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An overview of wind power forecast types and

their use in large-scale integration of wind power

Henrik Aalborg Nielsen∗, Torben Skov Nielsen∗, Henrik Madsen†
∗ ENFORA/S, Lyngsø Allé 3, DK-2970 Hørslholm, Denmark
† Technical University of Denmark, Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Abstract— Wind power forecast characteristics are described tionally, the approaches used have been split into two; phys-
and it is shown how analyses of actual decision problems can ical and statistical modelling. Where the physical approach
be used to derive the forecast characteristics important in a utilises detailed information and deterministic modelling,
given situation. Generally, characteristics related to resolution
in space and time, together with the required maximal forecast the statistical modelling approach relies on estimating the
horizon are easily identified. However, identification of forecast relations directly from data. In reality it is possible to mix
characteristics required for optimal decision support requires a the two approaches. For instance in WPPT (Wind Power
more thorough investigation, which is illustrated by examples. Prediction Tool) [2] a deterministic park power curve may
Generally, quantile forecasts of the future wind power be used as the initial estimate, which will then be updated,
production are required, but the transformation of a quantile
forecast into an actual decision is highly dependent on the pre- locally for wind speed and direction, as new data becomes
cise formulation of the decision problem. Furthermore, when available. This has the benefit of relying on physical mod-
consequences of neighbouring time steps interact, quantile elling where/when data is sparse and relying on actual data
forecasts are not sufficient. It is argued that a general solution where data is more dense. Statistical modelling also allows
in such cases is to base the decision on reliable scenarios of the the system to correct for e.g. scale, offset, and diurnal bias
future wind power production.
in the meteorological forecasts.
Index Terms–Wind power, prediction, forecasting, For basic operation, the wind power forecast consists of a
probabilistic forecast, ensemble forecast, scenarios. single value for each time point in the future. Naturally, this
should be as precise as possible and the forecast delivery
I. I NTRODUCTION should be reliable. To achieve these goals the forecasting
system should use state-of-the-art numerical weather predic-
As the installed wind power production capacity in- tion (NWP) together with measurements of actual production
creases, so do the challenges related to efficient integration of from the wind farm or region considered and state-of-the-
the wind power into the overall power system. Naturally, one art statistical processing of these data. If available, such a
of the main challenges is related to the erratic nature of wind system can further benefit from measurements of availability
power production. Given a market structure which facilitates and curtailment, together with forecasts hereof.
integration of wind power, owners and operators of wind
farms experience the erratic behaivour by having to place a In [3] a number of wind power point forecast mod-
production bid, e.g. one day ahead, and then having to pay els/methods are compared for a number of European sites. It
an imbalance cost when actual production and bid differ. is notable how much the performance varies between sites,
Often intra-day markets can be used by the owner/operator and this illustrates that comparison of wind power forecast
to influence the imbalance cost. performance across sites is problematic. Also, since wind
In order to identify the optimal bid, it is natural that the conditions often vary with the season a comparison of wind
wind power owner/operator considers the consequences of power forecast models should preferably be based on the
forecast errors and possibly deviates from bidding according exact same data. Naturally, the period used in the comparison
to a standard forecast. This paper exemplifies how analyses should be of an appropriate length. See also [4].
of actual decision problems can be used to derive optimal In order to increase wind power prediction performance
bids for a given market structure or a given contract. Also, an additional NWP provider can be used, together with op-
ramp forecasting and buffering of wind power production by timal combined forecasting [5]. This has the further benefit
varying e.g. hydro power production are considered. of increasing the reliability of forecast delivery. Also, if
The paper starts out with a brief introduction to wind online measurements are available, autoregressive terms can
power forecasting in Section II, followed by an overview of be used to improve the performance markedly for the shortest
forecast characteristics in Section III. Section IV deals with horizons, say, up to 12 hours [6]. Finally, using information
selection of statistical forecast characteristics and exemplifies from nearby sites, the spatio-temporal correlation structure
how an analysis of the decision problem can be used to of the forecast errors across sites can be used to further
specify a forecast tailored to the actual decision problem. improve the performance [7], [8].
Finally, in Section V we conclude on the paper. Figure 1 shows a sketch of a general WPPT setup and
illustrates the data flow. Generally, the illustration is valid for
II. W IND P OWER F ORECASTING all types of output, from point forecasts to more advanced
Over the past couple of decades, wind power forecasting probabilistic forecasts and scenarios, as considered later in
has been studied by numerous research teams [1]. Tradi- this paper.
within the horizon. Here such a forecast will be termed a
point forecast because it consists of a single value for each
time point in the future. Usually, a point forecast is supple-
mented with error bands based on the standard deviation of
the forecast error and an assumed Gaussian distribution of
the forecast error. When the error bands exceed the possible
values, they are simply truncated. Instead of a single value
for each time point in the future, probabilistic forecasts,
in principle, contain the conditional distribution of wind
power production for each time point within the horizon.
The distribution is represented by a set of quantiles.
Figure 2 shows examples of a point forecast with error
bands and a probabilistic forecast, here represented by a few
Fig. 1. Sketch of a general WPPT setup for wind farms / regions. Optional quantiles. While the error bands of the point forecast are
items are shown in parentheses. Given that measurements arrive online with based solely on an observed standard deviation of historical
a small time delay, WPPT will use the observed auto correlation to adjust forecast errors, the probabilistic forecast aims at modelling
the forecasts from the internal farm/region power curve model. Also, using
online measurements spatio-temporal correlation can be used to adjust the the full distribution conditional on the information available
forecasts for the short horizons. Finally, for regional forecasting, online at forecast time. Also, while the certainty by which the future
measurements are often not available for the full installed capacity in the wind power production can be forecasted depends upon the
region. In such cases an upscaling model based on online data and batch-
wise measurements corresponding to the full production is used. horizon, it may also depend on the overall meteorological
situation. This implies that, for a specific forecast, it cannot
be assumed that e.g. the distance between the 25% and
III. F ORECAST C HARACTERISTICS the 75% quantile will increase with the horizon. Given the
Wind power forecast characteristics include resolution in horizon, the distance mentioned may change markedly over
time and space, update frequency, and horizon, together with forecast time points. Probabilistic forecasts can be obtained
the actual statistical characteristics forecasted. Resolution in based on either regular meteorological forecasts [9]–[11] or
time and space, together with the horizon and update fre- based on meteorological ensemble forecasts [12], [13].
quency, often directly follow from the requirements specified While a probabilistic forecast includes much more infor-
by the users of the forecasts. mation about the future than a point forecast, the probabilis-
tic forecast by no means contains all relevant information. In
A. Horizon, Resolution in Space and Time, and Update order to construct possible scenarios of future wind power
Frequency production, the auto-correlation of the data must be respected
While the output resolutions in time and space are often [14]. This implies that independent samples from each of the
posed as requirements by the forecast user, these do not conditional distributions will not produce realistic scenarios.
dictate the resolution used at the modelling stage. As an Figure 3 shows five future scenarios for the case where
example, consider a forecast user who requires a forecast the correlation is appropriately modelled and five scenarios
of the total wind power production at day-ahead level in a generated using independent sampling. The difference is
large region where numerous small and large wind farms evident, but the question is whether this should affect the
are distributed. Furthermore, due to the database setup, the decisions taken by the users of the forecasts. If any kind of
required time resolution is, say, 10 minutes. storage is available, it is evident that a proper description
In order to obtain the best possible forecasts it may not of the auto correlation is important. This is also true when
be optimal to run the forecasting system directly at the planning unit commitment. However, when only trading
coarse spatial resolution and the rather fine temporal res- on a day-ahead market and for each hour separately, the
olution. Often, better results will be obtained by considering correlation will not be important in the long run, but the
smaller regions and larger time steps. The results can then day-to-day risk will be influenced by the auto correlation.
be interpolated in time and summed over sub-regions in
order to achieve the required output resolution in time and
space. Based on a historic dataset consisting of production
measurements and meteorological forecasts, algorithms exist In order to select the statistical characteristics which
which are able to identify the optimal configuration. The should be available for the wind power forecast, the decision
optimal configuration may depend on the horizon considered, problem is analysed in a random variable setting. Often, this
especially when comparing very short horizons (a few hours) corresponds to an analysis of the consequences of forecast
with horizons at the day-ahead level. errors over longer periods. Examples of such analyses are
The highest possible update frequency is dictated by outlined below.
the highest frequency by which new information becomes
A. Imbalance Costs in the Nordic Spot Market
In the Nordic spot market ( the
B. Statistical Quantities spot price is determined at the day-ahead level, based on
The traditional notion of a forecast is a single value, bids which are submitted to Nord Pool before 12:00 the day
representing the conditional expectation, e.g. for each hour before delivery. Disregarding the intra-day Elbas market, for
100 system are not penalised.
Let t0 < t indicate the time at which the bid is submitted
% of installed capacity

to the spot market. At that point in time the future spot


and regulation prices, together with the actual production


are unknown (although forecasts are available). In order to


derive the required statistical properties, these quantities are

therefore treated as random variables and a criterion for

0 24 48 72 96 120 144 hours optimisation is chosen. An obvious criterion is to minimise

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% the expected value of CI,t , given the information available

at forecast time denoted Xt0 .

% of installed capacity

Assuming PA,t to be independent of cD,t and cU,t leads to


the following expression of the optimal bid PB,t at decision


time t0

E[cD,t |Xt0 ]
F (PB,t ) = , (2)

E[cD,t |Xt0 ] + E[cU,t |Xt0 ]


0 24 48 72 96 120 144 hours where F is the cumulative distribution function of the future
wind power production given the information available at
Fig. 2. Point forecast (top, black) with 50% (blue) and 80% (red) error forecast time, i.e. the cumulative distribution function of the
bands found using the observed standard deviation of the forecast errors
and probabilistic forecast (bottom) represented by 0%, 5%, 10%, . . . , 95%, random variable PA,t |Xt0 . Consequently, if F is obtained
and 100% quantiles. as a quantile forecast, the right hand side of (2) determines
the probability level for the quantile to use. Actually (2) is
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% an approximation, but the approximation is quite accurate
80 100

because of the assumption of independence.

% of installed capacity

Note that, in contrast to the actual imbalance prices, the


conditional expectations of these will both be positive for


a given time point in the future. To see this it may be


beneficial to consider the following equality based on the law

of total expectation: E[cj,t |Xt0 ] = P (cj,t > 0) E[cj,t |(cj,t >

0 24 48 72 96 120 144 hours

0, Xt0 )]+P (cj,t = 0) E[cj,t |(cj,t = 0, Xt0 )], j = D, U . Here
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% the last term concerns situations where the imbalance cost
80 100
% of installed capacity

is zero. However, this term vanishes because E[cj,t |(cj,t =

0, Xt0 )] = 0.

The conditional expectations involved in the right hand


side of (2) are what is classically considered point fore-


casts of the imbalance prices. The equation dictates that


we should collect all relevant information available to the

0 24 48 72 96 120 144 hours
decision maker at decision time Xt0 and use this in order
Fig. 3. Five simulations corresponding to the probabilistic forecast in to make the best possible forecast of the imbalance prices.
Figure 2 respecting the correlation observed in the data (top) and ten Since expectations are involved, in principle a quadratic
simulations for which independent sampling is used (bottom).
loss function should be used. If a given decision maker is
unable to identify any predictive variables Xt0 will consist
of observed imbalance prices up to time t0 , or before in the
which the liquidity is low, the imbalance cost CI,t for a
event of some observation delay. In this case the conditional
given hour t in the future can be expressed as
 expectations may be as simple as exponential smooths of the
cD,t (PA,t − PB,t ) if PA,t ≥ PB,t two series of observed imbalance prices.
CI,t = (1)
cU,t (PB,t − PA,t ) if PA,t < PB,t Note that in order to simplify the above we have used
the price taker assumption together with an assumption of
where PA,t is the actual production and PB,t is the produc-
independence. If these assumptions are relaxed, quantile
tion bid one day ahead. The down / up regulation unit cost
forecasts of the wind power production will still be required,
cD,t / cU,t is the cost per MWh associated with situations in
together with additional information.
which the actual production is larger / smaller than the bid.
This cost is the positive difference between the spot price
B. Optimal bids given a certain contract
and the so-called down / up regulation price.
Since the spot price cannot exceed the interval covered As an example, assume that a wind farm owner has
by the regulation prices, the down regulation price is the sold the power produced to a power trading company. For
smallest of the three prices, and since the spot price is always every time period the owner receives a fixed price. Day
equal to one of the regulation prices, the imbalance unit costs ahead the owner has to send a forecast to the power trading
are both non-negative and, for a given time point, at least company. If, for a specific time point t in the future, the
one is zero. In this way imbalances which are helping the actual production PA,t exceeds the forecast PB,t , the owner
receives additional c(A>B) PB,t and if, for a given future Low wind Optimal Regular
time point PA,t < PB,t , the owner pays c(A<B) PB,t .

Expected Revenue (EUR/h)

With this setup the expected revenue for time t given

information available at decision time Xt0 can be expressed

−200 0


E[Rt |Xt0 ] = (c(A>B) − (c(A>B) + c(A<B) )F (PB,t ))PB,t 3


where, as above, F is the cumulative distribution function 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
of the future wind power production given the information
Actual production (MWh/h) Bid production (MWh/h)
available at forecast time. Forecast
Medium wind Optimal Regular
In this case there is no obvious simple expression for

Expected Revenue (EUR/h)

the optimal bid. Nevertheless, given a probabilistic forecast

of the future wind power production, it is quite simple to
calculate the expected revenue when PB,t is varied between

−200 0

0 and installed capacity and then select the value resulting

in the highest expected revenue for the particular future time 6
point. Figure 4 shows an example. As presumed, the optimal


bid is lower than the bid dictated by the regular point forecast
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
and the method outlined here allows for an optimal way of
Actual production (MWh/h) Bid production (MWh/h)
calculating this deviation. Forecast
High wind Optimal Regular

C. Correlation between time points

Expected Revenue (EUR/h)


In Section III-B it is argued that a quantile forecast

does not contain all information available about the future

−200 0


wind power production at forecast/decision time. However,


in Sections IV-A and IV-B only the quantiles are needed in 6

the solution, because the criteria does not involve multiple


future time points.

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
For e.g. ramp forecasting, where probabilities are as-
Actual production (MWh/h) Bid production (MWh/h)
signed to wind power ramp events, the temporal correlation
is clearly important. Consider e.g. the top panel of Figure 3 Fig. 4. Expected revenue for a wind farm with an installed capacity
where five scenarios of the future wind power development of 100M W , for low wind (top), medium wind (middle) and high wind
are shown. These scenarios are constructed such that they situations (bottom). The probabilistic forecast is shown as the density
function to the left. The right column shows the expected revenue when
comply with the quantiles and the previously observed the bonus (c(A>B) ) is 6 EU R/M W h and the penalty (c(A<B) ) is 6
correlation structure. By way of construction, the scenarios (red), 3 (green), and 0 EU R/M wh (blue). The value of PB,t maximising
can be interpreted as realisations from a random vector and the expected revenue is indicated, in the same colour, on the top axis where
the regular forecast, i.e. the expected value of the actual production, is also
therefore any function of the random vector can be evaluated shown (black).
by stochastic simulation. If, for instance, we want to calcu-
late the probability of an increase in wind power production
of more than 50% over a 3-hour interval within the next 24
hours, it is simply a matter of identifying the frequency by This planned wind power will normally be based on a
which this event occurs among the available scenarios. Since previously generated forecast, adjusted so that production
the method is based on stochastic simulation, the precision of and consumption are in balance at horizon 0. Given that the
the answer depends on the number of scenarios and clearly development of the future wind power production follows
the five used in Figure 3 are not sufficient. Computationally, the plan, system operation would normally be considered
these are fast to generate and in the examples below 500 relatively unproblematic. However, deviations from the plan
scenarios are used. Also, note that the precision of the result will trigger up- or down-regulation, e.g. for horizons of
due to the number of scenarios can usually be calculated around 10 hours the planned wind power production lies
by standard statistical methods. E.g. for the ramp example near the 90% quantile and therefore it is quite likely that
mentioned above, the precision of the result given a certain up-regulation will be needed (increase other production or
number of scenarios can be found by calculating a standard decrease consumption).
binomial confidence interval. Regulation ramp events might be more interesting than
As indicated above, methods based on statistically correct wind power ramp events, since the former directly address
scenarios are very flexible in that external information can regulation needs which are not accounted for in the produc-
be used together with the scenarios in order to address the tion plan. The right panel of Figure 5 shows deviations from
influence on the power system. As an example, consider the plan. Based on these, it is now possible to calculate the
the left panel of Figure 5 which shows the first 36 hours probability of e.g. up-regulation ramp events, i.e. probabili-
of the top panel of Figure 3, but with an example of the ties of rapidly decreasing scenarios. As an example Figure 6
wind power production used in the current plan overlayed. shows the probability of 1- and 2-hour up-regulation needs
and it is seen that the probability of an up-regulation ramp 100% 98% 90% 70% 50% 30% 10%
99% 95% 80% 60% 40% 20%
event of more than 5% of installed capacity will occur with
a probability of 20% from horizon 10 to 11 hours, while this

will occur with a probability of close to 50% from horizon 9

Energy stored (h of full production)

to 11 hours. Given a start-up delay in the reserve allocation,
such results can be used for decision support.


Deviation from plan (% of installed)
Wind Power (% of installed)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Horizon (hours)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Horizon (hours) Horizon (hours)

Fig. 7. Required storage expressed in hours of full wind power production
as a function of horizon and probability that the storage size will be
Fig. 5. First 36 hours of the top panel of Figure 3 with the current
sufficient. Also the five scenarios used in the previous plots are shown.
plan overlayed in bold (left) and deviations from the plan where negative
values correspond to up-regulation and positive values correspond to down-
regulation (right).

optimisation problem and then grouped into a predetermined

Threshold in % of installed, 1 h upregulation needs Threshold in % of installed, 2 h upregulation needs
number of groups. The number of members in each group


2.5 %
10 %
20 % 0%
2.5 %
10 %
20 %
then determines the group probability, and the group is
represented by the group mean or by one of the members.


Figure 8 shows the result after grouping the 500 scenarios

Probability (%)

Probability (%)


used throughout this paper. Note that the group probabilities

will change over forecast time points.


When grouping scenarios it should be noted that when



comparing two horizons the correlation generally decreases


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
with the time distance. Therefore, for long maximal hori-
Horizon (hours) Horizon (hours) zons, all individual scenarios are different and in such cases
grouping of the scenarios does not make sense.
Fig. 6. Probabilities of 1 h (left) and 2 h (right) up-regulation ramp events
based on 500 scenarios.

Consider another situation where the imbalance as com- 58.0 % 11.4 % 3.2 % 1.2 %
18.8 % 3.8 % 2.6 % 1.0 %
pared to the plan (Figure 5, right) is handled via storage, e.g.

by varying hydro power production, assuming that the level

of hydro power production is high enough. One interesting

question is then how much the storage is likely to be

Wind Power (% of inst. cap.)

For each imbalance scenario this quantity can be found

by calculating the cumulative energy for each future horizon.

Considering a given horizon, the minimum and maximum

for all horizons up to the one considered then express how

much the particular scenario utilised the storage up to that

horizon. Figure 7 summarises this for 500 scenarios and

shows storage volumes capable of handling 100%, 99%,
98%, 95%, 90%, 80%, 70%, . . . , 10% of the scenarios.

For practical application the evaluation of each scenario 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

should generally not be computer-intensive due to the high Horizon (hours)

number of scenarios required to obtain reliable results. For

Fig. 8. Group means after grouping the 500 scenarios into 8 groups using
complicated system optimisation this requirement cannot be hierarchical cluster analysis based on characterising each scenario by (i) the
fulfilled in practice. Instead of using a large number of average energy production, (ii) maximal energy production, (iii) maximal
scenarios directly in the optimisation, these can be grouped hourly increase, (iv) maximal hourly decrease, all within the first 36 hours.
Probabilities linked to each group are indicated in the legend and by the
using some kind of scenario reduction technique. Using line width.
e.g. hierarchical cluster analysis [15], each scenario is char-
acterised by features which are important for the actual
V. C ONCLUSION AND D ISCUSSION In principle, rare events such as shutdown due to high
wind speeds may be included in quantile forecasts and
In this paper, wind power forecast characteristics are scenarios. However, since the events are rare, the required
considered in relation to large-scale integration of wind number of scenarios will be quite high. Presumably, a
power production. While characteristics in terms of max- better approach is to base the quantile forecasts / scenario
imal forecast horizon and resolution in space and time generation on what is considered normal operation. The
are relatively easily identified, identification of the required optimal decision is then derived assuming normal operation
statistical characteristics demands more thorough analyses, and a separate system is then used to warn the operator
as exemplified in the paper. Such analyses are based on the regarding e.g. shutdown events.
formulation of the problem in a random variable setting
and are based on optimisation of the expected revenue or R EFERENCES
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on application of the methods to the same historic period
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Furthermore, the benefit for a given period may also depend
on e.g. the level of imbalance costs for the period, as for the
example considered in Section IV-A.

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