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IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


Introduction: The Classical Civilization

Remember what civilization is? Civilization is a large Notebook Activities

group of people who live together in an organized way (a
society) and who develop and control all aspects of human Answer the following questions about the presentation
life. (you don’t need to copy the questions):
There have been many civilizations in history, but
the most important for us is the classical civilization 1. What is, in your opinion, the main difference between
because most aspects of human life during the last two Greek and Roman architecture?
millennia come from then: Agriculture, architecture, art, 2. Describe the extent of the Roman Empire: Which were
communications, engineering, entertainment, language, its limits? Which modern countries were a part of it?
law, literature, navigation, philosophy, politics, religion, 3. Who was the most powerful person in the Roman
science, trade, war, and others. Let’s take a look at it. Empire?
4. What’s the difference between Greek and Roman
The classical civilization belongs to Ancient History mythology and Christianity?
and took place in Greece and Rome from the 8th century
BC to the 5th century AD. It reached the highest level of And about the animated map:
development the world had ever seen until then.
5. Which were the three stages of Roman history?
Greece developed from the 8th century AD to the 2nd 6. What happened to Julius Caesar in 44 BC?
century AD (when it was conquered by the Romans). It 7. Who founded the Empire?
was divided in many independent city-states or poleis 8. Who undertook the last major wars of conquest?
which often fought against each other. The Greeks
invented democracy, which was the political system used
in Athens (although not exactly the same as present-
day democracy). They explained the world in two ways:
mythology and philosophy. Greek mythology was full
of stories about gods and heroes. Philosophy was a way
to find the truth about the world through thinking, and
the most important philosophers were Socrates, Plato
and Aristotle. In art and architecture, the Greeks tried to
imitate nature while searching for beauty and perfection.

Rome conquered Greece and adopted its mythology,

philosophy and art. But they were a different kind
of people, a much more practical one. Romans were
builders: they built a large empire by conquering all the
territoires they could; they built cities, roads, bridges and
aqueducts; and they also built big and luxurious buildings.
There had never been nothing like the Roman Empire, and
there hasn’t been ever since.
The Romans spoke Latin, which is the origin of many
European languages like Spanish. Even English has a lot of
Latin words. They wrote using the Latin alphabet, which is
the same one you are reading now.
In the 4th century AD Romans abandoned their
mythology and adopted Christianity, which is the largest
religion in the world today.
In spite of all its power, the Roman Empire entered a
deep crisis and eventualy disappeared. It was the end of
Ancient History and the start of the Middle Ages.
IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


1. The Fall of the Western Roman Empire

1. The causes of the fall Europe: Alans, Alemanni, Angles, Burgundians, Franks,
The Roman Empire was the most powerful organization Gepids, Lombards, Ostrogoths, Suebi, Vandals, Visigoths,
in the world, but in the 5th century it went to pieces. Why and many more.
did this happen? The Romans kept those Germanic peoples out of the
Empire because they considered them uncivilized and
1.1. Internal causes dangerous.They also used them as slaves. Nevertheless,
Political unrest.– The emperors lost their power because when the Germanic peoples got stronger, the Romans
they depended on the army, and the army obeyed anyone let them live within the borders of the Empire and even
who paid more. Usually, a general bribed the army, got the paid them to fight for them. But eventually the Germanic
emperor assassinated and became emperor himself, but peoples invaded the Western Empire and became the
the same thing happened to him in short time. masters of the Romans. The tide had turned completely.
Economic and social crisis.– Trade diminished, the
Empire couldn’t collect taxes and people moved out from 2. The fall
the cities to the country. In 476, a group of Germanic tribes led by Odoacer
Christianity.– The Romans abandoned mythology conquered Rome and deposed the last emperor, Romulus
and adopted Christianity. This brought conflicts between Augustulus. This event is considered the end of the
supporters of different interpretations of Christianity. Western Roman Empire, of the Classical Civilization and
All these problems made the Empire too difficult to of the Ancient World, as well as the start of the Middle
maintain and to defend from enemy attacks, that is from Ages. Nevertheless, it was not an extreme change because
the barbarians. the Germanic peoples had been living with the Romans
for many years and they were romanized. For instance,
1.2. External causes: the barbarian invasions they were Christian and many of them spoke Latin.
During the 5th century, the Empire was invaded by Moreover, the Eastern Roman Empire, now called
several barbarian peoples (‘barbarian’ = ‘stranger’). Some Byzantine Empire, survived the barbarian invasions and
of them came from the Eurasian Steppe (the famous continued to exist until 1453, when it was conquered by
Huns of Attila), others were slavic (Avars, Bulgars), but the Muslims. This means that the Roman Empire existed
the majority were Germanics and came from northern through all the Middle Ages.

Map 1. Invasions of the Roman Empire.

IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


2. The Triumph of Christianity

1. The origin of Christianity Judaism, since it was written before Jesus Christ. This
Christianity appeared in the early 1st century AD in Judea, means Christianity is based on Judaism, although they
a province of the Roman Empire. In AD 33, a prophet are different religions. The New Testament contains
called Jesus was crucified by the Romans in Jerusalem. four biographies of Jesus Christ (the Gospels) written by
Their disciples (the Apostles) continued his preaching, Apostles.
and by mid 1st century AD Christianity had spread over
the Empire, including the city of Rome. However, it was 2.3. The Church
still one of several small religions in the Empire. Another characteristic of Christianity is the Church, an
At first, Christians were persecuted by the Roman institution intended to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ
emperors. This caused the execution of the Apostles Peter and to intermediate between believers and God. There
and Paul, who later became saints. Christians in Rome had are several Christian Churches, although the one in the
to gather secretly in order to worship safely. They also got Roman Empire was the Catholic Church.
buried in underground galleries called catacombs.
Nevertheless, in 313 emperor Constantine legalized 2.4. Complexity
Christianity and later became a Christian himself. In 380, Christianity is a very complex religion. In the beginning
emperor Theodosius made Christianity the religion of the there were different interpretations or doctrines,
Empire, banning other religions. especially about the nature of Jesus Christ: Was he human,
divine, or both? The Catholic Church finally explained this
2. Characteristics of Christianity through the mystery of Trinity, which means God is one in
three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the
2.1. What is Christianity? Holy Ghost. According to this explanation, Jesus Christ
Christianity is the largest monotheistic religion in the was an incarnation of God. All other explanations were
world. It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, rejected by the Catholic Church and considered heresy.
who is considered the Saviour of humanity because all
who believe in him will find eternal life and will have 3. Christianity in Europe
their sins forgiven. Catholic Christians also worship Mary, When the Western Roman Empire fell, the Catholic
Mother of Jesus, and the saints. Church continued to exist. The Germanic peoples had
converted to Christianity, so they needed the Church in
2.2. The Bible order to have their sins forgiven and obtain eternal life. As
Christianity is also based on several texts. The main text a consequence, the Catholic Church got very powerful and
is the Holy Bible, formed by the Old Testament and the influential through all the Middle Ages in Europe and later
New Testament. The Old Testament speaks of the Creation in America and other parts of the world.
and the history of the people of Israel. It belongs also to

Map 2. Spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Dark areas: AD 325. Light areas: AD 600.
IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


3. The Germanic Kingdoms

1. The new kingdoms in the former Western Roman become kings themselves. When they succeded, they were
Empire often assassinated. As a consequence, the kings had little
After the barbarian invasions, the territory of the Western power and there was a lot of political unrest.
Roman Empire was divided into different kingdoms Economy.– It was based on farming because the
ruled by different Germanic peoples: Franks in what is majority of the population lived in the country and
now France and Germany, Visigoths in Spain, Ostrogoths because trade had little importance. People lived in
and then Lombards in Italy, Angles and Saxons in Great villages made of wooden huts. The only stone buildings
Britain. These kingdoms are the origin of the modern were palaces and churches, and they were small and
European countries. simple.
After the substitution of the Roman Empire by the Society.– On the top was the king, who in reality had
Germanic kingdoms, civilization suffered a serious little power. Below were the nobles, who were the owners
setback. Nevertheless, it was not completely lost because of the land and who really had power, but only in their
the Germanic kingdoms adopted several characteristics of territory. At the same level were the clergy (the members
the Roman Empire: language, religion and way of life. As of the Church), who also had land and power. Many of
an example, we will study the Visigothic Kingdom. them came from rich Roman families. The majority of the
free population was also of Roman origin and worked in
2. The Visigothic Kingdom farming and crafts. On bottom of society were the slaves.
The Visigoths got mixed with the Roman population
2.1. The Formation of the Kingdom and accepted their way of life in many aspects: They
The Iberian Peninsula, then known as Hispania, was a part had the same language (Latin), the same laws (the Liber
of the Roman Empire. In the 5th century it was invaded Iudiciorum) and the same religion (Catholic Christianity).
by the Vandals, the Suebi and the Alans, but then the The people left the cities and went to live in the country.
Visigoths arrived and gained control of Hispania, making Life in general was very very hard.
it their kingdom in the early 6th century.
2.3. The end of the kingdom
2.2. Life in the Visigothic Kingdom In the early 8th century, the Muslims had taken all
Politics.– The Visigothic Kingdom was ruled by a king northern Africa. They took advantage of the weakness
who was elected by the warrior nobles. He was advised by of the Visigoths, who were then figthing in a civil war,
these nobles and by members of the Church. Nevertheless, and invaded Hispania. It was the end of the Visigothic
the nobles were always figthing each other in order to Kingdom, which had lasted around three centuries.

Map 3. The Germanic Kingdoms.

IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


4. The Byzantine Empire

1. The formation of the Byzantine Empire 3. The Empire after Justinian (565-1453)
In the 4th century, the emperor Constantine moved the
capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium, 3.1. Loss of territories
a city with a strategic position and which he called The territories conquered by Justinian were lost not long
Constantinople (‘city of Constantine’). Later, when the afterwards and the Empire had to endure the attacks
Empire was divided in two, Constantinople became the of many enemies, especially the Muslims, who finally
capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. conquered Constantinople in 1453 (a date considered by
When the Western Roman Empire fell under the many as the end of the Middle Ages).
barbarian invasions, the Eastern Roman Empire
continued. Although it is known today as ‘Byzantine 3.2. Religious crisis
Empire’, its inhabitants called it Roman Empire and they During this long period there were two big religious crisis.
called themselves Romans. Iconoclasm.– In the 8th and 9th centuries the emperors
banned religious images, causing the destruction of works
2. Justinian I the Great (527-565) of art and also bloodshed.
The Byzantine Empire reached its greatest height during The East-West Schism.– In the 11th century, the
the reign of Justinian I. He tried to reconstruct the Byzantine Church separated itself from the Catholic
Western Roman Empire, and in order to do so he defeated Church. From then on it was known as the Orthodox
the barbarians and reconquered Italy, the south of Spain Church.
and the north of Africa. He reorganized the Roman
law through the Justinian Code. Finally, he promoted 3.3. The Greek influence
architecture (Hagia Sophia), art and literature. It was also Although the Byzantine Empire had its origin in Rome, in
a time of great prosperity due to farming and trade. the 7th century it adopted the Greek language officially.
As a consequence, it became the keeper of ancient Greek
literature, which was greatly unknown in western Europe.
The Greek alphabet used by Byzantine missionaries
developed into the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used in
Orthodox countries today.

Map 4. The Byzantine Empire in AD 555, during the reign of Justinian I.

IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


5. Islam

1. The origin of Islam Mecca; (3) alms-giving; (4) fasting during the month of
The Arabian Peninsula had not been a part of the Roman Ramadhan; and (5) pilgrimage to Mecca.
Empire. It was inhabited by different tribes of shepherds In Islam, all Muslims were equal and must not pay
and traders, some nomadic, some living in cities like taxes. They also considered themselves superior to non-
Mecca and Medina, who had a politheistic religion. Muslims. Those are the reasons why Muhammad wasn’t
In the 7th century, a man called Muhammad became popular at first among the powerful people in Mecca, but
a prophet who started preaching a new monotheistic also why Islam got so successful and expanded so rapidly.
religion. He made no friends this way and had to run Other reason for this success is that Islam offers a direct
for his life: In 622 he left Mecca and arrived to Medina. contact with God, not through the Church as in Catholic
This event is known as the Hegira and marks the start Christianity.
of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad found
the support of many Arab tribes who accepted the new 3. The expansion of Islam
religion. In 630 he conquered Mecca, and in 632 he died. After the death of Muhammad, Islamic armies conquered
many territories and created a big empire. This expansion
2. What is Islam? has three periods:
Islam is one of the biggest monotheistic religions in the 1. Rashidun Caliphate (632-661). After
world. Although it took elements from Judaism and Muhammad’s death, his friend Abu Bakr was named
Christianity, it came up as a new and very successful caliph, that is the religious and political leader of all
religion. Muslims. In this period, Islam conquered Syria and parts
According to Islam, the purpose of life is to worship of the Byzantine Empire and Persia.
God. The word ‘islam’ means ‘submission to God’. The 2. Umayyad Caliphate (661-750). The Umayyad
adherents to Islam are called Muslims. dinasty moved the capital from Mecca to Damascus, Syria.
Islam is based in a sacred book called Quran, which In this period, Islam conquered the north of Africa, part of
contains the revelations made by God to Muhammad. It the Iberian Peninsula and all of Persia.
also explains how Muhammad became a prophet and how 3. Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258). The Abbasids
Muslims must live and worship. The contents of the Quran killed the Umayyads, took power and moved the capital
were revealed by God in Arab, so this is the only valid to Baghdad, Persia. But the Islamic Empire got so big that
language for worshipping. many territories became independent from the Abbasid
Muslims have five obligations: (1) the declaration Caliphate. Eventually, it was conquered by the Mongol
of faith; (2) praying five times a day in the direction of Empire.

Map 5. Expansion of Islam during the Umayyad caliphate (over modern country borders).
Dark brown: 622-632. Light brown: 632-661. Yellow: 661-750.

al-andalus empire

syr amascus
• D • Baghdad

• Medina

• Mecca
IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


6. The Carolingian Empire

1. The origin of the Carolingian Empire 3. The spread of Christianity

The kingdom of the Franks was divided in the 6th and 7th Charlemagne was a fervent Christian who always
centuries into several kingdoms. In 753, Pippin III took supported the Church and used to have clergymen as
control of two of them, Austrasia and Neustria. He left counselors and officials. When he conquered Saxony,
them to his two sons, but one of them died. The other one a northern Germanic territory, he made sure that
was Charles, who became king in 768 and got known as everybody converted to Christianity (otherwise he got
Carolus Magnus (in Latin) or Charlemagne (in French), them executed). He also introduced Christianity into
meaning Charlemagne the Great. Charlemagne was present-day Hungary, a territory which was not a part of
an ambitious and capable ruler who became one of the his empire but which he controlled. And he protected the
most important individuals in the history of Europe. He pope from his enemies, as we have seen.
made three historic contributions: (1) the formation of
an empire which is the origin of present-day France and 4. The Carolingian Renaissance
Germany; (2) the spread of Christianity in Europe; and Charlemagne knew that culture (language, literature, arts,
(3) the promotion of Latin culture. All these contributions music) had suffered a setback since the fall of the Roman
were essential to make Europe what it is now. Empire. He also knew that culture was very important for
an empire, so he promoted it in several ways:
2. The formation of the Carolingian Empire • New schools and new study programs under the
Charlemagne made several conquests which unified direction of the best teachers from all Europe.
most of Europe. He ruled over all present-day France, • New language and new script. Charlemagne
Germany, Austria, most Italy and northeastern Spain. In wanted everybody in his empire to understand any
other words, most of the territories of the Western Roman kind of document. As a consequence, he ordered
Empire. the creation of a new script called carolingian
Charlemagne conquered the northern half of Italy, minuscule, which is the origin of our modern lower-
including Rome, to protect the pope from his enemies. In case letters. He also ordered a new version of the
exchange, the pope crowned him as emperor in 800. It Latin language, with new vocabulary, known as
was like if the Western Roman Empire had returned. Medieval Latin.
Nevertheless, the Carolingian Empire was different • Preservation of Roman works of literature. This was
from the Roman Empire because cities were not made by monks, who copied Roman works in new
important, there was little trade and Charlemagne did manuscripts.
not live in Rome. In the beginning he used to travel a lot,
but later he used to spend most of the time in Aachen, 5. The end of the Carolingian Empire
Germany, where he built an impressive palace. When Charlemagne died in 814 he was succeded by his
son, Louis the Pious. After him, the Empire was divided
among his sons, so Charlemagne’s achievements were
partially lost. Europe got divided again, but France
remained united and the Empire continued in Germany
and Austria until the 19th century.

Map 6. The formation of the Carolingian Empire.

Dark: The first Frankish kingdoms.
Light: Conquests by Charlemagne.
White: Territories controlled by Charlemagne.
IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


7. Historic Vocabulary

Aachen. Aquisgrán. Hegira. Hégira.

army. Ejército. Huns. Hunos.
Alans. Alanos. iconoclasm. Iconoclastia.
Alemanni. Alamanes. Lombards. Lombardos.
Angles. Anglos. Louis the Pious. Luis el Piadoso, Ludovico Pío.
Avars. Ávaros. Middle Ages. Edad Media.
barbarian. Bárbaro. Mecca. La Meca.
Burgundians. Borgoñones. monk. Monje.
Byzantine Empire. Imperio bizantino. monotheistic. Monoteísta.
calipha, caliphate. Califa, califato. Muhammad. Mahoma.
catacomb. Catacumba. muslim. Musulmán.
Charlemagne. Carlomagno. nun. Monja.
Christianity. Cristianismo. Muslim. Musulmán.
clergy, clergyman. Clero (el conjunto de los miembros Pippin. Pipino.
de la Iglesia), clérigo (un miembro de la Iglesia). Odoacer. Odoacro.
to depose. Deponer (quitar a un rey del trono). Ostrogoths. Ostrogodos.
Eurasian Steppe. Estepa euroasiática. political unrest. Inestabilidad política.
Franks. Francos. Quran. El Corán.
Gepids. Gépidos. Saxons. Sajones.
Germanic. Germánico. Suebi. Suevos.
Gospels. Evangelios. Vandals. Vándalos.
heresy. Herejía (creencia cristiana no aceptada por la Visigoths. Visigodos.
IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


8. Notebook Activities

Copy the following questions and answer them in your notebook:

1. Why do you think the barbarians invaded the Roman Empire?

2. Look at Map 2. Do you think Christianity spread fast? Why?

3. Summarize the characteristics of Christianity.

4. Why was Christianity important in the Middle Ages?

5. Write a composition comparing the way of life in the Roman Empire and in the Visigothic kingdom.
Use the information in the Introduction and in section 3 of this Unit. Around 80 words.

6. Look at Map 4. Why do you think Constantinople had a strategic position?

7. Who was Justinian I?

8. Investigation at home: Which are the Orthodox countries today?

9. What where the reasons for Islam’s success?

10. Compare maps 1, 4 and 5 and answer: Which empire was bigger: Roman, Byzantine or Islam?

11. What was the caliph?

12. Write a summary of Charlemagne’s historic contributions.

Further possible questions for the exam:

Mention the causes (both internal and external) for the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Name five Germanic peoples.
Which where the two religious problems of the Byzantine Empire?
Mention the three periods of the expansion of Islam.
Mention three characteristics of Islam.
IES Thiar · Geography & History 2 · 2017-2018 · Name:


9. Fill-In Activities

Answer the following activities in this sheet of paper and include it in your notebook the day of the exam.

13. Look at Map 1, and then draw different-coloured lines describing the advance of each barbarian tribe in the map

Angles Go
Franks Huns

Roman Ostrogoths
Empire Vis

14. Rewrite in your own handwriting the carolingian text below (ſ stands for s and the reversed q stands for per).

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