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Stable many-body localization under random continuous measurements in the no-click

Giuseppe De Tomasi1 and Ivan M. Khaymovich2, 3
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801-3080, USA
Nordita, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, GSP-105, Russia
In this work, we investigate the localization properties of a paradigmatic model, coupled to a
monitoring environment and possessing a many-body localized (MBL) phase. We focus on the
post-selected no-click limit with quench random rates, i.e., random gains and losses. In this limit,
the system is modeled by adding an imaginary random potential, rendering non-Hermiticity in the
arXiv:2311.00019v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 31 Oct 2023

system. Numerically, we provide an evidence that the system is localized for any finite amount
of disorder. To analytically understand our results, we extend the quantum random energy model
(QREM) to the non-Hermitian scenario. The Hermitian QREM has been used previously as a
benchmark model for MBL. √ The QREM exhibits a size-dependent MBL transition, where the critical
value scales as Wc ∼ L ln L with system size and presenting many-body mobility edges. We
reveal that the non-Hermitian QREM with random gain-loss offers a significantly stronger form of
localization, evident in the nature of the many-body mobility edges and the value for the transition,
which scales as Wc ∼ ln1/2 L with the system size.

I. INTRODUCTION measurement of local observables, which locally projects

the system into the low entanglement states. This results
in an intricate spreading of entanglement and correlations
Generic closed quantum many-body systems tend to
during the dynamics. Numerous studies have highlighted
thermalize under their own time evolution, erasing the
the existence of a distinct phase transition triggered
microscopic details of their initial conditions [1–3]. In
by measurements [34–38], dubbed as the measurement-
such systems, the final steady state is characterized by a
induced entanglement transition. This transition is com-
few set of globally conserved quantities and the system
monly characterized by the scaling of entanglement dy-
obey the law of statistical mechanics.
namics and distinguishes between a volume-law phase,
The investigation of non-equilibrium phenomena in where entanglement scales with the volume of the system,
quantum systems has unveiled new phases of matter. and an area-law phase, where it grows as the boundary
These phases usually lack counterparts in equilibrium of the partition.
states and could be crucial for enhancing the robust- Static non-Hermitian quantum systems can describe
ness of quantum computing. To enhance coherence, sev- some of the non-unitary dynamics mentioned above. For
eral mechanisms have been suggested to impede ther- example, the non-Hermitian description arises naturally
malization, thus preserving critical quantum correlations in the so-called “no-click limit”, where the system is con-
essential for quantum computing. A prime example of tinuously monitored [39–47]. Then one post-selects the
this is the phenomenon known as many-body localization quantum trajectories corresponding to no-measurement
(MBL) [4–7] which extends the Anderson localization to events. Several many-body systems, ranging from the
the many-body case. The strong quenched disorder pre- transverse-field Ising model to the long-range Kitaev
vents many-body systems from thermalizing, leading to chain, show the existence of the entanglement transition,
localization. This ergodicity breaking manifests itself in both in the dynamics and in the steady state proper-
the system’s quantum dynamics [8–16]. The local mem- ties [40, 42, 48–50].
ory of the initial state is preserved during time evolution, Generically, the study of non-Hermitian many-body
attributed to a“robust” form of an emergent integrabil- systems has emerged as a new paradigm for describ-
ity. Consequently, the system can be fully described by ing open, dissipative, and monitored systems. The non-
an extensive set of quasi-local integrals of motion [15– Hermitian systems uncover a rich phenomenology and
21]. Later, alternative mechanisms for (weak) ergodic- the study of them is an active research front, describ-
ity breaking have been suggested, ranging from quantum ing unique effects, ranging from generalized topological
many-body scars and Hilbert-space fragmentation [22– phases and new forms of quantum criticality [51], to en-
27] to the localization in lattice gauge theories [28–31]. tanglement transitions that are not possible in the Her-
Recently, there has been a growing interest in non- mitian counterparts. For instance, one of the most cele-
unitary quantum dynamics, both from theoretical and brated effects is a so-called non-Hermitian skin effect [52–
experimental perspectives. A notable instance is the re- 54], where eigenstates of a non-Hermitian system localize
cent exploration of monitored quantum systems [32–35]. at the boundary of a lattice, arising due to non-reciprocal
In these systems, the unitary dynamics of typical quan- hopping across the system with open boundary condi-
tum systems, which scramble and increase the entangle- tion. This effect challenges the conventional wisdom
ment of the state, are in competition with the continuous of the bulk-boundary correspondence in topological sys-

tems. Furthermore, it has been shown that such a skin localized one, around WM BL ≈ 4 − 6 in the middle of
effect suppresses entanglement propagation and thermal- its spectrum [63–71]. For ∆ = 0, the system is Anderson
ization and even induces an entanglement phase transi- localized for any finite amount of disorder W > 0 [72, 73].
tion [55]. We consider the limit of post-selection, also called
In general, non-Hermiticity is responsible for an in- forced measurement phase or no-click limit [39–46], in
crease in decoherence and might break localization. which the system is modeled by a non-Hermitian Hamil-
Hatano and Nelson in their seminal work [56] show that tonian
even in one dimension, where the short-range Hermi- X
tian systems are localized for any finite amount of dis- H = H0 + i γx L†x Lx , (2)
order, strong non-reciprocity in hopping breaks the An- x
derson localization, creating energy bands of delocalized
states. The fate of the Hatano-Nelson model in the pres- where Lx are random Lindblad operator Lx = (2Sxz + 1).
ence of interaction has been recently studied in several γx are random rates |γx | ≤ W [74]. Through the Jordan-
works [57–62], showing the existence of a stable MBL Wigner transformation, the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian
phase for both, weak disorder and non-Hermiticity. is equivalent to the disorder spin-less Hubbard model
In this work, we focus on a paradigmatic model, host- subject to random gain and loss terms. The monitored
ing the MBL transition under random continuous mon- system in the non-interacting limit, ∆ = 0 is also local-
itoring in the so-called no-click limit. In this limit, ized under the effect of random gain and loss both in
the model maps to a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian hav- the short-range Anderson [75, 76] and long-range [77, 78]
ing complex random fields, which can be seen as random settings. In Ref. 57 a similar model with staggered gain
gain and loss terms. We inspect several probes to the and loss, but non-random has been considered to find the
extension and the entanglement properties of their eigen- existence of an MBL phase at strong disorder.
states. We provide numerical evidence that the system is To understand the fate of the MBL transition under
localized for any finite amount of disorder in the thermo- monitoring of the model in Eq. (2), we investigate the
dynamic limit. To grasp an analytical understanding of localization properties of the right-eigenvector belonging
this robust localization, we inspect a non-Hermitian ver- to the middle of the spectrum of H [79],
sion of the MBL-proxy, namely, the quantum random en-
ergy model (QREM). Previously, the Hermitian QREM H|E⟩ = E|E⟩. (3)
is known to be a “mean-field” model to describe more
With this aim, we consider the half-chain bipartite en-
realistic MBL systems. Generalizing the self-consistent
tanglement entropy,
theory of localization to the non-Hermitian QREM, we
show that the non-Hermiticity results in parametrically S(L/2) = −Tr[ρL/2 ln ρL/2 ], (4)
stronger localization than in its Hermitian counterpart.
The rest of the work is organized as follows. In Sec. II with the reduced density matrix ρL/2 of the state in
we describe the non-Hermitian modification of a paradig- a half chain. The ergodic behavior of S is known to
matic MBL model, followed by the numerical results in be represented by the so-called Page value SP age =
Sec. III. Section IV provides the analytical consideration (L ln 2 − 1)/2 [80], with some finite deviations, claimed
of a non-Hermitian version, Sec. IV A, of a proxy QREM later [81–85]. Here and further, we omit the argument
model both for finite, Sec. IV B, and zero, Sec. IV C, en- (L/2), focusing only on the half-chain partitions. In
ergy density. We conclude our consideration in Sec. V. general, we indicate the disorder and eigenstates aver-
age with an overbar on the considered quantity, i.e., S.
As a further probe, we consider fluctuations over a few
eigenstates and disorder configurations δS 2 ≡ S 2 − S .
In an extended phase, we expect S to scale linearly
We consider the random-field Heisenberg chain of size
with system size L, while in the localized, S should have
an area-law scaling, S ∼ O(L0 ). Instead, the fluctuations

X decay exponentially with system size in the ergodic phase
H0 = Sx+ Sx+1 + h.c. + ∆Sxz Sx+1
+W µx Sxz , (1) and do not scale with L in the localized phase. These
x x two behaviors are interpolated by diverging fluctuations,
subject to a random monitoring environment in the ”no- δS 2 ∼ L2 , around the transition (W ≈ WM BL ). In the
click” limit. −1 ≤ µx ≤ 1 is the random field and we Hermitian case, it has been observed that the finite-size
use periodic boundary conditions SL+1 = S1 . We set the estimate of the critical point WM BL shifts to the larger
interaction ∆ to be ∆ = 1 unless stated otherwise.
P Thez values with increasing system sizes L. Several numerical
model conserves the total magnetization M = x Sx works using finite-size techniques have shown that this
and, we consider the largest sector with zero magnetiza- shift is consistent with the existence of a genuine MBL
tion (M = 0). transition at a finite value [64, 70, 86–89]. However, re-
Without monitoring, the model is known to exhibit cently, other works have questioned these results [90–92]
an MBL transition, separating an ergodic phase from a proposing that only a finite-size transition is possible,

whose critical value is proportional to the system size (a) (b)

WM BL ∼ L. L=6
4 0.8
We investigate the spread of eigenstates in the Hilbert L=8
space, quantified by the inverse participation ratio 3 L = 10

S/SP age
L = 12

L = 14
IP R2 = |⟨σ|E⟩|4 , (5) 2 0.4
L = 16
σ 0.2

where {|σ⟩} is the full set of the σ z −basis states and 1 2

1 2
|E⟩ is the eigenstate of the above Hamiltonian with the W W
eigenvalue E. From IP R2 , we extract its fractal dimen- (c) (d)
sion D2 1.00


δS 2/ max δS 2
IP R2 ∼ (dimH)−D2 , (6) 1.0

δS 2
where dimH = L/2 is the dimension of the Hilbert 0.5
space in the zero-magnetization sector. For ergodic 0.25
states, D2 → 1 in the thermodynamic limit, while generic
non-ergodic states will have fractal behavior, meaning 0.0 0.00
1 2 2.5 5.0
0 < D2 < 1. For the Hermitian case, it has been shown W W log L
that D2 ≈ 1 in the thermal phase and 0 < D2 < 1 in
the MBL phase [64, 86, 88, 93]. It has also been argued FIG. 1. MBL model: Entanglement entropy and its
that D2 exhibits a jump at the transition. The fluctua- fluctuations in a non-Hermitian setting of Eq. (2):
tions of D2 over eigenstates and disorder configurations, (a) S and (b) S/SP age as functions of W for several system
δD22 = D22 − D2 , is a remarkable fingerprint of the tran- sizes L. (c) bare entanglement fluctuations δS 2 and (d) its
sition. δD22 should be exponentially suppressed with L in value, normalized by the maximum value. In panel (d) the
the ergodic phase (δD22 ∼ O(e−αL )), only algebraically disorder strength has been renormalized by multiplying by
in the MBL phase (δD22 ∼ O(L−1 )), and δD22 stays finite ln L. Dashed lines in panels (b), (c) show the corresponding
measures for the equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian, Eq. (7).
(δD22 ∼ O(1)) at the critical point, due to the above jump
in D2 . Further, we focus on the fluctuations of ln IP R2 ,
δ ln IP R22 = δD22 L2 . described in Eq. (2), we examine the Hamiltonian, where
the complex disorder is replaced by the real one

We start our investigation with the examination of the as depicted by dashed lines in Figs. 1(b) and (c). First,
entanglement entropy and its fluctuations as a function we observe that in the Hermitian case the finite-size
of disorder strength W , focusing on the right eigenvectors crossover between the thermal and the ergodic phases
from the middle of the spectrum of H in Eqs. (1), (2). happens at larger disorder, indicating that the non-
Figures 1(a)-(b) depict the average half-partition en- Hermitian part tends to localize the system. This is par-
tanglement entropy, Eq. (4), and the ratio S/SP age (rep- ticularly evident in Figs. 1(b), where the dashed lines
resented by solid lines), respectively. Here, the Page present a crossing point in the proximity of the putative
value SP age will be used as a reference value, being the MBL transition. Indeed, S/SP age → 1 as the system
expected value for ergodic states at infinite tempera- size grows for the weak disorder, while S/SP age → 0 at
ture (middle of the spectrum). The rest of the figure, larger disorder. However, for the non-Hermitian case, we
Figs. 1(c)-(d) showcase the fluctuations of S. have S/SP age → 0 with growing L for all available W .
Notably, S/SP age decreases as the system size in- The enhancement of localization due to non-Hermiticity
creases, and the peak of its fluctuations also appears is also visible in the fluctuation of S, cf. dashed and solid
to systematically move to a smaller value of W , see lines in Fig. 1(c). First, the maximum of δS 2 is higher in
Fig. 1 [94]. This behavior may suggest the presence of a the Hermitian case, second, it happens at stronger dis-
finite-size crossover between a volume-law phase and an order, and finally, we observe the typical shifting of the
area-law phase. However, the volume-law phase seems to maximum to the larger values of disorder only in the Her-
vanish in the thermodynamic limit. mitian case, but not in its non-Hermitian counterpart.
To support these observations, it is valuable to com- We can conclude that this non-Hermiticity enhanced its
pare them with the Hermitian case, which is believed localization properties.
to exhibit the MBL transition. For a fair comparison Realizing that the system tends to the localization
between the Hermitian and the non-Hermitian settings with increasing L, we analyze a finite-size scaling of δS 2

(a) (b) entropy in Fig. 1, it is crucial to compare this result

L=8 0.75 with the results of the Hermitian case in Eq. (7). The
corresponding data is presented in Fig. 2(b), illustrating

L = 10 2 0.50

δ ln IP R2 2 , while the inset shows D2 vs W . Supporting

δ log IP R22
L = 12 0.25
L = 14 the insights from the entanglement entropy, the IPR data

0 5
L = 16 W
1 underscores the propensity of non-Hermitian components
to enhance the system’s localization. Conclusively, a ro-
bust convergence for the fluctuations of the fractal dimen-
0 sion is evident in Fig. 2(d), attesting that the extended
1 2 2 4
phase diminishes in the thermodynamic limit, scaling as
(c) δ log IP R22/ max δ log IP R22 (d) 1/ ln L.
1.00 In summary, through the examination of multiple com-
plementary indicators, we present numerical proof that
0.75 our monitored random-field Heisenberg model exhibits
δ log IP R22

the localization in the thermodynamic limit, irrespec-

0.50 tively to the disorder magnitude.
0.5 0.25
1 2 2.5 5.0
W W log L The aim of this section is to provide some analytical
considerations that will help us to understand the en-
FIG. 2. MBL model: Fractal dimension D2 and its hancement of localization that we have observed numer-
fluctuations in a non-Hermitian setting of Eq. (2): ically.
(a) D2 as a function of W for several L. (b) shows the fluc-
tuations of ln IP R2 in the Hermitian case of Eq. (7), (in-
set) shows the corresponding D2 vs W . (c) bare fluctuations A. Non-Hermitian QREM
−δ ln IP R2 2 of − ln IP R2 and (d) its value, normalized by its
maximum value. In panel (d) the disorder has been renor-
Following the analysis presented in Ref. 95, we con-
malized as follows W → W ln L.
sider the QREM as a toy model that exhibits an MBL
transition. The Hermitian QREM is defined as:

as a function of W . As shown in Fig. 1(d), we have L

X 2

found a remarkably good collapse of the left wing of HhQREM = σix +W EσR |σ⟩ ⟨σ| , (8)
the δS 2 -maximum by rescaling the disorder strength, i σ
W → W ln L. This collapse provides an evidence that
the parameter space hosting an extended phase shrinks where σix is the x−Pauli matrix at site i, {|σ⟩} are the
with systems size as ∼ 1/ ln L. 2L product states in the σ z −basis and EσR are indepen-
To bolster our findings, we delve into the wave-function dent √identically distributed Gaussian random variables
Hilbert-space spreading via the fractal dimension D2 , de- N (0, L). From a Fock space point of view, the first
fined by Eq. (6) as depicted in Fig. 2. Indeed, in Fig. 2(a) term in Eq. (8) introduces jumps between z-spins configu-
and (c), we display the results for D2 and the fluctua- rations, which differ by one spin flip. Instead, the second
term is composed of independently√ distributed random
tions δ ln IP R2 2 as a function of W for various values energies whose width scales as L to mimic many-body
of L. Consistently with the above entanglement entropy density of states, see Eq. (11) below, given by the diag-
data, the fractal dimension D2 is significantly below its onal disorder and interaction terms. We can decompose
ergodic value, D2 = 1, and the data shows only a mild the second term in Eq. (8) in a string composed by σ z
dependence on L, and mostly for relatively small values Pauli matrices,
of W . The IPR fluctuations, δ ln IP R2 2 in Fig. 2(c) di-
verge with increasing L, approximately at the same W 2
value as δS 2 in Fig. 1. Analogously to δS 2 , the peak EσR |σ⟩⟨σ| = Ji1 ···in σiz1 · · · σizn . (9)
of δ ln IP R2 2 flows to lower W values, as L increases. σ n i1 ,··· ,in

Moreover, while δ ln IP R2 2 ∼ L is evident in the pres- After this decomposition, we can interpret the QREM as
ence of strong disorder, as expected in a localized phase, a quantum Ising type chain subject to all possible n-body
there’s no observed exponential suppression at weak dis- σ z interactions, with n from 1 to L. The main difference
order values. This further justifies the probable absence of the QREM model with the Quantum Ising model [17]
of an extended phase in the thermodynamic limit. is that in the latter sum, Eq. (9), only the terms with
As we previously did by analyzing the entanglement n = 1 and 2 survive, and coefficients Ji , Ji,i+1 ∼ O(1),

leading to the strong correlations between the many-body • Then, the saddle-point approximation for Pn ∼
diagonal energies EσR . e−e
M f (σW )
is calculated over the large parameter
The QREM phase diagram of has been investigated in M = L (M√ = n) with the renormalized W via
Ref. 95, finding the existence of a finite-size metal-insular σ = ε (σ = πL/2) for ε > 0 (ε = 0).
transition of mid-spectrum
√ states at E = 0, whose critical
value scales as Wc ∼ L ln L. Furthermore, HhQREM • Finally, the localization transition or the mobility
has stable energy mobility edges at finite W . edge is associated with the appearance of the first
In this section, we inspect the fate of the QREM under resonance when f obtains the first positive value.
the presence of random non-Hermitian terms
Here we repeat the same argumentation for the non-
X 2L
X 2L
X Hermitian QREM model with gain-loss complex disorder
HnQREM = σix + W EσR |σ⟩⟨σ| + iW ′ EσI |σ⟩⟨σ|, potential.
i σ σ
where EσI are also are independent identically distributed B. Finite energy density, E0 /L = ε > 0

Gaussian random variables N (0, L).
Now, we are studying the phase diagram of the In the case of finite energy density, the typical energy
non-Hermitian QREM. In the following discussion, we at first n − 1 nodes of the path before the resonance is
will demonstrate how the localization transition in the of the order of (12) and can be neglected in (13) with
QREM, at both finite and zero energy density, is influ- respect to E0 ∼ L. Note that for this case the difference
enced by non-Hermitian gain-loss disorder. between QREM and the quantum Ising model, given by
For clarity, let’s first revisit the Hermitian case. the correlations in (9) is not important, as the entire diag-
In the Hermitian case, EσI ≡ 0 and real part EσR , is onal term can be neglected with respect to the eigenen-
normally distributed. In particular, for the finite density ergy E0 . Thus, the results, derived below for QREM
energy ϵ = E/L, we have for its probability should be the same for the many-body problem, like the
r quantum Ising model.
R −Lε2 L The above approximation gives the contribution from
P (Eσ /L = ε)dε = e dε , (11) each path to each of n neighbors an−1 of bn at the dis-
tance n − 1 from the wave-function maximum
which gives the typical energy scale, given by
Etyp ∼ L 1/2
. (12) ψ(an−1 , p) ≃ (14)
W εL
On the localized side of the transition at large enough which have the same sign and, thus, can be summed co-
W , to the leading order in 1/W the wave-function am- herently and the same for all an−1
plitude at a certain Hilbert/Fock space node bn at the
Hamming distance n from the wave-function maximum  −(n−1)
X 1
ψ(0) is ψ(an−1 ) ≃ ψ(bn , p) ≃ n! ≡ ψn−1 .
W εL
X Y 1 (15)
ψ(bn ) ≃ W −n , (13)
E0 − Ei For resonance at bn , one must assert that the resulting
p∈Πn i∈p
contribution to
where Πn is the set of all n! shortest directed paths be- n
tween two Hilbert space nodes at the distance n, p runs ψ(bn ) ≃ ψn−1 (16)
W δn
over all such paths, and i runs over all nodes on the path
p. should be large |ψ(bn )| > 1. It can happen only if the
The main steps to find the phase diagram of HhQREM energy difference δn = |E0 − Ebn | is small enough
as the following [95]:
n √  n n
• First, we find the probability p to have a resonance δn < δc ≡ ψn−1 ≃ 2Lε 2πn . (17)
W eεW L
at a node bn summed over all paths at the finite-
energy density, E0 /L = ε > 0, or calculated for a Note that for all positive integer n the r.h.s. of the lat-
certain path p for the zero energy density, ε → 0; ter is small compared to the width (12) of the distribu-
tion (11).
• Next, we calculate the probability
 Pn = (1 − p)
Thus, the probability p to have such a resonance is
to have no resonances in all N = n nodes bn for given by the following expression
ε > 0 (all N = L n n! paths between 0 and bn for
p= P (En )dEn . (18)
ε = 0), δn <δc

For the Hermitian case of [95] it immediately gives C. Zero energy density, E0 /L = ε = 0
√ 2
pH = P (ε)δc ≃ 2 2xεL · e−Lε −xL ln[eW ε/x] , (19) Unlike the previous case, here the terms of the different
paths to bn are not coherent due to the random signs
where x = n/L. Up to polynomial corrections in L, we of the denominators
will focus on the leading saddle-point approximation and   in Eq. (13) and this forces us to
consider all N = n! paths independently and assume
neglect the prefactor. n
In the non-Hermitian case, the integral in Eq. (18) that the first resonance appears only on one of them [96].
is two-dimensional over independent EnR and EnI , dis- Following [95], we introduce a random variable
tributed according√to (11), thus, within the same ap-
yi = ln (σ/|Ei |) ⇔ |Ei | = σe−yi , (28)
proximation δn ≪ L one obtains

where σ = πL/2 is chosen in such a way to make the
pnH = p2H . (20)
distribution P (yi ≳ 1) to be parameter free.
For the Hermitian case
 probability Pn to not have resonances in all N =
L dεi
directed paths connecting the stating point with bn π −2yi
n P (yi ) = P (εi )= e−yi − 4 e ⇔ P (yi ≳ 1) ≃ e−yi ,
is given by product dy
Pn = (1 − p)N ≃ e−pN , (21) while in the non-Hermitian case, the results are more
where 2 2
e−(ER +EI )/L
ER + EI2
pN ≃ e Lf (x,p)
. (22) P (yi ) = δ yi + ln dER dEI =
πL 2 σ2
π −2yi Z σe−yi
The function f (x, p) differs for Hermitian and non- e− 4 e ∂ER (yi , EI )
= dEI =
Hermitian cases, πL −σe−yi ∂yi
π −2yi Z 1
fH = −x ln x − (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − ε2 − x ln [eW ε/x] 2e− 4 e 2 −2yi dz
= σ e √ =
= −(1 − x) ln(1 − x) − ε2 − x ln [eW ε] , (23) πL −1 1 − z2
π −2yi
fnH = −x ln x − (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − 2ε2 − 2x ln [eW ε/x] = πe− 4 e −2yi
= x ln x − (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − ε2 − 2x ln [eW ε] .(24) where we used the expression ER (yi , EI ) =
At small εW ≪ 1 the maxima of the above functions over σ 2 e−2yi − EI2 and z = EI eyi /σ.
x appear at The first resonance appears at bn as soon as
 2 X
1 1 ln |ψ(bn )| > 1 ⇔ Yn = yi > n ln (σW ) ≡ Yc . (31)
x∗H =1− , x∗nH =1− , (25)
εW εW i=1

leading to the solutions of the equation f (x∗ , p) = 0 given In our approximation of |yi | ≳ 1, the distribution of
by P (Y ) reads differently for Hermitian

√ −1 2 Y n−1 −Y

= ε + 2ε2 + O ε3 , WnH = εe1+ε . (26) e−Y

WH PH (Y ) ≃ e ≃ (32)
(n − 1)! n
This is the main result for the many-body mobility edge,
and non-Hermitian cases:
showing that at the same energy density, the critical dis-
order in the non-Hermitian case is suppressed by a factor n−1  n
(2Y ) 2Y e
e1+ε . PnH (Y ) ≃ e−2Y ≃ e−2Y . (33)
2(n − 1)! n
The corresponding distance n∗ = x∗ L where the first
resonance appear is given by For large enough Yc = n ln (σW ) ≫ 1 the probability
√ 2
to have a resonance (31) is given by
x∗H = 2ε + O(ε2 ) , x∗nH = 1 − e−2(1+ε ) . (27)
p = P (Yc ) · 1 + O(Yc−1 ) ,

Here, the main difference between the Hermitian and
non-Hermitian cases is that the first resonance at zero   the probability to have no resonances for all N =
L n
energy density in the former case appears at very short n n! ≃ L paths reads exactly as (21), leading to the
distances, where n∗ /L → 0, approaches zero, while in the following saddle-point approximation over n
latter case, it remains finite, resulting in sharper mobility
edges. pN = enf (σW ) , (35)

(a) (b) of the standard deviation of the diagonal En2 = W0
1.00 and the hopping t terms at the critical point is given by
4 L=6
L=8 the function of the vertex degree d
3 L = 10  

S/SP age
L = 12
= d ln d . (40)

2 L = 14 t
1 0.25 This is related to the first at large W0 , therefore the
probability to have a resonance energy is given by the
0 0.00
0 1 2 −5 0 5 first power of t/W0 . In the non-Hermitian case with the
2 1/2
W (W/ log1/2 L − Wc)Lν same variances for real and imaginary parts, En,R =
(c) (d) 2 1/2
En,I = W0 , the above probability of having small
0.20 |En − E0 | is given by (t/W0 )2 as each of real and imag-
0.75 inary parts should be in the vicinity t from E0,R/I , re-
δS 2/ max δS 2

spectively. Thus, in this case
δS 2

0.10  2
0.05 0.25 = d ln d . (41)
0.00 0.00 This is consistent with both the above
0 1 2 −5 0 5
√ results, where
d = L, t = 1, and W0 = σW = πLW/2, and the
(W/ log1/2 L − Wc)Lν
ones of the Rosenzweig-Porter model [77], where d = N ,
t = N −γ/2 , W0 = 1.
FIG. 3. QREM model: Entanglement entropy and its
fluctuations in a non-Hermitian setting of Eq. (10):
(a) S, as a function of W for several L; (b) finite-size col- D. Numerical Result for the non-Hermitian QREM
lapse of S/SP age . The panel shows that the critical value
shifts to larger values as ln1/2 (L). (c) Fluctuations δS 2 of S
After providing an analytical perspective on the non-
and (d) finite-size collapse of δS 2 , normalized by its maximal
Hermitian QREM, which reveals that the model is sub-
value. In both panels (b) and (d) the finite-size collapse gives
Wc ≈ 0.5 and ν ≈ 1.
(a) (b)
with f being different for two above cases via the constant 0.8 L=8
c L = 10
0.6 0.6
L = 12

1 L = 14
f (σW ) ≡ ln L + ln [P (Yc )] = 0.4 0.4
c c 0.2 0.2
= ln(eL) − ln (σW ) + ln [ln (σW ) ] . (36)
0.0 0.0
c = 1 for Hermitian and c = 2 for non-Hermitian cases. 0 1 2 0 10
For the latter one, one can observe the parametric dif- W (W/ log1/2 L − Wc)Lν
ference between these cases as the leading in L solution (c) (d)
δ log IP R22/ max δ log IP R22

is 1.00
c 2 1/c 0.75
(σW ) ≃ eL ln(eL) ⇔ W = √ L1/c−1/2 [e ln(eL)] .
δ log IP R22

π 0.4
This gives the standard result for the Hermitian case 0.2

WH ∼ L1/2 ln L (38) 0.0 0.00

0 1 2 0 10
and the completely unexpected one for the gain-loss non- W (W/ log1/2 L − Wc)Lν
Hermitian one:
1/2 FIG. 4. QREM model: Fractal dimension D2 and its
WnH ∼ (ln L) . (39)
fluctuations in a non-Hermitian setting of Eq. (10):
(a) D2 as a function of W for several L; (c) fluctuations
To sum up, we have demonstrated that in the limit of
large L, WnH ≪ WH and their ratio goes to zero. δ ln IP R2 2 of − ln IP R2 . (b),(d) Finite-size collapses of D2
The latter consideration is consistent with the generic and δ ln IP R2 2 , normalized by its maximal value, giving the
consideration of the Hermitian case, where the ratio W0 /t same critical values Wc = 0.5 and ν ≈ 1 as in Fig. 3.

stantially more localized compared to its Hermitian coun- portant to note that in the case of continuous but non-
terpart, we proceed to the numerical validation of our random measurements in space, the model is expected to
hypotheses. The probes employed for this validation are exhibit the typical MBL transition, as demonstrated in
the same as those utilized for the random-field Heisen- Ref. 47.
berg model, Eq. (2), that serve to distinguish extended Although we do not have an analytical approach for
and localized phases. our random field Heidelberg model, we consider the non-
Figures 3 and 4 focus on the entanglement entropy and Hermitian analog of QREM as a toy and analytically
fractal dimension, respectively, and their associated fluc- tractable model to test our conjectures. In the past, the
tuations. Within both figures, panels (a) and (c) display Hermitian QREM has been used to describe the MBL
the raw data as a function of W across various system transition, providing an evidence of MBL and the exis-
sizes. As expected, the range in which the model exhibits tence of many-body mobility edges. We consider a non-
delocalization denoted S/SP age → 1 and D2 → 1, broad- Hermitian version of the QREM, which mimics our ran-
ens with the system size L. Fingerprints of the transition dom gain and loss terms. Using a self-consistent theory of
are given to the moving maximum of the fluctuations of S localization, we show that the non-Hermitian QREM ex-
and D2 visible in Fig. 3(c) and Fig. 4(c), respectively. To hibits sharp many-body mobility edges, and the system
find the scaling of the value of the critical point with sys- is parametrically more localized than its corresponding
tem size, we perform a finite-size scaling analysis, which Hermitian counterpart.
is shown in Figs 3(b), (d) and Figs. 4(b), (d). As ex- Our work establishes the foundation for stabilizing
pected from our analytical considerations, we found with phases of matter through the application of random gain
Wc ∼ ln1/2 L a good collapse of the curves. and loss terms. Future studies will investigate the po-
tential of this measurement protocol to stabilize many-
body localized topological phases and to induce localiza-
tion in systems with higher dimensions and long-range
V. OUTLOOK & CONCLUSION interactions. Additionally, promising avenues of research
include examining the effects of non-Hermitian elements
In this work, we examine the phase of the random- on the avalanche theory of delocalization, as well as their
field Heisenberg model under monitoring in the no-click influence on real-time dynamics [48, 49].
limit. Without monitoring, the model is believed to ex-
hibit a many-body localization transition, which sepa-
rates an ergodic phase at weak disorder from a localized ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
one at strong disorder.
Under random space continuous monitoring in the no- We are grateful to J. Bardarson, D. Belkin, B. Clark,
click limit, the model is mapped to a non-Hermitian sys- R. Hamazaki, M. Ippoliti, M. Schiro, K. Su, and S. Vi-
tem with complex random fields. Numerically, we inves- jay, for stimulating discussion. We also express our grat-
tigate the localization properties of the model, in partic- itude to R. Hamazaki for comments and a critical read-
ular, the entanglement entropy and the fractal dimension ing of the manuscript. I. M. K. acknowledges the sup-
in the Fock space. We found that the model exhibits a port by the European Research Council under the Eu-
more robust form of localization. We provide a finite-size ropean Union’s Seventh Framework Program Synergy
scale analysis, which suggests that the extended phase ERC-2018-SyG HERO-810451. G. D. T. acknowledges
disappears in the thermodynamic limit, leaving the sys- the support from the EPiQS Program of the Gordon and
tem in MBL for any finite amount of disorder. It is im- Betty Moore Foundation.

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