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Metacognitive Awareness Inventory


 What metacognition strategies have you used a learner as you

have progressed through this course?

 In what categories did you score the highest and the lowest on the
Metacognitive Awareness Inventory?
 Was there anything about your score that surprised you?
 How might you be able to use the information from the
Metacognitive Awareness Inventory to develop your
metacognition skills as a lifelong learner?

In the previous discussion, I have mentioned that I also used metacognition as my learning strategies. It
is mostly effective for me me when analyzing my goals and defining my purpose for this intent.
Furthermore, I believe it is important in one’s learning since it encompasses self-reflection or
understanding one’s thinking style.

In this activity, cognition self-regulation includes planning, comprehension monitoring, information

management strategies, debugging strategies and evaluation. It is a set of activities that help one’s use of
cognitive abilities to improve learning process. The strategies that I used are Comprehension Monitoring
and Evaluation because from time to time I re-assess myself if I’m meeting my goals and considered a lot
of options when faced with problems or difficulties. These both strategies have given me a perfect score.
I always want to know the extent of my skills and abilities and how to improve them thru reflecting on
my learning, comprehension, and past accomplishments.

Surprisingly, I got a low score on Information Management Strategies maybe because I’m not a
scrupulous learner. I would rather evaluate my overall learning than focusing on detailed information. I
neither slowdown nor draw pictures to help me learn.

On the other hand, I think that Declarative Knowledge and Conditional Knowledge will work best for me
in learning. It is essential in knowing your own’s strengths and weaknesses and what information is
relevant and you need to focus on. Likewise, I can easily adapt and use difference learning strategies
whenever the situation changes.
Overall, each one of us has a different style in terms of cultivating our learning and achieving goals. We
know ourselves better than anyone else, thus, what matters is how it helps us in pursuing our personal
and professional development goals.

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