears in his field of vision, he sees it only through
his reflection.
The pervert's speech reflects the features of his mental
If there is no reflection, analysis, study, then one patch- structure: jouissance, transgression, and non-rejection/
es the holes in their understanding of the world with non-acceptance of the Law, all of which give the pervert
fantasy, with delusion. For example, a person does not away.
understand why her acquaintance has died of COVID,
they are disturbed by it, but also too upset to search for Perverse speech, unlike psychotic speech, is linguistically
scientific materials, or simply have no habit of making a correct. However, it is still necessary to overcome several
cognitive effort. discomforting perception effects at once. The first effect
is cringe. For example, when you’re watching speeches
Thus they get to an article about “the damned 5G towers” of Putin-Lavrov-Simonyan-Skabeeva-Solovyov, occa-
and the golden billion conspiracy. Since the delusion sionally there’s something peeping out at you that makes
has no solid foundation – scientific, traditional, religious, you ashamed, as if you’ve witnessed something obscene.
social, - it can neither be proved nor disproved, the gold- Indeed, something obscene has happened: the pervert
en billion begins to evolve, to diverge, taking very intri- enjoys his speech, it is sexualized for him.
cate forms, until the conspiracist starts being pursued by
Rothschild, Soros or Reptiloids. This exhibitionism can explain some illogical public
screw-ups. The latest is Russia’s foreign minister's state-
Because of the constant patching of holes with the Imag- ment that Hitler was a Jew, that Jews are the most virulent
inary in the psychic reality of the pervert, the principle of anti-Semites, and therefore that the Holocaust was or-
reality has been lost. ganized by Jews themselves. Only an extremely igno-
rant person could have made an accidental slip of the
Being confronted with Putin's propaganda it's often like tongue about such a sensitive issue. So I suppose the
talking to children playing tea party with empty cups: thing is that on the contrary, being aware of the sensitiv-
“Let's dress some random dude in a robot costume and ity of the subject, the foreign minister could not resist try-
say it's a real robot,” “let's kill unarmed residents and then ing to destroy his interlocutors. The pervert cannot help
say it wasn't us,” etc. but proclaim his jouissance. He, like a park exhibitionist,
cannot reach the end of the alley without opening his
A loss of the reality principle leads to an inadequate as- cloak to unsuspecting strangers. In the Meduza's article
sessment of the situation. The constant use of the principle already mentioned, the journalist who conducted the
“if things are not as we like, let's just pretend that things survey noted that strange pleasure, the trance that ac-
are as we like” has already led to many negative conse- companies propaganda talking points. This is what jou-
quences for Putin's power. issance looks like. Talking about “the special operation”
is like talking about the first kiss: both embarrassing and
Since the pervert is incapable of a true analysis, a quick impossible to stop.
and easy way for him to explain something is to resort
to magical thinking. Numerology, shamans, kissing relics, The second effect is affect, the inexplicably strong emo-
incantations and potions – all of those becomes part of tions of a wide spectrum. Most people start to shake with
their psyche. anger and hatred on hearing Putin's propaganda. They
are agitated both by the wording and the tone, as well
Magical thinking sometimes helps the fragile self of the as the serious look with which the utter absurdities are
pervert to feel significant, which can even make him be- pronounced: “Russia attacked to help Ukraine, suffering
lieve that he is fulfilling a certain mission, that he is not from the Nazis,” “Had we not attacked, they would have
a profane sadist, but a sacred one, such as Alexander attacked us,” “Where have you been all these 8 years?”

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

The neurotic thinks of a pervert as a person just like him- Fascist propaganda is catered to by the Newspeak. All
self, and then the question arises: how can one be so im- these seemingly meaningless and ridiculous “pops14”
moral, a cynic, an unscrupulous liar, to say such absurd, “liberation”, “special operation”, “denazification” are, on
insolent, untrue things? However, projecting one's own the one hand, the pervert’s attempts to rape language.
psychic reality onto a pervert is wrong: we are not alike On the other hand, it’s his technique of teaching perverse
at all, we’re each other’s opposites, we do not under- thinking to those around them, of infecting them with per-
stand them, nor do they understand us. version. Part of the desubjectivation strategy lies in the
pervert’s not listening to the replies. He is going to talk,
The goal of the pervert's statement is to destroy the psy- declare, give ultimatums, rape - and experience jouis-
che of the interlocutor. By producing delusional versions, sance.
combining mutually exclusive positions, challenging the
obvious, the pervert wants to de-objectify, to make one
doubt the obvious, to depersonalize. It is not only the
interlocutor that he rapes, but also the language itself: he
wants to transgress it.

A pervert transgresses the Law, but in place of the old The pervert invites the opponent either to admit the
Law he establishes his own one, which Baudrillard would impossibility to answer the claim, which would be the
refer to as “a rule”. What kind of Law can a pervert es- destruction of the opponent, or to join him on the ride
tablish? The pervert makes it his law to transgress, that is, from the Symbolic to the Imaginary, to learn to think like
he makes transgression his law. Moreover, perverts start a pervert. And since you have abandoned the old Law, it
using transgression left, right and center for their own is time to adopt the new order – Neuordnung.

It is common for perverts to violate the laws of logic. They

especially dislike the “Russell's teapot” or the principle of
Roman law that has become the basis for the presump-
tion of innocence: “The burden of proof lies on the per-
son making a claim, not on the one who disproves it.”

Putin's politicians demand: “prove that you don't have

something whose presence has never been observed,”
“prove that you weren’t going to attack if you weren’t go-
ing to and didn't attack,” “explain your absence where
you couldn't get to because we were there,” or “we in-
vented a ‘chaos management theory’ for you, published
it in our magazines, discussed it, actively use it ourselves,
and now you must prove that you do not rule the world
according to this theory.”

The attack against the principle of logic, the principle of

Roman law which became the basis for the presumption
of innocence is an attack against the principle of law
itself. Both court trials without the presumption of inno-
cence and discussions without “he who makes claims
must prove them” would lose solid ground, turn into ex-
changes of paranoid delusion.

Pervert and the Law, pervert and
the perverse Law
- Which law would you break,
if you were allowed to break any law for one day?
- I wouldn’t break any, since it would be legal.

A meme

The law in Russia is undoubtedly perverse and is built on The pettiness of the reason here is a clue for us. If the rea-
the same principle of foreclosure. Take the Navalny case son is trivial and the punishment is not trivial, then it is not
as an example. When the authorities needed to impris- about the trial, but about something else: it is about the
on him, they chose violation of probation as the reason, triumph of the pervert, who has succeeded in destroying
which was proven to be legally invalid. the enemy – and destroying in a perverse manner. The
pettiness of the reason is the ciphered evidence of the
It begs the question: when you have such a repressive jouissance that peeps at us, a kind of pervert’s signature
machine, why even bother to draw up charges, and who cannot conceal his perverse transgressive nature. It
even look for a ridiculous, petty excuse? You could have is a ciphered invitation to partake in jouissance, an invi-
just put him in jail, and who would then be able to do tation to an orgy. It is an invitation received only by those
anything about it? Or you could charge him with major who hear the call of violence and know transgression by
financial fraud, attempted murder, and treason, to jail sight. Just like de Sade's libertines, the pervert in pow-
him for sure and for a long time? er demands that everyone participate in his jouissance:
every henchman of Nazism must attend the transgressive
It wouldn’t work completely without some legal grounds. event with a serious face, pretending that there is no jou-
The pervert perceives the world around him fragmentari- issance here, that all those present are servants of the
ly and exclusively through the prism of his own psychic Law, and that Navalny's guilt is huge, undeniable, and
reality. If, because of the partially collapsed subjectiva- the sentence is just.
tion, the Other (as the principle of the existence of oth-
erness) is seen only as someone who persecutes, forces The perversion of law in Russia can also be illustrated
to experience jouissance, then the pervert applies this by its selective application. A law is a law only when it
vision to relations with other people or countries (“no is one for all, and the punishment for breaking it is inev-
one understands us,” “everyone wants to bring us to our itable, otherwise it is the pervert’s Law, a rule. Everyone
knees,” “there is Russophobia everywhere”). understands that the penalties for breaking the law in Pu-
tin's society are not uniformly applied, they depend on
The pervert knows that complete rejection of the Law many factors: loyalty, proximity to power, popularity, ma-
could make one fall into psychosis, which means that terial and social status, willingness to engage in corrupt
society, too, by rejecting the Law, may drift into chaos. schemes, and so on. Thus, the only Law is the perversion
of the Law. Those who try to follow the Law in its original
Let us retrace the perverse chain of reasoning: the per- sense are more likely to be punished, because the Law,
vert knows full well that an innocent man should not be as we have already seen, is only needed for perverts to
imprisoned and Navalny has not broken any laws. How- break it.
ever, there’s a strong desire to put him away (for prag-
matic reasons, and because Navalny is guilty of another Everyone knows the expression “The severity of Russian
thing that is much more important for the Nazi). laws is mitigated by the fact that obeying them is op-
tional.” It would seem that this is also a manifestation of
This conflict is resolved by introducing the signifier “It was perversion: “sometimes I choose to follow the law, some-
Navalny himself who provoked the authorities to put him times I choose to not follow it”. The sadistic pervert, how-
in jail, brazenly violating probation in the case of Yves ever, will strictly follow the rule, and will also make sure
Rocher.” that others do the same.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

The pervert as an object, as a tool of desire of the one That is, where a very bad person, but not a sadist, would
behind the Law becomes a perfect performer of criminal be too lazy to do evil without need (for example, when
orders or a soulless bureaucracy. He has no guilt: he was he’s tired or fed up with it), a sadist will not be too lazy
simply following orders. to do it.

It is obvious that the subject will not have to agonize be- Evading or refusing to follow the perverse Law may not
tween following a criminal order and saving the life of a be a perversion, but a neurotic escape from a desire of
civilian, whom he also does not view as an actor. How- the Other. The neurotic doesn’t want to turn into a pervert,
ever, even if his commanders don’t order him to commit i.e. to allow repressed urges to manifest. In such a case,
atrocities every time, the pervert will still imagine they giving up the perverse Law is a way of preserving one's
would want it – and will commit the atrocities. neurotic psyche.

The Collective Other

of the “Russian World”
If a pervert believes themselves to be the object of The A pervert sees The Other through his own reflection:
Other's jouissance, this makes us wonder how a Pu- he projects16 his desire to “rape” onto other countries,
tin-style Nazi envisages the said Other. the desire acquiring a certain erotomanic17 undertone:
everyone wants to rape Russia (“force Russia onto its
The first key to understanding the secret of Putin's pow- knees”). Later on, the phantasm of raping ( fantasme
er's success was provided by Sergei Dorenko, a famous de viol) is filled by The Imaginary. This gives rise to the
Russian journalist and political consultant, in an interview notion of “the treacherous West”, which had promised
to Yuri Dud. In a notorious scene from “Cargo 200” the Heaven, but took away Greatness. The same notion is
main character - a girl, who embodies Russia, – is raped also the basis of another manifestation of the afore-
next to her dead fiancee's body. According to Dorenko, mentioned phantasm: “The Chaos Management Theo-
Putin is seen by the Russian collective conscience as a ry”, propagated by another, more intelligent, tier of Na-
little soldier protecting the girl from violence or taking zis. In a nutshell, the theory maintains that the Russian
revenge for the violence already committed (the no- Federation borders on the failed state of Ukraine, where
tion reflected in the slogan “raising Russia back from its the USA use certain political technologies to stoke the
knees”). The fact that the event appears to be lost in time fire of “maidans” (revolutions), with the aim of spreading
(is the soldier a protector or an avenger?) only stresses chaos in order to harm Russia. That said, this “rape” still
its phantasmic nature, as noone has ever “raped” or in- appears to be a mere pervert's trick, which is supposed
tended to “rape” Russia. to justify their own unstoppable desire to rape – that is,
“to protect” - Russia; hence the image of Russia raped
The formation of the compromising perversion takes place in the past or intended to be raped in the future: “I am
within the Oedipal framework, but the pervert's Father is well aware that rape is never justifiable; yet, since Russia
not the father that prohibits incest and insists on his entitle- has been raped, or rape is intended upon it, I proclaim
ment to Mother. Sooner, it is the one referred to by Lacan myself the weapon of vengeance.”
as “a version of father” (“père-version”) - the one who
suggests that they should rape mother together.15 According to K. Jung, the archetype of Wotan the God
of War woke up in the Nazi Germany. If we try to elab-
It's only logical, therefore, that in the absence of actual orate on the idea of the collective “voice” in the heads of
rapists the only one who is willing and able to commit Nazis, what kind of voice could it be, bearing in mind
rape is the protector. That is, “to protect” to a pervert the frightening Other? As a rule, the archetype of the
means “to rape” - and indeed, the perverse ruler will of- Summoning Motherland appears in times of war. Its most
ten treat its own country more viciously than the enemy honest embodiment is the monument of Motherland in
countries, neither having any pity of their own compatri- Volgograd: the robust, ferocious woman, her mouth open,
ots, nor sparing his country's resources. shrieking, her right hand holding a sword raised high.

An open mouth, often with the tongue stuck out, is a uni- The character that the Ukrainian granny alludes to is
versal symbol of aggression and even aggressive sexual easy to identify. In the collective conscience, there are
energy in such cultures as Ancient Hindu, Ancient Greeks, two characters of transgressive nature: the Death with
or Maya. Such is the depiction of Gorgon the Medusa the Scythe and Baba Yaga (the Russian folklore witch).
and Kali, an Indian goddess, one of the manifestations of Both archetypes ore on the border of Life and Death,
Parvati, Shiva's wife. Parvati is a tender and caring wife, both impersonate the transition to a qualitatively different
while Kali is the goddess of infinite cosmic power, death state. Baba Yaha helps the Protagonist to undergo initi-
and destruction, depicted atop of enemies' corpses, with ation and enter the adulthood, while The Death with the
her mouth open, wearing a necklace made of chopped Scythe aids in transitioning from the living state to death.
off heads, It is only symbolic then that these people, who are not
ashamed of being labeled zombies, chose Baba Yaga
Similarly to the two avatars of one deity, Kali and Pravati, and Death with the Schythe to represent their Mother-
Russian archetypal mother has two manifestations: Rus- land (Mother Russia).
sia the Mom – in times of peace, - and the blood-lust-
ing, children-sacrificing Mother Russia – in times of war. Thus, the granny with the red flag became the collective
However, Mother Russia represents an archetype of the Russian Wotan, her distant relative being the blood-lusty
just war of liberation, making it necessary for the sadist Motherland, in turn, related to the goddesses of war
war of aggression and expansion to rely on another ar- (Kali, Athena, Minerva etc), who are all the reflections
chetype. of the perverts' phallic mothers. It is their desires that the
sadists seek to satisfy by committing rape initially intend-
The perversion inverted and contorted the archetype of ed for their mothers.
Mother Russia. A strong, young woman was replaced
by a feeble, senile one, unable to raise a sword, thus
holding the red banner instead. In place of Mother Rus-
sia, Putin's propagandists substituted a Ukrainian granny,
who came out to greet Ukrainian soldiers with a red flag
as she had mistaken them for the Russian army. She later
on rejected the ideological role ascribed to her altogeth-
er. Yet, the image went viral and began to symbolize Rus-
sian-Ukrainian war. What does it allude to?

The Red Banner is the flag of the country that ceased

to exist long ago. It is neither the flag of Russia, nor is
it the flag of Ukraine – but it belonged to both of them
over 30 years back. Communism cannot be considered
the ideology the Russian Federation is fighting for, either:
in no way is Putin's ideology connected to communism
or socialism. Therefore, the red flag is merely another
representation of the perversion, as it embodies the es-
sence of the pretext for the Russian attack as part of the
perverse understanding of Law: “The Russian Federation
is a peaceful country, but the Nazis attacked the Red
Banner – the symbol of our glorious past (the past we
had rejected in fact), therefore – we are to defend it”.

The Red Banner, which exists and is non-existent at the

same time, is the phallus, acknowledged and at the
same time denied by a pervert. It appears that among
all additional signifiers, the banner of a non-existent
country, bearing the ideology not shared by the aggres-
sor, is the clearest indicator of the imaginary character of
all perverse excuses for aggression.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Freedom to commit
as the core of Putin-style
The great fight for the Russian World's
values: what on earth are they fighting for?
Putin's propaganda adherents will go on and on about sex must not humiliate any of the partners; physical abuse
the clash of values, the collision of civilizations: the West is puS. Žižeknishable (think Will Smith incident at the latest
versus the so-called “Russian World”. It is Russia that they Oscar ceremony); arguments are to be resolved in court
claim to be the last refuge of freedom. We could dismiss rather than by a fight or through bribery. On top of that,
the claim as yet another instance of propagandist lies, and one cannot get away with beating up a child, raping their
question the existence of any set of values behind the said wife or a casual girl, paternally pinching their secretary's
clash: perhaps, while fighting for the “values” of the Rus- buttock or battering a homosexual. The punishment will go
sian world they are literally fighting for the valuables, and way beyond the friendly telling-off by the local precinct
that is simply an euphemism for marauding? (“You needn't have left those bruises, dude: she is to go
to work tomorrow after all”)... What's worse, one cannot
However, they are not alone in raising the issue. Accord- write homophobic or sexists posts or openly express such
ing to psychoanalyst S. Benvenutto, the humanity is now views; even the innocent referring to someone as fat or
faced with the war of values, whose outcome will deter- ugly is shamed.
mine the way we see freedom and politics. A liberal will
normally have difficulty understanding what for, and es- Apparently, for the first time in the entire history of human-
pecially who with, the “Russian world” is fighting. To an kind a deficit of possibilities for destructive violence
outside observer, it will appear that Putin's supporters are has been created in a society. An average European
fighting for a lack of freedom, as what liberty can there be is drastically limited in their capacity to express violent, sa-
in a society where the freedom of speech is suppressed, distic urges. While some time ago it used to be possible
free elections are non-existent, anyone could be subject to be verbally aggressive at least, in this day and age this
to repressions and a common person has very few, if any, type of abuse is punishable, too, at three levels: legally
possibilities to defend oneself in court. The conclusion is (by a court verdict), by the society (the cancel culture has
thus often made that the “enigmatic Russian soul” seeks to invented a way of penalizing deeds not yet punishable by
die for the right to remain enslaved. law), and at the personal level (remorse and guilt).

Yet, once we manage to resist the temptation to project Until very recently, one could get away with an insult; even
our own values onto Putin's propaganda, it becomes clear if a fine was imposed, they still could enjoy the society's
that on this particular occasion the propagandists did tell approval; if the worst came to the worst, rejected by the
the truth: there's a certain freedom in the “Russian world”. society and penalized by law, they could still see them-
Besides, and even more surprisingly, they have a point in selves as bravehearts... Nowadays, there are no back
claiming that this freedom does not exist in the West: it, doors. Even if you are not fined – you will not be welcome
indeed, is not one of the celebrated Western freedoms. among decent people. Even if noone knows about your
misdemeanor – your conscience will be eating you. One
Generally speaking, the mindset of a westerner of today can stand up against rule and society – but little could be
is hard for a “Russian world” adherent to grasp. Quite done about one's own conscience. One may now express
recently, political correctness has become the Other, the their sadistic urges in such a way as not to hurt anyone's
Normality, the voice in the head – suggesting, soliciting feelings, be it at work, at home or in creativity. A sadist's
and punishing. For the sake of convenience, we will some- only option to satisfy their lust is to attack Nazis, racists,
times be using the term Normality instead of The Other (fol- sexists, ageists, transphobes – you name it. against rule
lowing S. Žižek's example). and society – but little could be done about one's own
conscience. One may now express their sadistic urges in
Political correctness is based upon the following princi- such a way as not to hurt anyone's feelings, be it at work,
ple: “Violence is never justifiable. Violence towards the at home or in creativity. A sadist's only option to satisfy their
vulnerable is absolutely unjustifiable; the weaker should lust is to attack Nazis, racists, sexists, ageists, transphobes
have the advantage; it is shameful to boast privileges.” – you name it. One indicator of the acute deficit of violent
In a nutshell, “the weaker has the upper hand”. In order manifestations is the way people are constantly looking for
not to come across as a rapist, a toxic person, a boom- new, insignificant pretexts that would allow to condemn
er, one has to take this maxima into consideration all the offenders without being “canceled”, as well as the dispro-
time. You must obtain conscious agreement to have sex; portionate amount of aggression directed at perpetrators.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Not only is the non-toxic person supposed to obey Law – girl passing by, humiliating people performing “emotional”
but also they are to be knowledgeable about the already duties – waiters and waitresses, flight attendants, sales-
vast (and counting) number of rules. One is to know pre- people. To them, a western male is a castrate, tied up by
cisely how to address people of various gender identities, rules and regulations, and restricted by the cancellation
to never engage in cultural expropriation, green-washing, culture on top of that. It is then only natural that the con-
black-washing – the list goes on. That is, political correct- stant subject of Putin's propagandists' attacks is the west-
ness has made sadists repress other sadists, thus narrowing ern political correctness – its absolute antipode. The way
the already small window of opportunities for sadism. they attack the phenomenon that has no relation to their
own country, the way they stand up for Joanne Rowling
It is widely believed that Russian soldiers are who they are all clearly show that this culture is seen as a personal insult.
due to their narrow outlook: most have never traveled out-
side their region (oblast), have never seen either the Eiffel In essence, political correctness is collective guilt, experi-
Tower or even a washing machine. Yet, putin's keenest ad- enced by the descendants of colonizers and plantators. A
herents have not only been to Europe: they have owned pervert cannot experience personal guilt due to their half-
real estate there, they have been accepted in the society. failed subjectivation; nor can they have the historical guilt,
That said, there are no reasons to question the sincerity of as their ancestors never sold slaves or looted ancient stat-
nazist convictions of Lavrov, Soloviov, or Simonian. It is ues from Africa and the Near East – they were peasants,
therefore unimportant whether a pro-Putin Nazi has ever whipped in the stable, (an old Russian saying goes: “One
traveled to Europe or has learned about it from a TV show: battered lad is worth two unbattered”. Or, it was their an-
they have a clear reason to despise the West: white cestors that whipped their servants; in this case, they were
males, the most phallic part of the western society, executed in 1918 by a comrade commissar – one of those
have voluntarily waived their privilege to abuse whipped in the stable.
the vulnerable. This situation turned out very traumatic
for Russians as it increased their castration anxiety, which It is commonly stated by Europeans at international con-
can be seen in the popular, although clearly delusional, ferences that noone is able to understand Putin's politicians.
phenomenon: Russian citizens try to “protect” western peo- While it is quite easy to realize that the clue here is re-
ple in Russian social networks, “fighting against” the can- lated to perverse psyches, a neurotic will suppress such
cellation culture in their own, patriarchal country, where an explanation as they would then have to recognize that
white men's privileges could potentially be attacked by nations are different – which is not welcomed by political
scarce feminists, rare leftists and LGBTK activists, and correctness. The suppressed will later on transform into ru-
where cancellation culture is simply non-existent, the said mors about pedophilia and a consensus about “the enig-
activists focusing on other, more urgent, tasks. matic Russian soul”. However, there are no such enigmas
that would not be related to the processes taking place
For an adherent of the “Rissian World”, values of the West in Europe.
are hard to understand, partcularly unfathomable being
western freedom, which does not allow the battery of vul- A pro-Putin pervert, whose identity is unclear, will try to
nerable relatives (“rotting of family values”), taking away stitch it up, like Frankenstein's monster, from bits copied
a conscript's phone (the notorious hazing in the Russian from other people and appropriated. Yet, as the depth of
army), slapping or insulting a girl passing by, humiliating a neurotic's psychic processes remains obscure to them,
people performing “emotional” duties – waiters and wait- and their conclusions are thus superficial, the elements
resses, flight attendants, salespeople. To them, a western copied and appropriated are either superficious, or mir-
male is a castrate, tied up by rules and regulations, and rored from the perverse sadist him/herself. The mirror will
restricted by the cancellation culture on top of that. It is then reflect a fragmented, paranoid inner world, full of anxiety
only natural that the constant subject of Putin's propagan- and blood lust. Beholding their own reflection, a pervert
dists' attacks is the western political correctness – its abso- will see the “Theory of chaos management”: a constant
lute antipode. The way they attack the phenomenon that threat to be swallowed by the psychotic abyss, and The
has no relation to their own country, the way they stand Other, trying to pull them into the abyss; the perceived ag-
up for Joanne Rowling all clearly show that this culture is gression and “conspiracies” of other countries are in fact
seen as a personal insult. For an adherent of the “Rissian his own aggression, their Russophobia is their own para-
World”, values of the West are hard to understand, part- noia. A pervert is unable to discern others' noble intentions
cularly unfathomable being western freedom, which does or winged sentiments: well, the terms seem familiar to them;
not allow the battery of vulnerable relatives (“rotting of yet, having never experienced the feelings, they cannot
family values”), taking away a conscript's phone (the no- admit them in others. Any actions beyond their understand-
torious hazing in the Russian army), slapping or insulting a ing will therefore be attributed to self-interest or a conspir-

acy. It is now clear enough why such Other - the reflection speakers of all views must be given the floor – has not
of the sadist themselves - deserves to be destroyed. been understood. A politician with the Putin-format nazist
mindset will be certain that western political shows are as
Based on the above, the identity of a pervert cannot have staged as they are in Russia, that their participants read
any peculiar features. This identity consists of that of a off the prepared scripts, and only pronounce what they
pervert-sadist, plus what they have copied. The are allowed to, so the West's talks about the freedom of
formula works pretty well with regard to the society as a speech and pluralism are mere hypocrisies intended to
whole. The culture of the Russian Federation at the moment downgrade Russia.
consists of: 1. trends initiated a while ago and merely ex-
ploited since, 2. perversion, 3. certain elements a pervert It might appear that a well thought-out, outrageously
copied like a child would copy a complicated picture, 4. cynical act of deception is taking place in the studios of
elements passed through the prism of the pervert's under- Soloviev, Kiseliov, Simonyan and their kind. The perverts,
standing. The processes and products of the above are however, see no deceit: they cannot imagine any other
often called cargo-cults. course of events. They see no point in giving the floor to
the opposition on a state chanel. What is it for? “Don't you
For instance, the so-called democracy in the Russian mention pluralism: we had it in the 90-ies. Thanks, but no
Federation manifests itself in the following performance: thanks. You think watching a bunch of people reading off
elections are announced, the members of the counting the same lines is boring? Well – we'll make them behave
commissions are gathered on the voting premises, peo- like madmen to entertain the audience”.
ple come and fill in the ballots, protocols are issued. To a
pervert, though, the possibility to elect power or the right Perverts are only able to scratch the surface of things,
to representation are of no value, since they are not an which is why they only manage to imitate the outer layer.
actor. All a pervert values is rule and control. Their psyche This can, for example, be seen in how Simonyan suggest-
does not even contain any desire for democracy, which ed expropriating IKEA's property in order to create a Rus-
makes them assume that others don't need it either, the sian domestic IKEA. The lady sincerely believes that ware-
whole world is hypocritical and all the nations need is to houses and shops are what IKEA is all about. This principle
show off, avoid becoming an outlaw, or escape the risk of applies, in fact, to anything produced by Putin's regime:
being sanctioned, etc. A pervert in power will thus come politicians (there aren't any – they are all civil servants),
to a conclusion that democracy means that the necessary the Church, the secular society, the mass media, the social
person is “elected”; that said, comissions, ballots, ballot policies – all are but hollow imitations of the facade, like
boxes and voting booths, as well as incessant talks about Alyosha the robot.
democracy and free elections will somehow justify the
process. One of the most horrible examples of such perverse con-
structs is the army. While perverts are well aware of what
To the West, such cargo-elections are the outright viola- the army should be like and have seen other armies, the
tion of human rights, accompanied by lies about freedom. whole idea comes down to parades. It is beyond a per-
Through the prism of their psyche, a neurotic assumes that vert how to work with the myth of the heroic soldier, why
Putin's civil servants are actors like themselves, cynically raise and maintain the morale, why curb marauding and
defrauding their people and themselves. Putin's officials discourage hazing, why show respect of the fallen...Once
appreciate that the West is outraged - yet they cannot such a soldier finds himself in settings legalizing perver-
grasp the nature of this outrage (indeed, how can democ- sion and encouraging moral values of the Pol Pot's army,
racy and human rights bear any value to anyone?) They it won't be long before he adopts the values as his own.
will then try to bridge the gaps of their understanding by Perverts see no point in deterring looting as soldiers ben-
delusions and phantasms, which leads them to assume that efit from it, which is to make them enthusiastic. To them,
the only real reason for the said negative feedback is a patriotism or a desire to protect relatives are not sufficient
hatred of Russia and a desire to harm it. Putin's functionar- reasons to risk their lives, while illicit enrichment is. Since a
ies even believe themselves to be aware of the ways this pervert is unable to assess personal qualities and doesn't
harm will be caused: it's by rocking the boat (i.e., “manag- consider others to be actors, when selecting staff he never
ing chaos”) with the help of organizing orange revolutions. takes any immanent characteristics, such as experience,
education, intelligence, talent etc, into consideration, re-
The only similarity between the Western spicy political de- lying instead on security (that is, loyalty), the “friend or foe”
bate show and the format adopted by the Russian TV is principle and whether the recruit can ensure any benefit
the presence of many people on stage. Its core idea – that for the recruiter.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

To them, a parade as the manifestation of the army's The adepts of Putin's propaganda sincerely believe that the
strength: the more war machines take part in a parade – Russian Federation is the only free country, for it is the only
the stronger the army is. The “Z”-stickers and state TV prop- country that encourages sadism and abuse of the vulner-
agandists should enhance this, too. Perversive Putin's rule able. Beat up a gay – and unless the gay is a deputy or
cannot understand any reasons behind one's actions other a celebrity, your deed will be approved of at all levels:
than self interest, and sees no point in addressing moral by the society, by individuals and even by law: it will incur
reasons as part of their ideology. This is exactly why the no punishment unless there are serious aggravating cir-
regime had underestimated the international resonance cumstances. The police, too, will try to sweep it under the
set up by the war as such and war crimes in particular. carpet, and your friends will back you up. In Putin's Russia
A pervert presumes that noone is endowed with empathy, one is allowed to practice violence on condition that the
and those demonstrating compassion do so merely out of victim is weak and at least some legality is maintained. For
the desire to seem better than others or in pursuit of com- example, rape is not justifiable – well, not unless the victim
mercial gain. The regime was more than certain that when “was wearing a short skirt”, “was drunk”, “was asking for it”,
faced with the choice between gas and some unknown “actually liked it”... This is the attitude numerous victims of
killed Ukrainians, all nations will choose gas – as they sexual abuse encounter when faced with the Russian legal
themselves would have. system. Victim-blaming commentaries will prevail under
each and every post or article about sexual harassment
A pervert's lack of understanding of the neurotic structure - even if it ended up in a murder.
can be seen in the exported propaganda, filled with
guilt-tripping. One example is the footage featuring a At the core of the Normality of Putin's Nazism is
pilgrim maintaining that the bombardment of Ukrainian the following principle: “bashing the vulnerable
homes is the retribution for their sins. Another character is your natural right; the victim is always guilty,
used to induce guilt is the wife of Medvedchuk, who fled because he / she is weak”. The pervert is the object of
to the aggressor country having previously reaped the jouissance: it's not the pervert, but the one who induced the
fruits of each and every sin of the Ukrainian society. This is desire, that is to blame. It is therefore clear that a European,
as though German Nazi had used Eva Brown or Magda who willingly waived their right to abuse, looks like a sim-
Goebbels for agitation. pleton, or worse – a victim: weak, woman-like, worthy of
nothing but contempt. At the core of the Normality of
Interestingly, our neurotic reactions stand in the way of Putin's Nazism is the following principle: “bashing
getting the hints perverts themselves give us about their the vulnerable is your natural right; the victim is
perversions and desires. For instance, Putin's propaganda always guilty, because he / she is weak”. The per-
keeps going on about their country's very “special path”, vert is the object of jouissance: it's not the pervert, but the
incompatible with the Western values and practices; “we one who induced the desire, that is to blame. It is therefore
are different”, they claim, “in that a pervert cannot accept clear that a European, who willingly waived their right to
the path of neurosis; we cannot simply accept the Law: our abuse, looks like a simpleton, or worse – a victim: weak,
special path means both accepting the Law and rejecting woman-like, worthy of nothing but contempt.
According to V. Surkov, chaos is the main product ex-
Hence, there is no “enigmatic Russian soul”: this is simply ported by the Russian Federation. He was right up to a
a sadistic perversion - an issue far from enigmatic, and a point: indeed, this is something beyond order – however,
well-researched one. The clue to the Russian Soul riddle as a classic pervert, he couldn't but turn everything up-
can be found in our own soul – guilt-ridden, and thus una- side-down. Firstly, this is not chaos, as it is not yet a psy-
ble to discern perversion. chosis (the perverse Law still sets some boundaries) – this
product is called sadism. Secondly, it is import rather than
The feeling of guilt, however, is not completely foreign to export.
a pervert – it's just that they understand it differently. To a
sadist, guilt equals inducing a sadistic desire, then When the adherents of Putin's Nazism adherents discov-
ending up in a sadist's hands. In a perverse society, ered a lack of the freedom of violence (something they in
the deadliest sins are being castrated, weak, and even fact lack themselves), their outrage was beyond belief. To
a potential possibility of getting turned out – not to men- a Nazi, weakness is a sin, which means that the “weak”
tion the accomplished fact. In this sense, the Pilgrim's log- West has been corrupted by the deadliest (as understood
ic becomes clear enough: Ukrainans are guilty of being by the Russian World adepts) of sins. It is reasonable to
bombed because they allowed themselves to be bombed. assume that homosexuality as such does not stir hatred in
an openly homophobic pervert.

Let's not forget that a pervert couldn't care less about tra- Going back to Surkov's proverbial “export of chaos”, it
ditions or the salvation of the world. However, to a pervert is worth noting that the Russian Federation is the importer
it has become the universal symbol of the guilt of weak- rather than the exporter. Whatever Russia declares is part
ness, a pervert's trick that can justify hatred without a direct of the Western train of thought. It strives to be outstanding,
reference to its cause. They will equally despise whoever but the issue is, the «Russian world» is unable to give rise to
is endowed with weakness: the disabled, the senile, the any original ideas or novel concepts. On discovering the
homeless, homosexuals, women, children, animals - the list deficit of freedom for violence, and seeing how sadistic
goes on; yet, since the Law prohibits to openly manifest this tendencies are repressed, the Russian World claimed all
attitude, sadism comes under a disguise of “traditional val- violence its protectorate, providing it a refuge in a place
ues” - while those are merely the traditional values where violence feels at home. It turns out that whatever is
of a sadist. not welcomed in a civilized world is greeted with open
arms in the Russian World. Taliban, Yanukovitch, Tsariov,
With a naive narcissism of a pervert, the demiurgos and Kiva, tax-evading celebrities, violence – all receives a
seers of the Russian World wish to exert sadism for as long warm welcome. Apparently, in terms of chaos manage-
as they are powerful, but once they become potential vic- ment it is Russia that in fact helps the West to get rid of the
tims of abuse, they will emigrate to a place where senility excess of violence, which the West cannot deal with due
and malady are not subject to hatred and contempt. They to the principle of political correctness, since it encourages
intend to seek medical aid, educate children and end their aggressive tendencies.
earthly struggles in a country whose doctors have empa-
thy, rather than in the realm of “traditional values”. Thus, one can clearly see what values the Russian world is
fighting for: it's the right to violence, the right of the stronger
Do perverts realize what forms the basis of their socie- one to torture the weaker one, in a society that will not
ty? In 2017, domestic violence was decriminalized. In stand up for the victim. That said, it is not fighting against
2020, within 10 days after the the #metoo campaign Ukraine – rather, its enemies are strong and dangerous: it
was launched, amendments were adopted inflicting pun- is political correctness and the cancel culture, repressing
ishment for sexualised violence libel. The novelties were sadism and establishing the dictatorship of the victim. Not
backed up by the traditional values discourse. However, being able to see the world beyond quantities and pos-
perverts clearly realize what values are meant in fact: it's session, a perverse Nazist sees his struggle as expansion.
the traditional right of the stronger one to exert sadism. Unable to produce any contagious brilliant ideas, the Rus-
Do perverts realize what forms the basis of their socie- sian World fights for violence with the help of killings, tor-
ty? In 2017, domestic violence was decriminalized. In tures, rape and shelling – to which all of us are witnesses.
2020, within 10 days after the the #metoo campaign
was launched, amendments were adopted inflicting pun-
ishment for sexualised violence libel. The novelties were
backed up by the traditional values discourse. However,
perverts clearly realize what values are meant in fact: it's
the traditional right of the stronger one to exert

In a perverse society psychological or physical abuse of

vulnerable groups is regarded as manly and phallic. To
beat your wife or to build a stand-up comedy around
humiliating gays is not disgrace, it is machismo. Domes-
tic abusers are never “canceled”, quite the opposite: they
are considered “real men”, attractive partners. This can
be clearly seen it the society's attitude to children. While
declaring the importance of their interests, sadists in fact
pass the notorious “Dima Yakovlev's law” and support the
abduction of children from temporarily occupied Ukrain-
ian territories. Even the victims of pedophile fathers do not
get enough compassion and support, like, for instance, the
Khachaturian sisters, who had to fight through 7 circles of
hell to prove themselves innocent.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

The factory of Nazism:

the role of propaganda

The role of propaganda in
the life of its adept
Putin's propaganda is attributed the supernatural ability of Russian opposition mistakenly believe that the main
complete enslaving, and its ideologists are thought of as problem is Russian's lack of access to alternative
diabolically treacherous black magi. sources of information. “Once their eyes are opened,
they will immediately start making revolutions...” Yet, the
I am proposing the opposite hypothesis: there was hypothesis doesn't seem viable as soon as we see the
no diabolical plot whatsoever; instead, the perverse results of opinion polls in the “liberal” and “well-educated”
sadists remain sadists while working out their ideological Moscow, with its free access to the Internet: the majority
programs. supports the War. The “true Russians” hypothesis, as it turns
out, is a mere romantic phantasm. The problem is not a
Sadism is inherently tempting to some extent, and a lack of awareness of Twitter or VPN. The problem is that
random combination of this and some other factors lead propaganda has ceased to be an outside phenomenon
to the rise of violence. for the adepts.

Propaganda as a constituent part of identity

As has already been stated above, a pervert is stuck When a Nazi soldier, who rapes, kills and loots, watches
midway to subjectivation. His “me” is related to the realm TV, where he is celebrated as a hero, a hero he starts
of the Imaginary rather than the realm of the Symbolical. pretending to be. He doesn't need another source, as
He has remained at the narcissistic stage, the stage of this other source will condemn hims as a war criminal, his
“me” (moi). A neurotic builds his identifications upon both “heroism” - as фекщсшен, and his trophy – as plunder.
the Imaginary and the Symbolical, that is, he checks and
balances his self-image against The Other. For example: Outside of the propaganda's realm, something
“I am a good specialist, because I strive to be one, horrendous opens up to the inhabitant of the Russian
because my skills and expertise meet the requirements of World. The “great” country is the most hated country in
the society, and also because I am told I am.” A pervert, the world, its president cosplays Hitler, its army commits
stuck at the narcissistic stage, will generate his identities genocide, its conscripts are thrown into a vicious mincer,
like a child: “I want to be a fire-fighter, an astronaut, each rocket strike diminishes the chances of a decent
the Minister of Foreign Affairs...” One bright example pension, and looming ahead are the prospects of
well worth your time is Dmitry Gordon's interview with becoming another North Korea, if not the nuclear winter.
Lukashenko, who is clearly stuck at the narcissistic stage. In this coordinate plane, who is he (she)? He is no longer
In the interview, he talks of himself as a border guard ( a keen fighter for the Russian World. He is a less than
which might in fact be true), an accordionist, a hockey popular male whose main battle is the struggle with his
player, an exemplary father, holding his eighteen-year- prostatitis, the battle he is losing so far. Or it's a school
old son on his lap – whatever identity he can think of is principal, whose fight against her pupils' dyed hair and
accepted. pierced noses is no longer the fight against NATO and
Biden, but a sheer despotism of an ageing lady. Both of
At the core of Putins's propaganda, like any other them, as it turns out, are living in a Nazi country, rolling
propaganda, there are two images: that of its adepts towards complete isolation and poverty.
and that of its enemies. However, in a society infected
with perversion made up of subjects with a fragile “me”,
propaganda becomes an almost major source of identity.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Signifying the reality

Another role, connected with the above-described one, Difficulties are not silenced, however: the devious designs
is the signifying of reality in a simple, clear and compli- of the USA, NATO, the West and their allies – Ukrainian
mentary way – a way convenient to a pervert, with his Nazi – are successfully being dealt with by the govern-
fragmented perception and imability to penetrate into ment. Whatever is not yet dealt with, has been taken in
the essence of things. When a Bryansk commoner opens direct control by the President, and should anything not
his youtube, Soloviov-Kiseliov-Simonian will show him a work according to the plan, Russia has enough nuclear
world in which Russia is a great country, its army is the missiles to incinerate the entire America. In this world, the
second biggest in the world, defeating vastly superior focus of attention is he, the “True Russian”, a representa-
enemy forces, suffering no losses of war machines or tive of a great nation, the bearer of Christ's holy light, the
troops, if only “a negative growth of staff numbers and last fighter for traditional values, without whom the world
military equipment”, and a downpour of social benefits will fall into the abyss of Paganism and sodomy.
is expected soon.

Ptopaganda as past of the perverse mechanism

of handling Law
Let's imagine that a Russian, who believes himself to be Unable to recognize own motives, he will make the only
endowed with critical thinking, tries to read the opposi- conclusion available to him: the problem lies with “Me-
tional “Dozhd” or “Medusa” and comes across an article dusa”, “Dozhd” and all other “foreign agents”, the fifth
describing the bloodbath made by his compatriots shar- column. Enraged by mass media as such, he will close
ing the same ideology. Such media tend to describe the the site forever and go back to Soloviev, Kiseliov and Si-
war as evil beyond any human understanding. What our monyan, who will assure him that killings and shelling are
hero feels at this moment is unbearable excitement – it not justifiable... unless we are fighting with the Nazi, and
seems he dreads losing his mind, engulfed by jouissance. that wishing children death is unjustifiable.... unless the
Marquis De Sade's crimes were not nearly as numerous stories about killed children are all fake. Now things are
as those of an average Russian army soldier – in fact, he back to normal: the Law has changed. Noone is to be
merely succumbed to the wave of perverse sadistic fan- bombed but the Nazi, and taking pleasure in watching
tasies. However, he spent a good half of his life in mental fakes is not illegal.
hospitals. Our hero closes his eyes tightly, not to look his
desire – the uncontrollable folly of violence – in the eye.

Perverse propaganda as
the new Normality
Are all proponents of Putin's Nazism perverse
sadists? Contagious sadism
As perversion is a psychic structure, true perverts are rel- Violence enchants and attracts: otherwise, the industry of
atively few. If they were numerous, the humanity would horror movies, shooters, violent computer games, BDSM
either have already ceased to exist, or turned into some- parties, sport would not exist – and, if we are to believe
thing completely different from the society we live in now. Stanley Kubrick, the civilization as such would have
Yet, the discourse of propaganda, supported by over a disappeared. Suppressing most of their sadistic tenden-
half of the country's population, is overtly sadistic, creat- cies, neurotics are unaware of them. However, this hi-
ed by perverts for perverts. Such perverse, transgressive bernating perversion may awaken, for example, when a
rhetoric could not have been re-constructed by cynical psychic regression takes place. Everyone, perhaps, has
neurotics; this is a product of a pervert's psyche, not char- an acquaintance, normally timid and quiet – that is, until
acteristic even of a sociopath. What, then, made it possi- they get seriously drunk. All of a sudden, the shy type will
ble to infect an entire country? And what is the root of the turn into an aggressive bully looking for trouble. This is
evil - the pervert or the perverse propaganda? one example of psychic regression: under the influence
of alcohol the suppressed masochism surfaces. One sign
It is not unreasonable to predict that a lot of future re- of Russia's deep psychic setback was its leadership in the
search will be devoted to the phenomenon of nazifica- anti-vaccination campaign, which remained unnoticed
tion. In a nutshell, this is how I see it for now. A pervert by most.
comes to power and surrounds himself with a few other
perverts. In turn, those create a network of like-minded Hibernating perversion can be awoken by a pervert,
people – that is, perverts, - which is only logical, as who can do what a neurotic dreads even thinking about.
a perverse general would not ally with a moralist that A pervert enchants both male and female hysterics. Re-
would be outraged by war crimes – instead, he will part- member the hype around the “50 Shades of Grey”, a
ner with a pervert, who will take pleasure in bloody en- book and a film of very mediocre literary or ideologi-
tertainment and before joining the commander in a sau- cal value. A great many histerics were seduced by the
na where he will be the first to suggest calling a prostitute. promise to show a sadist as The Master (that is, aware
Thus, the network of perverts is growing. of their lust).

At the same time, certain ambitious people willing to Quite unexpectedly, in early 2000s a new manifestation
achieve success to that end do some research into the of Putin's image emerged: a bare-torso macho riding a
way of thinking and actions of those in power. Later on, horse. At the same time, a song called “Someone like Pu-
unconcsciously, they come to mimic them - and end up tin” was written, and a calendar was published featuring
perverted. half-naked activists from the pro-Putin political movement
“Nashi” (“Ours!”). As a rule, Russian imagemakers do not
Perversion, and sadism in particular, is seductive. Cer- go any further than exploiting the paternalist archetype
tain sadistic tendencies (J. Laсan does not separate sad- (considered to be the most suitable for Russians due to
ism from masochism, so it would be more correct to talk their innate tendency to succumb to “the firm hand”),
about sado-masochistic tendencies) are characteristic of and a system of images from Malkin and Souchkov. This
most people to varying degrees – but those tendencies means that the image of a sadist, rapist, macho emerged
will be vented in a society that provides access to edu- on its own, out of the very essence of sadism. Discovered
cation, allows to choose an occupation and guarantees by political technologists, it was subsequently conscious-
social lifts. ly inflated.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

For women, especially for Russian women, who do not One of the propagandist tools is the Newspeak. It plays
hide their masochism, a sadist endowed with power is several roles at a time: signifies the Nazi discourse and
an image from their sexual fantasies. Strange as it may hegemonic (you are to select words from the approved
sound, Putin's perverse propaganda is, in the first list), refers to a repressive machine (you remember that a
place, seductive. wrong choice is punishable), provides a perverse expe-
rience of simultaneous existence of two opposites (you
It is seductive since it knows what the adept wants, and heard thundering explosions, you said “pops”), teaches
promises to give them an opportunity to unleash their hi- the skill of not-being the one who made a statement, the
bernating (or already awoken) sadism and become its speech master (you cannot choose your words, it's the
weapon. Seduction, as a new type of bond in a world Nazi discourse that chooses them for you). By alienating
transitioning to the narcissistic structure, was foreseen by the actor from their speech, the Newspeak makes one
J. Baudrillard and G. Querzola18 . get caught by the pleasure of being an object.

The second, equally important aspect of sadistic seduc- In the hands of sadist propagandists seduction became
tion is an opportunity to get rid of subjectivity, becoming a way of pulling the sadistic desires of as many peo-
an object, a gear in a machine, a tool of someone's de- ple as possible to the surface. Propaganda has become
sire. Being an actor means bearing responsibility, having the reflection of their psyche: this includes ressentiment
wishes, suffering, striving for self-fullfillment, etc. (longing for the pleasure of being an object), transgres-
sion, perversion, delusion, creating own Law, paranoia,
The freedom of the 90-ies overwhelmed former Soviet hatred of the strong and contempt of the weak, and, of
people, who still remembered their life as nuts and bolts course, uncontrollable violence.
of Soviet bureaucracy, being cared for by the State. One
never had own wishes or sufferings: the Party knew what Some people, naturally, did not yield to the temptation.
you wanted. It would, however, be a hypocrisy to as- Some of them formed the opposition. Some of those en-
cribe this wish to be an object exclusively to soviet peo- dowed with empathy were destroyed by perverts. Oth-
ple or Russians. ers ended up suppressing the unthinkable and are now
trying to live as though nothing is wrong.
The same is true about ministers of religion, ascetics, reli-
gious mystics, willing to give their entire selves to religion Some people were so traumatized that they joined in due
and never belong to themselves; some people are hap- to the Stockholm syndrome. Traumatized people, unable
py when they fully ”lose themselves” in a lover; worka- to channel their aggression towards the real culprit (who
holics devote themselves wholly to work, charity, or a is too frightening or too distant, or whom you cannot real-
cause – you name it... ly conquer), resort to a primitive sort of defense by iden-
tifying with the aggressor. They make the aggressor part
Sure enough, when producing their propaganda sadists of their psyche while channeling aggression towards vic-
were not aware of anything like that. Apparently, per- tims like themselves. This holds true, for example, for the
verse propaganda formed upon a perverse core, and inhabitants of the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk territo-
it wasn't due to a devious plan – it happened because ries, who support the Russian Federation, which in fact
all ideological positions had already been taken over turned their lives and cities to hell, while treating the res-
by sadists. Previously, perverts had tried to adjust to the idents of Mariupol and Ukraine as a whole as enemies.
society, emulating empathy. Quite possibly, the first sign In an interview to “Popular Politics”, a YouTube channel,
of the prevalence of sadists among the representatives V. Shenderovitch referred to the Stockholm syndrome as
of power was the notorious “It sank” as a reaction to a the main reason for becoming infected by propaganda.
tragedy showing no signs of empathy whatsoever.
When the majority had become perverted, the prop-
How was perversion spread? Through language. aganda's job became easier: the electorate now had
Speech affects thinking – and the opposite is true. When the same aspirations as the propagandists. Regression
comprehending perverse speech, responding to it, ad- makes psyche more predictable. A neurotic's psyche, in
justing to it, a subject acquires the skill of perverse think- contrast, contains a vast array of desires, that collide with
ing: merging the opposites, de-subjectivating the inter- a variety of psychic phenomena, can be suppressed,
locutor via devaluing, mixed messages and gas-lighting, sublimated, rejected. A neurotic may prioritize someone
taking pleasure in abuse, etc. else's desires, etc.

It is next to impossible to figure out what this diverse The Normality of a Putin's propaganda adept has little
bunch of neurotics want so much they are ready to to do with what we learned from books, films and even
vote. In contrast, psychic deviations from a convention- Christian commandments. It is normal to wish death to
al norm follow certain laws and tendencies and have people who never hurt you; it's normal to feel no com-
similar aspirations. If the perverse ideologist wants to passion for killed children, it is normal to want to de-
execute opposition, the perverse majority will not mind. stroy hundreds of thousands of lives only in order for a
If those in power start pondering bringing the Crimea Nazi to be proud of his country's “greatness”; it's nor-
back, the perverse majority will most likely welcome mal to mock relatives living in areas subject to constant
the idea. This will significantly simplify the ideologist's shelling... In the Russia of today whoever claims they
task as long as they are aware of this principle. hate Ukrainian children, they will instantly get tons of
likes and supportive commentaries. This “normality” is
The perverse majority created the new Normality19. abnormal, it is the normality of sadists, created in such
The normality of a pervert is different from that of a a way that the Human Law will be violated; actually, it
neurotic in that that it is not based on guilt – rather, on is already being violated: they are simply waiting in
“what the people might say”. It is not the Law based the wings. All they will then have to do is impose the
on inner moral, ethical, religious, matrimonial convic- new, “revised” Law.
tions – rather, it's a social reflex that helps, primarily,
to avoid punishment and escape being rejected. It is
not based on things like morale and ethics – it is a rule
rather than a permanent Law.

31 31
Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Why is Russia
overtaken by the
pandemic of Nazism?

The role of perverse ruling classes,

social frustration, ressentiment and

Could propaganda brainwash?
Propaganda is powerful and terrifying, but it can’t The same is true about propaganda, which reflected
exaggerate something that doesn’t really exist. In order the vision of its authors. It identified the awakened thirst
to become the Master, the main narrative, by definition, for violence which coincided with excessive sadistic
propaganda must know what its subject desires, that inclinations in society. Said inclinations had no way to
which the subject himself is unaware of. A parliamentary be properly expressed.
or presidential candidate, one whose aim it is to become
the Master, must determine what the majority want while How could the inclination to violence be so strong that
the majority themselves do not know what they want. it turned into Nazism? I see several factors to this issue.
Should the candidate fail to do so, he does not win the

Coerced into enjoyment

In part, Putin's Nazism succeeded because he came to However, a Russian who goes from devastation and
power in a perverse, enjoyment-focused time. For a long decay straight into the wild world of capitalism of the 90s,
time, the consumer society has had a single demand – a Russian who personally felt how difficult it is to make
“to enjoy!”. Therefore, for the last twenty years or so, money, hopelessly clings to the idea that happiness and
consumption has become an over-the-top caricature. Fur wealth are synonymous and you should strive for it and it
coats, luxury brands, absurdly extravagant houses and alone. According to him, the earned money needs to be
cars, expensive plastic surgeries, snow-white veneers, spent generously.
prestigious partners – this is the ideal reinforced by
officials, bloggers, actors, singers and athletes. If you can afford the latest iPhone, a Louis Vuitton bag
or a Dior lipstick, there’s no need to hide it. Quite the
Consumerism has created a situation in which libido, opposite actually: post it on Instagram, show it to
the enjoyment of consumption, has become nothing everyone. If you don't show how successful and rich
more than added value: pleasure and profit now mean you are, no one will ever know it. Social networks that
basically the same thing (in this sense, selling bath water appeared during this time have even made it possible
is no more shameful than a handmade designer bag). to record pleasure and compete with others. “My
enjoyment is worth a thousand likes, two thousand, and
Of course, no one is literally forcing you to buy twenty this loser’s enjoyment is only worth a measly twenty likes.”
pairs of shoes or a new iPhone every year. Coercion We should not forget that the majority of Russians can’t
works through narcissism. Everywhere you turn, there treat themselves to whatever they want, so coercion to
are successful, happy, rich, loved people saying: “To be consume becomes destructive when it demands: “Enjoy,
successful, you need a C-segment car”; “How can you there can be no excuses if you don’t enjoy. You are a
want to be loved and not have this underwear?”; "Every nobody if you don’t enjoy!”. In a narcissistic society, you
woman must have a little black dress”... This way you are identified through what you have acquired, i.e. if you
don’t simply buy a car, you buy success. You don’t buy can’t afford anything except the bare essentials, then
underwear, you buy love. You don’t buy a black dress, you are a nobody not worth the attention, none of your
you buy French chic. You are constantly told that modesty personal characteristics are important in themselves, but
is a sign of the mundane, and a striking personality will only in terms of their monetization.
find a way to stand out. Every day you come face-to-
face with perfect people and perfect happiness, and Jean Querzola warned us about the dangers of being
every time you lack something you can buy. coerced into enjoyment in his work “Le silicium fleur de
peau”, which was quoted by Jean Baudrillard in the
Of course, neither ideal nor happiness can be achieved work “De la Séduction”20 Jean Querzola wrote about
this way. Firstly, it is technically impossible. Secondly, by the turn “from Oedipus to Narcissus”: a person’s mental
reducing oneself merely to an object of consumption and paradigm turning from a neurotic subject to a narcissistic
enjoyment, one becomes one step closer to a complete one. He also wrote about a new type of manipulation –
meltdown and loss of subjectification. seduction.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Querzola suggested that such a turn would lead to the Thereafter, they got rid of intelligentsia as well and
destruction of the existing order in society and descent welcomed the age of grotesque consumption and
into psychosis. I think that if it were not for ecological and coercion into enjoyment with open arms. A person
left-wing ideas that call for consumption to be limited striving for pleasure, a narcissist 22 , cannot be controlled
(especially not to be flaunted), Europe would have faced by appealing to duty or authority, he must be seduced.
the same spread of perverse mentality. In the Russian
Federation, however, ecological and left-wing ideas are Putin's spin doctors found something to seduce this new
systematically marginalized21. man with.

So, with little to no resistance (I assume the entire Russian

society gave up the feeling of guilt in favour of the
intelligentsia (intellectual class) back in 1905 (in Vekhi),
and the society was safely freed from guilt.

Cours camarade , le vieux monde est derrière toi!
(“Run, comrade, the old world is behind you!”)

Putin’s system, which could not find any ideas of its own nificance”, “modesty”, lack of expansion plans or “the
to indicate delusion of grandeur, decided to play it safe second army of the world”, their “second-rate” status as
and borrow a good old ressentiment proven by the compared to the Russian Federation. If a pervert sees
Communist Party, one built on the myth that when Amer- himself as an object of the system (as, for example, a
ica promised prosperity and abundance, it tricked peo- cog in the bureaucratic machine of the USSR), then he
ple into ruining a great country. Soviet people opened wants to be a cog in the most powerful machine. Since
their hearts and souls to capitalism, but ended up in the he thinks in terms of numbers and in terms of belonging
gangster-driven 90s instead of a dream-like store with / possessing as well as being prone to paranoia, he
97 types of sausage. chooses the most frightening and biggest country, which,
unfortunately, is the northern neighbour. The more terri-
One day Russians are a part of a huge country that set fying the neighbour becomes, the greater the desire to
itself an ambitious goal of uniting proletarians of all coun- be an object of the “Russian World”, to belong to it. The
tries, and the next they are faced with inflation, market idea that instead of the “Russian World” he belongs to
crashes, unemployment and a battle for survival. What such un- frightening country as Ukraine or Belarus, caus-
used to be a confrontation between the USSR and the es narcissistic fury, as it attacks the fragile identity of
USA, arms race and other conflicts that touched every the subject. “The country is weak, therefore there is no
individual is now a second or even third-world country. reason to maintain the tremendous “I” – therefore, I'm
“America” promised a world of abundance in exchange insignificant.” They understand the relationship between
for greatness, and while a naive Soviet man gave its citizens and country as that of slaves and their masters.
greatness away, it turned out that you had to pay to en- They want to boast about their masters instead of feel-
ter this new world. What, then, was the point of giving up ing embarrassed. Look at what happens to Shariy when
your great country? Is it really for the sake of democracy he talks about Ukraine. He can’t contain his narcissistic
and free speech? rage when he says that The Security Service of Ukraine
accused him of a series of crimes as this is a claim to be-
Putin’s supporters outside of the Russian Federation come Shariy’s master (submitting to the Security Service
have one thing in common – contempt for the country of Ukraine is equal to becoming an object of its desire),
of which they are citizens, and the desire to live in the and yet the most shameful thing is to belong to a master
“Russian World”. Ask a few more questions and you can who isn’t the strongest.
conclude that they cannot forgive their countries’ “insig-

Nostalgia for being an object of a great country has If it were not for Hitler's betrayal, the Red Army would
erased real memories of what it really was like living have marched across Europe toe to toe with the allies.
there, and replaced it with a fantasy. Rock-bottom prices Instead, they were forced to defend their own country.
for ice cream, which is not really ice cream at all, but The slogan “We can repeat” probably does not even
a substitute for mother's milk (Remember milk rivers and refer to the victory over fascism, because why would you
jelly shores in fairy tales?). Narcissistic anger caused by repeat something that ended in victory? However, the
lack of greatness and a desire to be rid of the burden issue of conquering Europe under the banner of Nazism
of subjectivity have created a ressentiment for the So- still remains...
viet Union. Putin’s government found that no one wants
the real USSR, everyone wants it to be as it is, only (“for The idea of rising from one’s knees is still present no mat-
the country to flourish by the book”), therefore, it has not ter the pretence. However, it can be rightfully noted that
introduced any systemic changes into the economy or many countries have ressentiment (and every society has
social policy. Populism and nationalism were more than sadistic inclinations), however, not everywhere it devel-
enough. ops into fascism. So other factors need to be considered.

Looking for ressentiment in a failed attempt to join the

Nazis before World War II is the second idea prompted
by the surprising repetition23, even fixation, of both the
events and the accepted rhetoric.

Social organization of “The Russian World”

If you look for the closest analogy, then the society of the In addition, the severity of the crime and the severity of
Russian Federation is very similar to that of a prison (the the punishment may or may not be correlated.
worst form of prison at that, a private one). The prison is run
by a warden, everyone obeys him. His power is carried “Social elevators” in the Russian Federation, just like in
out by the guards – security officials and the military. The prison, are exclusively open to the elite. A huge number
prisoners are divided into the “high class” – crime bosses of people live in constant dire straits, with no prospects to
(high officials, businessmen), the “middle class” – mugs climb the social and financial ladder, or even of repaying
(medium and small businesses, state employees, office a loan. There is a huge gap between the poor and the
workers), and the “lower class” – the castaways. In rich. Neither the government nor the oligarchs make
addition to these well-known categories, there are also any attempts to relieve social tension. On the contrary,
others: honest journalists, political opposition, activists wealth is flaunted around. It's good to be rich, the rest
and intellectuals, etc. The system tries to integrate them, are suckers. An over-exploitation of the periphery at its
push them out or destroy them altogether. Neither best.
prisoners nor guards choose the warden.
This primitive model is to demonstrate one important
Prison knows no law. However, there are rules, there feature of such a society, an incredible castration24
are many rules, and each rule has nuances that are anxiety. When you are in prison, you must constantly
impossible not to violate. In fact, every prisoner has defend your position in order to not be humiliated. You
broken at least one law. Punishment works selectively, need to emphasize your inflated importance with all
depending on various factors (some of which can be your actions: having the most expensive car, the biggest
taken into account, and some can be safely ignored): house, the most guards, the most prestigious entourage.
loyalty of the prisoner, his social status, level of publicity Communication with the poor, the ugly, the disabled, the
and financial situation, the right connections. This is not homeless, the disgraced, will be regarded as weakness.
certain, however, because, even having all this, you can, You have to avoid being infected by the castaways at
for example, get in trouble with of a madman security any cost.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

The initially not-quite-conscious fear of castration Can there be no aggression and sadism in a society that
gradually turns into a real one when the subject sees is extremely unequal in terms of financial stability and
what kind of hell the elderly, the poor, the disabled, the one devoid of social justice? Of course not. The lack of
women, and sexual minorities find themselves in. Then he prospects and “social elevators” leads to the desire for
begins to avoid such people and instead supports the violence not being able to be reworked constructively.
system. The more examples of injustice towards the weak Of course, you can always participate in a drunken knife
he witnesses, the higher castration anxiety possesses him. fight, but this road leads to a real prison, which is even
In turn, the more castration anxiety he experiences, the worse than a public one. Thus, all this accumulates and
more cruel he becomes towards the weak. waits for an opportunity and a prophet.

The phenomenon of soldiers' mothers

If we analyze the conversations with the soldiers' mothers Secondly, in order to find a place in the world where
of the Russian Federation as well as between the soldiers' weakness is shameful, they have to show great tenacity
mothers of the Russian Federation and their captured in following the doctrine in order to convince everyone
sons, then one cannot help but wonder. What is wrong of their loyalty. Thirdly, women are forced to suppress
with these women? Why don't they take their children even conscious aggression because of social stereo-
home? How can you, upon hearing of your son’s death, types about gender roles, and because they cannot al-
worry about how to withdraw his salary from the card? ways physically protect themselves if their opponent runs
How can you scold your son for being captured? out of verbal arguments (as we remember, the victim will
be to blame because "she brought it on herself"). Such a
On the other hand, mothers are not completely indiffer- woman can take great pleasure in inflicting pain by say-
ent. We cannot say that they do not care at all. The logic ing: “Where have you been for 8 years?”, “Think about
of their love fits into the logic of castration anxiety. the tears of Donbas”, “No one is bombing you” ... At first,
spreading sadism gives pleasure and even an advan-
In a prison society, women don’t generally have a status, tage: a sadist is a wolf among the sheep, but retribution
especially those who have a weak financial standing. (mental regression) is inevitable.
Birth control sabotage teaches such women that they
need to forget about themselves and give birth to chil- Mental regression is a return to narcissism, i.e. a person's
dren, that this way they will earn respect. However, hav- interest revolves around himself and his own practical in-
ing given birth to a child (often left without the support of terests while interest in the surrounding world fades (as it
a biological father), a woman is faced with the ugly truth. happens with a severely ill person). A narcissist cannot
Her life has not improved. Thereafter, she is left hoping adequately evaluate himself, i.e. “I am good here, but
that her son will become a powerful anchor for her, and in this situation, Vasya is stronger.” A narcissist is either
achieve something that will improve her status and her great and imposing or insignificant. His judgments be-
standard of living. come more one-sided, he lacks and depth, fantasy often
replaces real achievements.
When her son is captured, he loses any power, becomes
castrated, humiliated. Such a son will not make his moth- So, imagine that a narcissistic, i.e. not a very empath-
er's life better. Not only did her own life fail, but her son ic mother, is told that the son is in captivity, “humiliated”
is also humiliated. (castrated). All hopes for grandiose identifications col-
lapse and castration anxiety (which is already strong)
Unconditional maternal love undergoes changes in a skyrockets. It turns out that such a mother, of course, still
perverse society due to the more difficult position women needs her son, but only with a wallet full of money, hon-
and mothers have and, as a result, greater contagious- ours and a washing machine. However, she does not
ness of their Nazism. Firstly, Russian women are sensitive need him without any of that. Yet another reason to lose
to the call of sadism due to the fantasy of a sadistic lover, face in the eyes of her neighbours.
widely exploited by Russian and world art.

It is impossible to believe that propaganda can affect Later, perverts started spreading hatred which was in
love for one’s children unless you see it with your own line with their paranoid worldview: terrible enemies be-
eyes. However, this war has seen too many cases of gan popping up all around the Soviet republics: terrorist
Nazi parents refusing to be empathetic toward their chil- Chechens, Georgians, “Banderites”. Parades have be-
dren to accept any case as an isolated one, or to turn come more and more pompous, demonstrating the mili-
a blind eye. A son or daughter in Ukraine immediately tary power of a great country; the myths of World War
becomes castrated. (i.e the victim, instead of living in II have developed to an absurd extent, terrorist attacks
Moscow and serving in the “second army of the world”). are now announced in advance, fifth columnists, pressur-
Such cases cause castration anxiety which weakens ing the press, persecuting everyone able to resist, strict
empathy and makes it impossible to experience uncon- censorship, shutdown of several channels of informa-
ditional love. Such a child seems undeserving of love. tion... They have crafted a new normal for a new society,
Hence, the conflict between being identified as “a good where sadism is now legal.
person and a good parent” (in other words, the law that
states “I must love my child”) and irritation or even de-
sire to annihilate the victim, which the Nazi parents ac-
tually feel. This leads to the term “Nazis” having a much
broader meaning than before. Since their child is a Nazi,
they can accuse American channels of “brainwashing”
instead of offering any sympathy.

On the one hand, coercion into enjoyment and narcis-

sism, fear of becoming “humiliated” and dreaming of be-
longing to a great country, on the other hand, very few
opportunities for personal development, declining qual-
ity of education, limited access to “social elevators” and
a society of extreme financial inequality. Tremendous
aggression, anxiety, nonsensical rambling, the overly
excited media and third-rate cultural products, atten-
tion-grabbing consumption that has turned into a stand-
ard of living while the majority of the population can’t
afford to live in such a way, longing for the “paradise
lost.” There is no socially acceptable way of expressing
any of this. This is a recipe for disaster.

Putin's government got together, issued some kind of

document with an ideological strategy. That’s their whole
merit. They couldn’t build any other narrative except for a
sadistic one. This was exactly the narrative necessary at
that moment. On the other hand, is it a coincidence that
sadists came to power at the very moment when aggres-
sion overtook their society? Would a non-sadist have
guessed what the people wanted? There is no definite
answer. In any case, they abandoned pluralism and sim-
ple pleasures and began to “rise from their knees.” As
a “peaceful country”, of course, but if they are forced to
attack, then “we can repeat.”

New ideas were picked up so enthusiastically in fact

that the ideologists realized that they had found the right
path – one of aggression, sadism, and violence.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

How sadism is being made

the technique of interpassivity
Prior to February 24, 2022, the whole world was bewil- Aleksey is still doubtful, so he decides to study the infor-
dered as to how such a cultured and educated nation mation from the other, Ukrainian side. He does possess
as the Germans could have turned into Nazis. It was im- critical thinking. So he types “birds bioweapons” and
possible to believe that you could persecute, torture and YouTube finds a video of... Shariy. It turns out that ex-
kill those who were your fellow neighbors, colleagues at perts, politicians, Kandelaki, and even the “independent
the university, your family’s doctors just a few days be- Ukrainian expert” Shariy are all absolutely sure of the ex-
fore. How could one reconcile with the idea of killing istence of infected birds. Aleksey goes to bed, but before
children? How could one kill children, or ignore this fact? falling asleep, he, as usual, logs into VK.

Now, of course, it is clear that it is possible. However, The first thing he comes across is a thread about infect-
how does propaganda instill ideas that are far beyond ed birds, where, for example, 20 people are absolutely
the concepts of good and evil? How can a person be sure of their existence (and of the genius of the president
made to accept the existence of infected birds, Nazis, and the greatness of the country, of course) while one
and the need to bomb civilians? person writes that this is complete nonsense. He is, natu-
rally, hated on and cursed. Even if 19 out of 20 people
At the moment, instilment of an idea, even the most insane leaving patriotic comments have nothing in their feed ex-
one, happens in several stages. Firstly, some controver- cept congratulations on Apple Feast of the Saviour, there
sial politician, like the late Zhirinovsky or Medvedev, are 20 of them at least.
throws it out there. Upon receiving feedback, gag orders
are spread among politicians, officials, spin doctors, ed- So what happen next? It is possible that Aleksey doesn’t
itors, journalists, TV channel management, experts, loyal believe it. In this case, he can listen to the limited number
businessmen, celebrities, bloggers, the Russian Ortho- of speakers who are allowed to slightly denounce Pu-
dox Church, embassies, influencers abroad, bots, etc. tin’s regime. They are perfect for the progressive, thinking
part of the population. These speakers look at the birds
This is how instilment works. Let’s say a bank employee critically, and weigh the pros and cons, giving Aleksey
from Moscow with a higher education, Aleksey, who the opportunity to make a decision for himself (in reality,
is not interested in politics, comes home from work one no).
day, turns on the TV where Lavrov announces: “Ukrainian
Nazis are going to use biological weapons – infected If the person still retains reason and believes logic more
birds.” On the one hand, this is complete nonsense, Alek- than he does massive nonsense, then there are other
sey thinks, but on the other hand, the minister says so. This techniques including “it’s not so clear-cut”, “we will never
way, the idea is not yet believed but it is not completely know the truth”, “one side can’t be all wrong” – anything
dismissed either. A political show begins right after the to undermine strong beliefs to the contrary. In the most
news. Aleksey hears about the birds again, this time difficult cases, Putin's propaganda can settle with agree-
from the likes of solovyov-kiselyov-simonyan-skabeyeva. ing to consider an “alternative point of view”, for exam-
Their existence is not even questioned: it is presented as ple, an “alternative point of view” on genocide.
a fact, while discussing the dangers of their (the birds)
usage and ways of taking revenge on the Ukrainians. Do you remember the Russian “Overton window” fake,
which describes gradual indoctrination of some taboo
Aleksey does not believe the idiot’s lantern. He picks up idea? This is not the case in practice. The idea is intro-
his phone and goes to YouTube. Birds again, even here, duced in its final form followed by people being bom-
this time discussed by experts and bloggers, and again barded with the same messages wherever they turn. No
shifting the focus to, for example, the history of biological ingenious viral campaigns, no polished form, just a large
weapons or to whether birds can be recruited to infect workforce.
Ukrainians, etc.

Propaganda ensures that no one believes that the op- A person who believes that there are people believing in,
posite opinion has supporters. It’s not the substance of say, infected birds, will close the window so that others
opposing ideas that is more often discredited, it’s the who believe in birds feel comfortable; put up nets so that
authors (and they are spoken of as loners and outcasts). the neighbors do not think that he is not being careful and
One is the worst characteristic of anything. All good that he might get sick, etc. This behavior further convinces
things are plentiful, all bad things are few. The Russian people around that everyone believes in infected birds.
Federation has many friends, Nazis have few.
Religious people have been familiar with this rule for a
Large-scale involvement is both a method of influence long time: a person who has lost faith is forced to be-
and one of the few characteristics that perverts under- have as if he truly believes. By imitating faith, the subject
stand. They find other approaches difficult to use. We who considers it difficult to live in a split-up world will
have already mentioned that, stuck at the “moi” stage, eventually either accept the idea or refuse it completely.
they do not understand qualitative characteristics. They Because of the repressive system and public opinion, re-
only understand “many”, “big”, “little”. For example, prop- fusing comes at a higher price than agreeing. At the very
aganda speeches are filled with quantitative character- least it is much more energy-consuming.
istics: “we have more nuclear warheads than America”,
“we have the second army in the world”, a huge amount On the one hand, interpassivity is a way to avoid be-
of military equipment during the parade, “Russian cruiser ing coerced into enjoyment (of which there is a lot in a
Moscow (Moskva) was a year older than me”, etc. perverse society). It is the original way of protecting the
subject from jouissance (I give jouissance to Another. He
Putin's spin doctors see any blogger with 1 million sub- will experience it for me). For example, a guest of hon-
scribers as better than any blogger with 300,000 sub- or at large celebrations can sometimes find it difficult to
scribers. Large-scale involvement is what they are afraid have all eyes on him for a long time. It’s too much atten-
of. They are more afraid of fifty students than one Akunin, tion for him to take, so he finds a host to be the center
100 cobbled-together fakes are better than 1 high-qual- of attention instead. The host will then need to imitate
ity one. For them, the worst thing is a lot of people on pleasure, allowing the hero of the day to enjoy the hol-
the streets, so they do everything in their power to not let iday himself. He is the real subject of desire. After all,
this happen. For Putin's perverts, any person is replace- attention is not directed at the host who is very often a
able, unless they don’t consider someone their property complete stranger for those gathered. When it comes to
or master. The expression “no one is irreplaceable” does propaganda, interpassivity allows you to get away from
not showcase administrative wisdom, but mental under- the excess of coercion to join your faith and share your
subjectification. beliefs. “Do you believe in infected birds?” someone
asks. The subject sees right through the strong desire for
It seems that at some point, without expecting any posi- propaganda to make him believe, but the passive posi-
tive effect whatsoever (holding out hope for a repressive tion of the object of desire affects his dignity, so he says:
system, retired people and state employees), Putin's ide- “I don't. But many do.
ologists discovered something rather interesting. We can
speculate that the deadline was approaching, they were Can a perverse society sustain any other way of believ-
reaching a dead end, and the project manager was so ing than the “belief in what the other believes”? In a so-
scared that he didn’t steal the money, hiring a bunch of ciety where you can’t appeal to moral values or a sense
foot soldiers instead, and suddenly quantitative changes of guilt, where this is not acceptable, the super value of
turned into qualitative ones, so this turned into a method. “what will people say?” takes priority. It’s a social reflex,
a compromise to replace the absent sense of guilt.
Putin's propaganda managed to achieve the following:
they did not make people believe in nonsense, they Large-scale information attacks send a clear message:
made them believe that there were people who be- there is the opinion of the majority, the dominant narra-
lieved in nonsense. This phenomenon was described by tive. The opposite point of view is inconsequential. Thus,
S. Žižek, who called it interpassivity25 . their ”belief in believers” allowed Putin's propaganda to
avoid having to explain anything with any level of va-
If you ask Nazis with “critical thinking” if they believe in lidity.
infected birds, the answer will be, “Of course, I don’t. I
am not an idiot. But many of us here do.” Believing in oth- We have already discussed “infected birds”. This is
er people’s belief forces them to change their behaviour harmless nonsense. What about “carpet bombing” cam-
to fall in line with that belief. paigns?

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

It is easier to believe in carpet bombings than it is to be- Information that cannot be hidden or explained is
lieve in birds, because Putin’s Nazi sees profit here. blurred or glossed over and people’s attention is quickly
distracted by something else, something more effective.
A sadist is full of aggression, hatred for the “Ukronazis” All to muddle absolute values, to make a person doubt-
(fueled for years and years), he wants blood and to live ful. If you fail to convince a person that it is normal to kill
in a “great” country (which will win). According to propa- children, then you can at least suggest that “it’s not so
ganda, the “peaceful country” does not want shelling, the clear-cut”. This can help you in other situations even if this
“Nazis” want them. The “Nazis” are forcing the “peaceful one fails. Absolute moral priorities are the main enemy of
army” which is only carrying out its “righteous” duty. This Putin’s Nazism. If you firmly refuse to discuss
is enough for their perverse psyche. The only thing left
to do is to overcome the notion of killing children with Little by little, a supporter of Putin's Nazism replaces the
aerial bombs. In this case, the army of influencers and accepted moral laws with the new Normality. He under-
bots replaces the voice of morality. “Yes, I feel bad for stands its tendencies, and self-censorship takes effect. It
the children, but this is war”, “Didn’t the Armed Forces of is very convenient for a dictatorship when a person al-
Ukraine shell the children of Donbass?”, “There were no ready knows how to react to any given news or what to
children there, only Azov”, “Didn’t children die in Syria?”, do in any given situation. At some point, propaganda
“This is Bucha of the brain " etc. It is not about making and a Nazi swap places, a person becomes an object,
the recipient of the message hate the dead children. It’s an instrument of propaganda, and begins to make sure
about the idea of “It needs to be discussed”. It distorts the that everyone else thinks and speaks correctly. He be-
transgressive into the mundane. A Nazi supporter starts comes an informant.
to believe that others consider it normal to bomb chil-
dren, that his secret desire for violence is not condemned. Thus, the main instrument of Nazi propaganda is the
“Discussions” by “reasonable” “experts” are mixed in with large-scale involvement, which creates the new Nor-
shrieks of the obsessed proclaiming: “Everyone is a Nazi mality and introduces nonsensical or anti-humanistic
there, they all need to be killed, and children too!”. Then ideas through interpassivity, “belief in those who believe.”
an average Russian can feel even more superior to oth- Don’t expect some brilliant Nazi ideas from sadists. They
ers. One can lament: “Well, you can’t kill children, it’s are not capable of analysis, reflection or anything clev-
unjustifiable. Except, of course, as a last resort. Oh, poor er due to the semi-failure of subjectification. In addition,
children!” and consider himself a kind, maybe even too they do not comprehend the non-Nazi way of thinking.
gentle a person. He can choose to ignore everything.
Normality allows people to think that “it was Azov’s do- We can, therefore, state that the success of Putin's propa-
ing” or that “we bombed Azov headquarters.” It’s not ganda is largely contingent on a series of accidents: per-
about denial or repression that stems from the inability verts got to the top, created Nazi propaganda, which
to accept the deliberate murder of children, it’s simply coincided with the spread of sadistic inclinations in so-
about saving mental energy, because who cares about ciety and used the principle of “believing in believers”,
children, we want blood. which replaced moral laws in perverse society. But one
cannot deny the intent and consistency of Putin's power
Sometimes non-Nazis also fall into the trap of large- in the formation of a repressive system.
scale involvement. For example, we all believed in the
myth about “the second best army in the world.” No vio-
lence required. We believed it simply because everyone
around screamed about it. Often even the opposition,
who “do not believe a single word of propaganda”, are
unaware of how they fall into the trap of the Master's
narrative (discurs de Maître), and start broadcasting the
same messages. This is a very dangerous phenomenon
because what appears to be purely informative news
at first often sends a message along the lines of “Putin’s
power is strong, he cannot be defeated, and if you re-
sist, you will be crushed”. As a result, we have martyrs
doomed to fail from day one instead of revolutionaries.

Repressive system
In our opinion, the spread of Putin's Nazi ideas is Repression rears its ugly head even during verbal
influenced in the following three ways. Firstly, directly - confrontations between armchair activists. You express
through supervision and punishment. Secondly, by an opinion that is different from the official one, you don’t
serving as a catalyst. Thirdly, by bringing about the get likes, you get hate from bots and real people. Next
Stockholm syndrome. time you will think twice before expressing your opinion.
When a certain part of the population stops expressing
The direct effect is clear. When a man with a club is opinions that are different from the official guidebook,
standing over you, you will confess to the biolaboratories, then the guidebook becomes the majority. This was
recognize Russia as the most peaceful country in the exactly the plan.
world or even sign up for a battle in Christ’s name.
The crazier the propaganda statement, the better. Here’s another important role of the repressive system –
Dictatorship needs all those who agree to actively pass that of a catalyst for infection. Being under the
on the guidebook-based statements, while those who constant threat of violence, a person starts looking for
disagree, who stand out from the system, to be quiet ways how it can be avoided. He studies society, tries
(ideally, completely). The goal of a repressive system to find consistent patterns, to start thinking about how
is to identify and punish those who stand out from the perpetrators of violence try to act like its victims. All this,
system. Nothing can prove that you’re one of the people as we remember, is enabled by perverse Law, perverse
better than blindly accepting a crazy idea. It is one thing governmental power and perverse propaganda
to accept something reasonable, logical, something that narrative. By studying, adopting and using the techniques
can be supported by arguments – this doesn’t require utilized by perverts, a person turns his thinking into
loyalty. It's completely different when a person not only perverse thinking.
does not laugh at the mention of biolaboratories, but
frantically rushes to pass it on. Fanatics are valuable to The third important moment is Stockholm syndrome.
a dictatorship. The guidebook has to be accepted in full.
You can’t only believe in laboratories, you also have to Perverts are well aware of how to destroy the psyche.
believe in the second army, in the power of “conservative” Putin's Nazi government consciously hurts the population
(sadistic) values, etc. to take advantage of loyalty through identification with
the aggressor. Stockholm syndrome helps to introduce
For example, it takes seconds to understand a person’s and strengthen Nazi ideas among vulnerable groups.
stance on the special operation. If he talks about how the Remember the video of an openly gay former liberal A.
child-free, feminists, the cancel culture and multiculturalism Krasovsky, full of hatred towards Ukrainians, although it
are leading Europe to extinction, then at some point he/ was his own government who messed him up, of course.
she will inevitably say “If we hadn’t attacked, they would The first symptom of Stockholm syndrome in Ukrainian
have attacked us” and “Crimea is ours”. society is the search for enemies (or traitors) among our
own. It is the first step toward the “Russian World”. The
Thus, you join the majority. You join Solovyov-Simonyan- search for enemies among one’s own is a stone’s throw
Kiselyov, the Internet community, “independent experts”, away from justifying and accepting the aggressor’s
you receive public approval, you are safe from being game. This is how the psychology behind Stockholm
punished by law enforcement agencies. If you disagree syndrome works.
with the perverse message, then, firstly, you deeply feel
your own loneliness and defenselessness surrounded
by propaganda soldiers shouting from every corner,
and secondly, the experience of other figures of
opposition suggests that you are now a target for the
law enforcement agencies.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis


Hence, in order to understand the essence of Putin's Nazism, it is important for us to identify the phenomenon: Putin's
Nazism is a perversion, sadism.

Then the following conclusions can be drawn:

01 Perversion is a mental structure founded on the possibility to simultaneously recognize and reject conflicting ideas by
introducing an additional condition: “It goes without saying that ..., but still...”. This allows you to break universal human
laws akin to the way a pedophile does it.

02 The better half of the society in the Russian Federation has turned into sadistic perverts. They want to commit acts of
violence. Propaganda only helps to maintain their self-image for as long as possible, before its imminent collapse.

03 Personality-wise, a sadist does not consider himself a subject; rather, he is a tool of someone else's drive to violence, a
paranoid individual with magical thinking, no empathy, ability to analyze or create, only to imitate the external. Apart
from violence, his sole interest is in himself. The only thing more important than being selfish is being violent. Abstract
moral categories are beyond his understanding. A sadist thinks in terms of quantity and in terms of “possessing/be-

04 Nazification of the Russian Federation happened because of sadistic propaganda. Such propaganda was created
specifically by sadists and specifically for the Russian society full of sadistic inclinations at the time. Accumulation of
sadistic inclinations is driven by social and economic inequality, mental regression and a society of repressive con-

05 Unlike a Westerner, Putin’s Nazis consider themselves free, since only in the Russian Federation can they freely practise
sadism toward the weak. Sadism is the national narrative of the Russian Nazis. It is what they call “traditional values”.
Victimization and weakness are the only sins followers of Putin's Nazism recognize. “The Russian World” is fighting
against political correctness and inclusiveness in favour of the freedom to rape wherever “The Russian World” has
more power.

06 The western society cannot understand Putin's Nazis because of a sense of guilt that represses the very fact of encoun-
tering a completely different mentality - that of a pervert. Understanding Putin's Nazis is easy. Just disregard everything
related to abstract moral categories, the Law, the performative (condition). The real desire is what’s left. A Nazi follows
such an algorithm: 1. Is the person before me a victim or a threat? If he is a victim – belittle him, and finish the communi-
cation. If he is a threat, then all the information received by the Nazi undergoes the process of mental regression (more/
less, possessing/belonging, beneficial/disadvantageous, “will I look great?”). Everything that is unclear is disregarded,
and holes are filled with paranoid nonsense.

07 At first propaganda became part of the Nazi identity, and then made the Nazis its object. Now Nazis are clinging to
his propaganda.

08 The main method of Putin's propaganda is its large-scale involvement. It makes people believe in the believers of their
messages rather than the messages themselves. Since guilt has been replaced with a social reflex of “what will people
say?”, “belief in believers” is enough to make inhuman cruel things normal, or at least subject to further discussion.

09 A repressive system helps propaganda. It threatens people with punishment, divides them into friends and foes, serves
as a catalyst for nazification, brings about the Stockholm syndrome.

10 The danger of sadism is in its seductive power. It seduces people with the freedom to fulfill their repressed desires and
enjoy being an object.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Author s

To summarize, we must stress that the humanity is faced Putin's Nazism has already been forcing people to do
with a unique phenomenon: the majority of he popula- something that is not their nature. For instance, tradition-
tion of a huge country ended up possessed with violence. ally anti-fascistic European left-wing intellectuals backed
They are ready to withstand all types of the hardships: away from their fight with fascism once they faced the
from the absence of credit cards and the clothes brands real Nazi. As an example, N. Chomsky virtually ca-
they are used to - to a lack of possibility to freely travel pitulated, giving up part of his western identity (rational
around the world – all for the sake of being able to keep thinking, analysis) when he referred to the Russian ex-
humiliating the vulnerable, battering weaker relatives pansion as “a hurricane one cannot stop.” Rather than
and shelling maternity homes, while priding themselves conducting research into the Neo-Nazism, the philoso-
on the “great country” without having to bear respon- pher sees it as necessary to find arguments that would
sibility for their lives and actions. It didn't take long for make Ukraine surrender, which is consistent with the logic
people, who used to read books about kindness and no- of a sadist: the victim is to be punished. Chomsky's wish,
bility, watch movies about helping the needy and share although unjustifiable, is explicable: it is tempting for
the values of the rest of the world, to turn into monsters everyone (but the Nazi) to want things “back to normal”.
approving of bombing children. However, common logic and the logic of history tell us
that no amount of territories ceded to the aggressor will
This tragedy unfolded before the eyes of the world as bring back the order we are used to, quite the opposite:
the Russian Federation wasn't a country behind the iron this will only speed up the catastrophe.
curtain. The world idly observed Putin's regime annex the
Crimea, wage war in Donbass, jail Navalny, proclaim According to J. Delaise and F. Guattari, one peculiarity
those mass media and people that dare to have a differ- of fascism is that is implements nihilism, i.e., a fascist state
ent opinion “foreign agents” and push Russian and inter- is predisposed to self-destruction: “If the war is lost, the
national NGOs outside of the country. In the meantime, nation will also perish” (A. Hitler). Therefore, the collapse
the construction of the Northern Stream went on. of a fascist regime is unavoidable as long as it is allowed
to develop uncontrollably in the direction of its phantasm.
It is due to the inaction in 2014 that brought Russia to The only question is – how many people or entire nations
believe that noone will stand up for Ukraine and it in- will it drag down into this abyss?
vaded the peaceful country. Notwithstanding the outra-
geous violation of the world legal system, threatening to The answer depends on how much time it will take the
bring the existing order of things to a collapse, has not world to join forces to fight back. A pervert needs to
convinced some western politicians of the necessity to be reminded of The Law, of the principle of reality, so
stop the aggressive country. as not to sink into psychosis. Since a sadist's identity is
fragmented, he cannot but respond to castration with a
At the moment the world is aware of the imminent fam- narcissistic rage – yet, that is not so terrifying as a com-
ine, some countries realize the threat of war, but there is plete loss of self-awareness and becoming engulfed in
another hazard: Nazism is contagious. Judging by how an apocalyptic nuclear jouissance.
quickly Nazism engulfed the citizens of the Russian Fed-
eration, it spreads like a forest fire. Many will gladly stop The more frequently a sadist is faced with the real state
suppressing their sadistic inclinations and want to claim of affairs, the more serious military defeats and econom-
their privileges back as soon as they see Russia take the ic hardships he suffers, the clearer his awareness of the
upper hand, while the world, whose leaders dread “dis- conventional reality. The opposite is also true: the fewer
pleasing the aggressor” and making him “lose his face”, barriers there are between the sadist and his psychosis,
is reluctant to intervene. the sooner the personality dissociation will take place.
Thus, the more successful Ukraine is in the battlefield,
Putin's Nazism is not exclusively characteristic of Rus- the more adequate Putin's regime gets, and the further it
sians: no country is immune to it. It is in fact the product drifts from the “red button”.
of “de-politization”, overconsumption, post-modernism,
social frustration, the policy of appeasement, moral rela- While it is clear what to do in the battlefield, it is abso-
tivism – the product that fell into the hands of sadists and lutely unclear what to do about millions of people who
their perverse propaganda. Nazism is a reflection of all have abandoned normal human values, replacing them
problems of today and all past errors of the West. with the enjoyment of violence.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

How can we bring them to a normal psychic paradigm, In order to bring some order into the non-order, cow-
which presupposes guilt and responsibility? ardice, selfishness, self-interest will probably need to be
The shift of the psychic paradigm was foreseen by many
European philosophers (G. Querzola, J. Baudrillard, It is hardly possible now for the world to take shelter and
G. Deleuze, F, Guattari. Truth be told, they expected wait until the new Nazism subsides. Hence, we need to
the world to end up in a chaos, disorder, the psychic get ready to fight and ponder the ways of bringing the
paradigm transforming into a psychotic one. In reality, perverts back to the normal values, bring back empathy,
the world has come to a perverse order, the non-order, guilt, responsibility and dignity. Many would like to put
perverse psyche. At the same time, Putin;s propaganda a glass dome over Russia, isolating themselves from it.
has removed all restraints that used to stand in the way of This is meaningless and not viable. Nazism is seductive
sadistic enjoyment, while creating a new Normality that for a person of any nation. It is therefore crucial now to
normalizes and legalizes experiencing jouissance when preserve our psyche, withstand the temptation of falling
children are bombed. If the world still aims to somehow for violence, withstand the fear, which leads to the Stock-
deal with millions of Russian sadists, in the first place holm syndrome, and the despair, that makes one wish to
it must strive to return the new Normality, under which surrender to the powerful Master.
killing children and shelling maternity homes are uncon-
ditionally evil. The more people adopt the new Norm, Sadism is tempting and traumatic. The only
the more adepts will join in. vaccine against it is preserving one's own dignity
and supporting the dignity in others - a firm and
Neurotics will suppress their sadistic tendencies, that is, unshakable conviction of being the subject, as
they will clean forget that until very recently they would subjects are those surrounding you, responsible
call for area bombardments, claiming that they were grown ups, a firm conviction that there exist absolute
completely unaware of massacres, violence and tortures values that are not to be questioned. There must be no
of civilians (which in a sense will be true). negotiations with either yourself or a sadist about the
shades of evil, for this time we are to cure the disease,
However, this will mean abandoning moral relativism not alleviate the symptoms. We are to understand how
and giving up speculating about the repressive normality to avoid the evil raising its head in the future rather than
(which is interesting as a philosophical experiment, but taking revenge at present. We are to defeat Nazism,
gets far less appealing when perverts are armed, unlike not the Nazi, and, gazing into the abyss, we are not to
yourself). let it possess us.

Putin's nazism: a glance through the prism of psychoanalysis

Žižek, S. (1997) The plague of fantasies, London: Verso

Deleuze, G & Guattari F. (1996) What Is Philosophy? New York: Columbia University Press

3, https://,,, https://




Baudrillard J. (1993) The Transparency of Evil: Essays in Extreme Phenomena, London: Verso

Lacan J. (1991) The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book 1, Freud's Papers on Technique, 1953-1954, New York: W.
W. Norton & Company

By the Law we mean the principle upon which any limit exist: legal limitations, the law of entropy, public limitations
and taboos, rules of language etc.


Jouissance is not pleasure, it is what happens beyond pleasure, when you no longer understand whether it still feels
good or already hurts. Jouissance is something forbidden and so strong that it leads if not to the death of the psyche
then certainly to some problems. For example, people with addictions on the one hand enjoy their addiction, but on
the other hand other spheres of their lives and their psyche are getting destroyed: “It feels so good that it’s as if I’m
dissolving, losing myself in the pleasure.” For instance, the pervert always stays the jouissance object of his mother.

Castration anxiety is in simple terms the anxiety which is the prototype of the anxiety of death, loss of a body part,
including castration, loss of money, power, respect, fear of being humiliated, etc.

Separation anxiety is the fear of being psychologically separated from one’s mother, of accepting one’s limits

“A pop” is Russian state media’s common euphemism for an explosion.


Проекция – не совсем корректное слово по отношению к первертам, у которых не произошла субъекти-
вация, перверты, скорее, смотрят на всех через собственное отражение, но слово «проекция» общеизвест-
но, поэтому его удобно использовать, а смысла предложения оно не меняет.

Эротоману кажется, что его/ее любит и преследует особа с более высоким социальным статусом, кото-
рая сообщает о своих чувствах тайными знаками, хотя та особа в большинстве случаев не подозревает о
существовании эротомана.

Baudrillard, Jean. De la Seduction. 1979. / Бодрийяр, Жан. Соблазн. Перевод на русский язык: Алексей
Гараджа. — М., 2000. // Электронная публикация: Центр гуманитарных технологий. — 18.07.2008. URL:

Following S. S. Žižek, we are going to refer to The Other as Normality, meaning – the voice of public opinion in
the head, a psychic reflection of the society's rules and regulations, the voice of consciousness, the voice of ethics
and morale – a benchmark one can use to verify one's motives and actions. For example, “Is it acceptable to make
jokes about traffic police in this environment?”, “Would it be appropriate to steal from this shop?”, “Is it normal to want
to kill?”

Baudrillard J. De la Séduction. Moscow: Ad marginem, 2000. P.286-287

Formally, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (КПРФ) is a popular left-wing party, but in fact the party
does not serve the left idea, but a ressentiment, and even that was subsequently taken away.

J. Querzola writes "Narcissus", but everything that he attributed to a narcissist can also be attributed to a pervert
in a sense that a pervert in its subjectification does not overcome the stage of narcissism. In many ways, there is no
clear distinction between the two and numerous researchers use either of the terms. For example, modern French
psychoanalysis studies narcissistic perverts. I use the term “narcissus” as a stage of subjectification, while "pervert" –
as a mental structure.

Repetition used by a single individual indicates pleasure. For example, the speech of a lover or of an injured

Castration in this case is fear of losing an asset: money, health, youth, status, beauty, life, potency, penis, etc.

Žižek S.. Interpassivity. Desire: attraction. Multiculturalism. SPb.: Aletheia, 2005.


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