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PLTW 1.1.

5 DNA evidence

Please make sure you answer all the questions using BLUE. It makes your answer easier to read.

1. I read and drew the requested items in my INB, yes or no. Circle your answer.
2. DNA is a positive or negatively charged particle? negatively

3. DNA is a small or large particle small

4. DNA’s chemical build provides the structure for building cells.

5. DNA is inherited, true or false. Circle your answer. true

6. DNA is made up of four nucleotides. They are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine

7. Each nucleotide is formed by combining a phosphate group and different nirtogenous bases and one of
the four nitrogenous bases.

8. Write down four or more scientists that were important in deducing the DNA structure.
Crick, Franklin, Watson, and Wilkins

9. Some DNA sequences form genes, these genes have specific instructions to form proteins that make
you special, and produce hair color, eye color, blood type.

10. All the DNA in an organism is known as the genome. Each person has their own unique genome.

11. Using this link which organism shown has the largest genome? Flowering plants Which
organism has the smallest genome? viruses

12. What surprised you about this link and the chart. One sentence.
That plants have more genomes than humans

13. What are two main differences in Eukaryotes, and prokaryotes.

Eukaryotes have membrane-bound cells while prokaryotes don’t. Eukaryotes make up plants, fungi,
and protists and have organelles.

14. If we were to unwind the DNA from the nucleus of your cells, the length would be about 6 feet, so, how
does DNA fit into tiny cells? The DNA winds around small proteins called histones.

15. Where can we extract DNA from (list 3 or more ways).

- Hair
- Bone
- Red blood cells

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