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Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

The nucleus contains the

protons and neutrons, while the electrons orbit the nucleus. Atoms of each chemical
element contain a specific number of protons, called the atomic number. The number
of neutrons can vary to make different isotopes of an element. Electrons occupy
different energy levels or shells around the nucleus. The outermost electrons are
involved in chemical bonds with other atoms. Quantum physics describes subatomic
particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons as both particles and waves. The
position and momentum of these particles can only be predicted probabilistically
according to the Schrödinger equation. Overall, atomic structure is complex and an
active area of research even today. A full scientific review would require
expertise and length well beyond my capabilities. I hope this brief summary
provides some useful information on this interesting topic. Let me know if you need
any clarification or have additional questions!

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