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Research Project

The International Monetary Fund has measured the GDP of all countries in the
world. Determine the top 10 countries by GDP in 2022. Then

Write a research on the performance of the economy in two countries (Egypt and
one of the top countries by GDP), during the period from 2000 to 2022, using the
following indicators:

1. Gross Domestic product GDP

2. GDP Per capital
3. GDP growth rate.
A. Research Plan
1) Introduction (1 Page)

- An introduction to the two countries’ economy.

- The research question.

2) Research body

For each indicator:

- Define of the indicator
- Graph the time series of the indicator in both countries from 2000 to 2022.
- Comment on the time series of the indicator in country A
- Comment on the time series of the indicator in country B
- Compare the performance of both countries regarding this indicator.

3) Conclusion (1 Page)

Write a brief summary comparing the performance of the economy in both countries
during that period according to the per capita income.
B. Data Collection
World Bank Open Data


1) GDP (US$) – Gross Domestic product.

2) GDP Per capital (US$)
3) GDP growth (annual %)

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