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Earth in 2050

“Come on, move you bastards! We don’t have all day!”, hissed one of the officers as the rest
of them pushed a throng of people, all of them black, while flogging each one of them. These
black people weren’t so heavily dressed, forget dressed, men were barely wearing vests
which exposed their bruised chests, covered with red bleeding marks, and hunched backs as if
their spines were broken. Their short, coarse pants revealed their achilles muscle was cut off
which showed their flesh. The heavy drops of rain dripped down their contused chests as the
clouds once again rumbled as if crying for help.

That group consisted of wailing women, who had their babies tightly hugged to their chests,
as if it was the last time they would be getting the chance to hug their children. All these
people moved like a parade surrounded by several white people who kept beating them with
whips and their painful wails mixed with the rhythm of raindrops dripping. At last they came
to a stop, where three tall machines separated them into three queues. One for the men, other
for the women and third for the children. It seemed like a registration area where some
officers dressed in their uniforms, clearly standing out among the others because of their
white complexion, seemed to interrogate the crowd but in a peculiar way. They made each
one of them go into a four cornered box, closed the metallic door with a loud thrash, and after
two minutes wheezing and drilling sounds came, as electrical rays could be seen going
sideways and from top to bottom. As the person came out, all his/her information including
their biometrics, history and appearance print outs were automatically uploaded in a software
which was connected with the manuals of the electric box.

Once everyone had got their scanning done, they were reluctantly loaded into four trucks.
Men tried to run away but their achilles muscle prevented them from doing so while women
tried to hit the white officers but their scrawny arms and hopeless spirit made them weak to
do so.

One woman cried, ‘You did this in the past and regretted it, you let your ego get the better of
you! Your ancestors made a mistake, now they are languishing in hell.’

‘Shut up, will you! Ancestors and ego, whatsoever! You bastards deserve this for mixing with
us and letting your impurity affect us. You don’t even deserve a life. People like you should
be rotting in rat holes. Filthy creatures… but we will make sure to show you the place you
deserve!’, scorned a white officer with a whip covered with screws in his hand while other
officers laughed heartily.

They were forcefully put into trucks and taken into a faraway magnanimous building which
seemed like a graveyard from the front ignoring what resided inside that desolate place. The
front walls were hammered with cardboards and no element of vitality resided inside the
building. There were small prisons everywhere, some which were already filled with black
people, which could barely fit one person inside them. But there was large automation
covering each prison’s door. That door had algorithms inside them which displayed every
minute activity of the prisoner on a big screen. Not only that, but it showed every prisoner’s
biodata and their basic details.

With snickering faces, the officers grabbed women’s arms and dragged them into their
prisons; they dragged small children by their clothes and threw them in the prison as if they
were some disgusting trash. The mothers cried for their children as they all were separated
and then the doors were closed so they couldn’t even see their loved ones. While they
whipped the man and dragged them into storerooms to do all the labor work even though they
were not in the perfect medical situation to do so.

The white officers had also installed small cameras everywhere, in every corner of every
room so no one could escape, and even if they did, these cameras connection were interlinked
to armbands the black people(prisoners) were forced to wear, they would get a electric shock
and if that electric shock passed the duration of 5 minutes, it was the prisoners last breath.
These algorithms made sure no one dared to escape and even if they did, they got a brutal
punishment which led them to their death.

The prison was nothing less than a graveyard, with people mourning, sadness taking the lead
everywhere and deaths taking place in every corner if anyone tried to fight for freedom.
While other white officers came everyday at this cold place and unloaded resources from
their big trucks.

‘Jesus, that’s our crops and resources which we grew with blood and sweat. You bastards
have no right to steal these and send them to your devilish greedy seniors. We are owners of
these resources and our fellow brothers own these crops and lands you stole them from’, cried
one of the men while scraping off the webs from one of the storerooms. The officers simply
scorned him and instead of giving an answer called other men and asked them to take him to
‘the death garden’, which was simply a box where you got severe electrical currents until you
were completely electrocuted and in an unstable mental condition.

At night, an alarm shrilled throughout the prison which was an alarm for dinner. These black
people had arrived in the morning and from then till now, they weren’t fed a scrap, not even a
crumb! As soon as the alarms shrilled, prisoners' locks opened with a loud thrash and each
and every prisoner ran out of their prison as some ravenous monsters. Instead of going to the
hall where they were guided by the officers, every person reunited with their loved ones and
hugged each other tightly as tears welled in their eyes and flowed down their cheeks. All of
them were separated from their loved ones by the white officers with sticks and whips. As
each one of the ‘slaves’ (like the white officers addressed them) sat on their respective seats,
they were given small circular plates where about i gram of grains were put in each dish.
Soon after taking a taste, the prisoners realised it was grains which crows eat. Some ate them
because of the severe starvation while others made sure that their children were alright. As
soon as they were done, they were savagely put back into their prisons like some unwanted
So this was what had happened, not only in this one particular prison, but in every corner of
every country, as you tend to pick what happens in your neighbourhood. History had repeated
itself, something the same had happened in history but with more brutality now. The
advancement had made the oppressing more convenient because of the advanced algorithms
and instead of using this technology positively, the white people also known as the ‘seniors’
had chosen to use this technology to torture people just for their different complexion and to
give them the place they ‘deserved’ as if they were some gods who knew what each one of us
deserves because it seemed right to them.

This has proved ‘history repeats itself’!

Sanya kumari
Grade 8
Nixor O'Levels

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