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DS5104: Machine Learning (2022/23)

Final Assignment 01: Convolutional Networks and Transfer Learning

Due Date: 27/11/2023|11.59 pm
[This assignment carries 20% of the total grade.]

In this assignment, your task is to create TWO convolutional neural networks (CNNs) models for
the classification of tea leaf disease images. The details of the data set and the two models are
as follows.

Data Set:
The dataset includes images representing three different tea leaf diseases, with 100 images in
each category.

Model 1:
A CNN model built from scratch. Define your own architecture and train all parameters.

Model 2:
VGG or ResNet based CNN model built using transfer learning.

Sample Codes:
You can refer to the sample codes for Model 1 and Model 2, which were constructed for the
classification of the MNIST Fashion image dataset and are available on the LMS.

Languages and Frameworks:

You may use TensorFlow Keras or PyTorch libraries.

1. Python scripts (.ipynb or .py) and screenshots of the outputs.
2. A document (report) containing the following (two pages maximum, PDF).
a. Performance comparison (e.g., accuracy and loss) table/plots of the two models.
b. Discussion on the performance of the two models.

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