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Reflection on own self-leadership

Self-leadership is paving the way for self-direction and growth and it is also the
cornerstone of personal development.

For me, the most important component that I have been working with is self-direction
which will be helpful for me to regulate and control my own actions to achieve my goals
and plans. Because I believed this strategy would assist me in recognizing the
significance of the notion of purpose as a driver for structuring life and leading the
process of self-goal setting. I believe a leader must have vision, integrity, and confidence,
which can only be attained if they learn to control themselves at first.

During the course, I have planned to use this strategy by self-observing when, why, and
under what circumstances I use certain behaviors because this will be helpful for me to
establish my purpose and related long-term learning goals and identify what motivates
me to learn more. I have planned to reward myself when I complete my objectives,
identify my actions resulting in self-critical feelings, and pair the practice with the result,
which may be mentally going over a future challenge and rewarding the positive
outcome. This strategy, I feel, will assist me in better understanding and improving my
self-leadership in the face of complex challenges and activities, as well as in my personal
and professional development.

To conclude, by setting clear goals and objectives, embracing self-awareness and rewards
will empower me to make conscious choices that will align with my values and

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