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What was the name of the WWF professional wrestling tag team made up of the
wrestlers Ax and Smash?
a. !Demolition
b. The Bushwhackers
c. The Dream Team
d. The British Bulldogs

2. quot;Typewriterquot; is the longest word that can be typed using only the first
row on a QWERTY keyboard.
a. !True
b. False

3. What type of animal was Harambe, who was shot after a child fell into it039;s
enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo?
a. !Gorilla
b. Tiger
c. Panda
d. Crocodile

4. Which of the following is not another name for the eggplant?

a. Guinea Squash
b. Brinjal
c. !Potimarron
d. Melongene

5. When was Hubba Bubba first introduced?

a. 1984
b. 1972
c. !1979
d. 1980

6. The National Animal of Scotland is the Unicorn.

a. False
b. !True

7. In which fast food chain can you order a Jamocha Shake?

a. Burger King
b. !Arby039;s
c. Wendy039;s
d. McDonald039;s

8. What nuts are used in the production of marzipan?

a. Pistachios
b. Walnuts
c. !Almonds
d. Peanuts

9. Terry Gilliam was an animator that worked with which British comedy group?
a. !Monty Python
b. The Penny Dreadfuls
c. The League of Gentlemenlrm;
d. The Goodieslrm;

10. Who invented the first ever chocolate bar, in 1847?

a. John Cadbury
b. John Tyler
c. Andrew Johnson
d. !Joseph Fry

11. The ldquo;fairyrdquo; type made itrsquo;s debut in which generation of the
Pokemon core series games?
a. !6th
b. 2nd
c. 4th
d. 7th

12. Jingle Bells was originally meant for Thanksgiving

a. !True
b. False

1. Which of these countries was sea charted in 1500 by the Portuguese maritime
a. Mozambique
b. India
c. Madagascar
d. !Brazil

2. In which year did the Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq occur?

a. 1988
b. !1990
c. 1986
d. 1992

3. Adolf Hitler was born on which date?

a. February 6, 1889
b. !April 20, 1889
c. June 12, 1889
d. April 16, 1889

4. What year did the Boxing Day earthquake amp; tsunami occur in the Indian Ocean?
a. 2008
b. !2004
c. 2006
d. 2002

5. In which year did the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack occur?

a. 2001
b. 1991
c. 2011
d. !1995
6. The Hundred Years039; War was fought for more than a hundred years.
a. !True
b. False

7. Who was the first president born in the independent United States?
a. !Martin Van Buren
b. John Adams
c. George Washington
d. James Monroe

8. The USS Missouri BB63 last served in the Korean War.

a. !False
b. True

9. In what year was the M1911 pistol designed?

a. !1911
b. 1917
c. 1899
d. 1907

10. Which Louis was known as 039;The Sun King of France039;?

a. Louis XV
b. Louis XVI
c. !Louis XIV
d. Louis XIII

11. The fraudelent doctor John R. Brinkley acummulated great fame and wealth in the
early 1900s offering what service?
a. !Goat testicles transplant
b. Turkey breast implants
c. Cow liver transplant
d. Pig blood transfusion

1. In any programming language, what is the most common way to iterate through an
a. 039;If039; Statements
b. 039;While039; loops
c. 039;Dowhile039; loops
d. !039;For039; loops

2. The programming language 039;Swift039; was created to replace what other

programming language?
a. C++
b. Ruby
c. !ObjectiveC
d. C
3. What is the name of the default theme that is installed with Windows XP?
a. Bliss
b. !Luna
c. Whistler
d. Neptune

4. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Port.

a. !False
b. True

5. In the programming language quot;Pythonquot;, which of these statements would

display the string quot;Hello Worldquot; correctly?
a. printfquot;Hello Worldquot;
b. !printquot;Hello Worldquot;
c. console.logquot;Hello Worldquot;
d. echo quot;Hello Worldquot;

6. When did the online streaming service quot;Mixerquot; launch?

a. 2013
b. 2011
c. !2016
d. 2009

7. Which of these is not a layer in the OSI model for data communications?
a. !Connection Layer
b. Transport Layer
c. Physical Layer
d. Application Layer

8. What does the 039;S039; in the RSA encryption algorithm stand for?
a. Stable
b. !Shamir
c. Schottky
d. Secure

9. Which of the following computer components can be built using only NAND gates?
a. Register
b. !ALU
c. RAM
d. CPU

10. What does the computer software acronym JVM stand for?
a. Java Visual Machine
b. Java Vendor Machine
c. !Java Virtual Machine
d. Just Virtual Machine

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