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Question: Which protocol is responsible for assigning IP addresses dynamically to

devices in a network?

a) FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

b) DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
c) DNS (Domain Name System)
d) SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

Answer: b) DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

Question: Which layer of the OSI model does IP operate at in the TCP/IP stack?

a) Data Link Layer

b) Transport Layer
c) Network Layer
d) Application Layer

Answer: c) Network Layer

Protocol used for transferring files between systems

Responsible for addressing and routing packets on the Internet

Enables the conversion of domain names to IP addresses

Ensures reliable, connection-oriented communication

Used for checking the reachability of a network host

Handles the segmentation and reassembly of data

Responsible for assigning IP addresses dynamically

Protocol for secure communication over a computer network

B. Telnet
Facilitates the exchange of routing information between routers

Allows for the communication between applications on different devices

Answers: all A

Question: TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

Answer: True
Question: UDP is a connection-oriented protocol in the TCP/IP suite.

Answer: False
Question: IP addresses are only used for identifying devices within a local network
and are not relevant on the global internet.

Answer: False
Question: ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is responsible for mapping IP addresses
to MAC addresses on a local network.

Answer: True
Question: TCP guarantees the delivery of data and ensures that data is received in
the correct order.

Answer: True
Question: The TCP three-way handshake involves the exchange of four messages
between the client and the server.

Answer: False
Question: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is primarily used for sending
data packets between network devices.

Answer: False
Question: Subnetting is a technique used to divide an IP network into smaller, more
manageable sub-networks.

Answer: True
Question: In the TCP/IP model, the network layer is responsible for logical
addressing and routing.

Answer: True
Question: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a connectionless protocol for
transferring files over a network.

Answer: False


a. True/False: SHERPA/RoMEO is a database that provides information about the

copyright and self-archiving policies of academic journals.

Answer: True
b. True/False: SHERPA/RoMEO categorizes journals into different colors based on
their self-archiving policies, such as green for archiving allowed, blue for
archiving allowed with restrictions, and white for no archiving allowed.

Answer: True

True/False: SHERPA/RoMEO primarily focuses on providing information about open-

access journals.

Answer: False
1. Subject gateways are the same as search engines, both indexing and searching the
entire internet.

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: Subject gateways focus on specific subject areas and provide curated
content relevant to those subjects, unlike search engines that index the entire
2. Subject gateways are primarily used for browsing information rather than

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: Subject gateways are designed for both browsing and searching,
providing organized access to resources within a specific subject area.
3. Subject gateways use automated algorithms to categorize and index content.

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: Subject gateways typically involve manual curation and indexing by

subject experts, ensuring a higher level of accuracy and relevance.
4. One of the key advantages of subject gateways is their coverage of a wide range
of topics and subjects.

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: Subject gateways specialize in specific subject areas, providing in-

depth coverage within those focused domains.
5. Subject gateways are often created and maintained by libraries, universities, or
subject experts.

True / False
Answer: True

Explanation: Subject gateways are commonly developed and maintained by institutions

or experts with expertise in a particular subject area.
6. Subject gateways prioritize quantity over quality when it comes to resource

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: Subject gateways prioritize quality by including high-quality,

relevant resources within a specific subject area.
7. The main purpose of a subject gateway is to generate revenue through

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: The primary purpose of subject gateways is to facilitate access to

high-quality information within a specific subject area, not to generate revenue
through advertising.
8. Subject gateways often include user-generated content and opinions.
True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: Subject gateways usually feature curated content from authoritative

sources and do not heavily rely on user-generated content.
9. Subject gateways can be accessed freely by anyone on the internet.

True / False
Answer: True

Explanation: Many subject gateways are freely accessible to the public, although
there might be some exceptions.
10. Subject gateways are becoming obsolete with the rise of general-purpose search

True / False
Answer: False

Explanation: While general-purpose search engines are popular, subject gateways

continue to play a valuable role in providing specialized, curated content within
specific subject areas.

Question: Patents are granted to protect ideas and concepts.

Answer: False. Patents are granted to protect inventions, which must be new,
useful, and non-obvious.
Question: A patent gives the inventor the right to make, use, and sell the patented

Answer: True. A patent grants the inventor exclusive rights to their invention,
including making, using, and selling it.
Question: Patent protection lasts indefinitely.

Answer: False. Patent protection is limited in duration, typically lasting for a

set number of years, such as 20 years from the filing date.
Question: Patents are automatically granted to inventors when they create something

Answer: False. Inventors must apply for and be granted a patent by a government
patent office.
Question: Trade secrets and patents serve the same purpose in protecting
intellectual property.

Answer: False. While both protect intellectual property, trade secrets are
protected by keeping them confidential, whereas patents require disclosure to the
Question: Patents only cover tangible products and not methods or processes.

Answer: False. Patents can cover not only products but also methods, processes, and
even certain types of plants.
Question: Once a patent is granted, the inventor can't lose the rights even if they
don't use or commercialize the invention.

Answer: True. Unlike trademarks, patents do not require active use for maintenance
of rights.
Question: Patent infringement occurs only if someone uses the exact wording of the
claims in a patent.
Answer: False. Infringement can occur if someone makes, uses, sells, or offers to
sell a product or process that is substantially similar to the patented invention.
Question: A provisional patent application provides the same level of protection as
a regular (non-provisional) patent application.

Answer: False. A provisional patent application provides a filing date but does not
result in a granted patent. It must be followed by a non-provisional application
for patent protection.
Question: International patents can be obtained with a single global application.

Answer: False. While there are international treaties that facilitate the filing of
patents in multiple countries, each country typically requires a separate
application and examination process.

Systematic indexing-1911-kaiser
Chain Indexing -1934- S R RanGannathan
PRECIS- 1968- Derek Autin

LC MARC-1965
US MARC-1974

Arranges the following indexing databases in choronological order

Index Medicus. 1979

Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA)-1969
Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts and Cumulative Index (LLBA) -1973
Biological Abstracts. Philadelphia - 1926

arranges the following POPSI steps in logical order

Content Analysis(1)

1) Circuit Switching
2) Packet Switching
3) Cell Switching
Circuit switching is the oldest technique used in telephone networks and has been
existence for over 120 years. Packet switching is about 50 years old used in data
networks like the Internet. Cell switching is the most recent one evolved during
1990s used in new telecommunication infrastructure

Arranges the following OSI Model from bottom to top layer

Layer 1: The Physical Layer
Layer 2: The data-link layer
Layer 3: The Network Layer
Layer 4: The Transport Layer
Layer 5: The Session Layer
Layer 7: The Application Layer
Arranges the following TCP/IP Model in logical order.
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Access Layer

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