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Project name: Clothing Shop Website.

Major: Software Engineering.

Course: Microsoft .NET.

Instructor: Nguyen Thi Thanh Truc.

Group member: Nguyen Quang Truong – 20522089.

Nguyen Nhat Truong – 20522086.

TP.HCM, tháng 06 năm 2023

Table of Contents
I. Record of Changes..............................................................................................................................3
II. Testing Documentation......................................................................................................................4
1. Scope of Testing.............................................................................................................................4
2. Test Strategy..................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Testing Types............................................................................................................................4
2.2 Test Levels................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Supporting Tools......................................................................................................................4
3. Test Plan.........................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Human Resources....................................................................................................................4
3.2 Test Environment.....................................................................................................................5
3.3 Test Milestones........................................................................................................................5
4. Test Cases.......................................................................................................................................5
5. Test Reports...................................................................................................................................5
I. Record of Changes
Date A* In charge Change Description
M, D

*A - Added M - Modified D - Deleted

II. Testing Documentation
1. Scope of Testing
Scope of Testing:

Target-of-Test's Features and Functions:

 Features: Product browsing, user authentication, cart management, checkout,

order processing.
 Functions: User registration, product search, payment processing, order

Non-Functional Requirements:

 Performance: Evaluate system response times and scalability.

 Security: Verify secure user authentication and payment transactions.
 Usability: Assess user interface intuitiveness and overall user experience.

Testing Stages/Levels:

1. Unit Testing:
 In-Charge: Developers.
 Inputs/Time: Individual code modules.
 Focus: Verify correctness of individual units.
 Acceptance Criteria: 100% code coverage, minimal defects.
2. Integration Testing:
 In-Charge: Integration Testers.
 Inputs/Time: Integrated components.
 Focus: Validate interactions between integrated components.
 Acceptance Criteria: Seamless data flow, minimal integration issues.
3. System Testing:
 In-Charge: QA Team.
 Inputs/Time: Entire application.
 Focus: End-to-end functionality, performance, security.
 Acceptance Criteria: Bug-free system, meets performance criteria.


 Assumption: Stable development environment and access to necessary

testing tools.
 Constraint: Limited availability of real-world data for testing.
 Assumption: Adequate documentation for test scenarios and expected
 Constraint: Testing may not cover all possible user scenarios due to time

This testing plan provides a structured approach to ensure the reliability,

performance, and security of the Clothing Shop Online, with considerations for each
testing stage and associated constraints and assumptions.
2. Test Strategy
1. Functional Testing:
 Test Objective: Validate the functional aspects of the application, including features
like product search, user authentication, and cart management.
 Technique: Black-box testing.
 Completion Criteria: All functional requirements met without critical defects.
 Test Level: System Testing.
 Supporting Tools: Selenium for automated testing, Jira for test management.
2. Usability Testing:
 Test Objective: Assess the user interface, navigation, and overall user experience.
 Technique: User feedback, heuristic evaluation.
 Completion Criteria: Positive user feedback, adherence to usability guidelines.
 Test Level: System Testing.
 Supporting Tools: UsabilityHub for remote usability testing, Google Analytics for
user behavior analysis.
3. Performance Testing:
 Test Objective: Evaluate system response times, scalability, and resource utilization.
 Technique: Load testing, stress testing.
 Completion Criteria: Meet predefined performance benchmarks under peak load.
 Test Level: System Testing.
 Supporting Tools: Apache JMeter for load testing, New Relic for performance
4. Security Testing:
 Test Objective: Identify vulnerabilities and ensure secure user authentication and
payment transactions.
 Technique: Penetration testing, vulnerability scanning.
 Completion Criteria: No critical security vulnerabilities, compliance with security
 Test Level: System Testing.
 Supporting Tools: OWASP ZAP for penetration testing, Nessus for vulnerability
5. Compatibility Testing:
 Test Objective: Verify the application's compatibility with various browsers and
 Technique: Cross-browser testing, device testing.
 Completion Criteria: Consistent functionality across supported browsers and
 Test Level: System Testing.
 Supporting Tools: BrowserStack for cross-browser testing, BrowserStack Automate
for test automation.
6. Regression Testing:
 Test Objective: Ensure that new code changes do not adversely impact existing
 Technique: Automated regression testing.
 Completion Criteria: All existing functionalities pass without regression issues.
 Test Level: System Testing.
 Supporting Tools: Jenkins for continuous integration, TestNG for test automation.

Test Levels:
 Unit Testing: Validate individual code modules.
 Integration Testing: Verify interactions between integrated components.
 System Testing: Evaluate end-to-end functionality, performance, and security.

This comprehensive testing strategy aims to ensure the reliability, usability,

performance, security, and compatibility of the Clothing Shop Online. Each testing
type is selected to address specific aspects of the project, with supporting tools
integrated for efficiency and accuracy.
2.1 Testing Types
1. Functional Testing:
 Objective: Validate the functionality of features such as product search, user
authentication, and cart management.
 Technique: Black-box testing.
 Completion Criteria: All functional requirements met without critical defects.
2. Usability Testing:
 Objective: Assess the user interface, navigation, and overall user experience.
 Technique: User feedback, heuristic evaluation.
 Completion Criteria: Positive user feedback, adherence to usability guidelines.
3. Performance Testing:
 Objective: Evaluate system response times, scalability, and resource utilization.
 Technique: Load testing, stress testing.
 Completion Criteria: Meet predefined performance benchmarks under peak load.
4. Security Testing:
 Objective: Identify vulnerabilities and ensure secure user authentication and payment
 Technique: Penetration testing, vulnerability scanning.
 Completion Criteria: No critical security vulnerabilities, compliance with security
5. Compatibility Testing:
 Objective: Verify the application's compatibility with various browsers and devices.
 Technique: Cross-browser testing, device testing.
 Completion Criteria: Consistent functionality across supported browsers and
6. Regression Testing:
 Objective: Ensure that new code changes do not adversely impact existing
 Technique: Automated regression testing.
 Completion Criteria: All existing functionalities pass without regression issues.

Completion Criteria:
 Functional Testing: All test cases pass, and no critical defects are identified.
 Usability Testing: Positive user feedback and adherence to usability standards.
 Performance Testing: System meets predefined performance benchmarks under
peak load.
 Security Testing: No critical security vulnerabilities, and compliance with security
 Compatibility Testing: Consistent functionality across supported browsers and
 Regression Testing: All existing functionalities pass without regression issues.

These testing types and completion criteria collectively ensure the reliability, usability,
performance, security, and compatibility of the Clothing Shop Online. Each testing
type is tailored to address specific aspects of the project, ensuring a comprehensive
quality assurance process.

2.2 Test Levels

Test Level
Type of Tests
Unit Integration System Acceptance

Product Search X X X X

User Authentication X X X X

Performance X X

2.3 Supporting Tools

<List of the test supporting tools which will be employed for this project>

Purpose Tool Vendor/In-house Version

3. Test Plan
3.1 Human Resources
[List and provide the details on roles and responsibilities of the project members who would involve in
testing works, in the table format as below]
Worker/Doer Role Specific Responsibilities/Comments

3.2 Test Environment

[List and provide the details about the tools (software, hardware, infrastructure) which the project
would use for testing. The information can be provided in the table format as below]

Purpose Tool Provider Version

3.3 Test Milestones

[Separate test milestones, which should be identified to communicate project status
accomplishments. The information can be provided in the table format as below]

Milestone Task Start Date End Date

4. Test Cases
[Prepare the details on the test cases following the provided template

 Unit Test Cases: Report5_Unit Test.xls

 Other Test Cases (IT, ST, AT): Report5_Test Report.xls]

5. Test Reports
[Provide the test result, statistics and the relevant test analysis for your testing in the project]

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