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1.1 - 1.2 Underline the twelve phrasal verbs in these sentences and match the
twelve phrasal verbs from sentences 1-5 in ex1.1 above with their meanings
from the box below
1. send off = post
turn up = arrive
2. come across = find
take down = write
3. watch a film (collocation)
Ask around = invite home
play up = not work properly
break down = stop working
4. bring up = mention
sort out = deal with: doi pho, tim cach giai quyet voi mot van de nao do…
5. mess about = cause inconvenience
put sth off = postpone: hoan lai, tri hoan
call sth off = cancel: huy bo
1.3 Decide which of these sentences contain errors. Explain why they are wrong
and suggest a correct answer. Use the table in B to help you.
1. BRING BACK memories : Correct. ( makes me remember or think about
sth from the past )
2. look the children aften: INCORRECT. => The object must come after the
particle - LOOK AFTER the children ( to take care of or be in charge of sb/st)
3. ring my brother back: Correct. ( RING BACK: phone again )
4. EAT OUT a wonderful dinner last night => The verb is used without an
object (eat in a restaurant)
5. ask the cat out: incorrect => The object must be human. ASK OUT sb/ ASK
sb OUT: invite s.o to go a place
1.4 Sometimes phrasal verbs are followed by a particular preposition to make
three-part verbs…
1. look down on = to think that you are better than someone
2. do away with = to get rid of something or stop using something
3. come up against = to have to deal with a problem
4. get away with = to succeed in avoiding punishment for something
5. put up with = tolerate ( to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation
or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly )

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