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Three-Thirds Discipleship Process1

The Three-Thirds Process is designed so that you can feel confident to lead discipleship groups.
It is a simple, transferable framework for any small group or one-on-one discipleship meeting.

The Three-Thirds divides your meetings into three sections

Three-Thirds Meeting (Duration: 1 hour)

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1. Mutual Care: Honestly ask how everyone is doing and encourage one another
2. Worship: Time to praise God and focus on him either through 1) Songs, 2) Prayer, or 3)
3. Loving Accountability: Updates on living a life obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Casting Vision: Updates on sharing the gospel or discipleship through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Encourage one another that the Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill the Great Commission

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1. New Lesson: Learn Biblical principles together. The goal is to give biblical truths for everyone to obey
and biblical truths that can be shared to others. Application is the key word

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1. Practice: Practice 1) Sharing the gospel or 2) Three-Thirds Process to build competence and confidence
2. Set Goals: Set Great Commission goals or Biblical truth practical application goals for 1 week.
3. Pray: Never end the meeting without 1) blessing each one, 2) entrusting each goals to the Lord, 3)
entrusting each concerns and worries to the Lord, 4) entrusting the discipleship group to the Lord.

Cru. “Three-Thirds Discipleship Process. Accessed on: November 1, 2022.

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