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Volume 8 Nomor 2, Agustus 2022

P-ISSN: 2356-4164, E-ISSN: 2407-4276
Open Access at :
Program Studi Ilmu Hukum
Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja



Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Ni Kadek Citra Pardani

Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha University of Education

E-mail : ;

Info Artikel Abstract

Masuk: 1 Juni 2022 The determination of Indonesia's marine areas such

Diterima: 12 Juli 2022 as territorial sea boundaries, EEZ (Exclusive
Terbit: 1 Agustus 2022 Economic Zone) boundaries and LK boundaries
between Indonesia and neighboring countries is
Keywords: based on international law, one of which is UNCLOS
EEZ, UNCLOS, 1982. Indonesia and the Philippines realize that it is
International treaties, important to determine the maritime boundaries of
countries, maritime the two countries. The steps to determine maritime
boundaries between Indonesia and the Philippines
have been discussedsince 1994, in a meeting between
Senior Officials Regarding the Determination of
Maritime Boundaries between Indonesia and the
Philippines. Record of Discussions the First Senior
Officials Meeting onthe Delimitation of the Maritime
Boundary Between Indonesia and the Philippines,
Manado, 23–25 June 1994, At first the Philippines
based on the Treaty of Paris in 1898, described its
maritime territory in the form of a box by including
Miangas Island into Philippine territory, but this
method was not in accordance with the 1982
UNCLOS used by Indonesia as the basis for
withdrawal maritime boundary line. This is done by
the Philippines considering that territorial
boundaries including the determination of its
Exclusive Economic Zone are regulated in the
Constitution of the country that adopted the
provisionsin the Treaty of Paris. However, it was only


in December 2003 that it began to be realized in the

form of a bilateral cooperation framework inthe Joint
Permanent Working Group on Maritime and Ocean
Concerns(JPWGMOC). The International Agreement
regarding the establishment of an Exclusive
Economic Zone is one of Indonesia's stepsto realize
its goal as a prosperous maritime country,
because this agreement is a space to formulate a
National Ocean Development Policy.

Kata kunci: Penetapan wilayah laut Indonesia seperti batas laut teritorial,
ZEE, UNCLOS, Perjanjian batas ZEE (Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif) dan batas LK antara
Indonesia dengan negara tetangga didasarkan pada hukum
internasional, negara, internasional, salah satunya UNCLOS 1982. Indonesia dan
maritim Filipina menyadari pentingnya untuk menentukan batas laut
kedua negara. Langkah-langkah penetapan batas laut antara
Corresponding Author: Indonesia dan Filipina telah dibahas sejak tahun 1994, dalam
Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini pertemuan antara Pejabat Senior Mengenai Penetapan Batas
Maritim Indonesia-Filipina. Catatan Pembahasan Pertemuan
Pejabat Senior Pertama tentang Penetapan Batas Maritim
Antara Indonesia dan Filipina, Manado, 23-25 Juni 1994, Pada
awalnya Filipina berdasarkan Traktat Paris tahun 1898,
menggambarkan wilayah lautnya dalam bentuk kotak dengan
memasukkan Pulau Miangas ke dalam wilayah Filipina, namun
cara ini tidak sesuai dengan UNCLOS 1982 yang digunakan
Indonesia sebagai dasar penarikan garis batas laut. Hal ini
dilakukan Filipina mengingat batas wilayah termasuk
penetapan Zona Ekonomi Eksklusifnya diatur dalam
Konstitusi negara yang mengadopsi ketentuan dalam Treaty of
Paris. Namun baru pada Desember 2003 mulai direalisasikan
dalam bentuk kerangka kerja sama bilateral dalam Joint
Permanent Working Group on Maritime and Ocean Concerns
(JPWGMOC). Perjanjian Internasional tentang pembentukan
Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif merupakan salah satu langkah
Indonesia untuk mewujudkan tujuannya sebagai negara
maritim yang makmur, karena perjanjian ini merupakan
ruang untuk merumuskan Kebijakan Pembangunan Kelautan

@Copyright 2022.

The territorial borders of a country are the main manifestation of the
territorial sovereignty of a country. Territorial boundaries have an important role
in determining the boundaries of sovereignty, utilization of natural resources,
maintaining the security and integrity of the territory. Indonesia is the largest
maritime country in the world. Through the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 17 of 1985 (UURI No. 17/1985), Indonesia ratified the United Nations


Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS'82). As an archipelago, Indonesia has

maritime boundaries with ten neighboring countries. The ten neighboring
countries are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, the Philippines, Vietnam,
Papua New Guinea, Australia, Palau and Timor Leste. Similar to Indonesia, the
Philippines is also a maritime country that has many islands.
Without strict arrangements in the use of the sea will be able to have an
impact on the occurrence of conflicts, the absence of clear maritime boundaries
between Indonesia and the Philippines had caused several problems, such as the
territorial claims of the outer islands, one of which is the miangas island problem.
Miangas Island is the outermost island of Indonesia bordering the Philippines.
Ownership of Miangas Island has been regulated in Law No.10 of 1976 concerning
the Ratification of extradition treaty between Indonesia and the Philippines which
states that Miangas Island belongs to Indonesia (Andi Arsana, 2013). However,
the Philippines considers Miangas Island to be part of the Philippines under the
1898 Treaty of Paris. The treaty contained the boundaries of the Demarcation of
the United States after the victory of the war over Spain that colonized the
Philippines to Miangas.
The determination of Indonesia's sea area such as territorial sea boundaries,
EEZ boundaries and LK boundaries between Indonesia and neighboring countries
is based on international law, one of which is UNCLOS 1982. In addition to sticking
to UNCLOS 1982, Indonesia's border delimitation with neighboring countries also
adheres to the principles of maritime boundary drawdown that develop in
International Law, as in various jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice
and the practices of countries, coupled with the technical principle of boundary
withdrawal that has been agreed upon by the bordering country. In addition to
International Law such as UNCLOS 1982, the practice of states and the
jurisprudence of the court, some of the national laws on which the delimitation of
maritime boundaries with neighboring countries include Law No. 17 of 1985 on
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Law No. 43 of 2008 on State
Territory, Law No. 5 of 1983 on EEZ, Law No. 1 of 1973 on LKI.
In Articles 55-57 UNCLOS'82 it is explained that the EEZ is a certain sea lane
that is outside and bordering the Territorial Sea, whose outer limit is as far as 200
miles measured from the base line. In the event that several countries face each
other or border there is an overlapping EEZ, then the boundaries of each country's
EEZ are set out in an agreement. The establishment of EEZ boundaries between
countries whose beaches are facing or side by side must be held with approval on
the basis of international law. Based on Article 74 UNCLOS'82, it is stated that in
the determination of EEZ limits, the principle of justice is also needed in achieving
an equitable solution, although Article 15 UNCLOS'82 has stipulated the use of the
middle line for the establishment of common sea boundaries.
Aspects of history, public life and geographical configuration are aspects
that need to be considered in the application of the principle of justice beyond the
interpretation of written law. One example of an aspect related to the principle of
justice is the withdrawal of the middle line between a country whose land area
and small islands are facing a country whose land area is large and the coastline
is long, so the comparison of the country's area and the length of the coastline


becomes very disproportionate. The establishment of a boundary line by simply

withdrawing the center line is considered unfair and must be overcome by
applying the proportionality principle.
The Exclusive Economic Zone will not exceed 200 nautical miles from the
baseline measured by territorial sea width (UNCLOS, V.57). Indonesia and the
Philippines certainly want to maximize their EEZ area of no less than 200 nautical
miles. But the distance between the two countries does not allow to maximize the
EEZ area, the overlapping EEZ makes it necessary for the two countries to
negotiate the boundaries of the two countries.
Since 1994 Indonesia and the Philippines have been negotiating maritime
boundaries around the Sulawesi Sea and mindanao sea. For the first 10 years
there was no definite action taken by Indonesia and the Philippines. Furthermore,
the meeting between the two countries was held in 2003 through the Joint
Permanent Working Group Meeting on Maritime and Ocean Concerns (JPWG-
MOC) and the Sub Working Group, which was specifically formed to explore the
technical side. From 2003 to 2014, indonesian and Filipino meetings in the
JPWGMOC forum were held 8 times. The determination of EEZ delimitation
cannot be completed quickly, this is related to the management of marine
resources and territorial boundaries of a country.
The boundary setting area of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic
of Indonesia-philippines is identified through the withdrawal of indicative lines
between 119°30‟ BT – 129°30‟BT (stretching as far as 599.5 nautical
miles/1,110.27 km) from the Sulawesi Sea to the West to the Philippine Sea to the
Philippine Sea to the East. Judging from the potential of biological resources and
energy, the delimitation area or border of Indonesia with the Philippines is quite
unique, characterized by the existence of a collection of small islands, and the
deep sea (sea trough) which has a depth of about 500-7,000 meters, with the
abundance of fishery resource diversity (in the Fisheries Management Area /
WPP-716) and the potential for mineral and oil and gas resources, especially
hydrate gases.
In addition, its strategic location, close to the Indonesian Archipelago Sea
Lane (ALKI) and the natural wealth contained in these waters is often targeted by
illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU Fishing) and other transnational
criminal acts (such as illegal4 migrants, terrorism, smuggling of persons and / or
goods). For this reason, the aspects of natural resource protection and security of
the sea border area are the main considerations in establishing the boundaries of
the Exclusive Economic Zone of the two countries.
After 20 years Indonesia and the Philippines finally found an agreement in
determining maritime boundaries. The Philippine government then agreed to a
settlement with UNCLOS as a reference in the maritime boundary agreement and
Miangas Island as Indonesia's outermost boundary. The negotiations between
Indonesia and the Philippines were concluded by bilateral agreements. On May
23, 2014, Indonesia and the Philippines signed an EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)
delimitation agreement in Manila. The agreement includes a line-up indicating the
delimitation of the EEZ of the two island nations.


The certainty of territorial boundaries and boundaries of Indonesia's

sovereignty and sovereign rights in the sea area will have a positive impact and
contribution in strengthening bilateral relations between Indonesia and
neighboring countries, both in the political, economic, socio-cultural, and defense
and security fields. In the context of international relations, negotiations on the
establishment of maritime boundaries are a form of consistency of the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia in upholding the principle of peaceful
dispute resolution. The results of negotiations on the determination of sea
boundaries in the context of international law can be one form of recognition of
other countries towards Indonesia as an archipelago country characterized by
archipelago, as well as an affirmation of Indonesia's ownership of the outer
islands within the base line of its archipelago.
With the certainty and clarity of the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone between Indonesia and the Philippines, all challenges and problems that
often arise and face can be anticipated and overcome by the competent
authorities in both countries. In addition, the two countries can also be more free
in continuing and even increasing cooperation in the field of biological resource
management and environmental preservation contained in the Exclusive
Economic Zone. In order to implement the Agreement between the Government
of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines
regarding the Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries and
obtaining the intended benefits of the Agreement, as well as carrying out the
mandate of Law No. 24 of 2000 on International Treaties, an endorsement
through law is required.

Cooperation between Indonesia and the Philippines in maritime affairs
related to EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) based on the UN Convention on
the Law of the Sea of 1982 or UNCLOS
As an archipelago, it is very important for Indonesia and the Philippines in
determining maritime borders. In a country, territory is one aspect of the
establishment of a state. Therefore, the border is an important thing that must be
resolved with both countries, both through bilateral and with the intermediary or
commonly called trilateral. Boundary setting is governed by international law,
because the borders of a country have a very important role in determining the
integrity of a territory. With the existence of national borders, there are clear
limits for a nation in managing all government affairs, namely in the political,
economic, social, cultural, defense and security fields.
According to UNCLOS, Indonesia as a state party that has agreed to be bound
by this Convention (UNCLOS) and for which this Convention applies reserves the
right to establish the outermost boundaries of various maritime zones with
maximum boundaries set as follows: 1. Territorial Sea as part of the territory of
the state: 12 nautical miles; 2. Additional Zones where the state has special
jurisdiction: 24 nautical miles; 3. The exclusive Economic Zone shall not exceed
200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the width of the territorial sea is


measured; and 4. Continental Shelf: between 200 – 350 nautical miles or up to 100
nautical miles from isobath (depth) of 2,500 meters.
In accordance with the mandate of Pancasila and the Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia of 1945, in order to protect the entire Indonesian nation
and all Indonesian blood spills, and to advance the general welfare, and
participate in implementing world order, the Exclusive Economic State. (EEZ) to
be used as a basis for the state to make arrangements, security, and management
of Indonesian jurisdictions that are utilized as much as possible for the welfare
and prosperity of Indonesian rakyrat. The Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia is an archipelago with territory whose boundaries and rights are
stipulated by law. However, in some areas of the sea of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia there are still claims of overlap with the sea area of
neighboring countries which if not strictly established the limits can cause
disputes between countries. One of the sea areas referred to is the EEZ in the
Sulawesi Sea and the Philippine Sea, in which Indonesia has sovereign rights.
The international legal regime on the Exclusive Economic Zone was
developed from the Truman Proclamation of 1945 in which the United States
unilaterally claimed exclusive rights to biological and non-biological resources on
the seafloor and continental shelf surface after territorial seas. These unilateral
claims have prompted Latin American countries to establish broader and
comprehensive claims in offshore areas that include not only the seafloor but also
include their water columns. This concept was further developed by the
international community through the United Nations Conference on the Law of
the Third Sea from 1973-1982 as well as the practice of States (State practice)
which wants to protect the reserves of biological natural resources contained
around its shores from fisheries activities allowed under the free sea regime. In
addition, the Exclusive Economic Zone also aims to protect the interests of coastal
countries in the field of marine environmental preservation and marine scientific
research in order to support the use of natural resources in the region.
The United Nations Convention III on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982)
divides the sea into three parts. First, the sea which is part of the sovereign
territory of a state (territorial sea and inland sea); Second, the sea which is not the
sovereign territory of a state but that state has a number of rights and
jurisdictions over certain activities (additional zones and exclusive economic
zones); Third, the sea that is not a sovereign territory and is not the right /
jurisdiction of any country, namely the free sea. The exclusive economic zone
(EEZ) is one of the most revolutionary features of UNCLOS 1982 and has a
significant impact on the management and conservation of marine resources. The
EEZ regime ordered unilateral claims to the waters by states in the past, by
entitling coastal States to the exploration and exploitation, management and
conservation of biological and non-biological natural resources from the seafloor
and the land below and the water above them and other activities for the
economic exploration and exploitation of the zone, such as the generation of
energy from water, ocean currents and wind.


Exclusive rights in the EEZ are accompanied by responsibilities and

obligations. For example, UNCLOS 1982 encourages optimal utilization of fish
stocks. In its EEZ, each coastal State must determine the total allowed catch for each
species of fish, and estimate its fishing capacity. Coastal states are obliged to give
access to other states, especially neighboring countries and landlock states, to the
surplus allowed catch. Such access shall be granted in accordance with conservation
efforts established by the regulations of the coastal State. In addition, coastal
countries have certain other obligations, such as pollution prevention efforts and
facilitating marine scientific research in their EEZ..
The Government of Indonesia in this case considers the importance of the
Exclusive Economic Zone for the national interests of Indonesia, especially for
efforts to improve the welfare of its people so that it intends to pass an Agreement
between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of the Philippines on the
Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries to provide a strong legal
basis for the implementation of the agreement. The ratification of the agreement is
carried out in the form of legislation in accordance with Article 10 of Law No. 24 of
2000 concerning International Treaties, stating that: "The ratification of
international treaties is carried out by law when it comes to: a. political issues, peace,
defense and security of the state; b. change of territory or determination of territorial
boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia; c. sovereignty or sovereign rights of the state;
d. human rights and the environment;
Explanation of Article 10: "The ratification of international treaties
through law is carried out on the basis of treaty material and not on the basis
of the form and name (nomenclature) of the treaty. Classification according
to the treaty material is intended to create legal certainty and uniformity over
the form of ratification of international treaties with legislation. The
mechanisms and procedures for foreign loans and/or grants and their mutual
understanding memorandums by the House of Representatives will be
governed by their own legislation."
According to Article 55 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea 1982 /UNCLOS 1982) ratified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
through Law No. 17 of 1985 concerning the Ratification of UNCLOS, the definition
of an Exclusive Economic Zone is an area outside and side by side with the Sea
Area, which is subject to a special legal regime established in the Chapter of the
Exclusive Economic Zone based on the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal state
and the rights and freedoms and freedoms of the Sea. other countries, governed
by the relevant provisions in UNCLOS 1982. Under the provisions of UNCLOS
1982, Indonesia as a coastal state has a sovereign right to explore and exploit
natural resources contained in the Exclusive Economic Zone and has jurisdiction
related to the exercise of such sovereign rights. However, Indonesia is also obliged
to respect the rights of other countries in the Exclusive Economic Zone, among
others, by providing freedom of shipping and aviation, as well as freedom for the
installation of submarine cables and pipes in indonesia's Exclusive Economic
Zone. Specifically related to the use of biological natural resources in the Exclusive
Economic Zone of Indonesia, UNCLOS 1982 states that other countries can


participate in utilizing biological natural resources with special arrangements, as

long as Indonesia has not utilized these biological natural resources fully.
Indonesia and the Philippines recognize that it is important to determine the
maritime boundaries of the two countries. The step of determining maritime
boundaries between Indonesia and the Philippines has been discussed since
1994, in the meeting of Senior Officials on the Determination of Maritime
Boundaries Between Indonesia and the Philippines Record of Discussions the
First Senior Officials Meeting on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary
Between Indonesia and the Philippines, Manado, 23 - 25 June 1994, At first the
Philippines based on the Treaty of Paris in 1898, It describes its maritime
territory in box form by incorporating Miangas Island into philippine territory,
but this method is not in accordance with the 1982 UNCLOS used by Indonesia as
the basis for the withdrawal of maritime boundaries. This is done by the
Philippines considering that territorial boundaries including the establishment of
its Exclusive Economic Zone are stipulated in the Constitution of the country that
adopted the provisions in the Treaty of Paris. But it was not until December 2003
that it began to be realized in the form of a framework of bilateral cooperation in
the Joint Permanent Working Group on Maritime and Ocean Concerns
The Joint Permanent Working Group on Maritime and Ocean Concerns is a
framework of bilateral cooperation carried out by Indonesia and the Philippines that
discusses the affirmation of the maritime border between the two countries. In
December 2003 the two countries for the first time held the Joint Permanent
Working Group-MOC on December 1-5, 2003. The Joint Permanent Working Group
is a continuation of the third meeting of Indonesia and the Philippines held in 2002,
which noted that there needs to be an effective monitoring control and surveilance
inspection system. The purpose of the first JPWG –MOC is to enable the two island
nations for urgent purposes and important marine issues and situations that can
disrupt peace and harmony in the region which causes disagreement in providing
maritime boundaries and other marine matters. The first meeting between
Indonesia and the Philippines in the JPWG-MOC has not fully discussed the root
cause of the problems that occurred between the two countries, because this
meeting was formed only to solve pressing problems regarding the sea.
The subsequent meeting of the two countries resulted in several decisions that
increased the resolution of the problem between Indonesia and the Philippines. The
Philippines determines the provisional basepoint, the basic point owned by the
Philippines is still temporary because it is still in the process of being formally
determined through discussions in congress to be passed into a government
decision. One of Indonesia's difficulties is knowing the specifics of the basic point of
the Philippines' claim. The granting of provisional basepoints is very important
because it affects the boundaries of the area of each country's territory. The outer
islands such as Miangas Island are one of the basic points of the withdrawal of
Indonesia's territorial boundaries. The base points taken by the Philippines are
127°BT and 4°45' LU.


Re-surveillance of the delimitated area is located around 120°BT- 129°30'BT.

Indonesia will conduct a study with the basic point that has been given by the
Philippines and will also emphasize the discussion of the 126° area or in the Miangas
Island area to be completed immediately, because the position of Miangas island at
the coordinate position of 126 °36'36''' BT, becomes part of an area that will be
delimitated at that time. Indonesia's concern about the release of Miangas island
from NKRI sovereignty because the position of Miangas Island is on the withdrawal
of the Philippine territorial line. This is because of the delimitation of maritime
boundaries, in fact, is a political process and deals with issues that are very sensitive
and relate to the sovereignty and sovereign rights of a country.
This is shown by the attitude of Indonesia and the Philippines who solve the
issue of EEZ delimitation in bilateral negotiations. After the Philippines made
amendments to its constitution, and made adjustments to UNCLOS 1982. Indonesia
and the Philippines agreed to resolve this issue by negotiating. Negotiations
conducted by Indonesia and the Philippines were conducted in several meetings.
The meeting between Indonesia and the Philippines is the stages to reach a
settlement in this case is the completion of EEZ delimitation. In addition, Indonesia
and the Philippines as actors in the completion of EEZ delimitation have government
agencies engaged in measurement and mapping that help in solving this problem.
Negotiations on the establishment of an Exclusive Economic Zone between the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines reached an agreement on May 23, 2014. This agreement is one of the
achievements of Indonesia-Philippines bilateral relations in terms of delimitation of
the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic Zone. With this agreement, there are
opportunities for wider and close cooperation in the field of maintenance and
protection of the marine environment rich in biological and non-biological
resources in the Exclusive Economic Zone. In addition to creating legal certainty
regarding Indonesia's sovereign rights in the region with a maritime delimitation
boundary line of the Exclusive Economic Zone along 1162.13 km, Indonesia also
obtained an Exclusive Economic Zone area of 218,950 km2.

The ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the
Republic of the Philippines on the Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zone
Boundaries in 2014 in addition to improving and strengthening bilateral relations
between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of the Philippines and
contributing to regional stability, also provides a number of benefits. The ratification
of the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of the
Philippines regarding the Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries
also has implications for the activities of ministries / institutions of stakeholders so
that it is considered necessary to make a number of adjustments.
Based on Law No. 37 of 1999 on International Relations, the agreement
between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines regarding the Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zone
Boundaries is an implementation of foreign relations and policies carried out by the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia which is drafted based on the 1945
Constitution in order to strengthen the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of


the Republic of Indonesia. This agreement is also a manifestation of the

implementation of foreign policy that adheres to the principle of active free 35 in
order to advance national interests, especially in order to strengthen the territorial
integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
In Law No. 24 of 2000 concerning International Treaties related to the
ratification of International treaties carried out by the Government of the Republic
of Indonesia under Article 9 will only be carried out if the ratification is one of the
conditions specified in the international agreement. The agreement between
Indonesia and the Philippines provides conditions for both parties to certify their
agreements according to their respective national laws. Indonesia's national law
governing related to the ratification of international agreements can be done by Law
or Presidential Decree. The international agreement of the Government of the
Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines
regarding the Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zones is one of the provisions of
the agreement relating to territorial changes or or the establishment of territorial
boundaries of the country and concerning the sovereignty or sovereign rights of the
Republic of Indonesia, then its ratification is carried out by Law.
By ratifying the agreement, it is clear that it has implications for the condition
of Indonesia's maritime territory. These implications will have a significant impact
related to the development of maritime spatial planning and the expansion of the
duties and functions of relevant institutions as outlined earlier. Similarly, the impact
on the aspect of the country's financial burden will have an influence. The cost
burden will increase but the benefits obtained from the implementation of the
contents of the agreement have an influence on improving the welfare of the country
given the large results of natural resources both biological and non-biological
natural resources spread in the exclusive economic zone area promised.
This means that it is necessary to plan the development budget in the border
area in connection with spatial and regional adjustments, as well as the operational
budget of law enforcement, protection and management of biological natural
resources and non-biological natural resources. The agreement between the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of the Philippines
regarding the establishment of an Exclusive Economic Zone has been carried out by
listing boundaries and a clear list of geographical coordinates into a map with
sufficient scale to affirm the position of each country's zone under the provisions of
UNCLOS 1982.
This agreement will open up great opportunities for the two countries to
improve relations such as cooperation in new areas such as fisheries and marine
scientific research. The establishment of the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone between the two countries can be a good foundation for jointly utilizing the
resources available in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the two countries. The
International Agreement on the establishment of an Exclusive Economic Zone is one
of Indonesia's steps to realize its goal as a prosperous maritime country, because
this agreement is a space to formulate a National Ocean Development Policy.


Negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Philippines have been
held many times, especially maritime boundaries in the Sulawesi sea and southern
Mindanao, but negotiations between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines have only made good
progress after the two countries periodically met in the Joint Permanent Working
Group Meeting on Maritime and Oceans Concerns. The Philippines, based on the
Treaty of Paris of 1898, describes its maritime territory in the form of a box by
incorporating Miangas Island into philippine territory, but this method is not in
accordance with the 1982 UNCLOS used by Indonesia as the basis for the withdrawal
of maritime boundaries. This is done by the Philippines considering that territorial
boundaries including the establishment of its Exclusive Economic Zone are
stipulated in the Constitution of the country that adopted the provisions in the
Treaty of Paris.
After the Philippines made amendments to its constitution, and made
adjustments to UNCLOS 1982. Indonesia and the Philippines agreed to resolve this
issue by negotiating. Negotiations conducted by Indonesia and the Philippines were
conducted in several meetings. The meeting between Indonesia and the Philippines
is the stages to reach a settlement in this case is the completion of EEZ delimitation.
In addition, Indonesia and the Philippines as actors in the completion of EEZ
delimitation have government agencies engaged in measurement and mapping that
help in solving this problem.
With the certainty and clarity of the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone between Indonesia and the Philippines, all challenges and problems that often
arise and face can be anticipated and overcome by the competent authorities in both
countries. In addition, the two countries can also be more free in continuing and
even increasing cooperation in the field of biological resource management and
environmental preservation contained in the Exclusive Economic Zone. In order to
implement the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines regarding the Establishment
of Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries and obtaining the intended benefits of the
Agreement, as well as carrying out the mandate of Law No. 24 of 2000 on
International Treaties, an endorsement through law is required. The agreement on
the establishment of an Exclusive Economic Zone is one of Indonesia's steps to
realize its goal as a prosperous maritime country, because this agreement is a space
to formulate a National Ocean Development Policy.
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