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The Importance of Human Rights Education

As I pondered about the concept of the essence of human rights education, I was once

reminded of the notable quote published by The United Nations, Charter (1945) which depicts

that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with

reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood” But given

all of these law and policy to protect and value the rights of humans there are still several people

in the Philippines that lacks knowledge about human rights education primarily those with

limited access to education, marginalized communities or individuals who are not actively

engaged in social issues. Given these concerns, some of them are prone to the challenges in

understanding and asserting their rights. This could lead to vulnerability to exploitation,

discrimination or abuse as they may be unaware of their entitlements or avenues for recourse.

Well, maybe most of us are aware that there are human rights however we doubt its purpose or

possibly we do not really understand this concept. But why do most of us lack knowledge about

human rights? What could be the possible factors? These are some of my intriguing questions
that motivates me to explore more about this issue. As I explore more about this topic, I

discovered that people may lack knowledge about human rights due to factors such as limited

access to education, socioeconomic challenges, cultural barriers, government restrictions and

living in remote areas. Moreover, factors like poverty and inequality can also hinder educational

opportunities, while cultural norms may discourage discussions about human rights. Given all of

these factors, it proves that the need to strengthen human rights education is crucial to make

everyone a more informed, equipped and empowered citizen.

Furthermore, to allow me to better understand this concept I have explored and read

different literature that defines human rights education. According to the UN Decade Documents

for Human Rights Education (1995 - 2004) human rights education means, “a lifelong process by

which people at all levels of development and in all strata of society learn respect for the dignity

of others and the means and methods of ensuring that respect in all societies'' While other articles

also define this as a rights that promotes understanding of the complex global forces that create

abuses, as well as the ways in which abuses can be abolished and avoided. With these mentioned

literatures, it is in fact essential that all of us must be literate towards our individual rights to live

willfully as it empowers us to understand our own rights and freedoms and to make informed

decisions and stand up against injustices. Human rights literacy fosters us a sense of dignity,

equality and justice, creating a foundation for a fair and inclusive society.

Consequently, talking about the importance of human rights education, basically, human

rights literacy plays a vital role in holding authorities accountable. When we people are aware of

our rights, we can demand accountability from institutions and governments, contributing to the

maintenance of a just and transparent governance system. Additionally, human rights education

is essential for building empathy and respect among individuals with diverse backgrounds as it
promotes a culture of tolerance, understanding and cooperation, fostering harmonious

relationships within communities and across communities.

Given all of this mentioned importance it is indeed crucial that we individuals must

realize that being literate about human rights is fundamental for our own good and protection, the

promotion of justice, and the development of a society that values and upholds the principles of

human dignity. If there is one notable take away about this topic, that would be human rights

limits no one, no matter who you are, what social status you belong to, you are entitled to know

and protect your own rights to live peacefully out of fear, doubt and danger among others. Thus,

understanding our human rights is vital as it empowers individuals, holds authorities accountable

and fosters a just, inclusive society based on dignity and equality.

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