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Gender-Sensitivity and Anti-Harassment Webinar

Reaction Paper

It has been a long time since men were expected to be the providers and protectors of the

family, while women were responsible for childbearing and nurturing. It was rooted in society’s binary

understanding of gender and restricting one’s own personal expression to conform to societal norms.

These traditional views have contributed to gender inequalities and oppression. The era of reinforcing

stereotypical roles and duties that are based on one’s sex is long over, thanks to the advocacy for gender

sensitivity and anti-harassment.

Through the webinar, I’ve learned about gender sensitivity, which refers to the awareness and

understanding of the gender spectrum—the idea that there are multiple identities beyond male and

female. It is a vital aspect of fostering inclusivity and equity in our society. In-depth exploration of the

topic led to the formulation of the “Safe Spaces Act of 2019”, which aims to protect every individuals

including those that belong to the rainbow community. I’ve also gained knowledge about the “Anti-

Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”, wherein we tackled different types of sexual harassment and any forms

of harassment in general, as well as agencies and organizations that can help us if ever we are in such


In conclusion, gender sensitivity is a call to action that promotes awareness, challenges

stereotypes, and fosters inclusivity, so that we can achieve a more equitable and just society. It requires

collective effort to reshape attitudes and systems to create a world where everyone, regardless of

gender, can thrive. With the implementation of “Safe Spaces Act of 2019” and “Anti-Sexual Harassment

Act of 1995”, we are now able to live in peace and harmony.


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