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First published 1985

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ISBN 0 85242 B41 3

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Preface 6
Chapter 1 Concepts of Measurement 7
Chapter 2 Rules and Calipers 10
Chapter 3 Micrometers 23
Chapter 4 Vernier Caliper Gauges 38
Chapter 5 Dial Gauges 48
Chapter 6 Angular Measurement 55
Chapter 7 General Marking-out Tools 64
Chapter 8 Tools for Marking Castings, Forgings etc. 75
Ghapter 9 Marking out Sheet Components and
Interpreting Drawings 85
Chapter 10 A Summary involving a practical example 105
There are many books written on the sub- number of jobbing handymen under-
ject of measuring and marking-out prac- taking 'one-off or prototype work that is
tice but almost all of them are for the of no interest to the larger engineering
engineering student or professional concerns.
engineer. They assume that a well- A visit to any model engineering or
organised workshop is available and it craft exhibition will show that the
contains all the necessary equipment to amateur, with his basic and sometimes
accomplish the successful conclusion of primitive equipment, can produce
any exercise. This book is not written for magnificent examples of engineering
these people although it is hoped they craft, demonstrating that it is not the
might find something of interest i1 it for tools that matter but how they are used. It
them. It is primarily intended as a guide is hoped that this book will not only point
to the man who wishes to produce the way but may also help the tyro to
workpieces with limited equipment. This choose tools that will best serve his pur-
may not only be the model engineer pose.
working away in his garden workshop but
may also apply to the ever-growing Eckington 1985. I.R.L.

The author would like to thank Ken
Hawley of K. W. HAWLEY (TOOLS) LTO of
Sheffield for lending where necessary
new tools for photographic purposes.
Secondly, he would like to thank G. W.
Wainwright who is responsible for almost
all of the photographs that appear in this
book. Mr. Wainwright went to con-
siderable pains to obtain photographs
that illustrated the point the author
wished to emphasise.

Concepts of Measurement

Every time we go into our workshop to workshop can equal, and in some cases,
produce even the smallest component, or surpass, those produced in industry but
part of a component, we have to do some nevertheless there is one great difference
form of measurement. It may be a com- between the home constructor and in-
plicated exercise requiring some form of dustry. The model engineer produces all
sophisticated equipment, or it may be a the various components of any
mundane task calling for nothing more mechanism himself with the whole of the
than an ordinary rule; occasionally judg- project being done in the one workshop,
ment of the eye will be all that is needed, by the same pair of hands, and using the
but consciously, or unconsciously, we will same measuring equipment for all the
be performing some act of measuring. components.
There are a number of books available This fact completely changes the whole
on the science of measurement, or, to give concept of measurement. For example,
it its correct name, metrology, but these consider the simple cylinder and its piston.
are basically for industry rather than the In industry the designer or draughtsman
model engineer or home machinist. The would have to consider the maximum and
needs of the 'back garden' engineer are minimum clearance that could be allowed
totally different from those in industry and for the correct functioning of the compo-
it is hoped that the following chapters will nent. Suppose it was decided that the
help to satisfy some of the needs. minimum clearance was to be .0005in.
The model engineer produces his and the maximum .0015in . with the
workpieces with very little equipment and nominal size 1tin. The cylinder bore
often without the knowledge possessed would have to be produced to a size of
by a skilled craftsman. It is a case of using 1.500in. minimum and 1.5005in. max-
his equipment to the best advantage and imum. The piston drawing would call for a
selecting new tools with care and thought maximum of 1.4995in. and a minimum
when financial circumstances allow. For it size of 1.499in. In other words the com-
must not be forgotten that expenditure on plete tolerance band on each item would
one's hobby has to come after all other be no more than a half of one-thousandth
family commitments are met. It is possible of an inch I Tolerances of this magnitude
that the products of the model engineer's are expensive to achieve and also difficult

to maintain as there is little room for tool is completely nominal. The success of the
wear. engine is not dependent on the bore being
In modern industry it could well be that precisely 1.500in.; it is much more impor-
the two items could be produced in two tant that the model engineer obtains a
different and independent factories - in- round and parallel bore and it is much
deed, they may even be in two different easier to obtain this condition if the final
countries and made by people speaking size is relatively unimportant. The model
different languages. The assembly of the engineer therefore concentrates his atten-
items could well be in a third factory com- tion not on the size but on the finish. As
pletely remote from the other two. It is long as the final size is reasonably near
therefore essential that some very ac- the nominal and is not so large as to in-
curate measuring equipment is used by terfere with other factors - such as fixing
both manufacturing companies and that bolts for the cover, or the port and
their respective equipment is set to the passage ways - the actual size is of no
same standards. The manufacturing com- consequence. What does matttlr is that
panies must therefore know the actual the piston is made to suit. Since the
size of each component. Even when modeller is making only one, or maybe
the components are made to these ex- two, cylinders, interchangeability does not
acting conditions the complete tolerance enter into it. Each respective piston is
band of 1 thousandths of an inch will be made to fit its own cylinder and will never
frequently experienced. It is not a feasible be required to fit any other.
proposition to give the manufacturers When the piston is being made no ac-
more latitude by increasing the tolerance curate measuring equipment will be re-
band by even one half thousandth of an quired as the cylinder itself will be the
inch in the 'metal on' direction. If this were final gauge as to size. The constructor
to be done then "Dr. Sod's" law would may not know, and indeed has no need to
most certainly operate and tolerances know, what the exact sizes are, but he will
would accumulate unidirectionally be able to obtain a nice sliding fit and in all
towards maximum difficulty of assembly, probability, a closer one than the 1 t-thou
the result being that the piston would be obtained by his industrial counterpart.
an interference fit in the cylinder bore, This condition will have been achieved
thus making assembly impossible. The without the expensive and sophisticated
parts would be useless for the purpose for measuring equipment used in industry. In
which they were intended and the fact the only measuring tool the modeller
assembly shop would come to a halt. The may have used might be an ordinary steel
whole idea behind the tolerance band, and rule. To assist in getting the piston near to
the expense that the process demands, is its final size an outside micrometer may
to guarantee that any two parts will fit have been used, the procedure being to
together and give the correct working set a pair of inside calipers to the cylinder
clearance. There is a system in industry bore, adjusting the micrometer to the
known as selective assembly but this is caliper size and then using the micrometer
not used if it can be avoided as selecting to turn the piston nearly to size. Even if
parts to obtain a desired fit is clearly time this method has been used the final fitting
consuming, messy and expensive. will have been obtained by using the
The model engineer's approach to cylinder as the gauge.
machining and fitting a cylinder and piston The model engineer will have used his

equipment not to measure the actual size cerned since it means that we do not have
but as comparators - and that is, as the to purchase a large amount of measuring
word suggests, to compare one size to equipment, nor do we have to have it con-
another one. When used in this way the stantly checked in order to maintain its ac-
measuring equipment need not be ac- curacy. I have heard people claim that
curate to British Standard Institute re- they can measure with a steel rule to
quirements, indeed it could well be inac- within .002in.; they can't, of course, as
curate, but as its duty is to transfer a size this is less than the tolerances allowed by
from one component onto another, the in- the manufacturers of the rules between
accuracy is of no consequence. Quite any two marks. They can, perhaps, if they
often when using measuring equipment have good eyesight or use a magnifying
as comparators the units shown on the glass, compare two sizes to within .002in.
equipment are of no consequence. They using the same rule, but this is not
could be imperial, metric or even milli- measuring, this is another example of us-
furlongs, it matters not I Bowlers on the ing a rule as a comparator.
bowling greens use a piece of string to As can be seen from the above, any
compare two bowls to the jack. This beginner to the model engineering hobby
measure has no unit calibrated on it at all, need have no fears at all about his ability
yet the nearest bowl to the jack can be to produce parts to the linear standards
ascertained to within close limits I required. He will be able to construct a
Only one example has been discussed perfectly satisfactory working model using
above but the same principle applies to simple measuring equipment provided he
almost the whole of modelmaking: the uses it intelligently and understands just
desired fit between components can be what it is that he is trying to achieve. The
achieved by producing one component to man the beginner has to ignore is the
a 'nominal' size and producing its mating chap who, at club meetings, announces
part to fit. It can therefore be realised that that whatever component he is making he
the whole concept of measurement in always measures to a "tenth of a thou",
model engineering is completely different Maybe he does, but it is doubtful if he
from general production practice. This is knows which one I - fortunately it rarely
fortunate as far as we modellers are con- matters.


Rules and Calipers

RULES and from which all the graduations are

The most common, and certainly the based - and the other end rounded with
best-known, piece of measuring equip- the graduations ending about a half-inch
ment is the ordinary rule. In actual fact, or so from this rounded end. A small hole
after looking into the number and types of is usually drilled in this plain portion, thus
rules available, the term 'ordinary rule' providing a means of hanging it onto a
becomes meaningless. There is a large hook on the wall or drawer cabinet when
number of types and styles of rules not in use. This type of rule is known by
available, most trades and crafts having manufacturers as a 'round-end rule' .
their own special rules or range of rules. Another type of rule is called the
However, all these can be disregarded; as 'square-end rule', and this, as its name
far as the model or amateur engineer is suggests, is square at both ends and as a
concerned the term ' rule' means what the result either end can be used as the datum
trade calls "Engineers' precision steel end when measuring. With this type a
rule". Even when the field is narrowed 12in. rule is, within the limits of manufac-
down to this small band, there is still a ture, exactly twelve inches long. The
number of rules left from which a choice method of graduating differs from the
can be made. round-end rule in that, with the round-end
The model engineer rarely requires a rule, when this is held so that the rounded
rule above twelve inches long even end is to the right, both scales - top and
though a model may be large, like a Sin. bottom - are of necessity graduated from
gauge locomotive, as it is very rare to find the square or left-hand end, and both
that any feature is more than twelve in- scales have to be read with the rule held
ches from a given datum . We can say, in this attitude otherwise the graduations
therefore, that for marking-out purposes and numbers are upside down. With the
we require a 12in. rule or, if the model is square-ended rule the graduations are
metric-based, the equivalent size rule of arranged so that no matter how the rule is
300 mm . We have a few from which we held the markings always start from the
can make our selection. A rule can have left-hand end, so that when held in the
one end square - this being the end from hand the bottom edge, or the one nearest
which all measurements are to be made to the user, is the one to be read, It is not

Fig.' This shows four
different styles of 12-lnch
or 300mm rules. The top
two are round-end rules,
the lower two 8re squafe-
ended. The upper one Is 8
two-edge rule whilst the
orher three 8re the (our-
edged variety.

possible to say that one type is better or workpiece in the lathe without moving the
more useful than the other, for if this were tailstock from its supporting position and
so only one type would be made. Both sliding it down towards the end of the bed
types have advantages and disadvan- to allow access for the rule. It is both
tages. If the workshop had to be limited to quicker and easier to use the 6in. rule in
only one 12in. rule then the author would this and similar circumstances.
prefer the square-ended type but, if possi- Like the 12in. rule, the 6in. rule is made
ble, it is an advantage to have one exam- in both rounded-and square-ended styles.
ple of each type. Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate The same method and pattern of markings
four 12in. or 300 mm rules. are used on the small rules as on the
The 12in. or 300 mm rule is, however, larger ones. There is, however, one big
rather large for measuring workpieces difference between them and that is in the
held in the relatively small machine tools width of the two rules, the 12in. and 300
found in the home workshop and for this mm rules are supplied with a width of 1 in.
type of work the 6in. or 150 mm rule is or 25 mm, while the smaller rules are
decidedly superior. For example, it is dif- usually 3/4in. or 19 mm wide.
ficult to apply the 12in. rule to a All the rules described above are of the

Fig.2 This shows the

reverse side of the some
four rules. As con be
seen, the two-edge rule
has no markings on It at
aJJ. The second rule down
is imperial on this side
and therefore has two
metric edges and two
Imperial.dgt·s. The upper
square-ended rule hos
four metric edges whilst
the lower one has two
imperial edges.

Fig.3 This i/lustrstion
shows lour six-inch or
150mm rules. The top
three are rigid rules whilst
the lower one is flex-

ible. Three 8re found-edge
rules and one is square-
ended. The second one
down is B bright finish " ,
rule whilst the a/hets
have 8 non-reflecting . '
r: . " ~
pearl chrome finish.

. ...
. --; ,"'- " :
~ ~ ~. "

type known as rigid; this means that they bend to an extent far greater than would
do not bend easily and they should be be required in normal use, and without
kept and used in the 'flat' state in which taking on a permanent set or breaking.
they are supplied. There is available, Again, this range of rules is available
however, another type of rule known as round-ended or square-ended and a Bin.
the flexible steel rule which is much square-ended rule of this type is very
thinner and narrower than the rigid rule useful for measuring workpieces held in
and made from spring steel. The flexible the lathe as both its size and flexibility
rules, both 12in. and Bin. long (or metric allow it to be used in spaces that would
equivalent) are usually only tin. wide and make direct measurement with other rules
this, and the fact that they are manufac- difficult, if not impossible.
tured from thinner material allows them to Rules made with graduations on one

Fig.4 The reverse side of

the 'six-inch' rules. The
bright-finIsh rule h8s four
imperial edges whilst the
others have two imperial
and two metric edges. It
is unusual for 8 squars-
ended rule to have both
imperial and metric ,~~ ~*,:~~:.~~ :,~:~'
~r ' .
edges as the length of
the two scales is not ,'I
sjmJJ8f and as a result the
top and bottom scales on
one are out of register,
This can be seen on the
metric scales on the
squ8,e~end8d rule.

Fig.5 This photograph
shows the advantage 01
the lIexible rule when
measuring in the lathe. It
is possible to obtain 8
reading without
withdrawing the tal/stock
suppon by 'bending' the
rule to lay on the

side and plain on the other are termed graduating rules. The all-imperial four-
'two-edge rules'. The other, and more edge can be obtained with the scale in
common, rules are the four-edge rules 1/32in, and 1/64in, on one side whilst the
and, as its name implies, this rule has reverse side has 1/8in, and 1/16in, spac-
graduations on both sides thus allowing ings, There are some imperial rules that
all four edges to be utilized. As can be have scales graduated in 1/10in. -
imagine<;J there are many ways and per- 1/20in, with short lengths - usually one-
mutations that can be employed on inch - marked 1/50in, and 1/100in,

Fjg.D Using the same rule

to set the pOSition of a
parting tool. Note, 8
different edge Is being
used than in the previous
illustration. This is possi-
ble because with a
found-ended rule both
scales have the same
datum end. This type of
rule is very useful fOf
measuring workpleces in
the lathe.

respectively. The author finds that fine that it is the one to lend to his wife when
graduations such as 1/64in. and 1/100in. she wishes to measure the length of her
are too fine for the naked eye and difficult knitting!
to read; it can be easier to judge to 1/64in. It can be seen from the above that
by using the 1/32in. scale rather than the there is a large range of rules to choose
1/64in. range which is difficult to see from and it is not possible to state
clearly. categorically which is the best for model
One advantage of the metric scale is engineering - it all depends on the in-
that it eliminates the necessity for a range dividual modeller. However, if the home
of fractional sizes. The markings on a workshop is equipped with a 12in. or
metric rule are every millimetre or half- 300mm rigid rule, a 6in. or 150mm rigid
millimetre with the figures marked at 10 rule and a 6in. or 150mm flexible rule
mm intervals. Some rules are dual marked then it should be capable of meeting all
with both metric and imperial scales on the demands made upon it, at least as far
the one rule; there are examples with two- as rule measurement is concerned.
edge imperial on one side and two-edge
metric on the other whilst other rules may
have metric and imperial on the same CALIPERS
side. The whole range of rules can be ob- These tools are purely and simply com-
tained in either carbon steel or rustless parators, used for transferring a dimension
steel with either a bright finish or a non- from one place to another. The transfer is
reflecting pearl chrome finish. The modern usually from the rule or micrometer to the
trend is towards the non-reflecting finish workpiece but, in the case of two mating
as not only does this eliminate glare but it components, the comparison is between
also makes for bolder markings. one finished component to the mating
If the modeller wishes to have a longer piece under construction. It is often
rule then both the two-edge and the four- thought that calipers are not precision
edge rigid steel rule can be obtained in tools and are only used where the work
24in .. 36in . and also one metre lengths does not call for a high degree of ac-
but, as previously mentioned, these long curacy. This is not necessarily the case;
rules would not be in regular use. It is not even in a well-equipped model engineer's
practical to use a long rule when measur- workshop, where micrometers are
ing small distances as the long length not available for measuring outside diameters,
being used waves about and gets in the inside diameters such as holes may have
way and will almost certainly foul to be gauged be means of inside calipers.
something, particularly in the small back- Even supposing inside micrometers are
garden workshop. available, the majority of holes produced
There is also a type of rule known as a by the model engineer will be too small to
folding rule . This rule is pivoted in one or allow the inside micrometer to enter.
more places along its length and, as its There are other ways of gauging these
name suggests, folds over itself so that holes but as these alternatives require
when not in use and folded, it is only a special equipment, calipers may have to
half, or in some cases one quarter, of its be used. An experienced craftsman can
extended length. If the modeller possesses detect a difference of a half-thou using in-
a rule of this type it is not recommended side calipers and even the amateur, with a
that it be used for serious work but rather little practice, should soon be able to

Fig. 7 This shows iJ pair of inside and a pair
01 olltside firm ·joint cn/ipers.

develop a sense of touch which will

enable him to detect a difference of one-
thousandth of an inch provided that the
calipers are set and used correctly.
Calipers are made in two distinct types,
those used for gauging holes and those
used for 'outside' features such as shafts,
etc. They are naturally termed 'inside' and
'outside' calipers respectively. The two
legs of the inside variety are straight and
tapered with the ends curving out to
provide small 'feet'. These feet should be
rounded and have all sharp edges
removed, thus allowing them to move ing the knurled nut has to be rotated a
oller the workpiece smoothly, so considerable number of times which can
eliminating the possibility of a false be frustrating and lead to a sore thumb
reading, The legs of outside calipers are and first finger if the operation has to be
bowed, which is to allow them to provide performed a number of times. To over-
clearance when passing over the come this problem calipers with a quick-
workpiece . Both types of caliper are made acting nut can be obtained. This nut is
in either 'firm joint' or spring type. The designed and made in two halves, the two
firm joint is the simplest pattern, the two halves being kept together by means of a
legs being held together and pivoted by bevelled closing washer or cone and held
means of a large-headed nut and screw. A in place by the pressure of the spring.
thin fibre washer is interposed between When the two caliper legs are squeezed
the contacting faces to provide a firm and together by the fingers, pressure on the
rigid joint which will also allow a smooth closing cone is released and the nut is
movement free from play.
The spring type have their legs
pivoted on a roller and the legs are ten-
sioned by means of a strong bow spring.
The adjustment for measuring is made by
opening and closing the legs by means of
an adjusting nut. The screw on which the
adjusting nut rotates is small in diameter
and therefore of fine pitch, which allows
fine setting to be made by simply turning
the nut. This means that to move the legs
from the closed position to a wide open-
Fig.8 The spring-bow calipers shown here
s(e faf more popular than the firm-/olm
type, perticularly in the smallsr size. The
author. however_ prefers the firm-joint
type 8S they give
8 more positive leel' in

allowed to open thus enabling it to move rather than away from zero. Hold the rule
rapidly over the thread. When the desired upright in the left hand - a 6in. rigid is the
position has been approximately obtained ideal rule here- with the square end
the legs are gradually released, the spring resting on the third finger and the rule
pressure closes the nut and the final fine supported between the thumb and first
adjustment can be made by rotating the two fingers - try to keep your little finger
nut in the normal manner. out of the way I The rule should be in the
Calipers are made in a variety of sizes 'North-South' position and tilted to an
and commercial examples of the firm joint angle of about 45°, which gives you in
calipers of both inside and outside pattern effect an "angled vertical" scale on which
can be obtained up to a nominal size of to place the calipers.
24in. or 600mm. The largest spring bow Now, holding the calipers in the right
pattern at present listed in the manufac- hand, and in the case of the spring type by
turers' catalogue is 12in. or 300mm. means of the spring, place one leg of the
Calipers of this size are far too large for calipers on the end of the rule, holding the
our workshop requirements, in fact, our leg in contact with the rule. The third
requirements are usually for the smallest finger of your left hand will steady the
sizes available. The size of the calipers is caliper leg and form a support for it and
determined by the length of the legs will also stop the foot of the caliper leg
measured from the pivot point to the other from falling off the end of the rule. This
ends or 'feet'. Thus, a 3in. caliper has legs will ensure that one leg of the caliper is in
three inches long. This nominal size is also contact with the zero reading on the rule
the effective range of the caliper, so a 3in. and we can then give our whole attention
caliper can effectively measure from zero to the setting of the other leg. The rule
to three inches. If calipers are to be used reading will be the caliper setting, there
to obtain a specific size, then no matter being no need to add bits on or take them
how good is the user's 'feel' the deciding off. This may seem a superfluous bit of in-
factor is how they are set in the first place. formation but more than one workpiece
In the modeller's workshop, outside has been scrapped by the operator using a
calipers are nearly always set by means of rule, probably well worn on the end, and
a rule or standard. The word 'standard' to compensate for this, setting his calipers
here could mean the mating part to the from the one-inch line then forgetting to
one being measured. When setting to the allow for this I It is unlikely that the
rule always follow the same procedure or amateur would do this as his workpiece is
method as many of the inaccuracies ob- usually small and a one-inch discrepancy
tained by calipers are as a result of in- would be immediately apparent.
correct setting and the incorrect setting is With the spring bow type the move-
due to not using the correct technique. ment of the caliper legs is clearly con-
The author, who is right-handed, uses the trolled by means of the knurled nut and so
method outlined below. Left-handed very small movement can be easily
operators could of course follow the same achieved. If fixed joint type tools are being
basic procedure but reversing the used then the leg movement is obtained
handing. It is also recommended that left- by tapping the limb on a solid object.
handed people use a round-ended rule, Which limb is tapped depends on whether
otherwise the most convenient scale on the legs are to be opened or closed.
the rule would be graduated towards zero Sometimes if a small openig movement is

Fig.9 This shows the
recommended method of
setting Dutside calipers to
{J rule. One leg of the
caliper is firmly placed on
the datum end 01 the
rule, the third linger
prDvides the support and
stoadies the whole tDol.

required the joint can be tapped, which is over and this then affects the smooth
done by holding the caliper in a vertical working of the instrument.
position, joint down, and then smartly Setting calipers by the above method,
bringing the instrument down onto a solid and illustrated in fig. 9, rather than placing
object; the resulting 'shock' has the effect them onto the mid-scale of the rule, as in
of opening the legs slightly. Although this fig. 11, will give a greater degree of ac-
method works it is not really to be curacy because one leg is always in con-
recommended as the joint can get burred tact with the datum edge of the rule and

Fig. lOS etting a pair 01

inside calipers tD the rule.
Placing both the end 01
the ru/~ and one leg 01
the caliper onto 8 flat
lace ensures that the
caliper Isg is coincident
with the datum end 01
the rule.
Fig.11 How not to set
calipers - a setting errOl
is possible on both legs
and neither (he rule nOI is under com-
plete comrol.

therefore any error in reading the setting reading, particularly in the hands of a
can only occur on the one remaining leg. relatively inexperienced craftsman.
Inside calipers are usually used far However, as most of the holes produced
more frequently than the outside variety in in the small, or modeller's, workshop will
small workshops. This is because for out- be of small diameters, indeed most will be
side work micrometers, if available, are under one inch or 25mm diameter, some
much easier to use and read. They are also means other than micrometers will have
quick to set and will give a more accurate to be used as it is impractical to produce

Fig.12 Showing how 10

sel inside calipers to a
micrometer. Note thaI
one leg of (he calipers is
resting on the first linger:
this is the pivtJt point
about which the whole
caliper is rOIBled until the
correct setting is ob -

Fig. 13 This method of
sf'ttlng Inside calipers is
not recommended. The
()PIHlJfDf has very little
control lJnd the chances
01 obtaining 8 correct
stilling are, to say the
lunsl. hazardous.

micrometers small enough to enter holes leg comes into contact with the datum;
of this size. The cheapest and simplest this leg is now coincident with the end of
alternative is the inside caliper gauge. As the rule so a direct reading can now be
with the outside type, the problem is taken on the other leg. Fig. 10 illustrates a
setting the caliper correctly. For many pair of inside calipers being set using
operations setting to the rule will be thismethod.
satisfactory and, if set and used correctly, If an outside micrometer is available
the results obtained will be surprisingly then use this for setting the inside caliper.
accurate. Not only are they easier to set but also a
To get the best results follow the prin- much greater degree of accuracy can be
ciple suggested when setting the outside achieved than is possible by using a rule.
gauge of anchoring one leg to a datum There is also one other great advantage in
and taking the reading from the other leg. using the micrometer to set the calipers.
To do this some solid flat face must be The caliper will be set between two faces
used. When working in the lathe, such as and as the legs pass between these, a
the ML 7-type, the front shear of the bed slight resistance or 'fee\" will be ex-
gives an ideal face for a datum but if the perienced. If the same 'feel' is used when
lathe has a dovetail bed some other flat gauging the workpiece, errors in the size
surfaces will be available. This time lay the owing to the 'feel' being too heavy will
rule across all four fingers and clamp by have a tendency to be minimised. Once
means of the thumb - held this way the again it is advisable to develop good
rule is quite rigid. The square end of the habits when setting the calipers to a
rule can now be pushed firmly up to the micrometer. The degree of success ob-
flat datum face. Take the calipers in the tained when measuring internal diameters
other hand and hold them by the spring or is largely dependent on the sense of 'feel'
pivot joint in a similar way as previously developed by the operator. The caliper is
described. The calipers are now placed flat set by ·feeling· between the anvil and
on the rule and moved along it until one spindle of the micrometer, and the hole is

gauged by 'feeling' two diametrically op- vii, this can be seen in the photograph.
posite points on the bore being measured. Now, hold the micrometer with the frame
Since the micrometer can be set to a high vertically downwards and the spindle
degree of accuracy any errors that arise nearly horizontal. At the same time hold
are, in the main, due to the operator's use the calipers in the right hand by means of
of the calipers. However, as previously the spring or joint. If the calipers are held
mentioned, an operator should, with care, between the thumb and first and second
be quickly able to develop a technique fingers it will be easy and simple to give a
that enables him to compare to within twisting or rotary action to the calipers.
one-thousandth of an inch or even sm- Next, and this is important, place one
aller, provided he follows a sound method caliper leg on the anvil and if the first
of operation. finger is in the correct place then it will
The method used by the author and il- give support and form a platform for the
lustrated in fig. 12 is as follows. First of all caliper leg to rest on. Now, using this leg
set the micrometer to the size required as a pivot point rotate the calipers through
(micrometer settings are covered in the the gap between the anvil and the spindle.
next chapter) and lock the spindle firmly, It will be apparent at once whether they
which will prevent any movement and need opening or closing. Adjust until the
consequent alterations in the setting second leg just makes contact as it passes
whilst the caliper is being adjusted. Now, through the gap, this is where the 'feel' is
hold the micrometer in the left hand with experienced. Contact should only just be
the anvil between the thumb and first made; if force has to be used to get the
finger and with the other three fingers calipers through the gap then they are
spaced around the back of the frame, thus oversize. When set correctly the weight of
giving firm support to the tool. The first the caliper should be sufficient to allow it
finger should cover about a half of the an- to pass between the two contact faces of

Fig. 14 Sizing B bore with

inside calipers. Note one
leg of the c aliper is firmly
held onto the workpiece,
Ihis is [he pivot point.

Flg.15 Do nor gauge a
bore this way - neither
J09 is undor control and
both will rend (0 move,
rendering it very diHicult
to Dbtain iI "feel".

the micrometer without any extra force the vertical plane. If the second leg of the
being needed. Most inexperienced users calipers will not enter then the bore is too
have too heavy a 'feel' - errors as large as small, if the calipers will enter and also
five thou can be experienced if the 'feel' is allow side-to-side movement then the
too heavy. bore is too large. The correct size is when
The above may seem complicated to the calipers will pass through the bore at a
follow but once the technique has been point diametrically opposite to the anchor
mastered no difficulty should ever be en- point and just touch as it passes through.
countered in setting calipers to close In fact, the 'feel' should be the same as
limits. Once the calipers are set to size, was experienced between the micrometer
the workpiece can be checked and, of and the calipers during the setting opera-
course, errors can arise here if a sound tions.
technique is not used. Fig. 14 shows a If the bore is oversize then some side-
bore being gauged. One leg of the calipers to-side movement of the calipers will be
is placed in the bore (if accessible the bot- possible, but small side-to-side movement
tom "dead centre" is the best place for does not mean that the bore is dramatical-
this leg) and is then pressed firmly onto ly oversize. A very small amount of
the surface of the bore by means of the clearance between the bore and the
first finger of the left hand - this provides calipers results in side-to-side play many
an anchor or pivot point on which to times greater than the clearance. For in-
rotate or swing the caliper. The calipers stance, a clearance of .001 in. on a one-
are again held by the joint using the inch bore will give a side-to-side move-
thumb on one side of the joint and the first ment of about 1/16in. If, therefore, a small
and second fingers on the other side. amount of side-to-side movement is ex-
Keeping the bottom leg in place by means perienced, the component may well be
of the finger, pivot or swing the calipers within the permitted tolerance range.
about this point; the movement will be in When boring to a specific size and that

size is being approached it is as well to workshops where cost rules out
know just how much material has to be sophisticated measuring equipment, they
removed so that the cutting tool can be are virtually indispensable. The main point
moved the correct amount. In this case to remember is always to anchor one
the whole process is reversed and the caliper leg and use the other caliper leg to
calipers set to the bore and then the obtain the ·feel'. If both legs are waving
micrometer set to the calipers and a about, fine control and a light 'feel'
reading obtained. But whichever way the become very difficult, if not impossible, to
operation is carried out the basic principle achieve, fig. 15. This applies equally to
of holding and setting is the same. both the setting, whether by rule or
It can be seen that calipers, if used cor- micrometer, and to the actual use on the
rectly, are very useful tools and in small component being produced.



The outside micrometer appears very nut, and this is basically what a
early on the tools list of the amateur who micrometer is - a screw and a nut, albeit a
is building up his workshop equipment. As high precision one I The body of the instru-
a result of modern methods of manufac- ment is the nut into which the screw or
ture, micrometers are not an expensive spindle fits, and it is the screw that rotates
luxury, particularly when one considers and does the actual measuring. The
that they are a precision instrument and imperial micrometer screw has a pitch of
are an extremely useful and handy piece 40 threads per inch which means that one
of equipment which, once obtained and if complete turn of the screw will give a
handled with card, will last a lifetime. forward or backward movement of 1/40in.
ere is, of course, a whole range of or .025in. All that is now required is to
micrometers but by far the most useful for divide an attachment to the screw into 25
the model engineer is the one that covers equally spaced divisions around its cir-
the range of sizes between zero and one cumference and we have an increment of
Inch. Larger ones, such as the one-to-two .001 in. This attachment, which is called
Inch or the two-to-three inch, can be ac- the thimble, is a sort of tubular cover
quired as the opportunity arises, but the which is fastened onto the outer end of
larger ones will get far less use than the the spindle and therefore moves with the
zero-to-one inch and the amateur could spindle. It is the circumference of this
well be right in thinking that a vernier-type thimble that is divided into 25 equal parts.
caliper would be of more use for his needs Every fifth division is numbered, starting
than a range of larger micrometers. from zero, which means that the 25th
Metric micrometers have an increment division coincides with zero and is marked
range of 25mm steps and so are almost zero. The point to remember is that the
identical in physical size to the imperial zero mark indicates the beginning or end
ones which are calibrated to read to one- of a full turn. The numbering is arranged
thousandth of an inch. To divide a scale to rise as the micrometer is opened.
only one inch long into 1,000 parts is ob- In the case of metric micrometers, the
viously impractical so some means must pitch of the screw is tmm and the thimble
be found of magnifying the graduations. is divided into 50 divisions thus giving an
This is achieved by means of a screw increment of .01 mm. Obviously some

Fig.16 This shows (our
micrometers: two are D-
I" instruments whilst the
other two have 8 range of
I l1 to 2". A great many ex-
8mples of the upper two
micrometers were made
over a long petiod of rime
hut this style has now
been superseded by the
two lower examples.
Micrometers over an inch
In size are usua1/y
provided with 8 standard.
this can be seen in the
photograph, which is
used in both checking
Bnd fe-adjusting the in-
strument,. All fOUf of the
micrometers shown here
were manufactured by
the S heftield compan y
Moore and Wright.

means of counting the complete number tables on the frame or thimbles of

of turns of the thimble must be found and micrometers and these tables gave all
this is done by placing markings on the decimal equivalents in steps of
sleeve, which is an extension to the frame 1/64in. It would appear from the current
and over which the thimble rotates. In the pattern of micrometers being produced
case of the imperial micrometer, each turn that this practice is being discontinued. If
of the thimble advances the screw .025in. your instrument is one of this new style
therefore four turns will give an advance- then it is advisable to have a conversion
ment of .100in. The markings are so chart permanently fastened to the
arranged that every fourth mark has a workshop wall for quick reference.
longer line than the intermediate marks A micrometer reading is a combination
and is stamped with a number rising from of two scales, the sleeve scale and the
o to 9. In order to make it easier to dis- thimble scale. The sleeve scale indicates
tinguish the lines, every second one, or just how many turns the thimble has
each .050in., has a line slightly longer made. As previously discussed, with an
than the .025in. line but not as long as the imperial micrometer each turn is .025in .
. 100in. and therefore every four turns is 4 x
Micrometer readings are always ex- .025in. or .100 inches. The first decimal
pressed in decimals. All metric measure- place of our reading is obtained by reading
ments are, of course, but with the imperial directly from the sleeve scale. If the '2'
system the majority of dimensions shown mark is visible but not the '3', then the
on drawings used in the model or amateur reading is somewhere between .200in.
workshop are given in fractions of an inch. and .300in. Now count the number of
In order to use the micrometer these frac- lines visible after the number and if we
tions must be converted to decimal can see three lines but not four, then the
equivalents. It used to be the practice for second decimal place is greater than 7
manufacturers to engrave conversion because 3 x .025in. is .075in. We now

know then that our reading is between
.275in. and .300in. To obtain the final in-
cr ment we look at the thimble and read
oft the number of lines that have passed
~ SETTII'-JG,- ''2,'' ·on,,'" ·Ole..
th o long datum line after the third .025in. c·291
division. As the thimble is engraved with
tho relevant numbers this is a simple
matter. If. say, the line marked '16' is
coincident with the datum line then we
have to add .016in. to our previous figure.
The correct reading is therefore .275in. +
.016In., or .291 in. Fig. 17 shows this S~TT'I'-l~:- 0, + ·oZ5) -+ '00'7
reading diagrammatically. Two further ex- = . D34-
amples are also shown, one being a
reading of .034in., the other being .463in.
The same principle of reading applies

with the metric micrometer inasmuch as
there are two scales. The pitch of the spin- ~
dle thread is .5mm so the scale on the
, SETTIN~:- -+ ·050
'4000 J
sleeve is in half-millimetres. If the divi- 10 .

sions were to be marked every .5mm then -+ ·01:' • ·~\o3

these lines would be very close together
Fig. 17 An e-x8mpJe DI three micrometer settings (impsrial).
and confusion could arise. To overcome
this the scale is usually split into two. On
one side of the sleeve datum line are numbered in groups of five and the thim-
marked 1 mm divisions which are usually ble has to make two revolutions to move

Flg.18 Showing the

sleeve and thimble
,qfadu8tion on a metric
micrometer, The reading
depIcted is B.20mm.

between 7mm and 8mm. if one of the sm-

o •
ail half-lines is uncovered. then the
reading is between 7.5mm and 8mm. To
=-:: SE"TTI"-l"'- 7, ~ ·50 ... ·'2S complete the reading the number shown
, 7-75--. on the thimble has to be added on. If this
is 25, then the complete reading is 7.5mm
+ .25mm. or 7.75mm; fig. 19 shows this
diagrammatically. Two further examples
of metric readings are also depicted_ it can
be seen from the above that the metric
micrometer reads to two places and not
z~ __ SETTIt.J<:.'- 0, -+ ·37 three places of decimals as is the case
with the imperial version; however, when
.0-37 """'.
one considers that a millimetre is less
than .040 of an inch it will be appreciated
that .01 mm is only about 4 ten-
thousandths of an inch.
For many years now micrometers have
SETTIt.J"':-I4-, + -S.+ ·01
been fitted with two refinements which
'-'~ ::. 14-·5\-.m, are a great help to the user_ The first of
these is the spindle lock which is a device
Fig. 19 An example of three micrometer settings (metric). which enables the spindle to be positively
locked in any position. The micrometer
can be set to a desired position and then
one of these divisions. On the other side of locked. This is very useful if the instrument
the datum line. and midway between the is being used as a gauge for setting
1 mm divisions. is a scale of shorter lines_ calipers or telescopic gauges, etc. If the
It is therefore possible to see at a glance spindle is not locked then it may in-
whether the thimble is in the first or se- advertently be moved whilst the
cond revolution from the last millimetre micrometer is being withdrawn from the
mark. The thimble is graduated into 50 workpiece and a false setting obtained.
divisions, which means that the lines are Also, if a number of components are to be
closer together than on the imperial thim- checked then the micrometer can be set
ble but the thimbles are large enough to to the size required. locked in position and
give clear marks and no confusion should then used as a fixed gauge. For many
arise. Fig. 18 shows a metric micrometer years this locking was obtained by means
and illustrates the graduations. of a knurled nut working in a slot in the
As the metric micrometer measures in frame but Moore & Wrights of Sheffield,
millimetres there is usually a number who are one of the leading manufacturers
before the decimal point and only two of micrometrs. have replaced the knurled
numbers after the decimal point. The ring with a small lever_ Fig. 16 shows ex-
numbers which appear on the sleeve amples of both types_
before the thimble covers them over are The second refinement is the ratchet
the numbers of whole millimetres. If seven stop and this is a device placed on the end
numbers can be seen then the reading is of the thimble_ A 40 t.p.i_ screw is a fine

\hlO d and only a relatively slight pressure like any other engineering device, they not
n Ihe thimble can result in a considerable only need careful handling but also servic-
I fa being exerted between the two an- ing. Taking care of them is a matter of
1.1 /1 • If the force were to be excessive then common sense; do not leave them lying

'fI would be possible to overstress the

me thus causing permanent damage to
III micrometer which would in turn lead
about on the bench otherwise they may
easily get knocked onto the floor and this
could cause damage and upset their ac-
10 Incorrect readings being obtained. Even curacy, again resulting in incorrect
omongst more experienced users it is readings. Micrometers are supplied in a
possible for 'touch' to vary and this can box or case and it is a good idea to keep
luod to two people obtaining slightly this box open on the bench and always to
different results from the same return the micrometer to the box after use.
micrometer and workpiece. There is a Before putting the micrometer away wipe
lendency. especially amongst inex- it over carefully to remove any foreign
perienced operators, to have a heavy matter and if it is not going to be used
lauch. To overcome this problem the again for some time, apply a thin coat of
ratchet stop is fitted and this drives the good quality non-corrosive oil onto the
thimble through a ratchet device. This measuring faces and bright areas. The
ratchet will always 'slip' at the same manufacturers recommend a lanolin-
pressure and so uniform readings can be based oil as being the most suitable but
obtained. It also protects the micrometer any light machine oil will be suitable for
frame frol"(1 being overstressed and so this purpose.
helps prevent distortion due to heavy- When in use always see that the anvil
handed operators. faces are clean, as the merest suspicion of
It is a good idea for an inexperienced dirt or oil can result in a false reading. To
operator to measure an article using the clean the faces on the type of micrometer
ratchet then measure the same article where the anvils meet, such as the 0-1 in.
without the ratchet. This will show him if or 0-25mm, open the anvil and spindle
his touch is heavy or not. If he goes on faces slightly and insert a piece of paper
measuring different items both with and between them, then close the faces so
without the ratchet he will quickly develop that the paper is lightly gripped, then
a good sense of touch. In the home withdraw the paper by sliding it out. Any
workshop, where all measuring is done by dirt or grease will be removed and even if
the same person using the same equip- you think that the face is clean it will be
ment, a sense of touch slightly heavier or surprising how dirty the cleaning paper
lighter than the ratchet is of little impor- becomes! If the micrometer is one of the
tance as any errors will have a tendency to larger type where the anvils do not meet
be cancelled out because any mating then give them a good clean with some
component will be subjected to the same absorbent paper.
touch. A micrometer used in thse condi- The best way to hold a micrometer in
tions is really being employed as a com- order to use it will depend both on the size
parator. of the micrometer and also on the location
Micrometers are precision instruments or position of the workpiece. If the
and should be treated as such; with care workpiece is relatively small and has to be
they will last the amateur a lifetime but, held in the hand then only one hand will be

Fig.20 This shows one way of holding B
micrometer for sizing a small workpiece.
This is 8 com/onable and easy method but
it does not petm;( free use of the ratchet.
micrometer in the right hand. Owing to
the nature of the workpiece the
micrometer will probably be one of the
smallest, or 0-1 in. range. This size can be
comfortably held and used in one hand.
Hold it so that the thumb and first finger
can rotate the thimble, the second finger
steadies the thimble or barrel, whilst the
third finger is passed through the frame
and holds it in the palm of the hand. Fig.
20 shows a micrometer being used this
way. Held in this way excellent control of
both workpiece and instrument is ob-
tained but it does have one drawback - it
is not easy to operate the ratchet. The
author, who for many years used
micrometers without the refinement of a
ratchet, still prefers this method even
though his workshop is now equipped
with modern micrometers.
If the operator wishes to use the
available for both holding and operating ratchet then the technique will have to be
the tool. In this case, one way is to hold changed. Hold the micrometer in the left
the workpiece in the left hand and the hand this time, the frame resting on all

Fig.21 An alternative
method of holding th e
micrometer which does
Bilow for full use to be
made of the Tnlchef.

' (lur flngers and clamped by the thumb. thimble might get moved a small amount
Th workpiece is now placed between the during this withdrawing operation and this
.nvll and also lies across the fingers and is would of course give rise to a false
upported by the thumb. The right hand is reading. After the anvils have closed onto
!lOW free to rotate the ratchet and a the workpiece there is in fact no need for
l oading can be obtained. Fig. 21 shows the thimble to be touched at all before the
thla operation being performed. reading is taken. If this rule is followed
If the workpiece is still in the lathe, or then no trouble should be experienced
lIny other machine, then it will be securely with false readings. In order to check the
h Id and both hands will be free to reading obtained, clamp the spindle by
perate the mcirometer. In this case hold means of the spindle lock and try the
III micrometer in the right hand with micrometer over the workpiece again.
II four fingers around the back edge of the when it will be apparent at once if any
fro me and the thumb on the inside of the movement has taken place.
frame clamping it onto the four fingers. There is one golden rule that must be
The micrometer is thus securely held, but followed in all cases when using a
under full control; hold it with the spindle micrometer and this is to keep the anvils
ond thimble in the vertical position. Now, or measuring faces square with the object
with the anvil faces opened to a size being measured. If this rule is not followed
greater than the workpiece, bring the the corners of the anvil will be in contact
micrometer over the workpiece and with the workpiece and not the flat sur-
operate the thimble or ratchet with the left face and the result will be an incorrect
hand. Fig. '22 shows this operation being reading. If, however, the micrometer is
carried out. The micrometer will have to held in the ways outlined above, and as
be withdrawn from the workpiece in order shown in the illustrations, this problem is
for the operator to see and read the unlikely to arise as the measuring faces
engravings. There is a possibility that the will automatically pull the micrometer

FI(J.22 Showing how 10

hOld the micrometer lor

';,z:~~~~rn t~e '1'a~~'::i~~:

ItJIClometer should be
,.cuTely held but not too
IIfmly otherwise an in-
eOrr8cl g8uging could
.,1&8 owing to the anvils
not bs/ng square to the
,uri8ce 01 the workpiece.

Fig.23 A 0 - " micrometer
dismantled for cleaning.
The three components of
the locking ring Bre
shown assembled.

square as the thimble is turned and out of production but such a vast number
although the micrometer is securely held, of these were made over a period of many
it is not firmly or rigidly held, so it will be years that they must still outnumber all of
free to move into the correct position. the other types put together. However, the
Micrometers are mechanical devices basic components of the new range are
and like all other mechanisms require ser- still the same although Moore & Wrights
vicing to keep them in prime condition. have re-designed and simplified the spin-
Some model engineers and amateur dle locking arrangement on all their
mechanics are inclined to treat their micrometers.
m icrometers with so much respect that To dismantle, start by screwing the
they are loth to take them apart I For- thimble to open the anvil, but keep on
tunately, a new micrometer will give ser- rotating the thimble until the screw dis-
vice for a long time before any attention is engages the nut, which will be about fif-
needed but sooner or later it will become teen or so turns after the last marking on
advisable to take it apart for cleaning. the sleeve has been passed . The spindle
Workshops are by nature dirty places and should now pullout easily from the frame.
dust and dirt will eventually find its way Next. with the special spanner provided,
into the micrometer. One indication that unscrew and remove the ratchet
cleaning is required is when the thimble assembly. The thimble can now be
begins to get a little stiff to turn. This can removed from the spindle. This could be
be due to the original oil on the screw quite tight but only friction is holding it in
becoming sticky or the screw getting dirty place. If it cannot be removed by finger
- or both. There is nothing mystical or pressure alone then carefully grip the
magical about the innards of a spindle in the bench vice using soft jaws
micrometer, they can be dismantled, or, preferably, two pieces of wood, one on
cleaned, re-assembled and re-adjusted in each side of the spindle. Very little
just a few minutes time without the need pressure will now be required and twisting
for special tools or complicated incanta- the thimble will then remove it easily from
tions. In fact all that is needed is the the spindle. Now remove the locking ring
spanner provided with every new from the frame: this can only move one
micrometer and perhaps a screwdriver. way owing to its being located in the
Fig. 23 shows one of the author's frame by a small key. If you look on the
micrometers dismantled. This type is now 'back' side of the frame you will see the

", ;J 4 S howing the com-
"""" 01 the locking
fI ,' rofor to the previous
ftfJ'"Uf aph when re-
I • • m bllng.

keyway by the side of the knurled ring, like a ratchet tooth is positioned at the
lind keeping it in this position with the edge of the slot, allowing room for the pin
keyway facing you, a gentle pressure with to be placed in the slot. It is an advantage
the finger pushing the ring towards you to have a small pair of tweezers to drop
will remove the locking ring assembly the pin into position. Should you have the
from the frame. This assembly consists of misfortune to drop the pin on the floor and
three pieces, the ring itself, the centre lose it, no great loss has been suffered as
• Ieeve - a peculiar shaped piece - and a the pin is merely a short piece of 1/16in .
.mall pin. All the parts of the micrometer dia. silver steel.
can now be washed to clean them and The photograph, fig. 24, shows the
then wiped dry. The author finds petrol three items (greatly enlarged) that make
Ideal for the cleaning fluid but if this is up the locking ring assembly. The parts
used all the usual fire precautions must be assembled are shown in the photograph,
tllken and, of course, make sure that the fig. 23. This assembly can now be put
workshop is adequately ventilated. back into position in the frame, making
Paraffin is safer to use and will also give a sure that the small key enters into the
I!IItlsfactory result. keyway. Now, examine the spindle; a
The parts can now be re-assembled. close look at the screw will show that the
Start with the locking ring assembly; as thread is truncated, which means that the
can be seen, this is really a roller ratchet. curved top of the thread has been
Place the ring on a flat surface - it does removed and that the thread form is flat
not matter which way up - and lifting the across the top. This does not mean that
Inner sleeve by the little projecting key or the thread is weaker than the normal form
nib, drop it into place inside the ring. Not of thread since only the sides or flanks of
only has this sleeve got a key, it is also threads engage with each other and the
split to allow it to close onto the spindle curved top, being out of engagement, per-
and thus give the locking pressure. It also forms no useful function. In fact the
has a flat on it, which is not the location author always truncates all threads when
for the pin but is to help reduce the rigidity screwcutting as a matter of form. In this
of the sleeve and allow it to close onto the case the truncated thread is a distinct ad-
spindle without undue pressure. The vantage as it provides pockets for
sleeve must be placed inside the ring in lubricating oil and is one reason why, once
such a manner that the feature that looks cleaned and oiled, the micrometer will

give a long period of service before adjusted by moving this nut. Screwing the
needing further attention. nut further onto the spindle wil move the
If the micrometer has been badly thimble nearer to the frame. Backing the
neglected and the thread has become nut off will have the effect of moving the
rusty, apply a little "Brasso" and run the thimble away from the frame.
thread up and down the nut a few times The thimble can now be replaced onto
until stiffness due to the rust has been the screw; push the thimble down until
removed. This may sound drastic but it is the bottom face butts up to the nut on the
not. In fact the author has been recently screw and replace the unit back into the
informed by a production engineer at a micrometer frame. Put a drop of light oil
micrometer manufacturing company that onto the screw before the final assembly.
this is precisely the method used to rectify This does not have to be special oil, the
a 'rusty' screw when an instrument is light machine oil normally used on the
returned to the factory for a manufac- lathe mandrel will be satisfactory. When
turer's service. The threads are hardened the anvil and spindle meet, the zero mark
and the person screwing the thread in and on the thimble should be on - or nearly on
out will get tired long before any - the long datum or fiducial line on the
measurable wear on the threads has taken sleeve. If it is not then rotate the thimble
place. All traces of the Brasso should, of until it is so. The ratchet can now be
course, be removed by washing in a sol- screwed in. It will be noticed that the
vent such as paraffin before the screw on the ratchet has a conical end
micrometer is re-assembled. and this cone fits into an internal cone in
Referring back to the frame assembly it the spindle end. Since the spindle end is
will be noticed that the outside of the nut split, tightening up the ratchet also ex-
is also threaded and split. A small ring nut pands the spindle into the thimble and
is screwed onto this thread, refer to fig.23, locks the two components together. Now
this is a thread-adjusting nut and screwing close the micrometer by means of the
this nut further onto the thread has the ratchet - in all probability the zero setting
effect of closing-in the main or on the thimble will be slightly out of
micrometer nut; moving it backwards will, register with the datum on the sleeve. If
of course, allow the main nut to open. It is this is so then the sleeve needs rotating to
therefore possible to compensate for get the two zero marks to correspond. The
wear in the micrometer screw and nut. sleeve is a tight fit on the barrel but it is
When adjusted correctly the spindle capable of being moved. It will be noticed
should move freely through the main nut that the sleeve has a small hole in it on the
but without shake or backlash. The ad- 'back' side. The 'C' spanner provided will
justing nut will have a hole or dimple in it engage into this hole and provide a means
so that it can be turned by the 'C' spanner of rotating the sleeve to obtain the correct
provided. There is also a small ring nut on position. The micrometer is now ready
the end of the spindle - also shown in fig. again to give another long spell of good
23. This determines the axial position of and faithful service.
the thimble. If, when the micrometer is The spindle locking feature now fitted
assembled and set at zero, the edge of the in the current range of micrometers
thimble does not coincide with the produced by Moore & Wright is a simpler
engraved line on the sleeve. then it can be design than that fitted on the earlier

models. Instead of a clamp ring encircling
the spindle, the spindle is merely pushed
over to one side of its bore by a brass

pinch screw. Purists of design could argue
that this modern production method is an
inferior and retrogade step, and maybe
from their point of view it is; however, it
does work very effectively and must be
much easier and cheaper to produce, and
any acceptable feature that can reduce
the cost to the home workshop user is
certainly a feature worthy of careful con-
sideration. The photograph, fig. 25, shows
this locking device dismantled and as can
be seen, it is possible to take it apart for
periodic cleaning without removing any
other feature of the micrometer. To do
Fig.25 This shows 8 dismantled alternative
this, first set the lever in the unlocked spindle-locking device - the small brass
position, thus removing any load that screw makes contBct with the spindle and
so provides the lOCking lorce. This
would otherwise be acting on the locking photograph 8/50 shows the vernier scale
that is pfDvided on some micrometers.
8crew, then, with a small sharp
screwdriver," remove the small slot-headed underside of the clampscrew head should
crew which is only holding the small also be in contact with the curved washer;
lever in position. Next, lift the lever off the this places a slight pre-load on the
brass clamp screw and it will be clampscrew and prevents the lever from
Immediately apparent that this screw has 'flapping about' when the device is not
o serrated or splined head and that the un- locking the spindle. Next place the lever
cferside of the lever is provided with a over the serration and position so that the
m ating serrated hole. Once the lever has spindle is effectively clamped before the
boen removed the locking screw, which limit of lever travel is reached. You may
will not be tight, can be easily removed by not get the lever on the correct serration
Ih normal unscrewing action - no first time but it will be obvious at once
p nner will be required. The only other whether to move one serration to the right
r~ IJrt to be removed is the curved washer or left to obtain the desired position. Final-
Ih t fits between the head of the clamping ly, replace and tighten the small slot-
r wand the micrometer body. headed screw.
After cleaning the parts it takes only a Special micrometers are produced for
minute or so to re-assemble. First place measuring inside holes, and these are
Ih curved washer in the spotfacing naturally termed 'inside micrometers'. As
I II vided. Although this washer can be can be seen by looking at fig. 26, these
ptl. ltloned in two different ways, only one are really a measuring head similar to that
wnv is correct - the curved face must be of an ordinary micrometer but generally
UtJPormost. Next replace the clamping with a smaller movement. The usual
I wand screw down until the end of the amount of movement is a half-inch or
l OW meets the micrometer spindle. The 10mm, but heads of a quarter-inch or

Fig.26 An inside
micrometer set in its
csse. This is one of the
smaller sets available and
has 8 fange of one to two
inches. The micrometer
head has a movement of
only .250 inches and Ihe
range is increased by
removable anvils Bnd a
distance col/sr. The dis-
tance collar which is
.250" long is shown in
the rop right hand corner
of the box. The permuta-
tions of assembly are
(T )Ihe head 8S shown giv-
ing 8 range of 1" to f -}":
(2) 85 sbove but with the
distance col/af litted -
If" 10 I r: (3) Ihe stan-
dafd an VI? changed for the
extended one - 1 fIr 10
Ii": (4) as above but
with the distance collef
fitted - I j" to 2".

Fig.27a. Placing the in·

side micrometer into a
bore prior to measuring.
The extended handle is
only used on the small in-
sttument when the bore
is no/large enough to Be
commodate the
operarors linger.

Fig.27b . Sizing the bore.

One anvil of the
micrometer is kept in firm
contllct with the bore of
the workpiece by apply-
ing pressure with the first
linger, the micrometer is
then pivoted above this
point, the rocking action
being supplied via (he ex·
tension handle. The
whole action is baSically
simiJDr to the one used
with inside calipers.

5mm are produced. Even with the smaller distance being gauged is 10 inches or so
heads the smallest hole that will allow the then the effects of temperature
micrometer to enter is one-inch or 25mm differences may have to be considered . As
diameter. Extension rods are provided the body temperature of the operator is
which increase the range and allow quite usually well above the workshop
large bores to be gauged using the one temperature, the reading should be taken
micrometer head. Their use is not limited quickly before the heat from the hands
to holes or bores, however, as they can passes into the micrometer. Because the
also be used for measuring between faces majority of holes produced in the model
or height above a datum, such as from a engineer's or amateur workshop will be
surface table to a feature on a component under, rather than over, one-inch diameter
resting on the surface table. They are cer- an inside micrometer would have only
ta inly more difficult to use than the normal limited use and could be considered as a
outside type of micrometer and practice lUxury item.
will be needed before they can be used Another type of micrometer which has
with confidence. limited use is the micrometer depth
One point particularly to watch out for gauge. This is a device for measuring the
when using an inside micrometer - or any depth of holes, or the size of steps or
of the larger micrometers - is thermal ex- shoulders. The gauge consists of a flat
pansion. Obviously the larger sizes are surface from which protrudes an ad-
more susceptible to thermal expansion justable probe. This probe is in fact an ex-
than the smaller ones. A few degrees tension to the normal micrometer spindle
difference in temperature between the head. It follows that the spindle face must
micrometer and the workpiece will not be coincident with the head or datum face
make much noticeable difference when when the thimble is in the screwed-out
measuring a distance of one inch but if the position, and gives its maximum reading

11, ,28 Depth micrometer.

,,,. spindle filled will
;,rov/do 8 range of 0-/-
.., h,' two further rods are
.ha wn, one giving 8
, ...,. of /"-2" and the

_ ,h., Incf88sing
to 2" -3".

with the thimble "screwed-in". This rever- firmly held there whilst the spindle is
sal from the normal movement means screwed down until the end-face of the
that the graduations on both sleeve and spindle just touches the work. It is only
thimble are reversed. The sleeve engrav- possible to use a micrometer depth gauge
ings are read from right to left and the where a satisfactory seating for its datum
value of the spindle markings rises as the face can be found, and the bottom of the
thimble is "screwed-in". It is obvious that hole or slot being measured must be
the reversal is necessary and , in fact, parallel to this seating.
when in use, the operator is usually Rule type depth gauges are also
oblivious of the fact that the scales are available, these being much simpler and
reversed! cheaper than the micrometer type. These
This type of micrometer must be used consist of a very narrow rule to which a
with care as it is very easy to obtain an in- sliding head is clamped; the rule is usually
correct reading. When the probe makes calibrated with imperial scale on one side
contact with the bottom face of the hole and metric on the reverse. To change from
being measured, it is very easy to screw one to the other is a simple matter, just
the thimble too far and so lift the slide the rule out of its guiding slot, turn it
micrometer head off the datum face. Once over and replace it.
again it is a case of developing the correct There are ma ny specia I types of
feel. Fig.28 shows an example of the micrometers manufactured and it is the
depth micrometer. The knurled nut on the same with micrometers as with rules,
end of the thimble is not a ratchet, it is in different trades require different features
fact the nut which captures the spindle or on their tools to accommodate their
probe. In order to increase the range of special needs. There are micrometers
the depth micrometer, extension spindles made with large flanged anvils and these
can be fitted, each of these spindles being are used for measuring paper and other
supplied in steps of one inch. The stan- types of soft material where a large sur-
dard spindle gives the micrometer a range face area on the anvil is required to pre-
of zero to one-inch, the next spindle will vent the anvil from sinking into the
give a range of one- to two-inches, the workpiece and so giving a false reading .
next, two- to three-inches, and so on. The tube industry requires a micrometer
These replaceable spindles pass through to measure the thickness of tube walls but
the hollow centre of the thimble and the standard anvil is of little use here as
screw and are held in place by the knurled the anvil on the inside of the tube would
nut. The end of each extension spindle is only be touching the workpiece on the
threaded and fitted with an adjusting outer edges. To overcome this, special
collar, these are clearly seen in the ball-ended anvils are made; this type of
photograph, thus allowing for small ad- micrometer therefore has the spindle-end
justments in effective spindle lengths flat and the anvil in the frame hemi-
should these become necessary. spherical in shape.
In use the spindle of the m icrometer is If the sheet metal worker wishes to
screwed back to a position where it will measure the thickness of a sheet, the
clear the bottom of the hole or shoulder standard micrometer is of little use as the
being gauged. The instrument head is depth of the frame will only allow readings
then placed across the top of the hole and to be taken close to the edge of the sheet.

Fig.29 The 'outside' micrometer usually has a range alone-inch, this meBns that quite d
number of instruments may be needed to cover the range up to, say, 6-inches. The
micrometer shown has replaceable anvils and so wi/J cover the complete rBnge Irom 2" to
6". A sumdard is provided for each interchangeable anvil so that the accuracy may be
checked. Tha main objection the author has found to this system is that when set for the
smaller sizes the whole instrument is large Bnd cumbersome,

To overcome this problem the sheet metal screw-thread industry requires

micrometer has a very deep frame with a micrometers with pointed anvils so that
working depth of about six inches .. In order measurements can be taken over a screw;
to keep rigidity, a frame of this size has to this type is extra special as allowance
have a deep section and this makes this must be made for errors due to the helix
type of micrometer very cumbersome, but angle of the screw.
since it is only intended for measuring There are many more types of
sheets, this is of no consequence. The op- micrometers but all of these special tools
posite of this micrometer is the one used are of little use to the model engineer or
in the manufacture of milling cutters. In home mechanic. A standard zero to one-
order to permit insertion into the relatively inch and, possibly, a one-inch to two-inch
small bore so that the thickness of the micrometer will be adequate to perform
cutter boss can be measured, the all, or nearly all, the gauging work he will
micrometer frame must be shallow. The be called upon to undertake.


Vernier Caliper Gauges

The term 'vernier' in workshop parlance number of divisions corresponding to the

usually means almost any sliding caliper fraction of the main division required;
gauge or protractor gauge. Even the thUS. if the main divisions are to be sub-
modern advanced electronic digital caliper divided into ten parts then there will be
is still referred to in the workshop as a ten divisions on the vernier. This is the
'vernier' although it does not carry any case with the micrometer when we have
vernier scale at all. In actual fact, a vernier to divide the .001 thimble divisions into
is only a special type of scale which allows ten parts to obtain readings of .0001 in-
far more accurate readings to be obtained crements. Therefore this vernier scale will
than could otherwise be achieved from have to be provided with ten divisions.
the ordinary scale used on rules or The vernier scale is made to a length just
protractors. The quickest way to unders- one division less than the main scale.
tand the principle of the vernier scale is to which means that the full length of the 10
examine the scale applied to a micrometer vernier divisions is only as long as 9 divi-
as this is probably the simplest and most sions of the main or thimble scale on the
familiar of all vernier scales. As discussed micrometer. This can be quickly checked.
in the last chapter, readings to three If you have a micrometer fitted with a ver-
decimal places can be obtained from the nier scale. set the thimble in such a posi-
normal micrometer but the marks on the tion that the zero line corresponds with
thimble will not always coincide with the the sleeve datum. It will be seen that the
datum line on the thimble. If it were possi- tenth division on the vernier scale /marked
ble to divide the .00 1 divisions on the zero) will be coincident with the ninth
thimble into 10 parts then, assuming we mark on the thimble scale. As a result of
could actually see those lines, readings of this each vernier division is equivalent to
one-tenth of a thou could be obtained. It nine-tenths of the main division. or put
is. of course, not practical to split one of another way. each vernier scale is one-
the thimble divisions into 10 parts and so tenth short of a thimble division. The
some other means must be found if micrometer shown in close-up in fig.25 is
readings of four places of decimals are re- fitted with a vernier scale and this
quired. This is where we use the vernier photograph clearly shows that the divi-
scale. Any vernier scale consists of a sions of the vernier are smaller than the

thimble divisions. It follows therefore that spindle movement equal to .0007 inches.
two vernier divisions are two-tenths short, It is not necessary to have all this in mind
three vernier divisions are three-tenths when taking a reading from the vernier
short and so on. The vernier scale is scale. Just observe the number on the ver-
placed next to the main scale. nier scale which coincides with a main
In the case of the micrometer the ver- scale graduation and, in the case of the
nier scale is placed on the sleeve with the micrometer, this represents the fourth
vernier lines running the full length of the figure in a decimal reading. Fig.30 shows
sleeve and, of course, parallel to the main diagrammatically a micrometer reading
fiducial line. As discussed above, if the using the vernier scale. An interesting
zero mark on the thimble is placed in line point is the position of the vernier scale: it
with this fiducial line then it will be seen need not be based about the thimble
that the tenth, or last, vernier scale line datum line, it could be moved further
will be coincident to the ninth thimble line, round the sleeve providing that it registers
and that no other two lines in the vernier zero when the datum line coincides with a
scale will match any thimble lines. But if, thimble graduation.
say, the scales are placed so that the Vernier scales can also be fitted to
seventh vernier line coincides with a line metric micrometers and this enables the
on the thimble then seven divisions on the reading to be obtained in increments of
vernier will be shorter than seven divisions .002mm. Whether the vernier micrometer
on the thimble by seven-tenths of one of is an advantage to the model engineer is
the thimble divisions. In the case of an open to question. It is one thing to have
Imperial micrometer this will represent a the facility of obtaining a reading to these


ZO z

= LE
7 -

____THII'-18LE Sc..ALE.
--. - -- - - - -

·3OQlJ).,JE \ . ThE. I C:>""" L\\>.Jt. t 5. "T\-olS

t ZEI<!O UIJE. 0"-1 ""~\EI1. ONLY U>.le: O"-l"E£",'Ek?
TOBE. C01>.lC.lDf....,T W,"'\.l
0 8E.TWEE.>.l . :l~S' . 3~ A t-'\AIl>.l 5c...ALE. l..\~E. -
I I 10

0 2. ?

;:.'~:~n~:;f.'8mm8tjC view of 8 v8rnler scale fined to 8 Fi!J..31 Diagrammatic ",jew showIng 8 reading on 8 vernier
caliper gauge.

Fig.32 This shows B 'standard' six-inch vernier caliper gauge. The sliding jaw is moved by pressing the serrated lever by
means of the thumb and then pushing in the direction required. On more sophisticated gauges line adjustment is made
l:.1sier by means of ~ screw and nut assembly which is attached to the sliding jaw.

extraordinarily fine limits but whether the equal parts and these parts (subdivisions)
reading obtained is in actual fact the size are therefore equal to .025 inches. This
of the workpiece is another matter. means that the main scale will give a
Although the micrometer is a very direct reading in units of .025. Spacings of
useful tool, it has disadvantages and the .025in. can be easily distinguished by a
main one is that it possesses a limited person with normal eyesight. however,
range because for practical reasons each most vernier users keep a magnifying
instrument is limited to one inch of move- glass close at hand! The vernier scale is
ment. It is therefore necessary to have applied in a similar way as it is in the
several instruments in order to cover most micrometer to obtain the number of
requirements. It is true that micrometers thousandths to be added to get a com-
with removable anvils are produced and plete reading, the main difference being
one such instrument will cover all sizes that the vernier scale has twenty-five divi-
from two inches to six inches. The frame, sions and they are equal to twenty-four on
of course, has to be large enough to cover the main scale. The principle, however, is
the six inch size so this makes the exactly the same as was described for the
micrometer somewhat cumbersome, par- micrometer.
ticularly if fitted with the long anvil To obtain a reading add the number of
needed to obtain the two- to three-inch inches, tenths of inches and 25-
range. Fig.29 shows a micrometer of this thousandths together, and then add the
type. number of thousandths indicated by the
This is where the vernier caliper gauge vernier graduation which coincides with a
has an advantage, since it can be made to rule scale graduation. Fig.31 shows
any length within reason - the six-inch is diagrammatically a reading of 2.344in.;
very popular - and it will measure ac- however, in the diagram the vernier scale
curately to anywhere within its range. has been made "twice-size", or, instead of
With the imperial vernier the main or basic using a space of twenty-four .025 divi-
rule scale is divided into tenths of an inch. sions, it has used a space of twenty-four
These tenths are further divided into four .050 divisions. This, in fact, is often done

FIg.33 On the gauge shown here the lIelnier scale has besn rep/aced by 8 dial gauge which is much easier to read but, as the
{IIDI is mechanically driven, there is the possibility that errors could 8rise.

on the actual gauge as it makes the DIAL CALIPER GAUGE

reading of the scale much easier; the ver- The dial caliper gauge has been in-
nier shown in photograph fig.32 employs troduced in an attempt to ease the
a scale of this type. There are some ver- reading problem. With this instrument the
nier gauges where the main scale is vernier scale has been removed and
divided into .050 divisions rather than replaced with a dial gauge. The dial gauge
.025 and these then use a vernier scale of is driven by means of a rack and pinion .
50 divisions based on a length of 49 divi- The rack, which must be of great preci-
sions on the main scale. sion, is placed in a groove usually down
Once the actual principle of the vernier the centre of the ·rule· and between the
scale has been understood, it will be two scales. Often a cover is provided to
realised that it is capable of being used in give protection to the rack, but even so
o variety of ways. Since the gauge is only this protection is lost when the gauge
using one edge of what is really a rule, the jaws are opened so care must be taken
remaining edge is usually used for metric not to allow dirt or swart to enter into the
g raduations, therefore most vernier rack, otherwise damage could occur. The
9 uges have both imperial and metric author has had a gauge of this type now
cales. Of the many verniers the author for a good many years and no problems
hos come into contact with, it has always have been experienced with the rack
boen the practice to have the upper scale mechanism.
for the metric graduations and the lower The main scale on this type of gauge is
one for the imperial. usually divided into tenths of an inch only.
The correct reading of a vernier caliper This makes it very easy to read. The next
uge depends to a great extent on the two decimal places are obtained from the
ood eyesight of the operator, far more so dial which usually has a range of .200 in-
than with the micrometer. As will have ches. This means that to give a reading in
en seen, reading a micrometer to one- thousandths over a range of .100 inches,
I nth of Q thousandth of an inch is easier the dial scale is split into two halves, each
n the eye than obtaining a reading of half reading zero to 100. The dials are
ne-thou on a vernier caliper. 1 tin. to 1 tin. diameter and as the dial is

divided into 200 parts the markings for unit, including the batteries, is contained
each thousandth are rather close together, in a space no larger than the normal ver-
but even so they are certainly easier on nier scale or dial gauge. The batteries
the eye than the vernier scale. It can be used are silver oxide and it is claimed by
argued, and it is a valid point, that errors the manufacturers that one pair will give
can arise as the dial is mechanically about 2,000 hours continuous use. They
driven. In the home workshop this is not are very small, about the size of one tablet
so serious because once again the same of aspirin, and are easily replaced when an
tool will be used to measure the parts that operator comes to the end of the 2,000
fit together and so the gauge becomes, in hours!
the main, a comparator. There is one The readings are obtained through a
drawback in the dial caliper in that it does non-contact linear measuring system us-
not have both imperial and metric dials on ing a chip-centred microprocessor. The
the one tool, they are either all imperial or display can be switched to read either
all metric. Fig.33 shows a dial caliper imperial or metric scales, the resolution
gauge. usually being .0005in. on the imperial and
.01 mm on the metric display. The display
ELECTRONIC DIGITAL CALIPER is also provided with a zero reset feature.
Recent developments in the rapidly grow- This can be used anywhere on the scale: a
ing field of electronics have enabled a new press of a small button and the display will
type of gauge to be developed, known as read zero. Any movement that subse-
the electronic digital caliper, fig.34. This is quently takes place will be registered on
certainly an important advance and the scale and it will also show whether it
eliminates the reading of scales complete- is in a plus or minus direction thus allow
ly, the size measured being clearly ing deviations from a set standard to be
presented in large numbers on a high con- directly determined. This reset device also
trast L.C.D. display. The whole measuring provides automatic compensation for any

Fig.34 An electronic digit al

caliper gauge. These are rht!
simplest of al/ to read as th e
display ;s clear and 18{g" .
Since the readings 8re ob -
tained from a 'non-contact"
system they should be fre e
'rom errors due to mechanicol
wear but it must no( be
forgotten that when
electronic equipment does ,go
wrong it is usuallvon B grand

wear that could take place over a period of posite side to the main jaw but they are
time, thus eliminating the need for made so that they close at the same time,
rocalibration. After using the reset button thus allowing the one scale to apply to
In mid-scale, if the caliper jaws are both sets of jaws. The jaws are knife-
brought back together again and the edged for the complete length , thus
button re-pressed the d isplay will return to minimising any error when used to
ze ro and the gauge is immediately ready measure inside diameters. They are not in-
'or normal use again. tended for small holes but give satisfac-
In use all types of caliper gauges are tory results on holes above half-an-inch or
capable of undertaking the same type of so.
work. The obvious, and main purpose, is All the caliper gauges described in
to measure between the two jaws for these notes are fitted with depth gauges.
determining length. It may be the length This allows the depth of holes or
Of a piece of material or bar, or it may be shoulders to be obtained and could be
the length of some feature such as a used as an alternative to a depth
houlder, either after or during machining. micrometer or ordinary depth gauge. The
It Is also possible to measure diameters depth gauge is at the opposite end to the
between the jaws, although the range of jaws and consists of a strip of material
diameter that can be measured in this way secured to the sliding body of the gauge
will depend on the length of the jaws, the and usually running in a groove down the
maximum diameter being twice the length centre of the rule portion. When the jaws
Of the jaws. Diameters greater than this are closed together the length of the strip
con be obtained by gauging over the end is such that it is coincident with the
of the workpiece. To assist in getting into square end of the gauge. Since it moves in
wkward places such as undercuts, not unison with the moving jaw it follows that
only are the jaws tapered but they are the projection over the end face of the
usually thinned down to almost a knife gauge is exactly the same as the jaw
dge. Inside measurements, not only of opening so the gauge reading applies both
cl lameters but of grooves, slots or to the jaws and the depth gauge. In the
ko yways, are obtained by using the inside case of the dial caliper gauge, the depth
J ws. These are much smaller than the gauge often forms the protective covers
m in jaws and are situated on the op- for the rack , which is why the rack at the

ME..A.S,U'!.INEl. ThE. OEPT4 01=
A. ~TE.~ oR. Fu...t..l6e W\T~ DEPTI-l G.;"\J~- I;. -

E)(TERNAoL JA.wS Btlt.lG. USED "0


jaw end of the gauge becomes uncovered face of the component and also square
as the jaws are opened. The diagram, with it otherwise an incorrect reading will
fig.35, illustrates the three basic types of be obtained. The size required is now ob-
measurement that can be carried out with tained by subtracting the second reading
a normal vernier caliper gauge and shows from the first.
how the one reading applies to all three The electronic caliper gauge fitted with
functions. a digital readout simplifies this procedure
There are occasions when a size of a by performing the calculation for you and
feature is required and it cannot be ob- giving the size required directly on the dis-
tained by a simple direct measurement. play. The procedure is basically as before
The case shown in fig.36 is a typical ex- but this time use the depth gauge first;
ample. Here it is required to know the however, do not note the reading, simply
thickness of the material between the bot- press the reset button - the display will
tom of the hole and the outer edge or end then register zero. Then, using the outside
face of the component. Clearly this cannot jaws, measure the outside or 'A' dimen-
be ascertained by simple direct measure- sion in fig .36. Now, when the jaws are
ment. The required thickness has to be opened to a size equal to the depth of the
obtained by first measuring other features hole, the display will show zero and will
and then by simple calculation. The ver- only then begin to rise . It therefore follows
nier type caliper gauge is ideally suited for that when the jaws have reached the 'A'
this type of application. First measure the dimension the display will in fact be
total thickness of the component, size 'A' registering the size required, or the 'C'
on fig.36, using the normal outside jaws. dimension. The instrument has done th e
It is advisable to write this down calculation for you!
otherwise the chances are that it will be
forgotten! Then, using the depth gauge of Another example where direct
the caliper, obtain the depth of the hole. It measurement is not practical is in finding
is important to make sure that the end the centre distance between two holes. II
is not feasible to measure from a centre
face of the gauge is in contact with the
line of a hole because the centre line is
only a line in space and is not a tangibl e
ThE. ~Qu"~E END OF ","UGE MUST object; the only thing that can be used as
~~>:c.T -:;;T\.\ F ..a: OF a measuring datum is the edge of the hole
itself, Reference to fig.37 shows th e
method used. First, with the inside jaws of
the vernier, measure the diameters of bolh
the holes, add these two sizes togeth er
and then divide by two, thus if the firsl
hole is 1.000in. dia. and the second hol e
1.250in. dia., we will have 1.000 + 1.250
which is 2.250, divided by two thi s
/ becomes 1.125. If the distances betwep.n
DEPTh "' ..UGI:. ON \jE.~\a the two outer edges of the holes is 6 in-
CALIPER. ches, then the centre distance is 6 -
1.125 which, is 4.875in. In theory it is
Fig.36 Determining the thickness of an end well. possible to measure the distance between

the two inner edges of the holes and add
half the hole sizes, but do not do this. The
outside jaws of the vernier are feathered
for their entire length; the inside jaws, if
they are chamfered, will only be thinned
down for a small distance, and if the full
jaw thickness is used to measure between
the two holes an incorrect reading will
certainly be obtained. Should the two
holes both be the same size then the
process is simplified, merely subtract the
hole size from the distance 'D' in fig.37.
Owners of an electronic gauge will, of
course, realise that it is possible to let the
gauge do the calculation for you I
Caliper gauges are not as simple to
use as a micrometer but with a little prac-
tice the skills required to achieve satisfac-
tory results can be quickly acquired. As
with all other measuring tools discussed,
the main thing to remember and aim for is
the correct sense of touch. It is not so \4OLe. c..El.lTiU. OlS'TA.NcE. A.:'DI~Th~ D ~(OI""B" Ol-'C.)
easy to 'clamp' or overtighten the
Flg.37 Determining the centrs distance of two holes using a
workpiece between the jaws of a caliper vernier chllper gauge.
gauge as the jaws are not moved by
means of a screw, as is the spindle of a amount of force that can be applied by
micrometer, but by sliding the measuring this method is limited and so the tendency
head along the body of the gauge by to overtighten the gauge is largely
means of the thumb of the right hand. The eliminated. In the case of the dial caliper

fi(l.38 Showing how to hold

,,,. vernier gauge when sizing
• tr.nd·hold woricpiece. The
;.ug. Is controlled entirely by
I"" right hand. the leh hend
luppJles 0 steody support for
'''' g.uge ond 81so holds the
WOIkplllce In the correct 8(-
Illude. MII8suring dillmeters
.. ,hi. woy Is limited no' by
,,..,h of the Instrument
//luI by the depth of the loWS. 1----'-_.....:.....;.._

Fig. 39 Measuring the bore of
a component thr1l has 110t yet
bcp.n removed from the lathe.
The right hand is controlling
the gauge bur the left hand is
prDviding a platform on which
to rest the jaws. /I the ouler
face of (he component is
square to the bore. the entire
length of the outside jaws can
be inse/led into the bore so
thai the face of the gauge is
touching the face of the
workpiece. This wi11 ensure
thaI the gauge ;s square to
the workpiece.

the jaw is moved by means of a small The caliper gauge is basically a right-
knurled wheel which only has friction con- handed tool, although two hands are often
tact with the slide and so which basically used in the act of measuring, the left hand
functions in a similar way to the ratchet of being used mainly as a steady for the fixed
a micrometer. jaw. This becomes more important as the

Fig.40 Sizing a diameter 'ove,

the end'. This method can be
used up to the limit of the
gauge. The fi.ed jaw is held in
the left hand which is 61so
keeping the jaw in contact
with the workplace; the whole
gauge Is then pivoted about
this point by moving the right
hand up and down.

workpiece gets larger because best use tool will be upside-down and the
will not be obtained if one end of the workpiece will have to be removed and
gauge is waving about and not under full the gauge turned over for the reading to
control. The photographs, figs.38. 39 and be obtained. This can of course increase
40 illustrate three different types of the risk of an incorrect reading. The author
workpiece being measured and show how has tried using a vernier in the left hand
the gauge is held in each case. As men- and achieved the best results by holding
tioned above the caliper gauge is very the tool face upwards but with the jaws
much a right-handed tool and if the pointing away from him, the moving jaw
operator is left-handed problems will arise being operated by means of the first finger
because if the tool is held in the normal of the left hand. The scales are. of course.
manner but in the left hand , it will be im- upside-down but it is possible to read
possible to read the scale as the whole them .


Dial Gauges

Dial gauges are instruments that are tenth of a thousandth-of-an-inch and are
capable of sensing or detecting small intended in the main for high class inspec-
movements or size variations in a tion work. They are not ideally suited for
workpiece and then magnifying these model work as they are much too sen-
movements in such a way that they can sitive. In the amateur's workshop the
be registered on a dial. This dial is reminis- author has found that a dial registering 0-
cent of a clock face, in fact the dial gauge 25-0 gives complete satisfaction for most
is ohen referred to in the workshop as the cases where the use of a dial gauge is re-
"clock". There are a great many types of quired. The range of button, or stylus,
instruments used in engineering fitted movement can also vary considerably,
with dials, most of them used in industrial some gauges accommodating a total
inspection departments. However, from movement of half-an-inch or so whilst the
our point of view the dial gauge is an in- range on the very sensitive gauges may be
strument with a face over which sweeps a as small as .010. Again, this latter type
finger or pointer. This pointer is moved by has very little use for model engineering
a small button or contact point via a train needs.
of gears. The gear train 'magnifies' the Dial gauges can be divided into two
movement imparted to the button by the further types, the plunger type gauge and
workpiece. the lever type dial indicator. The plunger
The dial can be calibrated in a number type is the simplest of the designs, with
of ways, some dials having a range of the operating button screwed directly into
.100in. per revolution and the scales of the bottom of the plunger. This plunger
these dials are usually calibrated into 100 then passes through the body of the
divisions which means that every division gauge guided by two bearings, one on
represents .001 in. movement on the each side of the circular body or case, and
operating button. The scale may be from 0 between the two bearings a fine rack is
to 100, or it may be from 0 to 50 and cut into the plunger. A gear engages with
back again to zero. Other gauges have this rack, this gear being the first in a train
much smaller full scale deflection which which increases the angular movement
may be only .010. These sensitive gauges with the final gear being the one that
may be calibrated in increments of one- drives the pointer. The plunger may also

be mounted in the back of the case, and of personal preference.
this type is called the 'back plunger' or The lever type of gauge is more com-
'perpendicular' gauge, and this places the plicated, the pointer or finger being fitted
dial at right-angles to the plunger rather on the end of a coarse spiral worm and
than in line with it, The author has used this worm is driven round by a system of
both types of plunger dial gauge and has levers which are operated by the button or
not found that one possesses any general stylus. When using the plunger type of
advantage over the other. When used on gauge the body of the gauge will be
small machines some people may prefer directly over the plunger with the dial be-
to be over the top and looking down at the ing in either the vertical or horizontal posi-
dial rather than looking horizontally at it tion depending on the style of gauge be-
and if this is so then the back plunger ing used. This means that for direct
gauge is the one to use, it is just a matter readings the dial will be immediately over

Flg . 41a Showing three

different types of dial calibra-
tions, and there are many
J:,'//~~::se J~'!ttf~8.a~K: ~~:i:
ons 81so hes the same deflec-
tion fe8ding Bnd 'the one on
the right has a full scsle
d.flectlon of . 100". The two
'''IISr gauges both have small
IIcondery dials thet count the
/lumber of revolutions the
,wosp pointer has made and.
", can be seen, on onB
Y,~~g~~~~~'::~i:':c~;:n ~~~fs~
Ih. other one moves enti-
olockwise. This Is of no
"gnlflcance but does
.mphaslse just how di~/s can

fllg.41 b. The reverse side of

Ih • • 8me three gauges. This
, how! that the small on8 is an
.~ .mplo of a 'beck plunger'
fI.ugo whilst on the other two
ttt. gauges 8f8 situated on the
"d. of the casings. On the
Im.1I gauge the mounting
111m Is rigidly fixed; on the
_",III example the Bffm can
0. rot.ted but in one plane
only, whilst the right hand
,.ur." Is provided with a lug
I(}I .1f9nlng on ro 8 universal

_-0 49
the point of contact between the button aligned at zero. This is an advantage par-
and the workpiece and so space must be ticularly if the dial is calibrated from zero
available over the point of contact to allow up to half-scale deflection and then down
the gauge to be used. Naturally, this im- to zero again as there is then a plus and
poses limitations on its use and if the in- minus reading available about the zero
side of a bore is to be the setting datum setting. It is then possible, when checking
then the bore must be large enough to a number of similar pieces, to set the
allow entry of the complete gauge. It can- gauge to read zero at the correct dimen-
not therefore be used directly in small sion required. The reading then obtained
holes or other restricted areas although when the gauge is applied to the
there is a way of overcoming this problem workpiece will not only register the size of
- refer to fig.45. On the lever type of any error but also whether the workpiece
gauge, the stylus or button, being on the is larger or smaller than the required
end of an operating lever, can penetrate nominal size.
into small holes or areas, the rest of the In order to apply a dial gauge to a
gauge being well out of the way. workpiece the gauge must be held in
The majority of all dial gauges are some way and the method of holding will
provided with movable calibrated dials depend to a large extent on the type and
secured to knurled bezels. This provides location of the workpiece. One method is
the facility of being able to rotate the dial the use of the base or stand. This consists
to any desired angular positon, thus en- of a vertical steel column - usually tin.
suring that the pointer can always be diameter but this size may vary - secured
to a heavy base. On commercial stands
this base may be produced in cast-iron but
if the stand is home made and cast-iron is
not available then steel may be used. The
base must be heavy compared to the rest
of the stand because it is vitally important
that the dial gauge is rigidly and securely
held whilst readings are being taken. As
the base will, in the majority of cases, be
in contact with a cast-iron surface-plate or
a lathe cross-slide or some other magnetic
material, then a base containing a suitable
magnet is a distinct advantage. This type
of base is not only heavy and rigid but also
the strong magnet built into it can be
switched either on or off by pressing a
button built into the base. When in the off
position the base can be moved easily

Fig.42 This illustration shows 8 back plunger gauge

mounted on a stand with 8 magnetic bese. This combina-
tion is very useful when seting workpieces in machIne tools
but does have limitations owing to it being desirable 10 keep
the mounting 8rm in either 8 horizontal or vertical position
(refer 10 I/g.46),

over a metal surface but when the button photograph. fig.42. shows an example of
is pressed and the magnet is switched on. this type of arrangement. When using the
the base and complete stand is very firmly plunger type of gauge it is important that
and rigidly held. So strong are these the plunger is at right-angles to the
magnetic bases that the stand can be workpiece. otherwise the reading ob-
mounted at any angle. and even upside- tained on the dial will not be the same as
down. and still give the necessary support the distance being gauged. fig.46.
to the dial gauge. In the amateur workshop. the principal
The dial gauge itself will be provided use of a dial gauge will be in assisting the
with a mounting arm which will be either setting of workpieces in the lathe. milling
rigidly fixed to the outer case or pivoted or shaping machine. The stand just
and furnished with a clamp screw. In described can be used on all these
either case a fitting will be required to machines but when used in the lathe an
secure the dial mounting onto the stand. alternative method of mounting the dial
This fitting is usually called a universal may be required. When a dial gauge is be-
clamp. It is bored to pass over and slide up ing used to set up a workpiece in the
and down the stand and is also bored to lathe. the idea is to set a datum surface on
allow the dial mounting rod to pass the workpiece to run truly in relation to
through it; one thumbscrew will lock both the tool to be used. It may therefore be an
clamp and dial fixing arm in any desired advantage to mount the dial gauge in the
position. The operating height of the tool holder itself. Mounted in this fashion
gauge can. therefore. be set by moving the gauge can be moved about the
the clamp up or down the stand and the workpiece by means of the cross-slide and
distance from the stand to the dial gauge carriage and this can be very useful as not
can also be adjusted by moving the only can the workpiece be set to run truly.
mounting arm through the clamp. The it can also be set square. If the workpiece

"1/ 43 Selling 8 disc. or in

".1, clJse B wheel, square wIth
, ~ I. ,he oxis. The gauge is
., vfed In the tool holder
.. IIICh OIVBS the gauge a rigid
",1 tinting Bnd 8/50 provides
,~ f. ellity of a controlled
1fJ(i r;. monl.

Fig.44 This shows the gauge
stand combination depicted
in fig.42 being used to set 8
workpiece parallel to 8 milling
machine table. It is an ideal
unit for this type 01 work.

is flat or disc-shaped, then the button of carriage handwheel until the end of the
the gauge can be set first on the outer rim workpiece or the gauged diameter is
in order to set the disc to run truly, then reached, then rotate the lathe. If the
the gauge can be moved so that the workpiece is out of square with the lathe
button makes contact with the face of the mandrel there will be a deflection shown
disc, at or near the largest diameter, and on the dial. It must be remembered when
rotating the lathe by hand will then show using a dial gauge on a rotating compo-
at once whether the disc is set square or nent that the deflection shown on the dial
not. After setting square the dial gauge is twice the actual eccentricity of the com-
can be traversed over the face of the disc ponent and that the movement required to
by means of the cross-slide feed screw. obtain true-running is, therefore, only a
This will indicate whether or not the disc half of the error registered on the dial of
is flat as any movement of the pointer will the gauge.
show that the disc is slightly conical. If, When used in the milling or shaping
after taking a facing cut across the disc, machine, the main purpose of the -gaug e
the last test is repeated, it will indicate will be to set the upper face of th e
whether the lathe is facing square I workpiece parallel to the machine table. It
A gauge mounted in the tool rest can is most likely that in our small workshop s
also be used in setting up cylindrical the component will be held in one or tw o
workpieces or shafts both axially true and machine vices as shown in fig.44. Set th e
square. To do this use the gauge near to component in the vices first by 'eye', and if
the chuck in order to get the workpiece to two vices are being used and they are a
run truly at that point, then with the 'matched' pair it is surprising just how ac-
button of the dial gauge still in contact curately the eye can judge! Use the di al
with the workpiece, move the gauge along gauge mounted on a stand and should til
the workpiece by means of the lathe stand be fitted with a magnetic bas

Flg.45 Ills nol possible to get
• plunger Iype of gauge inside
• small bore; however, by us-
Ing the Bng/sd attachment
shown fitted to the gauge it Is
possible tD gain entry into
qulle small holes.

switch this to the 'off' position as it is another. Taking a number of similar

necessary to be able to move the stand readings at different points around the cir-
quickly from one place to another. Place cumference does not indicate roundness
the gauge so that the button is touching
the workface at one end of the component
then rotate the dial until the needle
registers zero. Next, and without moving
enything else, move the stand and gauge
unit to the other end of the component
nd take a reading on the workface there.
If the component is not parallel to the
rnachine table the gauge will register the
error and it will also show whether the wITH cSAu(QE PL..\J""-lC:t'E...2 b..112..\E::!\-\""A~l...E..!:a 10 ~ '
f'" /
nrror is in the 'plus' or 'minus' direction. \-:jb~\o(' ~\.J~F"""'-'E - Otl..L.. l<~C ~~~ QEPT\-.1 OF STE.P.
When readings taken at both ends of the
omponent correspond then subsequent
I dings taken at intermediate points
along its length will indicate whether the
w orkpiece is flat or bowed.
Tests for roundness can also be made
with the dial gauge. in fact this may be the
Illy wayan amateur can test roundness. _ ~\.-I!.~ -n...~ <mlll,.uf:l1: IS AT A.1rJ ... ~ ~
Ii must be appreciated that when the To wogl<. _ ""C.E - O')rr., L.. 2'A.Prtr.01NQ\ 1'0 "'2SA.'"T-.2. 1\-IIrr.."
dl" meter of a cylinder is being measured ~PT\.!. _OF'_~"T"E.P

tty means of caliper or micrometer, it is

not roundness that is being measured but Fig.46 Showing the effect of applying 8 dial gauge 8t an
• Ilmple linear size from one point to angle fQ the workpiece.

roundness three points of contact are
necessary and this can be achieved by
placing the component on a vee-block and
rotating it under a dial indicator as shown
in fig.4 7. If the component is accurately
centred at both ends then it may, of
course, be freely rotated between these
centres in the lathe for the tests to be
It will be realised from the above dis-
cussion that the dial test indicator - often
referred to on industrial drawings as a
D.T.I. - is not a tool for giving direct
readings of size, as will a micrometer or
vernier caliper gauge, it is purely and
simply a comparator and although it is
T ...... \;JCIll<PI£CE 15 11on..-n.o 1>-> \IE-€. B\..OCK
sometimes used for determining linear
e.2~O~S \)r,J RoU~ONE~~ 'yJ1I.... \. 8e.. \l>JDIC."'E.O
BY " >.IE.EObE OEFuoc.T\ON measurements up to its operating range ,
this is not the purpose for which it was
designed nor will the manufacturers claim
Ffg.47 Testforroundness. a high degree of linear accuracy over its
entire operating range. However, if used
either. Certain shapes appear to be round with care and discretion it can, in the
when measured in this way but in actual home workshop, prove to be a useful ad-
fact they may not be so. To test for dition to the metrology department.


Angular Measurement

Measuring angles is one of the most dif- type of protractor is intended primarily for
ficult of all measuring operations that the use in the drawing office or schoolroom
model engineer has to face. Even in in- where it can be laid down flat on a sheet
dustry angular measurement represents a of paper and used to ascertain the angles
major problem and very sophisticated in- of existing lines, or to produce new angles
8truments and equipment have been by making a mark at the appropriate
devised to try to bring about a solution. engraving around the outer edge. It does
Fortunately in the home workshop two not have much practical use in the
lhlngs are in our favour, firstly, accurate workshop although the author has known
ongular measurement is rarely called for occasions when mutilated bits of these
and, secondly, as outlined elsewhere in "instruments" have found their way into
this book, since parts and then mating makeshih appliances - but not where a
p rts are produced in the same workshop high degree of accuracy has been re-
nd by the same person, the need for the quired.
high degree of accuracy that in- The most basic, and by far the most
t rchangeability demands is largely used, of all workshop angular measuring
.,lIminated. tools is the try-square. This is in fact a
As all schoolchildren know, angles are protractor permanently set at 90°.
m asured in degrees, of which a full circle Squares come in all types and sizes but for
lill 360. These degrees are subdivided into the home workshop the term "square"
o parts called minutes, and each minute refers to the engineers' square, This con-
I . ubdivided into a further 60 parts called sists of two pieces of material permanent-
Clconds. Thus, one second is a very small ly fixed together and called the 'stock' and
Ingle indeed, much smaller than anything the 'blade'. The stock is the short heavy
wo ore likely to be called upon to consider. leg and the blade is the thin slender leg
fhG basic instrument for measuring angles and both pieces are made of precision
the protractor and in its simplest form ground steel, the blade usually being
Ihl . consists of a semi-circle, or hardened and tempered. They are made in
metimes a full circle, of transparent many sizes but the most useful for our
I t tlc into which lines have been purposes is one with a blade length of
"groved at one degree intervals. This about 6in. This size is small enough to be

Fig.48a. This shows the
author"s well-used 'collection'
01 squares: the largest One is 8
6", the smallest one a minimal
4/1, the other is an example of
an 'adjustable' square, The
latter has two bl8des - one
being calibrated. It has proved
to be 8 very useful tool but
where maximum accuracy is
required the normal fixed
blade squaTs is preferred.

Fig.48b. It is important to grip

the square firmly when In use
otherwise the side losd im-
parted by the sct/ber may
CBuse the square to move,
resulting In an Incorrect line.
No/e that the square is
gripped between the thumb
and the second, third and
fourth fingers, The first finge,
applies s dOWf/W8rd p,ess(JIe
to keep the blade In contact
with the workpiece.

used on our relatively small machine tools the floor! If an accident should occur and
but still large enough to be able to be used it does get dropped check to see if any
when marking-out the larger items en- permanent damage has been done. The
countered, such as locomotive frames, In method for checking is simple and quick.
use it is normal practice to place the stock Select a piece of sheet metal with one
onto the datum feature and the blade onto edge flat and straight. Place the stock of
the face being checked or marked. the square firmly up to this edge with th e
The square should always be treated blade facing to the right and scribe a line
with respect; do not drop it down onto the on the metal using the outer edge of the
bench so that it runs the risk of being blade as a guide, Then turn the square
bruised by contacting other objects such over so that the blade now faces towards
as files or hammers, and do not drop it on the left and check to see if the line just

Fig.49Showing the try-square
in use on the surface table. It
is 01 course important to keep
(he stock of (he square in full
contact with the table. As one
must be kept free lor the
scriber. holding the workpiece
and SQU8re must be per-
formed by the other hand and
this may represent 8 problem I
The m arked /ine on the il-
lustrated workpiece could be
produced more easily by
rota tin!! the workpiece 90 0
and uSing 8 scribing block.

scribed is coincident with the outer edge of of a steel blade and a head that is
the blade. If it is, then the square is ac- graduated in degrees - usually from zero
curate and all is well. It is a good idea to to 180° . The blade can be pivoted about a
periodically check squares for accuracy central screw which incorporates a lock-
since a square that is not accurate is of lit- ing device to enable the blade to be set in
tle use and will only lead to problems or any desired position. A protractor of this
even to a scrapped component. In use it is type will be adequate for most of the
imperative that the stock of the square be angular measurement the model engineer
kept rigidly held against the datum edge will meet although a high degree of ac-
of the workpiece, particularly when using curacy cannot be expected from a tool of
it for marking-out purposes, because this type.
when scribing down the edge of the blade One of the main problems with protrac-
a force will be applied to the blade by the tors is their relatively small size. For ease
scriber which will tend to move the stock of handling they must be kept to a
from contact with the datum face, reasonable size. If it were possible for the
resulting in an out-of-square line. scale to be 12in. or so in diameter, then
The workshop protractor is similar to each degree marking would be about
the try-square except that the blade can 1/1 Din., apart and at this size it would be
be moved and set to any angle by means possible to subdivide each degree into,
of a graduated scale. Once set it is then say, four parts thus giving a reading in in-
used in the same way as the try-square. If crements of 15 minutes. However, a tool
this fact is kept in mind then it will greatly of this size would be impractical to use
help the user, and applying a protractor to and would certainly be useless in the sm-
a workpiece will present no problems. ail amateur workshop. The usual size for a
There are a number of types of protractor protractor scale is about 3in. diameter and
available. The simplest of engineer's at this size the distance between the
protractors is shown in fig. 50 and consists degree markings is in the order of .025in.


Fig.SO ShDwing 8 simple basic engineering protractor.

and since it is not practical to subdivide achieved by providing the protractor with
this further this means that one degree is a vernier scale. Most of the· protractors
the smallest increment that can be ob- available are graduated from 0°-90°
tained by direct reading. reading in two directions and it therefore
Often the length over which the angle follows that it will be necessary for any
is considered is much larger than the size vernier scale fitted to have the facility to
of the protractor dial. On a locomotive be also read in both directions. In actual
frame or traction engine hornplate, for ex- fact the vernier attachment is a single
ample, the considered distance could be plate with two distinct scales based on a
10 inches or so and one degree over this common zero. The range of each scale is
distance represents almost 3/16in. of usually 12 divisions which means that
linear displacement. It can be seen from each division is 1/12 of a degree, or 5
this, therefore, that the greater the length minutes. It is, therefore, possible with a
over which the angle is considered, the vernier protractor to set the instrument to
greater the linear discrepancy for a given within 5 minutes which represents a linear
angular error. Which illustrates the com- displacement over 10 inches of about
ment made in the first paragraph of this .015in. - an improvement over the stan-
chapter that angular measurement can dard protractor. The 12 divisions of the
give rise to problems in the workshop. vernier scale are made equal to 23 divi-
One way of reducing the possible error is sions of the main scale and not 11 as
to try to obtain a more accurate reading of might be expected. The reason for this is
the instrument scale and this can be the close proximity to each other of thu

TI-\£. VEr?NIE.R P2.01'l2A.CTOR SCALE. SE. T
t>,T ZE.RO. 1\4E.·0 /!\~C) e.O\\-1 ~O LINe.~

O\-..l \\-IE. VE.>?~IE.\? Sc..I>.LE COINC..\OE. \iJIT1-1

A MA.IN SCJ>...LE. '-'!-.lE.

SHDWING" .I>. 12..t.A.OI\-..ltC, OF 2. 4 D"I" 40';. ~ ~ '2. ...."'- S,O'

Ti4E.I2..E. IS OI..lL,( O"-lE. LINE. O\-..l 1\-1£ VE.2.1-.lIE.1C!.
SCALI:;. 11-..1 \HE. \:)I&'C.TIOI'J OF ~DI1-.lG,""114"T
COINC.IDES WIT\-I b. LlI-..1e. ON TIle. 1"·I.II.IN 5C.ALE.

Fig.Sl Showing the vernier sCBle applied to 8 protractor.

degree divisions would make the vernier the protractor is considered to be the
. cale difficult to read if it were based on same as the vernier scale on the caliper
, 1 divisions of the main scale. This does gauge, it will be quickly and readily under-
not in any way alter the basic principle of stood. It is not in any way necessary to
the vernier scale, it just means that one memorise the principles involved in the
vernier division is 1/12 0 , or 5 minutes, vernier when using it, but it does help if
shorter than two scale divisions. The the operator knows why and how it func-
reed ing of the scale is not affected or tions. When reading the vernier protractor
oltered at all other than it is easier to read first note the number of whole degrees on
owing to the scale being twice as large. the main scale then, reading in the same
If the application of the vernier scale to direction and starting at zero on the ver-

- Fig.528. A modern hI ~"
quality protractor liflerl w Ith
magnifying lens.

nier scale, count the number of spaces to ments of 15 minutes. so the maximum
a line on the vernier which coincides to a number of lines to be counted is only two I
line on the main scale. For each of these As outlined above, the vernier scale is in
divisions add on 5 minutes. The vernier fact two scales; it is vitally important to
scale is itself calibrated. usually in incre- use the correct one and this is always the

Fig.52b. Gauging sm8118ngles

by means of 8 small protractor
can be very difficult,' to over-
come this the tool shown in
the previous photograph has
an acute angle attachment.
This adjustable att8chment Is
shown fitted to Ihe protractor
in this illustration. The vernier
scale con also be clearly seen
in (he magnifying lens.

Ie in the direction of the reading. If the reader is not familiar with
Ig.61 shows diagrammatically a vernier trigonometry it is still possible to use the
protractor scale showing a reading of sine bar and sine tables to obtain an angle
2 4° - 50' . The photograph, fig .52, il- without having to make a study of
IUl trates a modern bevel protractor which triangles or their trigonometrical function.
h.. the additional aid of a magnifying Refer to fig.54 - here we see a sine bar
. creen fitted to the vernier scale. with one end resting on a flat surface such
as a surface plate ad the other end resting
Where a great degree of angular accuracy
on a packing. The sine bar is now at an
has to be achieved, some means other angle to the surface plate. Since the
Ihan a protractor must be used. It was
length of the sine bar remains constant it
described how an error of one degree over
follows that if we alter the size of the
10 Inches would result in a linear error
packing it will also alter the angle. In other
Ipproximately 3/16in. If, therefore, the
words, the size of the packing will deter-
ongle required can be expressed as a
m ine the angle, or, to put it the other way
linear displacement at some known dis-
round, the angle required will determine
lance from the point of intersection, and
the size of the packing needed. Now, if we
Ihis displacement be measured to even a
divide the size of the packing by the length
coarse tolerance, say with a rule, the
of the sine bar we get a figure - always
resulting angle obtained will be to a higher
less than one - and this figure is called the
degree of accuracy than that obtained
sine of the angle. It is a simple as that I
with the ordinary protractor. If the linear
Many workshop manuals, and certainly
size is capable of being measured to
all books on trigonometric functions, con-
within approximately .001 of an inch then
tain a table of sines, and this table lists
an exceedingly accurate angle can be
side-by-side the figure obtained by
dividing the height of the packing by the
length of the sine bar, with the angle
which corresponds to this figure. If,
THE SINE BAR therefore, we know the angle but do not
The tool which engineers use to deter- know the sine, look down the list of angles
mine angles, using the above method, is until the required figure is revealed and
called the sine bar. It is an accurate simply read off the sine. If the sine is
parallel steel bar with two identical rollers known but the angle is not, look down the
attached at a definite centre distance. This sine column and read off the angle. For ex-
distance can vary depending on the size of ample, supposing we require to know the
the workpiece involved but usually the size of the packing required to give an
centre distance is either 10in. or 5in. angle of 20°. The table of sines for 20°
Fig.53 shows a sketch of a typical sine gives a figure of .342, now this is the
bar. It was the author's intention when figure we get when the size of the packing
starting out to compile this book, to keep is divided by the length of the sine bar, so
mathematics out of it as far as possible if we multiply the length of the sine bar -
but unfortunately should any reader wish which is 5in. - by the .342, we shall ob-
to use the sine bar, or the principle in- tain the size of the packing, i.e .. 342 x 5in.
volved, then he must resort to the use of = 1.710in. It is now apparent why 5in.
simple trigonometrical tables, or at least was chosen for the sine bar length, it is
to the table listing the sines of angles. very easy to multiply by 5 - simply divide




::,·000 ~ DIA.. OF BUTTO"'-lS.


E.CC.E.~TR\C. SI-lO\.l\...DE.12-
A.DJLl5T euTT"OI-.lS O"-l .bo.SSE,I-'\BLY TO G,\\lE.
5·000 CEI-J"TRE. DIS'J.,.I-JCE.. \\-\E.N UX-TITE. IlJ

Fig.53 Sine bsrs- The upper view shows 8 typical commercial example. The lower views suggest
how the amateur can produce his own bars.

by 2 and move the decimal point one place I process much easier as the engineering or
It is just as simple working from the pack- scientific calculators contain in their
ing size to obtain the angle. Supposing the memory all the trigonometrical functions
packing measures 1.545in., if we divide including the sines. So, using one of these
this by 5in. we get the figure .309; looking instruments will give you, at the press of a
up this number in the table of sines gives button, the value of the sine, and by press-
the answer 18 0 • The advent of the ing another button will perform the mul-
electronic pocket calculator has made the tiplication or division for you. Since ac-

LE.NGTH OF SI"-lE. e,J>..R

1-IE.\Eo\-rr OF PA.C.I(I~(,
TO ~1t--lD AWGLE :- SlhlE. OF AWG:.L.E -

Fig.54 Showing the ptinciple of the sine bar.

Quiring one of these calculators the author then angles obtained by this method will
has left the book of tables permanently 'in meet the demands of any workpiece likely
the book rack I to be produced in the ho'me workshop.
Once the basic idea behind the sine bar This is not to suggest that all protractors
has been understood then this knowledge should be disregarded, far from it, they are
can be used in general marking-out prac- useful pieces of equipment and a con-
tice for obtaining accurate angles. It will siderable asset to the workshop equip-
be obvious from the above that obtaining ment, However, there are also times when
accurate angles with the protractors the only a slight knowledge of basic
amateur is likely to possess is, to say the mathematics is in itself a considerable
least, hazardous. If these angles can be force in one's armoury when facing the
set out as triangles and the length of the variety of challenges that the workshop can
sides measured - even with a steel rule - present.


General Marking-out Tools

All the tools that have been discussed so produced commercially in two grades, 'A'
far have had one factor in common, they and'S', with the 'A' grade surface being
have all been measuring devices of some the more accurate and also the more ex-
form or other that have enabled a specific pensive. The 'A' grade surface plate is
distance to be determined from one point finished by hand scraping and, size for
or face to another point or face. The size, will cost about twice as much as a'S'
measurements have been in a straight line grade plate which will have a machine
and therefore in one dimension only. All ground finish, They are made in all sizes
c the components that will be produced or ranging from about6-inches by 4-inches
measured in the workshop will be three- up to 12-feet by 6-feet or even larger. As
dimensional - although the marking-out it would not be practical to place the
on plate work will be done in two planes larger sizes on a work bench, they are
only, so this type of work may be con- fitted with legs and are free-standing.
sidered as two-dimensional. Before any These are referred to as surface tables or
work can be carried out on a component it marking-out tables. The larger sizes of
will be necessary to 'mark-out' that com- these tables are often made from granite
ponent and for this certain tools will be re- and a black granite surface table is the
quired. ultimate datum standard. Nature has
produced this material which, when
SURFACE PLATES finished-machined, will give a long lasting
In some cases it is an advantage, and in wear-resistant surface which is not only
other cases essential, that some flat sur- stress-free and rigid but which is also un-
face be used as a datum for the marking- affected by magnetic influences and most
out process, the component being placed chemical actions. However, this type of
upon the flat surface whilst the marking- datum surface is usually well outside th e
out process is performed. Special flat and scope of the amateur workshop not only
true surfaces are produced for this pur- because of its physical size but also
pose called 'Surface Plates' and these are because of its extreme weight and cost I.
an important and necessary piece of The cast-iron surface plate is perfectly
workshop equipment, Surface plates are satisfactory for the amateur workshop

Fig.55 This shows a cast-fron
sunace plate 8" x 6". A plate
smaller than this would have 8
limIted USB. Mast plstes 8r8
fitted with c8rrylng 01 Jifting
handles BS shown.

although the author has found that the allowing tools such as surface gauges to
smaller sizes, such as 6-inches by 4- slide freely over it.
inches, are too small for general marking- In order to prevent a rocking action,
out purposes, as once the workpiece- surface plates are fitted with only three
such as a casting - is placed upon it there feet which enables them to sit firmly on a
is no room leh for the marking equipment. bench top that may leave a little to be
Cast-iron is a good material for our type of desired with regard to flatness. They are
surface plate because it can readily be also, with the possible exception of the
made flat (or at least flat enough for our very small surface plates, rigidly webbed
needs) and is hard enough to withstand on the underside, thus reducing the
wear from the rubbing action of tools, etc. tendency to warp or twist. Figs.55 and 56
Also, the free graphite present in cast-iron show both the top and underside of two
helps to make it self-lubricating thus surface plates.

Flg.56 The underside of 8

cllst-iran 5urfBce plate. Note
how it is webbed to give
.dded rigidity. The three sup-
porting feet are also clearly

The surface plate is not only used as a of necessity imposed on the amateur, or
datum for marking-out items, it is also a even school workshops. Fortunately there
flat reference surface and can be used for is a cheap and simple solution, as a very
checking the flatness of a machined com- effective marking-out plate can be made
ponent such as a port-face of a cylinder from a piece of plate glass. This material is
casting. If the surface of the plate is flat to within limits that are perfectly
coated with a fine coloured marking acceptable to the model engineer. It does
medium, the port-face of the casting can have a tendency, if not supported, to bend
be placed face down onto it and gently to quite an alarming degree but this can
rubbed in a circular motion. The high be overcome by placing the plate glass
spots on the port-face will 'pick-up' the onto a stout wooden base - chipboard is
coloured marker and will indicate just perfectly satisfactory - and the author has
where to remove the metal with the also found that a few sheets of paper
scraper. Red lead and thin oil will make a between the board and the glass is a dis-
good marking fluid, but most engineers' tinct improvement.
stores sell a commercial product However, this type of surface plate
sometimes called 'engineers' marking does have its drawbacks in that it has to
blue' or 'dispersion blue', and, certainly, be treated with great care so as not to
blue seems to be a good colour for this break it - but it can be argued that any ill-
purpose. However, a word of advice - treatment that would lead to the glass
whatever marker is used it must be used breaking would quite probably have
very sparingly otherwise the gap between caused permanent damage to a genuine
the surface plate and the workpiece will surface plate I Since glass is relatively
be bridged by the marker and a complete- cheap this type of 'surface plate' can also
ly false marking obtained. Do not use a be used as a lapping plate without the fear
lapping compound between the surface of destroying the accuracy of an expensive
plate and component as this will destroy piece of equipment and if, after a while,
the accuracy of the surface plate. In fact, if the glass becomes hollow as a result of
the workpiece is of a soft material, such as long lapping sessions it is a simple matter
bronze or gun metal, small pieces of the to replace it - but do not forget to turn the
abrasive will become embedded into the glass over and use the other side first!
softer material and lap away the surface Before leaving surface plates, one final
plate! thought: they are not anvils and hammer-
The author has found that a surface ing and straightening bent workpieces
plate about 8-inches by 6-inches is a should not be carried out on any surface
satisfactory size for the home or small plate - particularly a glass one I
workshop when it is being used as a
datum for checking or obtaining flat sur- SCRIBERS
faces, but even this size is far too restric- If accurate marking-out is to be unde r-
tive for general marking-out practices. taken then it is important that a good
Marking-out is made far more difficult if quality scriber should be used . All too
the operator is having to work in cramped often the amateur has but little regard fo r
conditions but, as already discussed, his scriber and uses it for a poker, tommy
larger plates are heavy and in most cases bar, or even a punch, with the result th ot
well outside the price restrictions that are the scriber begins to resemble a bent nail

Fig.57 Th'tle tlnglnee,s'
scrlbers. The lower one has
removable points, which is an
advantage 8S any number of
points can be used In the one
body. Including tungsten car-
bide points.

and, as far as marking-out is concerned, is that there is a point at both ends, one of
about as much use as one. Do not forget which is bent over at right-angles. This
that it is this tool that produces the lines bent portion is handy for getting into
that mark the boundaries of a component awkward places. The main objection the
and if the scribing is poor then it will be author has to these two scribers is that
difficult to work to the line - and this they cannot, with safety, be carried
could lead to spoiled components, The around in the pocket; however, if they are
scribed line should be bold, thin and not kept in a drawer or cupboard close to
very deep and it is therefore important to where they are going to be used then
have a good scriber and a sharp one. Even there is no need to carry them around. It is
with modern prices, scribers are not ex- advisable to protect the point when not in
pensive tools, so when purchasing one use, a cork or similar device pushed over
make sure you get a good quality product. the end not only protects the points but
The point of a scriber is the most im- also eliminates the risk of inadvertently
portant feature as this is the functional jabbing one's hand on what is a very sharp
part of the tool. In use the point is very point.
highly stressed and so to give good ser- The most popular type of scriber is the
vice and long life it must be hard but not one with removable points, and these are
brittle, otherwise it will crumble under the called pocket or toolmakers' scribers. The
load. For what appears to be such a sim- main body of this type of scriber is
ple tool it is surprising how large a selec- produced from a free cutting steel and is
tion is commercially available, although in fact a handle into which the scriber
there are only a few basic patterns. The point fits, the point being held in place by
Ilmplest scribers are produced from a means of a small screwed collet. This type
l ingle piece of steel about 3/1 Bin. of scriber has advantages over the one-
diameter and about 41-in. long. They are piece tool in that only the scriber point
pointed at one end only and knurled for itself is made from tool steel and as these
most of their length. The knurling is to are small, simple items the cost of
provide a firm grip for the fingers during replacement is relatively small; also, after
use. This type of scriber is sometimes use, the point can be reversed in the
referred to as a machinist's scriber and holder, thus protecting both point and
one is illustrated in the photograph user. A number of points can be kept for
(fIg,57). Another single-piece scriber is the the one holder including tungsten carbide
engineer's bent or right-angled scriber and ones. This is an extremely hard material,
this is similar to the previous one except much harder than the tool steel, and so

/>.. SC~JBEoe HEoLD A.T THE SI40WI>JG TI-1A.T IF 5C£.IBE.e e. e.c.T A)JG,\...E. I S \.la"'- I4E.LO c.oe.2ECTL.y
T\-I E. U t-J Eo Pa:>C:> LX:.E 0 W IL.L

Fig.58 Showing how and how

not to present a scriber to the

AIJ E.220e CA>J ....I..\)O A21€>E BY UE,I..:lCl '" ~CJ!.JSE2

1.... C.o~2.EcTL." SH~E.Nf:..D.

this type of point is ideal for work on of the scriber must be tilted in towards the
castings where the hard sandy surface can guide, as failure to do this could result in a
quickly blunt the tool steel point. (Fig.57 marked line not being along the edge of
shows a scriber of this type). the guide but some distance away from it.
In use the scriber is held in a similar If a second pass is then made along the
way to a pencil, for it is after all a drawing straight edge the chances are that a dou-
instrument. When using the scriber with a ble line may be the result. The diagram,
rule or straight edge as a guide, the point fig.58, illustrates this point.

Fig.59 This shows three cnm

mercia1 punches. The top Ont) ,
being of small diameter. call
be used as a dot or plic A
punch, the middle punch be
ing larger can be used for
providing the 'slart' lor a drill.
The lower punch is an
Butomatic punch and ca/J be
used in place of the 'do"
CENTRE PUNCHES the dot punch. A drill started in the 90° in-
As the name implies this tool is used for dentation has a better chance of remain-
marking a point to locate the centre of a ing in the true position than it would have
hole that has to be drilled. In marking-out in the original dot punch hole.
this is usually at the intersection of two The punches themselves have to be
scribed lines. It is not practical to start a made from a good quality tool steel as the
normal twist drill in the desired spot pointed end has to be hardened and
without giving the drill some form of tempered. The remainder of the punch,
guide, and this guide is the indentation particularly the top, must be tough
made by the centre punch. This mark is enough to withstand the hammer blows.
usually referred to as the 'centre pop'. If As in the case of the scribers, the shank of
the hole centre has been accurately the punch is usually knurled to provide a
marked then in order to maintain this ac- good fingergrip. Some manufacturers
curacy a good true 'pop' mark at the exact produce punches with a square section
intersection of the line is essential. It head, which does not alter the effec-
therefore follows that good quality tiveness of the punch in any way but it
punches, well maintained and correctly does prevent it from rolling off the bench
used, are required. It is recommended that top and magically disappearing under the
two punches be available in the workshop, bench! Spring loaded 'automatic' dot
one about 1/8in. diameter at the top of punches are produced which do not need
the cone point, the other being larger, say a hammer blow to produce the indenta-
about 3/16in. diameter. The conical point tion. The body of this type of punch is
of the smaller punch should be ground to hollow and contains a spring and striker
an included angle of about 60° and this mechanism. The punch is placed on the
type of punch is usually referred to as a workpiece and steady downward pressure
'dot' punch. The cone angle on the larger applied on the body compresses the spr-
punch, which is the actual centre punch, ing until the striker is automatically
should be about 90° inclusive. Both types released and the resultant blow is applied
of punch are available commercially and to the punch point. The tension of the spr-
are listed in manufacturers' catalogues as ing can be adjusted by rotating the punch
dot and centre punches respectively. body thus allowing the size of the blow to
The dot punch should be the first punch be varied; all the marks made at anyone
to be used. Since it is smaller in diameter setting with this type of punch will be of
and is generally a slimmer version of the uniform size. The photograph, fig. 59,
centre punch, it is easier to locate the line shows various types of centre punches.
intersection with the dot punch, also the It is not particularly easy to produce the
Indentation made will be smaller in 'pop' mark just where it is required. If the
diameter owing to the narrower angle. lines have been produced by means of a
This is just the type of 'pop' required for sharp scriber and the dot punch is as
locating the points of dividers used for sharp as it should be then it is possible to
scribing radii or setting out dimensions. If feel the point of the punch into the line in-
8 hole has to be drilled then the larger tersection; the use of a magnifying glass
punch is used to open out the indentation. may also be helpful. Only lightly dot the
It is a simple matter to accurately locate work at first, then carefully examine the
the larger punch in the hole produced by result. If the dot is where is should be then

Flg.50 Showing the
recommended way of holding
B centre punch; It Is firmly
held between the thumb 8nd
three fingers, the little tinger
providing 8 support for the
point so preventing it from
moving out of position whllsf
8 light hammer blow is being

it is a simple matter to apply the punch a lustrates this. The hammer used should
second time to obtain the depth required only be a light one, certainly no more than
for either producing a start for a drill, or a half-pound, lighter if possible.
location of a divider point. Should the dot DIVIDERS
be out of position then the punch will have The names of many tools define the work
to be angled for the second blow to they perform and in this respect dividers
'throw' the dot over to its correct position. are no exception. One of their uses is to
Most faulty punch marks are a result of in- divide a line into a number of equal parts.
correctly holding the punch. To get the dot This is done by the trial and error method
in the correct position first time it is es- of guessing the distance required and
sential to hold the punch vertically - if the then, from the starting point, stepping out
punch is angled then the dot will move the number of divisions wanted - hoping
over in the direction of inclination. It is to finish at the predetermined position. It
also important to have complete control is most unlikely that this will be achieved
over the punch; it must be firmly held and first time so the dividers are adjusted and
supported whilst the blow is being another attempt made. Three or four tria
applied. The punch should be held should be sufficient to arrive at the corre ct
between the thumb and second finger divider setting. There are, however, oth er
with the first finger supporting the head of ways of dividing a line into a number of
the punch . The tip of the third finger equal parts and there are also other duti e8
should be steadying the punch point and that can be accomplished by a pair of
at the same time resting on the dividers. Their main duty is to provide
workpiece. The photograph, fig. 60, il- means of marking arcs and circles from

~r· ~~ Adr~:eC:: 3;/~1';efes,:~
patterns. A pair of 'odd legs' is
shown on the right. The spur
referred to In the t8Kt can be
seen on the left-hand leg.

predetermined centre and, as such, thumb and first finger. Spring bow instru-
dividers are really a special form of scriber. ments of all types are inclined to flex un-
Another use for dividers is that of der load and once the load is removed the
transferring dimensions from a rule to the legs go back to their original position. If,
workpiece. When doing this, do not use therefore, a pair of spring bow dividers is
the end of the rule for a datum - as is driven round by the legs rather than by the
done with calipers - but place one leg of special knurled knob provided, the
the dividers in the one-inch graduation chances are that the setting of the dividers
end then adjust the distance between the will vary slightly during the marking
legs until the second leg clicks into the operation and an incorrect line will be
rule division required. Do not forget, scribed. A second pass with the dividers
however, to allow for the one-inch of the may then lead to a double line - and
rule that is not being used. Failure to do so neither may be correct I When the points
18 most unlikely with small distances but are close together springing and flexing of
with larger dimensions any error may not the legs becomes a problem and it is
be so obvious. therefore advisable to have two pairs of
Dividers are very similar in construction dividers in the workshop, a 6-inch set and
to calipers although nowadays they are all a 3-inch set. the smaller ones naturally
of the spring-bow type. However, dividers being used for the smaller radii. The size
heve a small knurled knob protruding from of a pair of dividers is obtained by measur-
the centre line of the bowspring to allow ing the distance between the pivot centre
the divider to be rotated between the and the bottom of the legs.

HERMAPHRODITE CALIPERS Odd legs are, as a rule, firm jointed and
are nearly always fitted with removable
In the workshop these are usually referred
to as 'odd legs' or 'jenny legs' and, as the and adjustable scribing points. It will be
appreciated from the above that this type
name implies, they are similar to dividers
of caliper can only be used from a datum
and calipers except the legs are odd. In
edge and is of little use when marking out
fact. one leg is similar to the leg of an in-
side caliper, the other leg is similar to a a sheet from a datum line.
divider leg.
Their main use is for scribing a line TRAMMELS
parallel to a datum edge. The caliper leg is It will be apparent from the discussion on
placed against the datum edge and with dividers that they have limitations with
the opening of the legs set to the desired regard to size, since the longer the legs
size, the scriber leg is drawn along the become the more they begin to lose
workpiece. This will produce a line parallel rigidity and the more unwieldy they are to
to, or equally distant from, the datum use. They are actually produced commer-
edge. It is essential, of course, to keep the cially up to a size of 12 inches, but using
caliper leg in contact with the datum edge dividers of this size is, to say the least, an
throughout the entire length of the scribed experience. Therefore, some other way of
line and in order to help achieve this, the producing the larger arcs, say 6 inches
caliper leg on some makes of her- and above, is desirable and the ideal tool
maphrodite calipers is provided with a for this task is a set, or a pair, of trammels.
locating spur set at right angles to the leg A set of trammels consists of two
and about 3/1 6in. or so from the bottom. movable heads and a rigid beam . The
This spur rides along the top face of the heads are the means of securing scriber
datum edge and prevents this leg from points but as they also have to be able to
moving vertically up and down the datum. move alongthe beam to establish a setting
This is important because any vertical they must be provided with a locating and
movement of the caliper leg will affect the locking device. Unfortunately, the author
position of the line from the datum edge does not know of any manufacturers now
and result in an incorrectly marked line. In producing small trammel sets that are
fact, is advisable, when buying this type of suitable for amateur or model engineering
caliper, to make sure that it is provided workshops. On the other hand, however,
with the spur (fig.61 shows quite clearly). they are not difficult to make and the little
Another use for odd legs is locating the time their construction would take will
centre of the bar and this is done by prove well worthwhile, particularly if the
setting the legs at about half the diameter constructor wishes to build the larger type
of the bar and placing the spur on the of model.
cylindrical face. An arc is drawn on the The beam could be made from a piece
end face, then three more arcs are drawn of bright drawn mild steel. Square section
at approximately 90° intervals and it will could be used as this would then ensu re
then be apparent from the four arcs where that the heads maintain vertical align-
the centre is located. This, however, is not ment; alternatively, the beam could be
really a precision way of centre locating, produced from circular rod with vertical
nor one that the author makes a practice alignment maintained by machining a flat
of using. over the entire length of the beam. Cer-

tainly the heads would be easier to make Iy alone by the serious worker. However,
if the beam were circular, as a drilled hole the combination set is an exception to this
presents far less of a problem to produce rule and is a very useful addition to the
than a square hole. If the clamping screw workshop equipment. Generally a com-
for locking the head to the beam used the bination set consists of four pieces - the
flat for its contact face, automatic align- rule, the square head, the protractor and
ment of the heads would take place when the centre head.
these screws were tightened. The actual The basis of the set is the rule, this be-
scriber points - which could be the com- ing a 12-inch or 300mm rigid square-
mercial points supplied for the pocket- ended rule, thicker than the ordinary rule
type scriber - could be secured to the and with a keyway or slot down the centre
head either by a locking-type collet or of one face running the complete length of
clamp screw. A refinement would be to the rule. As an individual item it can ob-
eccentrically mount one of the scriber viously be used as a rule or straight-edge.
points as fine adjustment could then be The other three items can in turn have the
made by rotating this point. rule inserted into them with the keyway
Inexperienced users will soon find locating and guiding them into position. A
that trammels are easy tools to use. This is locking screw secures each item in any
mainly due to their inherent stability. The desired position along the length of the
scriber points are in close proximity to the rule. When the square head is used the
beams and the whole tool is only about an tool does in fact become a try-square with
inch or so above the workpiece. Both an available blade length of 12 inches. As
hands are needed to use the trammels - the rule can be set to give any required
one on each head. With right-handed projection from the face of the square, It
users, the left hand is the anchor hand, the can also be used as a depth gauge,
circular motion being applied with the although some restrictions will be en-
right hand. This results in the downward countered owing to the rule being in the
pressure being almost directly over the region of one inch wide. However, it can
scriber points and so very little bending be used for obtaining, or checking, depths
moment is given to the beam. This, in of steps or flanges. The square head is
turn, eliminates any tendency for the also fitted with a 45° face and a spirit
scriber points to spread under load. In level, the latter being useful in setting
fact, providing the anchor scriber is sitting things parallel to the surface plate,
in a good and well-formed'pop' made with providing of course that the surface plate
a dot punch, it is possible to go over the is itself set level. The blade in the square
same scribed line a number of times head is also useful on the surface plate as
without the risk of doubling or spreading it will stand with the rule in the vertical
the line. position thus permitting distance above
the surface plate to be obtained.
COMBINATION SETS OR The protractor head naturally turns the
SQUARES tool into a protractor - again with a 12-
Tools that claim to be able to perform a inch blade, although its use in this form is
large vari"ty of functions are more often limited, particularly when set at shallow
than not of little use. They rarely perform angles.
any function well and are best left severe- The centre square is intended for deter-

WILL P .....~'5 lH\1OUG,.l-\ ""T\-lE u:.\..lTI1£ OF A.IJ'{ OIA.ME.-re.1'?



Fig.62 The centre square

mining the centre position of square or the rule will pass through the centre posi-
round stock. The head is arranged so that tion.
the blade bisects the angle between the By doing this in two places, the point
90 0 face of the square so that when where the lines intersect is the centre of
applied to a circular object. one edge of the circle (see fig.62).


Tools for Marking

Castings, Forgings etc
In addition to the tools so far examined. slackened. the clamp will not readily move
further appliances will be needed if up and down the column but it will be
successful marking and measuring of possible to move the scriber against a
castings and similar components is to be slight resistance until the correct setting is
undertaken. What we are now looking for obtained. The clamp screw can then be
is some means of determining and mark- tightened and both scriber and clamp
ing points or lines in the vertical plane firmly secured. Two holes are us~ally
above the datum or face-plate. provided in the clamp screw sleeve· at
right-angles to one another, a small one
SURFACE GAUGE about 1/8in. diameter for the scriber and a
As with other types of marking. the line larger hole suitable for accepting dial in-
required on the workpiece can be made by dicators.
means of a scriber and therefore all that is This simple form of scribing block can
wanted is a means of holding the scriber easily be made in the small or home
at any pre-determined distance above the workshop and in order to assist any con-
datum face. coupled with the facility of structor the clamp block. screw and sleeve
being able to move the scriber along or are shown in fig.63. The scriber can be
around the workpiece. The tool that meets made from a piece of 1/8in. diameter
these conditions is called the surface silver steel but before hardening and
gauge or scribing block. In its simplest tempering. make it double-ended and
form it consists of a relatively heavy and bend one end over as shown in the
robust base into which is mounted a ver- photographs. This bent end allows the
tical column. A special scriber is secured scribing block to be used for positioning
to the column by means of a clamp which work parallel to the surface plate and. of
18 so arranged that the one knurled course. it can also be used for setting
neaded clamp screw will lock both the workpieces in machine tools.
clamp to the column and the scriber to the The universal type of surface gauge is
clamp. It is possible to rotate the scriber illustrated in fig.64. and, as can be seen, is
about the clamp screw. thus enabling fine more sophisticated than the simple scrib-
adjustments to be made to the height of ing block. The base is rectangular with the
the scriber. If the clamp screw is partially underface machined and scraped true and

Fig.53 This is 8 simple form of scribing block. Ir is nor dif-
ficult for the amateur to make his own although the one il-
/us/(8ted is 8 commerciallv 8vailable tool. The Isryer hole
visible in the sleeve is for securing IfJ disl test indicator.

flat. It also has a 'V' groove machined

across its length which allows the gauge
to be accurately located onto cylindrical
workpieces. Also incorporated in the base
are two retractable guide pegs. When
these are withdrawn downwards they can
be placed into contact with a machined
edge of a large workpiece or with the
edge of a regular surface plate. The whole
gauge can then be slid along the edge and
if the pegs are kept in contact with the
edge the gauge will then move in CI
straight line parallel to the datum edge .
The author has not found many cases ill
model engineering where this facility was
a great asset!
The pillar of the universal surface
gauge is not securely fastened into the
base but is held in a cross drilled spindle
which can be rotated to allow the pillar to

Fig. 54 An exampl. 01,,,.

referred tD in the 101ft .,.
all visible.

Fig.65 Setting the height
of the surface glJUg6.
~tb!~n;/I, er:seur;U:~8t8;,
is perpendicular to the
sunsee plete. Note the
scriber is almost horizon-
tBI and there is 8
minimum 01 overhang.

be moved from the vertical. This not only plate will, by the nature of things, be com-
helps in the adjustment of the scriber paratively small and light and will
point height but also increases the reach therefore be able to withstand only the
of the scriber should this be desired. Fine slightest pressure before movement of the
height adjustment is made by means of a workpiece takes place. Certainly, in order
rocking lever and adjusting screw. The to obtain any mark at all the workpiece
rocking lever is pivoted on the base with will have to be held down in some way.
the adjusting screw on one end of the The surface gauge is also basically a
lever and the spindle carrying the pillar in flimsy tool and one not capable of
the other end. The locking lever is spring- accepting a great deal of pressure on the
loaded so that it moves by means of the scriber point. This does not mean that
adjusting screw in one direction and by clear,sharp markings cannot be achieved,
the influence of the spring in the reverse they most certainly can, but it does mean
direction. The photograph, fig.B4, shows that to obtain them the scriber point must
• n example of a universal surface gauge. be kept in good condition .
In use it will not be practical to get lines To accurately make a mark or line a
I I deep as can be obtained with the or- specific vertical distance above the datum
dinary hand scriber owing to the lack of face of the surface plate, it is necessary
rigidity in the complete arrangement. With first of all to set the point of the scriber to
hind scribing, particularly on sheet metal, the distance required. From the amateur
the workpiece has the complete rigidity of point of view the measuring device used
the bench behind it and the pressure is will almost certainly be the rule. There are
Ipplled almost directly over the scriber pitfalls and care must be taken or the
point. consequently there is ·nothing to setting could be incorrect. In order to ob-
"'ove or flex. Using a surface gauge on the tain a true setting it is essential that the
turtace plate is a completely different cir- rule used should be set square to the sur-
oumstance. The workpiece on the surface face plate in both planes. It is also equally

important that the datum end of the rule angle and to also try to get the minimum
used should be in contact with the surface of overhang between the scriber point and
plate. the clamp bracket. These two last points
It is not possible to achieve these con- will increase the rigidity of the whole
ditions by simply placing the rule on the gauge.
surface plate and holding it there by hand, In use, grip the base of the gauge with
and some positive means must be found one hand and slide the whole gauge along
to guarantee the correct attitude of the the surface plate. While a firm downward
rule. It was mentioned earlier when dis- pressure should be applied to the gauge,
cussing combination squares that if the only apply a light pressure in the direction
square is placed on the surface plate it will of the scriber point. The other hand may
hold the rule perpendicular to the plate; have to be used to hold down the
this is so and if the rule is set so that the workpiece and prevent it moving as it
square datum end is in contact with the resists the force of the scriber pressure.
surface plate, satisfactory rule reading can
be transferred to the surface gauge. This ANGLE PLATES
method can, however, be cumbersome as Many of the tools so far mentioned in this
the square will have the tendency to fall book would be useful additions to the
over or move about unless held down. workshop but by no means are they are
Also for smaller measurements, the actual essential pieces of workshop equipment.
square shrouds the rule. A satisfactory The angle-plate is an exception, as very
method is to place the rule onto an angle- little serious work can be performed
plate and let the square end of the rule without the use of one. Although we are
rest onto the surface plate. Fig.65 shows only discussing marking and measuring,
this operation being performed. It is also many of the tools used to perform these
advisable to aim to get the scriber near operations will have other and more im-
the horizontal rather than at a pronounced portant roles to play in the general activity

Fig.66 JUSt three of the

author's much-used
angle·plates. The large
one on the right is 8 com-
mercial example 01 the
webbed variety. The
othet two were home-
made many years sgo
and have given good S8T-

of the workshop and the angle-plate is a cond face. This will produce an angle-
good example of this. It will be used on plate adequate for most of the duties it
the lathe faceplate in order to provide a will be asked to fulfil. Slots can be cut in if
surface square to the faceplate and it will desired but a few tapped holes is a good
be used secured directly onto the lathe alternative. Do not put the tapped holes in
boring table; it will also be mounted onto any regular pattern, just drill and tap them
the tables of milling and shaping to suit the component in hand. It is sur-
machines and also used on the drilling prising how quickly sufficient holes will be
machines. All of these facts must be taken available to cope with most components
into consideration when purchasing a without the need for drilling more but, of
piece of equipment - what is ideal for one course, should the need arise then more
application may have limitations when holes will be available the next time the
applied to some other duty. As with most plate is used.
things in engineering, it is a case of ob- Commercial angle-plates are produced
taining a good compromise. Unfortunately from iron castings and are machined to
there is not just one angle-plate that will fine limits, these limits applying not only
meet all the conditions mentioned. A to the squareness of the faces but also to
3tin. lathe will only swing a relatively sm- their flatness. Most of them are also heat-
ail angle-plate and this would then not be treated to relieve all stresses and so
large enough for other general duties. Cer- minimise the risk of distortion. They can
tainly the size of the angle-plate required be obtained in a variety of sizes from
on the marking-out plate would be too about 4in.x2in.x3in. upwards, to sizes far
large for lathe faceplate duties. Angle- too large to be of any practical use in the
plates are expensive items but unlike back-garden workshop. The smaller sizes
many of the measuring tools they can be can be obtained either with or without end
easily made and even the inexperienced webs. The webs considerably strengthen
constructor should have no difficulty in the angle-plates and increase their
producing a perfectly acceptable tool. rigidity, this being an advantage when the
Although the author has, over the years, plate is used for supporting a component
managed to collect quite a number of while it is being machined. On the
angle-plates from a variety of sources, he marking-off table, the open-ended type of
still has - and uses - some that were angle-plate is preferable as webs have a
made many years ago. Pieces of 'angle habit of getting in the way. It is a greater
iron' have formed the basis of most of advantage still if the inside of the angle is
them, and true, this is steel rather than the machined as well as the outside, as this
preferable cast iron of the commercial will give the facility of being able to secure
product, but they still give good service. components on the inside of the angle and
The method of production is simple; bolt thus increase the scope of the plate. This
one face of the angle down onto the lathe type of angle-plate is also advantageous
boring table and with a flycutter, either in over the webbed type when used on the
the chuck or secured in a holder on the lathe faceplate. The facility of being able
faceplate, take a cut over the upright face to mount components on the inside will
until it is cleaned up. Then, with the mean that the angle-plate can be
newly-machined face in contact with the positioned nearer the centre of the
boring table, repeat the process on the se- faceplate, thus allowing a larger angle to

Fig.67 Two specisJ-
purpose angle-plates; the
one Of) the left is an ad-
justing angle-plate and is
8 very useful tool par·
ticularly when used In
conjunction with the drill-
ing Of milling machine.
The other is 8 box-pJiRe -
this type of anf/Je-plate is
widely used In industry
particularly in jobbing
shops but unlonunately
its assets do not appear
to be realised by the
model engineering trade.

be used without fear of it fouling the lathe the workpiece has been secured to one
bed. All commercial angle-plates are face, any of the other five faces may be
provided with slots which are not usually placed in contact with the surface table so
machined but are 'cast' in. The slots all can be used as datum faces should the
provide a means of clamping so that the need arise. Unfortunately, these box plates
workpiece can be firmly secured to the do not, at the time of writing, appear to be
plate. Securing bolts pass through the available commercially in sizes suited to
clamp and angle-plate and are fastened by our needs and the one shown in the
means of a nut. A standard nut will not be photograph, fig.67, was made by the
large enough to span the slots and also author.
give an adequate bolting face and There are times, not only in marking
therefore a large spreader washer will out but also in the machining of compo-
have to be used between the nut and nents, when an angle-plate other than the
angle-plate to prevent the comers of the normal 90 0 is an advantage. This need is
nut fouling the edge of the slots. The filled by the tilting angle-plate which is
tapped hole in the home-made angle- similar to the ordinary angle-plate but in-
plate has the advantage of not requiring stead of it being a fixed right-angle, the
nuts! two surfaces of the plate are pivoted to
There is a type of angle-plate known as allow them to be set to any angle from the
the box angle-plate and, as its name normal 90 0 to a position where both faces
suggests, this is in the shape of a hollow are parallel to each other. A protractor
box with an open bottom. It is accurately scale is fitted to assist in setting the angle
machined on all faces so that no matter required and is graduated 0 0 -90 0 • Setting
which face is placed in contact with the an angle to this scale will only give a
surface table, the top is parallel to the sur- moderate degree of accuracy and if it is
face table and the four sides are square to necessary to attain accuracy greater than
the table and square to each other. This a half-degree or so, then it is
type of angle-plate is very useful as once recommended that the angle is set using

the sine bar method previously outlined. VEE BLOCKS
This type of angle-plate may be used most These are used in the main for supporting
on the drilling machine as it is surprising cylindrical workpieces both on the
just how many holes have to be drilled at marking-out table and also on machine
an angle to a datum face, particularly on tools. A piece of round bar material when
model steam engine cylinders. laid down on a flat surface is not stable
It will be seen from the above that it is and can easily be made to roll. If it is
difficult to advise anyone about to clamped down directly onto a machine
purchase an angle-plate as to what size table it will still not be secure enough to
plate to purchase. On the marking-out take any but the smallest cutting force
table a large angle-plate is of most use before it will begin to move and the
while in general machining work the large reason for this is that there are only two
plate may be too big for the small lines of contact, one directly over the
machine tools available in the amateur other, the first one being between the
workshop. The author finds that the angle- workpiece and the table and the second
plate he uses most on the marking-out one being between the workpiece and the
table is one measuring 6tin. long, 4in. in clamp. Holding a bar in this way is also
breadth and 5in. high, but this is on the detrimental to the machine table or sur-
large side for use on the 3-tin. lathe face plate as even a small clamping
although it is perfectly at home on the pressure will result in overstressing the
table of the vertical milling machine. table and possibly causing permanent
Perhaps the best advice that can be damage in the form of an indentation
offered is to buy the largest angle-plate along the line of contact. The problems,
that can be afforded and then make the however, are overcome by placing the
small ones yourselfl cylinder in a 'Vee' form slot. This 'vee' is

Flg.68 A selection of
much·used vee-blocks,
most of which are one of
II ffl8tching pair. The
rllnge of blocks shown Is
more than adequate to
meot all the needs 01 an
amBteur workshop.

_ -F 81
Fig.698. This shows 8
shaft resting in B
matched pair of vee-
blocks. This type of block.
which is provided with 8
clamp. Is B very useful
tool that can be used in
many ways - see fig. 70.

machined in a rectangular block of block. The workpiece, when clamped in

material which is then called a Vee block. this way, has three points of contact and
If the clamping force is now applied the is therefore stable. The angle of the vee in
workpiece will be securely held and the all general purpose blocks is 90°, 45°
table or surface plate protected from either side of the vertical centre line. The
damage because of the large surface area bottom corner of the vee is not sharp but
of the underside of the supporting vee is relieved with a small.slot, the purpose of

Fig. 6gb. For 8 small

workpiece only one block
may be needed. This
photograph also shows 8
height vernier being used.
The height vernier ;s an
a/ternst/ve way of deter-
mining height levels Bnd
once its setting has been
mastered It is not only
more accurate than the
surface gauge and rule
but also much quicker to
use. They are not usually
fitted with 8 scriber point
but with a very sharp
chisel edge. As C8n b~
seen the whole instru-
ment is much more robust
in design than the
onhodox scribing block
Bnd gives very cleaf con-
cise markings.

this slot being to assist manufacture by naturally intended for large and conse-
eliminating the corner completely. Sharp quently heavy workpieces, will only have
internal corners are not a practical one vee and this is necessary in order to
proposition, or even good design, as not obtain the maximum amount of strength
only are they difficult - if not impossible - to withstand the high stresses they will
to produce but they are also notorious encounter in general use. It is unlikely that
stress raisers and should be avoided not blocks of this type will be of much use in
only in vee blocks but in design generally. the size of workshop under consideration.
The larger sizes of vee blocks, those The types of vee block the amateur or
above about 2inches, are usually made model engineer will find most useful are
from cast iron with the smaller ones made those that have two vees, a large one on
from steel which in most cases is one side and a small one on the side
hardened or case-hardened. Although the directly opposite, the other two sides be-
larger blocks may be made and sold in- ing furnished with grooves or slots which
dividually, the small blocks are usually provide a means of locating and receiving
produced and sold as matched pairs. In a clamp. This type of vee block is shown in
the case of high precision blocks they will the photograph, fig.69. Blocks of this type
be marked and numbered so that they can are commercially available and are usually
be identified as a "pair of matched made from steel and have been heat-
blocks". Fig.68 shows a selection of small treated. The largest of the vee grooves is
sizes of vee blocks. capable of accepting workpieces of up to
In order to increase their range the vee about 1-t inches or 40mm diameter. This
shape may be produced on two opposite is large enough for general use in the
faces, and in some cases the block may model engineer's workshop yet also small
have four vees, each one being of a enough to be used on the small machines
different size. The larger blocks, which are found there.

Fig.70 The serne

workpiece 8S shown in
69b. The vee-block is
now being used to sup-
port end hold the
workpiece sq!JBre in the
drilling machine.

When setting up a small workpiece, say if, therefore, the block is placed on a plate
up to about 4in. long, one block may be or table on one of the ends, a cylindrical
sufficient to provide the support needed, workpiece will be set in an upright posi-
but for longer workpieces such as shafts tion square to the reference face, see
then a pair of blocks is recommended. If fig.70.
the blocks are a matched pair and the As was the case with the angle-plate,
workpiece is placed in corresponding vees the vee block will be used more often on a
then the shaft will be parallel to the table machine tool, particularly a drilling or mill-
on which the blocks are resting (fig.69). ing machine, than on the marking-out
The ends of the blocks are produced table and this fact must be kept in mind
square to the functional faces of the block; when choosing a pair of vee blocks.


Marking out
Sheet Components
and Interpreting Drawings
In the model engineer's workshop the bulk component and make sure that the func-
of all marking-out operations will be per- tion of each individual feature is fully un-
formed on sheet metal, that is to say, the derstood. Some of the lines may only
material will be flat and the shape of the mark the boundary of the component and
component will be drawn onto the sheet. as such do not denote an edge or face that
What in fact the constructor will be doing will later make contact with some other
is copying the details of the component piece. Other lines will indicate the position
from the drawing and reproducing these of mating components or be the datum for
onto the metal sheet. The component is some other feature. Centres of holes may
then produced by cutting, sawing, filing have to be marked and some of these
and drilling to these marked lines. It holes may be tapped whilst some may be
follows, therefore, that the accuracy of the clearance holes for bolts or studs and
component will be affected not only by some may even be to locate dowel pins.
the cutting process but also by the ac- Other holes, which may not be circular in
curacy of the original marking-out and shape, may be simply to reduce the
also by the interpretation of the drawing. weight of the component or to provide a
No matter how accurately, or with what means of access to some bolt or feature
precision, the cutting out is performed, if which on final assembly would otherwise
the marking-out is faulty then the finished be inaccessible. Whatever the purpose of
component will also be faulty. It pays not the feature, make sure that it is fully un-
to rush into the marking-out process but derstood as this could have an effect on
to take time and care over it. This will be the marking-out procedure. Clearly, more
time well spent because to rectify a care and thought must be given when
spoiled component - assuming that rec- choosing the correct datum for the loca-
tification is possible - may be much more tion of bolt or dowel holes than when
time-consuming than the whole of the marking some feature such as the outer
time spent in the marking-out. Even then profile of the component.
the final result may not be completely The business of fully understanding the
satisfactory. nature of the component, what it does and
Before any marking-out is undertaken how it functions and what duty it performs
carefully study the detail drawing of the in the completed work is far more impor-

tant in model engineering or general jobb- fitter made with a file was scrap. While
ing work than it is in industry. In large in- this sentiment most certainly does not
dustry, particularly those which are now apply to the back-garden workshop, it
termed multi-nationals, such as the air- does emphasise the different require-
craft or automobile industry, the people ments of modern mass production
making any component need no further engineering.
information than that quoted on the detail The author is in no way decrying the
drawing. However, that drawing will be a drawings made both by and for the model
completely different animal to that from engineer but is pointing out how the
which the model engineer has to work. different methods of manufacture can
The industrial drawing, which will only affect the whole design concept and also
give details of one component, will have the method and techniques required in
been prepared, drawn, checked and producing the drawing. Most drawings
approved by a team of professionally- made for the model engineer or small
trained design engineers and draughts- workshop are produced by a one man
men who know full well what is required 'team'. He will be responsible for the
from the component and all these require- design and presentation and for checking
ments will be reflected in the final draw- the final product. There is also the model
ing. Every feature will have been dimen- engineer who, having researched and
sioned from its correct datum. Every size made a model, may be requested to
will carry a tolerance and these tolerances prepare a set of drawings for it. The
will not only refer to the linear size but person concerned may have had no draw-
also to their geometric characteristics, ing office experience at all, indeed, he may
surface finish and even the lay of that never have had a drawing lesson in his life
finish will be called out. Nothing will have but considering all the problems that face
been left to chance and it may all have the model engineer designer, the standard
been done with symbols and without a of drawings offered on the market is
written word, the reason for the latter be- usually very good. It does pay, however, to
ing that the components may be made in study the drawings carefully, not only of
a "foreign" country and 'by craftsmen who the individual component under con-
may not speak or understand the sideration but also how it fits into the
language of the draughtsman compiling completed assembly, before any metal is
the drawing. cut or marking-out started.
This type of drawing would be of little Before the actual marking can com-
use in the amateur's workshop. It would mence there may be some preparatory
be meaningless to most constructors and work to be done on the sheet or plate.
even if he could understand the 'short- When drawing with a pencil or pen on
hand' methods employed on the drawing paper the line drawn is easily seen, as a
and had the equipment to meet all the black line on a white background is the
drawing demands, the whole exercise best condition that can be obtained for
would be pointless. As outlined contrast between the line and the paper. A
elsewhere, the reason for high precision is scriber only scratches or cuts a line in the
usually to make parts that are in- material being marked and so will only
terchangeable and will assemble without show as a bright line. To increase the con-
the need to resort to 'fitting'. One eminent trast, particularly if bright sheet is being
engineer once said that the only thing a marked, it is recommended that the sur-

face of the sheet be treated with some shape is basically rectangular then the
form of dye. For many years a marking-out scribed datum will be close to one end,
medium consisting of copper sulphate dis- but if the component is symmetrical about
solved in a very weak nitric acid solution a centre line then this centre line will
was very popular. When this was applied become the datum line. This method of
to bright steel surfaces it turned them positioning all points from two datums at
copper-coloured, in fact, it gave them a right-angles will eliminate the accumula-
very thin coating of copper which gave a tion of errors that could arise if the
good contrast for the scribed lines. A measuring were done from point to point.
better, quicker and safer way, however, is Reference to fig. 71 a illustrates this. There
to use a modern preparation known as we see a group of holes and if the position
Engineers' Blue Marking Fluid, or Lay-out of each hole is measured from the datum
fluid as it is called by some manufacturers. edge and the degree of accuracy that can
This is a special dye which when applied be obtained in each measurement is
to any component gives it a deep blue .005in .. then the last hole in a series of
colour. Only a small amount is needed, a five will be within the .005in. error. If,
few drops placed on a rag and quickly however, the method of marking is to
wiped over the surface of the plate is all position each hole from its adjacent hole,
that is required and, being spirit based, as in fig. 71 b. then, since each hole can
this dries almost as soon as it is applied. have a possible error of .OOSin., the final
Measurements are made, or dimen- hole could be .025in. from its true position
sions taken, from one point, face or edge when measured from the datum. If the
in order to determine the position of some nature of the component is such that hole
new feature. The starting point for the 'S' must be within ,OOSin, from true posi-
measurement is referred to as the datum. tion relative to hole 'A', then marking both
If, therefore, when marking-out a compo- holes from the datum edge and still keep-
nent onto a piece of sheet metal, two ing within the .005in. tolerance band for
datum edges or lines are established, one every measurement would not necessarily
at right-angles to the other, then all points give the condition required as hole 'A'
relating to every feature can be es- could be .005in. nearer the datum edge
tablished by one measurement from each than the nominal size stated on the draw-
datum. In the case of sheet metal, one ing, and hole '8' could be .005in. further
datum can be one edge of the sheet, from the datum. The situation that now
usually the longest, and this edge should exists, therefore, is that although both
be dressed or filed as straight as possible. holes are within .005in. when measured
The datum at right-angles may also be from the datum, the error between the
another side of the sheet but this must not holes could be .010in. A good, trained,
only be straight but also square with the engineering draughtsman will fully un-
first datum and it will need careful dress- derstand the nature of the component he
ing to obtain this condition. It is often an is drawing and what duties the compo-
advantage not to use an edge for the se- nent will have to perform and this will
cond datum but to use a scribed line, this affect the way l1e dimensions the detail
line being produced by means of a try- drawing. He may have to establish secon-
square. The position of the scribed line on dary datums, and features relevant to the
the sheet will depend on the shape of the secondary datum will be dimensioned
component being marked-out. If the from this rather than from the main

DA.,UM e.Oc:...e::

Fig. 7 1a. No secondary datum.


Fig. 7 1 b. Holes A.8,C and 0 are secondary datums

Fig. 71 c Holes A end C are secondary datums.

datum. Fig. 71 c shows what appears to be not its true theoretical position fixed by
the same pattern of five holes as shown the two ordinates. This means that the
before but the method of dimensioning is four holes marked'S' will move as a group
different. It now shows that hole 'A' is to follow any error that could arise when
positioned from the main datum but that establishing the position of the datum
hole 'A' has now become the datum for hole 'A'. Furthermore, the holes marked
hole ·S'. Hole 'C' is positioned from the 'C' are in turn positioned from the holes
main datum but holes '0' and 'E' are marked'S' and so these'S' holes ara
positioned from hole 'C'. In other words, themselves datum holes. It is not usual to
holes 'A' and 'C' have become secondary get so many datums in one feature but it
datums. The five holes no longer form one can happen and this is one of the reasons
pattern, they have in fact become two dis- why it pays to study carefully all the draw-
tinct patterns, one pattern being holes 'A' ings involved in any assembly. For in-
and'S' centred on 'A', and the other stance, referring back to fig.72, a study of
pattern being three holes,'C', '0' and 'E' the assembly drawing could reveal that
centred on hole 'C'. the hole 'A' is in fact a location for a
Another illustration of the establish- spigoted cover plate similar to the end
ment of a secondary datum is shown in cover of a steam engine cylinder, with
fig.72. Here we have hole 'A' positioned holes'S' being bolt holes for securing the
from the horizontal and vertical datums cover. These securing bolts are prevented
which are the main datums of the compo- from working or vibrating loose by means
nent. The four holes'S' are positioned of a tab washer and the holes 'C' are to
from the actual position of hole 'A' and accommodate the bent tags of the tab

MAlloJ DA-Tut-'\ 5OGE.

L.. HOLES "'-'IA.edDc..

' O N P,c...D .

.... P. C..D.

----- 4- HOLES, MA-12K£D B.
EDG.E. E.G)ut>..U-'( SPJt,..c.EO
O~ PoCO.

Fig. 72 A situ8tion showing two secondary datums. Hole A is locBted from fflBin datums. Holes B
8re located from hole A. Holes C are located from holes B.

washers. In industry it would be necessary these cases the problem of producing a
to manufacture the component and pre- line square to the required datum line can
sent it as a finished article with all the easily be solved by means of elementary
holes drilled in their correct position. The geometry. For instance, referring to
amateur, in his workshop, will be produc- fig.73a, supposing it is necessary to
ing not only the part under consideration produce a line perpendicular to the base
but also the cover plate as well and the line A-B. This is done by setting the
simplest way for him, therefore, is to drill dividers to a distance somewhat over half
the bolt holes in the cover plate first and the length of the line A-B then, with the
then place the cover in position where it dividers, drawing an arc from each of the
will be located and held by the spigot, and points A and B. The line C-D, passing
then copy the holes through using the through the two intersection points of the
cover plate as a drilling jig. If this method arcs, is square to the line A-B and also
is followed it does not matter if the bolt passes midway between the two points A
holes in the cover are out of position, the and B. There could be occasions when the
bolts will still pass through both cover base may be close to an edge of the sheet
plate and component. making this type of construction imprac-
A careful study of the drawings will br- tical but it is still possible to construct a
ing to light all the points similar to those right-angle and this construction is shown
mentioned above and will enable the con- in fig.73b. In this instance a line is needed
structor to plan the method of construc- perpendicular to line A-B and also passing
tion which in turn will indicate how the through point C. The construction is to
parts involved should be marked-out. draw a semi-circle, E-F, centred on C; the
Most sheet components will be actual diameter does not matter but try to
marked-out with the sheet laid down flat get is as large as possible. Then, with the
on the surface table and using a few of the divider legs open as wide as possible,
tools described earlier. A rule, a scriber, a scribe an arc from each of the two points
punch, a square and a pair of dividers E and F. A line drawn through the in-
together with a light hammer are all the tersection of these two arcs and passing
tools that are required for marking-out the through point C will be perpendicular to
majority of the components encountered the line A-B.
in model making. Most of the lines will be There are a great many geometrical
parallel to one of the datum edges and the constructions that can be made to meet
marking-out process is simply drawing the all sorts of conditions and should any
component as accurately as possible onto reader be interested he will find them in
the sheet metal. Lines square to a datum most text books dealing with the subject
edge will naturally be produced by means of geometrical drawing, although very few
of the square wherever possible although will be of much value on the amateur's
there may be times when it is not possible marking-out table.
to use a square to obtain a perpendicular It is also possible to mark-out sheet
line. This could arise if the feature is too metal components with the sheet held
far away from the datum edge for the vertically but to do this the sheet must be
square to reach, or if the base line is at an secured to a vertical fixture such as an
angle to the datum, or it may be that a angle-plate. Naturally, the size of a com-
datum edge is not practical and the mark- ponent that can be held in this manner
ing is being done from a datum line. In will depend on the size of the angle-plate



Fig.73b. Showing how to constuct 8 line square to 8 datum, and passing through 8 given

available. If two angle-plates are to hand plates can present a problem. If the plates
then quite long pieces can be successfully are the webless type then this will allow
held in this way by placing an angle-plate clamps such as toolmakers' clamps to be
at each end of the component, and it is used over the ends but if not then the
quite practical to hold workpieces longer clamping may have to be done over the
than the combined length of the two top edge of the angle-plate. It may be
angle-plates by leaving the centre portion possible to bolt the sheet onto the angle-
without any backing support. This method plate but this will depend on there being
of holding permits components such as sufficient material available to accom-
locomotive frames to be held vertically. modate the bolt holes without them
The angle-plates need not be a pair as the affecting the finished component.
only feature being used is the vertical The advantage of holding sheet ver-
face. The photograph, fig .76, shows tically is that it is easy to produce
material mounted this way reDdy for longitudinal lines accurately spaced and
marking. Securing the sheet to the angle- parallel to each other. When marking with

LlNE.'5 \ TO<.:o PARA.l..Le::L TO l.Jl-.lE B.C..

Fig. 748. Dividing 8 line into a number of equal pans. The eX8mpie shows 8 line 51" long
divided info 7 pans.

A. LII-JE. ,=>3,';I...o"-l~ DI'lIDED I"-ITo 7 P~"To:.. \lc.


~ __ ~ __ ~ __________________ ~ ___ B

Fig. 74b. A modified constructIon to the above. Line B.C. is now square to the base/ins. Point C is
determined by scribing an arc length AC from pOint A .

the sheet laid flat on the table, a tant as the construction will work with any
longitudinal line is produced by measuring angle although about 30° is most
and making a mark at the required dis- satisfactory. Choosing any convenient
tance from the datum at both ends of the size, mark out seven divisions along this
required line and then joining the marks line, For the purpose of this exercise it will
by means of a straight edge. This allows be convenient to make each division one
for three chances of making an error and inch long but, again, it does not matter
not obtaining a line parallel to the datum. what particular increment is chosen so
However, when the workpiece is held ver- long as all seven are the same, Next, join
tically these long lines can be made with a the last point C with point B on the base
scribing block, surface gauge or height line thus completing a triangle, then all
vernier and all lines marked this way will that remains to be done is to draw lines
be parallel to each other and to the datum, parallel to line C-B passing through all the
always assuming that the datum has been incremental points. The point where these
placed into contact with the surface plate, lines intersect the base line indicates the
or on a pair of parallel strips. Vertical lines position of the divisions required. This
can be more troublesome as it may not type of construction requires the use of a
always be possible to get the blade of the tool such as the protractor or combination
square into contact with the face of the set in order to draw the parallel angled
sheet owing to the stock of the square be- lines. However, if all that is available is the
ing of thicker material than the blade. square then the above method can be
As both vertical and horizontal at- modified as shown in fig. 74b. Here, a line
titudes of holding the workpieces possess is drawn from point B perpendicular to the
certain advantages then both may be used base line. Decide what increment to use
in the marking-out of a component. If it is and multiply this by the number of incre-
a relatively long component then all ments and this will give you the length of
longitudinal lines can be scribed on with the line A-C. Since, in this case, the incre-
the material secured to a pair of angle- ment is one-inch and the number of incre-
plates; the sheet can then be placed down ments required is seven, the length of the
flat onto the marking-table for all the line A-C will be seven inches, With the
other features to be outlined. dividers or trammels set at this size and
Another construction that the author with one point on position A, mark the in-
has found useful is that of dividing a line tersection point on the perpendicular line
into a number of equal parts. This can, of thus determining the position of C. All that
course, be done by stepping out on a trial now remains is to mark the remaining six
and error basis with a pair of dividers but a points on the line A-C then drop perpen-
more scientific way is shown in fig.74a. dicular lines onto the base line by means
Supposing it is required to divide the line of the try-square,
A-B into seven equal parts and that the One thing that all designers try to avoid
length of the line is 51-in. Doing this is sharp corners, All corners wherever
mathematically would produce an incre- possible should have a blending radius
ment length of 23/28in. This is not a par- between the two meeting faces. In sheet
ticularly 'nice' size to measure but for- metal components this radius is usually
tunately there is no need to do this. Start formed by drilling holes at all the required
by drawing the line A-C, the angle places before any general cutting is under-
between this and the base line is unimpor- taken, This means that the centres of the

holes must be marked onto the sheet. give a line which passes through the hole
With right-angle corners this is simple and centre. It does not matter if the angle is
is shown in fig.75a. The centre of the less, or more, than 90 0 , the method will
radius is found by producing the square in still be the same and as illustrated in
the corner, the length of the side being the fig.75b. With the dividers set at a con-
size of the radius required. If a line A-D is venient size, scribe an arc from the centre
drawn through the centre of the radius it A cutting the two sides and determining
will be seen that this line bisects the angle points Band C, then, again with the
between the two sides. In this case, as the dividers and using points Band C, scribe
angle is 90 0 , then the angle of the line A- arcs to determine the intersection point D.
D is at 45° to either of the two datum A line drawn from point A passing through
edges. There will be cases where the hole point 0 will bisect the angle and give a
centre will need locating and the angle line upon which the hole centre must rest.
between the two respective sides not The actual position can be found by
necessarily 90 0 . As was seen above with setting the dividers to the radius required
the right-angle, the hole centre lay along a and with one point on the scribed line
line that bisected the two sides and this move the divider along the line until a
applies to any angle, therefore, if the angle point is reached that allows the radius to
between the two sides is bisected it will blend smoothly into the two sides. Alter-

Fig. 75a. Finding the c{mtre of 8 blending radius between

lL-_ -----=:::O"'--L_ _ _ _---'-_ C
two lines at rightangles.

8 CE"-lT\2.l:. FQ51TION

Fig. 75b. Showing how to find the centre of 8 blending radius between two lines not at right

Fig.76 This shows a
shest component - such
8S 8 locomotive frBme -
secured to two 8ngle-
plates for marking out. It
Is much easier to obtain
hon"zontal parallel lines
by using this method. The
larger 01 the angle-plates
is B webbed pattern. This
presents problems in
clamping; 8S can be seen
a loolmakers clamp has
been used with one
~C;:~f ~~!S/~fots t~~o~hZ

natively, the position can be constructed, views of the one cube. Hidden features
again referring to fig.75b, by drawing a which cannot be seen on the face of any
line parallel to either the line A-8 or A-C view may appear as dotted lines and this
but at a distance away equal to the radius method of depicting 'out of sight' features
required and where this line meets the line is satisfactory if the component is relative-
A-D will be the position of the centre re- ly simple, but if the component is complex
quired. with a number of hidden features such as
holes, counter bores, pockets, etc., then
MARKING-OUT CASTINGS the number of dotted lines can be confus-
All the comments made above about ing. It is also poor drawing practice to give
drawings, and the interpretation of draw- dimensions to dotted lines as this only
ings made with regard to sheet metal adds to the confusion. It is the
parts, also apply when dealing with the draughtsman's duty to remove confusion
marking-out and manufacture of compo- because if a drawing can be misread it will
nents produced from castings, forgings or almost certainly be misread - in fact some
bar stock material. There is, however, one craftsmen take a delight in doing so I In
big difference between the drawing show- order, therefore, to avoid the use of dotted
ing a component made from sheet lines, sections are taken and shown on the
material and the drawing showing 'solid' drawing. A section is a view showing
or three-dimensional components. All the what would be seen if the component
information for a sheet component, other were to be cut at the section line. Sections
than the thickness of the sheet, can usual- are easily recognised because it is general
ly be given on one view, but with other practice to show all material cut by the
components this is not so and it may be section 'cross-hatched' which means that
necessary to show quite a number of lines, usually at 45° , are shown covering
views. A simple cube, for instance, has six the whole of the area cut by the section. It
faces and if only one hole is required in follows from the above that there can be
each face it may be necessary to show six quite a number of views required in order

to give all the information needed to produced in the U.K. were drawn in first
mark-out and machine a casting. These angle, however, a change has now been
views are not just drawn anywhere on the made and almost all commercial
drawing sheet but follow a set pattern and engineering drawings are produced third
it helps if the constructor is familiar with angle, with the result that this method is
this pattern. Mistaking one view for some now becoming universally accepted as
other can lead to incorrect interpretation standard practice. Model engineers seem
of the drawing. to always be the last people to change
It is unfortunate but there are two and accept new practices and their draw-
patterns or systems that can be used by ings are no exception. Most of the draw-
the draughtsman when setting out a detail ings available, and some still being made,
drawing. For the correct interpretation of are in first angle projection and almost all
the drawing it is necessary for the reader the 'works' drawings or prototypes such
of that drawing to be familiar with both as traction engines, locomotives, marine
systems and to be able to recognise which and stationary engines that are available
system has been used on the drawing he to modellers were made generally over 50
is studying. The two systems are known years ago and as such will be first angle
as 'First Angle projection' and Third Angle projection . This is neither the place nor the
projection', sometimes called English pro- time to discuss the merits of one system
jection and American projection respec- over another but it is necessary to show
tively. For many years all drawings what the differences are and how to
recognise them.
First angle drawings rarely carry any
notation stating that the drawing is first
angle but almost all commercial third
angle drawings do carry a note stating
Third Angle projection', In fact there is a
universally accepted diagram (logo) which
appears somewhere around the border of
the drawing, or in the title block, which il-
lustrates that the drawing is in third angle
Fig. 77a TIre univelss/ly accepted diagram denoting third projection. Fig.77 shows this diagram
angle projection. ThIs diagram usually appears on a/l third
angle drawings. although on the drawing sheet it will be
produced to a very small scale, the whole
thing being only about half-an-inch long.
What the diagram represents is a frustum
of a cone together with an end view. it is
the position of the end view showing the
two concentric circles that indicates the
method of projection being used. The side
view of the cone frustum does not indicate
that it is a cone, it is the end view that
Fig. ?lb. How the above diagram would appear if drawn in
does this. If the cone were viewed from
lirst angle. Note - chis is shown for demonstretion pUfposes the large end then only one circle would
only. This diagram should never appear on first angle projec-
tion drawings. be seen as the other end, being smaller,

would be hidden; but if the cone were
viewed from the small end then not only
would this small end be seen but the
larger end also would be visible, even
though it is behind the small end. The first
view WOUld, therefore, be one large circle
while the second view would be two cir-
cles. This end view can be placed at either
end of the side view and so, referring to
fig.7 7, it wou Id be possible for this end
view showing the two concentric circles Fig. 78a. A drs wing in
third sngle projectIon.
to be placed on the right hand of the side
view instead of being on the left hand side
as shown. This position would indicate
first angle projection, see fig.77b. The
difference between third angle and first
angle projection is that in third angle pro-

jection drawings the view is shown on the
side being looked at whilst in first angle
drawings the view is shown on the op-

posite side to that being viewed. This prin-
ciple is applied to all views and sections
shown on the drawing and is illustrated in
fig. 7 8 where two tapered holes at right
angles to one another are shown in a cube
- drawing A being third angle projection
while drawing B is first angle.
Many times it will not matter if the pro- I..G\J
m Fig. 78b. The S8me com-
pOllent as above but
jection is not recognised but there are drawn in lirst angle pro·
times when failure to understand the pro-
jection could lead to machining the com-
ponent incorrectly. This is best illustrated the drawing requirements before any
by referring to fig.79. Here we see a com- attempt is made to start production on
ponent where the shape is similar viewed what could be a costly casting.
from either end. If the drawing were third When castings are received from the
angle, then the three small holes would be foundry they are very rough, have sharp
positioned in the same end as the flange edges and contain sand and scale in the
with the group of four holes in the op- 'skin', Before any marking or machining is
posite end, but if the projection were first undertaken it is a good idea to give them a
angle then the relative positions would be good fettle, which not only makes them
reversed and the four hole group would be more pleasant to handle but also removes
in the same end as the flange with the the hard and unwanted particles that are
three hole group in the end away from the deleterious to both the machine and the
flange. As this illustrates, it pays to study tools used on them. Some people suggest
the drawing carefully and fully understand soaking or pickling iron castings in a weak

IH2E.E. HOL.E!>A FOul2. \40 .... S B


Fi9.79 With the drawing shown sbove it is vital to know what projection has been used.
The smBII diagram denotes third angle projection, so the holes A 8re in face C, and the holes 8 are
in face D.
If the drawing is read BS first angle project/on, then the holes A would be incorrectly drilled in face
D. and holes 8 Incor'Bclly drilled in face C.

solution of either sulphuric or hydrochloric marking-out and machining a casting is to

acid, and treating bronze castings in a not remove too much material from any
similar way with weak nitric acid. one face as this may adversely affect
Although this will clean the castings nicely some other feature. An allowance for
the author prefers to attack all castings machining will have been made where
with a few old files. Do not use new files machining is required but this allowance
on unmachined castings otherwise they may not be constant for all surfaces and
will not be in the 'new' condition very removing too much from one feature may
long! It is a good idea when an old file is mean that there is an insufficient machin-
replaced with a new one to keep the old ing allowance elsewhere. Deciding how
file for tettling purposes rather than much material to remove from a feature,
throwing it away. After all the roughness particularly a datum face, is a part of the
has been removed the casting can be proving process.
given a coat of white emulsion paint as Unlike sheet metal components, it is
this helps to give a good contrasting sur- not practical to complete all the marking-
face for the marking-out, out on a casting before machining com-
With castings or other components mences. There is little point in marking-
made from stock material, the initial out the rough face on a casting if that
measuring work will be to 'prove' the same face has to be machined as the
casting or material. This means to make machining process will remove all the
sure that the material or casting is large marks that have been made on it. The
enough in all aspects to allow the compo- method must be to mark what is practical
nent to be produced to the drawing re- then perform the machining operations
quirements. A point to keep in mind when relative to those marks and then return

the component to the marking-out table and also to show it on the drawing. In this
for the next stage. It is a case of producing case the drawing will suggest that this
the component stage-by-stage. feature is removed from the component
The first, and an important, decision is after all the machining operations have
to fix the main datum both for marking been carried out. On some occasions the
and machining. The drawing should be a author has brazed a piece onto a casting
help here by noting what the draughtsman to act as a service lug or datum, this, of
has chosen for the dimensioning datum course, being removed after it has served
and, if possible, using the same feature. If its purpose.
the drawing datum is a flat face then The marking-out of castings will in the
producing this face should be the first main be carried out on the surface plate
machining operation as this will make the using the surface gauge to produce all
ideal datum for all subsequent marking lines parallel to the base or chosen datum.
and machining operations. A typical ex- It may be necessary to bolt the compo-
ample here would be a locomotive slide nent onto an angle-plate for the marking-
valve cylinder where the flat datum face out. If so, then this angle-plate can also be
would be the bolting face or the valve stood on its end, thus effectively moving
face. On some locomotive cylinders, par- the component through 90° and providing
ticularly the piston valve type, the drawing a ready-made datum for producing lines at
datum may be the centre line of the main right-angles. It may be that the compo-
bore and if this is so then the valve bore nent can be left firmly secured to the
will be dimensioned from the main bore angle-plate for the machining operation
and not from the bolting face. In circum- and this could be a decided advantage as
stances like this it may be advantageous the angle-plate can be easily fastened
from the production point of view to make onto the lathe faceplate or boring table
the bolting face the datum and produce cross-slide or any other machine table.
both bores from this face. There will be This will considerably ease any setting-up
some components where the main datum problems that could otherwise arise
will be the centre line of a bore or hole, because the marked lines will
there being no machined face called for on automatically be either parallel or square
the drawing. This is perfectly acceptable to the machine table.
drawing practice but it can present the Where castings are concerned the
constructor with a problem as the centre model engineer will find that very little
line of a hole is only a line or point in marking-out on the surface plate will be
space and is not a tangible feature from needed, particularly if the method of
which to make a measurement. In cases machining is carefully studied and
like this it may be necessary to set up a planned. Much of the measuring required
marking and machining datum. This ser- can be done on and by the actual
vice datum, as it is called, may serve no machine tool being used.
useful purpose once the component is Machining operations required on
finished, but to produce the component castings consist mainly of boring holes
without it would be exceedingly difficult. and producing faces square to them,
A good model designer may foresee a machining flat surfaces to provide a sur-
problem of this type and call for a service face for bolting onto some mating part,
datum to be incorporated into the casting and drilling and tapping holes for screws

and studs. Much of this work can be per- imperial lathes will have 125 divisions as
formed without any prior marking-out as it is general practice to use 8-tpi
machine tool tables are moved by means leadscrews. This makes no difference to
of screws and nuts and these provide the the method being discussed but it is im-
basis of an accurate means of measuring. portant to remember that one turn of the
It was described earlier how the handwheel does not give the same dis-
micrometer is basically a screw and nut placement as one turn of the cross-slide
and although the feed screws of general screw.
purpose machine tools are not produced There is now a means of accurately
to the same high degree of accuracy with controlling the movement of the
regard to pitch errors as are micrometer workpiece, in fact what has been done is
screws, they are nevertheless very ac- to transform the lathe into a two-axis jig
curate and can be used as a basis for borer. In industrial tool rooms, holes that
measurement. It is common practice on have to be accurately spaced are not
small imperial machine tools to fit 10- produced by marking-out and then drilling
threads-per-inch feed screws on all to the marks, but by means of jig borers.
slideways, the pitch, therefore, is .1 OOin. These are machine tools somewhat
These screws are also usually fitted with similar to a vertical milling machine but
a friction driven micrometer or index dial are built to a very high standard of ac-
and these dials are marked into 100 divi- curacy. Workpieces clamped to these
sions, thus moving the dial one division machines can be moved within very fine
moves the sliding table and the workpiece limits of size, so fine in fact that these
.001 in. machines are kept in specially
The lathe has provision for moving the temperature-controlled rooms in order to
tool in two planes, up and down the bed avoid any problems that would arise due
by means of the leadscrew or top slide, to thermal expansion lOur improvised jig
and at right angles to the bed by means of borer, although not in the same
the cross-slide. On lathes produced for professional class, is nevertheless capable
the amateur, such as the Myford range, of producing work to a high degree of ac-
the cross-slide itself is provided with tee- curacy, far greater than could be achieved
slots and is known as a boring table by the normal process of marking-out,
cross-slide. If the top slide is removed the and this method of measuring on the
boring table provides a flat true surface machine itself is to be recommended and
on which workpieces can be readily should be used wherever it is practical to
secured. Castings should not, of course, do so.
be bolted directly onto the boring table as When using the lathe as a borer the
this may mark or even indent the surface. relative positions of the tool and the
If a piece of thin card is placed between workpiece are reversed. The tool is
the casting and the table not only will the secured into a suitable holder which in
table be protected but also a firmer hold turn is fastened onto the lathe mandrel,
will be obtained. The workpiece can now and instead of the workpiece revolving
be moved in two planes and under the and the tool being clamped as in normal
control of the micrometer dials. It must be lathework, the workpiece is clamped and
pointed out, however, that the handwheel the tool revolves. The type of tool used
on the end of the leadscrew of most will depend on the nature of the work be-

ing performed. For general facing duties a strip will have to be made to a thickness
fly-cutter with only a small overhang will equal to the distance between the two
give excellent results. For general boring bores measured in the relative plane. The
work the tool can be held in a bar machining sequence will be to set the
between centres or, in the case of blind cylinder casting bolting face down on the
holes, on an overhanging bar. A boring lathe cross-slide with sufficient packing
head vastly increases the scope of the under it to bring the centre line of the
machine and is an accessory well worth main bore coincident with the lathe axis.
acquiring. Commercial boring heads tend The main bore can then be machined with
to be expensive but home-made ones are a boring bar mounted between centres or
just as useful and they are not difficult to by means of a boring head. The end face
make. Ordinary drilled holes can be of the casting nearest to the headstock
produced by holding the drill in the nor- should also be machined at this setting
mal drill chuck which is secured in the and the casting will then have to be
Morse taper of the lathe mandrel. removed from the cross-slide and the
If all the holes are on the same straight packing strip inserted between the cross-
line and the workpiece is secured to the slide and the cylinder casting. This will
lathe cross-slide with this line coinciden- now bring the piston valve bore onto the
tal with the lathe axis, then any desired plane of the lathe centre. In order to assist
point on the line can be positioned and in re-setting the casting square with the
repeated by means of the cross-slide lathe axis, use can be made of the
handwheel. The depth of any feature can machined end face. Setting this parallel to
also be accurately measured by using the the lathe face-plate will automatically set
handwheel on the end of the leadscrew. the main bore square again. The piston
Care must always be taken to eliminate valve bore can now be produced follow-
the back-lash that will be present in the ing the same procedure as used when
feedscrew and nuts and this is done by producing the main bore. It could be that
moving the relative slide in the same the valve bore of the cylinder casting may
direction when it is being used to obtain a be above the main bore when the casting
setting. It is also a help if the micrometer is resting on the cross-slide, if this is so
dials are zeroed on the datum as this then the special packing would be in-
eliminates, or simplifies, any calculation serted to obtain the main bore setting and
that may be needed to achieve the removed for the valve bore setting. The
desired setting. details are unimportant here, it is the prin-
There is one big drawback in the ciple of the removable packing that is be-
arrangement outlined above and that is ing illustrated.
the lack of a third axis. Where height Unfortunately it does mean that every
variations are necessary some means time a height adjustment is required, the
must be found for providing this facility. If workpiece will have to be removed from
the variations in height require only one the machine, a packing of the correct
movement of the workpiece, such as thickness inserted and the workpiece
would be needed to produce the two then reset to its original position relative
bores of a locomotive piston valve to the lathe axis. Sometimes this can be a
cylinder, then this can be accomplished relatively simple matter but generally
by means of a packing strip. This packing speaking the removal of the workpiece

and its relocation between machining tions. When a workpiece is clamped onto
operations is undesirable. It is in these the table of a vertical milling machine it is
cases that it becomes necessary to in- under the influence of both table and
troduce a controllable third axis and this cross-slide feedscrews and it therefore
can be a vertical slide. This slide is follows that by using the micrometer dials
secured on the lathe cross-slide with the fitted to these screws, the workpiece can
workpiece then fastened onto the vertical be moved any specific amount in two
face of the slide and there is now a ver- planes. If all the holes required in any
tical controllable movement available group are related to a datum hole then it
which can be used in a similar manner to is a simple matter to zero both
the cross-slide. Another advantage of the micrometer dials on this datum. The
vertical slide is that they often have the feedscrews can then be used in order to
facility of being able to swivel in two obtain the desired position of any new
planes, thus further increasing the ver- feature, and the workpiece can then easi-
satility of the machine. There are, natural- ly be restored to the original zero setting
ly, disadvantages in using a vertical slide of the datum ready for positioning the
and one of them is that by introducing next hole. If one of the holes required is
another slideway into the machine some large and is best produced by boring, a
loss of rigidity must be expected. Another, boring head screwed onto the mandrel
and one that the author finds particularly nose of the machine will enable any size
annoying, is that because the workpiece of hole to be accurately produced. It does
is mounted vertically it is necessary for not matter if, between drilling holes, the
the operator to bend over sideways in drill chuck is removed and replaced by a
order to have a clear view of both the milling cutter in order to produce new
setting and machining operations. At surfaces: so long as the workpiece is not
night working on the vertical slide can, removed from the machine and the
literally, be a pain in the neckl However, micrometer dials are not interfered
this is a small price to pay for the added with,the original datum setting can
versatility gained. always be achieved. It is therefore possi-
It was stated above that the tool room ble to perform a considerable amount of
jig borer is similar in principle to the ver- accurate work on the vertical miller
tical milling machine and constructors without any actual marking-out other
who possess, or have access to, a ver- than that required to determine the posi-
tical miller can use it with great advantage tion of the original datum.
as a jig borer. The vertical miller is a very Frequently, holes are shown on draw-
useful general purpose machine tool and ings as being placed around a bore and on
is only second to the lathe in its ver- a pitch circle diameter. A typical example
satility. If full use is made of the vertical of this type of arrangement is where the
milling machine then a great deal of holes are required to secure a cylinder
marking-out on both castings and cover plate onto the cylinder block. The
platework can be eliminated. The milling method just outlined does not permit any
machine is much more rigid than the means of rotating the workpiece about a
lathe for this type of work and as the centre so in order to produce holes
workpiece is secured in a horizontal at- around a pitch circle diameter it will be
titude, operators have an excellent view necessary to transpose the method of
of both the setting and machine opera- dimensioning the holes from an angular

Fig.SO Producing holes
on a pitch circle
diameter. The chuck 8nd
workpiece have been
removed from the lathe
and placed on 8 special
rotary device secured (0
the table of 8 vertical
milling machine . Any
P.C.D. can be obtained by
controlling movement of
the milling table and any
angle obtained by meBns
of the micrometer dial on
the rotary device. A ddll-
ing machine could be
used instead of a milling
machine but the off-set
to obtain the required
p.e.D. would have to ba
obtained by messurs-

position around a circle and place them a rotary table and an adaptor. Most rotary
on ordinates, then the relative movement tables have a tee-slotted table top or
can be given by the two feedscrews. This plate on which workpieces can be bolted,
method is perfectly satisfactory although and usually, these also have a hole in the
it does call for some simple calculations centre of the table. A fixture or mandrel
to be made. can be produced which will locate in this
In the majority of cases it will not be central hole and if the nose of this
necessary to produce the holes at this mandrel is provided with the same screw
stage. For instance, in the case mentioned and register configuration as that of the
above the holes in the cylinder block will lathe then this will permit the lathe chuck
be positioned by placing the cor- to be mounted onto the rotary table . The
responding cover on the block and copy- mandrel can be secured to the rotary
ing the holes through the cover. The holes table by bolting through a flange and into
in the cover will naturally have to be the tee-slots.
positioned but again there is a simple This rotary table can then be
method of achieving this without the positioned on the table of the vertical
need of marking-out each hole individual- milling machine so that the centre of the
ly, in fact, the holes can be drilled in the table and the spindle of the milling
correct position after the completion of machine are coincident. The miller table
the turning operations on the cover but can then be moved an amount equal to a
while it is still held in the lathe chuck. half of the p.e.D. required; the
What is required is a means of being able micrometer dial on the feedscrew will
to hold the workpiece - still in the chuck - give this displacement to a degree of ac-
under the drill with the facility to be able curacy far greater than could be expected
to rotate it a controlled amount about its to be achieved with a rule. Both the table
own axis. and cross-slide of the milling machine are
This can be accomplished by the use of then locked into position . The chuck. still

holding the cylinder cover, can then be component under construction can be
removed from the lathe and placed on the made more easily, quickly and accurately
rotary table, the rotary table index collar by some other means.
set at zero and the first hole drilled. The It is not possible to give Instructions on
rotary table can now be used as a dividing the way anyone component should be
head to obtain the correct amount of made as this again depends not only on
angular movement. For instance, if ten the component but also on the experience
equally spaced holes are required and the of the constructor and the tools he has at
driving gear on the rotary table has 60- his disposal. Many wonderful pieces of
teeth then every six complete turns of the work have come out of very sparsely
handwheel will give the displacement re- equipped workshops, illustrating that the
quired; if the rotary table has SO-teeth most important factor is not the tools but
then nine turns of the handle will be re- how they are used. Expertise cannot be
quired, and so on. The result will be ten taught, it has to be acquired by practical
holes equally spaced with a high degree experience. What can be done, and what I
of accuracy and with no marking or hope this book is doing, is to point the
measuring done to produce them, see way. If tools are used in a manner that ex-
fig.80. perience gained by others has shown to
It could be interpreted from the above give the best results, then the amateur is
comments that marking-out is following good practice and will get more
superfluous and that all that has been satisfaction out of his efforts.
said earlier about marking-out, and the Much of what has been said during this
tools to use, may be interesting but of lit- chapter has dealt not so much with
tle practical value. This, of course, is not marking"out but with the use of machine
true; all the tools discussed have practical tools. Although the two are often in-
uses and important roles to play in the separable, machine tools and their uses is
workshop, although few workshops will really another subject and so it has not
possess all of them. The point being made been fully covered in detail. What has
is that before commencing construction been done is to bring to the notice of the
of any component, carefully plan the reader the fact that machine tools are
method to be used. The actual path capable of doing more than merely
followed will naturally depend on the producing swarf, they can in themselves
equipment available, and the fact that be measuring devices and, indeed, may
newly-acquired tools are to hand does not well be the most accurate means of
mean that they should be used if the measuring that the workshop possesses.


A Summary involving a
practical example

It has been stated in this book on more Experience has shown that the
than one occasion that the method of problem that causes most concern to the
manufacture and assembly used in the tyro, and sometimes to the more ex-
amateur or model engineering workshop perienced craftsman as well, is that of ob-
can be totally different from the method taining a smooth working fit of the coupl-
used in modern industry. This is reflected ing rods. All too often it is obvious, when
in the way things are measured and the examining models at exhibitions, that the
degree of accuracy needed to complete a constructor has had difficulties in getting
successful assembly. An example was the rods and wheels to rotate freely and
given in chapter 1 of a piston and cylinder has 'solved' the problem by producing the
and how, if one is made to fit the other coupling rod bushes at both ends of the
with the correct amount of working rod with excessive working clearance. It is
clearances between the two parts, the true that the locomotive engine is not a
nominal size is of little importance since a fixed geometry engine and that some
limited deviation on either side of nominal clearance is necessary in the coupling rod
will not have any effect on the working of bushes to allow the wheels to move up
the complete cylinder assembly. This is a and down under the influence of the spr-
simple and obvious example but there are ings. However, when this clearance, re-
many others neither simple nor obvious quired to allow for small vertical move-
and the author considered that as a con- ment of the axle boxes, is additional to
cluding chapter he would choose a more the clearance necessary to obtain free
complex example and follow it through movement with the wheels in normal
step-by-step, which would not only running position, the final result can often
emphasise the point being made but be decidedly sloppy rods.
would also be of practical use to some The author was fully aware of the
constructors. Most model engineers, at problems that were involved when he
some time or another in their modelling started to make his first locomotive. This
careers, produce a small steam was many years ago whilst he was still a
locomotive, so an example relating to the student apprentice and very proud of his
construction of some items on this type of newly acquired skill of being able to
model has been chosen. work to fine limits. The result was that

care was taken in producing all the parts til eventually enough parts have been
to as near nominal size as possible and made to commence assembly. Following
occasionally borrowing measuring equip- this method. the frames would be careful-
ment in order to satisfy himself that ly marked-out and then cut and filed to
everything was being made to the highest shape. The feature on the frames that in-
degree of accuracy that he could attain. fluences the problem under discussion is
The final result. which took a considerable the rectangular slots that locate the horn
amount of time to achieve. was blocks. the centre distance between these
reasonable, but even so some clearance slots being. naturally, the same as the
had to be given to the coupling rod hole centre distance of the coupling rods.
bushes in order to get smooth rotation of By marking. measuring and filing. or
the wheels and rods. Since those days he machining with extreme care. the average
has had time to sit and think and although constructor would do very well to get the
all the precision involved was a good ex- slots positioned to within .003in. of true
ercise. it was not really necessary. He position. Even with limits as close as this
would build the same unit to-day with the total error between the two slots
possibly better results but using no could be .006in. either side of datum.
measuring tool other than an engineer's The horn blocks that fit into the slots
steel rule. Whilst the end results may well would now be machined. and to maintain
be the same, the methods used in the the correct nominal distance between the
production of the component parts would axle centres these horn blocks must be
be totally different. the differences arising symmetrical about their centre lines. If
from the fact that the unit would be this centre line is only .001 in. out of true
looked upon as a whole rather than as a position this will add a further .002in.
collection of pieces. error either side of datum. making a total
When faced with any problem the first of .008in. either side. The axle boxes
and most important step in seeking a must also be made symmetrical about
solution is to fully understand the their centre line and assuming that the
problem. An examination of the coupling hole for the axle is only .001 in. out of
rod problem shows that there are many position then this will add a further
parts involved in the assembly and that a .002in. to the grand total. Other factors
dimensional error in anyone adversely that also affect the final result are the
affects the fit of the coupling rods. Only a concentricity of the axles and wheel seats
small error in each of a number of compo- and also the concentricity of the coupling
nents adds up to a considerable error in rod bushes. although. if these turned
the final assembly. It is no use hoping that items are correctly produced and the
the errors will cancel each other out - reaming size for the bushes is obtained by
nature does not work that way! Firstly. boring rather than by drilling. we can dis-
then. let us consider the problem as a count the effect of any error introduced by
collection of parts and then try to produce these turned items. It can now be seen
each component as accurately to the why the beginner to model engineering
drawing size as possible. This method of gets into trouble with coupling rods. Even
building is frequently followed by con- by working to close limits it may be
structors. the general idea being to make necessary to give .020in. clearance in the
a component to the drawing and then put rod bushes in order to get the wheels to
it in a box and start another and so on un- turn. Many constructors would find it dif-

ficult to work to limits as close as those The rods can be completed and even have
mentioned in the above example and as a the bushes fitted although with the sm-
consequence the remedy would be aller engines it may be better not to fit the
'sloppy rods'. bushes as this will reduce the size of the
If, before any construction was com- bore and make subsequent operations a
menced, the problem was carefully little tricky. Naturally, the rods must be
thought out, it would be realised that all made as a pair and clamped together for
that is required is to produce the coupling boring-out the crank pin holes. If this
rods in such as way as to ensure that the were not done then it would be possible
centre distance between the two crank to get one side of the engine longer than
pin holes in the rods is the same as, or as the other I
near as possible the same as, the distance The rods can now be laid aside and a
between the two axle centres. One way of start made on the frames. The slots for
achieving this is to assemble the frames, the horn blocks can be marked-out using
horn blocks, axle box and axles, etc., and a steel rule since no greater accuracy
then accurately measure the actual dis- need be strived for than can be obtained
tance between the two axle centres. With by the rule. The slots themselves are
this size known the problem is now produced in the normal way of cutting
reduced to producing only the coupling and filing to the lines. The horn blocks are
rod centres to a high degree of accuracy. machined to fit the slots in the frames
This, however, would not be easy to ac- and, again, the actual exact width of the
complish without the necessary measur- slots and horn blocks is not important as
ing tools required to span the rod centres it is the fit between the two components
and few workshops are likely to have that matters. This fit should not be sloppy
measuring equipment large enough to otherwise it will be the rivets securing the
achieve this. hornblocks to the frames that will have to
On the other hand, the whole problem take the thrust produced by the cylinders
can be examined from a different view- and this is not a desirable state of affairs
point - it can be turned round I Supposing as it would quickly lead to the horn blocks
the coupling rods were made first and the working loose. The horn blocks can be
axle centre distance made to suit the fitted to the frames individually, con-
rods. The end result would be just as centrating on obtaining the correct fit in
satisfactory as trying to produce the rods the frames rather than worrying about
to match the axles, so let us examine the what is happening to the nominal centre
possibility of achieving this. The rods can distance.
be made and the centre distance The next components to consider are
produced by measuring with an the axle boxes and it is these items, or at
engineer's steel rule. Marked-out and least the holes through them, that actual-
made in this way would produce rods ly locate the position of the axles. Any dis-
with possibly a linear error of .005in. or crepancy from nominal dimensions that
even .01 Oin. between the crank pin holes, has arisen in producing all the other parts
but this will not matter if the axle centres can be compensated for if the holes are
are made to suit - even the scale bored, not necessarily in the centre of
enthusiast who likes everything 'just so' each axle box as the drawing will show,
would not notice if the axle centres were but in such a position as to bring the axle
.010in. wider or narrower than 'scale'. centres back into their desired position.

The actual dimension required is not the bush as it is only a 'service' component;
nominal size between the axles but the mild steel will be perfectly satisfactory.
actual centre distance of the coupling rod This bush should also be a nice sliding fit
holes. The whole problem is therefore into the rod end, but it must also be
solved by boring the axle boxes to suit the slightly longer than the width of the rod
coupling rods previously made. This is not end so that it will protrude slightly beyond
a difficult task and can easily be done the face of the rod. The bush should be
without the need of any measuring equip- hollow with a hole through the centre
ment at all. The total error involved will about 3/16th in. or so in diameter. Now
not be large, probably no more than about select a screw or bolt that will pass
1/32in. The size of the axle boxes will be through this hole (2BA will do) and is also
such as to allow the bore for the axle to long enough to pass through the axle box.
be moved by this amount without The head of the screw must be smaller
affecting any other feature. This being so, than the outside diameter of the bush to
one pair of axle boxes for one axle can be ensure that the bush and screw will both
produced in the normal way and all the pass completely through the hole in the
compensation needed can be obtained on coupling rod end.
the other pair of boxes. The coupling rod is now placed into
Therefore, make, fit and finish one pair position on the 'chassis', one end onto the
of axle boxes and then place them in their dummy axle. Place the bush into the other
respective horn blocks and clamp them in end of the rod and swing the rod into
the correct running position. The other position so that the screw will pass
pair can be finished in every respect ex- through both bush and axle box and then
cept for the axle bore which needs to be put a washer and nut onto the end of the
made much smaller than the finished size, screw. Position the rod so that it is
say about tin. for a tin. diameter axle. parallel to the centre line of the axles and
One of these axle boxes should also be then tighten the screw. This will clamp
clamped in the correct running position. It the bush onto the 'small hole' axle box,
is important to clamp the axle boxes in see fig.81. The coupling rod can then be
position and not fit them on their springs removed. We now know that the centre
because in order to obtain best results distance between the axis of the axle and
both axle boxes must be rigid with the axis of the bush is similar to the length
frame assembly. Next produce a dummy between the coupling rod holes. The axle
axle for the first pair of boxes, this being box screw assembly is then removed from
simply a straight piece of steel bar that the frames and set up in the four-jaw
will just slide nicely into the two bearing chuck until the bush runs truly. The bolt is
holes, then turn down one end of the then loosened and the nut and button
dummy axle to a sliding fit into the hole in removed, the hole in the axle box can
the end of the coupling rod. While it does then be bored to the finished size. When
not really matter which end of the rod fits the axle box is replaced in the frame the
onto the dummy axle it may be as well to axle centres will be similar to the coupling
choose the end that will eventually fit the rod centres. The whole process can then
crank pin of the wheel that fits onto that be repeated for the other side of the
particular axle. A bush is now required to engine.
fit into the hole in the other end of the The only remaining work that in-
coupling rod - any material will do for the fluences the free working of the coupling


A ,>(LE. BOX, BOI2E. D


O'>('E..5 c..LAI-1PE..D It-J 'EUNNIIJf<:; P051i1QloJ

~ COuPU~~ ROD IIJ POSITIO~ A.>..lD ~\<:'Jo,j C.LA\o.A,P

~u"'Tib~ O\.,)TO A><.U:,BO)( B,( ME.A.>..lS OP NUT AloJD SoLT.

Fig.Bt Showing how to obt8in correctly fitted coupling rods without the need lo( direct accurBte meaSUfement.

rods is the boring of the crank pin holes full as it is basically a machining rather
and the fitting of the crank pins. The than a measuring exercise but if any
method chosen for boring the holes must reader is in doubt it is recommended that
ensure that all the crank pins have the he reads about it in a book dealing
same throw, The well-known method of specially with the problems encountered
clamping the wheels to an eccentrically in machining.
mounted fixture on the lathe faceplate is For the sake of simplicity, only the
recommended as this will not only coupling of two axles has been described
guarantee that all the crank throws are as the point being made is to outline the
similar but will also ensure that the holes basic principle involved, The same princi-
are square to the face of the wheels, This ple can, naturally, be employed when
is not the place to describe this method in building engines with three or more sets

of wheels. ticular problem encountered. This is a
One of the main themes of this book most important subject and one that can-
has been that in the amateur's workshop not be over-emphasised as the difference
a high degree of linear accuracy is not between success and failure can simply
usually necessary as a small deviation rest on choosing the correct machining
from the nominal size of a component can programme. To illustrate the importance
usually be compensated for by producing of geometrics it is only necessary to go
its mating part in such a way as to still back to the coupling rod problem. Even if
arrive at the desired working fit between the method outlined above has been
two components. This does not mean carefully carried out and everything is
that careless or poor work can be easily perfect except that one crank pin is out of
rectified, or that the constructor can go square, then the coupling rods will still
blundering on assuming that all will be not fit correctly and it would be useless
right in the end. Should this attitude be making an 'out of square' bush to suit the
adopted then all most certainly will not faulty pin - that would only make matters
come right in the end, in fact, the 'end' worse. The only remedy would be to bore
will probably be an empty workbench and out the offending hole in correct align-
a full scrap bin. ment and make and fit a new pin.
Before commencing any project the The idea behind describing the process
prospective builder should make himself in this chapter has been to illustrate once
familiar with all the parts that are finally again that the method of manufacture,
assembled together. Find out where they particularly of components that form part
all fit and what function they all perform, of an assembly, can influence not only the
then decide what is vital to achieve the measuring techniques involved but also
desired end product and what is of less the ease with which the assembly can be
importance. Then he can plan the method produced and the degree of success ob-
of construction and measuring techniques tained in the working of the finished unit.
required to meet these conditions. It pays therefore not to rush into the con-
As we have seen, some latitude is struction but rather to carefully plan the
allowable in linear dimensions but, unfor- methods to be used and the sequence of
tunately, this is not so with geometrical the operations to be followed. The
deviations. A geometrical error once method chosen for any given exercise will
made cannot usually be rectified by mak- naturally depend on the equipment
ing its mating part in such a way as to available and also on the experience of
compensate for the error originally made. the operator. Do not be put off by lack of
This most important subject of experience: if you have an idea 'have a
geometrics is outside the scope of go', if the idea works then great satisfac-
"Measuring and Marking" because tion is gained, if not, you have at least
geometrical accuracy is not obtained by added to your experience and the old say-
measuring but by choosing the correct ing quotes that "experience is cheap at
machining techniques to suit any par- any price'"


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