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of The Community of The Resurrection, Radley



4 V y'W

T^HE introductory matter which precedes the facsimile falls under three

(i) A brief historical sketch of the development of the Sarum Gradual

from the Gregorian Antiphonale Missarum;

(2) A description of the MS. reproduced and a comparison of it with

some other Graduals;

(3) A historical Index to the contents of the Gradual in general.

No one can be more conscious than the Editor of the insufficiency of the
materials on which the introductory matter is based: few early texts of the
Antiphonale are accessible in print, while of those in MS. there is not even a
list of any sort available. It is, perhaps, some consolation to reflect that eve
had all the existing MSS. been available it is probable (if one may argue
from the analogy of the Sacramentaries) that they would only have given
a disappointing mass of evidence of a date far subsequent to the original
compilation: but be that as it may, it must be frankly acknowledged that in
the present state of knowledge all argument as to the Antiphonale must be
tentative and the best reasoned conclusions merely provisional.

It is only hoped that this Introduction and Index may in some way be a
step towards more knowledge on the subject of the early history and develop-
ment of the Latin Mass.

My best thanks are due to the R E V . G. H. P A L M E R , who has really

worked as a collaborator over a good part of the ground, and placed all his
rich stores of knowledge at my service, though his modesty will not allow
his name to be in the place, where it ought to be, on the title-page and before
mine; to the R E V . H. G. M O R S E , for the generous loan of his vahiable MS.;
to M R . F. J E N K I N S O N , for valuable help with the proofs of the Index; and to
the R E V . F. E. B R I G H T M A N , for help at every stage and in more ways
than I can recount.
W . H. F.
PUSEY HOUSE, OXFORD : St. fames Day, i8gj.


P.L. Patrologie Latine (Migne).

L.P. Liber Pontificalis ed. Duchesne. Paris, 1886-1892.
H. & S. Haddan & Stubbs. Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents. Oxford, 1 8 6 9 —
P.M. Paleographie Musicale. Solesmes, 1 8 8 9 —

Wilk. Wilkins, Concilia Magnse Britannia? et Hiberniae. 1737.

Morin. Les veritables Origines du Chant Gregorien. Maredsous, 1890.
Stadl. Heiligen Lexicon, Stadler & Heim. Augsburg, 1858-1882. 5 vols.
Origines. Origines du Culte Chretien, Duchesne. Paris, 1889.

Hampson. Kalendars of the Middle Ages (Medii aevi Kalendarium), R. T. Hampson.

2 vols, in 1. London, 1 8 —

Hittorp. D e divinis Catholics Ecclesiae Officiis. Paris, 1634. A supplemental vol.

(No. 10) of the Bibliotheca veterum Patrum.

Ranke Das Kirchliche Pericopensystem. E. Ranke. Berlin, 1847.

Sol Liber Gradualis in usum Congregationis Benedictinse Galliarum. Tournai, 1883.

Dom Graduale juxta ritum sacri Ordinis Pra^dicatorum. Tournai, 1890.

Herm Graduale ad normam cantus S Gregorii. ed. Hermesdorff, i-ix. Leipzig,

Proc Processionale ad usum Sarum (ed. Henderson). Leeds, 1882.

Reg. Tonarius of Regino of Prtim in Coussemaker's Scriptores de Musica, ii. Paris,


Guido Tonal of Guido of Arezzo in the same.

Berno Tonal of Berno of Reichenau in Gerbert's Scriptores de Musica, ii. St. Blaise,

I Antiphona ad Introitum or C)ffice. O Offertory.

G Gradual. C Communion

Tr Tract. y Verse.

A Alleluia and Verse. R Respond.

For list of MSS. and other abbreviations relating specially to the Index see pp. l-liv.


IN any attempt to trace, however imperfectly, the development of the Sarum Gradual
from the Gregorian Antiphonale Missarum, obviously the first thing to be done
is to arrive at some sort of estimate of what the latter was like in its original
shape. This problem divides itself naturally into two parts — the growth of the
Temporale and the growth of the Sanctorale and C o m m u n e Sanctorum : for though
these two constituents are closely connected, and especially so in the earliest available
authorities, their conditions of existence and of growth differ considerably, and they must
therefore be dealt with separately.
T h e original Gregorian Antiphonale seems to have been a magnetic nucleus which
soon attracted to itself additions from outside, but it does not seem to have suffered much
from losses.
(i)—New festivals were added, and at times, when a powerful claimant took possession
of a day already occupied, the old festival disappeared, as, e.g., SS. Juvenal etc. did before
T h e Invention of the Cross {see pp. xxiii, xxviii) : but even so it survived in a shrunken
form as a Memorial : and at other times it was able to make better terms for itself, and
either coalesce with the new claimant (as, e.g., St. Basilides did with SS. Cyrinus etc.),
or even exist side by side with it (as, e.g., St. Sabina did with the Beheading of St. John
Baptist). Even Masses that became entirely disused—as did the second Masses of
St. John Baptist and St. Lawrence, or the morning Mass of St. John Evan.—were not
lost, but perpetuated in the Commune.
(ii)—So, too, with regard to the separate elements of each Mass : there was some
growth, for the Alleluia perhaps acquired a Verse and then went on to develop the

Sequence, but no complete loss; for the five component elements of each Mass—Office,
Gradual, Alleluia or Tract, Offertory and Communion—remained constant, though in process
of time most of them underwent considerable curtailment. In short, the whole history
seems to be a record of acquisitions rather than of losses.
If this is true, w e may expect that, on the whole, the original Gregorian nucleus
remains imbedded in the later Service-books, and w e may hope to arrive more or less
accurately at that nucleus by a careful stripping off of accretions.
N o w w e have a certain amount of external information as to these accretions; we
have no difficulty in separating, e.g., the Masses for Thursdays in Lent, originated by
Gregory II. (715-731) or those for the four festivals of Our Lady, introduced before
the end of the Vllth Century.

But we must use also internal evidence to check, confirm, or supplement this, and
here two principles will guide us.
1. It is probably fair to consider those Masses which are included in all early M S S .
as having the first claim to be recognized as part of the original nucleus: others of
less widespread use have a claim in proportion to the antiquity and geographical range
of the testimonials they can produce for themselves.
2. Again, in detail those Masses whose component elements remain the same and are
unvaried in M S S . have a similar first claim : and in general, where we find variation
w e must suspect the hand of a "redactor," butfixitymeans antiquity.
T w o facts stand out most clearly as the result of a comparison of M S S . : (1) T h e
permanence of the original Gregorian scheme—it seems to have penetrated everywhere,
and to have experienced extremely little modification in its main outline ; but also (2) the
great variation in all things which were not part of the original scheme.
For example, the variations in the whole series of Offices are exceedingly few; but in
the Sequences, being late additions, variation is the rule.

These results seem to justify the principles which we have laid down to guide us in
stripping off the accretions and working back to the original of the Antiphonale. We
may, therefore, proceed to apply them in detail.
Before going through the Temporale there is one fact of general application to be
dealt with.
T h e Verses of the Alleluia, as distinct from the Alleluia itself, vary so much and so
universally that at once the question arises whether they were at all part of the original
The Alleluia itself undoubtedly was in use in R o m e in early times—at first only on
Easter Day, and then more frequently, till St. Gregory extended its use to all Sundays and

Festivals*;1 but it is possible that the words were a later addition, due to the same
tendency to provide words for the jubilus which afterwards produced the Sequences: and
so the diversity would be intelligible.
But there is another way of accounting for the same thing: in early times the
Alleluias and their Verses were not assigned to separate Masses, but grouped together
in collections for the different seasons—Easter, Whitsuntide, Trinitytide: any one out
of the appropriate collection might be chosen for any particular occasion, and so, of
course, great diversity would arise.
But this is not enough to account for all the variation that there is: it would
account for great differences in the use of a common stock of materials, but it does
not account for the stock of Alleluias in one M S . being quite unlike the stock in
another : and this kind of difference is quite as noticeable as the other.
Again, new Verses are fitted to the old Alleluias, and even new Alleluias written
continuously down to the end of the X V t h Century with a freedom for which there is no
parallel in the case of Office, Gradual, Offertory, or Communion; and in general this
component of a Mass seems to have none of the fixity which is so characteristic of the
other parts.
This is still far from proving the Verses post-Gregorian, though it perhaps raises the
presumption that they may be so :2 at any rate it makes it clear that they stand on a
different footing to the rest: and having said thus much about them w e must henceforward
leave them out of account in our enquiry into the Original State and the Development of
the Antiphonale Missarum.

Turning to the Temporale we find :—

(i) T h e four Sundays following the four Ember Seasons were provided with no Masses
in the original scheme. This is partly clear from internal evidence. For two of these
Sundays—the fourth Sunday in Advent and the second Sunday in Lent—some M S S . give
no Mass, while others give Masses varying enormously and entirely made up from other
sources. By itself this triple evidence would be enough; but the argument from silence,
from the variation and from the composite character of the Masses, is confirmed by the
evidence of the term "vacat," which has survived in the heading in many M S S . , and
bears witness even in M S S . which do provide a Mass that originally none was provided.
T h e term also survives in the other two Sundays: the gap wasfilledup on the Sunday
after Whitsuntide,firstby repeating the Whitsuntide Mass, and later by the adoption of

Gregory, Ep. ix. 12. P. L. lxxvii. 956. See Morin, pp. 43 and 47.
T h e alternative is to argue that the rest of the Antiphonale was a fixed scheme before St. Gregory's date :
for as it is well known that he extended the use of Alleluia, it is quite possible to argue that in this diversity
of Alleluias w e have the result of his making an addition to a scheme already fixed and widespread.

the Votive Mass de Trinitate.1 In September the gap wasfilledby the same process
which was applied to the other Sundays after Trinity {see p. xiv and (5) below).
(2) T w o Masses in close proximity to Christmas have changed their place: {a) T h e
morning M a s s of St. John's D a y , which disappeared from that day but went to form the
M a s s of the Vigil of an Apostle in the C o m m u n e {see p. xxi); [b) the old R o m a n festival
of O u r L a d y o n the Octave of Christmas 2 fell into insignificance after the introduction of
the four great festivals of Candlemas, L a d y D a y , the Assumption, and the Nativity in
the Vllth Century, and w a s finally superseded by the festival of the Circumcision, for
which a great variety of Masses were provided, mainly compiled from Christmas sources,
though s o m e M S S . have elements peculiar to this festival {see M S S . A and O ) .
But the old M a s s survives in an altered form in the C o m m u n e for Virgins, and in
the Votive Masses of O u r Lady. 3
(3) T h e original scheme did not contain the Vigils of Epiphany, and of Ascension.
In m a n y M S S . the former is not mentioned, and the various Masses provided for it all
are m a d e u p out of Christmas sources. T h e latter is in most M S S . but not all, and the
various Masses provided for it are mainly borrowed from other places, but s o m e elements
are peculiar to this Vigil.
The other Rogation days also are of late date: they were imported from Gaul b y
L e o III. at the end of the Vlllth Century, and the Services for them are either taken
direct from the old R o m a n Litania Major of April 25th, or are borrowed from elsewhere.
T h e Masses after Epiphany were all used a w e e k earlier until the introduction of the
custom of keeping the S u n d a y in the Octave as the Festival.
(4) Septuagesima takes its place in the scheme beside Sexagesima and Quinquagesima,
and the development of the Lent Services seems to have reached the following stage at
the settlement of the scheme. All the complete w e e k s had Masses for every weekday
except Thursdays, with one exception,4 but the half w e e k beginning on A s h W e d n e s d a y
still shewed traces of an earlier stage (the stage of the Fulda Lectionary of 546) 5 , and
had Masses only for W e d n e s d a y and Friday.

;„. . . ,..«r)
This use seems to have come in gradually : it was in force at Winchester and at Eynsham at the Xth Century.
See St. Ethelwold's Regularis Concordia in Reyner's "Apostolatus Benedictinorum " (Douai, 1626), App. p. 91, or
^Elfric's version of it for Eynsham, in Hampshire Record Soc. vol. for 1892, p. 19T. Cp. M S S . Eth and Corp
and Brit. M u s . Harl. 2961, Leofric's Exeter Collectarius of the Xlth Century. T h e Benedictines in Italy in the Xlth
Century used this Mass for the Transfiguration {see M S . M.iv).
Origines, p. 262.
T h e custom of having a festival of Our Lady on January 1, survived in England in M S . H e , which gives here
not the ancient Mass, but the one later in use for the Vigil of the Assumption. Thomasius gives only the old Mass,
but adds two variants without specifying their source. Cp. Micrologus 39.
T h e E v e of Palm Sunday, which keeps the heading " Vacat. Papa eleemosynam [or Fermentum, Bodl: Laud.
Lat: 26] dat." T h e various Masses supplied tofillthe gap are mainly made up of borrowed elements, but some are
peculiar {see p. xx).
See Morin Liber Comicus p. 436 (Maredsous, 1893).

T h e homogeneous character of the remainder is clearly shewn by the regular series

of Communions drawn from Psalms i-xxvi in consecutive order.1

The Thursday stational Masses were instituted by Gregory II. (715-731)2 and the
Services for them probably were compiled then: they are closely connected with the
Masses of the Sundays after Trinity, and will be discussed with them below (p. xvi).

(5) Each of the four Ember Saturdays is headed " Sabbato in xii lectionibus," and this
group exhibits peculiarities of its own.

T h e Service in Advent is appropriate to the season and shews but little variation,
but the others vary exceedingly.

These four fasts were originally the jejunia primi, quarti, septimi, decimi mensis
fixed by the civil and not by the ecclesiastical year :3 later they were made to coincide
with definite weeks of the ecclesiastical year and became fixed as now in Advent, Lent,
Whitweek and September, but the date of this adjustment is uncertain.4 The jejunium
quarti mensis was the last to be fixed and some Thomasius M S S . of the Xlth Century
make provision for it out of Whitweek. Even when it was fixed down to Whitweek
confusion did not end, for Whitweek was already provided with festival Masses for every
day but Thursday, and in consequence there ensued a war of extermination between rival
claimants for the services of Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, which ended very differently
in different places, but generally in some form of compromise.

T h e other two Ember seasons settled down more comfortably in Lent and September,
but even here considerable variation is found in the Graduals of the Saturday Mass and
the same is also true of Whitweek wherever Graduals and not Alleluias have survived
in the contest between the rival festival and fast Masses.

If w e compare the various M S S . for these three Saturdays we find that the four
Graduals required for each seem to be chosen at will from a common stock.

It seems probable that originally on these days of twelve Lessons more than four
Graduals were sung, and that there was a series of perhaps eight5 which served probably
for all, or at any rate for these three, Ember Seasons : but later the number of Graduals
was reduced (as was in many places the number of Lessons) and then different sets were
selected and retained.

See this well worked out in U n mot sur l'Antiphonale Missarum (Solesmes, 1890), a valuable brochure.
L. P. i. 402, 412. 3 Except perhaps the Lenten one. L. P. i. r4i.
St. Gregory is said to have fixed them for England (H. & S. iii. 52), and even if this is an error it was
believed in England in the middle of the 8th Century and represents the English use of that date
(H. & S. iii. 411).
There is a block of eight Graduals, which covers the variations of nearly every M S . — Propitius, Protector,
Dirigatur, Salvurn fac, Convertere, Jacta, A b occultis, A d Dominum.

Whether this be so or not it seems clear that the variation at these points is
probably to be explained as the legacy of some previous state of things that had come to
an end rather than taken as a sign of recent date.
(6) In another case which seems parallel probably the opposite is the truth: both
on Easter Eve and Whitsun Eve there were twelve Lessons with Tracts at intervals.
There is no variation in the four Tracts of Easter Eve, but for Whitsun Eve often only
three are found, and M S S . do not agree as to which three out of the four of Easter
Eve shall be used.
Here the variation seems to shew, what is otherwise probable, that the Whitsun Eve
Service is only a later reproduction of that of Easter Eve.
(7) W e must now go on to the most intricate point w e shall have to discuss, viz. :
the history of the Masses of the Sundays after Trinity as they stand in the Sarum books.
Before examining their separate component parts w e notice that in some M S S . a
certain amount of dislocation has taken place in the order in which the Masses come.
This dislocation connects itself with two points, the seventh Sunday and the
eighteenth Sunday. For each of these Sundays there was formerly no special Mass
provided: the former was the Sunday after SS. Peter and Paul, and the latter the
Sunday after the Ember days : and it is the various methods offillingthese gaps that
has caused the dislocation.
It seems clear to start with that there has been no transposition in the order of the
first seventeen Masses, for the psalms of the Offices, Alleluias (as Sarum has them) and
Offertories and Communions in the main are in numerical order, and the same is true
of the alternative (non-Sarum) series of Graduals {see below, p. xviii).
But they were originally differently distributed, thus :—Nos. 1-6 : " Dominica vacat; "
Nos. 7-17: "Dominica vacat;" N o . 18—that is, they extended over twenty Sundays.
T h e proof of this is simple.
No. 18 (Da pacem) is the Dedication Mass of the Basilica of St. Michael and All
Angels (Morin, p. 68) used on the Sunday in the Michaelmas Octave: No. 6 (Dominus
fortitudo), as w e have seen, was the Sunday preceding the festival of SS. Peter and Paul :
there ought, then, to be thirteen Masses between these two for the thirteen Sundays
between June 30th and September 30th ; but actually w e have only eleven, that is to say1

' T h e main objection to this contention is, that in M S S . which retain the old method of grouping the
Sundays not after Pentecost or Trinity, but after the festivals of the Apostles, St. Lawrence and St. Michael,
the grouping as there given does not tally with the above, for it makes, e.g., N o . 4 (Dominus illuminatio) the
Sunday next before the festival of the Apostles. But the grouping has clearly been altered (for this scheme
provides only twelve Masses for the thirteen, or possibly fourteen, Sundays between June 30th and September 29th),
and been altered, no doubt, since the Dominicse vacantes became obsolete and disregarding the fact that they
ever existed: moreover this method of enumeration differs enormously in different M S S .

the two "vacat" gaps must still be reckoned in, or in other words these gaps have not
beenfilledup by the importation of a Mass from outside, but merely by moving up
the succeeding Masses.

Such at any rate has been the method of most M S S . including those of Sarum.

A group of Italian M S S . pursued a different policy : for some reason they took out
the Mass " O m n e s gentes " (Sarum7) from its place in numerical order and put it last or
last but one in the series: and then they moved up tofillthe gaps: consequently they
have Masses 8-22, 7, 23, where Sarum has 7-23. The two St. Gall. M S S . insert this
Mass in both places and move up.

The Rheinau MS. seems to have moved up to fill the first gap, but dealt
differently with the second: for its 1-12 = Sarum 1-12, but after a lacuna it has Masses
17-22 where Sarum has 18-23.

T h e Thierry M S S . on the contrary refuse to move up tofillthefirstgap, so they

have Masses 7 and following where Sarum has 8 and following.

T h e Aquileia M S .fillsthe second gap by repeating the Ember Wednesday Mass.

These are the main variations,1 but not by any means all : the whole question requires
much more investigation, and ought to be studied conjointly with the corresponding
dislocations in the Sacramentary and Lectionaries, and the still more complex dislocation
that has come about in the combining of these three books in the full Missal.

W e must now be content to disregard these dislocations, and examine the series of
masses independently, {see the table on p. xviii.).

T h e following table shews the various expedients, taking the Sarum numbering of Sundays and Masses as
the standard of comparison.

Sundays in the Some

old scheme. Sarum, etc.
Thomasius. 1R Th. Car. Aq.

i-vi. . . . . 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6

vii. vacat 7 ? 7
V1U.-XV1U. toV to > etc. 7 toV to
xix. vacat 17) 18) ? to 17) 17
r8 T
XX. . . . . 9 17 r? 1 18 mens. sept, iv

19-21 20-22 18-20 18 etc. vacat 19, 20 18-20

22 23 7 21 2T 21
23 0 r 22 22 22
2 2
3 2 3Ws 7 23 3 23 23

N o . 18 ( D a p a c e m ) stands out as a landmark dividing the series into two portions,

and its prominence is sufficiently explained b y the fact already mentioned that it is the
Dedication M a s s of the Basilica of St. Michael.
T h e contrast between these t w o portions is very noticeable : {a) W e have already
noticed that in the first portion the various elements are arranged in the main in the
numerical order of the psalms from which they are taken : this is not so m a r k e d in the
second portion, and as far as the Offices are concerned four out of five are not taken
from psalms at all ; {b) w e notice also that while the first portion has m a n y elements
that occur elsewhere the second portion has very few ;* {c) while there are t w o rival
series of Graduals as far as N o . 17 {see p. xvii) from N o . 18 onward the two in the main
coalesce. W e must deal then with these t w o sections separately.
But there is one problem that affects both, and therefore must be disposed of
first, and that is the relation of the Masses of the Thursdays in Lent to the Trinity
O f the four-and-twenty pieces contained in the Masses for the first six Thursdays
in Lent twenty-one appear also in the Trinity series :—


( Adv1
L. v Trin10 Trin5 or X L . 2 iii Trinro or -J Trin10
{ X L . 2 iv

XL.1 v 2
Laurentii Trin1" Trin14 Trin14

f X L . 1 vii
XL.2 v Trin" Trin4 or < Trin12 Trin13
I M e n s . sept, vii

XL.3 v Trin19 Trin20 Trin19 Trin10

XL. 4 v Mens. sept, vi Trin13 3

Trin16 or X L . 2 vi Trin16

XL3v Trin20 Reconcil. Eccl. Trin20 Trin20

and seventeen of these occur nowhere else, and so the question rises as to which is
their original position.

Setting aside the points of contact with Thursdays in Lent and the eccentricities of single M S S . , only two.
Statio ad S. Laurentium: for the connexion between the Station and the Mass cp. X L 4 .
Sarum has a different offertory here, " D o m i n e ad adjuvandum," and others have it too: it does not seem
to occur in any other Mass.

T h e date of the Thursday Masses is known: there was no stational Mass on the
Thursdays in Lent till the time of Gregory II. This may have been due to the old
R o m a n prejudice against fasting on Thursdays,1 or may have been a commemoration of the
Institution of the Holy Eucharist; but anyhow Gregory II. filled up the blank spaces.
If these seventeen pieces were original compositions of his time, it would imply
that almost the whole series of Trinity Masses must be of later date, for the Masses
from N o . 3 to No. 20 are implicated, and w e have seen that the series hangs together
consistently in two sections.
This does not seem credible in itself, and two other considerations come in and tend
to make it still more clearly incredible.
1. W e shall see later on reason to believe, from the evidence of the rest of the
Antiphonale, that musical composition for the Mass decayed and ceased during the course
of the Vllth Century. If this is true it is impossible to believe that in the early part of
the Vlllth Century there was written, not only the Music for the Thursday Masses
between 715 and 731, but later still the music for the greater part of the Trinity series.
2. If there is any question as to which of two parties is the borrower, it is well to
see which of the two is most in the habit of borrowing.
T h e above table shews that the Thursday Masses have nothing at all peculiar to
themselves,2 and if w e now proceed to examine in detail the Trinity series, though we
find much that occurs elsewhere, w e also find much that is peculiar.
A .—THE SERIES OF OFFICES. Here there are only two that occur elsewhere (except
for Lent Thursdays ), and those only for Ascension Eve and Candlemas, both of them
subsequent additions to the original scheme; and if in some Thomasius M S S . some are
used for Rogation Day Masses', these again are also an innovation at Rome.
B.—THE GRADUALS. The problem presented by the Graduals is complicated by the fact
that at first sight the variations seem perpetual in the M S S . But by making allowance
for the dislocations noticed above these variations can be reduced to order, and there
emerge simply two parallel series of Graduals: most M S S . favour the series as it is in
Sarum, but one M S . (1R) has only the rival (given in ionic in the table) and one M S .
(Bl) has both. Each of these has much in common with other Masses—thefirstfifteen
out of twenty-three and the second nineteen out of twenty-three—but only the first has
any connexion with the Lent Thursday Masses: it seems to be the original R o m a n one
(note its correspondence with the I. at Trin13) and the other, a rival one, perhaps due to
a desire to have the Graduals in the numerical order of their psalms ; the two series
have many Graduals in common, and after the end of the first portion of the Trinity-
Masses they coalesce almost completely {see the figures in brackets).

1 2
L.P. i. 168. Except the O of XL. 4 v. in some uses (see above). 3
Distinguished by *


C.—THE ALLELUIAS. These are given in the table only to shew that the Sarum
arrangement follows the numerical order of the psalms: the M S S . differ indefinitely and
some give merely a block of Alleluias to select from at will.

D.—THE OFFERTORIES. Here w e have as far as N o . 18, a series mainly in the

numerical order of the psalms, and all occurring in Lent (or L X ) except two from Daniel,1
which interrupt the series. From N o . 18 onward all are peculiar (Lent Thursdays always
excepted) and the order is gone.

E.—THE COMMUNIONS. These are in order as far as No. 8, and from that point
forward are very miscellaneous: apart from the Thursdays in Lent only one is found



1 Domine in tua xii xl vi XL.3 iv V v X L . 3 vi ixXL.2iii

II Factus est xvii cxix XL.2 vi viii (9) vii vi X L . 5 ii xii

III Respice . 2
xxiv liv* X L . iii viii LXX xvii ix X L . iii5

IV Dominus ill. . xxvi 1 1 3

lxxviii* f^ - ™ .. | viii XL. XX xii XL. 2
vii xvii
\ M e n s . sept, v n 3
V Exaudi . xxvi
" f ™ | xviii XL. iii
1 2
lxxxiii (12) ( M ^ " xxx XV XL. ii xxvi
' ( M e n s . sept, v n
VI Dominus fort . xxvii J xxvi L. vi lviii xvi LX xxvi
* ' \ M e n s . sept, vi
VII Omnes gentes . xlvi Vig. A s c xxxiii {,„ - 7- xxxiii = or xxxii , ~\1T| lxiv D a n . iii XX
( M e n s . sept, iv ('7)
VIII Suscepimus xlvii Purif. xxx X L . 4 ii xliii (23) lxxvii xvii X L . 4 vi xxxiii

I X Ecce deus Hii 1 3

viii (9) xliv Nat Ixxx xviii XL Mat. vi

X D u m clamarem liv* xvi* lxxi Ep' lxxxvii xxiv* XL. 2

iv 1*

X I Deus in loco . lxvii xxvii 3

X L . vi lxxxii L X lxxxix xxix L. iv Prov. iii

XII Deus in adj. . lxix* xxxiii 1 ii1fc,5 XL.Ui&vii > xciv Ex. xxxii* X L . v ciii 2

ixxxin(5)j Menggepivii
XIII Respice . X..11 lxxiii* lxxxix(6){ Me ^ ; ;™_ v . / xciii xxx X L . 1 iii Wisd. xvi

X I V Protector lxxxiii xci X L . 2 vii oi civ xxxiii* Jo. vi*

X V Inclina . lxxxv cxvii (17) 4

X L . vi oi (16) Ep 3
cvi xl 4
XL. iii Jo. vi*

X V I Miserere 2
Ixxxv ci (15)(23)Ep. 3
evi Ep cxiv xxxix* X L . 2 vi Ixx

X V I I Justus es ex viii xxxii (7) X L . 4 iv cxvii (15) XL.4 vi cxvii D a n . ix lxxv*

XVIII D a pacem Ecclus. xxxvi. e x x i — exxi (18) X L . 4 = exxi (18) XL 4 exxi E x . xxiv xcv

X I X Salus populi . ? *lxxvii cxl(19) l M XL ffi

\ ..
„ ,,,„•> ( XL.1 iii exxiv exxxvii* cxviii*
^ ' | Mens. = oxi(i9) | M e n g _ s e p t # v i i
X X Omnia quae 5
D a n . iii *xlvii cxliv* cxlii XL exxix exxxvi* cxviii*

X X I In voluntate . Esth. xiii cxviii lxxxix (21) = lxxxix (21) cxlv Jobi cxviii

X X I I Si iniquitates . exxix exxxii (2) Mrr = oxxxii (22) M r r cxlvi Esth. xiv L u . xv

XXIII Dicit Dominus Jer. xxix lxxxiv xliii (8) oi (16) (15) E p 3
cxlvi exxix M k . xi

It seems possible that the two Offertories from Daniel may, like the whole of N o . 18, b e survivals, the
first connected with the festival of SS. Peter and Paul, and the second with St. Michael a n d All Angels
(Morin, p. 68).

W e must now consider how the results of this analysis bear upon the question at
So far as Graduals and Offertories go there is not much to choose between the
Trinity series and the Thursdays in respect of borrowing. But the Offices and
Communions put the matter in another light. Here the Trinity series borrows practically
nothing and the Thursdays everything. T h e presumption is, then, that the Thursdays
borrowed from the Trinity series.
W e conclude, then, that when the Thursday Masses were instituted the whole of the
ioth and 20th, and the greater part of the 19th, Masses of the Trinity series (besides
one or more elements of others) were taken over for the new services.1
Before w e leave this Trinity series there are one or two other points to be noticed.
A . — T h e distinction between the two sections of the series already alluded to must be
more insisted on ; the last five Masses seem to have a character of their own, only two
elements are found elsewhere, and the two series of Graduals almost entirely coincide
(p. xvii) : the Offices are, as a rule, not taken from the Psalms, and the Offertories
present some unusual features.
It seems just possible that these five may have been at one time the only " Missae
Dominicales," or may have formed with the three Epiphany ones a set of eight analogous
to the Gelasian set of sixteen. That subsequently the others, Nos. 1-17, were prefixed,2
and the two fused with the addition of the Dedication Mass of St. Michael (No. 18)
into the existing series.
B . — T h e section Nos. 1 —17 seem to be later than the main part of the scheme and
to belong to a period when it was no longer advisable or no longer possible to compose
new Graduals or Offertories, though there was not the same difficulty about the simpler
music of the Offices and Communions.
C.—But the series seems to have been in its present state when the Thursday Masses
of Lent were instituted, so that it was as easy to borrow from one section as from the
other. Moreover, as the Office of No. 8 is borrowed for Candlemas, the first section
must be older than that festival, that is (see below, p. xxiii) it cannot well be later than
the middle of the Vllth Century and probably must be considerably earlier.

(8) The Dedication service is simply the Dedication Mass of S. Maria ad Martyres
in R o m e (608),3 and figures as such for M a y 13th in most early M S S . , but later it came

T h e main argument that tells the other way lies in the fact that in some cases the various elements
seem to have more significance in their place in Lent than in the Trinity series, e.g. the Communions from
St. John vi.
T h e Traditional custom of putting the E m b e r Masses after N o . 17 would fall in with this.
3 L.P. i. 317.

to be used exclusively for the local Dedication festival and was in consequence appended
to the Temporale.

Reversing now the order of proceedings we can by way of summary see what
additions were made to the Temporale—
i. All the "vacat" gaps werefilledup, that is: (a) the four Sundays after Ember
days ; (b) the Saturday before Palm Sunday, Thursday in Whitweek.
2. T h e Circumcision displaced the old festival of St. Mary.
3. T h e Vigils of Epiphany and of Ascension acquired special Masses.
4. T h e Thursdays in Lent were similarly provided for.
5. Trinity Sunday came in and later Corpus Christi.
6. T h e Dedication Festival took the Dedication Mass of S. Maria ad Martyres.

But these additions did not imply much in the way of new music ; at first the gaps
were filled up by borrowing from other places, but later it became common to adapt
old music to new words.
(1) T h e Dedication Mass is new, and only a few years subsequent to St. Gregory.
(2) T h e Thursdays in Lent and the Thursday in Whitweek, the Vigil of Epiphany
and the Circumcision, also, except for two M S S . , A O , 1 borrowed all that was required
from elsewhere, both words and music.
(3) T n e
fourth Sunday in Advent, and the second in Lent mainly pursue the same
policy ; but the former has the I. Memento nostri which does not seem to occur
elsewhere and O has the C. Emitte agnum : the latter has also in some M S S . elements
peculiar to itself, and in one group of M S S . a whole Mass 3 which occurs nowhere else

except that W has it at Trin.24

(4) T h e Vigils of Palm Sunday and the Ascension have in some M S S . elements
peculiar to themselves.4
(5) Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi shew a mixed policy, and partly borrow,
partly adapt, but have no new music; the former takes the music of the I. from
Invocavit, of the G. from Constitues, of the O. from Constitues, and of the C. from
Feci judicium : the latter adapts a common Alleluia, and borrows music for the O.
from Confirma hoc and of the C. from Factus est repente.

On the whole, apart from the first section of Trinity Masses, which may be
suspected to be later than the main scheme, though their date is wrapped in obscurity,

These have I. Consummati sunt: G. Notum fecit: A. Natus est Dominus.
C. Domine firmamentum M . S : also I. Dirige : G. Qui confidunt: C. Redimet: A Cas.
I. Sperent: G. Justus es : O. Domine deus meus : C. Custodi.
I. Initio A I. Deus deus meus Tot. I. Narrabo. 1R A and C. Pater manifestavi A.

there is very little additional matter added to the original scheme, and even such
additions as have been noticed above may turn out to be only new words adapted
to old music.

We turn now to the Sanctorale.

In the early M S S . of the Antiphonale the Temporale and Sanctorale are not
yet differentiated, and a C o m m u n e Sanctorum is unknown; but with the multiplication
of Saints' Days in the Xth and Xlth Centuries the already existing materials were
adopted for the new festivals, and in process of time it was seen to be convenient to
group together the materials available for common use under certain well defined

Thus arose the C o m m u n e Sanctorum, and an analysis of M S S . of the IXth, Xth,

and Xlth Centuries reveals to some extent the method of its origin. For Apostles the
night Mass of St. John the Evangelist was taken as the vigil Mass, while SS. Simon
and Jude's D a y supplied materials for the Mass of the day, with the addition of such
parts of the two Masses of SS. Peter and Paul as are suitable for common use.

T h e Mass of an Evangelist comes from St. Matthew, except the Gradual. The
nucleus of the Services for a Martyr is made up of the night Mass of St. John
Baptist with the Masses of SS. Vincent, Valentine, and Vitalis complete; the Services
of St. George and St. Gorgonius may be added to these, though each contributes
only two new elements to the C o m m u n e , while single items drawn from the Masses
of SS. John Baptist, Hermes, Lawrence, and either Pope Stephen or St. Caesarius,
complete the list according to Sarum use, as shewn by this M S . 1

T h e C o m m u n e Martyrum is more complicated, but its main sources are the Masses
of the Holy Innocents, SS. Felix and Adauctus, Fabian and Sebastian, Hippolytus etc.,
Cyriac etc, John and Paul, Gervasius and Protasius, Nereus and Achilles, with
probably SS. Cyrinus etc., Processus and Martinianus, Marcellinus and Peter, Timothy
and Symphorian.

Similarly the services of SS. Silvester, Marcellus, and Sixtus will be seen to supply
the main bulk of the Commune unius Confessoris & Pontificis, and those of
St. Eusebius the main bulk of the C o m m u n e Confessoris & Abbatis, while the Services of
Virgins are mainly drawn from the Masses of St. Mary on January ist, SS. Potentiana,
Sabina, Agnes, and Cecilia.

This MS., however, differs from the ordinary Sarum type in having some elements in the C o m m u n e which
elsewhere are given for a special Saint's D a y : the Offertory of St. Vitalis, "Repleti," is a case in point, and
others are noted in the Index.

A scientific reconstruction of the original Sanctorale of the Antiphonale is far

beyond the present scope: but it may be worth while to hazard a provisional list of
festivals which future enquiry may correct.

SS. Stephen SS. Paul

John Ev. (2) Processus and Martinianus L.P. i. 424
Innocents Septem fratres L.P. ii. 343
Silvester T L.P. i. 200, 267 Praxedis T L.P. i. 132
Mary (Jan. 1st) Simplicius L.P. i. 361
Marcellus T Abdon and Senne L.P. i. 219
Prisca T L.P. i. 5'7 [Vincula Petri]
Fabian and Sebastian L.P. i. 148 Stephen Pope L.P. i. 154
Agnes L.P. i. 180, 196, Sixtus T L.P. i. 155
208, 223, etc. Cyriac T L.P. i. 326
Vincent Lawrence (2) T L.P. i. 197
Agnes 2 Tiburtius with Hippolytus
Agatha L.P. i. 3*3 Eusebius T
Valentine L.P. i. 206 Timothy and Symphorian
[Cath. Petri] Hermes L.P. i- 3^to, 521
Tiburtius etc. L.P. i. 521 Sabina T L.P. i. 236
George L.P. i.362, 439 Felix and Adauctus L.P. i. 278
Mark T L.P. i. 203 Cornelius and Cyprian L.P. i. !5°
Vitalis T (after Innocent I. 401-417) Nicomede T
Philip and James T L.P. i.205, 306 Matthew (2) T
Juvenal Cosmas and Damian L.P. i. 279
Gordian and Ep. L.P. i. 5 2 1 Michael L.P. i. 268
Nereus and Achilles, 1; L.P. i. 253, 277 Marcus Pope
with Pancratius L.P. i.262, 326 Simon and Jude
Potentiana T L.P. i. 132 Csesarius L.P. i. 377
Urban L.P. i. H 3 The Four Crowned
Marcellinus and P . t L.P. i. 198 Martyrs t L.P. i. 326
Cyrinus etc. Theodore L.P. i. 521
Marcus and Marcellinus L.P. i. 386 Mennas L.P. i. 34
Gervasius and Protasius L.F\ i. 220 Caecilia T
John Bapt. (3) Clement T L.P. i. 123
John and Paul T L.P. i. 262 Chrysogonus T
Peter and Paul Andrew (2)

This list is one based mainly1 on the consensus of the M S S . : but it will be
found to fall in with the theory of the formation of the C o m m u n e which was hazarded
above, since the best attested festivals are also those which contributed the whole or
part of their services to form the Commune.

This list, moreover, which has been thus reached from the inner study of
the Antiphonale along two different lines of argument, will be found to correspond
very closely with the results obtained by Probst2 from the study of Calendars and
Sacramentaries, and by Batiffol in his attempt to reconstruct the R o m a n Calendar of
the IXth Century from the Gregorian Sacramentary and the A d a Comes.3

It is, as the latter has shewn, a purely R o m a n Sanctorale, and the presence of
almost every festival can be justified by some local R o m a n interest : e.g. the saint's
grave was in some Roman cemetery, or there was a basilica dedicated to him in
R o m e , or he gave his name to a cemetery.3

In the above list a " T " or " t " is placed against those names which appear
in connexion with the list of R o m a n tituli at the time of Symmachus (499) or
St. Gregory 594/ and some references are given to the L.P which further illustrate
the special local connexion of the festival with Rome.

This original Gregorian Sanctorale could not remain unchanged, and when the
Council of Cloveshoo in 747 adopted the Martyrologium Romanae Ecclesiaes it was a
fuller thing than what St. Augustine had brought with him a century and a half before.

T h e four great festivals of Our Lady—the Purification, Annunciation, Assumption,

and Nativity—had been imported from the East in the course of the Vllth Century,6
and the second if not both of the festivals of the Holy Cross.7 T h e Conversion
8 9
of St. Paul and the Beheading of St John had been adopted from Gallican sources
probably in the same century, and perhaps SS. Denys, Martin, and Maurice as well.
T h e festival of All Saints had grown up after the dedication of the Pantheon, M a y 13th,
608 (see above, p. xix), by Boniface IV., though it does not seem to have been fixed on
November 1st till the time of Gregory IV., 835,IO and it is doubtful whether it must

T h e festivals enclosed in brackets owe their place in the list to external historical evidence rather
than to the internal evidence of M S S .
Die altesten Romischen Sacramentarien, 1892, pp. 40-45.
Histoire du Breviaire Romain, r8o3, pp. 124-135, a most important passage, from which I have borrowed
4 8
Gregorovius Gesch. der Stadt R o m . 1. 258-273. Origines, p. 270
5 9
H . & S. iii. 367. Origines, p. 259
L.P. i. 381. Origines, p. 261. '" Hampson. ii. 149
L.P. i. 378. Origines, p. 263.

be reckoned among those adopted at Cloveshoo, though it was certainly recognized in

England in Alfred's time.1

Other less prominent festivals had also come in probably in connexion with local
occurrences in R o m e — S t . Nicomede through the dedication of a Church to him, by
Boniface V. (619-625) ;2 St. Lucy, St. Apollinaris,3 and St. Hadrian,4 through the build-
ings erected in their honour by Honorius (625-638); SS. Primus and Felician through
the translation of their relics under Theodore (642-649);* St. Euphemia through the
dedication of a Church to her by Donus (676-678).6

In other cases it is less easy to account for the addition, but it seems clear that
SS. Alexander, Eventus, and Theodulus had joined St. Juvenal.7 St. Basilides the
Egyptian had taken his place side by side with SS. Cyrinus, Nabor+g; and Nazarius;
St. Felix with SS. Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice; SS. Felicissimus and Agapitus,
with their master and fellow martyr, St. Sixtus.

Other festivals, whose dates are less clear, seem also to belong to this period
(600-747)—SS. Benet, Austin, Jerome, Protus and Hyacinth, Agapetus, Callixtus,
Gorgonius, though some may possibly be of earlier date,8 and the two last may not
have found their way into the Calendar till after the translation of relics of each of them
under Gregory IV. (827-844).9

But though the Council adopted such a Calendar as this from current Roman
usage, it was not contented with it as it stood: it added at once the names of
St. Gregory and St. Augustine of Canterbury, and further additions soon followed.
Immediately on receipt of the news of the death of St. Boniface his festival
was decreed by an English Council (755): still events in Rome continued to
influence the Calendar, and w e may trace the entry of St. Pernell to the re-awakening
of interest in her under Gregory III. and Stephen II. (731-757),I2 of St. Felix13
to the re-building of his basilica on Monte Pincio, and of St. John Portlatin14 to
the dedication of a Church to him near the Latin Gate, both under Hadrian (772-795):
while English influence is traceable in the spread of the festival of St. Alban,
which naturally connects itself with a revival of interest in him at the end of
the Vlllth Century.15

1 9
Thorpe Ancient Laws ii 457 (London, 1840). L.P. ii. 80, 83.
L.P. i. 321. "> H. & S. iii. 367.
L.P. i. 323. « H. & S. iii. 390.
L.P. i. 326, 517. " P.L. i. 420, 424, 46T, 466.
L.P. i. 334. « P.L. i. 500, 517.
L.P. i. 200, 348. '* P.L. i. 508, 521.
L.P. i. 127. '5 H. & S. iii. 469.
E.g. Agapetus, see L.P. i. 252.

A Winchester Calendar of the early part of the I Xth Century * attests the following
festivals as being then already recognized in England:—SS. Hilary, Bride, Vedast and
Amandus, Juliana, Perpetua and Felicitas,2 Cuthbert, Ambrose (April 4th, according to
English use), German of Paris (May 28th), Vitus, Magnus, Rufus, Bertin, Lambert,
Remigius, Ledger, Crispin and Crispinian, Brice, with the Translations of St. Martin and
of St. Benet.
Hitherto local interest had in the main determined the Sanctorale, but now
a movement for commemorating the Saints of the New Testament brought in
SS. Matthias, Barnabas, Mary Magdalene, James,3 Bartholomew, Luke, and Thomas.
About a century later we have the evidence of two English Calendars, Bodleian
MS. Junius 27 (circ. 940), and the Calendar in the Leofric Missal (circ. 970), and
these add to our list SS. Scholastica Nicomede (June 1st) Medard, Audrey, Sampson,'
German of Auxerre (July 31st), Eustace, and the Invention of St. Stephen.
In another hundred years' time, towards the end of the Xlth Century, evidence
becomes more ample from Calendars4 and Service-books,5 as well as from records of
Canonizations, both local and papal: the papal Canonizations do not begin till 993 with
St. Odalric, and only gradually supersede the older method of local Canonization.
T h e series of translations of the Relics of St. Cuthbert which began in 698 (hence
the entry of his festival in the Xlth Century Calendar) ended in 995, and thenceforward
the festival is of c o m m o n occurrence. Similarly the attempted translation of St. Swithun
in 971 left its mark upon the Winchester Calendars of the middle of the Xlth Century,
and the festival became more general after his final deposition in 1093; similarly final
repose of the body of St. E d m u n d K. and M . in 1013 is the starting-point of the festival
of November 20th. Ethelred's Witan in 10086 decreed the festival of his brother King
and Martyr St. Edward, and Canute's law in 10337 the festival of St. Dunstan.
St. Alphege was by common consent commemorated very soon after his martyrdom
in 1012. The festival of the Conception was perhaps introduced into England by
St. Anselm, and at any rate probably popularized by him : to these must be added
the following festivals, which are now common in Calendars of this date: SS. Maur,

Bodleian MS., Digby 63.
* This festival is entered in the Bucherian Calendar (circ. 350), and is in the Gelasian Sacramentary, but
seems to have dropped out.
Probably after the translation of his relics to Compostella (circ. 816). Stadl.
See those printed in Hampson, pp. 421 and 434, and others in Warren's Leofric Missal, pp. 271, 210, 294;
also Bodleian M S . Douce 296, M S . Hatton 113 olim Junius 99.
See Brit. M u s . M S . Harl. 2961, Exeter Collectarius: Cambridge Corpus Chr. Coll. M S . 361, Worcester
6 7
Thorpe: i. 309. Thorpe i. 37r.
Its origin is very obscure, see Hampson, ii. 56 ; Martene : " D e Antiquis Eccl. Rit." (Venice, 1783), iii. 199.

Batildis, Aldhelm, Basil, Cyric and Julitta, Kenelm, Christina, the Seven Sleepers,
Oswald (already in the IXth Century Calendar), Donatus, Lambert, Faith, Machutus,
Katherine Linus (canonized in 1080)1, and Nicholas after the translation of his relics to
Bari (1087).2

A century and more still intervenes between this date and the date of our M S .
(circ. 1210), and during this interval the following additions are m a d e : — SS. Julian,
Blaise, Arnulph (canonized 1121), Margaret, Giles, Gereon, Nichasius Wulfrann,
Michael in M.T., xi thousand Virgins, Romanus, Leonard, with St. Thomas of Canterbury
(1173)3, St. Edward the Confessor (1163)% and the Translation of St. Edward King and
Martyr, and the Canonization of St. Wulstan in 1203s.

T h e gap in the M S . from Holy Cross Day to Michaelmas makes it doubtful

whether SS. Edith, Thecla, Firmin, and Cyprian & Justina were included: the two
latter festivals occurred in the IXth Century Northumbrian Calendar, but disappeared
almost entirely since then. The festival of St. Thecla is also an old one, which
went into abeyance and was confirmed in 13296.

This brings the Sanctorale up to the point at which w e find it in our M S . :

but it is advisable to carry on this sketch further and record the festivals which were
added up to the time of the last edition of the Sarum Gradual.

In 1220 was the Translation of St. Thomas of Canterbury, and the festival of the
7th of July enters the Calendar;7 and in 1252 the establishment of the Octave of
the Nat. B.V.M.8 caused the Sarum Feast of Relics to be altered from September 15th9
to the Sunday after St. Thomas. St. H u g h was canonized in the same year,10 and in
1222 the Synod of Oxford ordered a certain list of festivals, which is our earliest
authority for All Souls Day, and for the obligation to keep the Translation of
Edward King and Confessor.

In 1246 the festival of St. E d m u n d of Canterbury was ordered,12 and the translation
of his relics in the following year brought in the festival of June 9th. Then followed
St. Richard of Chichester (1260),13 April 3rd and June 16th ; Corpus Christi (1264)
and probably St. Sulpicius and St. Cuthburga.

" Hampson, ii. 133, 244. * Stadl. Martene, u.s.

Wilk. i. 475. 4 W i l k L 4 I 9 > p r o p o s e d in II3 g_
3 Stadl
- sv- 6
Hampson, ii. 370.
7 Wilk 8
- i- 572. Hampson ii. 134.
Wilk. i. 572; and for the festival in its old place see Bodleian M S . Misc. Liturg. 381, and Cambridj
Univ. Libr. M S . M m . ii. 9.
'°S t a d L s'v- " Coleti -Concilia" (Venice, 3728), xiii. 1070.
Wilk. i. 694. .3 wi ik. i. 743 .

T h e Vigil of the Nativity of the B.V.M. was not appointed until 1375, and about
the same time St. Edward the Confessor's festival received papal sanction (1360) and
St. Anne was introduced (1383).1
T h e X V t h Century saw the introduction of SS. David, Chad, Winifred in 1415,
and St. John of Beverley, 1416 (but already in earlier Calendars from the IXth Century),
the Transfiguration, 1457, and the Holy N a m e ; and finally in 1480 the festivals of
St. Etheldreda, on October 17th, and St. Frideswide were established, and two others
which had already received papal authority—the Visitation (1431) and the Trans-
3 4
figuration (1457) —were then adopted in England.

This sketch of the Development of the Sanctorale would be one-sided without some
note of the losses and disappearances which went on side by side with the additions.
O f the old Gregorian nucleus the Invention of the Cross displaced SS. Juvenal etc. ;
and the Exaltation of the Cross, SS. Cornelius and Cyprian. St. Potentiana gave place
to St. Dunstan ; St. Urban to St. Aldhelm; SS. Primus and Felician to St. E d m u n d ;s
St. Eusebius to the Vigil, and SS. Agapetus, Timothy, and Symphorian to the octave,
of the Assumption, on its establishment by Leo IV. (847—855);6 St. Hadrian to the
Nativity of the B.V.M. and SS.'Gorgonius, Protus and Jacinth, Nicomede to its Octave
on its establishment in 1252 by Innocent IV.;7 St. Euphemia to St. Edith; St. Caesarius
to All Saints ; St. Mennas to St. Martin—while other festivals only appeared to disappear
again before Vigils or more important rivals, e.g. SS. Lucian, Hilary, Anthony, Praejectus,
Cyric and Julitta, Quintin, Eustace, Anianus,5 Saturninus.
T h e new festivals of the X V t h Century did not oust the existing occupants from
their day, but like the Beheading of St. John and St. Sabina in earlier days consented to
live and let live; and the Translation of St. John of Beverley never claimed more than a
subordinate place on St. Crispin's Day.
T h e following pages present these results in tabular form; it is the Kalendar of the
printed Sarum Graduale with the festivals dated so far as possible. Four strata of
festivals are distinguished by differences of type. The old Roman Festivals are in
CAPITALS ; additions to the end of the Xlth Century in antique type; those between
1100 and circ. 1210, the date of our M S , in roman type; additions subsequent to our
M S. in italic type; and some few which appear in the Calendar only, and not in the
Sanctorale, in smaller italic.

1 2
Wilk. iii. 145, 47, 178. Wilk. iii. 375, 379.
This was a revival of an old Festival and of an old Mass borrowed mainly from Christmas.
Wilk. iii. 613.
See pp. 187, 200 of our M S * , where later M S S . have St. Edmund, St. Richard, and St. Hugh.
0 7
L. P. ii. IT2. • -' Hampson ii. r34.

5 Vig. Ep. Edward K. & Cf. (i 163) 1 PHILIP & JAMES
6 3 Invention of the Cross displace JUVENAL
8 Oct. Ep. Lucian Alexander, etc.
13 Hilary (IX) displaced by Oct. Ep. 6 John Portlatin (^.790)
14 Felix (772-795) 7 John of Beverley (1416)
15 M a u r (XI) 9 Nicholas


17 Sulpicius (XIII) 12 N E R E U S , ACHILLES, & PANCRAS
18 PRISCA 19 Dunstan (1033) displace POTENTIANA
19 Wulstan (1203) 24 Salvator
20 FABIAN & SKBASTIAN 25 Aldhelm (XI) displace U R B A N
21 AGNES 26 Augustine (747)
22 VINCENT 28 G e r m a n (IX)
25 Conversion of St. Paul (VII) displace 31 Petronilla (c.760)
27 Julian (XII)
28 AGNES 1 Nicomede (X)
30 Batildis (XI) 2 MARCELLINVS & PETER
5 Boniface (756)
8 Medard & Gildard (X)
FEBRUARY. 9 Transl. Edmund Archbp. (1247) displ. Primus
& Felician (642-9)
1 Bride (IX) n Barnabas (IX)
2 Purification (VII) 12 CIRINUS, etc., with Basilides (VIII)
3 Blaise (XII) 14 Basil (XI)
5 AGATHA 15 Vitus, Modestus, & Crescentia (IX)
6 Vedast & A m a n d u s (IX) 16 Tr. Richard (1262) displ. Ciric & Julitta (XI)
10 Scholastica (X) 18 M A R C U S & MARCELLIAN
11 Frideswide 19 GERVASIUS & PROTASIUS
14 V A L E N T I N E 20 Tr. E d w a r d K. & M . (1008)
16 Juliana (IX; 22 Alban (VIII)
22 C A T H E D R A PETRI 23 Audrey (X) and Vigil
24 Matthias (IX) 24 JOHN BAPTIST
MARCH. 28 Leo & Vigii
1 David (1415) 29 PETER & PAUL
2 Chad (1415) 30 C O M M E M . PAUL
7 Perpetua & Felicitas (VIII)
12 Gregory (747 or earlier) JULY.
17 Patrick
2 Visitation (1431) (1480)
18 Tr. E d w a r d K. & M . (1008) PROCESSUS & MARTINIAN
20 Cuthbert (IX) 4 Tr. Martin (IX)
21 Benet <VIII) 7 Tr. Thomas of Cant. (1220-3)
25 Annunciation (VII) Feast of Relics (1252) on the Sunday following
II Tr. Benet (IX)
APRIL. 15 Tr. Swithun (XI)
16 Tr. Osmund (1457)
3 Richard (1260) 17 Kenelm (XI)
4 Ambrose (IX) 18 Arnulph (1121)
14 TIBURTIVS etc. 20 Margaret (XII)
19 Alphege (f 1012) 21 PRAXEDIS
22 M a r y Magdalene (IX) Wandragesilus
23 Apollinaris (625-638)
24 Christina (XI) & Vigil
30 Erkemvala
25 J a m e s (IX) Christopher & Cucufatus

J ULY—continued. OCTOBER.
26 Anne (1383) i Remigius etc. (IX) Melorus
27 Seven Sleepers (XI) 2 Ledger (IX) Thomas Herf (1310)
28 Sampson (X) or Pantaleon 6 Faith (XI)
29 SIMPLICIUS etc., & Felix 7 MARCUS, Marcellus & Apuleius
30 A B D O N & SENNE 9 Denys etc.
.31 German (X) 10 Gereon etc. (XII)
11 Nichasius etc. (XII)
AUGUST. 13 Tr. Edward K. els'Cf (1222)
14 Calixtus (VII)
r PETER'S CHAINS Machabees (VIII) 15 Wulfrann (XII)
2 STEPHEN 16 Michael in M.T. (XII)
3 Inv. of Stephen (X) 17 Audrey (1480)
5 Oswald (XI) 18 Luke (IX) Justus
6 Transfiguration (1457) (1480) 19 Frideswide (1480)
SIXTUS & Felicissimus & Agapitus 21 Eleven thousand VV. (XII)
7 Holy Name (1457) 23 Romanus (XII)
Donatus (XI) 25 Crispin & Crispinian (IX) John Beverl. (1416)
Romanus & Vigil 31 Vigil & Quintin
14 "Vigil displ. EUSEBIUS
15 Assumption (VII) 1 All Saints (IX) displace C^ESARIUS
17 Oct displ. Agapetus (VII) 2 All Souls (1222) displace Eustace (X)
18 „ „ Magnus (VIII) 3 Winifred (1415)
23 Oct (847) displ. TIMOTHY & SYMPHORIAN 6 Leonard (XII)
24 Bartholomew (IX) Audoe 8 F O U R C R O W N E D MARTYRS
27 Rufus (IX) 9 THEODORE
28 Justin (VIII) displ. H E R M E S II Martin (VII) displace M E N N A S
29 Beheading of John Baptist 13 Erkenwald
SABINA 14 Brice (IX)
30 FELIX & ADAUCTUS 15 Machutus (XI)
31 Cuthburga (XIII) 16 Edmund Archbp. (1246)
17 Hugh (1220) displ. Anianus
20 Edmund K. & M . (1013)
23 CLEMENT Felicitas
1 Giles (XII) displace Priscus (VIII)
4 Tr. Cuthbert (XI)
25 Katherine (XI)
5 Bertin (VIII)
26 Linus (c. 1080)
8 Nativity B.V.M. (VII) displ. Hadrian (VII)
29 Vig. Saturninus & Sisinnius
9 Oct. displace Gorgonius (VII)
11 Oct. displace Protus & Jacinth (VII)
14 Exaltation of Cross (VII) displ. CORNELIUS
15 Oct. Nat. (1252) displace Nicomede (VII)
16 Edith ? displace Euphemia 4 Osmund 1456
17 Lambert (XI) 6 Nicholas (XI)
21 MATTHEW 8 Conception (XI)
22 Maurice etc. (VIII) 13 Lucy (VIII)
23 Thecla (conf. 1329) 21 Thomas (IX)
25 Firmin ? 26 STEPHEN
26 Cyprian &> Justina 27 JOHN
29 MICHAEL 29 Thomas Cant. (1173)
30 Jerome (VIII) 31 SILVESTER

But in spite of these losses and in spite of being outnumbered by new festivals the
old R o m a n Saints' days did not really lose their prominence, for all the new festivals
brought no new Masses with them, or next to none, but were content to borrow from
the existing sources. Sometimes Masses were taken whole, as St. Vincent's was for
St. Nicomede, St. Potentiana's for St. Lucy; but more often the various elements were
taken from different Masses, and after the formation of the C o m m u n e , when there was a
c o m m o n stock made, the process of providing for new festivals became an exceedingly
simple one.
It may be convenient to draw up, as was done above for the Temporale, a list of
additions made later to the Sanctorale.
(a) In the Vllth Century—
For the Conversion of St. Paul—I. Lsetemur: G. Qui operatus: Tr. T u es vas:
C. A m e n dico . . quod uni.1
For Candlemas 2 —G. Suscepimus: Tr Nunc Dimittis : C. Responsum.3
For the Annunciation — A has a peculiar Mass but most M S S . have Masses which
are entirely borrowed from elsewhere.
For the Holy Cross days—several Offertories and Communions that seem to be
peculiar, viz. : O. Protege : O. Veniens vir : O. Nos autem gloriari: O. Salva presentem.
C. Redemptor mundi : C. Crux Jesu.4
For the Assumption—originally the Mass provided was different from the later ones,
and all but the G. Propter veritatem borrowed from elsewhere ; later the M S S . give other
Masses for the festival and its Vigil largely borrowed or with words adapted to old
music,5 but I have so far not been able to identify the following as borrowed or
adaptations: O. Felix namque ; C. Alma dei; C. Dilexisti; C. Beata viscera, and A has
a Mass of its own.
For the Nativity of Our Lady —the same materials are used as for the Assumption.
W e have also to reckon here with some festivals which we were not able to assign
as part of the original scheme, but which all the same contributed some element peculiar
to themselves to the Commune. W e must, therefore, assign to this period the C. Semel

But Tol has here and for the Beheading of St. John masses which seem peculiar.
Morin (p. 38) dees not agree with Duchesne (Origines, p. 261) in putting the Purification on a par with
the other three great festivals of Our Lady as importations dating from the end of the Vllth Century, but
thinks it m a y have existed in St. Gregory's time.
T h e alternative, Tr. Diffusa, is of the ordinary 2nd M o d e type, not a new composition; and the third,
Tr. Audifilia,is also of a known type.
T w o others are adaptations, viz., N o s autem of Dico autem vobis (Morin, p. 61), and Per lignum of
A b occultis.
T h e I. Salve sancta = Ecce advenit; G. Benedicta = Constitues. T h e I. Gaudeamus is modelled on the
I. for St. Agatha, which is the archetype of a large number of Gaudeamus Offices.

dixi, which only appears for St. Apollinaris; the I. Gloria et honore and O. Posuisti,
which appear only for St. Basilides or St. Gorgonius; and possibly other items in the
C o m m u n e ought to be included in the same category.

After this activity in composition seems mainly to have ceased ;T some new Alleluias
may have been written and some individual M S S . have novelties of their own,2 but on
the whole Masses were normally provided for the new festivals by drawing on materials
already existing and mainly in the Commune.

(b) But at a later period activity revived, if only to a very limited extent, and the
XlVth -an* X V t h Centur&s- produced a new Alleluia for the Visitation and a Mass for
the Holy N a m e , which, except for the Alleluias, was completely new.

After this discussion of the Sanctorale we must now enter on the question of the
date of the original Antiphonale. The compositions either in the Temporale or the
Sanctorale that can be definitely dated after the death of St. Gregory are very few
and offer no serious bar to calling the Antiphonale, in a very real sense, Gregorian,
and besides this there is much evidence that new music for the Mass ceased gradually
to be written in the course of the Vllth Century.
This was not because of any cessation of musical activity for new music for the
Hour Services was not by any means so rare; it must have been due to a general
recognition that the Antiphonale was a closed and complete book to which it would be
unwise, and perhaps presumptuous to add. Such a feeling argues that there had been a
real revision backed by some great authority which could be looked upon as final: and
so once again the Gregorian origin comes up as the natural explanation of the facts.

The Sarum Gradual is then in its contents marvellously the same as the first
Antiphonale, which came with St. Gregory's mission to England; and St. Augustine,
could he have come to life in the XVIth Century, and been given the latest Sarum
Gradual from the Paris press, would probably have had some difficulty in finding his
place, and greater difficulty in following the Guidonian notation, but he would have
known almost every piece in the book.

In the method of performance however he would have found much altered, so a word.
must now be said on this point as to each of the various elements that go to make
up a Mass. T h e six elements fall into three heads. Three are Antiphons, viz., the
Office and Communion which have psalms, and the Offertory which has Verses : one

It is even possible that the above music was not new but borrowed, at any rate in part, as were the festivals
themselves, by the R o m a n Church from outside.
Eg. Tbl has a peculiar Mass for St. John Portlatin, A and M have a series of peculiar Votive Masses,
M . iv. has a peculiar C o m m u n i o n for St. Bartholomew and b a series of music of its own de B. V.. M .

is definitely a Respond, viz., the Gradual, and probably the Alleluia and ¥ may be
classed with it; while the Tract is the psalm sung without "repeat," in directum. In
form the Offertory is more like the Gradual than either the Office or Communion;
but the classification rests not on form, but on use. Antiphons are essentially duets
between choir and choir, or choir and people; Responds, duets between soloist and
choir; while the third class is not a duet at all.

First as to the Offices—

i.—Setting aside "vacat" and later additions, there is no variation at all in the
series of Offices throughout the Temporale. But while the list remains unchanged
there are two points of difference to be noted :
(a) there is at some places considerable difference of opinion as to the psalms
to be used for the Office ; and,
(b) a great change took place in the way in which the psalm was used.
The singing of such a psalm with an Antiphon must be of later introduction
than the time of St. Ambrose, who introduced that method of psalmody ; and the
Liber Pontificalis (i. 230) is perhaps rightly interpreted as assigning the introduction
of the Antiphona ad introitum to Celestine 422-432. At any rate, originally it must
have been sung in its full form with the Antiphon repeated after each verse, and a
special verse repeated after the Gloria Patri. This use was, however, gradually curtailed
till only the Antiphon, one verse and Gloria were left, and in some places intermediary
stages survive ;' but in any case probably no more was sung than was required to fill up
the time till the Celebrant was ready to begin Mass.2
The differences of reading for the " psalm " —
(i) sometimes amount to an entire change of psalm ;
(ii) sometimes only to the retention of one verse of it instead of another ;
(iii) sometimes to the substitution of a text appropriate to the Antiphon in place
of the one psalm-verse that might be expected to survive.3

2.—Closely allied is the case of the Communion; it started from the same point
as the Office as a psalm with Antiphon, but it has been still more ruthlessly cut
down till in most M S S . only the Antiphon survives; some few, however, still give the
cue of the psalm, or intermediate stages like those of the Office. It was naturally,
whenever possible, the psalm from which the Antiphon was taken, but when the

' See Thomasius V. pp. vi-xv. O n e important intermediary stage is that in which Tropes were sung,
which, in a sense, took the place of the psalm-verses. T h e oldest method survived in some services, e. g. at
the Maundy, and the Adoration of the Cross.
Ordo R o m a n u s 1. P.L. Ixxviii. 942.
E.g. for i. and iii., Advent.3 for ii., XL. 4 for i., Trin.'8

Antiphon was not taken from a psalm^ it was "psalmus ut supra"—that is, the Office
psalm was continued from the point at which the singing of it had ceased, because
the Celebrant was ready to begin Mass.1
T h e series of Communions in the Temporale, though not so rigidly preserved, as
that of the Offices, yet shews but very few variants in the original scheme.
The English books are divided between " Pater cum essem" and " Non vos
relinquam" for the Sunday after Ascension Day, and two Italian M S S . give the former
at Easter3 instead of Cantate Domino. But there is no other variation that has the
support of more than one M S . , and only six cases of such variation.2

3-—The Gradual seems to have suffered no change—at any rate since Gregorian
times. T h e Alleluia and ¥ we have spoken of above; but the Offertory has been much
curtailed: as the Index shews, it once had two, or even three, verses and so must
have taken five or six times as long in performance, but as the ceremony of the
Offering of the people dwindled and faded almost entirely away, the music was
curtailed; the Verses entirely disappeared from some texts of the Sarum Gradual, while
others kept one of them in use at certain seasons (see p. xxxvi) : but they survive
universally in the Offertory of the Mass of the Dead.

4.—Lastly, the Tract seems to have kept its old form: nearly all the Tracts
can be reduced to one or other of two types either IInd M o d e or VIIIth M o d e ; but
notable exceptions are the two Benedictus of Embertides, which properly speaking are
not Tracts at all. But while the form remained the same the method of execution
altered, and what was originally a solo came to be sung by the whole Choir.
All the above suffered from the Xth to the Xlth Centuries from the rage for
Tropes, but apparently only among the Benedictines—at any rate the Sarum books
shew no sign of these intercalations except in the Ordinary of the Mass.
Here, too, changes took place between the Vllth and the XVIth Centuries.
(1) T h e Kyrie was farsed ; and, moreover, it was here that the results of the operation
mainly survived, for the Sarum books kept nine farsed Kyries till the Reformation.3
(2) T h e Gloria in Excelsis, which originally could only be used when a Bishop
celebrated, except on Easter Day, gradually became general, but not at R o m e until the
end of the Xlth Century.4 It, too, was often farsed, but as a rule only one farsing
survived in the Sarum books.

But one M S . (Tol.) in these cases gives a verse not from a psalm but appropriate to the Antiphon, thus
exhibiting the same tendency as has been noticed in the Office.
See Index : Adiutor meus ; A m e n dico ; Circuibo ; Dico vobis ; Nos autem gloriari; Puer Jesus.
See facsimile plates 1-6 and below, p. xlix.
Berno of Reichenau, " D e quibusdam rebus etc." II. Hittorp 699. Micrologus X L V L , Hittorp 758. Ralph
of Tongres, " D e C a n o n u m Observantia" XIII., Hittorp 1125.

(3) The Nicene Creed came into the Liturgy from the East, was adopted by the
Council of Toledo 589, and spread throughout the West mainly in the IXth Century,
though it was not adopted in R o m e till the beginning of the Xlth.1
(4) T h e Sanctus has from the earliest times been an integral part of the Liturgy ;
the Agnus Dei was atfirstonly an ad libitum hymn sung by clergy and people, but was
taken up and ordered by Sergius (687-701) and finally found its way into the prayers
of the Celebrant as well,2 & in regular triple form with the. variation, Dona nobis pacem,
at the close, which however was not original.3
Both the above were "farsed" extensively, but no trace of it survives in Sarum

Walafrid Strabo " de Rebus Ecclesiasticis," XXII., Hittorp 682. Berno ut sup. I. Hittorp 698 and II. Hittorp
700, but see the question discussed in Kraz'er, " D e Liturgiis," §§ 244-246.
Amalarius III. 33, Hittorp 433 etc.
Innocent III. in vi. 4 quoted by Krazer ut sup. and Thalhofer " Handbuch der Katholischen Liturgik "
(Freiburg, 1890), ii. 277.

T H E British M u s e u m M S . Add. 12,194 consisted originally of sixteen quires of twelve
leaves each, written at the beginning of the Xlllth Century: the third quire had
added to it an additional leaf to supply some omissions (it is pp. 61, 62) : but in the
course of years some portions of the M S . have been lost.
T h efirsteleven quires contained the Gradual proper, and this is the part reproduced
here: the four quires which followed contained the Sequences and the Ordinary, but of
them only two quires and two leaves are left (XIV, X V , and two leaves of X V I ) .
T h e Gradual itself has also suffered the loss of some leaves, viz. the following,
fifteen in number : —
I. 1 before p. 1 : I. 9 after p. 14: I. 12 after p. 18:
VI. 1 after p. 116: VI. 12 after p. 136:
VII. 3 after p. 140: VIII. 5 after p. 166 & VIII. n & 12 after p. 176:
IX. 3 & 4 after p. 180: IX. 9 after p. 188:
X. 1 after p. 194 : X. 3 after p. 196 : X. 7 after p. 202.
Their place is supplied by pages reproduced from Brit. Mus. M S . Add. 17,001,
numbered plates A — M (these are somewhat reduced in size : the M S . measures 16^
by n # inches) and from Bodl. M S . Rawl. Liturg. d 3, numbered plates a—z.
The Ordinary is reproduced from Brit. Mus. Lansd: 462 on plates 1—19, but
considerably smaller: the M S . measures 20 by ip/i i ncnes -
T h e Sequences are not included in this publication except incidentally on plates

F and M.
This M S . is the earliest of the_known^Sarum Graduals, and differs in several respects
from those of a later type. T h e date of it is fixed within a few years, for the M S . has the
festival of St. Machutus (1203) but not that of the Translation of St. Thomas (1219) and
the entry on p. 184 leaves no doubt that it represents the Sarum use of that time.
T h e main details in which it differs from later Sarum Graduals are pointed out
of the
below (see the annotations to pp. 34, 118, 120, 136, 144 facsimile), but it differs
also in certain general features :
(1) In having the outline and in many cases the full music for the processions before
Mass. The Processional did not yet exist as a separate book: the ordinary procession
consisted in the main of Responds or Antiphons taken from Mattins or Evensong: for
these it was only necessary to refer (as this M S . does) to the Antiphonal: the remaining
Antiphons, H y m n s , etc., which are peculiar to the processions, are as a rule given
in full in this M S . , so that it formed the complement to the Antiphonal so far as

the Morning processions were concerned, though it differs in some respects from the
later Sarum Processionals (see the notes, pp. xlvii, viii and cp. J, which also has the
(2) O n the other hand it wants the long series of Votive etc. Masses of the later
books and has after the C o m m u n e Sanctorum only the Mass of the Dead and Masses of
the Holy Spirit and of Holy Cross: while—
Among other things that are wanting are the farsed Lesson at Christmas, the
Genealogies at Christmas and Epiphany, and a certain number of subsequent festivals, of
which by far the most important is Corpus Christi (see p. xxvi).
Note also that the Verses of the Offertory in general are wanting here, though one
of them survives for the weekdays in Advent, L X X , L X , L, and Lent in Gr. and in
B.A.L. and l,1 and even in this M S . they are found in the Requiem Mass. From this and
other circumstances it is probable that the M S . was written for a Parish Church.
T h e Graduals, Tracts, and the Alleluiatic Verses are often left incomplete: the first
two ended as a rule with certain well known jubili and the latter generally with a repeat
of the Alleluia Melody, so that it was not necessary to write out the full ending.
For the Graduals first mode ending may be found on {e.g.) p. 27 : it is wanted at
pp. 41, 42, and plate d. The second mode ending (p. 7) is wanted at p. 34. T h e third
mode ending is at p. 55 and is wanted at pp. 75, 221. The fifth mode has at least
two endings: thefirst(p. 6) is wanted at pp. 18, 39, 53; the second (p. 15) is wanted
at pp. 33, 47, 52, 77, 147, 156, 178, 181, 235. T h e seventh mode has two endings:
the one (p. 4) is wanted at p. 5 0 ; the other (p. 44) at pp. 51, 154. The eighth mode
ending (p. 73) is wanted at pp. 56, 226. Sometimes a ¥ has the ending of a mode
other than that of the G., e.g. p. 141, a second mode ending transposed is combined with
afifthmode G. also, plate f and p. 213 the secondfifthmode ending is combined with a
seventh mode G. Verses are also left unfinished sometimes when they end as the G.
(see pp. 6, 75, 213, 215, 221).
In the course of the M S . occasionally the D clef or G clef is used (see pp. 141, 223
and p. 80): thefc]is not uncommon (e.g. 72), and there are occasionally five lines in the
stave : it is a well written and accurate M S . , not unworthy to represent the English
Tradition as to the Gregorian music.
A careful comparison with Sol. would shew many little ways in which the English
Tradition differed uniformly from the foreign, e.g. (i) in the avoidance of the quilisma
and the various alternatives adopted in its place ; (ii) regular variant interpretations of the
same pneum, e.g., a pes sub-bipunctis resupinus beginning a.c.b.a in England returns

In 1 the first few leaves of the original M S . have been lost and supplied in a later hand and without
the Verses of the Offertory.

to c but in Sol and most French books to b. (see P.M. ii., facsimiles of "Justus
ut palma," where both customs are represented). But in the following notes no attempt
has been made at this minute criticism, but only at indicating the major points in which
our M S . differs from some other Graduals.
Similarly with regard to the Collects, Epistles, Gospels, etc., there are constant
minute differences between this M S . and the later books, e.g., p. 12, " Exultafilia"for
" Exultatefiliae,"but only the more important variants are noticed.
In most cases, unless the contrary is stated, the Sarum M S S . seem to agree with
one another even when they differ from other Graduals.


P. 1.—A leaf (Li) is missing, its place is supplied by plates A, B, C, D

(ff> 2b> 3> 4> 4b) >" P- x begins at line 12 of plate A, but the plates give fuller rubric
and also full directions for the singing of Epistle and Gospel and the music of the
Creed. An interesting comparison may be made of the two versions of the Gradual.
P- 2 - — T h e Epistle and Gospel for Saturday are a survival from early times: Gospels
for the Saturdays are found in many early Gospel books. (See Thomasius, v. 431 etc.;
Ranke, p. xxvii. etc.; Zaccaria, Bibliothecd Ritualis [Rome, 1776] i. 192 etc., 217 etc.,
239 etc.; also, M S S . Bodleian, Auct. D 2, 16; Bodl. 155 and especially Cambridge,
St. John's College M S . , C. 23.)
P- 4-—The Sarum Friday Gospel is Johannes testimonium. Gaude et laetare can
hardly be a proper Gospel. It is an Antiphon for thefirstSaturday in Advent in the
Liber Responsalis (P.L. lxxviii. 727) or it may be due to a confusion with the Epistle
Lauda et laetare (seep. 12).
P- 9-—Before the Tr. Gr. inserts a rubric giving directions how much of it is to be
sung on the various Ember Saturdays.
P. 10.—L. 1 : B.N.A. He. Miss. Gr. and Sol. have no " qui sedes," but Miss.
inserts "regni" after " sceptrum," taking it by mistake from the previous Verse.
P. 11.—In the space left in the O. after "Jerusalem" G.2 Sol. and D o m . insert
some notes which are not here nor in He. N. B. Gr. This rubric is contrary to the
rubric given in Miss, and Gr. B.
P. 13.—Before thefirstChristmas Mass Gr. inserts the Genealogy. Last line: After
the Collect there follows in B. A. L. 1. Gr. the lesson Laudes D e o in full with the
Music. (Cp. some M S . Missals—e.g. Oxford Bodleian, Laud Misc. 302, Barlow 1,
Hatton 1.)

P. 14.—In the Verse of the A. the C clef should be placed on the second line from
the top, before the last nine notes (cp. the same melody, p. 1). Last line: The Clivis on
" utero " is repeated here by mistake (cp. pi. E ) .
Pp. 14, 15.—A leaf (1.9) is missing (see plates E , F, G, H ) . PL E . — T h e last note
of the G. should be f; so Gr. B. L. N. D. and Sol.
P. 17.—Notice the correction in a later hand : the mistake probably arose from a
confusion with the Office. I. " E x ore infantium," the word " deus" is omitted by
mistake. T h e music for it is given.
P. 18.—According to the old rubric (Mig. T h o m . 1R cp. Amalarius I. xii., Micro-
logus 36), there was no Alleluia on this day, but in some places " Laus tibi Christe "
was substituted for it (see G. 1R & P.M. i pi. xviii. and pp. 114, 115). It survived at
York (see E ) . The Offertory is often not transposed : the writer at first forgot that
here it "was transposed, and put a b on the space above the line, and then remem-
bering himself erased it. St. Thomas's name is erased, and there had been a correction
made of the psalm of the Office and of the Collect. H . and E. vary much from Sarum ;
He. has an earlier Mass and the Sarum one in a later hand.
Pp. 18, 19.—A leaf (I. 12) is missing, containing—
(1) T h e rest of this Mass, i.e. G. " Speciosus forma" (see " Exurge D o m i n e " p. 65,
which has the same melody). A. "Dominus regnavit" (see pi. E ) . O. and C. (see pi. H.).
(2) The Circumcision (see p. xii). All is taken from Nat.(3), except A " Multiphariam "
(see pll. H.J). This is more or less the same melody as " Sancti et justi," p. 215 : here from
" vobis " all is a note too low, but when the Alleluia melody is taken up at "filio" it is
transposed a fourth higher. (In pi. J the changing of the b from the second to the first
space in the middle of " suo" after the climacus is almost erased, but it should be there.)
This peculiarity seems to be characteristic of Sarum, for B. N. L. D. He. are the same
as this M S .
(3) The Vigil of the Epiphany (see p. xii). All is taken from Nat.(2), except the
C. " Tolle puerum " (pi. H ) which is from Nat . In L. 1. A. Gr. the Genealogy follows
with full music.
(4) The Epiphany (see pi. J, whichfitson to p. 19 of the M S . ) .
P. 20.—O. T h e repeat of the first four words is omitted in Sol. D o m . Herm. (cp.
p. 22) but it is in G.2
P. 23 L. 1 :—These Gospels are transposed in Miss.
P. 24.—G. 2 gives a much simpler setting of the C. (cf. Reg., and see it in full in
Herm. 107). Gr. B.L.N. He. give the later form of the tone of the Office, adding a
final g. A. perhaps also had it once and it has been erased.
P. 25.—The C. is transposed to avoid descending to the note b : in Sol. it is in
its original seat, but does not descend below c.

P- 26.—The Epistle " Libenter (suffertis) " is inserted in a late hand and very faint.

P. 29.—Thefirstseven words of the O. are repeated and to almost identical music;

this does not appear in Sol. D o m . Herm., but it is in G2.

P- 30.—These two Antiphons are very different in Sol. D o m . Herm. T h e first,

" Inter vestibulum," is not transposed as here, and has considerable verbal differences as
well: in Sol. Herm. the greater part is afifthlower than here, but from " t e " to the end
a fourth lower ; in D o m . the whole is afifthlower. Miss. D.N. have " clamantium," not
"canentium." T h e second one is given in Sol. as afirstmode Melody: from " jejunemus "
onward all is a fourth lower than here. Dom. Herm are again different, and in the main
uniformly a fourth lower than here, i.e. in the second mode. This is probably right.

P. 34.—The G. " Domine refugium" is unusual. Sarum books usually repeat

" Unam petii " from Friday. C. has both given on Friday, but this one figures as
" Super m e Domine refugium " (?)

P. 41.—For thefirstfour words of the G. " Salvum fac " the music is different from
Sol. It begins a fourth lower and then hesitates, but the corrected notes on the top of
p. 42 bring the two versions into line. Herm. agrees with Sarum after the first two
words, and D o m . agrees from the beginning.

P. 47.—In the C. the omission of "in te" is supplied in the margin, but only a
fragment appears in the reproduction.

P- 51..—The I. here is eighth mode transposed (cp. Reg.), but in Sol. and D o m . it
descends on thefinalword " m e a m " to g, and is treated as seventh mode. D o m . also
begins a fourth below Sarum.

P. 52.—The O. Precatus in Sol. and D o m . has no repetition of its opening words,

but it has in G.2 (cp. above, notes to pp. 20, 29; and cp. p. 155).

P. 53.—The O. as it stands must be reckoned seventh mode, but Sol. has all a fifth
lower, and repeats at the end "Domine in auxilium m e u m respice" (cp. G.2), thus ending
in the sixth mode. D o m . is also afifthlower, but ends in the second mode.

P. 55.—The O. ends in Sol. in sixth mode, but Gr. B. b. L. & N . A.D. He. and
Herm. agree with this, though probably they are wrong.

P. 56.—L. 3: T h e C clef should be put upon the second line from the top, six
notes from the end, before the syllable " dahxivX." It is afirstmode melody transposed
(cp. Sol. D o m . Herm). In the G. the first two lines of the ¥. are a note higher in
Sol. ; this is probably right: in Sarum they have been transposed a note down, but
with only one b : hence when an e occurs, as on " belhwzs," the faultiness of the
transposition becomes obvious and is rectified at the beginning of "tribulavit" (cp. notes
on pp. 65, 73).

P. 58.—The C has a longer ending in G.2 D o m . Sol. Sarum has probably lost
some notes.
P. 59.—Reg. and T h o m . agree with Sarum in ascribing this C. to the fourth
mode: Sol. and Dom. differ not a little from one another, but agree in having all
but the last two words a fifth higher, and then descending so as to end in the seventh
mode. Berno & Guido ascribe it to thefirstmode.
P. 60.—This-C. in Sol. is in the main a note lower and in thefifthmode; so Berno
Reg. & Guido ; but D o m . agrees with Sarum.
P. 61.—This C. in Sol. is quite different and ends in the third mode. In D o m .
(cp. G.2) it is much the same as here, mainly a fifth higher, but descending to end in
the seventh mode (cp. Berno): in Reg. it is ascribed to the fifth mode, in T h o m to
the fourth. T h e words also differ. The I. differs from Sol., which incorporates the words
"rex meus et deus m e u s " into the Office, and has for ps. " Quoniam ad te orabo."
P. 63.—The C. is quite different in Sol. (cp. Reg. Berno G.2) and in the eighth
mode, but D o m . agrees with Sarum.
P. 6 4 . — T o the I. Sol. adds " Auribus percipe verba oris mei: " not D o m . or G2.
P. 65.—The G. " E x u r g e " — a s also " Speciosus forma" (above, p. xxxviii), which is
the same melody—has in Sarum books gone through a curious change. It is really a
third mode melody transposed a note lower, but with only one b in the signature: the
result is, that when an e occurs on " nomen," " diebus" and " eorum," the faultiness of
the transposition becomes clear and there follows a relapse into the normal pitch. Sol.
avoids f at the point altogether. Similarly in line 1 of p. 66, where the C clef
appears, there is a relapse into the normal pitch, in this case appearing soon enough
to evade the e which would have come but for the relapse. Herm. mainly agrees with
Sol., but D o m . is different and more like Sarum.
P. 67.—The ¥ of the G. " Beata" ends wrongly (cp. pp. 161, 234); but on
the other hand at p. 161 the G. itself is curtailed.
P. 6 8 . — O differs much from Sol. and D o m . in words and melody ; they both
end in the sixth mode; G. ends "adversantes mihi" without the closing words.
P. 70.— L. 3: " Quadrianus" by mistake for " quadriduanus." Last line: In the
space over the erasure Sol. has an additional torculus g.a.g. (cp. D o m . G 2 .).
P. 72.—The words of O. differ. Miss, has " ut vivam" instead of " vitam:"
He. "vivam."
P- 73-—The G. " Deus exaudi" should probably end as the ¥ does ; in that
case some notes have been lost. He. is incomplete. The ¥ is all transposed a
note lower as far as the word "judica," but with only one b in the signature;
from that point onward it is the counterpart of the G. from " cc verba". . . ; the
occurrence just before of the note e reveals the faultiness of the transposition and

makes a return to the original pitch imperative (cp. the notes to pp. 56, 65) ; but
both these points seem regular Sarum peculiarities.

P. 74-—The closing words of the O. are "orationem pauperum" in Miss.

In the second line of the C. the F clef is put by mistake for the C clef.

P. 75.—The end of the ¥ of the G. is given on the lower margin : the full ending
is not given, but enough to shew that the ¥ ends in the same way as the last three
words of the G.
P. 76.—The porrectus on "eius" in the ¥ of the G. is repeated in Sol.

P. 77-—Sol. and G.2 have not "deus m e u s " words or music in the ¥ of the G.
but D o m . has them as also He. T h e C. has two words repeated by mistake.
P. 7^-—Under the long series of repeated groups on the word " ab " of O. the
M S . B. has " Idem Offertorium in choro Sarum discantari solet." T h e series is' curtailed
in Sol. (p. 526).
P. 82.—L. 2 : " Curribus " by mistake for "turribus."
P. 88.—Gr. has here notation for the Passion.
P. 8 9 . — T h e I. Judica in Sol. is all a fifth lower till the last word, when it varies
from Sarum and ends in the fourth mode on e (cp. Berno, Reg., and Dom.) but Guido
agrees with Sarum.
P. 9 0 . — T h e O. in Sol. ends in the third mode. Should there be the F clef inserted
on the second line from the top after the porrectus on the word "meus," this would bring
the Sarum version into agreement. But D o m . rises to C after the porrectus as here
(cp. G. ), though it afterwards falls again, and ends as Sol. though ascribed to the fourth

P. 91.—The ending of the O. varies in Sol. & D o m . : neither have the word
"domine," and Sol. ends the music on the d half-way through the syllable "afomine."
G.2 is like Sarum.
P. 93-—Sol. and D o m . incorporate with the O. the ¥ " N e avertas," which survives
as ¥ in many Sarum books.

P. 95.—L. 8: O Redemptor is given in full in Gr. A. B, L. 1., and so are the Anti-
phons of Evensong below in Gr. D. N . A. B. L. 1.

P. 102.—The A. " Crucem tuam " should have ps. " D e u s misereatur;" so Proc. D.
L. A. N. There is a mistake in the music of the last line of "Crux fidelis." It should
end exactly as the former line does.
P. 103.—L. 10: In Proc. a ¥ begins at " aperto ergo" and this ¥ is repeated after
the ¥ " O admirabile."
P. 104. — L. 13: N . L. D. havefirstR " Estimatus s u m " with music : the others are
given in full in D.

P. 113.—Miss, and Proc. omit "S. Paule " in the first column and insert
" S. Johannes Baptista," " O m n e s Sancti Patriarchae et Prophetae."
Pp. 116, 117.—A leaf (VI. 1.) is wanting, see pi. K for the Easter I.
P. 118.—The later Sarum books have the Sequences of Easter week thus:—
M o n . " Z y m a vetus;" Tu. " Prome casta;" W e d . " Concinat orbis ;" Thurs. "Die
nobis;" Fri. " Victimae paschali;" Sat. " M a n e prima." The alterations are no doubt
due to the adoption for Monday of the recently composed " Z y m a vetus" of A d a m
of St. Victor; but it was the Friday Sequence that was ousted, the four preceding
ones were merely thrown a day later.
P. 120.—In the C. Miss, has " dextera dei sedens " instead of "gloria dei patris."
For the I. this ps. is found in no other M S .
P. 121.—In the A. the C clef should be altered to the top line before the last
eight notes at the end of the last line but one (see the repeat overleaf).
P. 122.—The O. is first mode transposed: in Sol. it is not transposed, and all the
passage here under the b signature is relatively a note lower than in Sol. D o m =Sol
except at the close where it ends in the fourth mode.
P- 123.—The I. in Sol ends in the seventh mode (cp. D o m . T h o m . ) , but Reg.
agrees with Sarum.
P. 124.—In the I. note the f to call attention to the omission of " infantes."
P. 136.—Last line: Other Sarum books have Alleluia Regnabit Dominus (pi. K ) .
Pp. 136, 137.—A leaf (VI. 12) is missing here; its place is supplied by plates K,L,M.
P. 139.—The I. is longer in Sol. (not.Dom. or G.2) and ends in the third mode; so
Berno and Guido, but D o m . Reg. agree with Sarum.

T h e Sequence in later Sarum books is " L u x jocunda" of A d a m of St. Victor, which

had not at this date found its way into the Sarum Gradual.

Pp. 140, 141.—A leaf (VII. 3) is missing here, see plates a, b, c. T h e last three
syllables of the C. " a m s u a m " are not included.

P. 141.—The G G . and O O . of Trinitytide have almost all occurred before: notes

on them are not repeated here, but must be looked for above.

P. 142.—The jubilus on " m e " at the end of G. is curtailed here (cp. p. 53).

P. 144.—Sol. has a different version of the C.; thefirstthree words have the music
a fifth lower: then after a little hesitation on the word "exaudisti" the rest of the music is
a fourth lower than here, thus ending in the eighth mode (cp. Berno) : D o m . agrees
with Sarum but is not transposed.

T h e G. of this Sunday and the next Sunday have probably been interchanged by
mistake: not a single other M S . favours this order (cp. a similar transposition, Trin.14
and Trin.15 which has, however, more to support it).

P. 147.—The C. in Dom. (not Sol. Guido) is in the main a fourth lower than
Sol., so belonging to the eighth mode (cp. Berno T h o m ) : Reg. ascribes it to the second
p. JJ4.—The end of the G. must be incomplete: the ¥ shews it to belong to the
seventh mode. Sol. agrees with the M S . Dom. ends in the seventh mode, though it
ends the ¥ differently.
P. 155.—The C. in Dom. varies considerably and is in thefirstmode (cp, Guido).
Reg. ascribes it to the third mode. Sol. is as Sarum, but not transposed.
Pp. 157, 158.—For the G G . see note to p. 144.
P. 161.—The Epistle and Gospel of Trin.17 iv. = Trin.23 iv.
P. 162.—To the A. Miss, and Gr. A. 1. add a second ¥ Stantes.
P. 164.—For the C see note to p. 60.
Pp. 166,167.—A leaf (VIII. 5) is missing (see plates d, e, f).
P. 167.—Sol. adds to O. a repeat of thefirstsix words: this is not in D o m or G.2
P. 173.—The C. in Dom. is mainly a fifth lower and differs on the last word, ending
in the second mode (cp. T h o m . ) . Reg. ascribes it to thefifthmode.
P. 175.—The Tr. should be " Quam dilecta." The Sq. " Quam dilecta" in the later
books is assigned to the Octave Day; another, " Laetabundus," is added for the Sunday
in the Octave, and two additional Alleluias. The O. is here curtailed: it is in the sixth
mode, and should repeat the two opening words (cp. G.2). Sol. has " Alleluia" instead,
and Dom. adds the notes to the word " voluntatem."
P. 176—Gr. L. A. B. 1. add the Reconciliation of a Church = Egbert's Pontifical
(Surtees Soc, vol. xxvii., p. 57).
Pp. 176 177.—The leaves (VIII. 11, 12) on which the Sanctorale began are wanting.
The special pieces of St. Andrew and St. Thomas are supplied by plates g, h. The
other festivals which are missing had Masses drawn entirely from the Commune except
the Sequences.
P. 177.—L. 1: For the rest of this rubric see Miss. col. 675. LI. 13, 14: Gr. by
mistake interchanges the Gradual and Offertory. L. 14: St. Sulpicius comes in here in
later books. L. 17: This is usually given after the Commune. L. 21 : Add St. Wulstan.
L. 27 : Gr. omits Tr. Qui seminant.
P. 1 7 9 — L . 7 from bottom: Gr. has a rubric prescribing the omission of Alleluia
in L X X .
P. 180.—L. 3: "Cantata hora sexta," Gr. and some M S S .
P. 180, 181.—Two leaves (IX. 3, 4) are missing (see plates i, j, k; see note to
p. 184).
P. 181—Gr. has Tr. "Diffusa0."

P. 182.—L. 4 from bottom: The Tr. is "Diffusa" in later books (see Gr.).
P. 183.—After St. Matthias, St. David & St. Chad appear in later books, and in
Miss, only St. Patrick after SS. Perpetua and Felicitas. The G. for St. Cuthbert in Gr.
is " Ecce sacerdos."

P. 184.—Apparently in the original state of this M S . for Lady Day no Alleluia

or Sequence was provided: later the fashion set the other way. A n Alleluia and a
Sequence were provided, and the Tract dropped out and was only said privately:
accordingly in later Graduals we find no Tract (or only a cue) but a rubric directing that
the Sequence should always be sung even in X L . In Miss, the Tr. is given. The case
was similar at Candlemas (see above, pi. K.) but with two differences: (i) there was
always an Alleluia and Sequence provided since the festival was constantly outside L X X . ;
(ii) the Tr. disappeared entirely out of the later Sarum Graduals. L. 10. : Notice the
mention of Sarum use. L. 12 : After Lady Day St. Richard appears in later books.
P. 185. — L . 2: Other Sarum books give the O. " Repleti" here and not in the
P. 186.—L. 10 : After St. John Portlatin St. John of Beverley appears in later books.
L. 11: Gr. and Miss, have Alleluia " Sancti tui." L. 13: Other • Sarum books have
the "Ecce oculi" in full here and not in the Commune. L. 17 : Gr. and Miss, have
Alleluia " Posui adjutorium:" and vice versa p. 187, 1. 2.
P. 187.—L. 10: Gr. and Miss, have a quite different Mass for St. Boniface. I. "Sancti
tui." G. " Clamaverunt." A. "Sancti tui." O. " Confitebuntur." C. " Gaudete ;" substi-
tuting a Mass of many Martyrs for that of a Confessor. L. 15 : St. Edmund's Translation
takes the place of SS. Primus and Felician in later books; Gr. has I. "Gaudeamus" in
full, and the Martinmas Alleluia and Verse with a change of name. L. 27 : In later books
the Translation of St. Richard displaces SS. Ciric and Julitta. LI. 32, 33 : Other Sarum
books have the C. " A m e n dico" and the I. " Loquetur" in full here and not in the

P. 188.—L. 1 : Gr. and Miss, have C. "Qui vult venire."

Pp. 188, 189.—A leaf (IX. 9) is wanting (see plates 1, m, n, o). The second Mass
of St. J. Bapt, which has generally disappeared, has survived in He.
P. 190.—L. 6: The Visitation B. V. M. appears here in later books. L. 11 : Gr. and
Miss, have C " Anima nostra." L. 12: Gr. and Miss, have Epistle Ecce sacerdos.
L. 16: The Translation of St. Thomas and Feast of Relics appear here in later books.
L. 7 from the bottom : The C. Quicunque fecerit is given in other Sarum books at this
point; it is reproduced on plate p. L. 2 from the bottom : The Translation of St. Osmund
appears here in later books, and its Octave before the Vigil of St. James, p. 191.
P. 191— L. 3 from below: St Anne appears here in later books.

P. 192.—L. 3: Gr. and Miss, have C. " Fidelis servus." Miss, adds a Mass of
St. Pantaleon "contra febrem." L. 6: Gr. and Miss, have O. Exultabunt. . L. 7 from
bottom : The Transfiguration and Holy N a m e appear here in later books.
P. 193.—L. 1: This C. in Reg. Bern, is ascribed to thefifthmode. For the Alleluia
later books prescribe " Levita Laurentius " (p. 194).
P. 194.—The G. ends wrongly: it should have the regular ending as on,-e.g., p. 6.
Pp. 194, 195.—A leaf (X. 1) is wanting (see plates q, r, s). At the end of plate s
six notes fga cag are required to lead up to the regularfifthmode Verse-ending No. 1
(see above, p. xxxvi). PI. v : The G should end in thefirstmode.
P. 196.—L. 3: "Veritate" is a mistake for "virtute." L. 3: Most Sarum books give
the I. and C. of St. Sabina in full here and not in the C o m m u n e , and the same applies
to the C. of SS. Felix and Adauctus at 1. 17 (see plate t). L. 17: St. Cuthburga
appears here in later books. L. 18: Gr. and Miss, have Collect, " D e u s qui hodierna."
L. 24: Later books have Vig. Nat. = Vig. Assumpt.
Pp. 196, 197.—A leaf (X. 3) is wanting. -The missing music of the Nat. B.V.M.
and Michaelmas is supplied by plates t, u v, except the end of the I. "ejus" fgfe e
and the ps. " Benedic anima" to the third Tone. T h e other festivals all drew upon the
C o m m u n e , except the Exaltation of the Cross, which had I.A.O. and C , as at the
Invention of the Cross, with the G. of Maundy Thursday and the Sequence " Laudes
Crucis.*' The Festivals of SS. Edith, Thecla, Firmin, Cyprian, and Justina are probably
of later date than this M S .
P. 198.—L. 6: The name of St. Vedast has been erased. L. 18: Notice "Justi
ep." is a correction in a later hand. L. 21 : Gr. and Miss, have Alleluia " Fulgebunt."
L. 22: T h e Translation of St. Edward the Confessor appears here in later books.
L. 24: Gr. has Alleluia "Justus germinabit," but Miss. "Elegit."
P. 199.—L. 4: St. Etheldreda and 1. 8 St. Frideswide appear in later books.
L. 15: "Si coram" is a mistake for " Et si coram."
P. 200.—L. 1: The " Commemoratio omnium fidelium defunctorum " and
St. Winifred appear here in a later book. L. 3: Gr. adds another Gospel, " C u m audi
eritis" at the end of St. Leonard. L. 14: Notice " H o m o quidam" is a correction in a
later hand. L. 15: Gr has "Martini" by mistake for " Machuti." L. 17: In later
books St. Edmund, Abp. displaced St. Anianus, and St. H u g h was added. L. 3 from
bottom. In all other Sarum books the C. " Confundantur" is given in- full here and
not in the C o m m u n e .
Pp. 202, 2 0 3 , — A leaf (X. 7) is wanting (see plates w, x, y, z).
P. 203.—The Gospel, " H o c est pre," is not in Gr. Miss.
P. 205.—The I. "Justus ut palma" has had an erasure at the end, and the result is
that it now has the closing phrase twice over by mistake.

P. 206.—L. 1. T h e last three collects are not here in Gr. Miss.

P. 208.—The Tr. " Desiderium" in D and in some English books has the first word
a note higher (cp. W ) .
P. 209.—The O. " Repleti" is not in the C o m m u n e in other Sarum books, but at
St. Vitalis.
P. 212.—These three last II. are not in the C o m m u n e in other Sarum books, but in
the Sanctorale for S S . John and Paul: SS. Gervasius and P.: SS. Nereus etc.,
respectively. The G. differs in Sol., which puts the melody of sanely on the word
"suis," and adds a long jubilus on " mirabi/zV."
P. 213.—The ¥ "Juxta" ends differently in Sol : it has no b, and ends in the
eighth mode like the G. (For Sarum cp. pi. f.) The ¥ " Inquirentes" should end as
the G., and so should the ¥ "Mandavit" on p. 15.
P. 216.—The A. "Laudate pueri" and the three following are not in any other
Sarum book in the Commune. The first occurs earlier at p. 123, but those without
music do not come anywhere in any Sarum book ; the last is used for Innoc. by
Nov. : the others are unknown so far, except here.
P. 218.—O. "Repleti" (see note to p. 209).
P. 219.—C. "Justorum." The first two words are a note lower in Sol. The
C. " A m e n dico," and the following C. " Quod dico" are not generally placed in
the C o m m u n e , but occur at St. Hippolytus, SS. Felix and Adauctus respectively.
P. 221.—The ¥ "Nihil proficiet" ends as the G.
P. 223.—O. Inveni David. The C clef should take the place of the F clef at the
beginning of this O. and continue for the two next lines (cf L.A., etc).
P. 226.—The I. " Cognovi" is generally given not in the C o m m u n e , but at
St. Sabina.
P. 227.— L. 5: T h e ¥ is the same as that of the preceding G.
P. 230.—The C. Principes is generally given, not in the Commune, but at
St. Sabina, and C. Confundantur similarly at St. Cecilia. T h e former is in Sol. only
in a curtailed form, ending at " spolia multa."
P. 233—Later books insert an O., O pie, for All Souls' Day. Gr. has confused the
C C . making three out of two and their respective ¥¥. They are right as they stand
P. 234.—In the A., Veni Sancte Spiritus, two notes before the torculus in the
jubilus of Alleluia the C. clef should be put upon the top line (cp. p. 138).


P- i-—The Advent procession is missing. It consists of the special A. 'Missus est,

and the ninth Respond at Mattins of the Sunday, ending with the Lauds ¥ and R and
the Sunday Collect.
P- ^4-—The Christmas procession is also missing—two Breviary Responds are used
for it, the first with its Prose.
P. 15-—Gives directions for the four following days—everything comes from the
P. 18.—The procession is as on Christmas Day, but here two alternative Responds
are given which are not in Proc. That of the Circumcision and of Epiphany are wanting :
all is taken from the Antiphonal (cp. p. 19).
P. 19.—Last line: T h e normal Sunday procession as here given differs from that in
Proc. in giving alternatives for the Collect. T h e R is from Ep.2 Mattins, but J gives
¥ Tanquam. These Antiphons of Our Lady were not part of the Breviary services
proper, but were sung after Compline and so found a place in the Antiphonal.
P. 24.—The A. " Ecce carissimi" is peculiar to the Processional, and it would be
natural to have it given here in full, but possibly at the date of this M S . it was included
in the Breviary Offices.
P. 26.—In Proc the ninth R, " Benedicens ergo," takes the place of the one given
here, Volens Noe, which is the eighth in the later Sarum Mattins: possibly it was not
so at the time to which our M S . belongs, as it is unusual to use any but the third, sixth,
or ninth Responds at procession. J gives both.
P. 27.—Similarly in Proc. the ninth R, " Tentavit deus," takes the place of
" Revertenti Abraham," which is the second R, in the later Breviary. J gives both.
P- 29.—J Proc. and Gr. give four Collects more than are given here: for the
Antiphons see the notes given above. The Responds are from Mattins of L X X . and
P- 34-—The A., " C u m venerimus," is peculiar- to the Processional: the R is the
ninth of the Sunday (cp. p. 47).
P- 3 7 - — T h e Responds are from Ep.1 and X L '; but " Afflicti " is not in use at
Ep.1 in the later Breviary ; Proc. has for Collect " Preces nostras quaesumus Domine."
P- 54'—The A. " In die," is peculiar to the Processional ; the ninth R of the
Sunday is used with it here and at p. 63.
P. 71.—Both Responds are from the Antiphonal.
P. 78.—The first two Ants, are from the Little Hours of the Sunday: the next
five are all peculiar to the Processional, as is the Versus, " E n rex," which in two

editions of the Processional is combined with a "prophetia," or lesson from Isaiah.

The A., " Dignus es" is peculiar; so is all that follows, except the next A. and two
Responds (which are from the Breviary) and " Ingrediente" (which is there, though not
in use). T h e procession ends with the Respond of Passion Sunday.
P- 93-—All is -peculiar except that (i.) at the washing of Altars the Mattins
Responds are used with the Respond of Passion Sunday ; (ii) the A., In diebus illis,
at the Maundy is used with Magnificat on St. Mary Magdalene's Day.
P. 96.—Miss, and Proc. have ps. " D e u s misereatur" with the first Antiphon and
" Beati immaculati " not there but with the fourth. Proc. inserts another A., " Si ego
dominus," before "Ante diem festum."
P. 104.—L. 13 : These are from Mattins (see note above on p. xii). The Easter
Eve services are all peculiar.
P. 116.—The rest of the Easter procession is missing: the cues of the two Anti-
phons which are peculiar to it recur on p. 124, and one again on p. 126.
P. 125.—The A., " E g o sum," is peculiar: the words " fel dederunt . . . lanceam"
are not in Proc.
P. 131.—The Rogation procession is all peculiar: the ps. in the last line should
be " Deus misereatur " (cp. J).
P. 132.—L. 3 : These Antiphons (the fourth should be " Inundaverunt") have
psalms in Proc. and here as in some other processions there is preserved the original
method of singing the Psalms with Antiphons, viz., repeating the Antiphon after each
P. 133.—" In redeundo," Proc. gives this for the Vig. Asc. only, and does not
mention four of the Litanies prescribed here, viz., " Rex Kyrieleyson " (but see J),
"Aufer a nobis," and the two St. Gall metrical Litanies, " Humili prece" of Hartmann
and " Ardua spes " of Ratpert (see Gautier Histoire de la Poesie Liturgique au Moyen
Age: Les Tropes, pp 26, 27 [Paris, 1886]; also a Tynmouth Processional Bodleian
M S . , Laud Misc. 4, and a St Osyth Processional Laud Misc. 329).
P. 134.—Proc. gives three more couplets of the "Salve festa dies:" the two
Responds are from the Antiphonal.
Pp. 136, 140.—The Whitsuntide and Trinity processions are missing here & in J.
P. 141.—L. 5 : T w o of the Antiphons, " O gloriosa" and " Sancta Maria," are not
mentioned in Proc. here, but see J and Proc. p. 171.
P- 173.—The Respond is from the Antiphonal.
P. 179.—Proc. has this general direction, p. 138.
P. 180 and Plates i, j.—These Antiphons are peculiar: the R is taken from the
Pp. 188, 196, 199.—All is taken from the Antiphonal.


The various Sarum Graduals agree in the main in the contents of the Ordinary. All
have the same selection of farsed Kyries, but b gives the Kyrie without words after the
farsing line by line, no doubt because in early times each petition was sung twice over,
without the farsing as well as with it: cp. the method of singing the proses of the
Responds at Mattins or processions.

PI. it— T h e first plain Kyrie is known as Rex clemens, and is so entitled in A.

PI. 8^-b has no " Kyrie deus sempiterne," but has " Omnipotens" here ; and in
other respects this M S . and A.N.B. 1: vary in their selection of plain Kyries; some
have more and some less than are here.

PI. i r^—b has a farsing to this Gloria, viz. " R e g n u m tuum solidum," which is
common in early Graduals, but there is pitched a fifth too high (cp. IV. Eth., Cat.
Corp), but Dub. has it to the second Gloria in Excelsis on pi. 12, and at the right
T h e rest of the Ordinary is in the main the same : but H e . gives only the cues of
Gloria in Excelsis; N . is not so full as this; in M S . Add. 12,194 au* is wanting except the
Sanctuses and Agnuses; on the other hand A. has two extra Agnuses and B. an extra

THE following Index serves a double purpose. It is an analysis of the contents
of the facsimile Gradual to which it is prefixed and refers to its pages. It is also
a general index to the contents of all the M S S . cited below, so far as they have to do
with the Gregorian music of the Mass, inasmuch as it catalogues everything in them
which differs from the facsimile Gradual and with each item gives a reference to the
occasion or occasions of its use.1

With the Offices and Communions are given the Psalms or substitutes for psalms
found in connexion with them, and with the Graduals and Offertories their Verse or
Verses. Every biblical reference remains in force until contradicted by another or by a ? :
where no book of the Bible is specified the reference is to T h e Psalms.
T h e roman numeral prefixed to an entry indicates the M o d e to which the music
belongs. W h e r e different words are adapted to a single melody or type of melody an
attempt has been made to call attention to the fact by placing a small letter against
this numeral so as to connect together all pieces of the same type : e.g. in the Alleluias,
VII Ia stands against all those of the type " Haec dies:" in the Graduals, I Ia stands against
all those of the type "Justus ut palma." But the degree of similarity so indicated varies
considerably: in Alleluias the similarity, is very close, in Tracts it is more general.
The symbols employed to express the M S S . will all be found explained below, and
it will be noticed that the Thomasius M S S . are expressed in a fount of type peculiar to

As to the abbreviations employed to refer to the mass in which any piece occurs
it is enough to say that a superior arabic figure represents a Sunday with the week
following it: e.g. X L 1 = thefirstSunday in Lent and in general the first week in Lent:
but if any single week day is to be specified a roman numeral is added: eg. L. iv =feria
quarta in Quinquagesima i.e. Ash Wednesday. T h e rest of the nomenclature is Latin
and will be intelligible without explanation.

It has not been thought necessary to index cues in the Sanctorale which merely
refer to the C o m m u n e but other cues are indexed and distinguished by a c: a few of

M a n y Alleluias in early M S S . are assigned not to a special day but to a season : they are therefore here
indexed merely as " Paschalis," " Pentecostalis," etc.: for even though later they were locally assigned to various
days the local uses vary to such an extent that it is useless to index them in detail. A t the same time a
synoptic table of Alleluias is by far the best test by which to discriminate between varying uses,

these occurred on pages of the M S . which are n o w lost and do not appear on the plates
provided tofillthese gaps : in their case a ? is put in place of a reference to the page
of the M S .
In Votive Masses which are not in the facsimile only such elements have been
indexed as do not occur in any other connexion.

N.B.—* Denotes "not Sarum." f Denotes "Sarum but not found in the facsimile."



Thom—Thomasius Opera t. v (ed. Vezzosi Rome 1750): cp. his less complete Antiqui Libri Missarum
Romance Ecclesia ( R o m e 1691), published under the pseudonym of J M Carus. This represents
the following MSS. 1

M. Vallicellian B. viii Missal. X t h or XI t h cent. Probably from the Convent of St. Euthicius, Nursia.

O. Vallicellian C. 52. Gradual. XI t h or X H , h cent.2

A. Angelica. B. 3. 18 formerly D. 3. 6. Gradual. XI t h cent.'

R. Vatican Ottobon 2, Sacramentary. IX"1 cent. Marginal cues. In Muratori Liturgia Romana Vetus
(Venice 1748).

B Treasury of Monza Book of the Graduals. First half of the VIII th cent. Also given in full
pp. 257-266.3

Val Vallicellian D 5 Ordo Romanus XI" 1 cent.

V S o m e Vatican M S S including F. 22 (formerly 13) Gradual. XI th or XII th cent.

S Barberini r854 Gradual. X t h cent. Formerly belonged to Cardinal Sanctorius.

g M S of Cardinal Gentili Benedictine Gradual. Dated 1071 In Dominicus Georgius De Liturgia

Romani Pontifiicis iii 441 ( R o m e 1731-1744)

M.iii Barberini 326 Missal. XII th cent. Marginal cues for the Sundays in Advent only.

M.ii Vallicellian B. 23. Benedictine Missal. XII th cent. F r o m Arezzo.

M.iv. Vatican 4770. Benedictine Missal with music. XI t h cent.

Cas Monte Cassino 505 Benedictine Gradual. XI t h cent. Separate collation only pp. 289-292.

L Barberini 1863 Lyons Missal: and with it the printed edition of 1510 and the Monastic Missal of
Ainay, printed 1531.

See E. Ranke Das Kirchliche Pericopensystem p. 117 (Berlin 1847).
Facsimiles in P.M. ii pll. 33A, 10.
See Morin p. 25 note Cagin Un mot sur VAntiphonale Missarum p. ii (Solesmes 1890).
Very inadequately represented in Thomasius and now collated afresh. Ranke I.e. p. 122.

Car. Chartres Gradual. X th cent. Also separate collation, pp. 267-288. ? P.M. ii. pi. xxi

G Some St Gall M S S .

Mig Opera S. Gregorii. Migne P.L lxxxviii 637-726.'

(a) Text from Pamelius Liturgicon ii. p. 101 (Cologne 1571) represents the following MSS—

Bl ? ? Codex Blandinensis. IXth cent. From St. Peter's Abbey near Ghent.

U ?? Utrecht Sacramentary. Marginal cues.

(b) Footnotes represent the following MSS—

C Paris Bibl. Nat. 17,436 Gradual. IXth cent. From Compiegne

Th Rheims M S S 320-272 and 418-432 : (formerly Theod. 63 and 62) T w o Sacramentaries IX th cent, and
XI t h cent. Marginal cues. From St Thierry dioc. Rheims.2

CI Gradual. From Clairvaux.


The following MSS and facsimiles have been newly collated—

(a) MSS of prse-Sarum uses

TR Zurich, Fonds Rheinau 30 Gradual without music. VIIIth cent. From N. France, but formerly at
Rheinau. Only a selection of Masses. In Gerbert, Monumenta Vet. Liturg. Alemann,^. 353-408.3
(St. Blaise 1777.)

G1 St. Gall M S . 359. Gradual circ. 900. F r o m St Gall. Giaduals Alleluias and Tracts in full, the rest
cues only. Facsimile ed. Lambillotte (Paris 1851).4

G2 St. Gall M S 339. Gradual. E n d of X t h cent. From St Gall. From the facsimile in P.M. i.
(Solesmes 1889).

Leof. Oxford Bodleian Bodl. 579. Sacramentary. Early X t h cent. Marginal cues (probably later). From
Arras. In Warren The Leofric Missal (Oxford 1883).

Aq. Bodleian Misc. Liturg. 319 Sacramentary. XI t h cent. Table of cues. From the province of Aquileia.5

Bol. London Brit. M u s . Add. 14,793 Missal. XI t h cent. From Bologna. Only a selection of masses.

Ranke, p. 116 Cagin, p. 3.
See Delisle Me'moire sur danciens Sacramentaires, pp 116, 285. (Acaddmie des Inscriptions et Belles-
lettres xxxii. 1. Paris 1886.)
Ranke, p. 123 Delisle, p. 83.
\ P. M. i pi. xvi. iii pi. 108.
For a fuller description see the forthcoming publication of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society for
1893, Bibliotheca Musico-Liturgica.

Eg. Brit. M u s Egerton 857 Gradual. E n d of XI t h cent. Perhaps from Melz.1

<S>. Brit. M u s . A d d 32,247 German Gradual. E n d of XI t h cent.3

Tol Brit. Mus. Harl. 4951 Gradual XI t h cent. F r o m St. Stephen, Toulouse.3

Sed. Brit. Mus. Add. 19768 German Benedictine Troper X t h cent.

Cal. Brit. Mus. Cal. A xiv English Benedictine Troper XI t h and XII th cent.4

Eth. Bodleian Bodl. 775 Winchester Troper (called Ethelred's). E n d of the X t h cent.3a

Frei. Bodleian Selden supra 27 Troper. XI t h cent. Probably from Freisingen.7

Nov. Bodleian Douce M S 222 Troper. XI t h cent. From Novalaise.7

Corp Cambridge Corpus Christi College M S y i Winchester Troper. XI t h cent.68

Of these Leof. Cal. Eth. and Corp. form in some sense a bridge between the Antiphonale
Missarum of the IX th -XI th centuries and the Sarum Graduals of the XII[ t h -XV t h centuries.

(b) MSS of the Sarum Gradual etc

Brit. M u s . Add. 12194 is the M S which is here given in facsimile.'

b Bodleian Rawl. Liturg. d 3 Gradual. Early XIII th cent. All the Temporale up to Easter is wanting :
in the Sanctorale cues are not given, but only the music which is required in full: it has only a
few sequences (f. 68 b ): in other respects it is particularly complete.7

J Birmingham Art Gallery Missal with music. Middle of XIII th cent. Very incomplete: Advent-
Epiphany, the second half of Lent, the C o m m u n e Sanctorum are almost entirely wanting, and
other smaller bits including the Calendar are gone : ff 54, wrongly bound t h u s —
I X 4-9: IP 2 : V I 2, 4-9, 11: VII 4-9: VIII 5-8 with X I 5, 8 inserted in the middle:
V 4, 5 and 8, 9 : X 2, 4 and 9, n : III 1-3, 5 and 8, 10-12.

1 Lambeth M S 7 Gradual. Middle of XIV t h cent.7

A Brit. M u s . Add. 17001 Gradual. E n d of XIV t h cent. ff. 176. a-y3. 4 1 8 x 2 8 6 mm. 1 0

B Bodleian Hatton 3 Gradual. Early X V t h cent.7

L Brit. M u s . Lansd. 462 Gradual. Middle of the X V t h cent.5 ff. 152. a-x8. 504x351 mm. 1 0

D M S belonging to the Rev. H . G. Morse. Gradual. Middle of X V t h cent. F r o m Woodrising, Norfolk.

Only for Sundays and principal days, ff 216. a-z A-E 8 . but a.i, d.8, h 5, D.3 and 6, and
E 8 are wanting.

N Brit. M u s . Nero E viii Gradual. E n d of X V t h cent. Only for Sundays and principal days.
ff 83. a8 b 8 c6 d8 e9 f8 gs | h 8 f k 4 1 8 incomplete : also a 1, 3, 5, 8 are wanting. 431 x 332 m m .

Facsimile page in Musical Notation of the Middle Ages, pi. viii. (London 1890). P. M. iii pi. 158.
2 3
lb. pi. vii. Jb. pi. v. and P. M. ii. pi. 85.
P. M. iii pi. 180.
5 6
Musical Notation, pi. xiv. P. M. iii pi. 179.
For a fuller description see the forthcoming publication of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society
for 1893, Bibliotheca Musico-Liturgica.
See the forthcoming publication of the Henry Bradshaw Society, The Winchester Troper.
P. M. iii pi. 201. -10 p. M. iii pll. 206, 209.

(c) M S S closely related to the Sarum Gradual

He. Cambridge Univ. Libr. Kk. ii 6 Missal with music. XIIIth cent. From Hanley Castle, Worcestershire.
Very similar in character to Sarum Gradual but with affinities also to Hereford use.1

Dub Cambridge Univ. Libr. A d d 710 Dublin Troper XIIIth cent. Only Ordinariuni Missae and Sequences.1

h Brit. Mus. Harl. 3965 Hereford Gradual. XIV th cent. From St. Peter, Hereford.

IV. Brit. Mus. Royal 2 B iv Benedictine Gradual. XII* cent. From St Albans.2


Miss. Missale ad Usum Sarum. (Burntisland 1861- .)

Gr. Graduale ad U s u m Sarum. Editions of 1527 and 1532. (Bodleian Gough Missals 35 and 34.)

E. Missale ad usum Ebor. (Surtees Society voll. 59, 60.)

H. Missale ad usum Hereford (Leeds 1874.)3

W. Missale ad usum Ecclesie Westmonasteriensis i, ii. (Henry Bradshaw Society voll. 1, 5.)4

For a fuller description see the forthcoming publication of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society for
1893, Bibliotheca Musico-Liturgica.
P. M. iii. pi. 196. Musical Notation, pi. ix.
And with it a collation made by Dr. Henderson of a M S . Hereford Missal now in the possession of the
Rev. E. S. Dewick.
I a m indebted to Dr. Wickham Legg for his kindness in letting m e see the proof-sheets of vol. ii.


iv Accipite jocunditatem ? Attendite lxxviii Pent, ii 138

VII Adorate deum ' xcvi Dominus regnavit Ep. 3
VIII A d te levavi xxiv Vias tuas Adv' pi A
Ipse 1R
VII Aqua sapientiae Ecclus. xv Confitemini civ. (or cv, cvi, cxvii) Pasch. ii 119
fAlma virgo virginiim ? Juravit Dominus cxxxi Pro mul. praegn Miss
VII Audivit Dominus xxix Exaltabo L. vi 33
L. vii 34 c
VII *Ave spes nostra ? Angelorum ? Assumpt. A
Nat. B.V.M. Tol.
*Benedicet te ? Deus deorum xlix Ord. Episc A C
III Benedicite D o m i n u m cii Benedic anima mea Michael pl.v
Mich, in M . T 198=
VIIIb Benedicta sit Tobit xii Benedicamus patrem ? Trin pl.b
tSpons Miss
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas Deus misereatur Transfig. A C B
*Benedictus Dominus ? Exurgat Deus Ixvii pro iter ag M . iv
VI Cantate Domino xcvii Salvavit sibi Pasch4 129
III Caritas Dei Rom. v Domine deus salutis lxxxvii Pent, vii pi. a
Venite exultemus xciv S M V Oct. Pent S g
II Cibavit eos lxxx Exultate Pent, ii 138
tCorpus Christi
V Circumdederunt xvii Diligam LXX 24
Clamaverunt ad te vide Exclamaverunt
II Clamaverunt justi xxxiii Benedicam D o m i n u m Mrr 210
olim SS. Juvenalis Alexander & c : Marcellinus & Petrus
III Cognovi Domine cxviii Beati immaculati V 226
olim S. Sabina tSabina pl.t
III Confessio et pulchritudo xcv Cantate XL', v 40
Laur 194
Oct. Laur O
Congratulamini ? Beati immaculati cxviii fRochus Miss
"Congregate illi xlix Deus deorum Ord. Episcc A C
*Consummati L u ii Dominus regnavit xcvi Circumc. A O
V *Converte nos lxxxiv Benedixisti L. vii A M.ii
C u m clamarem vide D u m clamarem
C u m sanctificatus vide D u m sanctificatus
I D a pacem Ecclus. xxxvi Laetatus sum exxi Trin'8 i6r
Venite exultemus xciv M V
B o n u m est confiteri xci O
Dilexi quoniam cxiv O Mig
IV D e necessitatibus xxiv A d te Domine levavi XL.' vi 4i
Pent, vi G Val
I D e ventre Is. xlix B o n u m est xci J.Bapt pl.l
Audite insulae W
*Deus deus meus eripe In te Domine XL.= vii Tol


VIII Deus d u m egredereris lxvii Exurgat deus Pent, iv i39

Ascendisti in altum Tol
VIII Deus in adjutorium lxix Avertantur retrorsum XL. 2 v 51
Tiin'2 i-54
V Deus in loco lxvii Exurgat deus Trin" i5 2
IV Deus in nomine liii Quoniam alieni XL. 4 ii 64
Ipse C
Averte mala G.2 (5 G
Ecce enim deus Bl U
Auribus percipe M C a s Leof
*Deus patrum ? Benedic cii. vel ciii Pent, vi O
VI Dicit Dominus ego Jer. xxix Benedixisti lxxxiv Trin pl.e
Trin24 Trin"" 167°
D e profundis exxix T h o m Tol Rog. iv T h o m
IV Dicit Dominus Petro J o h . xxi Celi enarrant xviii Vig. Pet. & P pl.o
I Dicit Dominus sermones Domine exaudi ci
? Clemens 200
Misericordias lxxxviii W
Sic Eth Eg T G C : aliiautem MSS.,
*Dicit Dominus si quis Domine exaudi ci Clemens Th
Misericordias lxxxviii Bl
VIII Dilexisti xliv Eructavit V 225
olim de B.V.M. in Oct. Nat. SS Lucia Potentiana Matron a W
*Dirige m e Domine xxiv A d te Domine XL 2 A Cas
III Dispersit dedit cxi Beatus vir qui timet Vig. Laur 193
* Domine Deus Israel ? Beati omnes exxvii Spons A
V Domine in tua xii Usquequo Trin1 141
VIII Domine ne longe xxi Deus deus meus XL 86
V Domine refugium lxxxix Priusquam montes XL.' iii 38
Trin24 M.iv
II Dominus dixit ii Quare fremuerunt Nat (i) 13
Postula a m e W Vig. Ep A Bl U
II Dominus fortitudo xxvii A d te Domine Trin6 146
11 Dominus illuminatio xxvi Si consistant Trin 144
U n a m petii Aq L.vii g
I Dominus secus mare Mat. iv Celi enarrant xviii Vig. Andr P'-g
At illi continuo M a t iv W pro def M
*Donet vobis T e decet
III D u m clamarem lv Exaudi Deus L. v 32
Trin'0 151
L. vii Cas Leof
VIII D u m medium Sap. xviii Dominus reg. dec. xcii Nat' 18
Qui regis lxxix W Vig. Ep M M.ii.
III D u m sanctificatus Ezech.xxxvi Benedicam D o m i n u m xxxiii XL.4 iv 66
Attendite lxxvii O C a s tReconcil. Eccl
Et faciam in praeceptum Tol XL. 3 S Ordo 7
Confitemini civ
IP Ecce advenit Malach. iii Deus judicium Ixxi Ep. pl.j
Trin. 9 J
V Ecce deus liii Deus in nomine S°
*Ecce lignum cruris ? Deus misereatur Inv. Cruc. W


III Ecce oculi xxxii Exultate ( T h o m Gaudete) justi Mrr 212

Benedicam D o m i n u m xxxiii C t SS Nereus Achilles &
IV Eduxit Dominus civ Confitemini Domino quoniam cv velcvi Pasch. vii 123
vel Confitemini Domino et invoc. civ
IV Eduxit eos Ixxvii Attendite Pasch. vi 122
Et induxit eos Tol
I Ego autem cum xvi Exaudi Domine X L . 2 vi 52
I Ego autem in xxx In te Domine speravi XL. 3 iv 58
III E g o autem sicut li Quid gloriaris Vig. A p • 202
olim S. Jo. Ev. (i)
III Ego clamavi xvi Exaudi Domine XL. 3 iii 57
L. vii M .iv
tEgo sum Azarias Tob xii Benedicite D o m i n u m Raphael Miss
*Egredere Domine ? Exurgat deus lxvii pro iter ag A
tEgregie martyr ? Benedicam D o m i n u m xxxiii Sebastian Miss
III *Elegit ? Exaudiat xix Pont A C
V I Esto mihi xxx In te Domine L 27
X L . vii Aq.
I Etenim sederunt cxviii Beati immaculati Steph. IS
V Exaudi deus liv Contristatus sum XL. 4 iii 65
IV Exaudi Domine...adjutorxxvi Dominus illuminatio Trin.5 145
I Exaudi Domine Tibi xxvi Dominus illuminatio Asc 1 136
Rog. iii Thom
Mens, quarti iv & vi
IV Exaudivit xvii Diligam Rog. ii 132
Litania major
I Exclamaverunt ? Exultate justi xxxii Phil. & Jac 185
II E x ore infantium viii Domine Dominus noster Innoc. 17
VII Expecta D o m i n u m xxvi Dominus illuminatio XL. S iii 73
I Exurge quare xlviii Deus auribus LX 26
V I Exultate Deo lxxx Testimonium in Joseph Mens. sept. iv 168
Cibavit eos H h M.iv Trin18 Aq
Audi populus W
Ego enim sum H e E Leof.
Ipse Eg.
Attendite Ixxvii H (Dewick M S )
II Fac m e c u m lxxxv Inclina XL. 3 vi.
Pent, vi M
I Factus est Dominus xvii Diligam Trin2
I Gaudeamus ? Eructavit xliv Assumpt.
Exaudi lxiii Agatha
Exultate justi xxxii Mary M a g d
Gaudent angeli. ? Miss tVisit.B.V.M. N.
Domine in virtute W Nativ.B.V.M
Immaculatus Dominus W O m n e s SS
tTransl. T h o m
f E d m : archiep
fEdw. Conf.


I Gaudeamus—continued. tv Vulnera Miss

fGenoveva Miss
tAntonius Miss
t Gabriel Miss
tPresent.B.V.M. Miss
Dionysius & c Corp
Justus Corp
tGaudeant omnes ? Gaudeant angeli Gabriel Miss
I Gaudete in Domino Phil, iv Et pax Dei Adv3
Benedixisti lxxxiv °|R T h o m C a r E g & c
Cantate i. xcv G 2
VII Gloria et honore viii Domine Dominus noster Mr
olim SS. Basilides: Gorgonius.
VI Hodie scietis Exod. xvi Domini est terra xxii. Vig. Nat
III fHumiliavit Phil ii Misericordias lxxxviii v Vulnera Miss
I Inclina Domine lxxxv Lastifica Trin's
Custodi animam Thom
*In columbse specie Mat. iii Deus judicium lxxi Oct. Ep. A
III In deo laudabo 3
lv Miserere XL. ii
VIII In excelso throno ? Jubilate deo xcix Ep.'
Jubilate deo lxv Mig G fTransfig.
Ep 2 g
I *Ingressus Gabriel Lu. i Benedixisti lxxxiv Annunc.B.V.M. A
I *Initio tu Domine ei Domine exaudi X L S vii A
VI In medio ecclesiae Ecclus. xv Jocunditatem J. Ev(2.)
B o n u m est xci passim J. PortLat
Evang W
III In nomine Domini Phil, ii Domine exaudi ci. XL.6 iv
Inv. Cruc. A
VIII fin nomine Jesu Phil, ii Laudate cxlvi Nomen Jesu N Miss
IV Intret in conspectu Ixxviii Deus venerunt Mrr
olim SS Abdon & Senne: Cyrinus Sec : iv Coronati: Fab. & Seb
III Intret oratio lxxxvii Domine Deus salutis XL.' vii
Pent, vii G ' G M O
VIII Introduxit vos Exod. xiii Confitemini cxvii Pasch. ii
VHP In virtute tua Quoniam praevenisti Mr
Vitam petiit Bl U T h
Domine in virtute A C M C Tol
Magna est gloria Aq G
olim SS Valent Theod: Decoll. JBapt
Vlll b Invocavit m e Qui habitat XL'
Vig. Pont. A C
IV In voluntate Esth. xiii Beati immaculati cxviii Trin21
*Jesus autem c u m Mat. iv B o n u m est confiteri xci Decoll J. Bapt Tol
*Johannes autem c u m Mat. xi Respondens autem Jesus Decoll J. Bapt W .
VIII Jubilate deo lxv Dicite deo Pasch3
Canticum ? G 2
VII Judica Domine xxxiv Effunde frameam XL.6 ii
Ipse 1R


IV Judica m e xiii Emitte lucem XL 5

Ipse 1R XL.5 vii G ©
Quare m e G M G 2 0 Eth
Introibo Tol
VII Judicant sancti Sap. iii Exultate (Gaudete T h o m ) justi xxxiii Mrr
olim S S Processus & M a r t : Protus & H y a c Vig. Om. SS C T h o m
VI Justi epulentur lxvii Exurgat Mrr
oli m SS Hippolytus & Soc.
I Justus es Domine cxviii Beati immaculati Trin 17
I Justus non conturbabitur xxxvi Noli emulari Mr
Dlim S Hermes.
I Justus ut palma xci B o n u m est Mr
olim S J Bapt (2): S Steph. Papa. : S. Tiburtius. Cf. & Ab W
VIII Laetabitur Justus lxiii Exaudi Deus lxiii Mr

Beati quorum xxxi Bl U Thom. Cant. E

olim SS Vine : Agap.: Hadr. : Nicom.: Chrysog.
V Lsetare Hierusalem Is. lxxxvi Laetatus sum exx XL 4
VII Laetemur omnes ? D e illustratione ? Conv. P

Domine probasti exxxviii. A M M.ii

Vas electionis Tol
II Laetetur cor civ Confitemini XL.4v
mens. sept, vi
Pent, vi O
I Laudate pueri cxii Sit nomen Septem Fratres

Mrr W
I Lex Domini xviii Caeli enarrant XL. 2 vii
Pent, iv S
III Liberator meus xvii
Diligam te XL. 5 iv
Eripe m e exxxix 1R XL. 5 vii M S
V Loquebar cxviii Beati immaculati V
olim S S Prisca : Praxedis : Caecilia.
III Loquetur Dominus lxxxiv Benedixisti Mrr
tGerv. & Prot.
VIII Lux fulgebit Is. ix Dominus regnavit xcii Nat (2)
Vig. Ep.
I Meditatio cordis xviii Caeli enarrant XL. 4 vi
II M e expectaverunt cxviii Beati immaculati
olim S Agnes : (ita H e )
I Memento nostri cv Peccavimus Adv 4
Confitemini T h o m C a s
Tol Aq G 2 E IV & c
II Mihi autem exxxviii Domine probasti Ap
Pro patribus Tol V
olim SS. A n d r ; Sim & J.
VIII Miserere . ad te lxxxv Inclina Trin"6
Ill Miserere . conculc: lv Conculcaverunt XL. 5 ii
A b altitudine Leof
V Miserere . trib xxx In te Domine speravi XL.5 vi
X L . 5 vii


I Misereris omnium Sap. xi Miserere mei lvi L. iv

IV Misericordia Domini xxxii Exultate [gaudete g] justi Pasch2
Vig. Asc A
II Multas tribulationes xxxiii Benedicam Mrr
tjoh. & P
*Narrabo nomen xxi Deus deus meus Vig. Asc A 1R
VII N e derelinquas xxxvii Domine ne in furore XL.2 iv
Domine ne in ira T h o m
VII Ne timeas Lu. i Domine in virtute xx Vig. J.Bapt
Domine Dominus noster viii M g
IV Nos autem Gal. vi Deus misereatur lxvii XL.6 iii
Exurgat Deus S M CenaD
Inv. Cruc
Exalt. Cruc
C o m m e m Cruc
III Nunc scio Act. xii Et Petrus Pet. & P

Domine prob exxxviii Thom Mig Vine. P

Caeli enarrant xviii M
Et exeuntes W
VII Oculi mei xxiv A d te Domine levavi XL 3
VI O m n e s gentes xlvi Subjecit populum Trin7
Quoniam Deus A O M.iv Vig. Asc
Rog. ii M.iv
Trin22 O
Trin23 G' G 2
Trin24 M
Ep 4 1R
III Omnia quae fecisti Dan. iii Magnus Dominus xlvii XL.5 v
Beati immac cxviii. A W Mig Eth G 2 Trin20
Peccavimus inique cv W Rog. ii Thom
Domine ne memineris lxxviii T h o m Cena D T h o m
IV Omnis terra lxv Jubilate Ep2
Ep 1 g
Vig. Transfig M.iv
VI Os justi xxxvi Noli emulari Evang.
olim S Matthaeus. SS Felix : Eusebius : Mennas Conf. & Ab.
VII Populus Sion ? Qui regis lxxix Adv2
Jubilate lxv vel xcix W IV
VHP Probasti Domine xvi Exaudi Oct. Laur
Mr W
IV Prope esto cxviii Beati immaculati Mens. dec. v
IV Protector noster lxxxiii Q u a m dilecta ( T h o m Leof amabilia) Trin'4
VII Protexisti m e lxiii Exaudi Mr
olim SS. Georgius Vitalis.
VII Puer natus Is. ix Cantate Domino xcvii Nat (3)
Multiplicabitur H W Circumc
VI Quasi modo geniti I Pet. ii Exultate deo lxxx Pasch1
Cibavit lxxx Tol
Testimonium lxxx Tol
*Qui cognoscis omnia ? Domine exaudi ci pro pecc A C
IV tRecordare Domine ? Qui regis lxxix pro mortalitate Miss


II Redime m e xxv Judica m e X L 2 , ii

Cena D Thom
IV Reminiscere xxiv Ad te Domine levavi XL', iv
XL 2
Pent, iv' G
III Repleatur os lxx In te Domine speravi Pent, vi
Pent, v O Eg
VI Requiem eternam ? Te decet lxv Mort
VII Respice D o m i n e lxxiii Utquid deus Trin'3
VI Respice in m e xxiv A d te D o m i n e Trin3
IV Resurrexi exxxviii D o m i n e probasti Pasch
VII * R o g a m u s te ? Benedic anima cii A M V Mort ACMV
Requiem ? C
I Rorate caeli Is. xiv Et justitia Mens. dec. iv
Caeli enarrant xviii passim tAnnunc
Adv4 A M Eth Eg
VI Sacerdotes dei Dan. iii Benedicite Cf
M e m e n t o exxxi Bl U C T h o m
olim S S Apollinaris : Sixtus : Cornelius & C y p
II Sacerdotes ejus exxxi Memento Domine Cff
olim S S Felix: Steph. papa Cf w
III Sacerdotes tui exxxi Memento Cf
olim SS. Sylvester : Urbanus
Salus autem xxxvi Noli emulari Mrr
olim S S Marcus & Marcell: Felicis & Agap Timoth & Symph XL. 3 V
IV Salus populi Attendite Ixxvii Trin"
Vig. Asc S
IP Salve sancta parens Benedicta tu Lu. Vig. Assumpt
tde B.VIM. (Purif-Adv.)
III Sancti tui cxliv Exaltabo te Mrr
olim SS Tiburtius : Gord & Epim.
VII *Sanctus Deus ? Nos autem gloriari Inv. Cruc. A
I Sapientiam sanctorum Ecclus xliv Exultate (Gaudete g) justi xxxiii Mrr
Caeli enarrant xviii C C o m m e m . Reliqq W
Gaudete (Exult.) justi xxxii T h o m
Noli emulari xxxvi Eg
olim SS. Primus & Fel: Simplicius & c : Felix & A d : Cosm & D a m
I Scio cui credidi II T i m i Domine probasti exxxviii C o m m e m . Pauli
Gaudete (Exultate) justi xxxii M Conv. P passim
D e reliquo reposita ? Tol
N o n solum autem W
Sederunt vide Etenim sederunt
*Sicut fui Jos. i xix
Exaudiat Pont A
IV Sicut oculi exxii A d te levavi XL.' ii
III Si iniquitates exxix D e profundis Trin22
B,og iii T h o m
II Sitientes venite Is. Iv Attendite Ixxvii XL. 4 vii
Audite audientes W XL. 5 vii Leof Eg
Dominus regit xxii 1R
Quaerite D o m i n u m Tol


*Sperent in te ix Confitebor tibi Trin24 W A

XL 2 C Car Leof
VIII Spiritus Domini Sap ii Exurgat lxvii Pent. pi. M
Pent, v 140°
C o m : S Spiritus 234
Pent, vi A
I Statuit ei lxxxviii Misericordias Cf 220
Inveni David Tol
M e m e n t o exxxi C M g
olim S Marcellus: Cath. Pet
I Suscepimus xlvii Magnus Dominus Trin8 149
Purif pl.j
II Terribilis est Genesis xxviii
Dominus regnavit xcii Dedic 174
Surgens Jacob H h W
Vidit Jacob scalam Tol
Fundamenta Ixxxvi T h Tol
Q u a m dilecta lxxxiii Aq E
olim S Maria ad Martyres
III Tibi dixit xxvi D o m i n u s illuminatio XL 2 iii 49
III Timete D o m i n u m xxxiii Benedicam D o m i n u m Mrr -L&7-
Omnes SS Leof Aq
olim SS. Cyriacus, & c .
* T u es pastor ? Et quodcunque Mat. xvi Cath. Pet A
II Veni et ostende lxxix Qui regis Mens. dec. vii 7
Adv4 1R g
II Venite adoremus xciv Venite Mens. sept, vii 170
Quoniam deus II h
Praeoccupemus Leof
VII Venite benedicti Matt, xxv Confitemini cxvii Pasch. iv 120
fCantate xcv
Esurivi enim Tol
V Verba m e a v R e x meus X L 3 vii 61
Quoniam ad te C M i g Tol Pasch. v 121 ^
VIII Victricem m a n u m Sap. x Confitemini D o m i n o cxvii
Dominus regnavit xcvi Bl U CI
Cantate xcv vel xcvii Q> T h G 2
„ Tulerunt justi Tol
tVide D o m i n e Thren. i W i t t w i>w of)
Compassio B.V.M. Miss
? rosit m e
•"Video plane Pet. & P Cal
D o m i n e probasti exxxviii
*Vir Euthicius ? M e m e n t o D o m i n e exxxi Euthicius M
VII Viri Galilsei Act. i C u m q u e intuerentur Asc 135
O m n e s gentes xlvi T h o m Aq Eg G 2
Leof E
Exurgat deus lxvii 1R
III V o c e m jocunditatis Is. xlviii Jubilate deo omnis lxv Pasch5 I3«>
Vig. Asc Aq
II Vultum tuum xliv Eructavit VV 231
olim C o m m e m . B.V.M. in Oct Nat. S S Agnes : Euphemia : de B V . M . de B.V.M. (Nat-Purif) i77c


*A Christo de caelo Conv. P Tol

IP A b occultis xviii Si mei non XL. 3 iii 57
Trin5 1R
Trin24 M.iv
Mens, primi vii W A O Tol H e
Mens. sept, vii W A O
Pent, vi M
V A d Dominum cxix Domine libera XL. 2 vi 53
Trin2 142
XL.' vi & vii passim
Mens. sept, iv & vii passim
XL.4vi G R
XL. 2 M.i S
Vig. Pent V a l
Pent, vii C G
III Adjutor in opport viii Quoniam LXX 24
Trin3 1R &c.
II, I Adjutor meus lxix Confundantur XL. 2 ii 48
V Adjiivabit earn xiv Fluminis Agatha 181
[& Audi filiaW] V W
*Adorabunt ' lxxi Reges Tharsis Oct. Ep A
I P Angelis suis xc In manibus XL 1 34
*Angelus Domini T o b v Benedictus pro iter ag A
f Angelus Raphael Tob. viii Magnus Dominus Raphael Miss
V Anima nostra cxxiii Laqueus Innoc 17
• tMrr
*Aspiciam Lev, xxvi Ambulabo XL.3 W S Ordo7
IP A s u m m o ccelo xviii Caeli enarrant Mens. dec. vii 8
Adv4 G'
XL.' vii M.ii
VII Audi filia xliv Specie tua Nat. B. V. M. ig6&pLt
Maria Magd 191°
Cecilia 200°
olim S. Cecilia. V 227c
*Ave Maria Lu. i Et Benedictus Annunc A
*Ave Maria Lu. i Benedicta tu Annunc A
I Beata gens xxxii Verbo Domini XL.4 iv 67
Trin'7 l6o
Com. S. Spiritus 234
Trin7 Mig
V Beatus vir cxi Potens Mr 206
J Ev M
olim SS Valentinus: Matthaeus. Evang W
VII Benedicam xxxiii In Domino Trin'2 J
Trin" B
Cena D Thom


III Benedicite cii Benedic anima Michael

Mich, in M . T
I Benedicta ? Virgo dei Vig. Assumpt
tVisitatio N
VII Benedictus Dominus lxxi Suscipiant Ep 1
Trin'0 1R Mig
Vd Benedictus es Dan. iii Benedicimus Trin
fSpons Miss
Transfig M.iv
V Benedictus qui cxvii A Domino Nat (2)
Vig. E p
Oct. Nat 1R
V B o n u m est confidere cxvii Bonum est XL. 4 vi
Trin'4 [f vel'5]
Trin'7 1R Mig
Mens. sept, vii U
Bonum est confiteri xci A d annunciandum XL. 2 vii
Trin'5 [vel14]
XL. 4 vi 1R B
XL. 4 vii 1R
Pent, v g
Vc Christus factus est Phil, ii Propter quod Cena D
Exalt. Cruc
C o m m e m . Cruris
VII Clamaverunt xxxiii Juxta Mrr
olim SS. Nereus & Ach: Marcellinus & P. Cosmas & D.
VIII *Confitebuntur lxxxviii Misericordias Mrr W
Confitemini vide Tractus
V d Constitues eos xliv Pro patribus Ap
olim SS Petrus : Andreas.
V I tConstituit deus Eph. i Adjuva lxxviii Nomen Jesu
V Convertere lxxxix Domine refugium XL.' vii
Mens. sept, vi
Trin'3 1R Mig
Trin'7 B
Pent, iv g
Pent, vi S O G
Pent, vii Mig
L. vii G
Mens.sept.vii 2 « / ^ W H H c & c
*Convertere anima mea cxiv Quia eripuit Mort T h o m
t C u m viderem Dan. viii Vere benedictus Gabriel Miss
I Custodi m e xvi D e vultu XL.' v
Trin9 B
Trin23 M.ii
*De necessitatibus xxiv A d te [cf Tractus] Ep 3 1R
XL 2 T h o m Eth Eg Bol H E
VHP Deus exaudi liii Deus in nomine XL.5 ii
sed Aq. Deus vitam Deus in nomine in hoc loco
VHP Deus vitam lv Miserere XL.3 ii


V Diffusa est xliv Propter veritatem V 227

- olim de B.V.M. in Oct. Nat: SS. Agnes': Euphemia.
VIII Dilexisti xliv Propterea V 226
olim de B.V.M. in Oct.Nat: SS Lucia : Potentiana : Praxedis. 23IC
VII Dirigatur cxl Elevatio XL.' iii 38
Trin" 163
Mens. sept, vii 171
XL.' vii passim
Vig. Pent V a l
Pent, vi M.ii
Pent, vii M . Aq
V Discerne causam xiii Emitte lucem XL. 5 iii 74
IP Dispersit, dedit cxi Potens Vig. Laur 193
IP Domine deus virtutum lxxix Excita Mens. dec. vii 8
V Domine dominus noster viii Quoniam elevata Trin9 15°
L. vii M.iv g
Pent, iv G
Pent, vii M
Trin2 1R Mig
Trin.8 B
*Domine exaudi iv ? Trin'4 Mig
I Domine praevenisti XX Vitam petiit Cf 222
olim SS. Hadrianus :Theodoras ' J. Ev 1R
IP Domine refugium lxxxix Priusquam L. vii (non Sarum) 34
Trin2' i6 5
L. vi E W H (Univ M S ) &c
Mens, primi vii M.ii
Mens. sept, iv E
Mens. sept, vii W Tol &c.
I Ecce quam b o n u m cxxxii V Sicut unguentum Trin22 pl.d
¥ Mandavit Mrr 214
olim SS. Johannes & Paulus vide pl.n
v c Ecce sacerdos Ecclus. xliv N o n est inventus Cf 220
olim SS. Silvester : Felix
*Ecce sic benedicetur cxxvii Benedicat vos Spons A
+Ecce virgo concepit ? Qui sicut pluvia pro mul. praegn Miss
IV, III Ego autem xxxiv Judica Domine nocentes XL.6 iii 90
[vel Judica m e Domine 1R]
VI, V Ego dixi xl Beatus qui intelligit Trin' 141
Mens. sept, vii U
III Eripe m e cxlii Liberator cxvii XL.5 71
Trin.20 1R Mig
XL.5 vii G (5
VI, V Esto mihi xxx Deus in te XL.4 ii 64
Trin8 149
Trin.7 B
XL.' vii 1R
III Exaltabo xxix Deus deus meus XL.5 iv 75
XL.5 vii M S Tol
V *Exaltent eum cvi Confiteantur Cath. Pet. W
*Exaudi orationem liii Deus in nomine Sp: Scs M
IP Excita lxxix Qui regis [Fiat Manus M] Mens. dec. vii 9



Exiit sermo Jo. xxi Sed sic eum J. Ev 16
V E x Syon xlix Congrega Adv2 3
IP Exultabunt cxlviii Cantate Mrr 214
olim. SS Primus & Fel Processus & Mart. VV 23IC
Commem. Reliqq W
III int 6
xxxiv Effunde XL. ii 89
XL. 6 iii M.ii
p Exurge...fer opem xliii Deus auribus XL. 4 iii 65
III Exurgc.non prsevaleat viii In convertendo XL3 54
Trin4 1R Mig
VI, V Fuit h o m o Jo. i & Lu. i Ut testimonium Vig. J. Bapt 188
VI, V *Gloria & honore viii Et constituisti Mennas Bl
Mr W
II, I Gloriosus deus Ex. xv Dextera Mrr 212
VV 231°
Dlim SS. Fab. & Seb. : Juvenalis & c : Gerv. & Prot. : A b d & S.
IP Haec dies cxvii Confitemini Pasch 117
Dicat nunc Israel Pasch. ii 118
Dicant nunc qui Pasch. iii 119
Dextera Pasch. iv 120
Lapidem Pasch. v 121
Benedictus Pasch. vi 122
apud H e transponuntur Versiculi feriae vi et v
*Herodes enim Mar. vi Propter Herodiadem Decoll J. Bapt W
IP Hodie scietis Exod. xvi Qui regis, lxxix Vig. Nat 12

*Immola D e o xlix Congregate Ord. Episc A C

II tlmproperium lxviii Et dederunt v Vulnera Miss
*In columbs specie ? Celsa omnipotentis Scholastica W
VI, V In deo speravit xxvii A d te Domine XL. 3 vi 60
Trin" 152
Trin'° B
IP In o m n e m terram xviii Caeli enarrant Ap pl.x
olim Vig. Petri & P.
IP In sole posuit xviii A s u m m o caelo Mens: dec. vii 8
I Inveni David lxxxviii Nihil proficiet Cf 221
olim SS. Marcellus: Urbanus : Apollinaris: Marcus Vig. Pont AC
VII Jacta cogitatum liv D u m clamarem L. v 32
XL. 2 iii 49
Trin3 143
Mens, primi. vii C Aq & c
Mens. sept. vii C C a r M ;
Pent, vii C G Leof
III Juravit Dominus cix Dixit Dominus Cf 221
olim SS. Felix : Clemens.
VI, V Justorum animae Sap. iii Visi sunt Mrr 213
olim SS. Gordianus & Epim : Marcus & Mar: Oct. P. & P
*Justus es cxviii Gressus meos t X L 2 in J. cf Car Leof
r : Trin24 W A
V Justus j?on conturbabitur xxxvi Noli emulari Mr. 206
olim SS. Stephanus Papa : Caesarius.


IP Justus ut palma xci A d annunciandum Vig. Ap 202

vel B o n u m est Mig tMr
olim SS. J. E v : J. Bapt. in nocte : Vig. M a t . Cf & Ab W
VII Laetatus sum exxi Fiat pax. XL 4 63
Trin'8 162
VII Liberasti nos xliii In deo Trin23 pl.e
Trin24 Trinult 167=
Trin8 1R Mig
Trin'5 B
Mens. sept, vii U
V Locus iste ? Deus cui astat Dedic 175
* M e m o r sit Dominus xix Mittat tibi Pont A C
I Miserere ... quoniam in te lvi Misit de caelo L. iv 3i
Mens. sept, vii M.iv
VII Miserere .. quoniam infirm, vi Conturbata XL 3 , iv 58
XL.' vi Bl G' G 2
XL.' vii 1R Mig C
Trin' 1R Mig
V Misit Dominus cvi Confiteantur Ep 21
Trin'6 1R Mig
Transfig. M
•Mittat tibi xix Exaudiat Pont A
11 N e avertas lxviii Salvum m e fac XL6, iv 91
IP Nimis honorati exxxviii Dinumerabo Ap pl.w
olim SS. Simon & J : Vig. And.
* N o t u m fecit xcvii Viderunt omnes Circumc A 0
cf. G. Viderunt omnes N o t u m fecit.
VII Oculi o m n i u m cxliv Aperis XL.3 v 59
Trin20 164
tCorpus Christi
XL.' vii 1R
Rog. ii S M M.ii
V O m n e s de Saba Is lx Surge et illuminare Ep Pi J + i 9
f O m n e s inimici Thren. i Multi enim Compassio B.V.M. Miss
0 quam pulchra
O sancte Sebastiane ? O sancte Sebastian Miss
I O s justi xxxvi Lex dei Evang. 204
Cf. & Ab. 224c
olim SS. Stephanus Papa : Tiburtius : Eusebius.
II Ostende nobis lxxxiv Benedixisti Mens. dec. vi 7
V Pacifice loquebantur xxxiv Vidisti XL. vi 77
XL.5 vii 77 c
I Posuisti Domine XX Desiderium Thom. Cant i8c
Mr 206
olim S S Vincentius : Gorgonius : Nicomedes : Oct. Laur.
fPraeco fulgens ? T u Gabriel Gabriel Miss
*Praeoccupemus xciv F.pi si Kyrie ilpisa Pasch3 M
•"Pretiosa in conspectu cxv Credidi Timoth. & Simph Mig
Decoll JBapt Tol
V Piiusquam Jer. i Misit J. Bapt pl.l
VI, V Probasti D o m i n e xvi Igne m e Laur 194


vb Prope est Dominus cxliv Laudem Mens. dec. iv 6

Adv4 I2 C
V Propitius lxxviii Adjuva XL.' vii 42
XL.'v 5i
Trin5 [f vel4] *45
Mens. sept, vii 170
Vig. Pent Val
Pent, vii C G &c
Oct. Pent. S g
Rog. iii T h o m
XL 5 , vii A
Mens. sept, iv W H Thom
V Propter veritatem xliv Audi filia Assumpt pl.s
|V b Miss
Matrona W
*Prosperum iter lxvii Domine deus virtutum pro iter ag A C
T\. V Protector noster lxxxiii D o m i n e deus virtutum XL', ii 37
XL', vii 43
Trin4 [t vel5] 144
Mens. sept, vii 171
Cena D Thom
Vig. Pent Val
Pent iv g
Pent, vii C G Val
Trin'2 1R Mig
*Qui confidunt cxxiv Quia non derelinquet XL 2 Cas A
*Qui Lazarum ? Requiem Mort A C M V
V Qui operatus Gal. ii Gratia Dei Conv. P 178&
Commem. P i89c
VII Qui sedes lxxix Qui regis Adv 3 4
V Quis sicut cxii Suscitans Mens. sept, iv 168
Trin'6 B
Mens. sept, vii Leof
Ep4 1R
IP Requiem eternam ? Animae Mort 232
vel In memoria vel Convertere T h o m tAnim.
V Respice D o m i n e lxxiii Exurge XL 4 , v 68
Trin'3 156
Trin'2 B
Pent, iv M
I Sacerdotes ejus exxxi Uluc perducam Cff 225
olim S S Cornelius & Cyp.: Sixtus &c. Cf W
VII Salvum fac populum xxvii A d te D o m i n e XL.' vii 43
XL.2 iv 5°
Mens. sept, vii 171
Rog. iv M M.ii
Pent, vi Val
Vine. Pet Mig &c
I Salvum fac servum Ixxxv Auribus XL.' vi 4i
I Sciant gentes lxxxii Deus m e u s LX 26
Trin." 1R Mig


V Sederunt principes cxviii Adjuva cviii Steph 15

I Si ambulem xxii Virga tua XL.3 vii 61
Mort 232 c
V Specie tua xliv Propter veritatem V 226
olim S S Prisca: A g n e s 2 : Sabina
r- Speciosus forma xliv Eructavit Nat' xxxviii
C o m m e m B.V.M i77c
Vig. Ep M M.ii
Trin.9 1R Mig
*Super m e D o m i n e refugium D o m i n e refugium L. vi C
V Suscepimus xlvii Sicut audivimus Purif pl
II T e c u m principium cix Dixit Dominus Nat (i) 13
Vig. Ep Bl &c
IV Tenuisti m a n u m lxxii Q u a m bonus XL 6 86
XL' Bl
III Tibi D o m i n e ix Utquid XL.4 vii 7°
XL.5 vii Leof
tTibi pio ? Fac quaesumus Rochus Miss
V Timebunt gentes ci Quoniam Ep3 23
Trin'6 159
Mens. sept, vii U
Trin'5 1R Mig
Trin23 Mig
II, I Timete D o m i n u m xxxiii Inquirentes Mrr 213
olim S. Cyriacus
V Tollite hostias xcv Revelavit XL.5 v 76
fReconcil. Eccl
Dedic. S. Mariae G' &c
IP Tollite portas xxiii Quis ascendet Mens. dec. iv 5
t An nunc. 183°
Adv4 M
V Tribulationes xxiv Vide humilitatem X L ' iv 39
XL 2 47
Mens. sept, iv Bl U
Pent, iv Val
III T u es Deus lxxvi Liberasti L 28
V U n a m petii xxvi U t videam L. vi (& f vii) 33
Trin6 TR Mig
Trin'7 M R O C Eth Eg
Pent, vii V a l
Mens. sept, vii V a l
II, I Universi xxiv Vias tuas Adv' 1 &pl I
V Venite filii xxxiii Accedite XL. 4 iv 67
Trin7 148
Mens, sept iv 168
V Viderunt omnes xcvii N o t u m fecit Nat (3) plG
Vig. E p ? '
Vig. Transfig M . i v
Y" Vindica lxxviii Posuerunt Mrr 214
olim SS. Cyrinus (fee : iv Coronati


* A Domino factum cxvii Vig. Ep Leof

* A d D o m i n u m c u m tribularer cxx Trin23 M.ii M.iv
IIP Adducentur xliv V V vel V 231
Oct. Nat A
Assumpt A
VIT Adorabo cxxxvii (Paschalis Trinit) Dedic 175
Purif pi. k
* A d te de nocte Trin10 M.iv
* A d te Domine Trinit
t A d tuum O Maria ? pro mul. praegn Miss
I ^imulor n Cor. xi V 227
IV Amavit Ecclus. xliv Cf 222
tAngele medicinalis ? Raphael Miss
tAngelum nobis ? Raphael Miss
VIII Angelus Domini Mat. xxviii V Respondens Pasch' I2S
(Paschalis) 124°
*Angelus Domini bonus ? Pro iter ag T h o m
*Ardens est cor ? Paschalis Tol
fArmagille scandens ? Armagillus Miss
*Ascendo Jo. XX Ascens Tol &c
I Ascendens . Eph. iv (Ascens) Asc *35
Asc1 (non Sarum) i3°c
IV b Ascendit xlvi (Ascens) Asc r
IV Assumpta ? Assumpt 195
*Attende = Attendite HHc
V I Attendite Ixxvii (Trinit) Trin8 149
*Audi filia xliv Agnes T h o m
Assumpt A
II Ave Maria Lu i Annunc 184
Purif Eth
Nat B.V.M A
I fAve R e x noster ? v Vulnera Miss
*Beata gens xxxii Mens, quart, iv G
* Beati quorum xxxi Trin4 Tol
*Beatus es Simon Mat. xxv Pet & P B G O &c.
*Beatus Petrus d u m ? Pet & P Tol
*Beatus servus Mat. xxiv Theodorus Th
* Beatus Laurentius ? Laur M.ii & iv
*Beatus vir qui inventus ? Vincentius T h o m
I Beatus vir qui suffert Jac. i (Trinit) . Mr 208 q
V Beatus vir qui timet cxi Mr 208
Evang W
V *Beatus vir sanctus Martinus Martinus Corp
*Benedicimus Patrem ? Transfig M.iv
*Benedictus es Dei filius ? Paschalis Aq G2 g


VIII Benedictus . . . deus Dan. iii Pent, vii ?

Trin pi. c
fSpons Miss
*Benedictus . . . superDan. iii Trin Tol A M
* Benedictus qui venit Mat. xxi Pent, vii S
* B o n u m certamen i Tim. iv Conv. P Tol
* B o n u m opus i Tim. iii Laur Eth
*Cantate D o m i n o xcvii V N o t u m fecit Paschalis G 1 G 2 1R G
Pentee G 2
V I P fCaro m e a Jo. vi Corpus Christi
*Cernentibus Act. i Asc. g
I Christus resurgens R o m . vi Paschalis 127
I Christus mortuus R o m . iv Paschalis 127
*Caeli enarrant xviii Trinit
Marcus G
Phil. & J M.iv
tConceptio gloriosae ? Com. Pauli C
Concept B.V.M. W
VII* Concussum est mare ? Mich, in M T 198
Michael Aq Nov
•"Confessor Domini Benedicte ? Benedictus Tol
*Confirma hoc lxvii Pentee. O M.ii
*Confiteantur cvi Paschalis 1R
Ascens 1R
Pentee G 2
tConfitebor tibi exxxviii Trin25 1
Paschalis Mig g
Pentee G 2 G
Mich A M &c.
VII Confitebuntur caeli lxxxviii (sine nota) Mrr (non Sarum) 216
II Confitemini . . . etinv civ Trin'4 157
t Reconcil. Eccl
Paschalis 1R
Pentee G
Trinit Eth
V Confitemini. . quoniam b cvi Vig. Pasch "5
VIII Confitemini. . quoniam b cvi Vig. Pent pi L c
Paschalis 1R
Rog 132
•"Constitues xliv Matt M
Com. Pauli Tol
*Corde et animo ? Nat. B.V.M Tol
*Corpora sanct. Ecclus. xliv Fab. & Seb O
Omnes SS T h o m
IV d Crastina die Exod. xvi Vig. Nat '3
*Crucifixus surrexit ? Paschalis A
* C u m autem venerit Jo. xiv Paschalis A
* C u m esset Stephanus Act. vi Steph Tol
* C u m sederit filius ? Mrr Corp
Oct. Pet & P Eth
Sim & J Eg
*Data est mihi Paschalis Tol


VII De profundi s exxix (Trinit) Trin30 164

*Deus deus salutis vide Domine deus salutis Trinit
*Deus in dextera xiv Trin' Leof
*Deus in nomine liii Trin6 Tol
VIII Deus judex vii (Trinit) Trin2 142
Paschalis Aq
*Deus noster refugium xiv Trinit
*Deus qui sedes ix Ep' Cas A g
Trin3 M.ii
*Deus venerunt lxxviii Trinit
IVd Dextera Dei (domini) cxvii (Paschalis Pentee. Trinit.) Trin'7 161
Ep 3 Tol
Inv. Cruc T h o m
tDiadema spineum ? Corona D Miss
VIIT Dicite in gentibus xcv (Paschalis) Pasch. vi 122
Inv, Cruc i8 5 c
t Exalt. Cruc ?
IP Dies sanctificatus ? Nat (3) plG
t Transfig
Oct. Nat M.ii
VHP Diffusa est xliv V 228
Matrona W
Adv2 Tol
Ord. Episc A C
*Dilexi cxiv Trinit G 2
*Dilexisti xliv Nat. B.V.M. Tol
I" Dilexit Andream ' ? Andr. Pl-g
Oct. Andr. ?
V Diligam xvii (Trinit) Trin3 i43
*Dinumerabo Andr. T h o m
IP Disposui testamentum lxxxviii Cf 222
Ord Episc A C
*Dispone ? Is.xxxviii pro iter ag A C
Ord. Episc AC
*Dixit Dominus cix Trin'8 Tol
I Domine deus meus vii (Trinit) Trin24 i67&pl.f
ITI Domine deus salutis lxxxvii (Trinit) Trin10 152
Pentee Val
VII *Domine exaudi cxviii Trinit. E
VP Domine in virtute XX (Trinit) Trin4 *45
*Domine ne in ira vi Trinit
VII Domine refugium lxxxix (Trinit) Trin" i53
V H P Dominus dixit ii Nat (1) 14
Vig. Ep O
VHP Dominus in Sina lxvii Asc 136
*Dominus regit xxii Trinit •
*Dominus regnavit a ligno xcv Inv. Cruc
II Dominus regnavit decorem xcii Nat (2) plE
Nat' ?
Vig. Ep. ?
Circumc. *|R
Inv. Cruc T h o m


VHP Dominus regnavit, exultet xciv Ep3 23

Ep2 H W
VHP D u k e lignum ? Inv. Cruc 185
Exalt. Crucis Pi
Com. Crucis 235
VHP tDulce nomen ? N o m e n Jesu
* D u m venerit Jo. xiv / Paschalis Tol
Ascens T h o m
* D u m complerentur Act. ii. Pentee Tol Nov
*Ecce adest dies ? Assumpt A M.iv
*Ecce jam venit ? Adv 3 g
VIII *Ecce quam bonum cxxxii Mrr Corp
Joh. & P A M.ii
*Ecce virgo ? Adv1 Tol
I tEcce positus ? Compassio B.V.M. Miss
*Eduxit Dominus civ Paschalis G.' G 2
*Ego dormivi iii Paschalis O
*Ego in altissimis ? De Sapientia T h o m f. 246
VII Ego sum pastor Jo. x (Paschalis) Pasch2 127
tEgo veritatem (Paschalis) Pasch3 Gr
I *Ego vos elegi Jo. XV Sim. & J A
*Egregia sponsa ? Agnes1'2 Petronilla &c. T h o m
*Egregie confessor ? Nicholas G
II!e Elegit ? Cf 223
Ord. Episc A C
IV b Emitte Spiritum ciii . (Pentee) Pent *37
Pent, vii ?
*Epi si Kyrie xxx Paschalis S M
*Erat lucerna Jo. V Vig. J Bapt H e Tol
I P Eripe m e lviii Trin6 i47
*Erunt prava Esai. xl Adv 4 O
Vig. Nat A
*Euntes in m u n d u m Mar. xvi Ascens Tol
IV b Excita Domine ? Adv 3 4
VII *Exivi a patre Jo. xvi Adv' M
Paschalis T h o m
*Expansis manibus ? Cecilia A
*Ex Syon xlix Adv3 Tol
Exultabunt cxlix (sine nota) Mrr (non Sarum) 217
VII Exultate lxxx (Trinit) Trin9 !5o
• Paschalis Eg
Ep3 M
*Exultent justi lxvii Mrr&Cff W
Innoc G
Marc. & P T h o m
Cyrinus &c T h o m
I" Factus est repente Act. ii (Pentee) Pent, v 140
Pent, vii ?
t Felix corpus ? Antonius Miss
VIII *Felix es sacra ? Assumpt. A
Nat. B.V.M. Tol


*Felix namque ? Inv. Steph Tol

tFelix Virgo ? Praesent B.V.M. Miss
*Festina ne tardaveris ? Adv4 A
V tFlos regalis ? de B V M b
1° Fulgebunt Sap. iii Cff 225
Mrr W
*Fundamenta lxxxvi Dedic Tol
I fFundata est domus Gen. xxviii Dedic
*Gaudete in Domino Phil, iv Tib. & Val Tol
*Gaudete justi xxxii Mrr W
Fab. & Seb T h o m
Tib. & Val Eg. C
Ph. & J. Aq Eg
Gord & Ep T H o m &c.
P tOaude Virgo de B.V.M. b
*Gavisi sunt Jo. XX Paschalis, ToPCorp
I P Gloria et honore viii [y Laetabitur Justus H ] Thom. Cant i8c
Mr 208
V H P Hjec dies ' cxvii (Paschalis) Pasch. vii 123
VIII *Haec est vera fraternitas ? Joh. & P O
I *Haec est virgo . . et ? V
V Haec est virgo , . quam ? V 228
*Herodes iratus Lu. i Innoc R
I" fHic Edmundus ? Edm
I P Hie est discipulus Joh. xxi J- Ev. 17
tj. Port Lat
*Hic in oratione Ecclus. xxxix Cf. & Ab W i86 c
Hie est martyr ? Vincentius Tol Georgius Tol
II Hie est sacerdos ? Felix A
P Hie Martinus ? Martinus 200
*Hi sunt qui Apoc. xiv Innoc. g
* H o c est praeceptum Jo. XV Ap A
*Hodie baptizatus ? Ep- g
*Hodie beatus Johannes ? J.Ev g
*Hodie natus est nobis Lu. ii Nat3 g
*Hodie sancti Innocentes ? Innoc. He
V H P *Hodie Maria Virgo ? Assumpt 195
*Hodie oblatus est intemplo Circumc Corp
*Hosanna Filio David Mat. xxi Adv1 Tol
*Hoti theos megas xciv Paschalis S. M
*Ideoque precamur ? Urban g 197
IV 2 In conspectu exxxvii Mich i2r
VII In die resurrectionis Mar. xiv (Paschalis) Pasch v
II fin exitu Israel cxiii [V Facta est Judaaa] Trin25 1
(Trinit) pl.x
VF In o m n e m terram xviii Ap
*In resurrectione ? Paschalis A 146
III In te Domine lxx (Paschalis Trinit) Trin5
*In tua pace ? Lucia Tol
•"In tua patientia Lu. xxi Adv 2 Tol
*Ingressa Agnes ? Agnes 2 A
flnter millia ? Gabriel Miss


IV r Inter natos Lu. vii [y Plantatus y Florebit J.Bapt. pl.m

Frei Aq]
*Interrogabat Magos Lu. ii Ep. Tol A O
I P Inveni David lxxxviii Cf. 222
*Ipse preibit (perstabit) Lu. i JB. 0 G ' B G
*Iste est sanctus qui ? Theodoras T h o m &c.
VIII Iste sanctus digne ? Mr. 207
I Isti sunt duae Zech. iv Joh & P pl.n
Oct. P & P i90c
Ph. & J
Oct. Pet. & P. O
*Isti sunt qui Apoc. vii Proc. & M Tol
Marcus & Mar. O
Oct. Pet & P. Tol
*Ite [an]nuntiate Vfat. xxviii Paschalis Tol E
VIII Iterum Jo. xvi (Paschalis) Pasch3 129
*Jam non estis Eph. ii Sim & J. O
*Johannes Apostolus ? J. Ev. A
•"Johannes est n o m e n Lu. i J. Bapt. g
III Jubilate D e o xcix (Paschalis Pentee Trinit) Ep' 20
Ep 3 M
*Judica D o m i n e nocentes xxxiv Trin3 1R
Marc. & P. Tol
Cyrinus &c T h o m
I1 Judicabunt ? Omnes SS 199
I *Juravit cix Cf. W Corp
Silvester A
Felix Tol
Marc, papa T h o m &c
"*Justi autem Sap. v Tim. & Symph. O
Im Justi epulentur lxvii Mrr 216
Cff. W
*Justi fulgebunt Mat. xiii Alex. Ev &c A O
Marc & P. M.iv
Tim & Symph. A
*Justorum animae Sap. iii Nereus Ach &c. A 0
Marc. & P O
*Justum deduxit Sap. x Silvester Tol
Eusebius T h o m
Agapitus T h o m &c
P Justus germinabit ? Cf. 222
IP Justus non conturbabitur xxxvi Mr 208
Cf & Ab W
P Justus ut palma XX Mr 207
VIP Laetabitur Justus liii Mr 207
IV Lsetamini xxxi (sine nota) Mrr (non Sarum) 217
Innoc. Nov.
I Laetatus s u m exxi y Stantes [Rex Noster] Trin' 8 162
(Ascens Trinit) A d v 2 passim
Dedic G'
Adv3 M
*Laetetur caelum xcv Circumc. H h


*Lapidem Mar. xii Paschalis Tol

VHP Lauda anima cxlv Paschalis Ascens Pentee Trin2' 166
IV * Lauda Hierusalem cxlvii Paschalis M i g B
Pentee M
Trinit passim
IVb Laudate Deum cxlviii Ep2 22
Ep3 H W
IV Laudate Dominum el (Paschalis Pentee Trinit) Pent, vii plb
Tim. & Symph A
Mich M
IV Laudate pueri cxii y Sit n o m e n Pasch. vii 123
(Paschalis Pentee) Mrr 2l6 &
Innoc A
*Laurentius bonum Laur G" O
•"I.&US tibi Christe E p . Frei
*Levate capita Lu. xxi Adv' g
Adv2 L
Adv3 O
Adv4 A
VII s Levita Laurentius ? Laur. 194
tVig. Laur
Oct I^aur I95c
I Loquebantur Act. ii (Pentee) Pent. iv. 139
Pent, vii ?
IIP Loquebar cxviii V 228
VII *Magnus Dominus xlvii Trinit
I m Magnus sanctus ? Conv. P 178
C o m m e m P Eg
I M a n e nobiscum Lu. xxiv. Paschalis 126
* Maria haec est ? Maria Magd. Eg
•"Martinus episcopus ? Martinus. Nov. Aq
I tMater mirifica ? Visit. N.
V * M e m e n t o Domine exxxi (Paschalis) Adv4 Tol M
Silvester &c M
Urban &c M
* Memento nostri cv Adv4 G 2 M
pro tribul M
*Mens mea ? Agatha Cas g
*Metuebat Decoll. J Bapt. Tol
*Michael archangel us Mich Thom
V Mirabilis lxvii Mrr 216
Innoc Bol W
I" Misso Herodes Mar. vi Decoll. J Bapt. 196
tMissus est Raphael ? Raphael Miss
IV. *Mittat nobis ? pro iter ag. T h o m
*Mittat tibi Dominus xix Pont A C
*Mittat vobis ? Spons. T h o m
*Mitte m a n u m cxliv Paschalis M.ii
VIII V Modicum et Jo. xvi (Paschalis) Pasch3 128
*Multae tribulationes xxxiii Joh. & P O


VIP* Multifariam (e) Hebr. i Circumc pi. H

Nat. (3) M.iv L
Vig Ep Cas
VIII Nativitas ? Nat. B.V.M pi. u
*Nato Domino ? Nat.' O
*Natus est Dominus ? " Circumc. A O
*Natus est nobis Lu. ii Nat. (3) A O
* N e timeas Lu. i y Et nascetur J.Bapt. Tol O
VIII Nimis honorati exxxviii Ap pl.y
*Nolite flere Joh. xiv Barth A
I Nonne cor Lu. xxiv (Paschalis) Pasch. ii 118
tPhil & J A.I.D.
I N o n vos m e Jo. XV . Ap pi. y
I N o n vos relinquam Jo. xiv (Ascens. Pentee) Asc'. pi. K
pi. L c
I Nos autem ? Exalt. Crucis b pi. V
t O Anthoni ? Antonius Miss
t O beate confessor ? Rochus Miss
* 0 beate Silvester ? Silvester O
* 0 crux benedicta Exalt. Cruc. Tol
Inv. Cruc. T h o m &c.
* 0 Kyrios xcii y K e gar Paschalis S
* 0 M.-trtine ? Martinus W
I * 0 q u a m beatus ? Com. Pauli M.iv
* 0 quam beata ? Nat. B. V. M A. M
t O quam metuendus ? Dedic
t O quam gloriosum ? Sebastian Miss
Omnes SS T h o m
I * 0 q u a m pulchra ? Agnes A Cecilia O
VII s tObtine sacris precibus ? de B. V. M b Miss
*Obtulerunt Paschalis G" G2
Ph & J T h o m
*Omnis Spiritus Trin A.M
*Omnis terra lxv Oct. Ep A
Ep 2 C a s M.ii Tol
I O m n e s gentes xlvi (Paschalis Trinit) Vig. Asc 133
t O m n e s inimici ? Compassio B.V.M. Miss (-- 126
I V ? Oportebat Lu. xxiv Paschalis ..... --^ 191 &
pi. p
VIP Optimam partem Lu. x Mar. Magd
*Ora pro nobis beate Clemens A
P tOra pro nobis pia virgo ? de B.V.M b Miss
*Os justi xxxvi Felix O
Benedictus A. O G Tol
t O Sancte Sebastiane ? Sebastian Miss 1
VHP Ostende lxxxiv Adv'
Adv2 T h o m
*Pacem relinquo Joh. xiv Pent, vi O M.ii 138
Im Paraclitus Joh. xiv. (Pentee.) Pent ii.
*Paratum cor cvi Paschalis Mig g l^V
Ascens T h o m
Trinit. Eth


VII Pascha nostrum i Cor. v. y Epulemur Pasch. 117

*Pastor noster optime ? Pasch2 g
IV Per manus Act. v. Ap. pi. y
I Per te dei genitrix ? Nat B.V.M pi. u
tPer te prseco ? Gabriel Miss
*Petre amas m e Jo. xxi Pet & P. T h o m
*Positis autem Act. vii Steph. Tol
*Positis genibus Act. vii Steph. Tol
VII Post dies octo Jo. XX (Paschalis) Pasch". 124
IV Post partum ? Vig. Assumpt pi. r
C o m m e m B.V.M i77c
Purif Tol Nov &c.
Oct. Nat Mig
Nat. B.V.M Eth Frei
VIP Posui adjutorum lxxxviii Cf & Ab 224
p Posuisti XX Mr
fPosuit m e Dominus ? Compassio B.V.M. Miss
*Praecursor Domini J. Bapt. Corp 206
*Prseoccupemus xciv vide Venite Paschalis S
VIII *Pretiosa cxv Mrr W
Tib. & Val T h o m
Marcus G
Gord & Ep. T h o m
V Primus ad Syon Is. xii Evang 204
Ap b pi. V
pi. y<
Adv' Tol
*Prope est Lu. xxi Adv3 Tol
*Prosechete laos Ixxvii y Anixo en parabolais Paschalis S
*Puer m e u s noli ? Laur. Eg M.iv
*Pulchra facie ? Agnes Tol,
*Qualis pater ? Trin. Tol A M
*Quasi m o d o geniti i Pet. ii Paschalis A
* Q u e m constituit Heb. i Nat. (3) L
I Qui confidunt cxxiv (Paschalis Ascens Trinit) Trin'9 163
*Qui facit angelos ciii Mich A
I V Qui posuit cxlvi (Paschalis Ascens Trinit) Trin23 pl.f
III Qui sanat cxlvi (Paschalis Trinit) Trin22 pl.d
I Qui timent cxiv (Paschalis Trinit) Trin'6 160
*Quicunque vult ? Trin. A M O
VII Quinque prudentes Mat. xxv VV 231
V w
* Q u o progrederis ? Laur Tol
VII Quoniam deus xciii (Paschalis Trinit) Trin'3 156
•"Quoniam confirmata cxvi Paschalis S M g
Pentee Trinit
I Reddet deus Sap. iii Mrr 216
II *Redemptionem ex Paschalis 1R Leof C & c
Pentee. Trinit T h o m '
Pro peccatis T h o m
I Regnabit Dominus xlvi Ascens tAsc' pi K
*Replebimur in bonis lxiv Trinit


•"Repleti sunt Act. ii Pentee. Tol M . i v

•"Requiem ? Mort. A
*Resurrexit ? Pasch 2 M . i v
*Respondens Mat. xxviii Paschalis. E Eg, & c
*Rex noster ? vide Laetatus sum Adv.2 Aq Mig
Adv 3 Eth
Adv 4 Tol Eth
I t^alvabo populum ? pro mortalitate Miss
*Salva nos Christe ? Inv. Cruc Tol T h o m
*Salve Crux qua? ? Andr T h o m
Oct. Andr G W
VIII" tSalve sancta mater ? Anna
V H P tSalve Virgo ? de B. V. M b Miss
•"Sancte Eligi ? Eligius Eg
VIII *Sancte Michael ? Mich. T h o m
•"Sancte Paule ? Conv. P. A
Commem. P. 0
*Sancti Spiritus Domine ? Pent T h o m
IP Sancti tui . . benedicent cxlv Mrr 215
Innoc Cas
Ord. Episcc A C
VIII Sancti tui ... . florebunt ? Mrr 215
V I P E Sancti et justi xxxii Mrr 215
I *Senex puerum ? Purif O
*Serve bone Mat. xxv Silvester A
Marcellus T h o m
Cf A
*Si enim Col. iii Paschalis Tol
•"Simeon Justus Lu. ii Purif. A
*Sit gloria ciii Pent M g
I Solve jubente ? Vine. Pet 192
Pet & P Eg Tol
VHP Specie xliv V 227
Oct. Nat. Tol T h o m
•"Sperent in T e ix Trin24 A
IV Spiritus Domini Sap. i (Pentee) Pent, vi 140 &
pi. a
VIII *Spiritus est deus Joh. iv Pentee Tol .
VIII *Spiritus ejus ? Pentee Tol
*Spiritus omnia ? Pentee Tol M.iv
•"Spiritus qui a patre Jo. xiv Pentee Tol W &c
VIII *Spiritus sanctus docebit Jo. xiv Pentee
*Spiritus sanctus i n te Lu. i Adv'. Tol
II *Spiritus sanctus procedens ? (Pentee Pent 137
*Spiritus ubi vult Jo. iii Pentee Tol
II Stabunt justi ? Phil. & J 185
Protus & Hyac A
Stantes vide Laetatus sum
*Stetit Jesus Jo xx Paschalis Tol
•"Super lapidem ? Paschalis O
" P Surgens Jesus Jo. xx (Paschalis) Pasch. iii 119
T tNomen Jesu Gr.
< r <- •


VII Surrexit altissimus ? Paschalis 127

Inv. Cruc T h o m
1° Surrexit Christus et ? Paschalis 127
II Surrexit Christus qui ? (Paschalis) Pasch3 129
V Surrexit jam R o m . vi (Paschalis) Pasch5 131
*Surrexit de sepulchre> ? Paschalis G.'
I SurrexitDominus et Mat.xxviii Pasch. iv 120
VIII Surrexit vere Jo. xvi (Paschalis) Pasch4 130
VIII Surrexit Pastor ? (Paschalis) Pasch2 128
VIII *Tanto tempore Jo. XV Ph. & J A
VII T e decet Ixiv [V Replebitur ] Trin7 148
(Paschalis Ascens Trinit) Ep' M
Dedic G'
V * T e gloriosus Apostolorum ? Sim. & J A
V T e martirum ? y H i sunt qui H h Innoc 18

Sen. .T«.OL. f Cii) Mrr 217

tTerribilis -Bserch xxviii Dedic
*Tibi Soli 1 Pro peccatis T h o m
I Timebunt gentes ci (Trinit) Trin25 167
Transfig M
*Timete D o m i n u m xxxiii Cyriac. Tol
*Tolle puerum ? Nat1 Tol
*Tradiderunt corpora ? Gerv. & Prot O
*Tristitia Jo. xvi Paschalis Tol g
t T u a m coronam ? Corona D Miss
* T u Domine pater ? Pent, v O
* T u es pastor ? Vine. Pet. W
II * T u es Petrus M a t xxv Pet & P. T h o m &c.
* T u es vas Conv. P Tol
Comem P Eg
VIII * T u es sacerdos cix Eusebius Tol
Clemens T h o m
Marcellus T h o m
* T u es Simon Mat. xxv Pet. & P T h o m Eg &c.
* T u principatum ? Steph. g
IP T u puer Lu. i Vig. J. Bapt. 188 &
*Tuam,crucem ? Inv. Cruc Tol
IV Usque m o d o Jo. xvi (Paschalis) Pasch 130
II V a d o ad e u m Jo. xvi (Paschalis) Pasch4. 130
*Valde honorandus J. Ev. Tol
IIIC Veni D o m i n e et noli Adv 4 12
Vig- Nat T h o m G' G 2
I Veni electa xliv V 227
II Veni sancte spiritus ? (Pentee) Pent, iii 138
Pent, vii
Com. S. Spiritus 234
*Veni sponsa ? Agnes A
VIII *Venite ad m e Mat. xi Oct. Pet. cSi P. Tol
Ph & J. Tol M.ii O
•"Venite benedicti Mat. xxv Paschalis C
iv Coron A


VII Venite exultemus xciv V Praeoccupemus Trin12 154

(Paschalis Pentee Trinit) Ep 4 1R
*Venite justi Conv. P. Tol
Felix Simpl &c. Tol
II Verba mea V Trin' 141
VIII *Verbo Domini xxxii Pentee Corp
Trin Eg
*Verbum caro Jo. i Nat (3) A
I P Video caelos Act. vii Steph. 15
*Vidi speciosam ? Sabina Tol
I P Vidimus stellam Mat. ii Ep. 19
•"Vindica ? Cyrinus &c. Tol
Abd. & S. Tol
iv. Cores--~A
V I *Vir Domini Benedictus ? Bened. Tol
VIII" tVirga Jessefloruitvirgo ? de B.V.M. b Miss
VII fVirga Jesse floruit vellus ? de B. V. M b
*Viri Galilaei Act. i Ascens. A O
VIII Virtutes caeli Lu. xxi Adv.2 3
*Virtutes caelorum Lu. xxi Adv.' O
*Vos estis lux Mat. v Matthias G M.ii
Ph & J Tol
Jae. G
Barnabas G
Sim & J A
VIII *Vos estis qui Luke xxii Oct. Pet. & P M
Sim & J Thom
Thomas M.ii
*Vos qui secuti Mat. xix Barth T h o m
A p Corp
V o x exultationis cxvii Trinit Mrr 215
Dedic Eg
*Ymera agiasmeni = Dies sanctificatus Nat (3) Corp



•"Absolve Domine ? Mort A O

A d Dominum cum cxix XL.4vi R
VIII A d te levavi cxxii XL3
Cena D Thom
X L 2 Tol
•"Adjuva nos lxxviii pro pecc A
I P *Audi filia xliv Purif G"
Annunc M G Aq G' &c
I P *Ave Maria Lu. i Annunc
tA te praeco ? Gabriel Miss
VIII Attende caelum Deut . xxxii Vig. Pasch
Vig. Pent
VHP Beatus vir Ap
olim Cath. Pet. Mr W
*Beatus es Simon Mat. xvi Cath. Pet. Tol
VII Benedictus es Domine Dan iv Mens. dec. vii
Mens, prim., quart., sept, vii T h o m
III Benedictus es infirmamentoDan. iv Mens, primi vii
Mens, dec, quart, and sept, vii T h o m
VHP Cantemus Domino Ex xv Vig. Pasch
Vig. Pent.
VIII Commovisti lix LX
XL 2 G
Cena D T h o m
Depositio Regis W
IP *Confitemini cv X L2 passim
*Convertere anima cxiv Mort A
*Crux Jesu Christi ? XL.3 vi Eg
IP De necessitatibus xxiv [(/"Graduale] XL.' iv
VHP De profundis LXX
VIII Desiderium XX Mr
Cf & Ab
Ap H
Pont A C
Ord. Episc. A C
IP Deus deus meus xxi XL 6
*Dignare Domine Te Deum per X L fer. ii H
L. vi A
IP Diffusa est xliv V
olim Purif
IP Dixit Dominus Mat xv XL2
IP Domine audivi Hab. iii Parasc
IP Domine exaudi ci XL.6 iv
*Domine non aspicias Bened W
II Domine non secundum cii L. iv
X L fer IV and VI
TRACTVS lxxxiii

*Domini est terra Vig. Nat A

VIII tDulce nomen Jesu Christi ? Nomen Jesu Gr
V H P *Effuderunt lxxviii Innoc A Cas g
IP Eripe me Domine cxxxix Parasc 99
*Gaude Maria virgo ? Purif Eth Corp
Commen. B.V.M W
tGaude sancta Genoveva ? Genoveva Miss
V H P Jubilate Domino xcix L 28
Purif ?
t Judica jne xiii v Vulnera Miss
V H P Laudate Dominum cxvi XL.' vii 46
Vig. Pasch "5
Vig. Pent pl.Lc
Mens. sept, vii *i$ i
Pent, vii T h o m
XL 2 M
XL.4 iv T h o m
Annunc g
*Magnus Dominus xlvii xcv vel cxliv Cena D Morin apud T h o m
VIII tNunc dimittis Lu. i Purif b W pi.k
*Oculi mei xxiv XL' M.ii
0 Judaea ? Vig. Nat O
III Omnipotentem ? Mens. sept. vii. 172
IP fQuam dilecta lxxxiii Dedic
V H P Qui confidunt cxxiv XL 4 63
II Qui habitat xc XL 1 35
Parasc (Amalarius i. 13) g B
VIII Qui regis lxxix Mens. dec. vii 10
Vig. Nat A
Annunc Leof
VIII Qui seminant cxxv Mrr 217
t Fabian L B
•V W
V V Corp
olim S. Agatha Ord. Episcc A C
*Quomodo in me fiet Lu. i Annunc A
VIII Saepe expugnaverunt cxxviii XL 5 72
V H P Sicut cervus xii Vig. Pasch 112
Vig. Pent pl.Lc
IP Tu es Petrus Mat. xvi Cath. Pet 182
IP Tu es vas Act. ix Conv. P 178
tUsquequo xii Compassio B V.M. Miss
•"Venite benedicti Mat. xxv. XL.' ii Tol
*Vidi supra montem Innoc Corp
*Vinea Domini Is. v Vig. Pasch O
VIIIa Vinea facta est Is. V Vig. Pasch in
Vig. Pent pi. L c


II A d te Domine xxiv Dirige Respice Adv' 2

L. v 33
XL. 2 iv 5i
Trin'0 152
Mens. dec. vi M g
VIII Angelus Domini Mat. xxviii Euntes dicite Jesus stetit Pasch ii 118
Pasch' 125°
II Anima nostra cxxiii Nisi quod Torrentem Innoc 18
Mrr 2l8c
I Ascendit Deus xlvi Omnes gentes Quoniam deus Asc 136
Subjecit Asc' A G O &c.
*Audi Israel lxxx Israel si m e Mens. dec. vi A O
XL. 5 vii A
VIII Ave Maria, gratia Lu. i Quomodo Ideoque Mens. dec. iv 6
tVisitatio N 18, 5
Assumpt Eg
Adv 4 passim
tAve Maria parturientium ? pro mul. praegn Miss
VIII tBeata es de B.V.M b
I Benedicam Domino xv Conserva Notas fecisti XL.Mi 49
Trin5. 146
Trin9 M.iv
Mens. sept, vi M
Cena D Thom
V Benedic anima mea cii Qui propiciatur Justitia XL.' vi 42
Miserator Mens. sept, vi 169
Mens.quarti vi M G O
ord. episc. A C
*Benedicat nos ? pro iter ag A C
II Benedicite gentes lxv Jubilate Deo In multitudine XL. 4 iv 67
Venite Pasch5 131
Vig. Asc g
Mens, quarti v S
Mens, quarti vi W
Pasch3 M.ii
VIII Benedictus es ... .tradas cxviii Vidi non servantes XL. 5 vi
Appropinquaverunt XL. 3 vii Eg 77
III Benedictus es...ben cxviii Beati Aufer L. 29
In via Viam iniquitatis
Viam veritatis Viam mandatorum g
Q u o plebs devote Eth
VIII Benedictus qui venit cxvii Haec dies Lapidem Pasch. vii 124
Pasch' G
Pent, vii O
IIP Benedictus sit. T o b xii Benedicamus Benedictus es Trin Pi/
+Spons Miss
Transfig M.iv


IV Benedixisti lxxxiv Operuisti Ostende Adv3 5

VIII B o n u m est confiteri xci Quam magnificata Ecce inimici LXX 2
tChristum cruce mortuum ? Compassio B.V.M. Miss
7 «1- Confessio et pukhritudo xcv Cantate canticum Laur 194 &
-•>.. / ..:

'? pl.q
Cantate et benedicite Mr W
IVb Confirma hoc lxvii Cantate In ecclesiis Pent 137
Regna Pent, v 140°
Com. S. Spiritus 2 34
tConfitebimur ? Gabriel Miss
VI Confitebor D o m i n o cviii
Adjuva Qui insurgunt Rog 132
I Confitebor tibi cxviii
Beati immaculati Viam veritatis XL5 72
Inclina cor XL5, vii G
VII Confitebuntur celi lxxxviii Misericordias Quoniam quis Mr 209
olim SS. Georgius : Phil. & Jae.: Nereus & Achilles. Mrr 2l8c
IV Confortamini Is. xxxv Tunc aperientur Audite itaque "Adv 4
Adv3 R M G
Mens. dec. iv T h o m
Mens. dec. vi L
IIP Constitues eos xliv Eruetuavit Lingua mea Ap
olim SS. Pet & P
I Custodi m e exxxix Qui cogitaverunt Eripe me XL6 9i
Dixit Dominus Deus XL.6 ii M.iv
II D e profundi's exxix Fiantaures Si iniquitates Trin23 i67&pl.f
Trin24 Trinult 167°
Rog. iv T h o m
VI Desiderium XXVitam Lastificabis Cf & Ab 224
olim SS. Eusebius>: Mennas
II D e u s deus m e u s lxii Sitivit In matutinis Pasch2 128
Vig. Asc. 1R
VIII D e u s enim firmavit xcii Dominus regnavit Mirabilis Nat (2) pl.F
Nat' pl.H
Vig. Ep ?
tTransfig. & M
Inv Cruc A
Exalt. Cruc g
III Deus tu convertens lxxxiv Benedixisti Misericordia Adv2 3
Mens. dec. vi 7
XL', vii T h o m
II Dextera Domini cxvii In tribulatione Impulsus Ep 3 23
XL.3 iii 57
Cena D 95
Inv. Cruc Bl &c
* D i e m festum virginis ? Prosa Mundo praesenti Agatha g
¥H- Diffusa est xliv Eructavit Specie Purif E8I &
pi. k
.*AC -f-C f' ^ Assumpt i95 c
Matrona W


VIII Domine ad adjuvandum xxxix Jubilate Deo In multitudine XL. 4 v 68

Venite XL. 4 iv C
VI Domine convertere vi Domine ne in ira Miserere XL. 5 ii 73
Trin 142
tXL. 2 in J. cf C Leof
•"Domine deus meus xxiv Oculi mei Confitebor A Car
Trin24 A
VI Domine deus in simplicitate Majestas Fecit Solomon Dedic 175
i Par xxix.
VIII Domine deus salutis Ixxxvii Inclina Et ego Mens, primi vii 46
Factus sum Pent, vii
Mens. sept, vii
Oct. Pent S g
* Domine deus virtutum lxxix Mens. dec. vi Eg
III Domine exaudi ci N e avertas Quia oblitus XL. 6 iv
T u exurgens
IV Domine fac mecum cviii Deus laudem Locuti sunt XL.3 iv
Pro eo ut
II Domine Jesu Christe Hostias et preces Redemptor Mort
Erue A
VII Domine in auxilium xxxix Expectans Avertantur XL.2 vi
XL. 4 v passim
XL. 6 ii S
III Domine vivifica cxviii Fac c u m servo D a mihi XL.' vi & vii
*Dominus possedit ? de Sap M
VIII Elegerunt Act. vi Viderunt P
Positis Steph
Surrexerunt Exclamantes Tol
VIII Emitte spiritum Benedic Confessionem Vig. Pent
Extendens Pent. iv. G 2 G
Pent, v W O
Pent, vii H E £ ^
Mens, quarti vii V a l
V I I Eripe me...deus lviii Quia ecce Quia factus XL. 3 iv
? Eripe me...domine cxlii Exaudi • In factis XL. 6 ii
VIII Erit nobis (vobis) Lev. xxiii Dixit Moyses In mente Pasch. vi
*Erue Domine ? Mort Nov
II Exaltabo te xxix Domine abstraxisti Ego autem L. iv
X L 2 Cas.
VIII Exaudi deus liv Conturbatus E g o autem XL. 3 ii
XL. 3 iii M.iv
V Expectans expectavi xxxix Statuit Multa fecisti XL. 4 iii
Domine deus Trin'5
VI Exultabunt sancti cxlviii Cantate Posuerunt Mrr
olim SS. Cyrinus Basilides &c: Oct. SS. Pet & P : Vig. SS. Sim & J.
Ill Exulta satis Zech ix Loquetur Quia ecce Mens. dec. vii
Adv.4 1R g
IV Factus est xvii Persequar Prascinxisti XL. 4 vii
Factus et refugium g


I Felix namque Beata es Vig. Assumpt

III Filiae regum xliv Eructavit Specie tua V
Virga recta
olim SS. Prisca: Sabina.
tFortis praeco ? Gabriel Miss
VI Gloriabuntur v Verba mea Quoniam ad te Mrr
olim SS. Joh. & P : Proces. & Mart.: Simplicius &c : Felic. & Aq.:
Protus & H : Cosm. & D.
I Gloria et honore viii Domine Dominus Quid est homo Vig. Ap

olim Vig: SS. Joh. B : Laur : Mat: And. SS. Felix : Vine.: J Bapt T h o m Tol
Hadr. : Nicom: Chrysogonus. Thom. Cant. E
VIII Gressus meos cxviii Declaratio Cognovi XL.3 vii
IV Illumina oculos xii Usquequo Respice XL.2 vii
L. vii: M.iv g
Trin8 M.iv
VIII Immittit angelus xxxiii Benedicam In Domine XL'v
Accedite Trin14
VIII Improperium lxviii Salvum m e fac Adversum m e XL6
Ego vero
*In conspectu exxxix Confitebor Confiteantur Michael passim
I In die solemnitatis Exod. iii Audi popule N o n adorabitis Pasch. v
Pent, v E H h H e
*Ingressus est Lu. i Elizabeth J Bapt Mig M.iv
tin honore ? Raphael Miss
I tin nomine meo Mar. xvi. N o m e n Jesu.
II In o m n e m terram xviii Csali enarrant Dies diei Ap
olim SS. Simon & Judas.
V tlnsurrexerunt ? v Vulnera Miss
V Intende voci v Verba m e a Dirige XL. 3 vi
II In te speravi xxx Illumina Quam magna XL.' iii
IV Intonuit de cselo xvii Diligam Liberator Pasch. iii
Pent, ii
*Introibo ad altare xii i pro infirmo M
VIII lnveni David lxxxviii Potens es Veritas m e a Cf
olim SS. Silvester : Steph. papa : Sixtus : Callixtus: &c. Vig. Pont A C
V I In virtute xx Vitam petiit M a g n a est Mr
olim SS. Valentinus : Basilides : Joh. B : Tiburtius : Agapitus : &c. Steph passim
*Jesu bone ? Mort Nov
V Jubilate deo omnis xcix Ipse fecit Laudate Ep'
XL. 4 ii
F.p' passim
Ep2 M
Asc.1 S
I Jubilate deo universa lxv Reddam Locutum est Ep2
Ep' g M


IV Justitiae Domini xviii Prasceptum Et erunt XL 3 55

Trin' 151
IV Justus ut palma xci B o n u m est Ad annunciandum J.Ev 17
Plantatus Mr 209
olim S. J. Bapt Evang W
I Laetamini xxxi Beati quorum Pro hoc orabit Mrr 218
olim SS. Fab & Seb: Tiburtius & c : Marc. & Pet: Gerv. & Prot.: C o m m e m . Reliqq W
Cyriac & c : Fel. & A d :
IV Laetentur caeli (IT) xcv Cantate. . . .canticum Confessio Nat (1) 14
Cantate. . . .benedicite Vig. Ep T h o m
*Laetetur caelum xcv ut supra Vig. Ep H h
IV Lauda anima cxlv Qui custodit Dominus erigit Pasch.3 129
Asc' pi K
Pent, vi pi. a &
Vig. Asc A
Pent, iv W
II Laudate D o m i n u m cxxxiv Qui statis Domine nomen XL4 64
Qui timetis
VIII Levabo cxviu Legem pone Veniant XL.' ii 38
XL.' iv /To ^
t Martyr egregie ? Sebastian Miss )
II Medi tabor cxviii Pars mea Miserere XL2 48 x
Pent, iv '39
Mens. sept, iv 168
* M e m o r sit Dominus xix Mittat tibi Exaudiat Pontif A C
III Mihi autem exxxviii Domine probasti Intellexisti ApOSt: 203 &
Ecce tu • pi. z
olim Vig S. Petri: S. Andreas. pi. hc
VIII Mirabilis deus lxvii Exurgat Pereant Mrr 217
olim SS Gord. & E p : Prim. & Fel. : Abd. & Senn. : Tim. & Symph.
*Misit rex Mar. vi Metuebat Medio carceris Decoll J Bapt W Tol
VII Miserere mihi 1 Quoniam iniquitatem Tibi soli XL.2 iii 5°
*Nos autem gloriari ? Salvator mundi Inv. Cruc AG
I (minor) xliv Eructavit Adducentur V - 229
olim de B.V.M. in Oct. Nat. SS. Agnes': Agatha: Euphemia : VV 23P
Cecilia: Assumpt. Commem BVM 177°

IV Offerentur....prox (major) xliv Eructavit Specie V 229

olim de B.V.M. in Oct. Nat: SS. Lucia: Potentiana.
II t O pie deus ? Mort
VIII Oratio m e a ? Probavit Vig. Laur 193
IV Oravi deum Dan. ix Adhuc m e Audivi Trin'7 161
tReconcil. Eccl
Trin22 M
I t O vere beata ? de B.V.M. b.
IV Perfice gressus... .inclina xvi Exaudi Custodi LX 27
Ego autem Trin6 147

(*[) Cp- Confessio, for St Lawrence's Day.



*Perfice gressus.. . .gressus xvi pro iter ag Mig

V Populum humilem xvii Clamor Liberator X L 4 vi 69
Trin8 149
Rog. iii T h o m
Pent, v g
Pent, vi M
VIII Portas celi Ixxvii Attendite Apcriam Pasch. iv 121
Pent, iii 139
Vig. Asc W
Pent, ii 1R
VIII Posuisti XX Desiderium Magna Evan 204
Mr 209°
olim SS Matthaeus : Gorgonius. Thom. Cant i8c
VII Precatus est Ex. xxxiii Dixit Dominus Dixit Moyses XL. 2 v 52
Trin'2 155
II Protege Domine ? Salvator Qui pro Inv. Crucis 185
Exalt. Crucis ?
Com. Crucis 235
I Recordare quod Jer. xviii Qui regis XL. 5 vii 78
I Recordare mei Esth. xiv Everte Recordare Trin22 pl.e
I tRecordare Virgo de B. V. M . b.
V Reges Tharsis Ixxi Deus judicium Orietur Ep 19
I Repleti sumus lxxxix Domine Priusquam Mr 209
olim tS. Vitalis SS. Juvenal &c. Mrr 2l8c
Revela vide Levabo
I V tSacerdotes D o m i ni Lev. xxi Corpus Christi
*Salva praesentem ? Exalt. Crucis Tol
V Sanctificavit Ex. xxiv Locutus est Oravit Trin'8 162
Dedic G'
VIII Scapulis suis xc Dicet Domino Quoniam angelis XL' 36
Super aspidem
-V-H- Si ambulavero cxxxvii In quacunque T u mandasti XL. 3 v 59
Vnt „ .... Adorabo Trin" 163
Vig. Asc S
pro iter ag M
V Sicut in holocaustum D a n iii Et nunc sequimur In spiritu Trin7 148
Trin22 Trin23 passim
Ep 4 1R
III Sperent in te ix Sedes super Cognoscetur XL. 5 iii 74
Trin3 144
Cena D Thom
Trin22 C
7 --H- Stetit angelus Apoc viii In conspectu Mich 197
Mich, in M.T. 199°
I fStetit pontifex N u m xvi pro mortalitate Miss
*Subvenite ? Suscipiat Mort A C M
I Super flumina cxxxvi In salicibus Si oblitus XL. 5 vi 76
Memento Trin20 165
Rog. ii T h o m
tTe beatum ? Rochus Miss



IV Terra tremuit lxxv Notus in Judaea Et factus est Pasch n7

Ibi confregit
*Timebunt gentes ci D o m i n e exaudi Oct. Ep A
II Tollite portas xxiii Domini est Ipse super Vig. Nat 13
IV Tui sunt caeli lxxxviii Magnus et Misericordia Nat (3) 15
T u humiliasti Circumc
Vig. Transfig M . i v
*Veniens vir ? C u m q u e in sopore Aspectus quidem Inv. Crucis A O
Nov Tol
*Venite filii xxxiii XL 3 S Ordo7
II Veritas m e a lxxxviii Posui Misericordiam Cf & P £23
olim SS. Marcellus : Urbanus : Apollinaris : Felix : Corn. & C y p : Vig. Pont A C
Marcus: Clemens.
II Vir erat Job i Utinam Quae est Trin2' 166
Numquid Quoniam
II Viri Galilsei Act. i C u m q u e intuerentur Vig. Asc 133
Asc passim
Asc' G' Leof
Mens, quarti iv & vi


IV A b occultis xviii [Si mei non fuerint g ] XL 4 , ii 65

Absolve D o m i n e ? Mort A
*Accedite ad e u m xxxiii XL 3 . S Ordo7
IV Acceptabis 1 L. v. 33
Trin'0 152
tReconcil. Eccl
XL 5 A
•"Adjutor meus es tu xxvi XL 4 , vi 1R
V Adversum m e lxviii [Utquid Deus lxxiii. Bl U . X L 6 iii 91
Salvum m e fac lxviii passim
Exurgat Deus lxviii. S ]
VIII A l m a dei genitrix Vig. Assumpt pi. s
de B.V.M. b.
I A m e n dico... quidquid Mar. xi [De profundis exxix] Trin23 167 &
pi. f
Trin24 Trin u" 167°
Vig. Asc
IV A m e n dico...quod uni Mat. xxv Mrr
olim SS. Marcus & Marcellinus: Hippolytus &c. (If) XL', ii Cas &c. 219
I A m e n dico...quod vos Mat. xix Conv. P 179
Commem. P 190°
App W
VI A n i m a nostra cxxiii [Nisi quia Dominus Mrr 219
Laqueus Tol ]
olim SS. Processus & Martinianus: Protus & Hyacinthus.
tApparuit Lu. i. Gabriel Miss
*Audivi vocem Apoc. xiv Mort Bl
II Aufer a m e cxviii Mens. sept, vi 170
*Ave Maria Lu. i Annunc A
II Beata viscera ? Assumpt x
tVisitatio N
Vig. Assumpt Tol Eg
Nat. B.V.M. Tol Nov
I *Beati m u n d o corde Mat. v Mrr W
Processus Mart. M
Abdon & Sennes C.
*Beatum canimus ? Barth M.ii
t Beatus es et bene ? Sebastian Miss
III Beatus servus Mat. xxiv [Fidelis servus Tol] Cf. & P 223
olim SS. Silvester: Eusebius: Marcus : Clemens : & c .
IV" Benedicimus d e u m Tob. xii [Benedicat nos Tol] Trin pi. c
tSpons. Miss
Transfig. M.iv

(IT) But most Sarum books & Thom do not have this at all, but "Dico autem vobis"for St. Hippolytus or (Miss) for
Many Martyrs.


III Benedicite Dan. iii. [Benedicite omnia C Thom] Michael 198

Mich in M . T 199°
•"Benedictus Dominus ? Exurgat Deus lxvii pro iter ag A C
II Cantabo D o m i n o xii Trin.2 x
I Cantate D o m i n o xcv [Paschalis] Pasch5 131
*Chorus angelorum ? Mort A C M
VIII Christus resurgens R o m . vi Pasch iv 121
Pent, v M iv
VI Circuibo xxvi Trin6 147
Trin2 M.iv
VIII Comedite pinguia II. Esd. viii [Dies sanctificatus Tol ] Mens. Sept. iv 169
I Confundantur cxviii V J3
t Cecilia
•"Credo quod redemptor Job xix Mort A
II *Crux Jesu Christi ? Inv. Crucis A O
II C u m invocarem iv [Miserere Bl U XL' 38
Filii h o m i n u m C. Tol T h o m
Scitote quoniam C a s
Multi dicunt A ]
C u m venerit vide D u m venerit
*Custodi m e xvi X L 2 in J. cf Car C Leof
Trin24 W A
* D a nobis D o m i n e ? T h o m p. 227 A
I Data est mihi Mat. xxviii [Ego vobiscum Tol Accedens Jesus A ] Pasch. vi 123
VI D e fructu operum ciii Trin"2 T
t D e cruce depositum ? Compassip B.V.M.Miss
VII Dicit Andreas Joh. i Vig. And P]g
And Mig &c
VI Dicit Dominus implete Joh. ii [Nuptiae factae sunt Tol ] Ep2 22
VII Dicite- pusillanimes Is. xxxv [Benedixisti lxxxiv M Adv3 5
Excita D o m i n e ? Tol]
VHP Dico autem vobis Hippolytus pi. q
V Dico vobis gaudium L u . xv [Quoniam supra Tot] Trin22 pi. e
Trin3 M.iv
VI Diffusa est xliv V 230
olim SS. Lucia : Potentiana : Nat. B.V.M. C o m m e m B V M. I77 c
IV *Dilexisti xliv Assumpt Mig &c
Annunc T h o m
II D o m i n e deus meus vii [Nequando rapiat Tol] XL.' vi 47
Pent, vii S M G
II D o m i n e Dominus noster viii [Quoniam elevata Thom Tol] XL.2 ii 49
*Domine firmamentum xvii L. vii g
* D o m i n e jube m e Mat. xiv Cath. Petri A
VIII D o m i n e memorabor Ixx XL.4v 69
Trin'6 160
VII D o m i n e quinque tal. Mat. xxv [Misericordias lxxxvii. Conf & P 223
Benedictionem o m n i u m Tol]
olim SS. Marcellus : Cornelius & Cyprian : Clemens : & c .
VI D o m i n e quis habitabit xiv [Qui loquitur T h o m XL.3 iii 58
Qui facit haec A ]
•"Domine si tu es Mat. xiv Oct. P & P V


I Dominus dabit lxxxiv Adv' 2

XL.3 ii M.iv
II Dominus firmamentum xvii [In D o m i n o confido x M Trin4 145
Protector meus Tol] Cena D. T h o m
II Dominus Jesus Joh. xiii [Confiteantur cxviii C a s M i g C a r Cena D 95
Postquam ergo Tol]
II Dominus regit xxii [Virga tua Tol] [Deduxit g] XL.4 vii 7i
XL. 5 vii Leof
IV Dominus virtutum xxiii XL. 5 ii 73
V Domus mea Mat. xxi [Petite et accipietis Tol] Dedic 175
olim S. Maria ad Martyres.
*Dona eis ? Requiem
VIII D u m venerit Joh. xvi Pasch4 130
VI Ecce Dominus PZech. xiv Mens. dec. vi 7
VIII *Ecce sic benedicetur cxxvii Spons A
I Ecce Virgo Is. vii [Celi enarrant xviii M i g Mens. dec. iv 6
Dies diei Cas Adv 4 I2 C
Butyrum et mei Tol ] tAnnunc 184°
Assumpt A Eth Leof
VIII Ego clamavi xvi Trin3 144
Pent, vi A O
II Ego sum pastor Joh. x [Confitemini Pasch2 128
Bonus pastor Tol
Sicut novit A Tol]
*Ego sum resurrectio Joh. xi T e decet lxiv Mort G
VII Ego sum vitis Joh. xv Mr 2IO
olim S Vitalis
I Ego vos elegi Joh. xv Mrr 219
olim SS. Primus & Fe : Simpl & c : Feliciss & Agap : Timoth & S y m p h Ap W
*Emitte agnum Is. xvi Adv4 O
IV Erubescant et conturbentur vi XL'vi 42
Pent, vi G
VII Erubescant et rever xxxiv [Fiant tanquam pulvis Cas ] X L . 6 ii 90

I Etsi coram Sap. iii [Justorum animae Tol ] Mrr 219

olim SS Joh. & Paulus.
II Exiit sermo Joh. xxi [ B o n u m est xci J.Ev 17
Plantatus in d o m o C a s J. Port. Lat 186*
Virgo est electus ? "Tol]
*Euntes praedicate Mat x Ord. Episc A C
*Exaltata est ? Assumpt M
I V Exulta filia Zech. ix Nat (2) ' pi F
Vig. E p Leof
VI Exultavit xviii Mens. dec. vii n
Adv.4 1R g
VIP Factus est Act. ii Pent 137
Pent, v 140°
Com. S. Spiritus 23 +
IV Feci judicium cxviii [Confige timore Tol] V 230
olim SS Prisca: Cecilia.
VII Fidelis servus Mat. xxiv Cf & P 224
olim SS Urbanus: Sixtus Vig. Pont A C


I Fili quid fecisti L u ii [Evangelizare pauperibus ? Tol] Ep' 21

II tFoderunt m a n u s xxi V Vulnera Miss
I Gaudete justi xxxii [Confitemini Domino in cythara Tot] Mrr 218
olim SS. Tiburti us : Nereus &c. c u m V Fiat misericordia.
III Gustate xxxiii Trin8 150
IV Hierusalem quae exxi XL 4 64
II Hierusalem surge Baruch iv, v [Lauda Hierusalem Tol] Adv" 3
VIII H o c corpus Lu.xxii [Dixit Jesus discipulis A XL 3 72
y Quoniam Dominus Cenantibus autem Tol] X L 5 vii G O
C e n a D Morin apud
VI Honora D o m i n u m Prov. iii [Domine deus salutis lxxxvii Tot] Trin" i^5
^Cena D T h o m
I Illumina faciem xxx LXX 25
IV Inclina aurem xxx Trin7 149
Ep 4 1R
Trin22 Trin23 passim
In partu puerorum ? pro mul. prasgn Miss
I In salutari cxviii Trin2' pi. d
VI In splendoribus cix Nat (r) pi. E
tTransfig Gr
Vig. E p BlU
V Intellige clamorem v XL.' iv 40
XL2 48
Pent, iv G G2
VIII Ihtroibo ad alt are xiii LX 27
*Inveni David lxxxviii Urban us M.iv
•"Johannes est n o m e n Lu. i >T "Tu puer J Bapt M.iv
Jerusalem vide Hierusalem
tjubilus summae ? Raphael Miss
Justi autem vide " Justorum " in nota (%)
III Justorum animae Sap. iii [Exultate justi xxxii] Mrr 219
olim SS. Juven &c. :M a r & Pet : Oct. SS Pet & P : Vig SS Sim & HV
V Justus Dominus X XL. 2 iv 5i
II Laetabimur in salutari xix XL. 4 iii 66
Cena L T h o m
Pont A C
V Laetabitur Justus lxiii Mr 210
olim S Georgius
VIII Lavabo inter innocentes xxv XL. 5 iv 75
XL 5 vii M S Tol
VI Lutum fecit Joh. ix [Aperiam ? C a s XL 5 iv 68
Ille autem h o m o Tol ]
VIII Lux eterna y Requiem Requiem 233
IV Magna est gloria XX Vig. A p 202 and
pi. w
Evang 204°
Mr 210
olim J. Ev. (i): Vig. J. Bapt: 3S Matthaeus: Valentinus : Mennas &c.

( V ) But in T h : it appears as " Justi autem " at the first two places.


*Mammillam m e a m ? Specie tua xliv Agatha C a s

I Manducaverunt Ixxvii L
IV Memento verbi cxviii XL 5 , v
Rog. ii T h o m
VIII Mense septimo Lev. xxiii Mens. sept, vii
*Messis quidem Ord. Episcc A C
VII Mirabantur omnes Lu. iv [Puer Jesus Tol] Ep 3
Ep 2 g
Transfig M
VI Mitte m a n u m Joh. xx Pasch'
VIII Modicum Joh. xvi Pasch3
Vig. Asc A
II Multitudo languentium [Omnes qui habebant Tol] Mrr
olim SS Fabianus & Sebastianus
II Narrabo ix [In convertendo Tol] XL2, iii
Trin24 M.iv
II N e m o te Joh. viii Erigens se Tol XL 3 , vii
Deduc m e v C a s
Exaudi Deus lx A
Exaudi Domine xvi M
VII N e tradideris xxvi XL 5 , vi
XL 5 , vii
V Non vos relinquam Joh. xiv Pent, vii
Oct. Pent S g
Vig. Asc C T h Leof
Asc1 HcEH(UnivMS.)
VHP *Nos autem gloriari Gal. vi Inv., Crucis passim
Exalt. Crucis passim
XL 6 , iii 1R
IV Notas mihi fecisti xv [Exaudi Deus. lx, lxiii vel liv A XL 3 , iv
Adimplebis Tol addit]
tO Gabriel refove ? Gabriel Miss
* O m n e quod dat Joh. Yi Mort A O
*Omnes qui habebant Lu. iv pro infirmo M
II O m n e s qui in Christo Gal. iii Pasch. vii
VIII Oportet te fili Lu. xv XL 2 , vii
t O quam magnificum ? Rochus Miss
VIII Pacem m e a m Joh. xiv [Jubilate deo lxv vel xcix M] Pent, iv
V Panem de caelo Sap. xvi Trin'3
I Panis quem Joh. vi [Qui manducat Tol] XL.'v
VI Pascha nostrum i Cor. v [Expurgate Tol Confitemini Corp Eth Pasch
N a m et omnes vias exxxviii C ]
I Passer invenit lxxxiii XL3
IV Pater c u m essem Joh. xvii [Dominus illuminatio xxvi Tol Vig. Asc.
Cantate Domino g] Asc'
Mens quarti iv & vi
Pasch5 S M g


*Pater manifestavi Joh. xvii Vig. Asc A

VIII Pater si non Mat. xxvi [Verumtamen non sicut Cas Eth XL 6 89
C u m q u e consummassent A
In monte Oliveti Tol]
VIII Per lignum servi ? Inv. Crucis 186
Exalt. Crucis ?
C o m m e m . Crucis 236
IV Per signum (lignum^ crucis ? D e cruce passim
I Petite et accipietis Lu. xi Rog. ii 133
VII Populus acquisitionis i Pet. ii [Laudate D o m i n u m cxvi Tol] Pasch. v 122
I Posuerunt Ixxviii Mrr 219
olim SS Cyrinu 5 & c : Gerv & Prot: C o s m & D a m : I V Coronati
VI Posuisti XX Mr 209
olim S J.Bapt (2) : SS Felix : Basilides : Tiburtius : Hadrianus : &c.
II Potum m e u m ci XL6iv 93
VIII Primum querite Mat. vi [Aperiam in parabolis Tol] Trin' 151
Rog. iii T h o m
I Principes cxviii V 230
tSabina pl.t
'Propter lignum ? Inv. Cruc Eth
VII Pro quorum memoria ? V Et lux Requiem 23?
*Prosperum iter ? pro iter ag A
I Psallite domino lxvii [Date gloriam deo Tol Asc 136
Exurgat deus lxvii Mig]
*Puer Jesus Lu. ii Ep 3 M
Ep 4 g
I Qui biberit Joh. iv X I A vi 61
I Quicunque fecerit Mat. xii vii Fratres pi. p
& 90°
" Mrr & V W
VI *Qui habet mandata Joh. xiv Simon & Juda A
*Qui Lazarum ? Mort T h o m
VI Qui manducat Joh. vi [Panis q u e m ego Tot] X L 2 , vi 52
Trin13 '59
III Qui meditabitur i L. iv 32
VI Qui m e dignatus ? Agatha 181
V Qui mihi ministrat Joh. xii [Si quis mihi Tol] Mr - 210
olim S Laurentius. vide pi. q
VI Quinque prudentes Mat. xxv [Et quae paratae Tol] V 230
olim S A g nes
V Quis dabit xiii X L 3 , ii 57
I Qui vult venire Mat. xvi [Qui sequitur m e Tol] Mr 209
olim SS Vincentius : Nicomedes : Laurentius (Vig & Oct): &c.
IV Quod dico Mrr 220
tSS Felix & Adauctus pl.t
VIP tQuotienscunque 1 Cor. xi Corpus Christi
*Redemptor mundi ? Inv. Crucis A . O W
Exalt. Crucis Tol Eg
VII Redime m e xxiv X L 5 , iii 74


*Redimet Dominus xxxiii XL. 2 C a s A

*Regi autem i Tim. i Oct. E p A
I *Regina mundi ? Assumpt. A
VIII Responsum accepit Lu. ii [Et venit in spiritu Tol] Purif
I Revelabitur Is. xl [Cantate Dom...quia xcvii Nov Cas] Vig. Nat
"Sapientia aedificavit Prov. ix Nat (3) Nov
de Sap. M
III Scapulis suis xc [Dicet domino Tol] XL'
IV Semel juravi lxxxvii Apollinaris
Cf W
V Servite Domino L. vi
L. vii
VII Si consurrexistis Col. iii [Cantate Domino xcv. C Pasch. iii
C u m enim Christus Tol]
Sicut pater Joh. vi Moit
VII Signa eos Mar. xvi Cyriacus
Mrr W
VIII Simile est regnum Mat. xiii. [Adjuvabit earn xiv Tol] V
Matrona W
olim de B.V.M in Oct. Nat: SS Agnes2: Praxedis: Euphemia
VI Simon Johannis Joh. xxii [Contristatus est Petrus Tol ] Vig. Pet & Pauli
Pet & P passim
Cath. Pet. Aq
*Sint lumbi Lu. xii Felix M
VIII Spiritus qui Joh. xv Pent, iii
VIII Spiritus sanctus Joh. xiv [Sumite psalmum lxxx Tol ] Pent, ii
VIII Spiritus ubi vult Joh. iii Pent, vi
Pent. v. : Tol
Inv. Cruc S
Exalt. Cruc g
VI Surrexit Lu. xxiv [Cito euntes dicite Tol Pasch. ii
IV Tanto tempore Joh. xiv Phil. & Jae.
*Tempus est ut revertar Tob.xii pro iter ag M
VII Tolle puerum Mat. ii [Venit Angela Tol ] Nat'
Vig. E p M M.ii
IV Tollite hostias xcv Trin18
Dedic G'
*Tristitia Joh. xvi Asc1: S M.ii g
*Tuam Deus ? Mort A
Ill T u Domine servabis xi [Usquequo g] XL. 2 vi
X L . vii T h o m
VI T u es Petrus Mat. xvi [Et portse inferi Tol] Cath. Pet
Pet. & P
Vine. Pet
Vig. Pet. & P passim
V T u mandasti cxvin XL. 3 v
L. vii M.iv
Vig. Asc S
II T u puer Lu. i [Ad dandam scientiam (Mig y ) Tot] J. Bapt
*Tu solus cognoscis ? Domine deus meus vii pro pecc A C



V Ultimo festivitatis Joh. vii [Benedic anima mea cii vel ciii Vig. Pent pi. L
Si quis sitit Tol] Mens, quarti vii V a l
VTI U n a m petii xxvi [Exultate xxxii Mig Trin.3 146
Si exurgat Tol] Rog. iii T h o m
III *Unguentum in capite cxxxii Ecce quam bonum Pontif A C
VIII Venite post m e Mar. i Andr. pi. h
Vig. Andr. passim
Vera fides ? Nativ. B.V.M pi. u
1 Videns Dominus Joh. xi [Deus deus meus xxi XL. 4 vi 69
Domine dominus noster viii Car
Exclamavit Jesus Tol]
VIII Video caelos Act. vii [Cum autem esset C a s Steph. 16
Positis autem genibus Tol]
I Viderunt omnes xcvii [Memor fuit C a s Nat (3) 15
Jubilate D e o Tol] Circumcisio ?
Vig. Transfig M.iv
TV Vidimus stellam Mat. ii [Coram illo C a s Ep. 19
Magi veniunt Tol]
V tVincenti dabo Apoc. ii N o m e n Jesu
VI Voce m e a iii XL.' ii 38
X L vii M.ii
I Vos qui secuti Mat. xix Ap 203&PI.Z
olim SS. Simon & Juda
II Vovete et reddite lxxv Trin'7 161
VII V o x in R a m a Mat. ii [Iratus Herodes Tol] Innoc 18


VI Adorna thalamum Purif 180&

VII Alleluya Laudate D o m i n u m omnes gentes cxvi Vig Pasch n6 c
V Ante diem festum Cena D 97
VIII Ante sex dies passionis XL 6 80
VIII Ante sex dies solennitatis XL 4 81
IV Asperges m e Miserere mei Deus 1 Dominicalis ?
I Ave gratia plena Purif 180 &
II Ave Rex noster XL 6 85
VII Caro m e a requiescet Parasc. tplene 104°
II Calicem Credidi cxv Cena D. tplene 95'
I Cenantibus Magnificat Cena D. tplene. 95c
IV Crucem tuam tDeus misereatur lxvii Parasc 102
VII, VIII C u m appropinquaret XL 6 79
V C u m audisset - XL 6 80
IV Dignus es Domine XL 6 82
VII Diligamus Ecce quam bonum cxxxii Cena D 96
II D u m fabricator Parasc i°3
VI Ecce lignum Parasc 102
I Ego sum Alpha Pasch2 I2
VII Exaudi nos Salvum me-fac lxviii L. iv 29
VII In diebus illis Miserere mei Deus 1 Cena D 96
VIII In pace in idipsum Parasc. tplene 104°
VII In pace factus est Parasc. tplene io4c
II Immutemur L. iv 3°
IV Juxta vestibulum L. iv 3°
VIII L u m e n ad revelationem N u n c dimittis Purif 180
III Mandatum novum Beati immaculati cxviii Cena D 96
tDeus misereatur lxvii
VI Maria ergo tBeati immaculati cxviii Cena D 96
VIII Occurrunt turbse XL 6 82
I(?) Popule meus Parasc 101
IV Postquam surrexit Audite haec xlviii Cena D 97
VIII Prima autem azymorum XL 6 78
I Pueri Hebraeorum tollentes XL 6 78
I Pueri Hebraeorum vestimenta XL 6 78
II Responsum accepit y Hodie beata virgo Purif pl.i
I V tSi ego Dominus Cena D
VII,VIII Venit ad Petrum Cena D 97
VI Venite venite Benedicam xxx Cena D 94
VIII Vespere autem Magnificat Vig. Pasch n6 c
VIII Vidi aquam Confitemini Domino Pasch 116
II Vos vocatis Cena D 97


II Circumdederunt Cena D 95c

VIII Cogitaverunt Testimonium XL 83
. II Collegerunt Unus autem XL 6 84
II Dominus Jesus Convenerunt XL 6 83
tEstimatus sum Parasc
II Ingrediente Cumque audissent XL 6 85
VIII In monte Oliveti Vigilate Cena D 95c
Responsum vide Antiphonas
Sepulto Domino ? Ne forte Parasc. 104°


I En rex venit mansuetus XL 6 81

III Exultet Vig. Pasch I0
IV Rex sanctorum angelorum Vig. Pasch 114


Ecce magnus dies A Ep. Infra actionem

Emitte Spiritum (Angelum) Tol A Nat. (3) Ant. ad Comunic™
Hie est Agnus Nov. Pent. T h o m In fractione
Vig. Pasch Infra actionem
Hoc corpus A XL. 6 & Infra actionem
Venite populi Thom B Corp Pasch In fractione vel Ad com.
Memor sit Dominus Tol Pent In fractione
Surrexit enim sicut C Pasch
In die resurrectionis C Pasch


I Crux fidelis Parasc 102

I Gloria laus XL6 83
II Inventor rutili Vig. Pasch 104
IV Salve festa dies qua deus infernum Pasch ir6
qua deus in ccelum Asc 133
qua nova de caelo Pent ?
qua caro Messiae tCorpus Christi
qua sponso sponsa Dedic 173

p. xi line i. after " Festivals " add " except in Septuagesima."
p. xii note i. for "at the Xth century" read "in the Xth century."
p. xxiv line n . for "Naboris" read "Nabor."
p. xxv line 22. after "similarly" insert "the"
p. xxvii note 5. for " M S S . " read " M S . "
p. xxx line 22. for "adopted " read " adapted."
p. xxxi line 9. for " X l V t h and X V t h centuries " read " X V t h century."
p. lxii For the ps of Vide Domine read " Posuit m e . "
p. lxvi Read " Justus non conturbabitur."
p. lxxiii line 6. for " pi" in the outer column read " ?"
p. lxxix T h e Alleluia Surgens Jesus is H n d mode.
p. lxxx T h e biblical reference of Terribilis should be " Genesis xxviii."
p. lxxxv T h e Offertory Confessio et pulchritudo is IVth mode.
p. lxxxv T h e Offertory Diffusa est is V H I t h mode.
p. Ixxxvi T h e Offertory Exultabunt sancti is IVth mode.
p. lxxxviii T h e Offertory Miserere mihi is V I H t h mode.
p. lxxxix T h e Offertory Si ambulavero is V I H t h mode.
p. lxxxix T h e Offertory Stetit angelus is 1st mode.

*** In the Index the symbols Bl T h and W are sometimes given in italic by mistake.



, nut 4?&ff>'< n:.v*^a.^.otrtoiltmntiatIul^>-; italic

f ommb?fcittscimitcgtwtnf^oH?;rtx»mtr5 gtmugnicmlftcrfw
*•''• itoimtetui'-quooaoimtTain -cotten>»fatmiv c•?!••rc> |ttw r i
ttmttaeaifltmbtcuadgit* ^nmtm^^mttrmnict!^
{tbabcatmti-tocctm&fristtD cati&m tmtCStti mcmmm $?tfumt>rni!Ia
t>tratitur. ^nfmaumautcmtnci^tit!!a miamtn.^ rOncttctmra,

cot^^mmtcmo^VciWttttf rttstm.^ltii.l toft ft^&Wmjm* • i


T^WMJk:' J --
Ltttucr ftqmttrccpcthntt ncm«m^^entttr
^d^ftM J1 J* • T .7 1
-ronrmt/ evXJuastuastormnc

i tmfmcoibtamtu amcrfalutatetu ^

i; tnfo"bano Ins. '

[| ^pj^futittt&mfa'tbrtwcctrtmtn eftoftrtomtmitm,cummin TmieiP- -
| * ;lomtfca*mt.jhttt^

?•••' /

^.'C.J&j (Wfv .«Ki/U)

"tcfimdojr out m cft$>lb tnMtctebtcunt ucm'Otit^jEtfinSt^b
numcaU&tyfr'oittcatn rapttulofcitatrcum Cfwfco niuv&hmic
<&mt)tefwtnnimtt8.(a7m amntbtipltafcfto^tt omrnfef&ltsfatit'
temarte.rt(nipcroctai)cautm.jti Amttt^fatoftamusbapttfte^ >,*

fatmtbael?* jni&Fcctltfta*: tequomtntFftierttjfco.tKm er&btto f«7

rccra.tabteafcmftoittS/tiottpToi!^ otffe,
* *r ~.~ ' y-r— , •,• — —;—»-—
&tr -rotm neleuatua mttiammeatubatsnwie

7g p i 7 JC = f : p - r nonfood
cctmm tmttterft qmt^qp<femtf non ccmSmtmtitr^Tomtr
ommus ^abtr bemgnttntem etrtsromoflrafca hw

(/#aub^^ _tm
7 " m /A.
its uefht.f JBotut^fttifttt^^
•yggs^^^^JT-p^ .^7I7t ..:»

ttus tnatitftfteue tttctr. nfr.Qottgtyga

te tlft Catttfos ems qtct (nbmmtcttftr

teftatwerrdmi e tus itqperfacttftcta.

fflle Urf-a .7 "^.

XXimttes cut motutornmrec tuncutb&tmr£lttmtlKrrottt^ ft


tttromtemtttmtbtbusc&mmtptef rateecutatcf ?me

mag- ' | na4nfolc,<1>f%tc«ttnn.

Jam tit amttmene tttiuft ca bts nos ccptebs


a^tatntitatttcorajutaitm umjba no bts,<K,

I is

fl.titj. qrtk.;i\jatatftt8(ttm. ^ g ^
tuo."flerta w eptv^tt<wtttutt)8terlin.;©ifttie[.;
^zi~ ^: tvrt^H ^ommtta:
^ H ^ ^ ^ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0ftttflKTttmtmto(Ojp^aomtf®c€

^ f etfj~

^ -r—r—
I^n*- £
W^ttrmt. A . - — 1 1 err T-'t ^
tootefcattrapuotjettm. ^^t7pa^bwcttte^ttpcmrcm^K
.-. ';, • — r »i !.""^i— . — T ~ £:.-;••:•: X—~"*~" ""

Jfofumfhtotac I _ ' ,;77t.
u p * eptftd-.rttcnofc
ruftobtar cwbattfo^mtclltgenaae ute.tlhmcouotnojT&
•Jflii*** A ^ K ^z::,:^:zzzzi£f
mfctes -izri;.JUL
txnntne ~ij^i^
topercjjmtbjm •
i*&#* r
ttent. <iwi**frj&mtr .
fe: C^f^-^5 C >I<S tffjff
^tfffldmtenfrqm teot?

S~V ^-

oomme |Wen


ttuCaUtosfatt ae tios. fectofls.^wuumJ

" IB
~H — _ _ _
•> •

«*• ¥
cneojjn : thamtmeter ratntuamaucttrlh
^tn^^ A-
p* jOapttttttHtemtacob. rantfi fttint
• at
C 3883
bt8tue.Co/39tattpti(tHattttnc8 cottfozrammt etmoltteti r
^i±*fi ±ohJ^ jKtmauamij Jl
mete ectetettsnofterttent
!££ /* aomtflam.'l
etrefcfafetabtrttos. ©tttontm.
?rttem etret
TO" £
yfoatr celt tefk^ec & m b e & p l u m t t r tuftttm apjttw
tetmc0gennmeoraitiato2em.}>. ©nrtttthctaouatrihttuC
X . , ogfmc Oftettobt(iaLf&&'„:jt
* --771>^farf8of ctfe.lrttu^^
ego tmrnnufcttatu etm?£x#tt^fatas#tfa. %\iPonttejX£

ta8pmtnpe8 tie (has etrelettatttmt p m
2#tj5 :ti
B33 ;fi
Jteecemaies etrmtrot btr

ut8 afcenbermtnotttettito
m m m m
« " ! : * • •

twin - _ A aatqutsftabtrtnlorofatiftop V?

m&m it^itmocenstiia? 7 ntbttfc

ntbttfe er »


ftte± Wf, F—T
otmtrtmsmttocatmbufc e ttm ottmtbtt& quj^
luoo^e tMnumta te. ^ r**^

autem tomm^ •• ~r. tonnetttr os mtttm

etjbenebtcar otnme can) nomcnfanrtitm e ttte'
gabuelangtfueaD^^V 2r AM/ 3
£ £&
C33t *
plena to
n^gjg-^ :T/ era

mmttstmnn benebtfla tu

w v ^ ¥
^ mmttlt e n bufcetfbene&tjfoisfmftitsuen ttl8 ttlt.<&
fc iz-"-JT- -; ryi > ^ _ ^ . -rr*
Zjl ^
ccemt^ocompteretrpa nerftltttmecruocabmtrnomm *

m** , a*tm<r*m ' n F 4fi fi* - i
ttjp^cftotwmtneetrcmmcsfiHHaum. e titse tnanueL

iitenttumtas mraoregno ititeteftimotutstutsqmatn

emtumttu C8. f»^Ocattmmaculatt.0(mn}micm.itt7b^

^.Ogte c
. itJ ' 5
ftnifrnobtstomtnic nmmcoibt^
Mv > amwfifltttwtrm trm -
ba„. nobt$.#.

JDcncbfttfttto imrntotmnm
J l7V
1 vttrWTX^ . -7 § 5 A V iy. ' ' S
a mt&ttmtf nrapntttmtera
7 777777
Kg^g^lS^ ^
(Dffmmtutn^Atstttconticrtenstmttfi eabtsnof
^WJJ'^ efrjHebsma Ictabtturmteodente no bt&

imnmetmfmcotbttf' ttt a m ecfalutatetu u m oa

no bts<C3^cce^nnmtt8ttmtcpcromnc8i^Aem8C^

1^j eo epetstmsbtetHa u^rmasnajFaUato^miffismofltmtt

. y ^ ^ m t co outnotnobisfaaemntatnlmmrffqmicfccs
rtmnVjNi wfaim mtnus, f ^tuwgiftftFmteor. ^Cmetd*
CNmnts omonesfmcOnsuobtfctifctmnturyzcrer earn qtteefr
p r e c^ tftotam. o#.X>eti8 qutconfptas. Icttto. Olamatur^


• ,

^tmtoce loegttflto ettie. cooccttrfit^

rattrglo rtamte

cf opuramanttume ut8ammaar frnnatnemttm.

J^bt^etfctf&fnfolep fttttmbcmacttUntt
'pW&^lty . J: fti.
M,. :l 7 E?SE
in ttm „ coipfetattciuamQxmfus
~~ ,r_.-. ...... r^occ&ms&tbafamoi | j
t± St 7
fito„ j^wlfirmmo or w . .-. SIo
^^Spf^l - -7 - - * KJ. J^-U^H
sgptf (toe nt8e0octttrftt8e| ttt8 jLj
'J J c' } * ll•«" ^t$mmn:r P
nOpao fcmmutmJ -e ttt8. t e m ^ f i t t S ^ ^ |*
-/fa? _r _ — S
turn conucttc nos
'7'fW **&.

§ - £5..; "(If ay-rw. ^Ss^f

ccotetoefaacmtuam eofalnt mmtts. f****^
*° mmepotenctamtttamet7nr
• - . . .
. -' -':»"

X vixttt fatttos fflttas nos..„ ___ J^mcocfffi

^omoo mnieptten team t n a m Z_ c^tte J

mttrfamostactaenps. w^ ,r^-^^^tttttgtstfcaelnt
mtrpfautoft'piaastjpft. <«*»•••• ^jutytegtatfei

tm te qttttebttcteucUtrottemto

fqrt) qmfctesfnpjr tf>emtrj!m ajpate emmt*

<3L. i? _,_,.].

$fcatm bSttammeamattafl"^
j fz/ 7 :z^ fqL^^z^^_pttcc8^m.tw2in^;6,
r ' jg^clmamfu«^tms^fm.n>
:' ^mcto&6e$tmnmctett£ ^afo,ntabtcaritfe(Stmfcnntcm.
• •^R V-^---^ 4
_ _ _ _r ar £31
3+4 1 t-rJ:
a _ _
bmebtdmunomcnglmtetueqttoo eftfanfctm. $$l«Llk>

f ^ z ? i ^ * z 7 ^ z z z_=dLT^fr«qr*"33«t«6ttots.d)om$.0n$:
jF^/'Jk.Mt-Jr- i z fr^ j ^ ;Bmeto&ts.(Eboms. *%
laubaMeeoglmtofummCeatla. Dcttsgatntttucimct^.
enebtttttsesm templo fattdo p/oitrme.^p^(felatflJ*
S^T^f.-——3 ^ ^- „, • TZZ'^ ~~t;
; >

fe|»'.- :Ar31J 1
/t J T rZ^_ZE^_
(frlautf.<rtut IDenrtnftuscs qmfcteeuiper Cccptntm bmtmtanf,

tnc.ttw.tolauiUlta. 3_»cncbttftt& «8 qui ftfes ftqsr tbmtbfoit

ttmtcns abyflbs.too?,(frlatttf. &'m pmeottfus cs q m atnbtj r

. ia8i«pcrpmna8uent«^.©)oi.<BD'^

cnrnce angclt ^faticawt.Clic^iBriaiibcnrtt wglonnccntmre - |
/•\ a— 7 7 I I I
n a 3 m m * m 3 m af mm m_ ".;«

/ cy. JJ<' ' f7'-'^-' f^£

z_ _? n "^ ffiP±P
II v r: z z z z z r L.^-2 :
<Dioii?03rlatit)Ctrt7. Ci'tn. IDloitapamcrftltocriptnnufancto.rb^
; ,t *.. ,/J^.Z_E^(^l
> © 7 l a u e etrtjono- cnpotcftas ecrmty ttumi. d i n z i W t 7 erarm |
7 7
l-5ff^S i /tZ'**V >^zz
f«) 1 pnnnptocontmccoChwpercomfemlafc^lc^anten.fim
/ zziz |f] z" pttme.epiibla,^:
/ !^<EbidLtt6 Cttrt. Dencbi<^i».<nic^Otieb<m8.:^^
C_v^ Antegtstfracl tntente qmbebttcts

^)|i ttclttrottcmtoCcpl). <—sjSLtufcbesrttpercbmt''

7 777
S B P s fij0 "NS\Hn _*
iwn a^patvcoiamcffttnm bcntamm
§|__ii /! ^jyg*n p - * satej*
camanafTe. <***^Xrcttato
^____=_.' ___ ^>,7-j''^l/7777V^|tf
,mmeprtennanmtatn etme nt itrfaluos -fit
77 * 7'^ _ z_ qttmtdbcamoJr
a aenos. 6-fcra»mm. ^xttTtafansfilt
aB<m pzebtraftliaimtfatcm eccetyctti usne
C fjT
P " P ft p j~\K. fa, 77 E | I ft "V J
me tt bt fantfus cofaluatcu. Go.^roltatttt ttt> gtgas a^ cmtetv
E„.,jZ.A„^;77fr ;,.,.,.
"Damtuamalinnmo cc To cgteuto e ttfe eooccurftts cuts ttfcp
£ -77 J/ ^ttttgtttntt-ontmcntcnntctutrtcttnTtacfntoi
* J Jgfe 7 Tcpoa^tiotmtpfacbfcosfc™^^
5 J
•f Cft
i £•
^ - ^
^ / t " A 7 */ *attfrma
etus.f nqttacriq; •• tftooaantettatbalc
ccnm&tfteintpicna fcttn;
K-. ; f ^ -
•J »w
5_ If
! h M ± z mctocmuu-
_W ' _•_*.*»_._.. _ •

0 v
VH _Mementonoftntotmnetnbeneplactto ©fitfa-ttT).oflthi.
™j £ ^ —
.*Au.ffH. nJtifi'^Ji P 7 p**17
j|tt>Ptrtttut tttftta «08in famrau tub ao tuinmoum rnXxwrta
Hj te ekt^tmtuonmtmletmagnmw^
*_§r fC It 7 £_?3 ^ J * - - C* • A W etxttmtmt
F?cte5ttaur tua. f Wctcaumfait^^^mm. Oauostcfofio.
Sgz c-7 7 ^WWffi^P^
, jpeeCt-bcnntmt's.^JUau- .atttta..MucIny
suite. a.
^«^V-t n' I
zz:?Xz:T--^--£ o o m m e ecnoli mrtanrrel^r

a -fan noiaptebtstti-

jam noli te time te ecce e mm ontsno ; ufirtetnbuetz tubt

P* - _ ^v/^My^.,ij|->4^|
ctumtpfeuemet7 etriaittosnos ^actetr.C^Mcceugo^TtteL
cnatmcp?a.6CnilmnTta^.<_^,nGr. Gfi^fetmom^. Jy
I! ttttWf-cpKiJ[&u&a*to
| ntn^itanaibait6'tommt'2tomuTant offtcurm.
WXf^t 5t * — J t
4 fe/ 'Zoi&te fae tts quia utaeclommfts a
&{&uafott7 nos eoma^
3 • ' (t/_ — _ •

M*-* -J»-
.. feyntmbebt tt&gumameut&. p . ^ f i 1 ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 ^ ' ' ^ " 1 ^ '

^m.^iiuiui 1*^.v,?^.. t obte fete tts quia tiem et?;

1» mmtts 7cofaiuabttnoseonta
I V » H I H W U H Vne uioibms
W VV mil u\.
37 *-?
^^:' #^^7±?
lo n a m e ttts. mwgistrmdmtcti;
<*-»- 0>}gjiu mn
r' ^qtataebuttStteUitoutmto

_!__ ftpb g m fetesfiipcrcbmibyn ajpatr cmameffrft

nn ec manafle, fet<
_ _ • . , ^-,..7 * ; *-
poTlttejm jpajspnuctpesne^ ftms ctr eXcua mmxpym
jhnr—7-ir-g-jr ~r i •%. v*

cccrna Its eamtroi Mvxyc$&me

|^^__g__^ ^-'m . j| -^Arpjtii i-.
)&rglmtaD^mtmtt&^ tfcte Tt
uu^tMmpfitta cou^
I ta^fdbiMce^ca.cntu^tct^ve
!L_3—»« -,- '

'Vte bttamraoaitmmcitm

Oraftma'bt eMebmtrmtqttttastet t^eoti^abtcrttp^iioj
WQftutat»i.thuribt. '

ommu6^rttat)meiiittt&mett^6tttego oo^tegenutit^ g

w'^ft^v^'> •-* *> •/ "H^HMttcefrffionamee.quoumfat^m^r

__ __ _ _ ^ f §||'
• /-... ... • Z ;/
m *ot ettutu tt&tu e tnCplmtmtbttsfanfto

turn erutero ^ antelua ferttm nut

£ = f c iff f^ g«

te ^~^;$§mt&^ _s
__ ofeteatj^xtrt&me is bonecponatn
tmtmcos osos fcaM lum txr turn pe tmmtuo^.
lie ttrj>a omtmtsbpisoat)
meftltus metises ^tuegofy)
&L 4*i*W &*rhlAlkk V J- •-!>i^W«n'inatocanutr
fe^T^v ^ T Y f y f f j Z E ^efih5e$KircWIJ
T>"_t_jmutt*_ _ acefau^mt.®te^
a: *^ .^^S#^7yiFfgj£
- /^*ft ir ^ Xt
^"^ntl "twte^ tia auteztfiem bo>
£ - - ^ ^ i j t g w prc^ao.<jftutapermcatnaa.__hct. H l
muttqttofuamtte nttr. tomsofebas.crtTfDttmatmaftors. *
Cft:__z 7 __ ^"^bmctocmQglfevttg'anahtftpat)
, r F ^ W ^ j r - Tr r«nectmt)tepiittf:<C6mumfuotui s
tplenemtbtts fancfe ufq? m> nttunftdem Jftftn M GSmiu
pm^tttera autettt p n u t te; / ne ofncutm.
"' f
V z z
/^7..f^,(|A(5Jl7l Vl^^
IgNtftrntcr itertttactrttrrawbfr Ttarttm erpietitutbmem

: '_ * nir-77%u.j \
j •e ut8tunmbaut ttifh na etmtbt emu.pieparaeto
z . ft "Dts m e . Cc-lSt^mmtoimtesttnestmeMtm z j
fe^ C ., • * 5-.fejjt^-5-tepbarti^ftoutcafttcttt/^pioC-TBonetnt^c.
te r 1"noftn. jnteteutotf^

fn; j>z?z |tcntmfebmmtpnnttpe6 eratotertttrnmeloquebantttretrai '- -•

•if fen -
tqttt ^fectmrtmtmeapttttiame bommeveuemettsqutaferttus
i VjL _ -Z<J_ _">-J_; '--«—•_-_/ «, -¥-•*—m-ma/Jm
,i ^---*->M*-^r;V • -%:0J>hftZ;;.T£:£Z.:z.
ttutsmettcbatttr mtttts tn(hfttactontl3it8.f_33caamma^

- etrawtetfumme ' |

trtanuireomtqm^mtttftjnfme. <*#*m
utame z

_ _ _ _ . ..^yfc. •-.•/(

~ _ • - - . . & • • •

.^rr- •
l as
ftwfrwtfv ^"ULtteo ceiosaper
tos ertbtfttm
temater tns m m t nsfce

erin^ttmtffttur.irl-''' ?7 — "711 '» ^Va/L^l

6_c^e^miTO.^J[lejt ututafl? <to!tftepbamtml<
r : J
!?¥_! ^ lfc7: '^ZZ^ffi ~; ___
tu^^ttmetrfetccnmrtlmTimeibe fttac cip-fptn tttmmctrmicttm
-• 7*/.- • f t / t ^ . f—f-
a_t 7JJ Utj«.<r«.^_^ttw)«lo6ar<tt06tt'ibcfiiniftantcma

"De«n6turorus•& t tmrnttc tbeftt amprfpttmtm mmmecneriautaVtl'

ll Jl 7 7»7 ., / *:ziz lubtefanmiobannt^at-
gsbocpnxattunqutanernuttrqiuofamtrrr. |angtftut auim(Tarao(fim<
i~J s

\ jf JHmebio ectieftr apeuttr as cute ertmpiettrc cum fcotmntts fptntuftf -

* - ^ H T - 771 W 7 ^IV7- 77*- pP "<*m'
@& »teuaevtnWUctfht6 ui)Iagloztrtnl)uueitm.f.]oatt)ttFrt*m.3m^
-• -T"
zl) £;nrr<etwonnTr*ftn ttesquoBtnfa pulustl ictiontfRatf

mwt utr p_s_=^> kcftc etnu nolo manete SJ 'V

axmec Jftttltrjpa.

e(tfetfnpulustl le qmteftuno

f f,77-
w v
mumper ntbetf&efjusetrfq musqtttaue

^otebttftmrce outs qttemlt ba uo eft- muftK

pUea bmtr. (Eom.Jyetnr fermo mteruttttes qnoobtictptr
E_ZE^^EZ5^S^Z^^= ^^^^"
p»Ut6 tTTe non mountr
monmottutr ferae d^etr-tefugn m»ttf$uTeu nolo mmrn^fctticettcnul?

'yjc i^emfennum eriactenatnupertectftt latitem propter m i

:-Z_-Z-_-!S 7/t^7af*4ifi^y oi^mftio.aicmte.
~ « a V J _ i ^ 7 £ ^ M^^tcfcbttepTioecbe
mtcos ut os. 'ommetmsuo^Qlmen. fcb^oBep/CltbtfuptnOv
p - ^
ntmanoftra fimrcafftrctwacft tetaqucoiim
W » a——«/•

jaqttetts #777

ecuos Ubent tt fumtts

13 ~ . 3-a^a 7 7 ~7: — , & &

mint qutfecttceutm enter ram. m


* ttoiuitttttnnomme t»

U<:tlifnnamntm ran W

wtttslatt tjaoefaem ttts. to tmne atf3a*mt.<!}ffimmi«.

rmmano ataCtcttrpaiTereteptaeft-ttlacitteo ttettanct

J T 7 T 7 7 U ^ *> J i~Vl£MW<
ttmlaqtte us rcmttmis e(b eruos Itbera tt Cumus.Cotnm;
»?j j- p l ^ ^ L ^ ^ . j " ; . ; ; 7 ^Ji T ;/t 7 «-
/ fjgf -; • • _" :zzzz
lBc^mrama aubttaefrpunattts etutlulatttsracbelplwansnlt
/ fel H --'N*i 1 S-LDM^S

; ^ ^osniosuoluttconfolatrqut ancmftmt^iiAt^^inc^os^pw
' | m e *ja$et7& fc$#eptfoeote fee tolic-cc «vnn7oce^<8pla.0mt8p5nr/.
I | ueratt.€fni<3fi(mioqwmtno.(^^
; :
f l l t e ^ * N|t i^7^_^^.______-
* ; . • - •

#l! _B^tmntter nabeteo onmtpotensfermo mus txmttne 8?ceWfa

.jfe jt WJIWA^-- 7 J.-^H'•• 77tfc
!_*_*__..___:: ue ntr. £: jgnstrg-bm^mott^eft.
_;'^':.:: ^ ___>, QtmeM. -•••_• «


g n ';7 71 __; HMU 7 * ' J -MC
Wupge ectmuuma tviemfalem
gg - ___§_ ^"^-w *n*7^FV-(
qutaglo via to mint m per te onaeft
ntlcltrpa. <-—rvCXt otnttts fteflame utf

molten k te ecment mus citmtntme.

t z ^ ^ j L j t ^ F \ - j5>ctv.eptpbantam tf. . :
f ^ 'T f V* 1 tmo.em^aumuaM 7 J '
nbtte almate&otmnum. utseetttft. QHfctroutjljtgges tfyar
fl6 etmfulemu mtaoaetenttegesa mbttmerfaba .
•$&&*fytt TJWU ^ ^ J\j.,hfa
q» na at>btt cent en atma btmt ettm omnes tegestette o m
e "f/lm. T<ta7T7f~JT1/ jpttfenc jibuaatmimtgemttts.
i ^ J ^ f i j r f f l ^ j h ^ |tiiTnmMcn.Ofdmtmicate8".)[>ctp^
m s gen tee fer ut ent e t. facto turn r \x\ rorascuRbas.^ct^
Htbnnuf itetrameiitsmoitenttebtientmtteamtmtmeu fe •
^A.. ? jTV Z- Oonbtemfiao-ta^fiatnntTatttmfrtha
" * ?L_lt__fi_J_L .W-setfrne^ecrecttsftomltmbimtmica.
flfcttapr totmnttm. ., nttatnftaottaftermocta^pcefttorie
ubfucaniuttf^autm^uteomb^ fQiitfamfmocr
noc£o>J^m?tmigmtr?niem tenemtra
^ra.^ae^mms.<am6 rCXetttt'toagaUlea.
| ^a{mtat»fc^ep^

r, catttar.wtoteDTOmfu^uea^^
j Ji;ui?0mtttou%aoptt^
if^aDj^btcauirmumoiuixOltici^gnia.'Vd 2lmate/vel$tquaaj''
ua#teftamaua ^^gpft^ CXoucc6eqsmt^c{.(^ot)[C^of^.

." , i I_. __ . . ';, ' , a i— •-' •. f — — » - — i . " . • •«»

[Mejrcelfomnmoutbtfe tetrttirttmqucmatjo mntmuittctt

r «• "' • :__ - 'VI ..—- y : w4- —-^—-,

(augefcmnupfaHentes mttmtu, remits tmpmtunmmteii etfrth
ffzzz }.' 7 ^ . -•-".: ( ^ t M O b f c c m J f ™
ecemum4 .utbtlateb»o^{er.9lmen. ttospto. Joene
ottfttetomtnusbimeifmel qtuntns nurabt

afeotlo. fo itts afeotlo. t ^^^

^^-iSufctptantmoutes pa
^cem$$x>£pit£lo gfit So|ercolj ^ | ^ ^ P S ?
leS^ T "tu(h uam.
|§|pS_|g^ _^S feM^
PfTTdu 'ya -vTubtlatrfcr o cmmtsterta

ftnttetw mtuomlettcia. atmo^,

Jubtla tr
Jubtla tra.&.o omnt8
o omnt6urUT taTttbtla *
^ 771V,.,W17V
• A?»_7
t c & o ormus trr
d YlM« ' I

J. lta»-H-_m.»-*»ww-rl--aa-., i,.,i_»,.

^rtourcty ttttnomle tut anm^uemcpnfpccui

£±*E 7 Mb/t -Sfc^
lit qtuoiftcifttnobtsfief«
ego eopacertntts bolen tes qttetebanf
A \ a, A : ^^Z-iJ>:£ x : -.._ i_t_j -

ut© eft q u o o m e quetebattsntfctebans qutamljusque
fcflTlz. j & i g y T ^ Z Z Z Z Z Z ^ten^aoTObiattuiencabod>
*; LiziiigL-- JCJCS.W«t^a^)^qdtte8nn(ret)o>
emetitmtopwteomeeu^. tmmcalesfuuceujne^fotbto.
tsft &^are.ttoupQ^^ mntuuebtnttabtfr
ioueuei^ftte»>p»t«toetttttt8 expeueormima e1t&nn(gtibtomaba
i^ntanr43efcttcu) Q W ^ m t c o atmo oto p*eWttaut7Wjraatrr
llne^fQ.<S^mt£^^ ofttm.Qttwate.catrteutrper
[f^itdouafrtomttttcfta.f^ cttxctent,
C|- r _ _ _ 3 g.mtepVatIomtii8.(&maOaata)taer.
^mmstetta aoX>° afeambapolt e p w a6fg«?(rtt8ett'.
aoi^ommtcatectmba; m ofRotttn,

' tete tts pfanarttb'tpniltmnnwcamuommttito

etrpfaTlar ttm pfaltnunftlt al

p V ,('^--^v-^77/t^S^7^N
ttffime. ^ttbttateteoofc pfalmu.TlmeH.b^&^lxftrtrltt
' '- "* -.-—•••»» .r.v.-— •/,. /- ' ,

mmusuer bum fit umeofanatute

SE5 wtmil /r*»" <'(IPountean
v (IRmntKm
os temtermt eontmi
tiimmmBi^"m HTOfe-77v -±i^pEm
utrbommo mtfencoibtc

eonttrabilta e
S^tmX _____
•ftlt tsbommiun. flAttpa. r^wp^Vjyattbatr

Dtum omnes antjjelteutslaub

ulsttr e t=t
urn otmtcs tur
^ Tfhtpuee ^JtjUt^3^^.
nt •8. Offetto^. bro winter fater ta,

utbtla =£
WtW ft] o tmtuer
77 7
^^ v^ 4r^^g
ter rapfalmimtbt uteno mtntr utf
ttemte eo aubtte etmatralo twins o m nes qttt ttmftts De.

urn quantafectt bommtts a mmemee. <D> tctrbomt

<—— —

ttttsnnplece^bitas aqua enfecce an^tmtlmot>mngu0a(feDrJ

at^uttdintm aqttam umumfafomt frur fomfo femafoumtt

jPff*; 17 j^_-^=zzgzs^
>• . . .' *r ^~ aaamW,f
. .
/ lb- ^ * * fiv^VVe^a. Bao^cotm^.iatatui.eCgteaitstlfctbarf,.
ji|g opttUS fius. ommtca tema ao tmflam omaunt.
>ef /*a!.* : c -t^av- J Tl ft/^; h77
"j*fi| / O F l txnate bettm omnes angelt ems attbttttt er lepata eft
y ^ . t J *yy *;/wfr/*? ^ ^ ™ * ^771
l u toon etfemtattmmtr-ftue ut be. f• j&ttstTegnattttcr. ftmeH.
o^0^rettrt)t58hirC , rf : ,/y* /V „77% *
<Fpla:j}outeetref|r. 77 ^VJ • " ^ ?/M
ratoetesX^Dak^tmebuntgett tesno mentn tun
<^cmitnee^onme8tege8t3ertie glo uamttt
MU\ VJ = /t 7 Trz^^7717177^
, «•
zz z ? '777V'- A .fr^- .JgSy
am. < jSluontam ebtfteatttt&mumts
\ fton etmtbefcttttr mmatetetcitt a.
"' Jllfe Itrjpa ^-^-^00 owmttstegna
_____ |fc^^
uure-rulteater taiemt tur
fe ^^/^fe^___EZmtefer.oga,
ntfiite mulct.
M^^M^f &*- :*™^__?_fc
W e « e ra twnnitf^ttttmtemterrttabcmtt
ttirmenonmonar{e0tuuam(»nanabopmi btmtmt.
^^^i-^EEEs^i ^Z_EZ33^5
_rabatuuroirm eetobtt& quep2etefefeant7 & o te br 1. .
^uu-cputrtObfeuo uos jw^.<^gitnmiurtBcm§togogam.
)uts qmno8TOtamis^a.X?mttm^c^<Ktt 2tembenteif
__w»* c^tftoivffiontun etvtfoj.^»idjBiejarambulann^.fi
^tCJhufctutfq? m Qita.<Hm<J Offetebamrm^. Oottumca^t
S'lMV^iwlaObfcctt) pttmttttt.^w^omoqmbam.perTOitoeb'
aretmiu .[nto^tcuTmitni^tsp^m^
> . Mumtcami^agtfttwi'Xo^oceuoem'^0(ctejitm,£i!gil|^_gte-1
tubafomram capismgnf couuetftaopapttlubtcaur^. e(tteMs*&rz
| jnte^to rptXbi cft«e_>. Cmtt o^^t^|opttfgtm^Tjmif^ffl^r.
77 ;
7^^ r 7 7.M i l. 7z_^^^3
Itmtmbebenmrme gemttus moitt& bolc&es mfernt cir
atmbed-ttmt/'me exr m tttbttlactonemea muocatttbommttm

- ^
jpl__ I ^^:^i^ps:^^^
etr e^ubutUTbetemplo fantfofito tto

cem m e ami!®iltga/2tot'
T cras.^»wu
:tt A*_z^ tromopKtttm rati b u e miSE
m b u T a t u ) «S >.

. 1 - ._' _ .._. __.J_J__-_ __ _^/ , L__4_J£_

uefpetvnt7mteqtttnotterunpte q u B n t a m n o n

quts qtietentes te b mme. * * - -^Tvy

nam turn mMem obiuuo etttfmfmemobltuto etttf


teljt '.fT*Jfej^Z- A? AJt^V^'

icS I-

_^^:- vm&wM$
lepioftmbt mo, jUg
__L mam*.
me amz^^atrcautesm/t *

emtenomtes moiaaottenif&itt ik*""~

t mtq wtates obfetraums^hn'm^

_^jt_^^^ zzz^ti^

txmtme c\tue4tt(une
mf btr. ^.™utaapttb
EftTffoffir^FF^ » a / T
ctr propter legem tuam

—ftinuttew tnme. trrfatntUas.*fe

onttmetbconftte nbcrnimoeapfat leir nommtttto

. . . . _ _ _ . • . , . .
•i. l#»,;.._ft.,. —_~*j|_&.__i

t j&fa. Ttlttm entttm
_£ZE_g japg^g^jt*»-It-7
j&t&gw^^ atxmtmenon

Tfi % mZ5-~—J.
ff-4 a Sfocmmm eft- <\6 fcnttmmi mtukf

oufimbarquoniammuocatu te. mft m m pmmcatto bcattmattcj

rbac.btitca CQuugertrumcciimibttTtt^ttfcp aMf-fi^. w&&fyfanbtb
rfopjctetmtmr. (trntm^btdr? non folerot u (featttt *FmfttTttmtni{fep?o
xfimc3t8Uiflmt(p ttcto aliuDicmtmml)act)fncafutemqitaitteDatta'_i^
.*u?M_umcbceomemo^./3jxiutfq; ao vtfcpaftbcncmbS {ftfttn^xst.
Jl mftcfcmcenatjmcetcljratur^ t£.tttt ^Va.0topJunc4b.<_^ti^tS
^ij e^teflttst^c. ffc/vt. cpia.Kafcmtes.&mc ftjuncmenvmeca*
^icamiv^t^)ce(^cmtU78.jmefuento tt.lXolensuoefate^.
-S^Ao atz .—.
: .*_L_^_^_-JUai ,--; fr
Ti-Jt pttrnjeetmetepefTad m ft
V ) y-i J T -r^y? y.vyp^y
em cutatefactem m a m atteros obluufcens mbtdactouemno
- A ~±- N «l«JL
1M ~?:*~X^
ton aobeftt7mterrauem^nou^ewujeb)mme aotuuanoa
i _y - v^£»: ..^ :A'-j^Jtr : <_y]|g_W<§.
^ • r t f r ! ' =_T=F=: - - ^ = ^ ^ z z x — Z - ;
no8.^J!58attttlBun8attmumt.(2(mctj. gg_.

ctant gmtes quontam uomenttbt be us «».

- _ -AVIVW. ---*__*
rt,- - * ^
ft lug aittflrmufe
thpfcromnemter m m . J
j_5eus m e us pone tltos up tt> TO
s'f&fiOl*^^ JLT9J
pmcflimtcm PUlam anteia
/jf c
hem urn n
Vr^ya J f e . ; ontmotttftt

•+= ^w .» 7f f =A-f^' - — J t - f
bomme ter remterccmtttrbaflte

^Jpfc nacontnaonese tits qttta i e

itrtctones tus qttta m o
^m /^^lyy^^^^^^^mj TT.yfy=-
raetb. -j ^.^rfttgtantr afatte
atttis urUtetentur btlec # tttt. •
__ _
_?te?^ ^ t t t r b a p u i
ma^yfftr erturgteOtts meos in femttts tu

xr^atiotuerbamea mttfficamtfmcrcbtas tu ae auxfaittoc

^&^^^^^==J=z__zz__=_=^ *
raftsffirnntestn te botntne. < E m u ^ t n n b o a o altatcbet
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S r f f ^ - ^ / t %«u4e(gotettf.
zz. i / in r n -_\_-—:-f *M - (&msfenaj?ptrenf
- bamt q w lettfttaar iuttetmttem m e a m . bacete,__^M-efia,
^Ij! J ^ f t m ^ t t m a E < & " * wtc urn. tut Go pceftms !]m*%.
I ^ j m e m t r a ab2a.4.3&neteiugutm. Q%^ywtitftioi&j®ft5fc.
'(?' (fffir^A !• — ~^—' **ri—i '—' ' ^ "-

•^s' jfomtcfotmbttmipjotetora
\ •

±xZ_X_Z-^ ^ ^ • 7 1 2 )
ittummefuctas qtiontamfttmamenatmmanneotefiigttl

mettm eftu eopiopter nomentmtmbtpr mtcbt etts eo emr .

jtttesmc. tebftelperattt.ameH. li^taretan^Cggiflr.

£tffe_^Sh^_ fctt- _
fti-i es be us qutna cts mtrabtltafo ltt8 notamteof
a •

j&berafltmfoacruottto t» puUtm |
€ ^ -g____ff_*-.- -Jirrrfk.*.
fan. tmtftUo8tfmel;<r;
tu ffli
—; p-iy .„___f_ £

IXbtlatetommo omnts terra

t_ qa. -S>ytoratg

etttsm cttoreqtf
tp fe elrtc us. S>. ipfe fear nos et non tpft nos . & 1

uo^aittem^ultike tus etrottespar ear

5 zf'i^
' -fcfr -
mwt8. a
*=tA_Jt-.7.(t ft
if ' 7 7
iitfttfitatto nesmasueneottittseebptnmefcoceme
S? 1 fti S_#fej (k^1|k__A/77iki-i^^ 1 V ^ X 7" 7 M i
tufttfitacto ntstit a s mlimismttstwmtttma
'' '— — ' f~ -f— • • •

ornnta tubtcta 0 tt8 tu t. <a? an-

j7 J
C?^ it ^z__zz^-'
^ eo^tomameoittmatr
"1i >\ A**
at egg
Titftt7ets bcmttntisnonftun^fbinbatta beftberto Itto.
uetauswcatu^am^ attteaimre ^znpvq
llmospetm^aaies cttma^ftetemmtfcans. <&c!t;;. 0f5m$u.
ilucltoib^Uicio. |zpaeE ptftef. ^rteK|3aterttr;
|ifcneLms_^ Ofonttetwarba
*£___&_^!^^ cuius. ^bVoUtaoCXbfoL
allttabmebttor&^ ^fvtcet^sMtuj.
itfeiuCmox.^embebtuttl)ttanr cpn.ewlnftm earner
t••>>..•* \j"'''
4- '^Zff^EEgZfZryW
f '" ...'••' UH'V ''"•' "•'•' '•'-• —« •• r— '—"—* '— "'""


tetcenostiomme. ^
t^izm^t^ y* ' rin'T~msm
ttethbulttmeraiea ir.|toai)aittvfac«^'$.!_tl»u..t^
~j3t ^_t# ^-7 *«
tmmfmbomtntec bicenrparrebomtnepattepopulotit n
r £3 ^iH-t^V^c
J. JL*-*" T 1 _/-:
_— TTT _ _

ernebtulpe8oracanenatmtaX)tebo mt ne.
,_ M^? _ ^ E ^ ^ § ^ ^ 7
tamtttemurbabttuercjme tterctlm o tmmemttfecrpio
i t m u s antebomtmtmqu^
J, ^ - i p y - X ^ - y t . j — -pemffot?ocipffiaobtcariacerft)sr 1
peccamntm^Mtsnolter.^ofoncebtno .t^foaea^pceflto
H _ H z ^Ssuo.o^.*XfeQttttuftetmftenc I
;Jaotantta&eaMc.<_pifopttsurt^ j
jtntcrnnc^^ <Hc<!hspcmtttm
(j^zbu^claubmamtafoteo^fo^ j
u l obtttt ediitttt que^fe
%ermsomnttunbcmtme erntcbtlobiftt
TT~*4i J^$$x=F
z| auHt)t_ttnitilan8pecmmbommump2oprerpmt rena am

^jp^ttens tt its qtnatu ?' estommusce us no Itet: S

f&___ If nfememntfen^qmmte^meij. eficoscemraettantd
^btatonobttntttlettate. e u t ^ o m w ^ r e t & s r pfatmcutf.
mm&mmm aXaubt(fofte.<Bpta. aonuerammt^6rW.

fctetemet v*.»^
Setts mtfetrtrme

mto m a m mtecon-ftbtr
anvftotr a m ma me * a. a. _•-,•• =*k
_ _ _ rt -/t fi
m Cnfutrbece to ctltbera uiruirecorcmolitso

buttm count Iran testne.

m(eumt)tttn^cmrattoara quefemnuf

nosnet^ftctmbttmmtqttmn^noarastetnbttasnobts! <J
jeonime nememtne nsmtqutmmmnolhmttm
antiguaum. ctto atmnpe^rnosmtfettcmbtetu eqttta
wW——4—_»-_< *-- -a# „ Vm3 m at a* rf—f
fj- | j ^ l . _ P 1 «z» j >__,
eq^o^ter^oitamnommtsttWoMnmelilSm tioT
fe >*mm 3.j, J / E j V ^ ^ = 3 C q ^ _ _ - ^
e^p^mufeeOopKbcaasn^ans piopeernomennt .
tatmaus.^i: <•••

Oftetuuutximfoilo trbommeqttontam
u raa
SLXU •™-m**si&f 2EE_*
fuf ceptiiimenecbelecmih nttttncosmeosijtpefc;

me_b^mme_aamaut at> teeufana

coipcttaltte!_f?ecpief6bttarmJC zlXLJUi
B^ES3.]Uuaw/t:btmttuate.cK, Iwumebttabtcurmle

mbteac noclebabtt:nii(!htmCtttu^mtemixSeitt o.
^tuXpo(ttMtc#erofafe.ft.& 0$
^ttmtui^i^tt^tfiatieo < f c u c m i u M m ^
maquntta2tomttTamotttuum. _
lbftttSjqtuaptoprnquantrntcbtetrbttmtltatureos qttteftan
\ 777^7/t ^ £ ? - s — — *-

eiecfotetlfo-itf.bda cqgtcantmtu ummtommoewpfet^

I—i—_z__„.... e ntfmetr. ^_-____=4 4Bttmdad

» _ _ _ r_ 9fc
_^^^r ^ _ _^^E_HSZi__E____5*I

—l_M-i>&mrmrm ^MiS.%mtmma.MhM^4-L--
7 T
m-r-T-j—Ki___- ' Sy7^B:__3tmtMr
fltuapiotrntQuanrmt clit., —
^ 7 7 t ^ ^7yy/lXX-M^ 7 ' l^V- X
ote bcmut nelettatua nrnta
&Jfe _£_^ t
antftto non embetomneq?tmbeatttmemttntctmf t
ttie^tcuute non amttmbetttttr.
_).<T« _ . ~ _ ^ * _. */ _( • »-~ - - ••-• ,••_ i—_<

btfemcttfttutrntu fttcteoi es e0t7olocattfta(tt.pef

_ ttpffpjpuUuuojg
almtettmm bornme. ttebcmme.
m 0

jbttttfbjntimtts ermtfetttts efttmcbtt^mu6jfa(ft&

mmm m a. J ~ jrfs&
eQ^ttttoimetts. pu&attabc> t? oftc itthfii^cqptm /Stnetj,,
V^yiiH?ga^iI«^ f _-.--fl_»__r-• v/^ift ••«• ^WliWy
jrtece(r(».tJk.igttampecttabommo banct^mjrantt

babtteratnbomobo mmt. ^^s^llltnttbestn

^ ttoltmtat^lottttt^ ; erp*o 1 iggar

<Ezz-zz enonfev
atempfo (fottfivfr zzlffiE*." Z_V Mnz%bti*(ki
?• •"
* • '
^fjH^3mjj^^ -mTfPfc
lonrme ttmrftta mrfcnmouraMoqmtrmttnanwfttani:
jeutmoma nta.Co^muttbmtmomttmoicererttltatee
^tjp o^rSuetebhe. *- -____- ~_^
^^^t>^d.e^fabthti^^ommeteftt gtttmgtcnts egnofets

agenerMo ne e^ptogents, ^ ._• ' ,,.., ajS

3_=_ •j?. 2_3E •ay 4* at m 3
______ 77TX
ttfquam mon testfetrormttfbmtatecz

« w^„_„taet.cnt«ea(e
culo etmfttaittmtnjabnts.
l twfw f
^ 5^ ^ ^-^#fi^i««tftcame.c^mturb.6i^^^ i
_ ogfficcfstme.•^'.Nottmucnmqtiabtagcfnna^ce«TOiXrtt^ \
_ umeifc.ctbtcat^uabjbmttC^ i
„ ^l
^i iCT ^wrmeecegoem^ j
^, jio ntmlongmtbme btetttm aatmpiefco e ttm^.^tt bltac?
Ii &7_y<tz.o^^eurqtuet. -
fc-z.7 e p t g p ^ m t t t m\j\^
^ept-SftojjBmt / r^zj#
2unetj. ttos.CSScrale;Jlrigrtts fit is manbauttr bet?

tffr^trw^a-k***- — ___T_t___r:.-_.' 7^
ur cuftobtanr te mcmmtbus tuts tttts.
... . . _H

netmtqttamomm _ J » * a&iaptbmt p l e n u m .

|wM»b. m aottttono amflnm Ifffticftpgttttfttx i up. o

^ m^otetfec. ne bet celt cotmnoiabmttr ^^lf tcet. lomtnoittfcep

gutmmeum b^smm&lpffabo tu
omamtp Ceubetatttrme fce
«J-~4?- -JV ^

laqueo ueuancumTT
-w- -#—*-
eo auerto atpeto. ^jScaputts ittts ob

tmtbjabtt^ttbt etrOtbpimntsems ipmibts-^^-lSStw

jC W ** . J W * ? ^ftngtZ ., fi&tj^
jcwmniiMtete ttetttaeetus noijtmtebts attmoie
*? J&fffi^^^5=^nrr» _____ ___, m-
no {agtttattolan fprp^rbtem ancgpcto

rgcatnbiilant-tntrncb^ts attuna totmmtvptmbt&'

no. at &j£te urtttomt
'•» .»HwBMB M
• |

,ft*../?•.. KinMfg
Itaab^rcnsnus ttbt autem tib
7 - 7 zMz zl*_z_: :z_zz?7

j^mftobtanttem ommbtis uusmte.Hjumambttsptttabtfc
_S%T**V »•

j^neumqttamoflenbas abiapttera pe^mtitumr^St

afpt bem ec baft&f m m ambula bis er cotmtlea bis leo

nemet. toaco nem. \\Jfxuomammmefpera tu¥lt .Z

a. '^3--*m tt 3£ *

bemto ejtm p. oiegam e umquomamcpgnoturnomenraeum^

ij-btg-^-ajy-'/t Z____Z^^fe ^
jmtomnttm. e.ego jrautoaroettm cnrnrpfoftmttntnbtila j

JBMbtmtmawi^Wtocitm etroftcnbamtl It faintar. _«'

^i_, Jt.-^_-fr> »*,*'
•_• !___ : . *

iz*,yi" "si. .
eptttbjarrarcut. rt^r^ftsfniwnrrambabitww _«
_*2_= tjf-i rA\f__: A? '717
!?____ ll6 * < ^ i § * capults fttts obttmbJabirubt'eoCub pmms e
5 % ft 2 _ ^ J V 7 ^ (U - jLa* P«^ft
1 -^r _xzT_Z -/^/i qwobmt?,
tusfpe rabtsicttto ctmtmbabtrtetterttase ttts.ommfttm
•tuj#vt •ufcp ac cenamtjut.mftfemtmu:lttmpcbtat.p. orcfltoftat.
poll vicmantapuuualranumbocmobo.1up.oce6^&t£.QkHtC&
piopms.tte^iimb^ft.uet©fmeu^mn«.iietponbtte.uel _2tofcon
btte. yntf: prtfeiz ^ct.6fcacp.oftematttreclmtt.fa^)8
ertmntoemfanteate^btca^ aternotter. tmettos. lien
beno. iteitt^ e m e m r n e n s . uttuta
istfe. j^atibth..^; tietetemertfe. m g e b n e , ucbwsttttm.
j f i m7
j p p w icut a n i mocuit
c t efemoittmmmantbus
t^ oarniluoutmtta
"• __£_______3?'"
17- : ^ 5 _ : £ - 3 3 am lj h /
autUnofttt abbomtmtmb-ttmno tamtbcmermrtetmurcw^
jtz?- -
/ te t m f e p ^ n o l n s l o m m e mtfettfltno bts.£W&teletta
Z &ZZjuL-j^ z lofp CXbnutenosP
l Ofctecgo/S „ 77 . %
jutqafflsmeos.3mm tpfe. c^i^lr^totetfoinoikr

^_2wbe useoteC pt (^rttperfetttostttosV

. . * ' • •

^ *-y,—»+

'*^-*~f_w?_| -
.. i
^me^stt^mtttm j i

£:W_ iSS ^
IfMpzej___£&ro_oit]tmttto .turn. fitutsbbtgM

Jaajmm * mj J J * / f a "__£

1 __ jettato omlos meos eo conuberal? nnrabtlta tua

cettrbo teas metutfmamtu ambamtcbtnttelfetttl

> ^ m 7^ V>gfc: ; 7 |tv<t_E^£Z
tttbtf cam tmrooata tit_a. (IWaocemeaabbommtmtffa'

mattt eoemubtttttmebemonteranrtofnouonttmetotmua
£ « A\ *%,-r 8_tperp)puUtmo¥- *
ffifcJmfkt 1': r Tahiti* qtiefumu6fcmtme.
popu tllmtm ^bantts m e z icnacetuaaomuramomau.
-ommetetttgtttm &rtttsesnobts aigmetmtonect. piogr

meaCemloetmiierolttmtu c i ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ -
<£jptn #
imm.cncj^jgtngatttroiattome aftmrmtenftuumconfpa J;

ttttuo Wtmrie, WJ letta cto tnanuummea

tt_mfs.fl^m_mtltff__?m mitt..
urnifactrftmtmttefp?ro num. I

^ S | f __§*_a« A7 /t ;'A. >r. *sgt|

mt_bfcoffi^.it.fpmuH "b(mitti.ot«nte6batstiit_6» ""
"•*- 777V 77. - i 7 7 v 7 7 7 l ( t ^ ^ E = r S t Z 3 ^
tbus tuts tern p^attiea. ^tnnrnttocatemmr-
4m I *•-'*. 2
Jmtmtftetemtfetauontttn tuanrnt b o m m e eomtfencro

fctetue que afetulo funr nettmqttambcmimenmrnobtstm

f^R^S Wit'a,

m 3a


Wm^^p^> 2

: r

- fW- I
, .a,

mttinollnitberanosbeustfta el jrommbusangitftttsno
I — *—* ... . T j y ^ ^ z z z : or fmd&nsuo. _g 3:

jaoneB courts met brtarate tthtrb. neceflttattbitsmets m

met brtarate tuwteneceflttatrtmsmets.

jg.tnr..te^_L.;:,.-'• ' mtHff^.lHt tebumtlt
meameoiabo T ~ T ifff. ttminettm
T ^ 3 ^ K ¥ ^mo««t
c^ptttce omuta peccamme a. tpra.ajemtbefo. .
etiftdtettTntsme _ tt$ tnyitmtlmntntw, -

*** WT^nS^^m mt am etrtafrnem me

ii^erbtmmtomraapeccatamea. c^^^iDtebcrmt n]r
« lamatumanitneambtttsme jtsntteconft botwiri
-1--3L* -z -M -'_ ^ A f i y
camnetptmbeanrme mtmtamt

Erc|a<H 'BJBnr
^ W i ^ ^:***••*§*>

Zi • <^*^<5g<SS_^ -#

cimtejqwtmtrnonconftmben 1titrconftmbantf

^l__pll^^^ ::
t^mptei^ 1
omnesy^tfr" . 7 _4.,r„ na.$ffct
*6wemestta ^
feottatxKmmanbattstttts ^.ttebtle^t ttalbe
z_V-^ 1
zz _.__et. Ximalo y
,_, „ _jJt-L<^^ "
i ^ mamtftneas abmanbaratttaquebtler >*pi:• *.'

^ s ^ ^ ^ ^ _ttt^tgctlawroemmntrnmmioruoct<witto
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ^*J_*^:.:.: y __£_7__5^
*~S' - $- -I - _ M . , «•;
:. _M.fct_r 1 <7
.. 'meuseofcettsme usqttontam abtcoiafo. do - W
T z^7 r a?<?hternfas. ^>fl!
(htfelpo erpttlctmtbo tu i^strttWmt nt

jamfpecht cuts Cantfttas etrmagnnitenna mfannW


z: ^ J *7 * iP ~ . 51
i J i Fqumobts.
^ * * - <B-^J
cattone e uts ^.^mitatti.SUntq. jiacmfeafer..<fyf

7 f
ttobtme bcmtme ttrtmptlfamocult *

flfbtrmbjfl aia ttrmmamrr. pjott gr m.. '

V.7 J. - •_,.. .-__mit -.-anri.-^tT-a.. .TV '.v
vn tmo mbtcttmtme ttmpwbGafcocuit

1 _j##^t_|^i

.Z•. . ' t m
beanteqtuta tern.
1/ i lnmtmrangefttsbomtmm
___^ i—_. '. : 3 . _. .. I .. 7 '

•qj\ stretiptet. e ossufta tretr tttbe tequontamfuattts

^ > * < ? * *
nitnus. ^cjlpams querne gofczbeto
me a eftf-Ofe m itttt taz * ^.^ifeofBii
Lfr7T7JtTf * ^^^rVv^Iti 7 7777
necetfttatibtismets ertpttneoonimetttbebtmultta ;
§»g ,lt/t 7 1 i^^^Shf'l^V
- - 4!'|j^mc^ peccatamea.

yy * i_is( •ta&^, y *
fvyptebneie.ameg. cattem. v r (gtai ttumfacftmitm
£§_!= ^-TI%., . 7 i / w u :
tu trnite-ttsme ; Vttei^rantemihte. _______2k_s
2umbusper ctpebo mmeoiattonem
'17i77. * .. Itic ilneuKt^ 77A" , J _? *_ E 5
•^P^f efn^mthetpllS - ft ^ ~
me am. -B^tsut^fft^meotcannnameaamimoeo
cf/t^M77K /t ^^a^ £t__=i=i^
nolt oblttttfn cmrneetembttctones e ttte eo txnottabuurftcttr
s^ _ e ™/ * v^^.ip. 7 *" §_ i §
a qutie ttttten tits tua. (r^tubtfcanr e^oomur
%T7_ / . = ~M M; 7 ? ' 7 JJV- /t.TJl
bentttrormtesmtmtumet attettmitartettx)2ftnnet7emlttf
C j% - H:;a*ivr,*,*!;ucnatio.
} w
-/? * *H; >• -< ©fvattbtnosmtfencois.
• t

canrtfaronteur ct ter.mclntaaumntuam itt>
9.ibl^rc touuftmnoffih.
p-3 -n/m".,^ £___z„ *xug

| X - v ^ ^ ^ . p J ii3 ' fLs, .ji^n*.?**' >
$ectartsno mtsuequanbobttatrto^mtes 7 ubt etobetts
kWy^ff-JK.. i c- - - - - fiffig,
! .aw
J^pwptcrbono p_mjiommt8tttttmmneli
^fHinrss -i-1 0mn:#6qutno8^ ^ -7 7 ^7 (fyW-
ca nos_ ___ f_feiTmei.'(5n_*aie. ^tt)teetotnouer
— •
- - t
af ptcetettstt. tef pt cefttwCfctiostiios/ t«_i_f___»=£_$

©cmtme bats umuotm e^att bt

£S^^^S±=5 MtoOtatttme7l> 3E& I
ipiecesfmtonmmtotttm. ^ud>ant:(^ib)i|j)niiercetr
Oxmime auquantuium et.bepiecat?ertip^COT^mo8. ]

mm z P^SS^ • ^*

» A
tsfo gt urn

fi(fases_no„.: J?t8 agenetactoneecp^ogeme.

.^^>ai ttttm ^popttUtmu^innrjcmime

^^otebcrnimejtonrattt TKttsmetts ne
#i^_v___^^ 3i
f^&JMk_J^m>ttmm ^centeti __ -
^ -^-^-v..f|3--
| —-„ n , - z ^ y i - v Az^Sajf—— KI. gtcltonesnfas.
Z nbus mlacttm. ^ ^ ^ ^ z t c b . Q t ntbefcenbtr.Karute
^y&$&=z ngelusbamt
_Z. z.
/ r<dc"'\\£*yJJ 1 <v*..A*A«._» *_» m £ 4 « H - M t A M M / i v Ta _w
7 sjfZ.encbtftttses mftrmamemo ce ft _ eclatt
^abtlts ergtono fusmfecula. YmiqtfctK&
B-— . mm S m% m - m* _, ? % A—*

fc m k r^-^rf-ar-r^^
4enebtctteomma opera bommtbommo bmebtuteeelt bmtt
no bmebtctte angeUttmum bommo. (Tbcmis. T4npmmrt>r
r 77Ut
>^u^7 » _ i i i > §§iSi±?
me ermpereraltaremfc atia. ^.jSmebtctte
aqucquetttpa.celosttmrbommo i. enebtctte
W I 7 - Z », f^^Sha**^
ymnesturtittes bonum bnnmo
«mic> Cliwiip/mrmtej. bmebtctte ipl erltt na to
*__ _ _ % , _ ' _ _ • _ ' __/ ^ A

fa^_M_I ffi*^-'&__
m m o benefttcttrno^esepbtestmnmo beneotctte
... ...

Bglls^gsg 'zz jfZ§_

tmebieeclumeu. bommo.cttKus^mpnttm. S? rVucbr
% 17 .P. __E_^A7Z.-7^^
fZfigu*r«Tcaumalommo fencotac. pntrnaamuusto
ramo bmebttite niio^traccntucsbommo.(n.outsO>ttpnuX'

JOenebtcar eetrafcmtmo benebtctcc monies eccottestommo

bmebtctte omutanafcertcta ten* bommo.<0. oiusOgtnpniK.

enebtcttemanaecflummabommo bmetootefbntespomt
_ a7
fa - gjs
no benebtttte cetbeecommaquemouenutrma qtus

t?ommo.<nio;tt6^mpntntt. ^.jBenebtctteuoutctesceJUbomt^
•*" • •• • " '" —• • •' - — • fjff • • •••• • —

no_ bmebtcttebeateectmttterrap?coiatmnmo \>mibtcttv

i^lJ)ominttmbommo. (fronts Qj7mptntm, ^ Joene-

_ |t cat;___ ...^-^z-^^^. _ tftael bomtno Webnw

fotetfotesftommi^rntrno benebtcttr fctitt&mimt Jwnt

... .... .-aMa^-^^-r^-^jtwr •_•*- *- •—•-• *_*••*—-•* 4pn Mi mi MM-NHMH


co: be bornmo.fljomwnpnum. y* J O
_fc u_b_7.-7TV-^4-
n- S__^t7tf±Z =* • i««
ana m a a 4 Z

<2&n atniCael _~_ t»mmo^)oWmpninnbtcttet

bfrulutnum.uttftmtrcmup,a_m^aiuf?.5-3cnebtcau5esbo, ^
omtnus uob tfntm,flmbimtuxftttfemusgenua, vv.. ©cttSj. *
F nmmbttSptteti6.^tftola._I^^ £|
7 7
&^I__it.:_ ^
11 SUtbatetommtttn onirics gentes 'fetlJt_?v|
eo col
ttbateettm ottmespo pttU.^.i-SLttontaml -*&.
£^M- ^ 7
tonfttm^tmeibfttpernos mtfettcrobtaettts et.
|^.^v^.v|z's. 7 ^7i ^ & _ g |
itett^bommtmanet. meter num. . ' . • ;

_ ^ _ f e J ^P'otntn. 6atfefMtttt _meern
tn< btc clarriaumwc
o m m f tensfaUttte

.___ffln.Ktmrccoiattotnsa_ro coriCtvrrutuo tornfrife

£. 1-ra.Tn.j'n' V _S&i'. .
r.<d Jcyottme bats. mettCpetam Iifcmmcab omntbus pcvfcqtien
Pr \- J otm_mcafcumfov<_]?p<
jkttbttsme eocrtpe me. Cfttt?^ Cum ctmtfrs, KtumframotTiamu,
J f ' P ! i J U V - ^ j t M f e -77 AJ A - * 5 777fl,(L 7 -^ •
/ l p z ^mtfcetemtferattonmnmartunbommeeemufertco,
^..•^VwT.|t,J*\ aW . n It a ^ )i'aM
grattttt que aiecaloitmr uctnnquambc. mtuetmtr nobi6 mmtt

j ttnoftnltberajbm^ (
- • -

i Jt.J p 7 7 ^ W a o . . ^ p o ^ m u s K , 7 77 A ?-
I ,AT>'r~z z Igrrtbttlactoncs

coibtsmct Dtlamte timtbeneaiTttattbttsnte ts ettpeme

^ P M ^ ^ ¥ -7 » g .-* Z.
5^ n^e.v."jSi ^btmttltratemme
§g r . ^ / ^ W ^ . " JStl J '" 7U-77
atntclabo mttttmrm €tr.tmttrcom
^ ^ ^pectaca
- m/177
e a.
J t"
.7717171,-7?^^. __5 .'- Iix-itm*.

^f^jWbcmiJnus tnttltert ebananee'

turn etVboftttmCttmet?^pmiemftltoitttnccmttte
___ - j ^r-TL-T-*^w___n_ m
0^4 7 7 J 7 7 7 __Z
nezuam_ermtellt eptmrbemtns qttecaotmt7temeufa bomtncmtm
_ ^ 73^±_a7a%.
= » ^ $
to2um.4^3urtHttbe msomuuermagnaefoftteetua

-fiatrttbt ficutpm in. tHt.<iHR«.iT/e
tlfc.<Dm},.Tf /ebtratot m m a n

batts tuts quebtteirt ttaRe: eoleuafco manttemeae aoman



-e. • t.ctfJuteHtgei *%
W 7 T I
| ^ - __7.fV/7 ^ ^ ^7yfi^7 7 J
| tntmbettottotfrnontsmeei^ 1.
aDTeraabo to tnt tie. __ jfttfl fcnmba zflMtnflainofficiturt,

e b t m e m e ^ m m e etrmifememetpesentmmetie iltetttr j
. ?^ i , . J ' S 7 ^J_l__AflV/r _n—-
muianitom ecdeft is bmefrtrambcmmnitm.ftftthu^mfriifte
t ~ _ 7 t o ^ t : o^Jgfels ote *M
rftfa ego 2vme#. mei. 6%ao.fle. tyttmitne usetjUberattn . i*_i - -
' i '•

tnetts efto bomtne

^_ _W
....__-. netatnattetts. z

' ^ ^ z z - ^ ^ ^haPhir
v€_ onfimbgm __tar_ eo teuemm mrmttmu

me t qttt qtietuttb annnam me

ofl^uu.JOwtotcambommttm qmmtcbttttbtimmtdlec
-> 7.71' ..77-.>^ ^ _
_ f ... ,
i f e _ ^
**- ——J
/ _ ntmpiottto^ambettmmconipct^ttme ofemperqttom
m.jL«JL yt^hr--
jpftjaj^r tns eftnu w n e c o m m o uear.
•fit ar * y ,y g J . jr~

femusnotequam ammtabtlcetbuommmomv
JS ptipT^ttUtmorauo.
; Q ( b ^fii^pbrauot.tb^nhs.
• - . " • '
uuerr (a terta_
cuatttua aoftutfarti ouw.
m>iv-^Z_Ej^J J^U^L^

flfrtBca.gftnen.itop-CjC-6.jatolojttaramittt urntrt i

ym vast_«•£7 ^ j^m JEW


.(,.'.•' ^rjettm
I P t t m d arfamamn
t n ^ t M a b& b oc m mu tm tn mu eraubtratr'
• • •
7s7_ =_

HOtemmeaTnaobtts qtaarnorjm^ttarrrtnt dn.-

zzzi_~^^ — ~ i~ti \
j;.L _ Zautur. iH^JLmrememicbt^^ ^zSr
fcm ^ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ ^—_r*y
_ _ ^'' __Z_l^l_^_jl^fe
^• _.•/•—_]
^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ f i ? Z^M

fctammamMebomtne "Z
mtquuiamnmeam.<r^.||Mtmbo omnt^mtrabtttata al

c^^t^tomteVQnamnommttttp al ttfltmt.
S _ F E _ F : ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ W u U m t a ^ 57
i!1';1 " 7
7 _____ jPtpptuateSomme. ;"z
betts__£]^a.nti.offlmnu, f
fcf-*^ —_2_
.' < . • r 5j

^llt^iil V
C U p_-
ntettsjuebtfceftas amemtenbemabttttonttm meum bcmtt'
• . _« m/t mi *w f — -—

&_-, , ' ' "7 —— 2__T7
mT m
' J.~l •' ___, I __ ff J_T_i .._m.3_ _aT m at at'a. mlm0 ~m •*»_
he wiu£;falttttstne e.^. ^tenemfittmetuo.9(metjz •

<ftiaQtatttrxo^ -i-y^-i*----*.—- z ^--

(e^.i_S_£Ji^ fac popttlttm tttttm bcmrme

___ben_dtc heteotta TI

fa fa e. ^^r^A^L te botnme clamabo

i meus neftieas ame eoett)CtmtU8 ftjfcmivn

- * •
_ • _ • _ _ . _ - » - . I>««»fc' » .
C ~* -777 (^ *J \7B^rf^ ^ ^ %nece(utal!
ttbtts mlacttm.
* ...

ote bomme lettattt a ntmam m e a m b m s metismteconft

bo non mtbcftomuetp tmbeanttae'mtmttt me t etentmtmtucr

c 7 7 7jl7j
&____$ _ __?"« | *
it qmte^cp^ant^non conitm timum<rDmTtt(nt6tx3mmu8eo
____! 7^>N,77-^^7./^Vv^:
itu(hctas*Dtlextt. cqturatemutottnut ttts e ttts.
a|fl pz c ™ if5Stm.ocencte.
?/@ll> cttsmabttttmtummettmmtenbe ctia.v.ofluU
$~ 777 _. ____5__7i 77 ' • !prH
"bcrnimeababutuanbtnnmefeama couftmt)antt.recmtetp
C^----T"7Jt. . f ' '* J A7/t -..7'.f
atmtrmnntctmetqutquertttmanimammeam.f 9luerta^i
t -tr- TV-T z * ^t3X}alebtctP
^ t p ^ m ecembtfcantot^ bomo. 6*-a&uV
eftobomme pectansno asgwtrtc peaanfetioftrtenequatitobt-fir

J8_BCK_..'_. ittiwftbett* e <mrm. -—-<vAwt«t„tioi

^_±_______^^^ -.j-:-.
Wefelucaaftnorter ' eo^optrt-
bono rvmnornWstltt^trreltKta nos. '

e$o.a^3praattt8e^ mbetfitt
^S^^ ' fib fWif,
erbjr trp*ewts^moyfesmc0nfpettt7to mmtfet -
7 A 7 ;? v
' ft j m& _i ' % '-
{ttteobtr ttquatebommetraf ceusmpapulotuo
^___T-7Xb7t^^MJ7" ".- f" 'J Tlmfafr •
patteueamme tit emementoab2abami.raaccr tacob
ti=±iri-t -j. rin:7 zz-z=:zz_^tr 7
qtuwtsutrau^batrtetTamfluetTtemlacer tnelctplaca
Cfa 71 / *. jWfiW -ml-* I ^ i^fyf
tttSfatosctbbommttebemaft^ttattqttmnb^tt7fa^ te
.iV^vvv- j.7,1 ,.- 7 * Z
Jpopttio uto.<r65Siumanbttcarcamem
^ f c l —fjTTT} 7 7 ^m tjl . =_•)
meam erbtbttfangtunerameummmemanec eoe;gomettm
h T.— E E f 3 3 =Jfc J EE
; t§|P
#|z|^ - ^S^.
j ^ ^ C o atttemcttmutilt &yl omm.'bt ttrbomttujs*
#1" . f-KZay /C* ,- ^ ^ J ^ f t ~ . a, a, 7 - ^
. •

*%Z ' Tf^^J^Jytoi

[o bommttm _ btmt tabttlater d a m a----- - «i
e^e7i^mjbttiitme.__ omme
H*W- „ jfc
Itbe m a m m a m m e a m ala Jbtts mt q«te.
@ g f f t = ^ ^ ^ ^Ats.iiSenore.
l r
zg S n A ^ ^ n ^ b n - I y o etar,
H eoaltn gttabolofa. 7 paftunt^<?_mt^
mpctuum m n t m tsiptce coTtt%tb.m^
~C~? - 7 J- fl
' !€-__= ,^ ^- « ._%ag__Eitf

|L quetrmtantmammeam urattfentnream.C6: U^ttbomme

jfauajus nos ccatOobtes ttos agencmtume bac m e i zntntt.
7 a>J . m^-^—J-*—- 0tt^p)^ .aiOyj
ZfeZ bommt tittpiebenftbtlt s conuettes abbai _ oumi,
el c^tofez; T *
antm as tethmomum bet ftbe le Ctptenttam pzcfbmspauttfi#
J L A t t oio.jjhcfttftt
Zr±^: ii <tyia4|ttirn.j
Qunetj. becta.(_K_XC..
becta. . .outtm
^,7 pmVY~-*^F
gnfae nbermmQ co pfsfflenr u o m m t ttt

5antmnanptmtmane 5
i t_L>


-tnfertco. btani tuxmcvumvaaxm

g g j g J,JIH^ ^7717171^7%- J ^
t a r n per noc tern. W*fr>ftfe

rmma octtlosme osnequanboobboitntammmoi
7 J7
BES - ^ ^ "' ,77jJ7Kj ^777„ f .7Z-
tenetutanbo btcat mtmttus m e u s pmtauu* *I
§ j_;._ jr^m^S
| a&tterftt& e
- _Ti • gaubctr
S . qutafin
-^ - * _£
itfeZ7:. 5 5 _?__ 7 /t^.- 7 ^ [ f ; r ?
$ tenets m mttuts fttetar er teujrtr pctterat er muentitf-tb.
^ # 1 % " ' " AfofL3H ^^^.^iP^wtlia^tua.
P^m U m
£f ^ ^ ^ ^ tommltm bteqnto.CXt- miff/forfm.
h v Z _ ^ ' A - U " ^7(17^-'..^.
s fltttatpf. ettdlectolaqtieo r«ba_ m e 08 ttfptcc rn m e i mt
tpm^vi. ^ ^ g - ^ p _i. T_>
(ererjetne i qttomatrutmtu-j epfiattfer ftrm ego. »{_?vb
Z S__^_____3______it 7 -»J-a_t»:fc_j*s_ijiffli
\ jroneittiattt a m . 3tmeH. trtt-jtee.-K.._..I cJLxtuat
/ izz-z-.^f-zzz z ^/[vj ! 5 n ^ K - v -«?•
— < & m m e _ 7 7 ^
__7v~___z ~ 2_r >— ' ' - *'
;_|ttbtmtntrgentc8 mconipec tu tuo z?=__5_^
1 .V
ff, 7»~') ZL^_E_S^(L^=JtB
rcpnttetxenbo mtmtct^mmettmmtm Cum

mntttmbtmtur etr peteanr afacte

*»l* - jif M T
ffiele r&tt octtlos m e osqtttbabttasmce
It.. f.'ILae fttttr oettltferuo.t t m m m a
_ __^ii??^~ ^
I ntbtt* bomtnoitnn ftunttm. W W ftmv omit an

ctlfemmantbttsbo mmeitte. ?t\ IS o

?Stfr: * f ^ ,/£
no ilnabbommtnnbeitmnolhitm ^

ttttreteacurnoiltt. #.(fttfemr nobts b o m m e
L i . 11 l~Nr —." 777**<!toghnf,
tmfereteni etumfo-^Ititltue botninttec te
£ 1
^ f f t a ^ M m ^ ^ j ( m l t t O _ mfttprcmef. et. fa ,_.
777 J ^4^ ^ i ^ r±?=M
z z z z : 1
' j •

j___ncbfemusmuA mltobteo r a_i^1_^a{rermttwmub;t


rppmum eo tartnr mbtrm ttot tepmar ptt Kos fttog. alcarta

-mm ^». ^ ^v^-^g'

^j^metnmmmii-^mra^^ ba
-y— c- g^^^^;if^j^__^^_j---_--_mnte
bttant. m bomotua mli-Culttm fetalt lattbabttnt te.omau.
J {Hb^I^tibato tterfatnnmbom^o lattbabofermonemm^
{pemtunotittmebo cttuofkaa^mtcbtbonio.^lfttreiittt
fca^^^_^_. arVay. Z&£' Ofo^t^Ull8fvZZZ_ZZZ

metlfecttnconrnt'^tmeM. pmicepsi^ioy^eitsttttmn
_"»_%,- >^p^ffi^_<g--^i;
zjjme a m antmctatuttut point la. otmasme
?s m confpec ttt. ta o.« . X,„,, ^..
tfetetrmtcbibo mme quo mam
conatlcatut7mebo _ mototabtebei latts
^^^^ 7 ^^7^«^ZEEZE
trtbttlatut- me. "^
o^ttcnbfe. Jb« —* -— 7 j?_,ftv_E-_r —__
ttbmtm^^m^jLTcaubt teus mationem m e a m etme&C'.

Mi^T^y Jhf U
tctonem tneamfmenbemme

g____t fr^t-11^^^?. __7
bt me. <DoJliutt8 babtt pc Cyon fain
7 -J-^ 7 • ~vjmW"% z___Z7
[ tmgtfmel turn attnmtt-frmmme captttitxatemplebts
-A+ 7 ' J 7 W^-Wk_te.itbttemat7.
^fite^mlrabtttacob coiecabtturtfmet ettatuofte.

.__-s€p° cu_mammtonta_nc^tt--mme_mejmd_naan
-&*fcp lltffiZT' t e
- ^ _

fftnttU5rmei atftDDtme borrane ttom

t-ttam omitfitbttmbia alarum tttattrm puwcge me^JraM.w.?.„metf.

eftmn^m) otttiltieme tsmtmbameromme

p_?__^gg^^ yfy^ fc?g
, et-abalte nts patteferttottto. ,^-- 4

____ptiifitettrr.bjmma tittmc
* #> <r

jacttlatue e _ t*> eo emunba at


^ f e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g g ^ 3 1 ttgfc
•7- ..


2EC-ZI £ J /• 7 *g_. a, * 7 ft. <-^-_fE~_y'.
mpctmmgprottnrCmemacttlae^opem ?' tflr ?
_53_?:zlzSti^nost)o. ~±*JNt
6"oaircemtuboramoJppetmuL ^uuctmlititftt ciara.f
Jlg)^--—- k<ZZ 7 g§ - - ^F_______3_E - I
/-l__ -.- I. 1 __ ..... K

jatltabo epletatomttt amtrmco2btaqmatt(p^tittl)u

n^ilttatemmeam. ptebnei|i-taut.Qtmeg.rap!em.6S. j

J1 ftfSrettn^tdn janmit qttomam mftrmtisittm fana

me bomme. ^r^^^ontiurfetTa ~?p

^ug^^^-^m^^^ IV i
ftmr omnta oflame a r et annua mea
t 77 \ 'fltf* ^^P,- 1 —'^«4&™^tt-rabtts,
W ^ i z E E _ _ = ^ S z i (fe^QfccerTenmt^
_ tbeutm.(i>u^oituui
5_ ;
lurnnenttrnm mttaiuattts kbtmfoicaibta tua.<m fotaftni

cbt.fctt#tma& uttr abnwfi^tsmelmtt actrniurtt Immoime.

^5 altts popttlt ego fttm btctr bommttsbeqttaf^^.v_ofltn.

- * ft' _% A •_#_ JN7H:,-/V!<j%H^
# tttbulattone damattetmt. aome eJLaubtjrmeoseoetq

tHowtmbcmimtte mper peoium.^.^ttenbtte. Qttnetg.- "~

jmrn-lTt^tf. \_fj cult omnutmmte-peranrbomme

m ^t^%z ^?^^i.
K-tubastlUeef cam m tempore opmttno. ^»\ '•-gvJ/
ttsmma mtmutanr
oumeant malbenebtcaone.

\ ' I^^^^^^^^M 7
noct.o%®tambuiauetommebtotribula tu> ntsuuttft
± 3 t
1^^ ;^ ^m7+^7^ .
jca "btame^ wtrm___p_i_p_L vsmMxms^^.
5_^S7:S7J&_Z:3§to|j^^r^. 7.:

meo tthnetcen I r e m a mmittiamegralttnni

i %
n- -

\ i
__ 1
*(_ _» #e tttbgrceta ttt __, a.d^^ttma
'HFit^f-^ ^__^^__^^_^__*^^^
fantottta cttflobttYutmts utmambmganturtitemee
fe E^_-_zg-_g±z_. *—*T7^ti_- efttbtemtmubtp.
^gaq cttftomeftoaetttfttftcatto nestttae. > icua.Vt.otltftttm.7
m T 77
W « * A* > --r^Fr
aemeatm bommeftgmtm m bono ttr ttthsmt. qtttme

• ~^^ ' TJ>/« ITL^E
• ;

oktittnjetLamfimban qttomammtoumteabtuwftttne

bgonfolatitees me.ftjndmabheatttremf.'Xmew.
E.6feuy. jftfreofo^mt. co. m e urn ecai. tutus ftrni
^E5 7 •yiMi^
tyHwtttccatomea cc ttoltrmatcmea tottfae _»

•ft: ft^^Qfoteh) m m e rtamabo

cgus me tts__ tte ft leastte otfceoas a me. 4

l^etfofe^^TT: __- , J ^ V f f z*
J-_---jBc__?^u^ etrftettJE. i ^
', ' • . 'aHf -'a' -^ — JB*. 5_ _. W »_,7_ • I_T-_J _r_ -H-• .. ''

me usjquo_lnLamj^^ mmetfi
Ift 7. -7
:,J±___t 1
Zo^ tt btbetttanuam qttamegotobtetttomtnus famftrtta'
|E£ES _7 '-;^tez_7zA^ Eg
nefteTCtneoronsaqttefaUenttstnttttam eter nam.
: :^__7_Z7:^3X b^ptwaiqs.
__> atmbtts pempebomt tte ^^jfo ofFinfi.
_* »___L^?-„" CA7|t_=:f_Ji7^^E
mtelltge clammemmetnnmtenJxttoctcnatto nts
Sei Z_^ 3__ ^.amtjutrxsvr^^:
mee.f._I\9cmettsecbettstnett$. m b a b t h ^ ^ t a m b u
letnmmebt oumbtemoms uonttmebo ?/#»t<|

.;f S

• ^

. ^ '"•'•'••

Z*^ .•...'. ^i.z*:


^ S ^ ^ E I T .i
m^^^mdatamt mm es txwmV e j f ^ « ^

_.yz=r_. _^bactlUt$m tism fame7

confoia *&£
e(uflu6. C~ - 3 C 5 P ^7_ '77S".777.,-JI7
^ ^ ^ 7 ^ ; . . . 7 _ - . . . ^ 7 Z ^ ' " V •>'.'.
tHcom^rl^teflits meosjt tt ge bo m m e feum
'ottmelo qttt urn tutmt itt nonJ»mtneutr

outfits?7 mtuutna *oomt ne. <s5.l^emo. .-

^ym |^»ii'"'

___ __E___Z. -_*.—_*
etho7 tcccmrjeiTrr^autctnultexnetho'bomtnenefc
, t^ccmfcmtpAbStam
71 7
^'ilSl^-^ rt - 7 t fcfaQ^^^tffia^
J^l!;* '*:tzzzz ___ cen.oncAJttOte.juitt.-ttr.^ttbt.
^ g s g S ^ ^ ^ J/N ff
•— — • . -» > — — — - , . . , . , ..„.,

^^facttejmnesqtttbtltgms botimunftp^ubeceettm
gjU . 7 7 ^|fc^?^..7 (tC7* ' 777.. 7 '"f^
imaaqtumtttftict aftt tf ttftcocxttltcag eofane mini
•f. ^ 7.".«" \%^_^_j^j__y-
ab ubmbtts con folacto me ttcW. £JEfccsmtftfirm.
"V*_ J 7 /tt.
n tubusqttebtda.
J ft
fimrmtcbt mbmntm bontnfh ' btrfmlMv
^^^tntutttt tettt a&babtmbati ctamtutttbtif

S p V > ccmfibtmtmbommo fttutm&J&ims. 3&&
U 7
Sgjftfo^ j 7f V%7> ^ «$gL
Jton noti cotmnotte bmtrmeternttm7
qiubabttatrmtbetitfalem. ^VOtTon
- n .

m in atmtm e ttts eo bommus m atat

iufm ^hootttmce^ufquemretiilitm.
t^tmffctWfy ; ^ W 7 - ^
!te_<f>«^iiUHtibate fi^mttmqtttabentgratseu?-mm) *
act J^ft^Wi±^^^^^
pfallttenommtmisqttcmtamCtiatttS^ omraaquetwp

u^Uiu.ftctt.medio eotn term* C6rmtralemqtteebtftcaa_r

ar-^-^ •*cy J:1 3t
M F*
up ettata. caiuft para ctpacio etas mtttpfam tlfic entm
£ i 3 _ . : 77?=£__-=__ feeK=C___fe
afcmbmrnr/mbus tabuilarm^ao $2&
coxtfimfourn no. ?

->—i—____>—, __.

. . . ...
• .. * ____*** A
*Z ->7 --'-if"
m ^ m n o m m e t u o M t u t m meiac eomuutmef

ma tttbtca me.beiie^taubt cferoo nem meant^ z#,

p /t_r*-•••*• -- itjv^Tt__f ^f^^4so{)ctfeuototi
-. _, hzz. : 7 7 r ^ ^XXenertrntrbtte
!mtmutt$mftt.. Qtmeg. muitetes

7 !I
;.„ 1777 i 77 " 7-rrr|^7UV J^? S
Htrtaituftu mefa____ qflfr.
eitsmte fpet^iubotnnie
•;Wm noranmftm

bar meternum. Wri>.o>tfo^lubtlatcbe0^mmt&^T

- . _• •'•_.'••_• . i
-. ,7«
w S E _ " . J 7777.__* 7.,i,J.,^/7'1
ter ratubtla

teoe oottmtsrer ta
(euutebo tnmomlc ttnamrmtemam

,. tus trt mtltatto ne out a tommue tp fe e(fc be_u$.

* M V' * ** -y-rw»»'»»-'»w • • -• ^L ^ *. w—_r »••»»• »»^i- » w sat-.

Z^/-^ . (I 7 -^7 V
"cRb octultifmet&mtmbamebomme euabai
——- Iscpaec^gibnem.
nt-cattcfmtottt o. ' cua.ufro^ftn.

J #aubtbeitsojanonem m e a m etnei
far ay my _= . <~ r m — 3.—i 1
7 7
r ztonemme
^ ^ammtenbemme
^^^ et. ejcau «tyme.
aZ^_z ? _ nammtenoemme eoejcan JT /If--7"
7^^rzi o^__. gfatrenofc
i z £ _ _ ^ ^ _ = ^ c a > i r i l o a t m r / P J:z=z
' *fofaihi^m^jLja*j[*i» ^0S
ime ieropem no bts et^ltbe rauos „

*— : — !i _. j
imsattbr m mttspaxtesno iltt antmctaue vtmv
^'jfotafi*.'-* *IAy • r = ^ y ^ ^ y r y N
nobts o pusqnoboperatttseibm'bte bttseowm

ep mtrtebtts m m <tut8. T&offij-

_t777; _ .-7^. . jP^nu
tang ^tpettaat botmnttm tomwpx m c tt^vattbturr

«a>cf«ecaaonemmeam eonrmtfrcmo, m . umcatmcttm

/eta btmurmfa o no m
A 1
'! JltmmW'l ' Z " '\ft^ 7 «_t- * ' *\r
~ z§\^ mo e. mnotnm. tommt Mnoftnmasmfita 7
I .atiett^ _ ; 7 - • -77„ jtovrfk* C.j .
ncam&faeromtto «.^otttfl&tmur.
m CTrtferete A A
•? 7/W. Kim-o<§i}l)it
bt. amgrtgab. ttostotmtuerfte.t e _
m &7eccmmoamftir^r
7777 ^ ^ g
> •

I /V. ,7M p. 7 - 7**^-_ i%.

iosaqitam mtmbameomtmbabtmrntabcmmt bus
rffi 7 . J .* MffFJ
jrhqumamenxts tiettKs et.batottobtsfptrmtmnotumi.fc
f-, ; - - - • 7- T J t ^ ^ j g g , 6 ^ -^-
JBcnebttam'bttm. 2tmetj-fro,pftftcato#^ cmte ft ui
atnn temetmtoiembommtbocebouos.
7 7,5^_^*iccebtte
7 A
fen^tff J ^ <^^ M - ^m
a® e tun e m U u m m a m eo fattes
tteu^ncmcimfunbmtur: ^atmmf.(^J!>eata jgenS
g^^=_^^7^ ::;7^_^E^fe^
twee(bbommtt&_u.eo tttmr» pulus quern etc
^S& „
'mbettottatemitbt. _-

m ce Uitrmanitmretipt ttmpttr
E ^^_E^t^
jus ntsutrtttseo ttttu. ;
Lx_ 71*. y TifTPI r ~~—If " ~~

mftfjt. ofovM enebtcttc gentestmnmtmibettmnofttmn
erobaubttettocemlatibisetttsqtupofttm a t n m a m m j a m

i' __^E=55^^gg^^gitfc
Mtttam et. nonbebtt commoitettpetes tnr osbencbtcfue
• •

•m j- m ,f „. ml.

Tm t
m u t octttos_meos eoabtj eo latuec. tttbtetzcrefttbt to-Sb.
Rj^v- * *7 *tefc'"*>' ~ *§§
n^ttcwnjtenmnum tommttm querttejSy/y, olfifa
_vS_____H_*tfj. 7:1_^_______»
IgflMt.^ qttemefeaem cuts Temper; 0
~'f^ ] ~" ~~~ • ; /t s^Smf$0tA ^{P^^^c^fettbj
IZ mm

Lr>L' ---•—•
-Ittemmt^g^toocateno . ... (r. teumto#
jCXmttiiMi vi^j
mm ^1-3..JLj. V_, J 7~**7 • A : JI'-l AUjlZ I
Cfptcebomme mteftamentttmtu tnn etJannnaspaft

umtuoutm neoMtutfca n s m f m e m .

"7tU ecu
Canittk a m memo* etto obpiolmt

»™- ^ = ^mi:..ffliii
turom zttesabu^
•! J,

17 . . .. _, ,7.,. .
N7%777. •-'" --* (1777^____7^ '
me qui cogttanrmtdn m a la.^ji^omt
" - ^_.^7f^-77^.^..; •
mmememoiaboituihMetucfoUuB oettsbomtlhmc a tu
ttetmtte me a cu ufq. m fene#am etr fenttnm beusnebete
«Mi7^ ^f. a- l^^a.^W^- If/t -
1 - 1 $ »3__E ^ T&Wwtam. P
? £ % z z eotracto mtbts met m ctmfpec^nn crmhlmquasme.
" £ Z" "" •• — — ' — * ^
I 7 femperoomme abttttDimens*
etf tramtptrnmene..
~ ?f ^.efgmrntt4|)-7 /*. ~
<H3elt e n a m m r . #met-j. -ftlttts.CTKabaicJoonttmetbcgu
; n tJ
55 -fibetr
^ * "Vm *b oZ m m'Jo >77^^! __jr* f m bomme.
q u a m conftbete

m .
7 7

^ fpcratrmbommo;

quam fpcra txr m pnnttptbtte.

t^ncnoCe. t , . „ j n ^fc^^ C W
^tt^rarqiui^t-t f ^ N J 8 ^ CTfc / [ '
loamlan.otfi^^opttitnnbinntlemraUuim^Bittes "bo
tttmlntuulta bis qttomam qttt£
.7** 7 7
Itxus iwetertebo tnme. C.. IBuben s tommtis
-,-;j T—7f
-t Irf £ 7 — - 7 ^ ^
1 // ^etttesibioiesla/anaomcmtmiemtmilacrtmatttsetbCD
: m m zz
C iM y^-m-i z;-;"Zl'u
>r ^ -' — _, J» y*y-
tubcis et; clamabat. Uraur uentnnas ec. p-obut. itgattr
n . t^f^ ^i^i r .lit jtteM •
l mmttbue to pebtbus qutnterar qttatemnus moittttts.
tteiemes ttentte ao aquas bt ct^bommus pabtfo offim.

qttmon habeas plenum ttentte

btbtteemnleticta. jr.
*__*_7iyjr ^ffl^ottecf8? ~~~-.j-.j4
: ~^MMtnnxa^J91 TT_=L
91ttenpttepjpittetgs.QCmeij. pc^%t&\ Ifjf f bt bomme

l mentis
aotujTO.elV pan _u m_ bommeper pttptl lo
l 7
fe^^^^EiE_ -J' V X, % _____^_ ^ " -yfl 5^
j t e t ^ m tongr betgtcigTm op^titnttatibusm
tttbttlaao Tj nebttm fttperbtt. nnptus nicenbttur
fcz fum
. £?£ Jfo^g%jtfac tusecbbb
rmamentirm mettmet ttfit gt inn
/ mettmet/ltbera tmtne ttsfperatome *

mn^Jl!!mnmtts regtrmeerntcbtlmtcfttlKetitrmloa

pafctt etbimeroirocamtatp^aquamtefetitonts ebuca

tftr me.e.ttfhnefemt.o^J^
#7f ^M77lM^f ****£- f
/ ^btcamebnt8et7btfcemecattfammeamteaeme

_ , .«_ .. g j _ : - - - M , 7 7 ) g t i t ,

us me^s ectomtuoo mea. g./jtmtttelti^tttsf.Q(meH

Smeljunta patm. C -, «-zr_tf— 131<n
~ ^ £ i ^ ^ J*"M«e bemnmcts m e
- tocemefattte uoftmratem
ft-*- ^J******—MqtberatTO metis

C •-• rco mme begemtbtis if

tofunjeimbus m m e ^rattabtf
A -f-'
;!r __^___^_^P*S^^EE___ -
n 37 1
/•|Htaig7rw»^ -7 ' ' ' - -. ?•* 7 z^ '
i cue erpttgnauenmrmeaiuttenutteme


muuentttteme , ' a. v-JLtt ntm

•g^77J7-7_777<l^Uw : J* / * * S _ S <
i fiofnpotuenmtmtcbi fcunaboifirmmetm^ fa-
z 77 1
|,J|| /w ^ i
7 7
• ^Sm
7 7

§^S_^: Z 'Uw
b m r mtnmtatem ftbt
Ub o1m_m u 7s tufttts
- m.y&voUmgmz Vcgnetbet.
tirum _.' _,** '5 7 tiz ^ "777>« wafllLdm Omc.letcebar
!__ centtcespeocato rttm. ^pmmfi.ofm:.
MV •_, H --/*—- - -I'\1_777 r Jl1
_V Jg^Atft * ft|
.t* bt b o m m e m to to coibeme o retrtbtte!

emotttotttt^etmtfto^ tnosmut^

_jnramefmmpitmtter b u m m u m w m i ne.iCbm.

foectapyeAuok pap upbtstrabmir btt caiprnout

! •

tefH__V-^Wj V . **ai3L-*~~*:^&&
temmieuuefl m meo Cangumebtnrb^mttsMcfacut nuoctettT
J i r Z ^ 7 J^/t - ^ _ _____ _
* ootcet factum.
tttmtBfirmm e tr.fn.ait.ttmrmernraaacmem.^rfai.1.fToffiti.

W f,4 tfeteremtcbt bomme qttontam conculcautrmebomo u. •

»/*+vii. .vuaiii. u i u u u i ^'.v_. «. u - n - v
jj__,.i/<rv. » *
ettse^au ^t
witter. Gi^ojaet oianonemmeaut

_ ^tmbttsper ttpe n s m e
\5> k__ .
\ _.' . ftp
p ~--JL „*._**«*7 ^y •
*f ]*?!*•' 7r___.
jeeusmnotmnem o far uttmmefac7 et.m

Z *tt_itr» '.tnp a ttuitca me. _._

ghncHtrttete/a- •*• *
tu a m . <r8jJ@omtnt*s

^^tumtpteetb^r -e_^_£a52£i
$to rtfc I

M i-
t p g d a b o m m u m umlnxragee^confatecttr cgittutt^ —

ft * Z T _ _ _ £ _ _ - _ - _ * f t ^ ^
crCttttme b o m m t t m . f ^ n 8 h %
- at- a* *
tfcetne caufammeambo mtneab bo trnne uttqtto et. bo

tofo cnp. me.
/~W^rJ_Lmtt_ Itt-emtaart:
j__ )t V>.7v a*—a* at—ar-

ectterrtaremtttam tpfa me&btpr etmtt.eoat.bpap

mtnontemfanStmttu tnn
- _ _ _ . = = _ _ _ _ •
C g y-V~^*jfl_
ar * J L . ^ 7_,^t-^. 7 Tjfl. _ />j,
J^peterrtmtt omnes cittmottemrr. nommnarm-Offim.
j* i /

~t tomatntttmbetelmqttts qttetentcs te pfallttebo

x JlyJJ
f-F ^ ^rrnr^
i _?!_*#
tuba bttao tnjyonqtiomamnone(boblmtf
J fT- ~C^7 7 _? _," M . (tJSmJ:~
modern pauperis, co* tmetnfbtus tfmel jjjjj
^acfs nobis.
o m mbttsangufHtsme ; 'is, eua-uu/ofEauiti.
-* g j •?
tberarmme u s ^ ^ f e b u s bts abmfttrgen
_t$_mme eraltabtsmeanttomt qtto enptes m e bo
c M 1
t* Z ___5_£ ^mtratob
wme. ^1J!?tUgmntebtieun.QCmeM. eftat)me^

Iv$$!i$E _ ^^'"S/tf.?v. v
txaltabote bomme qttoutam lufceptm' tnt
nee bdet^ath m t mt cos m e os
ittpx me. r1—<5obi
{ttcerme. r—^omme_batsme us
W7 V<7 ^^. ."7^,7 J&Pm W ,
etamattt ab te eofana tume
_ * a * f e ^7n.,.-y/777.?;^1^|!.,1r,. e , ^

me be minuets, me tsbeus metis

iJ i ? 1l_^V# ____. _^__i
eoabmfurgen ubtts m m e Ube m
__; _________? 77* A -i__-= .• / "^ / - M
|z ;' ft ,f''VA7 &y/i -Trf*
me bo mme.cttyuattabomterfa
g__§_3 f 5_5 <,' .*V*>' ^
noceutestnauusmeas eocuxui bo au.aterutun

PT> ^ M 1 = Nf&^
"bomme tu. attbtam ttoxemlaitbts tttftzc enartem
r "•:• rv rl -—__!_ 9bttematq6tme.
tmtuetfamtmbtua ut a. fe/v,feitrtti, _

z... :^^^^- zfei

^-Z.___ muK^abiWdh abmfr rid ammamm?

mi felnttftt mc §$»> .. < . attfccnfcnn b? iWutv
rnntaquefeutttnobtsbomt nemuennt .bmo-fe etfo
<7£ u
utmtts tt bt eomanbatts uttsnon obebtmmus feoba

gtotam rformm tu o eofatnootfaanfmrnoinntrattontbtrfe

0 (t-<g_____g__fc^-^^__ftffl:<q>>ae-.. !
* tfmcoabte ttte. f.ltfagnusbns/7(meij.Qrautrbantel?(7^.

Wlttebofttas ermtrottema tttaetusaboiate

OT_* 7
TMmmttmmatt tafanfta em&. ^-^-vIHeuelattttbo -?

r^^^v^ ^nm
mmtts conben fa ermtemplo e ttts onmesbtcentgtoitam.I

_____ ~^A""i /CO
~ 5^
b_btr to
nt8tHicfebrmusei7fUu_nu6 "otrmttcoibatemitrtiti


mtcb^wnbebttltbecmeconfolaca etbmbtmuutmemea. I
Sw~ 777" '.' »3 m m m'ataa , I. , ,

ptfememtcbt bomme qttontammbttloilttem mete

,fe7-Bt_j-_r]-:.-T ^ t__t
ir_^^^^^7„. |nte
f r ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ - o^-,<
te__ "
_ — — (Srfft. TC _
tmefferauto^metf* mtas^mi^J^acmceloqtiebant-
itucbtmtmti time t et.tnY ra moleta
_____ P^77?^^^_ : Z f5 fV tecxi
ts neftieasnebtfcebaea me.: X
^7(t 7 M ^ J ^__3
tufttftcacto tiesm atzsl
t M t t a ^ caTtunpntanttbu^ ^^^^g^-
ibiarmbtts mt cbt uemtm

nmimanma^perfetittmmtmtneqttt amfutptrnt? m!
mtermtn^mejDejQ^ • — ^ - z j b z - ze^mtQttttasftbt.
• yff___]ffiffi.
^bifb.e{tt;m^iuj|l_U7^m ametLOtcottobtsntfttfi. (DftetronurnZ

_-- « .7/ _-____-__- „_y
' :r:::7,. y 7 ' ' fcz7 ? _£_5
vio ets bonum eo atteraeremmbtgnactcmemtttamab
-~Mt i____sffi_ (ft^ _- «_nt«-

/ 111 ;ic. t> Huiuu^iM .jiwir y u -ii^cgHncxiuzEb eimxmces aqua ceneotcta

!;fg c/^itttftcem.<fc^
^'^%^===: •v'vtfV =^Jr---z:__z_z-; palme.
l|f )U7j ' 7 7.7 r ^ x r ___E7 __ ? 7 cautme
^ -~~t^^ . rJ- ~ n<i *g_*ai

Sl^_R rau «imr bommo cTamamfe 7 7

?-H - •- M7i ,
^ | S ^ t e n l , ^ t e o i l m i ucft^««afitap2o_lemteirmma eo
l^-r - r a/... t /. r^yT- EF7Ji - _!_^
damalmttbtcentesofatma-ftlto batttbbme&t&tsqmuentr
mnommebommt. aolotupm^cdts!
canunemctpteme§| 1 •>
J; J|^y 7 «-_! 7% y_
m n a an tern a

^«mo ntm arreflenmttorapuri a. tbmrnibtcentas ufo

ttts t^mttsttbromieo^^ Hf
m_cmttatem ap quenbam ertHtnz a m e t i e r butrteuu?

S ^ _ _ ! _ 5 B 5cttmbtfupttltsmeis
mnrnip?op?efiapttbu?iactopafcba Z ^ ~f-

mtit pacdba. <Ejutm apiopmqtmttobommttstetofo

J8t temeaftePttm
Z- _! 1 §7 717 ^^g^-^gi
mtob efrctmtrattos ecrmttmtrosptuTutn aftnesflUgmam

f§^=^F ^f_z___i____^___g
tuusttos nnetx^ttettrbtettropusbommt^fometnesaD

abtbeftmte^impoittettmttl uueftmtcmaecL
_S___._c7^7_^_7"?~ •;-_________3__!_______.
-»• >»«.•», . , _ . , • , . '

fittxcetrmaitj inolremebarrruefttmratafirammaaltjra
mos^atttjubtts^rftemebanret. qmiaittefetttardama

5. - 7 -^i^^|_______E____to3*^p
fetttofatma bmefo&g qut ttettttmnotr^
fe^E±_^fe?faz^fc7 Vm\
p _ ^ = g ^ ~ _ z _ i ^ ^ z _ ^ ^ wt am^nofttfticturbcebite^
'njpbtsfiU i)a z* t t f li >^^ e D b e e ^ ^ ^ n A ^ i ^
^_St± V.vJI,
fttm aubuTet. po pti lus t[umtvmw tbefits t etrofo
~-0&"'~0~ It
jmtamiattepenmt/ramos palmatttm etj|*|Itmtret
^-__y_y>w_IlZi ^~^._ZZ-p_f. • ,J1.. _»—^ j
j^b tuametrc-^abatmpu^ eo. tfiuc.®

tttmretat; p?o faitttemtmbt btcju> faiusnoftra

icx? tebempao tCmel quantus eft tftsttu tfyttmt ero> ^

? 18
_..; *•" • v-. —._/?•_• *——____-__»- .* . z * »***'•* .fj ^^
g_Z_ZZl___ rrlJX71ZZII7^^^^Z4 ' v£-ijfa*t. ' ;S^^ftr•^

its tteptrfe bmsfuperpttllum afme itmtfotpdti t-_ ...•-..;_._ •-'• "&.

£ai wet^i^buca^mtmtJt qmttemfttt^ittiearno^i

^=p_^ :',
ni^ $ te$? WoUv^mm pafdje qmmbo utijSfc.
t_7=__ £* -a. •._/

t erafattm oemrtmrrn.
-r_; ' V- - -
_t_r_ Ttz-irz.-^ 'z
U ^ s—__ __._„,___£.—__-»_.*-___- _ , , —
uocemagnabtcetn^ofamta mfftettts. a>.



m eodamabancuocemagnabtceutes ofatma
Ff:v^v'-- tM
ZTZ_rZ,_Z> _rZg-3-TjgZ * , a- -»--ALp___r, i
i^f^_%___|_________g qtpttentihmmttltmtbmemtfett<t»bt
rneftar llano pmha;
ecbtftcoftegarnrnff, s v J*>
etne ofatma
mejrcelit8.0(ttmap2opmqttai^. >*)»*-*P ^"^^
ii 3»«*<w ._d»'v
^ttoi&lfuescltttcf ^ # f r
uetftabpc^umcan^.^lB|H tsr uemr manfttecus ttbt Cyxm
I £fc * _ > W f * t ^zj:
tarn pftbott leCtio m
lectio ^ibpt.enca.ctjl^^p
pic 1
etlaturplebs ebiemttm obttta nun paimts ttbt clamanfuer

y^ n f Z^77- /ff -^-^-^^g
..., ^tcetouttbeebomumtr tmdis bofratteftti*.

mtblafttaebnnofus pjmbtmftttrttmbusnoTimeqms

bejnWts net ra ifitis c^tti4^^J^^^W

^\e^r teojitm gloiia celt cut matter tmpertitm latis eo

* r mm n111 F4. f 7 JL
'beats htcermetuim»ct,lD
7 >/KCffr
33 I ' ± ^~ - „ , -tIr, r>
mfotis moiti tmbttttr matsracatifmfetm moiftts
-h> n '* 7 7 1 ) y -7 - J 7 7
« moitibcmatis timet? rtrqttonbambeattitates motm.
• r ^®!;;b7- . 31 W
{mmrpiopbectceoo^f^ v aittetioftmfalas .quarj^r
If 1 7 $*)* || S 7 /*"7 jJt#
uera tv&mpcto tttrtits uim> cuttmoxttf pio nobtf tu
</T^.7ri7>n«'?.Ai-ci7.TnM.<.. / _ *—
. •?.-
E B E_:
nofter^cctp«e<glmiam ef bonoiemo^\fl iratmrnttutfe
§ 7 __,,,- 7 . ^^ .. . 7-^>
g_Z fZf 7..Z-;7/t.„7 ZtZZZ
0>amt\nimabanrobfeqtitaiilto bet cnegentesp^e^tcantr
E - HA
ecm lattbim^tfhttocestim^^
^ifBijemulofuffittw^ *
tr%aoloamifaetlaqn&rtarttnu^? _, ^~___::±z5zi:zi | _
bectmot-. ta ^otnmttsibefitsamefgrbtes
§ ^,r - 7A .-*'iy'M-f. jjpfs. J(,
pafctje ttmtrbetba tnarnttbifiietarlaiamsmoi umsCttfe
| J **§__§ -
* —_..•—-- _ ^ y - '
; Tf>;J'?' 'i~B
-•—•= • .......

{ttCcttx tur tbefus. v.Oonuenettmratttemtbtmutntube

fan. 7^ j § § § jty:_^_zEjt.;zg.
<mtratttla?atttmutbe ttmlutem.^^oo ) mtummratttem
/ ptmctpes facer bo timittreria?attfottttet^ceiettrpn)p^ «

nuem mttluttemebanretntebe banr

£•; ? ____i rr>K^i *!>? ^f« "1 |&
mtbefttm.^^efhmontttm etippmbebarturba qtteemr
%vn 7? I Z Z ^ ^ a. a/

cum eo qttanbola^nnnuomunrbemoniimentofc tfctta.

T-~ ~3i __" Tl"_t ^^fuuus^aumrptteimemt
r_5_!E___E___i^-f-z. ..nmnt»ilococtcWtecan«'Tte6.
Ilkmte tmta momtts-pwpfc.
ffflMiairrr'ti 7 - • _»>; j.r.tfe
^ 8 j § S f ionarause0l)onontbtftrn>r;cftf
'V^:zz___z -zzzzzzzzii' (pb^ustbmitepcratrpjft
: ffrj—f—pr-y- — J - - y - 'ynitmquemti.verftmi.
ttlebettts pJonupn^SSSmapttrm. ^uen-yerftun.
V j ^ i t :^ '^-.n 7.7- ^H •
jfrael es m re^bautbts ermcltra paolesnommeqtit m bommi
7 ;( 7
k>/r..7 /T ' 7 v«^ te *
txrbmebtdettents.^.lLcotsm ercelus telaubarceutusom

IS B l ^^h-ll 7 S?
nts et. moitalisbomo eo cundaaearaumttiz. ^Iple&sbdriea
f£& ^ - -. 77 7 7 . 7 ^ |l fcg ,
ttbt mmpalmts obutaueutr atm p. eceuouv>nnpntfabumut5
' ' tifcpaotaiiti M&h h * J-'1 '
efleabj.a8eaicfte^^;;|ol le ge nmtpontiftceset.pba
; c;
5?§__5g_^? F ^_Szz ^H.
nfttcon ttltttmeobtcebanrqttibfauemttsqtuabtcbomo
N - iSLA^E^t _5 _____j*_®=^p_
mttlta ftgna fa ctr ft btmtttmuts e tun ftr o m nes ctebent.
Wvi'ft* -^kffj ____f_^>7rf . v
in e tun j^eftnteue tuanr txmiant co tot laur nof^
' 7 ! ' 7»v f fraatgbufyr ^ ft
mmtlo u n n ecrgen temrDtcam-<^.\EAnus a n I
rem ertpfts caj. pbasnomme cum enecpontt^ramutiruts
c j : ;
ZZZ ;ZZ-' ->-' '
p2opbecatttt7bt cens erpjbtrttobtsttrtmusmouatur i
T)otnopiori.pittoe.tioriTOragen8t«Tat'.ab '
'^Af'.yfdt.a 1%^!^=^=^

fl,lB^ 7__-__7- 7=7v

gtebtente bcmtmo m f a n t o t n a tu ta tembebzcontm ptteay
ttfttremonem utte pio mtnct antes <Htm r a m t s paitna

g/ (t a. _? a.

•te c
n u n ofatma elanta ex celft^ S ? . C (ttmcpaubtulnt.
b a n r m er tm

jr^± S^Z
$ . ii qtuaumurtbeutsto^Umfc !

m ffiLntc tturtftvtm.. s c bottifcitm _0 jioctuo:

I bcnttbarauutctu^l * p]fo_ GetutflejuoitL .aimts
yv^ ..£iaofcmora.rouoj
r ^ e m o t ^ / | Ig^r^eutfrotTi
'tep: p:o{equam
nofter. aimts. jg. ir\>e atrarboti*?,
\£VZ. rat? y^sb____ i—__.
_ _ _ *


s :tnrtaltiatozem*bommt tfrael euettentttmm tee ntm

mt 7-_>__t-__ P=tj
ab falutatem tttmmam patermtfmmmtmbum auem

* f a n m a b o u gmemtmbtecjumcoTauna
* -*
j-^jZyZ ^ - 7 ~ f t ~ 7 ~ / 7 " _7-f -&H_^
faio"batttb ben ebttfus q u t u ^ r m n p t n m c b o m m t pfanna
' • '

umnptutrtWt Qtmtmbcbmmtmtc. v.iXmtttbu
A * iPmo.^-GuipettteVjntmmsmete.o^Ottipsig
us. pttcmebsqutbu.7fflbmt{Tatnofftcutui.
to&$mJLim * i mJlm n
^' )U
Wt* FT "
v o m m e tie longefa etas attrtltttmmum a m e a o befen
n 7 . ITLf'-M 77 (17 S^3mi>7^1T^
tonemmeam afptce Itberamebeo releotusecacxmttbns
%~~y".^.^jvy^n , 7 ;'--^ ,J -o
tmtcommmlunmlttatem m e a m . f^s^smstelptceime.

2unetrj. lhocfetttue.C^{7enut{lt m a n t u n b o q ^ m m e a m

1 fox -/' f ^ ^ ^ ^ S
tnuohmtate tu abcbttriftt m e eoctungloita
cS';eUtam bonus tfracl
KfeA 7 f_W/,1
!._.. atTumpftdime.
roe us ret ttsco?
7n be mei
V77V7lA>,t^7.^4x^/ ^7^7^y^j7:/t
. •

autem p m e m o ttfuntpc bes petieeflfufi itmt.

-7771 JIAJI* ., .. /t j ji i ^ V V ^ f ' f a
f. atefltsmet qtuarelautinpcttato

t 7 tu W jfHeempertanmtm Utt ^oens.

;|tt^^^A.^7A7i_ 7 J? •*fr/___sg
V i_#ts? betts m e n s tefptce m tne
| \ Hnj]*\3_-^«______«'* 7-#4
|___ J ??ggi _§s__7^_____^^
ttcrba bdttfjo2tunmf» rum. yjBeusme
)(Z-;^7.,7^V^ jf E*fr_*n^>'HJ^j
tt$ tiama •rshWWIit
to perbtemtiec
7-^» fc r
^^eo non ab
e^attbtes ecnode
tnfiptmtt^mtcbty#ttatt _.._• temmfancfeba

bttae lattstCmel tn^i^ttemmrpatte^

ftn fpemttertmrecltberattt cos.vz^tt^aniauey._

fezz_^^^Gi _t_^_S:
I nmreofaiutferafimt: I mteu^nermrceononj
| ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ ? _ L
|_____^^^^^^^__i____^_4 ^
turn ho mo ot^obnttm bommumeggfscfco pl^tgaK
to_t___6_ii__. <_%> a« ___l_f_____8i-^
0-3-3-^^ aujettiaban turmi

hnm& m&i&mm

m_fn_riittoetiptaretttn faiuum_fe-ttia_einn qttomam

I r

i n | 7 . 777m.:,^±-77_7^-Z_7_: 1 ^__jt;
l__sl 7 ^yfi uero omfri)erau_ennTg^ ...
mifceirrfl? *
mifmirrrfoiomf.- v l . tberame
•too?e_.J_® • msegatrgm Irasirrammutmbunttlrca
fEZ-A—-^rwrr3v J
Hy^t- n^im^k
m^^AW^utw^m^hmx ntunlaubareenm
m aa\\\^^m^jffe
fa/ 0
n -n
ttmttftftn-ttfementa coft magntncate euraz
Tzzzt 17

!^^_^______^___^_^________^ _zto^itnmtiabinir^
7 _ X t # J ^ ^ = " J ^ 7 ^ ^ - ^^ __

It mfttetame itis^z_yopttloqutnafcetitrqtfe
Sfc^S . nsttobtfdt.
___*\7^_>v^^~Zz0u6tto (H7Cu{j5utuo
utiat. ^cutptttupj
_ci_?_bo minus.
3$pam_Mt__n __!MB_ax_mJI_i..
J^__J___y_.. _____
____ _ Jfc-52
J«_?_£!___J_£I^^ tmernpn
J tnue nrecb^tmrtetrammfi fctjermfu.meapi)ta
_§.« ttetirnrmeace to. <^W^ftnonpoteft ntccaurtn

fttentft btbamtlltmi^uo^^
7 :
f |j£ 7 ^ § S ^ ^ _? ^^#
^/ jtXbtm<_xnnmenQ(xncw ^u^ampttgn^ante^meap^r
| p _ ] __ ^E,,^^
I Ibmbearmaeoift^^

A ne tttrtusiJiumsme e. ^jH.nnnbefmtti?con. CXmetfl.

^|!w(nutitfc.<^.# AI f:zz: __£= ^ ^ r H z f f i b i / L

i^slettsrb^^utttgebomme cctmcnbeutbtctomeo

. *b$usme
, ttseccomittseocbmmtismetis
' "bettsme ™_ftflW_fie_.
I—_-r-, -•- L_.t_____—m—- mr—.—!—:—-r~* • ' \

am. c«'.©W^be^tamcam
?7 ep concur be
JtjfflUiT '%&&$*?&$ m

abtterfuse ps qui

pd&qtttmtur. rf pafcbe,
pafcbe. m^wm

r 11-.t?_|£me..&.m^ mcot
miamjutai^mt u g ] O S v . ^
jSZ| 7__^£_7_
*S z
yj_^btfra.rc_ec mteteanctrfimttl qtqffltmflattrar mahy

JB___Lt__:ro^ '
aotteriiunme- ermuL
'os atmmglonau opojOTth cwtetamtm notoibe
i— _—___
tyi -i
"i-2-n T
. a__h_
52 *V' W:. \mh
p^tfamqwtto$aut$tttmecrefungfao no_fe j_sr t

| quemfaittattc^ fumu&|£^

P^&fa t^_S^S
©nebem %JLgo
^t Si __. A all
33**autem bum mttbi moleilt efTenr

)t__Mel_ammealttto erbumtlta bam mtettmt

ep (wauo mea m fmu m e o con

TT^fe z__yz_.-__^zz^z^
_m st____. ^ 2
ili_5___tttf(?_=^^ jftpgg:

agpugnan—t»mea^ mm

er>e*ur ^mabtttttmum..7.... mt cbt.

Jttacui'r iiu• feua lecrat? utry.tfftoJf -Z4^^/j7^-^__-J
iicsatic0omtuufuobifcuAimoip7 7 _? _l____t____S
fcb.uaratTft.e(iBt^ ! *
m 'H'-JJ." U_,a 7 7" ^'"ty-Jl^l
mmetemanttpectannts erabbommttg mt gutsertpg xtx%
^o 7 / mme. ffijTmietfitmmee#etr^^
&**••- 8' - J1> ^ZrC^=~ _JL. £5$j
^ —7—g_*— 7-^*—p ——1_
fcbdbajpmpotra ermmep^llebanrqtubtbebanrutnttm

^ egottemcHationemnu
• ' :T__ZZZ zq"J"OuanOs,
placmbe usmmttltmtbmc mtfettcmbte tit eJ tzmtM-

!^ntttnmebommtonme<genufletormr ttltrfoitmigmjf
m yg^i2S^=g_=_= _^=ir^^^^7
fcft=^E^^^^=^_^ i-

tmtm ecmfemontm qwabommus^&t$Pbeotens ufq?

^:^::^A ^77- _______ . _ • —

abmoitemmoitematttem c m ctsV&o bommtu? tlieiits

If "*
mihtsmojlgnatfet paraS. ft j^nexr.t^men.o^Jghf^
foiltcttT C:zz_^^
^T jOKx^utrJ frattatasfaetcm tu a m a p u e m tu o
.fVa mS
<i\r* " •' g_s___ : / , J i 7 M L > ^
quontamtn btilo* ttc^oa?_r5mt,i'
g 1^^77.^.71 E= 7 _ _? ^^MtJ
.tare. ' .»---vv_>aitttmimefacbe •'.. 1<>'

tie quontamimmuerant'a .tietifip a» a_tm.mitm_

7 J/
fe^ _2 . 77 _\7 . I jg§ «777 7;' ^ZZZ:

. ,_. ,._^w
left ittbibanua. an.v.jfBue<_sttr&/ z 4 z o m t h e _, •
V — — —~ ^P^" -1. Fjf—:3. i
fa n w» « ^ t • • ^ r ^ i n jSE /iw^ihlx
^taubtcttattonernmeam eoelanunmeus aote
WiThn J_-J-^J ,.
W r _ ./iJf.^Mft s %fe_=
7 \. ^gjg=
TV _ j
|$ <
uemair. vOeatter jrasi&aemtuamamel
raquacirauBbtembttioimclmaabme autemtwz I
, > 7 _. - /_^__^_5M^i>^_i
am. -v Inqttactmup bt emuocattetDte udp ctter

^rattbtme. ^jeUta'befece

__jamt7 finmfj» mus btes me t et. o fla me a d

mmfyco n o cotnjrafunc S__pera^^Sn! ...

. ' I

%M fy,$ht5^ -r- =___ _z_r_^=ftr zhzx

rtotrfe nttm g M g M j aiitaoblttusftim
itrt <v .r ^iie/qitgen&
• _S__S_-y___gfe „___jj?
cpomme mitere betx<L fyon qmattetmrtem
is mtfettnbte tits. atttgalmtecaMe mmtttrr^.offt.'

m e emit dtomaoneti
moime us apteymientar. <m otitmmetrm
y0~ ma - j—f Jyf-f • it-Xz7tzj7__.:zfc^f4:
fomflettt mttpem bam qiuaelmmy alieftth m£
__ *__—p i—: i—I ^ !_
ieoegofteuiffetttimani tty atteem tomme meter.
__^_S____C^_7^ _. "
T _
ntmt petmaites ttt mtrgcns
^77 2__
3 C-£
t _=£ g
/y.y_/c >
£ nts-l
mtmbocmobo.iiotra cttniaapctgvit (poueietti8uica^i_?_B
^ piet^tesm a m p eflMe qtuufeim^
]_e4Wbanctt, f #^^
/" •

| tm'Otaoontt-cepatrcvttitmicmi-^^
7*H I tosutrnfatai-o^
| .tX&&ft~c&tt& 13 tai^c^it&jfeftamit&gf.situs latawrGcttto Caccriorcbt
ill (mwXJimmii<mm <ll>(»uf^ofeqiv?mu*ttjmmaittiPl70ttetn.
m=.zzy. ... ' -_ .;! .J,.,., '/•• ••!•
Z_.ft. PH'—a 5 i~. —- ~z~--
|f%-im.mitmimtmttefttt) atlteme ttmotembommibceloup^i
7XI__^_Z_L___z-" " I *JUjt1 7~ J]
I^empu*manuatimputiteittetap3m& atxbttbcoab aixbtbtaeono;;
mterfis .Tuettuboumt .ptoC&tanptc c^tmefccbtcmitlqTttravCalmod
txtmtn«aics et? cum x^etcmmtfeatis.pjft^bteaf
j^^^^t(^^n^jg^mnoC^t. eftnettoSc 0aiuo6^cfmtoCtitt§
\ ;tef-&t.0btf<ra.<o^
\ IBmcbtCttobapamsr^ofteamcbomtrmttTafplcitnmtter.<S)mmtm.
osatttemotme. < t o

no btsobe btcnsufitueab mo*-
?T 1 ^y> v .:, l fmm
twnmwtetKttnmn cruets. ^ < ; p t _ ptertpoo

eobztts pssxmmOJum ecbW:

lib n o m e n quob eft dtper o m n e n o m m .

Mtmbtemia^'" _j-MXj*-—
"^ —53 — • -iz
.. f e M . < ^ J o e r t e m bomtnttotutimtembsrxem^mmifmt"

" mutt me me nonmouaf {c¥tuuattwr^tmb. o$era bommt,

- Inteufmienttirmcramnuam^ *
tttrcpttattfmmmicemfcpulct^ ,
rotmntOtebemptoi C^imtcatttes.JFfanctgmir, jfiUttpitbte.bac
bte 9lguustononbicatHttpam^^^ '
ttrrXaenmuuausamptiUapto pacebeaCutUttfe<I>ommtu^
ra 7___¥____fJ_____-} JtJ
. l^Smmiii^^
* -KS'....

rEEFzi:'*- ^~~:^
bSTmumetrau. tuts fet u & q m o .Strnm
fcrc: -rTJrzrjJtzT^^^
; •- , * _p; ___•»»--4. *. . H i . I I V U J C V l
" ^ _ j _is
^ueretetttptum bebutofc _ _ut
_ Zex_ _nos
! J tra^aaa8ittac.xaai«&
j?.€(wb_bi<Bp ttfeaectmtfins ${?.tQ.6t eta ae. (3a cecbosbttitt
W&«&$tepc*nou ccleb-aurat ?ttc^btcautrp>fbo(ttui6imta^i.ti^c
#i^%^nec^ cnuTaec vpucSttbtcm^p.
^rat?$^am«$^ eefufebiactmuffe|
jupmxsbimebtcataqua moie'bmcau .6embe^tc{%_^^io.^[^j».'
weubtacono cttftb&tacono et eetofemms qtitomnesteMMglj;;..
itamqticbm e v u e m ^
fatiatotti Q6 XSC CCtsmbetettt^to 3 • •
^S^btcmfethtm.fmtrtomtfla. 11 Icttttm eft- bctttCcbt cacftrmo.{Uto ftracQ.
_' \\i
| fiftganrdaw^ehtkfacctbjtTce erttict^icttrrt amato:tl??lauent(mtmup_6K.
M<Vftuf enma^attcd»attcr alter $e alma.cctpft ftfc tmtttcttupeb»lau.uttr:
(_T( ^ m r ^ u m l . ct^trn^boticcum uufftilmts cmtra mtr. Qutttpbona.
™r________fF^ r-rrr^g
toaaunnouumb. uobts utbtUg^ti6mtucraiftcut'bt^ub8 otm.
at m m 7
T 7m 7m 7a 7ftu^ame_^~.
^rnitttU04>.715eau ,777,7 a^^^t^icc^^.ttmttyyttntnte'
cobemmob. (JJc^eitttfxbtatt.
~* — n f — - x pofbmutm(memo, uetfumi
i ^tltgamtts nos mmcmt quia can^aserteoetb ec qui btUgtr f b m e m
I ^^j^^_i_^^_^^s • - - 7 J ll
-#. iStuntM-bwtiatttser. eomtoSatm. . l/ra^bor-rtr. ._raeH.2_
T |rfiXz7_n^,.;y^_ c ^^
lnbtetgtllts muUerqtteetaym-tmtntepeccatrpe ttr ccgnoittbquob!
^•^J-^7r^_M.^^>s 7|
tbdusat^mCteombmio^c^islep^rt atut uralaljafaumttu/

J ptgatepetoe ems ec captlus capme (tu tetgektr ec ofotbaturpi&S

£5*7' § 7 a . - ^ - - ^ ^ ^ 7 _ ^ p
utts etrtmguento ungebatr..f.i-|tfetetemnb*8feb,m. QLmpe±p&
_ ..JMJ. j-- 77 ?. |.
j^ttpwrj^tbefttep^cterfre raptTusfitteec-jrnu.

rc-r l rt„ _ J-*.?.*

s_ =_:
tyett bonumts a cmattitftcaqttamm pdutm ceptr lauate

V f - f - 7 ^ < V ^ ThrexainritL > ~ ~ = =
z'ziz: ..' /;H_$gZ ftneccatfittr.stnB f r f f * m *—:
ottmesgetttes. Qlmcvj* attt4>:et^utmnr;^osiffigti8memtt-
gtCterco bomme eobenebttmsfitm ecemmCt egoiamneftmr
^ _ y - v : ^ -*_r_rju~F^^^ .
p_bcsbomum6 eonmgtu^eouoso^^
[u ___________< fttm-tbefiu-quia
• : fc g p ^^^^:^p-^g_^_:
a>i_____v^ r^:^iL___^j___a_F_^_g
bota etuytentt. ttyt^feararbocmunbo ao patterneocez
ua&^fot^lmtftco yieagrttftmtfir aqtmmn 3d \T
^ ^ Z _jzaE_r_feF_____#

~ct j ^ s n o t t T s u ^ ^ tefpmbms
. _ M , __,

j L1 A't 7 1!LM - 7 7/t i J—^-^JUm^

tbefucbjrttfittonlauerote nonbabebtepattmjmmrmbjnrme"
^ 7 7 7.7^7,7 *' <V(y* ^^^^4

;Sf*-**" •* ^**«*v. •___». i»uw^^vw._./__s_waR. one otuao irattcimsmer

\ d . S^
I" cetmsm.mut.tmmn..ftettmp.oc^
.nilM f ^ . l
zsd^omtfte ^ attbttu aubmtmtuum
t\*+*44mi* ....V. ___-.._ __,--.__

I ^ ^ .'.{ft^nh^n A.7777,;.
3: eotmuu tonufere ut _^ittae_w______jj®
|j I^T^^ft jf JH . t _§_$_§ 7 E?!§g
! Jnme •otobuumammaltum untotef .)
7 77 7t
^^V.^ I-' V -*'V^
— - (fefe'bum Spaxpmquaueranr
- ..___(t7 " l atmt ccpoftrag
•Dtrmaoumert.temr>u6 ofteriZ baie.Z^r

neo ^tunironutruatafuerti/ammamea
^ ^ ^ I _ _ _ ^ ^ 7 > 7 i _ ^
mtmmtfetttoiote memo* e tts. H\ itlfeuT
11 r
' ^~-^^ -Z_^_Ziat&
"pemonteumbiolb eocoribmfo. s
^ f e - t-

^|5^j (i g_yU Jf

ttpr'tnt bomme abbommemalo

matmaerafltt— totafrt c CCTtftttncbant-^e

I T %^ T '___Zi^
I m ^ n t u c nmtltn_tta6(a a.-Uttcfiayetng.
T* _7 7 7^771- « 7 f1? 7-JX
.iabtt atpm^d-
ttmniumafptbumiitblabttee Jbtmc
j^fc% H - 7g7l7-/t7X^ tft
*bo nunc >manttpectan»t8 eeabftfmtmtlnmt
tttcogtratte mntfttfftan
• • •• • — — . • ...,., j _ . . . . — , - _ . — , —

gtedusme os abCnmbmmti^ierbt laqtte

ummtd)t. ^JSutftmcs i****11** -ttmrmlaqtie ^

um pebtbusmtts ttj^ttenfanbaium

fetbomt ho~beits meur es tu eraubt comme ubcem o"^

maomsmee.;^jp^tnebomt neutmt&falutisme e

pbttmbmcapttrmeummbtcbeut.? Sofoittmbaetue
V7^7^| zzfck^.. . a IWVJ, --T*. -m
T- "• aS&6etfome J Sfeecato tir \tigt&iw
" ~ " £/. r-^^ :^
ttmtabtterftnnmetieb^Stnquasmc neumquami^lten^

mrT^i^tapitc cttxtttms etmttn laboilabto -

f>'^TS^7.7'tW>_f. 7 ? ' S^Z
nuntoioittmopmeoeos .7 ^.tjcmrapmnientujh

cortn^tmtitrnomtnmto eobabitabtmrteett cum

-I'J- • •'• ic»z,j_^ri-ft V-,7%- . Z'Vi' a.aoqucleganjf
M - j - 7 ~ 77 _ _ g - ^ - u M t _0.fq*ttm . e(gtetTustbefus,
JluTtuttt d. ecatmpt ^ etelftuMa'
^jpattmfitrueC.u;z' atu •:.Mi7-1nvr't1n--.v«ttief*r-^if£,&rfmri
jpfciU'3&(to:.hftm^^ \
neurit qtic ao boc fitper t* «n re £yJ rmrrx.a?:.. gcqtiftm^auot t e?
£*&Ktigjnt6.c&^ ftcdmu'iatnua* -
mft asearnque \p. o -.iibac ozar Jitutif^iaeunt .'•.; % $&t<<m:
ft. s.cafttlgfeoftlufruoalbis mfr.ttmf.fosf cuweanant bos uutf.

^ r-V..-^
7~-5 H.9 . Attn^tAn. __t «t«-_*_vi?S~lf[_£_./__. ____/_•
__r_" <nftt.ftcboutcat.iu m
i c_. temtaiitatoutuo. u tttUO. n u m s ^ t r a i t r . ^ W * W ^ <**

agyos y C ^.7
t»8agjws a ^ n a t b s
_*** _. __. _,_._!•- __.T"_'V^
TT#__* ,-___?_:-Zi ffc-———-- •• ••--•-.
effitfbti y m & i
—-•_.., - _._--__--_-/. ..- —_-. « _ / . niii'"*w 8
I ^7^;._zp
mqualtsmtfetttenbbts. bunr* ^uiebtprtteperbe
femtm c\uabiagmca a n m s ecntapna ctbatu te eomttd^
ft _._. j£- T ~ -_7~iT-

"btya in tertmnf arts bmam para fti ctttcem faittatoii

7 ai7otuf_5auAt( 7 1 f:i ':" I t
t ^ y ^ a ^ o u ^ i c a t r . e i ^ § ^ t b ^tmbebmfacetetrt. t CP
____^_z3_zd_r fc
nonftct e g o q u t ^ p i a t ^ m e a .foStttecok
z ^lefmmmeampjmmerlanceaptt^^
I ^ £ 1 ^tacom.Qlgpos.Cboiuf. /r^,, __. /* £ 3 * -Ci
tut. opcucmts cntctmran.m^cceltgntnu cmctsmquo&luf
tr~-Z"" T X H J _. _- Cbomfoij? TTTZZZ
\ \
S j g . __£ It N.^..7 ^ I gmttflc^^7 .^;7_g_£
munbtp-pm btrueutte aco-ctmt6> touc/. ^Xmcmttuatnab-
3_r 5 ; M ;1.--.-- '~T7EE*=~=±~
•02amtisbommeec(anClamtxCutetttonemtttamlatibamu8 ec
& • \

J=^::J: Hi J 7 P * -> - >_J_ >. J T
7 olourttamus ecce c m m pzopter cmcem ucntrgaubutm m

jt iScntCfcimtut ^etp?fiutttlquauq.^rqe
§. )C____i_____— * - tvmtraYttmgcmtflcwon^n^
liLtmtuerCbmtmbo. asmtcxaw^nl^.niupten?amatfetlMjO__L-_
wffi&m— _. 1 Pz__zil-z"V z—__z:izii___xz-r-
y n
- r__ / tifc7ftixus
7V , tuter
J /t omnes
3 - „artm
7 - unBt
= 4 :obtllsuuIlaCiUta
8z ft
bulceltgnum bttlSs da
@| J
1 (nv 7 7t 7;71 f augetaguaglouofipieua
MLT: _ v z Jt ^ w - cerrammtsccfttp?rmtetsttopbe'
1 uostMilceponbttsfttftmcc, umbtcmttmpbumnobtlemqua
I lrartebemtptroo2btenumo
, Z - # piatttafmubtfiat^
1 utcomttrtpfcltgnutunenoram
attemfatlettoeomceetamlctt^ ^Q$to^
ttemc etgo Cam plenttufc. cempoas mtftuCcctab attepks
\ namewbtsconbtUBattpumttem^
/ Q uCUaferqmtampemdai^pusn^^
lentenattts ao bocpaoiontbebtttts agmtf m cmccieuatur
tmuolanousutptte. i tc acmtmfdanmbofpttta clatuslancea.
rmtt cmpuf perunatur fanguts uubswoniitttetta pomus atan
alutmuoimapamnitocpmclttopamcltto oulaus ctbeoyotcCtas
per cmaCdkmfo.Vfit begmfttty ttbt a p. ptfto aooKt.? mtim c y.
" r7 7 H ^]i i 7 ^^v^^^*^^1

g 11 A, S. i,_=---_=____-_
m a n s uoce magna tmbtbttfpt rfti^efceMttelitmtemplt
f 7 f. I 7 V^'^^^lUtgf.
fe_ £ ? - 7 ' !. 7 (tZ J " — J7~
CcttCtun eft momtmenra apetta ftmt tetmnotus entmfacr

__Sg 7 . ,z=^=e_?_^__z
-ftte taomagnus qutamo*tem mttbe tftamabarmttnbtts
-. L P'K_ •> ^'fri. Z,_;,^
fefuftmere non potTe atstco ergo mtlttis lancea latere c m -
_?______ - -' ' :^_^_^Z£7__5_fct
cttobommttttuttfangmseca quamtrefempcto nem
Mittiino ^f^> fl^TTasmtmbtle
tnecitmt ctuutponberecaptuutas t^emptaeltmuribttar
'-tint i J-^^-:Er^
mmctmfrafeTtmtete^ apetraeitnobts
A rTj, 7r~ tt ~ ~ — Sfenata mice ornue
^ z * /./ SfolvfivK<'L-^ . ntanrcmmesclmq.
tanuateg- ^ r v m . aoairmetrumtbuat
fatct&s cnfuia quam wterirr et actebenrao alTattrtwr?*. cofe

--rcezZir T " ' rutem .elolti .iicoccmccnfato!

ritr^.t?Atue^a(\i.v^-:itUoit'.- im.i_t.- mmVmtmltactonr
Inu5ttbitmtluatt6^* fitti u <tI.7rcre.^tcm;U^i^cepttSfaltita.
;feo_ajismebntm . ^ qua '.z z e n m t g a r
'.' tz pv.f btnftotrm ceun. crty r-ncrfvca ^ofteab .eatutobcfout^
r^erotafelafclo^. x :'.7Ttt_armfex.a^n,'t tribicrpatrce
|^e.i,etbtranu*|b^^.rv. ftgmtsbet. -z ar^tr.ft#fc^
^epieccbmte;^emb:btcatttp2tttatun. \ &s quafmcetta&ftt| j
*';feairatiocebu^mnr.-zUi ^ ^$b:c$.zacrczz>-£tt^ g
Mefptcc^oilecfsfupl?anc€a.It- tXtutecttm. ^Vrab:c-t-atCacet^sca
Ifttlatt. oiatttmttttefcmmutttt^da^ cttm
cc_p?:cbnteomttpteu(19. ^epttuT>onoz Ittpaccmt&t^.^Jupace
i! /\<

fastis eft. x C^aiimcat^mefceom{pr.

^k.7bate».rttttgtiiapa^cjnpttmtfeatpioo tott%ftolpa_mttit
f feftgtns bmcb. eem. 11€ eft jn Ctmbol 11 a w 0tis tl&tmtttatto. Ccm -
poftb. c aCptfgamr a-\u& bene**ftaft ,1 cr. guen §eq t' at 4&S uq.
j .||z ^efcepa^o^stteme^s.,. 0(deutlumme.^eiiuautrbetteL;
jtnm^mntttamfmCu^mtenS ^CTOmoteintnuubtmtneffic.o^.
eCtemamactuihunnam.e^ :_OeCccnbatbencbt&o. y oflea ae . •
cfobattircmuCuuuf bz nouo 15m e cemtC iu;muanb? ecdcftepu;
^ | SJ tCca/mbafcnmftmfyperpelltctif
t1 tt cecmchc
a ^ ecrebeatpioceuioctmann' I-
ufm ao rbozum^n tebeunbo btto fc\

^EEz^Etz^t^^ I
T7%_ • „> > • Jt, _ f I m
is-. 4 7 * - 7 ' '^J_gg,
H teftbdtbttSAmuqi tamuts m n u m c t oftbetetegtftttt
7 m
-7 ^EEEtc-Ji 7.7
_E_ i i'- 7irli"^' ~?-zm
^ettmott-hftsl^geM ^J^f^pcfatC0liQ4
7 r T
-5=3 ^ 7. r^ ' "1 =3?
f tt(rabtlemfeuoUttr pettamnoftas tgmatlis tmoegenus
7 7
I %---vjg-^ 7 - Jt - ; .Zv7:i^z1;::
© / uetrit. ^plenbimjcepgotittsmtmeu^ pkterflammts
| -x,-^r7 T ^>^' Z7-;7...V„. .J
I mobtltbj {ftitcec amaabGm^o^btemuyaytemtd^
! "7 •• V T » y » 7 - ^_7zjg^=^_____j^—-* ... .
j nor ntmlacero uiftafitfflr^lo.^jjperqttemfolenbo:• *
6^~~l -7( 7-7 (t. J "' A'-af^^..*. iTEi.lL'Jl
inbonoilausfaptenaamatelras bonttas cc pterastttateg-'
§g 7"ZV.-7 itv._.^:__r,Z_LJ?_S
•\^ f-rT -:: 7 7" *"• "•* r7___: ' J ^k'^
^£Tfc__"____z_ __— z_*_z«_ ._z'•:-.;zz- •
z S ^ ^ f^etboeA.
f_ej___5__ [I• _ 1
Z_T Ml*
^ =
j_7y_ — - z_z._z;
- ~ 7 —Z g -atfr
o tannnzgis
necfalttta utctettambamto •*
tts.cOatt bearCete^ttstanusttmbtata
- i .7 - _t±t^__t____z
I. *7V7 _ J * r * — * 7•_ .:.:7* _, 7 -_J L*__a
.:. - - - • 3j/^

"ftilgmtb3 ttetetmregtsfplmbcuelufoa^
Jettctaramifttfecaitgt ncm.(|. jeteutrermaterectteftata
Ii*' %-^'m;=^01m7m - ) 1 •' (taZZjl ^
Utmmts abomamfulgottb* etmagmspopttloutmuoabusbec
A a --- _ -m ^ •' '
1 7' r 7I —r~ 11 m - I'm
_!___________________£_ - • -••*-%
attlatefitl tre.jQuajKo^^

fe-*»* |*.>*_~J- r . * " 7 ^^"^ZJtTtef
^^ ^
quelbfet omntpotetmsmtfencoibtammtloca tfeK Pqurme
C 7 at 1 7ft-j 7 7 - 7 r - 7
"~^— . T l ^ f

eftTltmums fmgmuamfttnbente ceretbtuuslattbem mtplete7"

pwrfttt a&j_|[3erbumno(lTttmt^^^
_________ __L * ^ r _ *._>. . _ __ _• - .- « _•_ _.

; m

f am eo tttu^eotegnarmummte^ttttttsfd.fQeromma ?
^_7T^T"7 T—- 7 ^-J <*: - 7~
ftmlafecttlouim. S_men.» omtntts ttobtfcum.Gfc^tt^
PyT. (t . "/* 7., ^ • . / ' /> .. _ = ^ g Z
||>tnmmo.s^fttt^ tnctas^

agamu8l»ttmid~^no(hi)lSDt^ttm ettuftttmefb,

fcMM..3,l'fr.*..i T 7 — - 7 7 • _ 0 (M
5 b
^-^r;: ykS ^.; .... | <£•
M^zr^-£iii *» :7 ' ' __.

^fffl-. vets btguum etutftum eft utftbtlembettm cmmtpotemt

£J j ^ ; ' C . (1 7 - 7 4 J.. --"- -%, 7- -7-- 71
iftz_^2^ _7zf-:^^
turn £ando5 tmtttmo cotbts ac mctraf eflecfc etmocte mmtfte
C ^ - . J E & L - . P «. ;t • _!____.trT*'i.p J<
rtopsrfbna te.f. tupionobteetemopamabeb^ttmufolutt?

eouetetisptamitcatmonempto mmeb^ter.k,j_ffeti5mt? e
— .z^._~_.,L_.r^^ ?y -|_ __jr
nmt Mapafcbattamqtuta uents tHe agmtfocttbtmrettism
^ 'v PKT^&^^^^ * "—
togitmepoftcscoufethmmr. j ec norcftrnquapummn
-U-J—L/t 7 7 ^ " - 7 -i^iJ^__TTl^:
uei^gtotmnfttefettmj^^ct tgmtr nor etb qt-epettatpyteue

"to* ^Itmtpne .tTtmunauone ptttgantr. iFz ec ngrecb

webootepmmtuetfiftnmi^ tc_tmt»amcfei^
5t_zrr*ty^^^ /7 y 7, *\jmJ*mi

^H-r*^J*K$- 7 •- t 7"* . ,7 . HzjZjZ

" " ' ' i . i

ft ebtl entmnobtfnafti

ai^tmipiottitl&o.f > mtmcumnosme

. ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y <t v"~n___i__g_y^^
jtetatttbtgnactpoO tncfttmabt Itsbrte&ocattcattstitr

FtUumtmbtbtftt^O ccmnetefl&ttmna
' ' ll* ^ y% jP * *t*.^£.
____= . . — , — / ./»<-.i—


^ _ cgtebeatangy qiteiblammtttftu^temm^ eoi

-~ ' \jt T"
bo^ammqua^cabmittts tefumit^R et norett

jftltJaWmeamftmaiemeis.. mstgrntrfanMcaao
' ml±tl^jl m-Km

lapfts ecmcftts lencmTtningato bta concoibtam p a m t ep__
m 7; 3 M- ^E^^E=^B^^

' ±tyi37i ^eyzm:v..mmfrtmz:_£___J'f m ,-r-fc.
J____I_______ (.%;.' -• .• . V'f. •''-• * - r*
fonfopatetzy. ; H^ -L_Z_. jncen(tb_uuffamnctj

ttmuefartmum, jQupb txbtmbaocctttoftlactonefolep ^

mpcr mmtfttoiummamtf beopurtb us ______^_j__^__^

ecdefta. CQ cp tarn coUmtpnefyutuf piccontauoumtus

f^^S" 7 r-- 7 --.:: f TT7-^fc~ rSa5_?__l_3t=
...... zy J— >:rar ___
4ttamm()ono2embetttmUtt8 tgms accmbtto___fc__^_«
^;>7>'': t^;mpattedmtmtaalumtmCbetrt^
cab":...-.. ;r^^i_Eb^_-^S
menwiMnouir^tetr uqt tantdff cms quafm&tto ftancta


quatttiemtcelelhaumgittmtr.O timustebomme
^-f'P- '3 \ = ^7 >T ^&=__=L 7*~

tttcemtstue-mbottotcmttotttratsuu cottfecrams ajmotftsbttutsca -

agn^^tcttbammbtnue_6t«eftttc tou nobKcm.uau;cr

^^. 7 - 7 . V p. '^:_^_5__E
jtt6 accepttte&fntu& Utntmartte rtntccattmjjg larmffas etas;
SpZ7_7vJ. M. •" ty•_>'.ZEE__E___^.!? ...-_; •? .-

Ju«fam„trattu6tmtemar.i uem<yiatnlu«.c. f)wne(ctroa» I

!E74^^_ZZ7f_Z'1 _ 7 7 ?t Zf 7^.-7 y_^
&m.T_Q teqwt_8teffti6abynTO-burnauo8wm{etOT
W* W*'- f - -.^_5^--7-^^-'it^M-_.-_tl
— _^_- /-SI I ; • *<S|? T

luritfi... zte catmtr et$o te bomme ttrno&^tmulostuos

fo-^z > i17 7 7t
n <T 7-^z£^z=i#:
wmicmclerutttetf^ f
papa.1^»attptggeno<ttt.< ^•nan<meo^fcop,n(?utt).H>
_^=^; 7 « ~*7~? * «' * ^7 I '
t/7. 7 7V(t •^•"•--^£fe;5___E7^E •
^_^ZE_Z7:'1 ff 1 N71___g^_i____M-
__Imtar.6ibUtsb(^sfblu6aluimntt6i^e ut^ifu>cttttn^nAy
q?mmmgtetabctpa msa ~~ "~~meWa

__. ~i •_'

70ftt7eclegaumrletaoue8abtgtito:t^|\Tfontsal , tmtlts lio.f.

€.Zttpmtctpto creatures cdt^ttmu.O¥'0eu6qmtutmbn t|^
afb () otem. I ccuo fc&t .jfamtm eft th utgtlta matuana .tjt**

^|^: y atttemus bommo glouofe t ntm bononucatr
RII 7 n J1TJ l
. . . ./ r ^.-
%% eftcqtutmetafcenfokmpwectrmmatr
ci' rtatr a&tuto.
-? 7 co
'i pwteabtfarfuseft.mtdiimfaUt tern. cvjT_tctensmeuseobo

Lg| ttouftcabo e urn buts pamsme t eoemltab^m^.


•_£_>. C""~_f••»-'••••-• •* ay m%. MiJI -* 7—~7 7—f-rtf- 3 7777*=

/ |^omttf:cotttetensbd labommttsnbmmecbtllt.
/ I l?mnes{>mctusbtcatTtum
Ijj bommitonmesgetttes.o^.jBeitsctuusamTciua. Iccuoctma.*
fc:^*___-_?^\. ii _. —_, —-- - —. __- ..-_.— _,.,_,__,

ytteafaftaeftbtledo m comu thloco u ben/^.

Up @
a*-/ z
m 3
Itr macenam uttttmtebu. et> nmttttto tut eoplamaturm^
— • „ „ _ , .„.._,; __f • l . j n i ' i . 1 T i i "-J 1 .i • _... • •

_.__ _.-rfojp. J __._ = _ , __^f4=_


neam-btctn eleotftcaiurutmmmmebtoe tits. > %

k^±t^^^ J*Tffl7
•JfctmutlaruM ulueaetittttbommtfabaoi) v-
r 7 771''-»z
J t y t« . f»K-..7.
f ~\ J l^-fW ~ feS eelebmutf.lco.tut.
bomttsumdefl.. 7 8mpfttmo>emt£
v ffl
i^ite* ^iBs
ttenbe celttm et. ioquar eraubtarcemtuer/
J 7 _r__r •
&P*** '* :~ZE_3^;
m 3

ftyo«tnto. J^KyyccwHr^ylttutatlocyu-tmh--?

umwbefcmbatftatrtosuerbamea ftcutymberm^rv *

/ ] gramma. ^5fcftcurmrfuoetfemtm quianotmnt

E tft£777._. -_T7-•*?* •***.* at a, at 3* -JL-_f— .

tiomnttmuoca&. ri> ^ate magmucenetam beo no

.___•___ K'**

-J n___f«fA
^ s u e n ^ o p m t e ttts £ W
eo omnesitue etus utbtcia. P8
n % (eg3,..^
'f "iMmitoses
• * r '*

" •

-) mt^r^ :Z, • ^ " JJ /<. ;qz 0^tuerdlamtti.

*_. ^ _»* ' __>^
a m 02auot.q. m o
mus. tcqtufI ecuo fcr^iictT?
E ^ ^ j V -_ -gZ e^jt f _t^
|§ifp.ttttt fxSiueMbenwaofbntes a q u a m m tpa
JV 72 777* a ^ - s 7•-•* •*-*"' ~-rV

Tl«.y?y>vg_- _*
!__«_ __
bats. __/_ ; ZS
:=—_«; • :

a ab beitm tuiturn fc.3

_?Zif « ay
1 et. a_pate
qttanbo tiemam

ante rauembn met. cv3buenurt mtdu lam

>Mn - Sfe^ ;
meme e panes bte ac noc te bttmbtaturmtctn
* TL
| S: 1 . J9 7J 77?M^ ^^fe__35#S?
| pjrfmgutosbtes ubi etbbetts tuns.
IPoft-feaftetbticcr-at.>ti_- aite fetpmutrfabtmoperbtmtbtcm if

qrabncedeq's otnfsbsut
eqitafttr Cepufbu. ts * qtttm.of
n (\uc. nOttu>6
/ __V /-__-_. a a •. _ _ . _

d. o ? o afemf> tfsptictts
fet/tnn tefptceao
/V—__ i _ _Z_ _ . _ . _ .
m fuixrt^
•_____. ..._ „ _ __a_._T_.__ -__ __ _. _. --. _*•_. __ - - __.._.____. ____.*_ _£___ A _. a _,-__ _______

'_rj_:l1. ^_7_M--^^^
___ / a. a> *£
A a JScelautetm.
^^_. .-»«-..j.»m^..
zi feattbtuos. Rcamanaoja^pnofc
v^.. IJk^,.-- k4i.iW_.itl.. Q&
V^_- Q i__*_-l<Iiii-iM[l.

^cattttgoiutjgmrt^.. drttmcetm. op fmctutatqum^par

,<tmidbad. c^. J3<5H£*tr. op I utatcmmaqueaqit
fldrgatotel. ^. cebtomCicufr. fl^^/p..quebtaco.|usbtiS
cempbad. «$.. C ^ f d m a m t t s . o p . ^
O n s m a u g d t (^ ceftlttcfter, ^i|[ptofotx_?bt.otccn^.
eoattbangdt. q. J Q Oregon, o^ I Ztyncr MeW.
Zifttolfebapttfta.oj. .cevtlan. c p j &_2_ptfteattbttios.
Qfiefftpamattbe (jQcentattme. op ipckmaua. of*
eoptopfjete, cp ^cttemtgt. OJJ !jj^bngentttp.. ^
op jdetauboene. oj. |9diiutgottttgmu.(sj?
tattle, dp (taugttftme op K .ifemtebad. ' ^
itoea. cp OttSfdcfKTwc8.(^|!Wo>gabttd. .,.,«**
fttobatmes. $p ^cfttttattatttagft cg?zcetapbad. '*'•£-*
ceiacobe. op Jsckfeucttas. (^Jc^nesfau^tangdi
J_3ctybtlqpr. o# <£^>qpta. op J eoatrbangelt etate^n©.
.^bartbolomce.oj, J3caagatba, if fcpauie, tj?,
jS&ntatbee, cfe _ca agues, op/J^fcetacobe. yp.
thefciapjftoli Jqlclicecdta. op; &djoma. . ^
mttaugdtftc. op z caCteolafttca. op p & ^ w o n . tp%
jQ&ftepbanc. op Othsf&wtgmcf. cp! \ cfecbabee. «p
(feline. of Ttmesfattcur eg.; Gtme6fetap>ftolic0
jB^clece. ^2 otatepjonobts. <sp cuangeUfteotate^uo.
&: u

f cedetttens.
c ^ K z ^ V _H
: tg'Mim^cioatmange^^
op J,
cecomdt. • <fe fefr^^^

A,,^.*~* ^I '•:••
» = :ffoM
^ 2 7 _-_<%outftfem
___- ^-~~Z TJ
ttmatmucuCf. f T ^ ^ tmcarblb j * ^
Umsfttmamtts. o^ ! mimbttmabiuua.^ulqitcffi.v.lma
^cebettebtctr. 022 |jifc-,z_rzr^z- ft 7 —_, . -.
jSfceutcbolac. £ l ^ f r * 1 / H M J
.frgetmauc. op ipttmftmpionofetttt^materpxr^
Sttnmtaue. op iiJFrjijC: 77 f j -y z7 ;
1r fcaibdme. c Q v j t - j f c _ p ^ J *
Orasfdsfeuotes. op< mmts ebmmtftrtpamsfitmmto*ot
dktttaa. op \ C Z Z T ^ Z jX13__Er:
jgfcapjtttmula. op -ft-fr*^ -^-±±±g^__z
.camftma. op nesangdm.^jwttmlttatei
jyc^katetma. <m _,7 „ ^ F - ^ J M H t r
cabngtba. | / c f r ^ ^ M ^ .-•
Omsfcetutgmes. op / centsapotrobafttmitcetq. nmagnc_r
thsfdwate.puo. 02. / C m . 3 7, -yzzj 7
bonetur m a g n e ndbitsI tempits
^ - ^ - - fmrb-u l o ^ a e . ^ =. @im±n Ee s
tmeletiabefupruo.e / faugut6ittfttsmamnmi^lmplo,a
*— -Trf — •—— _. , , . ., . .

gmbttmcaptsfcuets /" C] (V j j> ** _. A _____Jt---—

Candiatq? tttftt uospzetatnur cemittuopiurgetitr mtnen
J L "zz^Ez f w
bac >=_lJ-£-£ZZ^-_____-______
1__ (\ teconfefToies 1 ^ j
S = 5ttetrco
= _ ^fubmammc.^JLmu^c»alta__me»le
^ z=F=3=
&Et^ ^TT^_*__=^:7
bts ttota fufnpr qtu plafmaftt ptotfyoplaiiftttm ecgenuf

0)1 j *'•
:£j-____: f • .

•-•' «(menwmt.S'.
i ^_-itet__msanpnatteoTtt»arfani_tJi)t
7- /. ~ «..<-_»«.•.....-£

''tJmic outs axmtfleCmttr erettu 85 capasmgms. ccutuc pttlfetur

pa, ^ — ^ < < X o n f t t e m m t b o m m o cutont

ambotuts quo m a m mCeailummtCencoibtae tus.

l1l^ffX^i -^f
^ U . ZET^E*
X ^ " ___ A -rw^^^j^
| attbate dommitmottmes gentesbtrantbuuc ^L.
hi—J^jy%7 T I I A 7 H 7 ^L ;iJtgz:
k ^ _ _____=
" M ^ M t /v
tb^a t e e u_7.^r^/
r o o m nz____Li'7^
e s po T"' pttU.*fc,

tuamconurmattt-tb-_fecno$ mtfetteoibtae tos

weottetttas b o m m t m a u e t . meter nttm,

ftmitno^c CXotmmtcamts eenoeW.*E7anctgmiroblacumeuu bee
cenftonem qhbo b:bmm(ttieb:p?fcbabtcicmi{ra. Qftaimtcautes
|j <2lgmt6tet.r. ecpar becttr- eeofartotrttertiaUo/mfitJt .uitm udpeo&ftf/
| attcjSuyiSo?^
| fawt.^ "<6»i_mtta^r|x)ft cnrWat _atet&s4&ft$tto.o^pmnob15.

m M|
teffi^to alatete^^ape^

Uuja~43ooitmcs abqttospmtciiu^quatfta ijftUttfafefttm.

jpbtomtaUeUrj.aalte Un^.fLC(otifttemtmbno/XmeM.
KjAjt _, - _->7 *- > /feviOfteubenobtsoftcozr.
y ^:^z^^:z=^^^^
1-Jtot aqttam. Tblouafft. q&olfo/rfiot e a. ^oxfftoTTcg^f^.
if fe^1 J —- •7 ZJL__? ZJ_T_.._»-—- /t 7 1 .
@) » ^ aiuefeftabtestotouenembtltseao quaomsmfemtttttur
j] yrec afltatenfrp.B-tat^unfc/P*- ——A- 1 -if-^-rr-rf-
^ m nq. uerfti .^crerenafcenMo^ta^
!^.f'" - ™ — ~ , — ; .1Z7-. zzz-LaJL-
I ijmunototmua cttmomtmo b_>tia t^tfl?ftto.^rjguuauctfe

its erat. bnt(«x_^_r___^^ cunfetcnr^

^ T T ^ T ^ - = ^ ^ ^

fej_____: 3 .^gJ7t7^ ? Z-7 Afat-V';
_.g___t>L_g6fittamfettt tottmrna _ _^^ultc

ttmf eolece mttr m ea..

, ecrlecemurmea. ^<_X°nfttemtm
'A/.-^ K - s 7t o .,
J o nrmo quo m a m bo nustitto.
C" • .^7^.^77^ ; ^^jtrfoHlj
raammfe tuUmt mffc_tco:bta. .ttts. ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
P~ -jy--7^i^.___»_A!.:~-t:...
Itleivl **a. " * " "' ' T p . i f t b a n o M
7 ;
#_f_S____. ;
___, "7-" 1 ^77T^zztJr—
- ..'7''^l\jy r M _ jtTVJUr
mrnola ^ 7lJ TO^,)t
i_ p " ?^7^^A^ I^S^5__ •
l/^X ffmm V'V-^1. lllv

S_?_ I; ^&^-*- j'-^-^n^^^E

mttr m a csimts fmcett tattseottetttatts. '^x"
jfez^fn^^ 3 z_zzrzz~zzz^~_ffl -
vc&$.®^.Wm* tmnuitecqtuetttr ^umtefunxeteo
p.,.. ••!• I. " . _ .___! .... . .•• - . ;___________

mntotuo tens al le Xit^a.

41* .^fttt^ * ___ « '—Z>^—"**—
^"^f '-(t/i f E h^f1 i w * ^ ^ - 7 ^
fozzfyy aMuratta
'' * IK _ 7 *|fp 7.7 - .fe:—-:1W/^
_? •-.

q.eptiimttirmartmtsfmmtcmtserumtattsalle Utj>aatre

li rhfai .. -..zz -: - :7==

lay a ftMttfra, ^afmmbh^mifTamoffimtntl
~ "T"

SWttobtttttnosbjmm ailer
;fe.. ^J^fytz^zzzfZjzzpztMZ^
Utjra eotttlextommtfe^ aMuya al
PfEit*' —I tc&~ ttmtte.ovtflola. ILL _ i,
motmtemmt Came**. ^nsp^ts^gJL.'ec btes. pfr.
©uftcmtnctftacr quo . ntatrtto
trusquomammie culttm uttfftuoibtaV

K plte ttt^a p___^fiotm. .onto.

ttttm atoau^t.mnobt6brtberubttmloquete /
:== c tmntmftft
~~ __i_zc____~
1==^pfc_rf^ - r^ ^S * amcejctimtes'
^_ tar^sntlua^ T ^ r ^ T V T ^ btioySfag^fe.

nge ins bo mmt'befcen 'bttbece,

'»' !___J____ _
r«-«^v»*ir7—r_._-_--i--_ _____________
...._.. /• • y fTf - • r: -
,A77>>—V—.:;'• ~.\r
. B'eotyr'' Trmttlte rtbusqueraquez •rote fit'
litis C

lTK_T; ttfitttcbp. tt alle liriBLf^b:

• % /

_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ ^ « ^ :

b^bjrfeute.a^iwttpatDal J i.
r 'JSS. |_J7^M^^^"C ;. '7 '7 *'. _*Mff^
/^I'^ip ftptafapt tnti t' Ptmtttcosatlefttya.nm^mtrm~
^M, ,1, 7 (t,^P_BE§
ttto ecnonflefeturatfelj^
___f ___.__. __f___. . 7""

_Z_______rZ_^^-~Hh_t a, ': - '. J" 1 V&,

Idttpaalte _ utpa. f 0onfttemmtbfto?^^^
t^jesquteccuam. L~ 7 j - r.,..v, ._, -^jyfc
^^«btw- paiujX-
i ~^7_5'tcanrntm. out w&ttnyttftintrato

tm no qtios tx& mtt temattttmtmt

C __. ^4 A.
ri -7--
• /•
2 j^^-^yO^,
tljefttsbommttsuo fterftettfmmebtoMacule
7^'V1 3 7-^-l»'-yi^^|
JSttay * ^t^^Tt^^fe^ tt ttt

<8m G^tettc tbefttflp- .-._..__.,

mmeotb.<i>flfas^ lote mtmts
\. _^-3E
eoalttTTtmus eoa^pamettmf
-j -'-f :
»/ :___T____r_7-' g_§_____=£S|l
7l J

_5_ ^mtrfaquatlmi alle lnj>a. 4_§jt conutrmftts arm

% & =
ba^^que.umrmftmtfiiyim%e- ' "-^.-.tntiSS
m^-jp^ "d___^^=^=;
lE&iE&~^^ lie ittva

atect ab wtgmemimU^it^alleut^ at"
3-^^^mJ^mr ^eitfamo.
mmtie ctrmrat

tembettcmto mtm ~tf akautrmc.

-tf-E*.4t^ -Z , _

^ _ IIIHI II I I I M .

4 '•

'An- tetwie acceffe
a fi _J_^ _ "vvv.w ttmtectentte
-WU.WimiW jL__.
' Uttr<Pffcrto2um?.
j {& ' :z— - ~ H S - - ~ _£__,
— ~ - 711V
3 .; ^t^______?
/ Jpwt*8celt apmutbommttsecpltut tilts manna ure. *
•<§- "£***' '"'Vl/t„/> *«_=_____-!'* , _^
recpauemce u&btttuts panemangdoutmmanoucatur

»>o_ m o a M u ^ a . ^AptCHtsreCutgeus e x m o m u s
S=__J_I^^ \s -Jhp.
Z ~ /.,'5-.. rs _JL_^
a jd~ " -_r-,_H*K»
f. ettaqtim^'M
A* .m .3 a- kh Z_______=ZZ

ffol ^Jz7z___^_____nt_y•,^fntffitm * — _ g * j j 5 B g .

5r= ® nrtcemmanumtuam<3)mamu. altdtn^aallelupa.

l v
Sf-z<' •" ^-a.' "'"
__\M=?=tt w - 777/17•Cffx;-TJ-^;
tro6mumm etlmp^tas tnfanttiimiea
_ _ 0 * _ a $ 6 QfagrtuCbmjTp - - . a,-^
Ottnetj. ^fiecbtcg. .^raB^JL/apibem quem tep2obauertmt7
cbtfttan tcs tfHmtt$Tcro in
capttcan gttlt a'bommofacutm eft. eoeft.

mtta bile mo mltgnofttts. metu zfo.

febte r^tefetmtsnteeWctrbom
< & & & -J—.
jft* ce bamttosffljgaltte
$ am. J____|_<_)gk.

tbt efolempttttaasu^btttttb mmusmbtr

jcamttos"mter —y
ramfhien temlac ecmd aUt W
mvh f t ./7 CT^W
it^a.€6^ppuiiis aoqut-taomsammaa

mtttutcfemsaTOitjraqtttuoste^ tutmatmuta. 1 * e.

5^=. A
lui etia£em.:*Dffimmt.
btle lumen fttutn aBe
Aa ^^r
fe.7 777/4 B
^ttreosbommttsmfpralleltt)>a eommucoseoittmojr

C £ . V . ilAruV77l.K7>7 ^ ^ , _g_\. ^;i77^ g

mmtbeusbo mtmts
~~aT aWA'al a/fcy_/fcy \A-ifr mJaAmjMjLyaZj
ttttuitnobts lldttj)a. t? .inn....

gemt bttsqutabo mmttstegnautralisno.

. •

^^ttbtlatts, j- JL
1777a v j,-T_~
(Hmuubmttii f***m*tn
\ ^fttpult.<i)ffiv|tntuobts btcbtesmemottaltsalle ?r.^_z ittjfc
!_ 7___=fc7- 77^7. 5§§i
temfeuttm eelefaabnas folcntpnentbommo mpzo^esueftrac
_zrjl^v^ 7_jt777 :
; ^ 77J. i •*- 777J7L,yL_
I frit W*77i77L.£/j?faf
yp! .''?
Itgtttmtuet-Ttouerml btem alleutpa aUeUt^atte
7^^= • 7 . > 3_<_y_! |
ataeft) nttdu ontms^ottftiastn celo cctntem.

^4i^_7Vi^ m •m0 m m m

} | ifflduya etmtesboceceomnes gentes baptn-Uttes eosmntmrog

Wntye^jppittmsfan fhatteluyaalle utfet ©fHattm.

btttttbotttmuspopultnuta Urpa
ec decbosfuosmleucta aUdt


/§j csqttamftcu^omfmts
aitbate p u mbonmituulauba r ^ t t o m e n
nunc eoufmrnfecu
et. ufq? m feodum, bau. c^fmtc^ ffienebt&tsqtttmrj
m p m n o bo
m m emt m benebtrtmus uo_* ce
fermuts com< bo m t m

be tts bo mtnusetJtutnttnobts alleluia alle uqfet^.


i/ _^____=^_F^^fe^S
® n m e s qtum t$ tft^
K^ommtcamoftabas .
{> aftbeao piocctttonnn x^ebttaugeuts^.
Hi |l€Xttittf$xiitmjt.^
| #eusqmp^untgettttum. z tJmtiTamommaftantfttutmW
| pacAcpJCterc^mbaie-fFettmbtmi ^eu^.^-(Xn$«tusb3mtttt.

^vaftmobo^enma 1 ^^^^web^taccon
••&m i ^ — I _r ' ' — f ;

btneq^na,^||lleUtj*a7 ' ~ ' ^

£ ffi Jt _•—yg£ I
$ & f t & ^

__£,_• .: —a»- ~ *_—t » f _
^flpSffiJfo'.wttm ccbmt/ p ^ u o M s

si *»"'.,

5gz± rr}7^r'^-^
zz-r-^ 1
~TJ J T ;
e litj-a. c^^^'Clttgdusbommtbefcen btttocewrfw;
31 k
^^ ^W^%/
cebmsteuoi tutta ptbemetfe^TOttoretmt.
/"f ——
. ———
7 .'. ".'..=
»J— .. F ' i . . 7-
L mtft ptbemetfeOTattoreum. "'&.»-,• -

tlleautemb^mmrtbefttmnafattnum. ^.uc^teft,
/ ^%^-^TtE* _,«*fr7^T^> - « r?.^.|[l1;
tmmamtmmamecccgn^ eottolt
f# —>!t-ay—/ ^L_r-7 — ftarmemouaaotrttffa*.
V'z... ( J Z Z Z Z Z Z jr—ftv (IflsticlbeiKitecftbacQJ."
7 1
% ( ." I M]0ofttmalpbaetuj.p2tmuseouo
N rtaipt
f 7 ' (I f t foflffocfrya(thcap.yceC
^quiptr,Z. Jammed
i ^^___=^_^JE_=^^^^^n_.
mfttmusmtttum etrnntsqmantemtmbtptmctptmttetmfetti^
« | .-E____^^_zFf--^f^
lumfetuli unto
•JV- — metemttm mantts
- meequettos-fccetum)
;—4-sfrzrV -—- dautf
connwftmtpfopt^ttos-ftageu'ts cefttsfumfpmtsunonamsut
_/ ^ :l __S::i5'a - - J 7,, -.(tl
It! aquam pmt pmfensecacctum ^t^etttttrm efcammeamftl
"oAentnt eo mfc-IauTeafttmomm. e. (fytutu. tefittw*obif
I Z:
"3^-.- • d^\ . ; . .

-y am __ m 3. m • jjk-*l3. ^a- f) .

crnnfttm^tbeteqmaegotpCefttm ennoneftbeusptetermestf^,
^ttoclmttteCcfofrm... j L . _» _ .
mftiyetprtUmsconuct»:... * 7 _____ ~~~ / ^~v~yz_7~~
Xt aopoptattm btmttnyl go ftunucltt^tebemptto egofttmrer tteC
~ lE-^^kT^EEE f t __z___^]tii^mbx
o? ;06qwyeru.T£. oc mobofor ptocdTto ottmtb. bttmsbt etutf<£at#r
tmambfttcantame afccnftoncut quatttbo bebftua agiwr^**op ut fttpza'
Tncttttneft, : «. q?l ijFu^cpm. &ftj_^ttgtt3$.
-j mavt.eyla.Obcbtte.^tme^tettmt.. <_kCamb~qri<m^tebmct$
urfmpafcba er afcmuottcmbmtmtCTab. ttfw
pztf^ec o(otmmtcautes erfyanctgut^fcmpjr^eqr.tXtrttmepaf.
-jceetuas.crfettipjrmotnt^ ferns m qtnb. diotusitgtr.scbm
pa^ettd&Cub^A^^P^^^ mt neqtttabedma
V%771 J 7 ^ ut
etbtambt esaouefpe mm.

He lm>a ^^^^vOpoitelmt-pa
_^i_#±)^^iti'yi j | > y _ j s ^ 5 ^ - ^
jftjrfmeit^ S t t^1"^ remglo *
§g_ ' 7 V ^ ^ W A V T - * c vys7,__77v/».
Ittamfttam. Jjlle im>a. 6 ^Z^v
p f e ^ g * **-___liijSte
^^^us tefttr ~ gens e*mot tuts tarn non moutttr

_-B__z£I, / , ,„ L tilt ttutaSonbl__mbtabmtr.

musbKeptti tp_qmmono
««/ _=|*7 7fi4 V V ^ X . jfe
pejpnbttmligno. le lu
^ifSuter trArptOus co tUtu*trp.pulo fit o qucmtebt
71 irj^-stfr* ^sJ^Kw
uttnp feian gumefup.
P ,@\
Sr/V/t ^ ^ f c ^ - ^ ^ ^
' _ ^ ^ ^ 0 f JMtetaoiautscc^ l
J mt i ml _T _/ ._. : __. "•¥
^J_ .. __ . ... « . >" : : t ' 3L -
terbeucteuomraerfittee ttpjot^utfttfttactonem
2i v

ttfm«Hbratmnmt^lmaeumaiB -.ratiffc#.ttoftram
. 71.
*| fti---*)-HWm. *|£E=_______4____
^ £j__^_z_____% Z^SSJ^
gfj aUehr^auet.oWitdtftrmanftmralleltnraalt. Htjfcfcf.
-_, _______-sL_pi^cpa(uis^
*§ Q^ltatemut.GlmeH. eft^uoo.^o Jtlldtn^a.
{ ' V«*-J 777 »JE->T. f _J_
-v^Lgo ftrm^auxttb. mt. coccgrtoC*«SHUa- _*£

aseccognoicunrmemee. Tulelttpa. eTaw^^,

7meAtrpafto2 bonttf qutprfu tram mamfuawptoo^eo^fit^

_)#etrt^2.^ll!. etts buis m e u s ao teoeittce mgilo etmnomme

f- m o lettatom a mtfmeas aUe Ittpa. c^LTgofttrnpa -

ftwbouusaMtn>aeccoguofco ottesmeasercognofmnrmcmez
it _y _y aA *«**{&• epYa. Sacmcsqtfnb cot.
allf ' W a P Uttacabban. mavt'CpVa^tctttpettm?. :'
1 eandtt^allelmTa. (^(XccetTetrutaotlmi. omfmcaitj'O&m.
|i tUbtlatebeo
t^S__r_ f/t/tf.vt^z-
/T7t';J -—. . . _l

1 !


OC)o btmtnlcnonutbebtttsme~ btctrbmunust~

5___J 7/% j.::____: 7_
FT 7 ______. * i_ 7#
*3mtmmobtctmt ectu
ffUelttya g^k^^Jvmxm att temtttfr b
T^^^^f^-,31. .^=~
uosecgattbe btrconteftutmetrgmtbutm
fo-u. • ^ . i " f _ A i
ue ftutm nemo tol larauo
a*/. __.IU.HAU.AMI T^M^I.I. *»

Uga. _••••'••»•• ^utyt^rptftus qutcteautr omntaermttet^

tpfz^-. Sbfcs^__^____E5__&
^btmtanogwcit.<ftam.o(^fltt bm
^utab^ aplaHambcome p qitambi tt
»--- ay ^ 7 ^ / y ^
) eto. alle xtt_?a. <ifr Gftobtunettawnoutubebtsmeai^
^ttenmtmobttttmeotubibmsmeqm attaboabpatremS
~**-W~£ _____ __, ' _*«V_-_iY-._%. **"-_Pa^_4*«_..-_. <_.___. _h__*l)U. _y*V ____-___. _____•__._. _f* •__._, /_fc,J**/ ____*

_mtm.bimutto tantttttmnoutrm a„eltt{»flqmantimbt

±I^_I^._iL^_U--X_Z.-.___ •** ' 777J_zA.
ltafira»b?{ebrj^^fhfflmf^ungmmmtr^ 5
v^_,,^____:_.^ :.
1_ ____37_/i 3*._____ -HL _ J " T * * J__ 7 t
tut wfttaamfuam allcltt^a aHelttt^a.^©aiuattttftbt/2imetj
^::0squmo:C vf
rjantm.Ptv.jiuc iura. , ,___=_.^XX„b3' a.
&&Epj7. - .^Aff^/^^.^EfcF

eirmqttt mtfttmefe. quia bee lo cttwsftmjtto \ btswtib
£^ !•»_«(
. tmple mrcoitte ftntm. , ' ^ *
e tuva. <?=—•A^urcvtr bommustte
z •! 38 !? - • J 7 Mi^ubtlate.^tt£7oeiaX^J^
teeoap pautitpcao. fcba'^mpfitam.cotb. M t m u e u e 7

L^S^^^^S'^s E~m
-"| titparaclmts fpttmtsttentaus tne a .gueomtmbumb^peW)
eobe utfttcta eobriubmo aiteut7>a atfeltma alleluia. pafommt
I 5m<g\^ttetit&. maAU'CpVa-Uttoto^m^oltai^it.
te utea^ao_pix(tccmx^eott^^
/[i^.^tncaatntffacetreCttwCaonebtcattir. Ctltttabotmut cmtsc&ttttm.
"^ETaTT'S 1 ? :^771L etJattbtamraUeunst
-gg 7 ^>M^ tJt r, i7 ^77 Z|,
tumuateufcp ao e^tte mum tetteltbem .utbommttfpopulthn z
futmtaMtn^TalTe iitfoiff jubtraeooisfmp^
- £ W _ z : 0£. ^B&aquofejz
, ^pihe»oteftL.
<&met?j> totes uerbt. i^mtd
; T..:?
_ _ *

"6t^tte? motottbnp? tt{95qut^M«ammttomtneme ffc


% p e uteecacttpte tt&* feitt i?a. SS
^ f y.^iilln { ^ ^ t f y f c ^
tt^at^tftttstamnon m o m u r thoiSnTt ttttmntftttomt
—5 fW;W .^__.A4^>i«>r._nf _?_._• -_J ft. ,i
I_J_: __j__^ ~, ammbtcoift/: _ :f _ v j t t z : iz_ IP-J
nabmtr. uobts.offKJl^ebtutie
I : ^JTH^TTza^j 7 ^ \ / • 777T^|
eo obattbtte ttocem latibts e m s qtttpoftitt^antmammeama^
#,^fri^%.^ y

tutamernonb^rcommcuenpw» m e osbenebtdtie^t

mts fjttt nonamottft btpecactonem meam eo nnfmanbtam

/fttamameaue: luya. (K.C)fantateftmt

—.. ..._• ••__!•! II p a i m j S .

* ctttttatttommobmebtcttencmiett cuts be nttiknttg^ '-_—_• _•£___•• •

£^y:p^7v4?fr-X_^_»xJ*^* *_ _^_ ^
, tebebtembt emfauttateemsaUeltt^Maile it
ma^ran^uontb;. ptepat ^ ao pioceiuefoejn
JIbem&cctcrattewlla,p^ ft to otbmeftctttnnce^
y ..trosbtd^cht^^
ftfsatmb.. Cra $t« ^cutge-poft bee <toiutttmuptente2ej®ur
^jf a^.p*ote*ant-#Ceqttatttr.^ ..
Z .
wftcftatp,ftcetera* x j t ™ ^ ^
juetMCttm^tucrctfctti^ *©n^
wo feremtateaetts ^Jmmbatto.tfJlonnostf, qmtin moi
taUratem^erltbem Ottem.Oembebteanf.vtv^pemteuuaiesfi
ratmmireftat tier citmxpetsmmttf. et <5to2ia^t.poft:i70S ecle
C ^ *^abtmf ej^^cbTC^
^ eedi.mtbteat#udt^utmifo?^
J f pmtmermtabetfl'^becftano.bttra^tteltvbffcbcfi^
notautmcft m/pcemotrntt quatrtagktme.lmmCmocemombits
.<_lg_t0ufmtboeattmt<ra. CMficumi.
"K_^ibttttr_jtem^ofimct.flt oitocemraeamailtljrM

0 e

! ilfehyzm un>a. &U^Tx.QLmte.<Xfa&.

Idt^a. e^ss^^Ootn^fe bo tmuo qupmatn bo nttCquo

mattmti. cutommtfertcwbtae tug. btta.ffl-Sr

"jjv- IpI^Z^JL _ I i A7.R_~i.T.U,_#j^
XonfrcelmtonTOtommtentwcmeo wmtrteotoimfcratm
^ - - j ^ t . f 7Ar 7 ^ ^ y i ^ ffiy
laubab? e urn qtuaftmt ao bercemm pattpms tit faltttmT
fe_^ «^^^

#cettt7 aprfeqtterm bus a n m t a m m e a m alle lirat.

aopopulumCt , _ • 3 ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ 7 t e v _ p ;
itamertt. Co. 'em.cpactq>tensquenteepmueme tre $ 1
fa te eo apmetur uobts o m m s ctmttqutpettracu pa. ^ g m
Jf ' * ^,.^J__5^_S--__^
__T*^qttenrtmte Mrptiuatmapeneturalle " ittjfa.
uey_tumiii|rcete.ttei._^ r"0teatur \m
!fttuutsecoiattoteoumtb*Caucus. _zeuatemaetquattaftao
Lpioccflto eobmt
ntttjsttta mobo ccotbme quo
ftfewftotitebommt pzcbtrtmus.

1&&B "*. -7 5 .^Ttfj

) _z - yttt 7 ties gemtftrtattbttemambttstubtlateteomuoceerut
; f
W^^E" T_=^
f&ttome.atlelu^uTfoitt^^ <Xmetr==J:
meeteoeuttum.TOeluTa, ^, ,,,;,„," fr.
| . 7 - 7 7 /I l Pl^^_______fcjl^^3_=_=.
..,£#- ©tunes gen tes piattbt te

;. W
&_t| %,. ---. - . -"--y ...w >—
' nt .tts.utbtlat. beo tnuo «r ettrttatwtns.
n galtle t qttto aomtramtm a n n u m
j, J. I t f t T h ? ? ^ ^ .,7,/
__ ^5 T-r-T-r.-
tcsracc lum btc tfjefus qut aflumptus eft a

^LML-Sr3Xtt 3L*-. -a- .._».. ._.

z 7^^^WQi^f7.,_lutnTuS
, ^; _—_ _. _.-. _* — * - _t__a_*
- ~'
3 ::i : av
list - - - tetntuce
_-„_ _-._• -PfgPfefc--
r-^-^^v^7 ^-7-7^
mmetremcumeis ego fetttabam eos quoslebtitou
i^S^___^_5____z^ ^TlZZSTr
SUe ittpammt autem^teumtononn3gout.ti_lfaS0osbe
3!. .. ttbteat. • > ; . «

£ *

ttj^feouoijmieseosamatoalcel^ •ft#r
3Q? ^sA(w{S
=3 7, " I: i •• ' r- Z $ _2_S:

lluefeftabtestotoiienerabtlts mo^rafottsmedum i ^
.». ; ;
— m — f - r - ^ — - ^outstbem ^ r z ^ z t z _ z y ~ , •; ,:_:
- 7 7 ± J E L Z L ^ H Z ttttttoepfr ^_z=ii_i___^Et3_£': &
[franbtreoaftratetieo. -vmtmtme^i^cceiettafeet^
=fc_^ __t__4z£
^ctatttunbfemm^ fofe^tlTeW^ |gi
-I.- T • __ ___r_-____ ZZ',: v^-i
^lougeto nmliit_ct«ted^femib StukmmepHN
Ceteno eoutatoiepou
0—Z -rr-T± t
p±ZaZ =f4 5 4
|amq?tntun^atmn?tbmfttarartara. ajrfotm^up
iftnttbetRttUts grammaftefaueW. ^.fcegibusmftmtop^
__ •LftT-^-7-
i:_T. E ' E" T -la-7 •> ] "- ji-r
ama-ftetum.S7_©oUie cadjenatosnntmtep carceas tmurias
lju>., r ..i , 1/.17 4r-'' r-7
l»t*tu>ca ftttftun qtitcqtuo ao ^ma tuttr. S'jlttptsmnumeg.
hX^'l *y*r- i •- ft * ^ j - 7 -T .'A^JL7
tppuutmbreatxetetnoitts eofeqmmrUbeTqttofiuisattttmabm
. ^-:7?,"-T_XT z7- ;T7CZE
E % utmmtlaoatttt^pleljsbecuegetratt
J /^ . -srf~ , .. ~ ______
p , - _5~_7 _ - •!. a _ . 7
IJ ___p_ ! _* 7 _. v. 7..-7_. _ip-f . —IJL \77-L—
m jttmptgnufaoaft^feims.S^^
^~ - IL
jLy!*' ' " ! ^ - ^ 7 - ^ 7 _ m*rfi.Emi
h& . zzzzzz..tttltngal.let.
*l«p qittoabmtrammtaiptamtesmcdttmaile
--«.-• r?^ ^ ~ 17i'^#on-mr:
Mf^ 7 aatrabiux.
-J - altera
-Pf* Vi 7 ft j At t<S
V- ./I __/__ ' __'.• __

Qf u^qttem^mooumbtmsettmafcmbetnxmmcdtnntta
i ^Jz^fezr:;z_._ z_^^... zz- >z- •>-.. ,^
J uet^aXldu)^aleltrj*aale Ur^o^Oiutpnmterent7. i

p-- :::. i _z H>i'aptmtum _M f' V ?fe -yH-- :** •

Qlmet^o qmbmtfemwte
__ .__ _<__ _<V _ _r%._ . . . . _ _ _•_. __PW"_"_. _.*_. _ _*_. __. a a^^M _*•- _____

^•*7'%V_,_ r_^__afl5^f^t_M?
"be us mtttbtla ctoneeobommus muocr
, t7
S ^^7^7%^^ '^^7^7J #
tu be. flue Utpa, ,.- •. —_^./
\H •it
bettfnpcmal Wc^tprntambtur trc-tptwifta-
LL,._V. 7 ^ •*
j ^ V%Eij____fccE
temtacrc bo nabSm'' T - _ J ,7



ttcttpmutatem. ub?.<s>mv

rfccenbttbe usmutbtiacto nebomt^ttufmtto cett&ea

^ - ' '« " t. cfaao: ^ g _ ^ -
lupa. tt.<Ttnh laHttebonu no qui at-
3_7 ?
ceubtt fupzr celos ceioutm ao ouentem aire liM. rauTae
abemmfifhmtmutrrrtt-fer^^ mmmftaoeiaopio
urtotabfftfcctiftone. Ofomtiramofumm..

te _*_-._ :z ~_,— - z:
S i Kf ft J ^i^qrf=y^^^
tt cptmeum qtteftut uultttmtttttmuultumuutrabomme ifltSit.
neaftetras-fctacmtttam amcaUdttpa alle lfwalpffinst^^mtH.
op O m f efemf.fc%#c^ftola eWoteiftttbrntef. aMar3; ^.flftenbm*J

m0Bqm\)o.y --jgjiEjL -J -* T ^%j:7a~777r~^

^tetettnttbtes. jntfixtfrL ,£_^__^_tg.I__ltmun:^

fc=rFcJz^7lN,7^t^"T iAa5^gi£
limefecu_abtm tm.eot>moitabt8&uctn_

<|pnm&fant mejRocebenea ^nmoapoftoto nrmyec

1.7 fr J J it j-^y^- -j M^H^ns! l--
Fatnutt-btltbo btcperluirra _tp

' ff^1 3*« .^tuj^. c^^^onttrmabot beusmtoo

opera mse^mttobtsatemplomoqttobeftmientSlctu
•iM F* TV ft 'El m AJI./- iff** Mi ^&**&
i *__ J.LjfeT^ w t T _lt__*^Ktens.aotcatuee.
ttbtof fetentrtegeSnumetaaile ltt£a. becbfa__o__w&
. |et-^b5ni.eccimlja^eb:{^t^it^, 7 * • 7 fi aZr*ut- #
Gouatttcfcrbawtgifo^ J' \ » £ZI
-often ti(q7 aobtettmttr&us tom/Jta&ts ett tepemebecelofettus
__ ::f-:,:::. ___* :_7___T; 7 ^ . 1 ^ - Z »
ecttpiraftmotmrnes iptrtat faudo loquemxsmaguaita bei.

alleUt^ ale in pfe^fenaCeornbaibmt (Tarn ofitr-1


<z Tbatat eos ^awp-rhtm_m'a_tht^CTbrp«mmeUtfatttatttr
fFrffi-I^-fiji^t.^^ _;~

eosalleU^aMu*>aa_le_€faiitatebcoafr. (-tme^, 1

4 gfe^¥^(lA^ZH7775^=S
j _fj

i /
q OTft^<&ttttte.Huc in y&:
ffl _z_z_zzr__^zzz: ~"~'it"-"- j z * ~C t- * —
T mntos
_z^:_y__!. &^ m^p^^^^m
crpmutCfam Tutscptemttmwpaferfttttotu!
wr omnem ttett T ..tern, ^ctrmcef.
7t-^^|t .#h.
7 J
^ 7V|t,7771'7(l-7%.^
_. , !

^ - <gS monut-tece loto
oto nrniuseraTutTtmufbebtrub
A-, 1*1 m 4 7
_:m eo a ^ a m m m rftmtesaquaumtalTe lufa.dS.
1 upturns
] . ^ 7 ay

laueuts coceotouos aueuma oueatmo^bt m o nobis alt


^ptteioambtta^^otte^uef_ tteomflti. iu^aatte_Ti^

^aTleUtyagmuas agentesbeo^uunof ab celeftiattgnauora turai

3, "o^.^ftrno.^if;.;.
Elr^hiH'^hH, 7kcpMto*iMtf*tij;
letttfTaaTTelirpaalle Ittpa^attenbtte.flmett.'2ttTa. fmtne|frfdi^a.
m?i _%H^ f
/ Vr _f'«y_Z_7^ _. ^ 7Jt,ZZ:
fes--^ iUU' m'ianeteft.t tmt$ ttpte7txto:umeo!baOTutmeo
$ZV'-' --> &
^ i z i ^ • muia.<am.
- tttiamo ttsmetst mbttotioqtt.ofe
I) ^ ^ _ % i
ouascelt apastttbo mtntts eoplutruTts matmattpctemrc
n€y.7i^^^7±__^ __,^%^
canemce it b-btt. tilts panematt^lottunmanbucaturbo

§m o itffc7 WwHt -7 7 , ^ _ - _ _ _ ^ E _ _ _ _ ^
s .<Rjj_>pmms qut apanttp_te.t. auelin>a tTfeutecla
nftcabtratleltrpa aUelm>a. n ena quatrn aotm{Tarn offi cium
" ttAE^E^EJ^^^^
yetisbttmcgteotens croampopulotuo aKeuftattetfauenf
fiffiffvT777Aift - M = jfoufrAJ. ,1 P^"
ets aMtn>a-babttaus tn 1Tits a M w > a aUeUtya. p. G^tttgacbatf.
C r n A ^fofalfo^tUgttc?.^^^ Z
~ : 2f 7-< .0mitte;0^tto.or.OC?etttes Q ^ ^ ( t ^ - g ? V V f
^itttM*T.nft.<; .^t.7btf<tnt7<5«>i^ri<;y>fi ]LTle
Ufr Ut\*a. ^ ^

tebau ttlrttants ' imtrutsat
Sgttt.ap (toltmag^
) h3f <Pun.:nemopftJ_r 7^_tzz7
ttaltato-ttcmteaD.efftj: fflebttaboimmaubatistutsqttebde
^^^^Ulll-1777^777^ m^^^Ef-
j a ttaibe eo lettato m a n u s meas ab maubata tit a cjuebt
r^\3:#3Wy$] i-•*- i^ll
ler ~7—7 —
— — _<V" -* — _ t ** __•
t. (D3ns5_?acemmeambouobt6aMtt^apacem
• . .

_____ __<(r •
Ifji. a. i\ JILbt Z a~z Z^a^abmiflamflfficottf.
±:..zzzz^zziz;::* __ ___!£__£ o^pla^mi^mjpl)i '
ttUnquouo'btfaTTeltUTa aire lin^.l.gnt$. C^.^.tftumeffm. .1-^J

w— ~. a(M tf .„__! '•*'•»•

«i ^^^^^^|
fer: : . . -jfogaimacboms..—c u £i: t
X jy 7 7 iS ? 5__5 Ofduofflfep^Cbnf? — - -_Ht____z z _**
usf^tmtsuebemettas. <n^&$ww~cKm." epteaatros
Ittettm latibr ttta alfdtrpa ttt. potRm eaura^uelitpa gatttebuttoia -
"^>'^%. j_*
btamea cum eatrtattcrottbtatfelttpa aire luj :2J%
^•..•7a..« ,•,.«•- oir.'JBactctetue
a m t a l h V -7
2 . '(17:777771^, . -^sSJ-wr-Cfti-
(jr-n-cte.ituftl-mc.mprrac.Jlntcy.JHta.v( ya.
-vjS^tu uts bomt m t^iuunrtbera
fcgg _ _f__ f^/^ ^_^.^A
lee ttmtm ecboc qttoo commec om m a<et met a m p f e tto us.
^ 3 f J i t t l ) » W € m . C_ - "- g - , - 7 7 K f.~_r >
% f t t . o f M a u b a a T a . ^ 7 V * ft *,7flJ :
ftfejtwft bog fpafeiia_y pttmtfttbt ttultfptrat? eottocem eutCaubis
7 7 7
E ' --tl^^ ^Z_g
fffdtma feotteftts tmbeuematjaur quo uabar atfdttpa aUriupa
- Z z z : Sal-batQ omnefo 2 auot ,es pmer uiumabtcmw
^Vjt-~fetc,jBft6ttoIrtfatm. €cotnnef leeuouesmm
z .z
^7)./ setfme^wctctotopffrt^
$tmmcropa. O m n ^
j$ febeatettiauc^;0otaputcm^
JT^Isfb'ttps^ _lottimteaj^aj__ft_^^_ _ i- v.'

u L!__ft__- mi.te^_ltattu:coimettm

a &
mfalutart tu o cantabobom. no qutbo nambmt/ itd'Mip.
C _^p£__r_-j_3£^^
~ZZ______z7 bmet6tti^aDaoi^tnn.ntuo^&oaUqu|l
..QlmeH. tjthmotorefetitat/cp&. £ & c a m a & t e
_ — am-d • — mm-. f_

fanaammam tne

_U5.^*.H_l -.«.!V. yto ' * z^L

eatt.&qmmtefl«gtt7fupere / gemmt eopaufe^


pmt... mbtema *, la febemmtefimibommttS

5 ^ i ^ ' _ _ S aaunbgyet

btpeM mittcSMI ligedamwem nitftn.

P1 . .... •0-—«**_t-~•- ^p-—n:-
p ia -of t».

/4,.. - in <~~~^J^ & w fc^ /U5) M^-/l9

i_#attgutu,j 7^__t__ZZIZ_fe
^qmbrnnl ft 3mAmf**1 ±ZJLXJL^:
etmtf © f u j y ^ ctawcto m s m e e y m e tis eobetisme.
ML*-E^Efc^xfc' *i~*l 777(^77.7 •—IsH.
us quo m am ao te ota ttimej3o-'#

_ wS3
mitt 3o I
^^^af^XT^A^m- ^aiattgeuum.__ftoutepittat^qtifc^>^
toal uirmte. om:meafmmba^pmt^an^o^mh__

v __.
& = *
r^pitr _3S_
tuttnraeftooquontmnuo©tItgamtt. Qfates*

BgKSffiSt=t )\m
"mtmutbulaterclatna m

7' _ZZi_t_3__Z__: —__.

p^cattbttttttne. ^©bmme 1
TwetS^antmammeam aia usmt
"tnT , qttteeoattn'
C '
i_sig^ -B_z_£_uensntunqmottafceutr £__..<
_ etts tuber ut ftttsfomseopa f W3

£. z___^:t*d^
"Zll : z ~ - - f — f __ftomofomn/|jp
^rlmgttlos bt es._.. -fatter, offs:. jSomtne coSu
"?Z & • 7 j"

..' jj*"__t T^-^^M
anmtammeamf&xutunme&cpi^^ utamlfo

M 7 V 7 J t ^ ^ ^ z z z y - ^ r -atattgrttum. dbmien.
ttmt '' ai > .uftmu._Qutcatettta >
^^^. -7__)i^. JI .. /•" V - t_Z
T ;icemmeermtrememetbmmeqttpntam trntatsetpatt
/& ~ ^ . —Z . -__A_

j^rfttttt ego tttTel}ttthtlttati_ht meaStt eolalfeem triettm eobttnttte-

r*W •••? - •. Jf rf S I2C 7 iVf ft W It* J #*tT-iffTT_» *eW« ^T'^
^TT—"~~-—*•*__*—m\+~~*w*mw f t i ^ H T 7 f !• 1^ j* ^ TTf lil r L_K_X(T will n

<mnfepatWmea b m s l m ^
z J
n^J/i W-A, mt'Z *- ''-I r-Z- • ^-Srn^ ^lWI---_---^.
acta eogttattimm ttmmbommo eotpfete Gnaftjrre.'
e f e ^_4
-. ^ ^ 7 ^
^ ^*#_*fi
"nnttteoT ^7.5©trmelamatem abbommttm • • " •

^csmottno ttosmme atn abbtfs qtua^to^mmtatr'

_6__$? %77^f^l^.^

mgamtebpmt netttrmsme alsimt

4..- -ft *>-& ^feret^xtS:
ftus^if9@g^w£M%'^ tim ^tet^ttm mettm/eflite .,-,:

• •. • •

- *
^-_JUJBffl^"-JC.. -#•*. at.m A
M. ?
"' I a--* '

ratm me

nes qmnDtkamm^mmum b^miquomamtjonbe^qms

i\.3>r',j'\<Lm ttV-7
ouereutes fa?fflhi*„mtn%ttriaj^
tep_aiittei»mmcAtuim ptrarmtvonquotitam
" ^__-_-_fc_fc|H^
honeftoblt msefea'ttonempaupms. (ffillgo damaut quoniam
* • • - • : 1 -_ , _
ttbt(hmeb^tsmdmaatttemtuamec w% bantea.'jltlsd.
J. A 0^mJUEj $mtf.@(ftocon
...mus tUummaaomeaerfaUtfmm-Ouca.ttu.oifiaum.
ijttem tt mej» bntnimsbrfenfoi ttttr mee a quo tteptbabo qtttm

JuiantmenuMttntnnm^ Mftat
&h X ,^,§fttmi^e.ipiiteH. emt^ af pice

doe tt$.ei?.?el^^6tpjr{!^w8ttto^ e
fTaTTl^Aa^l . «/ - Z Z - ^ ^ f Z ^
~ ttsturtutum ecatt btp*e ces
. ^ T _ i r „ ,/j;%
Imtcriumttto mm. ..._p.ICeTu j*£a
•at-. '--1', '-
zPeta 7*>•••
_fcp_7__3_~X__ zz:z_i_jb^^^ '

bu7tteb?uieirmr. m t < _ ^ ^ re
bu7ttebeSnenter; mt p ^ M i t e

I neottanboobboimt moi tgnetpumbobtcaonttt^

a^^mv^^m^mj m-.<^Bmam^^
C3 n J JZ7±IaJ=Z7=^^^
jz JLQ, A " ,_, 7 y« w p ^ *• •>fi.:^17
j «mamentummeumel. metrnjeoidpaoa
« _ « 4 M ^ » M M I M H « /Mt««Atyv.fUr)_ri_>ftri. c*f7tflictt)fmm___t8b__jL_me v«*
_f__ 3_JC
A"ff''_l___flwa.tut.cptitola. Jubocfttmue
" <atattgelutm, jntetogatirotut.ibeuum
its gauttoi mms.;X_>>nnutcaqtutt^
— g 7 ** K g A 31> jrjrV

lufctbottmieuottm meant qua damaut aote-abttttoi

metis etb^nebetelmqtmsmen^brfmMsmebms ^tamta

« J - « -*?.
j&^Mm^- amftoia.
usmeus.^• #ttedto* QlmeH. OmneC tbpttttts efto
^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ 1 7 - = ^ - ^
• ' 7-T—
te 'l^SSS- l ^ f l ^ > % s ncquatfoo btmntjgentes _ ^-ay—a*^-
. •~<—rjy
V ' \>£.
/i_h——— * r 77
itbicft bens. e;_ o n m ^ ^ r s r s s s ^ ^
It§__?s SlgW^
7' " erpiopterbono
7 rem

fn^ommefpzta ntnonconfiutbarfttecer
— _ p - - H _ - ^ T ., a t 4 f ^ ^
*^_J n_mmntattiutnaltbemmeecert\. mme emdmaabme
y. $ •* ^
Z__E^_l__g__S_^- %
Sttmntit amacceteraurmytasme. tmte.o>_%.
. a t. _ £_±
^outb^mbtttmmcomfpetltitme o femper qttontamabgr
ilfe S
'$^m EMMmMh aJ9 i^V
J§ sJEwam
*fl4./'^l^j 7.
pectjabommo banc te qutnmtuttniabttemmbo^
MJt : i c otfm
w i -n .JLI* P^r fe _k ^
zz-- '" » « V +* V*tfe|taiti4&«tttiina.
|$ojD(mumom tnee. uica^.ontra.
& — Amlm'1^1 *' m 1 I' H]tflAm
__ jotnmttsfiwtttttboplebts^fueeopiotetemiurauutn
fa^V^fa'"_r^ ^i_. M -^z^______zz__^t
^xptftt fit t ctrfsutiumfac ppttittmmumbomtueecl. eue>

, A ,-, •- . 0 .- • ——• !

lotcljetebtmtue ectegeico* ttfi^foCmtlum.^.Q(btebo

Sqm&u rgga
tiamaut-CXuietf.baptm .ttuunq? etf bom 7T
A =_sfe
cb^cmirefuixrfmiostttoa. _
auqtiatttttiuui eob^emtKupcrfrntos
int. p£ 38.
e ___^Xt!!^^^
omme tefit

« ttmfft&tsssno % stsagtugtactoneeopiogent
a < ^ c m a 6 n V e o m o a ^ e;

He iu£a r^" .IIIIMI VJ.

^_AT 7J ^M' ; *M _$ _^______g

ttpe mebemmucts m e testis m e ns ecab m
ce gtetTus meos m Cemms tit ts ut? non
• •-_.
i 113&jf£ if*J<, pi 7 -f— ?7I7 7
jnotSatmtr ttefttgta m e a mclma atimtituatneoycait <:

3C £
wtabemamioe msljoftiamm f
•. _ Jma.«_tucpt(tpla. I^mftupftuo.
5P <Etaugeltum> CXttme^tefttts,
~ ^ » tambommo. ommtca<epumaao^a^crfftmr
t^maaf*"'^aa. _ . _ - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ • .

__.__ ^ T '? ' _ _ . • • . .

•TJj^fc_.^ ; ' 4*-*»v_ai. _.'•' -•• •-•'- •"•'- - : : " •*""*•—jiff *— -r-T-; — ;••

^ f t ^ - z _m J_ nes gentes plaubttemantbtts utbuate be btti

_ _ ^ _ ^ S _ _ _ _ = _ _ r r 7 . J .J" 7. _7ri7|> | $ _ * ^
uitatto ms.ftptujtettt|ptosno. Qlmeq. matiu^.5|

aubu* me$mo2embommt^ce3botios

'at at-
ccebtte m^n abe itm etiHummamtm

/ iieiu y a,
ffiz j^H^^^^^Wy
g__=^.De^^^pnuste us mfy onetttbite&'

ttuum.mtfaiem. 7"
lattmbolocauftutn anetum ec
tautmttm ecftatrmmtttbusagno^pmgut u m ftcftarfaur

Hcti tunncu^unmcxmlpettumobobtetttpla ceatu bt


.. .
• i * ^IZ/.z.Z' •

ZSL 3t
3'-T* *- 1 9E JSifx4
;bentibu$ mtebomt ne, Comuti. t,
'm (Rm.'Xbttrt^Co
acoelemtteetitas^ mes^ntca/vuvcm?
M _ 7 7' ft A7A-•" . Jr. «" ,jfc
ffibgy ttmt$bms nufmcozbtam mam mmefrtp temfft
2tss ^_=_tt_3^_I^ / fefctjjtf % ""2 T % *
-mi reumbumtiomentuumbeuf ttae^lattftu antnnes
J tmes ter
a _r-«y- _y a.
^ ^
jgmfhttapima eftbamrntu a. &usslau»<Xttteirj
% cnfp. C v j — ~
ilc4Mtr»_»5*r_3fat-'"J * *7'~p~ KJ5I
toiem i etmtoumt
?-tlA~-' /. • ; _ mmXd »m fi\ _" ,

'Ciifmw..l|_*i®ti_b^m noncotrftm b^t

<S^_^_s^__m J.

fltettritum. " ". ^ ^ yydfel
SwSw9R_«__ Sambttepp^

&P *f-
r" " .JT7* fty^-—-- - 1

$tL™EE*j[M,M •:7w-^*lfi"~*~f
+_-. . +;. \ -in z*-%> :
jfaluinnnicies XZ&^Lm^o mlosfttfrt&ttt^ 1

h&i , I ft'ItS _.'..>. f.-&*ooJ~, «€•*?-.. v_V -__t (C.^x...« xX» ._ /*£.
m^*( /l-f
//. ?||«6quwamqm.b- ttgytettrttb. mme,<_o.
/ *% Lfr~~1 7 7 7 777, jf X^StTTt
fefr^y~jfota 'itti • *V l { &^ • Olomenbtt. bate
— ^ 7
r 'jmitutbtfttpt
tn ^ O.X>^mcanona7ibmt(ramoauu.
ctebeus amuuat me eccommits fufceptoteft atume
meeattettemaiamtmtus meis m uentate ttta
tua btfotmlfos
11~~l/~*lf- ^.tatgtte, |
6mno.r^m§tt.ftimtts.% t

ommebommttstiofter quam aomttabt leeftnomo'

,I $E^mm~^^^^^ "•'—•*—•_ «•*.." >,i

tiutmmtmitterfa terra. #8tuotuatneletta . -

\ taecb
cenua tua (upcr ce tos;


br oabttttty no ttto tttbtigte •».pjtacp. flmtttgpfal^

I mxxm tomubumctnTic^am. fa&mt

I — -

/ f T T ,iW.J M 'jjfl.ifwji,''il w **.fr5 )_______

tftttt. fcmtt ntttc t*acntt«ntc_5 to: baecbnino rao%,
| fitpermeleofa tft&n^wfetm^^ 537*
*f ^ ^ ^ r p J_j^g^^^tl7fe-^
||i^__zzr^^ •: ^ ^ j ^
^y ttmclamatremabbnm, 7 nicab?umaou^.cn>bommttf.
M " . 7t^ ^Jv" V ( t 7 _7 j,_ 7 _t
ewtubtuttttotemme amabottsqtttajwo»mqttam- 7-T

tobtmultautte temum

z z z z (^KM^cmfquo
S^ubiWoythet. nebctami.ft. t h w m t / many?. <m-.tettr.
-v" " E<EiEEjfH*w^^ ' "
.ttftomme ^Jomtne _ tmpttptnamom^

ttumm? tmi^QteiiPocttUttt
,*... i_
. —rfl-fc
__£ ~^^t^VTJ
fJJfcJLi. _......, , Ltewteqntta cent.
life _7^"TriTT3Bwa.

Mt^^-^'|fi Kiftjfa'* '^m~E^
Setts faUtttstneembteflaima tu jjtrttoft^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m u g e l t u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
jjuatttOPm: ._,,/- ;
qtta^b>#r tomutf
r* *
•" "'fi t>* t—-n
P^iN J"Er/t Ki jL-^tt *

tetmbeanttnemttrttame t etemm tmttterft quite ease

_^ T r ^ J± fczSfe
tanrnon cottfim trntttr.\ ^jicceptabtsfacrtfittumittf
4 &
gcteobiauones ecbolocaufta Ctt wmtairettutmbonimt.
a?» o Jta
S^tiu.e^. Mpttomntftte.
a_ _.

M t S m l o c o fanffoftto
t ^ '^s ^-^u^nt«te-.
txoftto ZllommtccwmbmTtta
* ^ ^ 7777thffk
Smem pie teiftiKj^Utmtgattfs. Q(m
t e m ^totufrnefti
isfhcto.c^V.lnbeo fperattt£CP*ttie umetaouttusfum
.. .

ecteftotrntewonjet. _B_u_twmeatomtt * / •

_*rf j L ^ ^ ^
boitiit. y(b trbo mtnedatirtab

:_Cz-^ oettsme its neft_le asnebtfceba

cfijte a$Tte
~S — --—^ — ^ — 3 3a aft*
jrH^p*.!. 5* ___
a me. fmelafo. ..,, TTTZZ^O.

^>>vvjtsfe. ..
jo m m . tent _ptmtfa.tu6.e_no buj.

:___£ rp ^rt^^r- f j* it
mangettutit. 0-
attoW.«-fis_Jt^aTrabotebommeqnontaw fiif cent •SZ

rntnabeleftaftr mtmtcosmeosutper fcS

fr^jjyPiTJ WvAW *
]&o m m f damatu ab teetfana ftame. <Dnfc
" l^j _. Erzr^-^'r _, 3^1 ft. mULUXfL
onoaa bomtmtm be tit. a Cub ftanct a eobepitmmts
T W T^T -1- V b 7 - jr ' ] T -i
-a*—i - ^
fhtgimtma utm^wmipleamrtTcgeattt a fauitttateetttmo
i ' *4y ; . . ' — L — vniHugwxtm.i.un. ujcou
ilawyffiten^^.jaft. btint7^_Oommimb74tlr>mma
'- z |_
mSmm A (9
(tM * m
m ffiife 777
ettSw m abttttoiutm metnu ttu^bebommeatfaouuta'
1 ifty
«jt 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ r
XJttmmefef tma confimbamttr ermteteanturmtmtctmeiqut
7T7e 1
_!___. ' "^_i7^_i?27E^^S
mebtcambommum motmu tempo te Gaatf.

r.—> feraperlause
. tu."' mote me \>.
JS&* jlaubabmtramtname'
coiecemttt. - • lnieutva.
<s____*\_lemtee«tittmtts7»mmotnbtl^ o

=3* TO*,,
ftiltmmno ftto. ___ 1111 »i » i m i w i ! \ i % ;

^nronrpenTttsHFaneme m efitcotrfcfl. oneeontpfaimts

aubilcnitu? ez_i__

* . * ! • .

g ^ ^ y e c a m s etHntyfes momfpe&tbo tm mbifii
* i _ «
pfettts fftmovfesm
If. conSedttbomt xix 1
te __IZ___5CT_^___^_____i___Z
wtftt xtatipc ttquatebommetmf ccnsmtppuio %
Ar——"^l ~J '—*Z_~~Tf~z; ~a~ ' > i7 __OJ__S3_i
* «r ?r?T*r*ri
#patteneantmettt emementoa :a
acetr ta cob qtubustamu^tTatrtertamflttentem emlae
..-...- •?*

JTN^" * "^* i~~~ZV7~

r T
7___J________: ' £,0"i 7 7 "
mdtfeoplataats-6atftts eftfto mt ntts bemaltgfhTO^

i^qitambpctt^a ce repopttlo fit 048.

zJ-Z-7- # Z_L
e-ftttdu operant tttoittm bommtfaaabttttrtttrattt et. tt.
^^-^^^-^^^^ YL^^-
_itS__£*aS ±5» .7 _»^t
nemxjrt oljr W p a n t s c o ^ o ^ n f s csniumetr'
.m.m ..ley*"
* *
M _W.«%atv. & r m
z^"-^' etangdtttm €w itttfe.
tttttm eo anunaspattpmunmoumw
. ' • ' • •

___?_. i: . _**_ ______

J r m, .

m i t f bomme etftubtca muCamtuamecntobUutfcansttoce^
qttemtttttmte.^lStqnteb.tapitt-mfmem. ^me_*'ak*ite!_
<»_ . w ;^..- rtrtm_____£_|_
ptcebomme mtcttamenttrmttt umwatmhairpn
pi JJ
perummotttm ncLoHtmfca ttsmfiuem.
li^cutgebcmtme tm
enu *btca
catt famm am memo: efto ot^tokq
^ _ . _ 4 ^ _ _ ^ _ _ | ^
(cttiounntuo turn. jiUdu ^a.
ontam'teusma nusbo X- mt*W
^ / * V 7?^^^
c___cmag- ntts .ntJetom nem _ wtam. .

< f tfl,
P ^ ltttffyefflttt tmn n e b m ttt ee'bmame ug
^ S t f g f e g :,T . Th.H,wvfe
ntmambtt. tmstem twamea. -ancmbec-lobebtftt
-* ar-
|^K ^ ^-^ ji^.iui' qnftola. Cflemoies tihw.
-C__3_^7^*7 ^izjfeotz: <BLtaugdiitm. Qtbeimtespbanfet.
tent fu aut ta its. ^Oommtta^ycfy *otmflamoufm.
z%EEE3*z^- :.M
< ' 1_> ___ _ » . _ _ _ .
|-mtexnnnofterafptce be tts ec tefptcemfianem
jtpjttt t qtt matfitlt
o£ Of>$f tfoa,,
£ !
_•__ (i^a^pmtui/T'_ _ _ _ _
it a.*^ I^tambtietfe. (Xme>i ontmt
Jt n?=|, amKtt. ct&ttLfloo
:JVI_^_Z___?^__J _zzIE_
etocotmbetembommo q u a m conftbete mliomme.
^niiiiinmr-T-^___j { j Vt t| t>ttt . vtt ; Qsranrrabommo

cutamfprca mpnnctptbus.

elit <j*a. ^ F ^ ^ O o m i t e m m t bo m m o e o m u o
ea tenomenemsammcta
Sp? z-%/t 7
temtergen tes
§F_:*=" V(fL. Sjt'mSSjbfci.
angelusbo mt
opera e ttts. T tfe.<Difrt*£fttmttctoa
wci hh^ , P
T^mmicmtttnmmcTtumettmet/en^tte osgnffca teeo
HuV requotitam fuatus CO.
ctt. bo. ' mmusr^

... • ;

p^H^ i*
sqtteme'gobebetocatome" aeftpyfe H mit
u/fli \m\f^h i
r t
<&tau#tm QCbtttao. ZzizX^ij
' ' »i_^rtgiitn »AOttrao.

. tytmabommeautemttt _gmtmcft_yv>ofet.itt ta.

&1 a m a a m e eojjmlt&tmYfi^
, ^ _ ^ 7 ; ^ 7 7 ^ . ^g_3_f
7 f 7 i r _ * / £ - ^ - ^ ^ - ^ 4 : °' OCttftobtJ"—
jziAjt^—_- - - ^ ^ / a,istit5rf-
i& bte^I/eMca mam ^^jMa^^?^
* *
ttbmtmo^faTtetenommtm oalttf

]ftmer z^^^oitn^ctanlJtnntnane

mtfeuco* zjhLLk

: -$£
•statu m a m e^tte_rtt5ttemm ;

kJVwi 77 77^1
i §1 » f [
^ g ^ m t t t m cmmeitmbeus paratttm coimeum can

,tabo "^fatlatnttbtmoAb'
ii^mtlamttbtmctlp' * ~z~~z; v X~

^r TtomopJo
tt a m e a. T ~

^uq_« #

... ,***. • -T (>^T7TJ j :

_^5^-___5t-_=-^__^______- 77n =E
_ ytetaaonemmc am-.mrntutmostne ttmrannarmno

uum^nnpnumbe ouof ttb.cs n

'' y / '

qttomam ao teclama ut totaWt^n^^xnnm^

ffi-*" - _y____.y S3
r ^,7-- TTgf. -7-*^ltr i uWZZmjJ* -~-3 if-
ac mttts es eo copto ftts m m t f m c o i b f a emmtte muodt
C777-/... _, 7** > * < ^-7'7tit— o^€(ccKamfc
ft^A , firrV-^ ^ * 5 E epr.obfecto
c * iitHtsme4y.(|ntlmabfieait.Qtme^y uos,(. tu^u,

pes tsges ter te

m camtbomtntis

_' &

^_5^5_§^=iS^ 7
. Jfiltta ya. <^^=^
.. bo mmttmfoeifentme dabtu tro
stent m e oabttt toi
etptotet • rmeo rum eft
elttangdtfi. C«7J________^^[__-^__?__^^^5^^^^^^I
jfemcttqjJL. " J y ] j -__-^_

^_^_^__z=_^^^^^g f '" ^^^=
<ftT0ommet^ ittisbmtstottttfa,

tneatttuenmteme a ecufcp m fene&tm ecfentttmbetts ttc

^]T r—~JgL-—<c_uattgeiutm.t_Xetuttl.cbed.amam-
bete imquas m e . omimra^v1\'^bnnframojn^itm L
t ±
^-rirT^-T^r-i. __ • ; =^ ^- j
juitasesbommeect^imtubimtm J
l^^rz^ •" ^^___7i.
i fenmbum miietftcwbtam ttt ^l^eattftttaffifainu n
te.UtianoCte.n^^Xiz: 7, /J ' " v l J, a
& a ObfecttjE^g 1 1 1 ^- - I " ^^TiT^V
! uoSy (Tt^toayocata genf cunts efrbommusbctts eo
^ntm|0 putttCquernelc gtrbotnimtf ^Stbettotta

fr r
r U,.U~T===) I ^ ^ ' ^ M
wrtftbt. e s - ^ t l e f b - b . mmt re it
-fimtattfittrc ecfpt
not one tots out ray
uttttts eb rmn. %) ,J W. . W . r
ptlHttpa. 7 " ^^^^

i mtottte.

gaa_y^^?rr gagg
ilk-Pflfotq^ ra tttbeimtmeumego bamelbtcens

erattbtbomt nepiecef fetutta ttnttratna^uemmamfiiperj

I fttttSuawminT^^
p_:__^jp__4_z__7__^(t gjgggjjgg
• /

/ qttemmttocaunneujnommtiutmbe u$.

itece-eotreb^ttebommo beoitefttpomttes qutm mtumtaft

_B5'.-ZXZJ^'H. PS~T__^__
J emsaffemsmtmemtembtlteoetgumtf^fyirtmmpmi^

apuTmtembtUapttoomneftegefter n>v .JQ ntca.n%om«imt

ir-7 j . ^ - | Q ^ _ 4 - = _ . - - Z . ^ _
-U-J- _ 1 7/ at m 1 , —
^apacembommefttftmennbttsteurpiopI)etettt t
. -

ii- ~rn;j>. .*.*. i 7 ^. ;_7_^_^g.

^bJlesmueutaTmireraubtpiecesfenttui iecpiebt$tu etftad.

^•f ' .Jj,7^ta.0msag6JT/ * : St

jlJetamsfumljus.Vlmej-^. beomeo-inut..JUccautsfum jw*.

mtyts ouebtCtaftmtmtebt atnb)mumbotmnft brarafe

gB.A^7 Z^«_l\ v,i

jbaopa^ , | mutttu
C tetu aei.babimban eta _1
__>" ^ W _l„euri>a.
K y-.. *__S
.JtZ- ::.____-_ .1
«.T=^B_S_3E___tegSK ,
Juecamsftunmbusquebtc rafimtmt coimbo ' j
£ _j j. ^ iJ-^._^-kiaVr»fe
tttttmbo To. mtntt btmus. ^^ ^ ^,
—*k '" ' " ' "• •" . —— —™ " ••• • • • - .1 . amataj

J&anduttuutt movfes altare bommo oftetens fupertl luo

^jj-ty? ' tf>*nijy^*toxi-
bolo m iftaeommolans u t & m a s - ^ f a m n c t u m ttefpemnu 1
•— • _* .•.»_«_—_

mob«emfiiautta tts-jrmnotxotnconfpjc m •nuojttm

tftael. Cc#UoTluerbo{hasecmttx)t t e m a m a e tttsat)^

(7 lia /tf-» 7 f ^ r 1 w«ttt«p&. Obfcttottos.
E Z * (• /L . 7 . ^ ZZZ<atau2x\utm.0tmileiutienr.
bjatebommtmtmatttafan&ieuts. mm^^bmiu"a , otttn.


m ma 2^A 3-~+.

y % luspopttlt egofttmbtut bommtts beqttactmup
imbttlaao ne damattenntab mejraubtam e os eo em tliouttn

bommtts 7' mp*r ptttttm.f.^tret^^ QCmetg,
o^i©iugatcot,P7:7 m f otauom|
& • - 7
^ H p afiuttmcenfummumfpjc

* ft 7 J 1 % r.j J

mm o & mme. c*. ©ftwa tmmttutttntea
gjteT <ff *>' Z____.J_7 71-V-

Stl - 7^^T___?___5
turn factiuttumttefpzromtm.

1 ft m t m o u s fyou uon eommottebmir meter

I Cu.nig.\:t_,
*e QtCcenbenS
nttmqutbabtmo mtbemfatem. . tHeftta.e%,
t ambttta tte to m mebto tttbttla cto nts ttttuftca
!*-fo>_to T _** >,.7^ ;^fefi&
me bomt ne eofupert m m mtmtcoiummeo nimercen
"oesma nimtmameofaitttunme^ctrb^ccemut

v»// _____

'•' _#___£ j_^_^__=__t_____

'"^ I—_-+____ * •^ O^«tmaTjbara.tnanbatatttamfto,
j | t f g - y g ^ - ^ X ) r - r - f o ^ = . _ t j . ^ ^^_|
;ibt n mrmstmnam. tngarmtrmemceao^ea_mftScft/
I tat
11-116 -T___7=Z% Hf » _E______f!
<&ut. Qlccefteutnt.
^ft^gmntaqttefeufttnobtf jtuca.^.oflun.ftones masr^

tfuYqittapecrammuStt bieoma*-

• rausmtsncmobebuttmttsfecba^

X SoRttirmfecttnin tue:£
j.... . _._^_^y_ay____^__«^_o^
_ : , __—-_,_
O0S*mu.-C_t _• ,_-—
if^Stidnsilaub ni^me^.txtbettrttar^^^lt7 at itomz /

•__l; V * _ T _ ^ 5 _ ^ j
nt tun m t e f p e m m b o m m e eotttbas tlliSj jC
cam tntempore opoitano. <_,,,/,,,'„, 4.

Q(jp2- ~ rtstttma nttm'

fr ' | -J^IL *.f^Tlu<__._j__/__S
tuam ecnnples _.'z_iomnratn nfel beuebtc
717U •^ ^ ^ ™ & S ! _ i ^ ^ = ?
done. 717717- Jnildtn^i.
^dbzzi "UL'LX,, X\
___ ~"
.- £
*_/-*_• __•_»* * /%«k g-j*Ti ' ? W « - V « 4 W V ^ _% ) _ _ % al

oftmbts dama tit" ao te ____________ b o m m e

r~N g^__z_g^^»^a^
7 7 ttofcmmcawt.
eraubt Uftf rS^^zWzfS1 TMSKJH,.;
uyerHtmnna Dabt* lo msu.tcfe.mui.
If.. ... Z _£
eofleutmus ? Tntrntecoibatemur tit t ffion. fog
_ U J - J ^ f T 7 T 7 7 Jl. ft 7 g -7 It ;
memento tierbtmiferxiomobcmimem gmpttdufpemte
Aft - !. >7ft ^ 7tr^^(&m.i3tccb^tjft.
T-tfttbet m e confolata eft m mmulttte mea. OtttcaJ_JL
.m. cmm >
Ot LtztEEEEEEffl:
§fcju<S^ eommeft. qm
ipofftoteftft^ttoUmtattm cdtrni
Jtemmt ecttmtterfa qttecelt atntmt
C contmettmr
77rrr3ZJE-* TtTh* S _L (l^-M^%
_ W tmutetfoamttu es.CBeanthmaiamen.
JLjatgue. £
pjrnnteteftt _gtttmtachts es no bts .
aj^emajD „m_z lz__ej_. pwgeme
3 7
#___. . 7 \ ^ \ ^
ratfqttammon txC
^V- m, m mm 3 fr^jgjj^ ([ " -, -• ^
-ft etentautfamareturter ta etoibts a
6 7 _£_J-^_v
V,A -v^i..^ ^'
te culo ecm (ecttUtm ttt esbetts.
ffneiupa. &s== JU^baammameabo mt-

nu lattbabo bommtnn mtutame a pfallam beome

oquambme tu
- ~~V" — • .

7 1
emwntoj t* p -^(t" --9S7* * • ± g
«r. s vE^nerarmtcttRnomme tobfmtplexectec
fji j ^ A - l ^ | 3. jggT______jt irg

raeftopatcftasabomi nomfantlcateeomtam. c mf
*§ ;-•- -V f . ? _*E F ^ J A A j r H 7 - T
pet.tbtttjtornnem.ub(tanaamtfftttfetnlt oscam e m "
7 T
17t |t-tt|t
' '
- "<>.
- **A7*
qttocpeuttgmiuuiceteuulnera mt.^.lnfaltttanttto"
A1 7 7 7
fllEAm ml P ^M ^
amma mea etmuerbttm tttttm fpcra ut quanboftoes.

•XSt Gutane.
tornar tt. plm.offe_.

_g_____^^fcf___= ____
C b m . immbttouoj^qweiittt&otel
7%tUt Itftmt.
tespedttscrebtte^ Zfim."" tientftetr.

OWoUte5.(E^jl(m^r%|iT^ z_3_|5_*
ceuatm%lt^^ in )»•
£__ ' / Z

~^7 f K:~i£x~ " V — K jtr^zjz..

.Mmuumefctf ^ottmt bttsperfeqttendbttsmee^Ubem
^%~4* 717 ^ru^poqttentetmt. c^i&ej^bts^.Qlmettbttp.
meiz ttteaptortmaamra&u^^

%3Cftbemftt. nMttjte, i awL!~*,~§,
^^ X .' ^5y:/_7vEZ^^_^
rl^mtebtmt gentes no menm f P 7 t tap
7« umwu^teoottmestt j
.gesterte " namut
<am6C(ufubletm(rer.<D(ttf i&epioftmbt$.<re3lmmbttotto(. tS>-^
& ttmpaoluximfttu. tempttsmeepcbem^tbtte^Solm.eeabuemtmt
I : •

z •

r^rofttml.^tutbns. <__^mtabtiez ^ccxbtestteAemi.
* __toacteo.Cefcrumb^
_____—:— qm<Kt*mp?p

^. _fc3T " ~
p 4H """ . i
fujmtepcaimttm toambtmt m m cfnbara camtemtmtmmertft#

/ 111 7 «d> « & f c T a. ^tne^ttobiftfif ~_J\T"JL "«yl__^-_fl^T^T?!-^E
/.. J r^~T"~'7»/ /[7 f~ 'oyifeifmaKbtei^
€0'P* *^
ttmtRembomunbocetottos. . y^^^Qtecebtte • •. *-7.

i aoe ttmeotHmnmammt erfauesttefttenon cottftm .

i f e f e ^ Cy(&atvr~i "bLu^S!**A~•*''v* __-__.__.. - .':
? __^g^o^jgLtiisftmrb? mmusbeusuo?
fp?n * i^I_-J-2^
_' >-. .ftwquitnaXttSbabt tatrmrmu afefptct.m.doe.tntwttti,'?
E___gt^pfe? %^^)-M_T^_g=^.
.ttftttans ^

~ jf
tmnmo^^fteuroie engmspattpuem^^^^^
|=~_ Zmm^mpE^Z mmft^AAmZZL'
<5>u1_ixc;tum^ tg;
1 ~^Ewir^.
*7-- Sfet

f;^tbtl^rt ttaifc eoieui& majausmaszabmanbatama.
* _fet-7 -_____S_g -^-t^^Z^^-TZ^
mitotic. ' • t. _a^_t^ebttcjrmijtttar
fc^'t^ " ijE. _t_: Tt"7: _-____t _ f c
£ ratttumteotmxtrtepanxs et& qtu non pteparaite
"^ ^fry''*'-* ^^-^ . 7'.. ? (I'. .
tmwfibt faric^entmbt.6&m^
g£ti&tttmett_u^ bonoftm. (DftUutm.

etemrcoiquetenctttm bommimtquetttebommutn
. JT^7j^^7 '^ZZZZii7
qr«.conltrmammiquertteBiuemetttS femper. ftCXottftte
j-f7l |V._.. '(17 (t A ^^muewjv-77: E5
^.mtmbnoetmttocate.Qtme^. temCrl._%"onttertenr7
€^ "bomme aitquantttlttm eotepiemrefttp?rfemb$u*v

06, a
3 ~3 3
fc_*^S fe* Z_ZiZ7y>
teht gt ttm Cactuses no '.' btsagenemuone
J : C
t7- -T777 7IAp7^- ' 2*£ A- 77 atf

: a -J
^jpiOHgeme. l l
' V ".
___* H_* !iantma
ttnti. •-'• loeneotc:
!____§ . j t\ ,:7_L|t-4^_t__^g
mea bommo ecnolt obltwfa omnes mttbttaones e ttts ep
{ ,y m>Jm %][-*rjff
cat a guile ttttten ' tustua.
_______EJEp _____==EE__|Z
tfcrftmeobftobnum eocontcmytttm qmfl manbatsT
:_______c__d_____q£. ^t-_-_ •*•*JTIT J
_-rt:.T.t_-J-_I-l [
I _ ' 7 '?-4
/ j^^atpttttbomm-^^cotdtano^ E
^'M®''!. _ . . . > , 777/, :r:.,__?abbam_t7m
J -
_ J —__=«_ « « 5
!-#•' A^ttttt.attnemttst. ©factum m.a.n>.
'*_,' (§) __« • ..__ ___ :__

0 faj+E? i 1 i* p77Vz^^7T"t^r;--y-
musatttebommmn pioiettms antebeimi qiufecttmosqur
". * atp-frefcbomtmtsbmstto^^
OinsoianojiespzetetuittmamCmeY 3*. eftu
*%• bomme
C m m

7_fl . W ^ | aTJlUL
i^tto^tcanr.ov.O|sfb;^.Oiuslcbes>fe'' §___#i
, wtca tts nof tn6 neqttanbo btcmttrgcn tcs
te== ^jftft. ...iZS
ttbteftjbettee witm. .-^^^OtbutuanosbcttfCa-
£• • » ay (Li
\ V 3
I lutatxsttofter ±t'C ".ft-">'>7s -7ecptopter

fc__#__ <*u I J-XP

bono ttm n^tntTtttib^meltlJettt

X 1. ™ *H Ii- A_kc*Mmq& * '7 7A" f t ^ f c z

ttos. tTtemmfts.ii^&ytotetouofter
V". \sh_ ^r'*' Sa____S
at ptcrte ttsecttfpt cefuparfrntosutos. ^ = ^ . .
P i^_^^_^
m mmmml m
r -
btpte cesfmtoittmtuo rum.
zz ^ommjjva. J " h. m zzz -z_i___
betts.t^kMtJIfmgamr otnuome aftatttnc|ttfitm
c Hn
'! EL x w • tnjLh - §si x
mconfptftumo bo mm., ^-w-fee&caa
U__fw -M^ .•g__E____?
Jl W
*"> -rM l^./fi&tmeu^!4 X*^z~tzz
J* rilbnf^tn^ttumuHipem
num. ^tbimtbftt.esi^ai uitm fac
f^^--JH-^ q
*/y JL , .**«* - W ^ E ^ _, *? §3
popttlttm mumbomme ec benebtc
_ +.
f b'etwtta tt rj_3_7S
:3_zE^. m

_^_y 7fl * #t W ^ ' A \ L , t^'^i

tebomme clama lr tots mens "neftieas
•L ^""'"% *
ante etemfmtftts" teTcettben nbttf
_ *a - - - * & •

fete f ^^ ^3^A, ^tyfWS^^fe^
J J ^ttgtltts
^zC mlautm. 7 McAo.^noiUts'z
bommi.^ra&ts; *
.. :)7-?®J, ^ V r aj | a 9 *f _ . _. . «/ # _, _ . _-_-_____:'

w."^a________b -

.'..-A/..-' f ^ A V.:z___i__?f
fotq-foioicp ltimmactAt^^tcquo^lnnvbtciuey(upem<
E S =__ -•:___$ c / ^ ^ S j
tps pltttueq* fptrtmromntf. -v.l gmf ec eftuf cauma otium
faSttf-cattaatcptmune.^t^ty^ 1
f___=_5i ''." . / / V r * '
tenebteq? ntljntmnubeSA\pnbam \
g _. . A . ^«; - j ^ ^T__E__J3.
mtetiebtf acttctra« ntttm. -S>3_uncea bomtmtm genf tCct^ •

eitpfe mfticoleq, Centultqtuq-.^anttibumilefcpcoibebe 8

mgno ttefq? tHtftni^upetmm^.s^ttecamtmtgua^ 3g


j. JMOtmpjf. TB^UO.
1*7? (^ ,. x , ft 3••- * & ^ 7 V i ^ s q m m b $ i > . ,
mtorclaufrcbeato'flamnu fatro. "t bnottite. eri ^ab^matftn^r

u ^|fei#_^_____^g6 . ___?
^j_J ^ubatebomiuum(m^neso^etttes c^cojlaty
%P^T|7?^wf>7 7Jl7y.Aft- ..i _ Jit
i "tJate ettm omnespo
omnes no_ puli.
3. j ^ u o m a n
7 7
| «T} B _» ajig_!____£«£
#| Itmacaeftfttp.rnos mifmeoibtae tus
1 J 7 r77
^» t W V*,; >Wv v 3/Mx
fT(m-ZZZZ * 7
T7 r T
) \ \/ <2rbo,fuU_i; f- mauet7-'
eottmrasbommt meter. I" rf num. -
arf^^i-5ouiuiebeusfaiu ttsmeeinbte clamautetnoc -
T^**.*- J t>h & ____?>_* §g
/ /' iia«amtemttwo,aaomeamconfpcdiimo bomtne.Co.
"jgllggv* =g _ .Jt7' C-r -7'
U (eutefepumo fefta celeb, abttts atm mtabemaatttsbabtta'-
7 77 7 J
_- "f-7t7'_. "' --' :_T7:T,7
® tefommnttostftad cumebuwtenieosbetermegj^paegobo^
® £ ^ zz|nbebtcauoncectleftcao
XX'jEljl 7*7? ft Iptcccftiottcmmcitubo
j m m u s belts uef ter. Jbicauin.ccptoCa._
xzz^ _3_StyJ_4 , jnjZ
,}Z~"77. m 1 y " ' * * \m
^^lue^eftabteCtoto ttcucrabtlts cuo (luafprnCo fpoufa urn
, 7 1 7 fcj = ^tatpoft^ F_!1 - y...y J 7 ^t
gttur ecdefia.\nutquc# <• J[} et eft aulatetpaus lomf ecteqtu et
/ *_ /
£ . 41 1 -' -j|
Zy - 2 /_. /fr7 "I '-y /TV 7 7"«r 7— >

Jut meimt mopef ab Momomfopes /S>$tlmf tUebautb qtuuos

S -jt7 tSE =_$ 7.7. r, S_£t
-^~ > *y>- (_7 P*i=f=?^^^3
C 7
a. T
J^'bsuouatmtfalembefcenbetii' fptmuMn amtluomlatum :
Z ay 7 ' _r ¥ • _-

,.U 7.. rf ~* I17 !L7. F F f

j Ittnfabattebautm. v Ji. uticftbetnttctttm fncmbapuCmatebut <
A j ft ''zzzzz: :zzz.jc^ 7 jt 7__»___- «rz
/ tiJmmc w r o i W c e i ^
- «j fl-7^.7 7^S^^r^P^^35E
prcecattttmuetttefm 7
eaptgnoaa fpbetea. ^JHeteftat*banoectev
fcj 7 J - f t * S 5 L*7
- ^ -
7 - fczr "7 ^ 7ZH —
_>\;$etttib? aijnltatur queuebttab ^otatm qttos uebtt tmbamatts/S\

? r 1
_fe = ^'h - ~~_*7 M* , T5L
JjOecefttcalatacob per quern couftmbuecoVm uebenuiipuiobat.
to z z z z z JZZI jttitbntn»^i^<^embtU$eftr'
i,ay 7 . _ 7 7 '.'.""_______ * * 7 pequamrV4ov^bebtmuoue.
w tbo^auttepolttm^aUteftKtabtes. /aomillam ofuctttm.
^ 11 If, 7 ? 777 ^r- .... j ..-JV..I- - ' ^ E Z
J ^m WjembtUseUiomstftebtcbomttsbeteopjuacelt
ttocabtmr aula ba.f.#fist_v^ eo
ziPfaEhlU 777/r it 7 : ^*^/t^M(f7y. <^ <^4n<*"
I •

J & /" J7M ^ ' X - 7. J 7j ..7. 7 fy&$B
JlioatStftraJwfac mscfttuefttma.t l .facta metmtra
C 77
777 S A.IH ••_•. _-/V*- «---
mepiebenftbtXtsefb. T^?.@eufuuaf taut-an^eloium
c-MH^'I /V.7., 7 *7&."•'.J_JJV
ebonl l
. ?rau bit-. -^
\.s^ tl1^X1lfih ' ^^3n
eesfetttoaummo rum. Jfueluya.
®J§7_7.^ ,Z7VN. - >> =_ /
r-v^lboia boabtemplttmwnt'
utmut itm eo cbnftte
C tt-^iiAi fthn « ^baecta.uclle^t_ /
* 3:~ ^' "i '••' " V H JttuftaJ^ettmembttkutr^
^tmpafdmbt?emp7,emmemTcbtn^ll^^ C —
' embet^uttttwtpetotfuewb.bommtm. & »»vfy7 P~* f ^z

Jubtco.£totefu^am^ ttfmftm
J 1
!____ * M 5E_t7 |t .771* ' ____ __ " ___,
pwctta tecoibtsme t lemcopuut ttmuer faeopopuittmm tun
_5__^r:.nJt IA 7 ^-X^E^^'U
qmt^Ktetts eft5tttbttttmtmgemtgaun«obatftfmd atftobtl;^:
z.Eto&i"-— m , 3hi t ~ EE^m^TftX7
h m
•%W mTmJ\fa . 1 3 * * V -=-* «. —a. - -
- -/-.. _ff . [I mtm^m ___ _ ^ !
ttoltm tsttem. <Dom.5__fomttsme abomttfotauomfuocabt''
SgSg ./it--. I fl *jz , ,'W
uirbtctt bomt nttsmeaommsquipewacctptteoqtttqumt
ffi83___fe-j£ -5^-- btmaoTtemCtfelfc^fc.
muemtetpttlfan napmemr. raececftnc^ettfftf


tteto ect .utcuuxtttto fcttu;b:tautito5tctrmtult.u^ft6_tomin*.lf tbt ette
uemmtiTab-fttto two-tu-btcubuurtatb tetmmtop.(tvT.(J*\*ptuur
ut qucdrfftfeuttm^iu-Xc.faltcecft-tujotlts etyatilt^u.ltufo«o£#ef.
Sttcue^t Antbfctmtntltattttgtnitquertmfablw euefitnr -mtfU.teetfto
cat et'tm-Ta ^cotttmioybearrvtt^maitquattvcbtttr celeb, eo^tueu.
queMmiUa_?tn &thm conu$n tern, eft tobts ec pault/ypjlttt Cbao^. q;
flip bnu ettuoua^aoy tu tbc^ubafutt>ttlcmtmtutultbtca6Wbtum.
cotutimobt^jttutucrai^iubrt^mia < ZHuafrdft;aunabUtyc>iP
J-ttC^ttpaima^^sqiuemegle.eJi luifcotftt.(jR'Ogtttftt.(2ft©.
^ ^mauuT.caui^emoaccmbtr.c)-ftv^efibmu. <r6<nagnaeftrr
^uarfdmat^tvaveimt^o-mn. ^trntut-o^teces^iepla.
O turns Vox&. %jmtmt^.2ura^ e(legute.©mG€Ugtlatecu. o % .
^entas.cbitmequm^., t^uaff^pufcevtt^.tmv(>iTih.3Efocl
<anV^rnitleeftt^eetber.o%^et^l wjfeutbtuumecuift..
omemmauo befcu m a n a anatbaitufq. ao p ttnft mcoem o-Hm.
3ttTa.S> p < > f c t r a r o ^ Z g o { t ^ aitqtta alta
mmo..cb.#rttttfa. uttafffib^fiibtautcC'felTamauttutv.offTm.
jfottecm afp2Cnt. ovfeeas qttt l/o5m^.<l^a^npfTftb?m.t^dlo:t
ofus.QftTa ^$auttbuebe__Sta_tecdi-ftmite^aicitmrstttrfm-
nerp aHanecp^eo; bt ret?fc_7£>' 0utfemmarfcml&efcmbensf
bmt6te.c^J0emmmi.ebmutuntbo / ^ v Hua^fcexgueufu^
r_Se^cec6tam. ptmtleefttegcemef.ou^ Ofretetmro^tmmput.
i H uatxetvmcenaj m y . offim JE/embt6utftf^
ioumbtmus^©eftbmtt.ataugeuu, ^ka__^--^_J_ife^ , 3 i
Drttfigm.o%0metbo.cb^mtlrue5| ( # ^ X z z z E z T z ^
7^ Hcbuerftoueftipaiaiapitofttuftf z y J^ftemuronrnefm
T -______at=____^_!__=s^i^::'
"bomt no bobtemtunbt emfolempntter ale biemtts m quo
J f[ —m*

rag*. ZTfzTj
beams paulus conuerftone fuamefentem mttnbttm becu,

mutt, v^etlluftmctonefcepzebica cots eo be cbuc_tfumtfv^

^11 f^ehmiu^y^^^^ jE .7 rt^* "
pault. ^auiufajob^yllUit operants eft Zrt
XL... /- fummtm.e^la/\'" pe +VZ
Tapb.tylluitoperants eft pe trotnatpj
.,7^,7 *¥ ^*g**g* 7£
nmf operants eft, etmtcbt mtergentes et cognouenrnt _ '

g|_ _?§S_S _ ^yfeggl

gmnambe tqttebataeftmtcbt. z^^—^v(-)tana
•N ^ 7 7 7 7 lm, .

z i, 7 ^jlip^^M. t£5___7
mettama non
ut ttfetfr r
§m ct a etus fempjr m m e m a n e t
z __,
fZ7 nlie lu ^va. r^ti;wtllt,,il„,,^

' ^OOag: tuts fancttts patt
/•ffCQagrtutsfaudttspatt ^fSuf
ius uaseTeftto ufstfe;

1»® z. ' z btgneetbolo2ttt

' ranbtts.Ojmt£ canbus^nci
n J
1XXii^~m y^fflf-• _n
| z z ^ ^ttas elettto msfanctepattie ajx. fto
|__M *# ^ff-aa^* ^\T7^
f* .___ __x4——.--____ — _ — • — J - L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Z
jle ttetebtgnees^gloztttcanbtts, ^ipteotcamattmratts
ir"7 S^S^I^^?^^^
et boc tm gen etutn mft be eottetita te.$.
*PJt\iiil ^Tmriy^^^^ ggg
perte omnes gen. tes cqgnottettmt grauaut
fo^ g__M!^^-y y^ g I
"be t.^. Jntette _ "_ i*
Ct5*,7 (L~3$ f ^ L ^
piono bts aobe urn qtttteele gtt.
..^eolempmms.C z - z z _ Z___ZZZ:ZZIZI
amlDjrttfmn6pe.a^^ 7 $?$itfi&\}-Mr"
J v jXfi T
'7 oftcbtaulr.(To.pmenbtcouobif
l _5 ,7. * ^ _ ? _quoouo^utttltqttr
ftts cmmta & fectttt efttfmecentuplitmaccipimfeouttaut
l ^ m it ir^yt ^-f^H'piltuuusfd^r^uommc
r r _§ •__77V7_t ttenciJiKifUtrfmiiaubefcbr'pccttl''
eter n a m poutbebt tiS. 0 c a a m m t y m o m e aftarbe?ftbcum
tone Jutebettoo Temper btcamrauqua *bc.fciamana.tit.(lit?ia
W h m x c^fcrum vc *o£teea que cempon cbuematit. ou ftfttertp
unbo torn fiat Icfefto. _>tiif8 uemmim'oc57mQctfibru_act'&_tit
|9iaUtatoimfibi.sequ-mir^'.o^b^Bp^rdf.I 7 t^nafmiuttmm
qpt er ecrrtPoiftm £ftaattr. -v.; $ $ qtuecueme. epltVjgcdttb^conf.
(im&afettfateu^ &&&.
|tmemby.d>a_ysfenius. t^ttatCrer.^eaClr^
tttit -7 $*s qtunofan. epta &jttiglouat?.ff' j^tim. fflft.^j$cc
efcmt^.mTVpnmleeftt^ee^^ Otletent cb^mttteett.
•, r , t_a& (ftbattltos oft-w ;J&it$ttftt. T^fiTebaulbts.eptapapten?.
Gri&\l^fa>2ffiiA&tfa\fa>Z ^tmtleeftteg-ce.mef.c^i.Cwe
t?htitr.mmfl^0.t3ttfa. 1 ¥ln3it&\m&txuiv&m$oi¥tttinn
i titttautfi.c-f'^tttmgtte^
| a m ^mnleetttegce-becfcc^
£ i Hpunftmnonefcemauetuacatiramftarbcnebtdtoltmums
If bofm.4Q&to : o£lBmeto^
letbtf-ubuatu^i^em.^^^ Z
; • i»V j * *7» 7 *„ T j* zzr___r
/ a-/ ^ , i!Ummai>mtdaaonemgmuumergloitamplebtsmetft^iV.
/ WM :* S 77' 77J 7 *6*tr.birm^
I Y/|,^tmcottiit^^^
^EfiELtw*^ HAIL. mXtzzM&
H^ymi ^ttegratta plena twgettitt^utrgoetteetttmomts
• eft fol tuftt a e tUttmtnans quern tcuebus ftmt lemte
~E\i.J~~»l.jn "^ _3JS3_
I Cttftefttfuptms tttuittas ubeuw. em a m i n a m m uofttmttm bor
__=_©__ , T^ifr-t fffi^ ^3fct
nantmnobtsetrameett l o ttem.r.' | Oamatbalamum

g 77 f v ft ^ .^ 3 G 3*g (P S* 7 -J\ *y ftf £_____ •

tutnn ^>on et. fufetp. regem *otfttuu amplecJeteman am que
PS^^ tX*E ft^.. -7 •*3'^S*?'* I ' '
eft cdeftts poun tpfa e m m poitatuzgem glou enouo lumtnefttb

E _~* * * ** _2 ''it*- __= -•"*»*-

ftftttuugo aboucmsmmamb^Stum auteluctfentm quern at7

uptenfaNneou mttlnaf fu as ptebtcatiepopultsbomtttft beutil


fftftti faeftgm u a m l a busm tspioptetea be-

\E£'» £ • |7p^ ^^^^^^^^S^\
nebfrtrtebeitsth e ter nttmecmfemUtmfe
to J 7
^"^"^" . E§_^!£3 -S7
^___ _^i^*->^^j^ fttt » ««citwi5Hn«m agwrot fco
ZZ - - \" j ^ -Z }* 1 A ^ - i Jt * ^n^tb fer
. ?a.v*" :a»..7-Z - '._jT-••-.•"'. z "_..' _ oiafuebttmu?
'lei.o^smamrttius.epl.i Omutsp^.t'a^uep.eitmtut.Qmii
iO@OUttftl-^n_Qttmto^umt.c>% 0lo2U_/t/bo.»To,gofuttttbtte
i HnatfcVagamevtt^ymw.ofluu. (ommxtf.offlfafambce.
|Mfaalitrttoitro uttl m fu 0
tens tnmebtoe ' ttts rum cotnmouebttttt. Z

|P_H_&^V ,,/»> as-

^ \•fffc"-v^t___ : -_ mmjstmpeuts leu-
car atttta .... •r7^tenTbe
* ffautftftca
tnnalutlmuts. '
teJ771 :__«6xv(E_iittl«.&^Uu /T „ V ^ • j. zi _7
c ^0ffi_^B»itt^^_g jiUiimebtW^etiraft^^JHHST
^X^:^^Ezz^ ILLZZ^S^^^^T^^^
pragamm #&mamtfta'meameop^

btie.^Epraplutesftifut.G^ 0acetfotes. QHTa.^^lgebtmeuu,

emtlumbtun.oftV epruttabuut.cbeigouos. ^na£cce
fcolaftieevtt^oftm.0tim_h.op 0%qutbe.(P^i 0apteucta.
a^0tlmfe.^u1i.^lViejnftt.<Btm p t m U e ^ t ^*.
_-vrr_.. _.______.:. ~. ^. _A___3./Y. , .-dh.v^fn.rATeiTfTn. .«-»>._£
iur.eara.'v;_eem\-fturc\fuf (Eim ^tqtttCuuttfmeueuite.0%.
imurattecb. Otftgna eft.< H n ^ ^ i 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - * ^ .
Jfoquebar.o^. Ompsftfcuttttmr.epl..$uc&ett.tus.(>& #-futfaefc

_p ttm tu eecle ft a pie bt$ eo m came

J f ^Za^Sd^^mLE^^ - 7
? X tttafettto utnuatt tente urn. ' ^.Oor^tcan
' ^1(17171775^7:777- _ _OTlE_S ,7^ TTTfrft ' lA
jI mrbomtno m t fen toibte e
/^^^^^r' '7T7^7-7^J g | |
S-X, fas enntmbtlta e m$ ftlus bouumtm.
Jf | [f7-*J^/.^'^_E_____. :• A ^T^. "#

;Jjpjgaftli.! vcmts ecfit(«rbantp«ratn

||_Zf^7?^ ., ji•ilr:___-^Vrt*.
fc_ ebrttra bectlefiammeam.^LLtpot temtemiopze
I1 :L
;p . . 3 - Wffi%^4 > L ___§§
.» jJHtwa. uerfugFfl-ttZ ambtoatortaue.rcgntcebnttm*

•' 1 |=Luot>_rm qjit^ttmsfupercermm nttftija ;_mt

• • '

• • • - * - - .

ecm celts. ^^tqttooutmcp z

toluensfuperter m m etttfoUtmm et mce _•_
J. _7.- ©luangeluim."" -"& 7 Jt- «J » " « •/_ «/j *
,^tl ^ 8 tXerattfcmctes^zz -< * ,:zz __ZZZ
L * _o%.Ooumm*.cb.wue$pemtsetfup^b^^
r * ^;-^feW ! Hnafrdmamteapltoffra.OOttbt^
Lz_ _„ : _ _ _ _ r — — — — op^'$qutbmraa*.cplaG(tttnKni
ebtucato ectleftam m e a m . petrf^fltmtsOo.^iemttstur euu.
acmut(rbo:r^iC>%Inc^f.cbnosqtufe.< Hnatft^petmtte
ecfeitcmms vu^;aulutmnm. a? #auoUq"6btteJ.$ur. <_pta ^eutr
| / 8^^0louofustf$.&m.pi^^
i / ^-^imcpputtf. 8t6^V^^^
,! i&fcc(£m ero^ aotmuatnbefcbitar.
/ «;• Hna£fdtaegoui&(tfttn.£ace^
|. .©ebttbnscouffc^jura -
^Z,txema6.a..7tfabelt5.i tluaffdebuuau>tt?giC7-mt«oftti.0lmta^bo.
p i I ojz/jBfe«wmtnftplwtttt.«pifi^
| ttettUT^e;o%0t(»taf?Jo.cb.a7a8uacft.( t^na^ictrtttbtmtcft.
I eccmteoffin.^ttraiu.c^^
j^ Huaifttbe
I t^&aWtecrffih. Osmftt.^Omfsftfecptfiluft^tfuu.mOsfa.
^ ,^tlwtl.cFim.^emoaccm^
& tezZ7.~~_^_zr^Z_ZZ f Jlb^u^c^bemaueoffeu.

kx 2^rcCi.(»|_jgkqtttW^tf.
m j.../ir..W.. z..._. z._ _ T Z _ 7 — T 3youtt%l^%<®olltte^
r T 7-' %7»-«

l / ^ t guma
u m s fplena
a n t botumus ceutttT_TSenebtc
tits CUt&tteut ^7 er
, 57^T*g^^>'^tg_^_^_^

j IU 7 ^_____^^_^J^f^g
UA, r
jt^r.i ::Kw$
.wte . erutrutsalufftmtobtuub. abttubt^
J». * _ _~r_r_ 7-a"_fz'z~_ _. • 1
V ^ :._L__7_______Z_^\ _^
q? quoonarce utr ;ertrfattP^ turn ttoeabt
^7^£-_7r A. _V'—3.-•• 7s *^* ^ a m t u s e(b.o% ^(ttemana.
E _ T ^ P 7 ^ > 7 ~ • W3E2k7t^e(cteuttgo.^tfeftufttebiiuar^
tur ItTtusbe Jr bt.uetmctttbbzmuelfdlTmedtclt
ntumt. Tuea.etmdtectne.etmbtcp
tu^trctneecmbtraty feqiietmlg-uy bieb? fmctn ebboApafebeeucutrfcVm
t»lttr cttebwu. ctfetoeD. ecfenuj mfrajfl qhb. at fmuuu beaiiquo fro tmf
fabJcotoibtr^btcaTt-'imfr-ino be-teutmopoft-jx. "| Hnat(uami«ofii.
cdt.<atEe.gomumfuoCp.f^xi^ i fHua£(%4&>
oni^fefttr{Vnettg.ecbou que ab otfpafcbeuf^atyafceufioueoth"
eucrimt obtenter.<JUu. €(gouiumfitoC^.owy(Xoufitebuuutr. OS.
(ftutocetftLi -^uafcdfllpbegtcptfuu^ottm^^
7_=feqb!nalpbe.epra. © o m m i s u a . , * ? ^ eaegtr.etlt^e^gofmlmstt.
o%,G.oufttebitu€ eb efgotattttts. z [ Hna*C&<^gumrc.offietti.
J u >t m m . c ^ s qui nostoe*.qj.aOttmegaubtu.atlk^ k a b r f ^ .
GCgofuumtttoff c^©C<mftcc*tm^ro.lembrtt. t^uaffdoatttcu
TlNmfaot^e^^usbmc^ crtfmftarbtm
I fb elgo taunts. 0t mebb&paftbaiiau£$fe£uutftpntuettctttt-:.itdm
* -UO^tlM^qwe
t^|^ t3 ^ . 5
_p!#Wgft^ ~ utana £ m n a ple-nato m m u s tr tttnfc
^;uia#l[n fefttstb ftrmt^ccSbtruttMtt_^.&U$ttw&d.
dicta tit in mime nb..»,_iJUtemiicl^ |p
H ttatfd v triialts m$ 7 . oftta r g tot^nftt .C7^mcfs.c\'l|^cmomtt:
X sfl&.^amt. (atneetgo futuusue.oft^epleu. cp 6(gofirmtutt9
( ^^ aujftoioiumpbtlnjpieotacobt aomimttuofttatu!;.
». ;!r......4__, " ~"
ft Sfil 7
1> ^ j jAe d a m a t ^ ^ Ate
E^ L^^fr3..J^H7^7 - "^ "
eo tu be eeto exaubtttt epratleluya alleUtpa. f. e^ultateuiftt.
_Xmetj. tuottfimag.S^hTtlt^a
i _Jt_y>" •.... ______ z______rr: 7
Z' yM»J_4_ _ - ^ _W- V V ?angttihattentt.
______ 7
** m fttmmagnaconftau uaaouerfuse os qtttfe
r ~* X 3 t^TtJ
/ \ _^__-_v •» _ - T — ' _. _._ ...
GfiJfitebttttt/. (Doll, anco tempoic: uobtftum (Urn eonon camout

ftismepbtltjpe qtumbeometttbeoeopattemaMi^^ tidatdts
__—i--J*Jt ' s 1 ' ** ?
_. njjMtnr erpatermmfeetbaudttpafltte uroa.vutu^miofim.
! ttiz htiHm __W^rf- */••• - —r ZITii/rifj
^\ Kcqtr. fw-tu-amrpafc*,
Z 4 os$fe{mpte.t>ira$$t
« jg, :
zosatttem.v7lFsmtfttrat..(_imetj. coemo^brttftueehone
tet..6.cmC _fe /fit _#_rs ^_;£' r « ^Z>
io^w|-^7^S^r»^ :ttlceltg-ntrm
P^^^^?__^ bulcesdattpf
bts.feflfieluva. -„Tfes., .. T^ttlce
_____ ___•_. ,, | .
Julctaft tens p m bemquefolaiutfttbtgnafuitnte
_=*> • :
| g j _-JIT_. r^t*f¥ eoYpattie
:4(fft^_j^ _7__*^
tegemcelo ttmt&^mumj.
fertqly: Z u > |3gs'•./V,|t._t..)rtf:
ne ? p e b e m m a r a per fig- mint fane te ctttcts ab out
V\*'*-" . (I-'".. . "•••* J 7 p 7 7 . J H H M
tubusmu.ttsmtrntcmttmottmttrmeon '.tgmta
.j-^yfy* v %*^_jttf, 77*3 toe*
etbtbea musfcT ttmttxmeoacdepm ttienot
Tk-Wyt,Sfe _j n ,. .v4ygi#ut^.ygzE
-tar-fa ctfflct urnttt-OWrmaTle tuffi1-1 (atu.q__PCJttty
vv.__.fl. /I - .J J V . 3 '•*['_ Aitf~*jsjE
nit C m u _ 9 _ S u u n u s ee^er fanccrnnrntcemltbemnftratus
C :
* __ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ f f i &
-ftitdtts artmtsfeiuxtt nos ftltus W lebemttnos alle lujfa.
* dtobanmsanteuS.tarnlatmam.oflm.jnmebtoe&Fie.o^&ettf
qmcon. cpl a jj§tutcemex;t. .QBta rfe bie^btr^eoSfausbeuota, dm.
^ t t t lie »|_<Wi c ^ ^
.-^nat Cecw. (. otbtatu er eprm adit mtv-offin. ^citato tie beuec^.
e ^ f u m a t t t o r f oiB^ octimbtltfcojufto^a. t Hnafreb^.
jlemetaebtllam^outm. • 0empnofto.cpfa
3ttrk.vxxojemlm^ efgoffiutuCttoff ^ a o n f t t e b t u m
cb. Oaubete. < Hnatfdtomftimtefcitottt/^^^
|uraiut-^^ M p o f u t ^ ^
i«me(gofuittttfik._7%^ T^uaftfdTiltel
bee6t.etmWj^lap?qtnd4npard)altt^etm.efgofitumftla. c»m^.,
tXetttaf. eo£Beatffer. H natfdaugumnt cpti coutfouth pacwto
am®* npaftl>aUt^atu,e(gortntt.t,ia.
kmaut^ea:b:eoi,etfu •©eftgnautr.
oftV. Juueuibo.(tSbeltsCer. i7 HnaJtaGettnatitept-.cottf'ofitaimK
B o qutbape.fa pafcbaut^etm.«3(gofftiti.i,ta. ofuyUentaf. <*_Bearbett?.
• i HnatYifrpettomUcuitifo^
<&©tlc«tfo.m.Sj_^.mn. ptmtlee0r^ Offavttt o_ Otfntfa.
i i3natftt*4tcb-meMm^-^
utfa.(.i^eat\ur.atth.S^ofmm.«m. ptqutsuulr.oft«1niitmtte.cxi.
-jpoftuat. t=jna^fcor tnatceUmt ec prm-mw-oflth. C^amftuetftt. 0*2.
#sqiitnofau..pTa..Wpcmb^^J_femmmi.e^ Huaf tdtoncmatCoctoj?
epef paciubotesmt.c^Omfafbl^
3ttferv7 eflegtt.euu. 0ttrutbattHc.crffo^
. Hnat^eb^a>.$attoet<^
epfajpiut*esfftutt.b>paeetootes^a.^i&n^ebftt.etui pmtlumbt.
c>m\*e(ntlmbimt.cb ecgotto5.»' tlttafcfct&pmtc^^
£apt.miCcfo.ov\fiencj$-qrt^^^»ec>am.peo^ etgottoselegt.
t^uaffdiHimakapU.ofRh.aitelnaitt. oy6-edtemtua.cp&.
Wttbtattfe coxioscjfe. H uatrcbr mteba{tnbis«attttt-nabwts.
ectfatam.ofmt.jntteo. o ^ t b ^ m « . eplajttfiova. 0K^>tmbtca/2ffla.
jufttepttfcetm. efcteegomttmouxv eutilmbitt7.d^ofttmtntr^
HnarfdbaftUj e$t eccoti-%outh. ptautm cTV^sqtttbeai. cpla.l
e(ecefacetbos.%#fte^ttemfti.(2ffIa .^Jutt^. emt/Rb qoampetejsr.
C7%.txettra6.cbjsear^el_ tfnatfi&v^ietmobefo^
X fttepttfccr£aotitedeql&o.cptk
TJB&rfr. C©tt»bttt8^nT7 lxeuobts4ebtf?owK fHtbimts ebSlfanui.
Jg -=.ttaH<sa^n n e t ^
pp*Cn?ttttlti.0& etotlmbut.QftTk.^&\ebV«. etm 0(ftaubtetm$]
j^aJtmbtlts.cblttlhjpaCe. H natfcb# cwu.eomauel__fln$__
^Aefo.nmtXtbeteneqtitscutt^ (Xmm^hi.c^Qlmbtcouobti..
t Ht_<8£<^<>eTO&i^^
au.cpla0cmfqm^^.^0louolus.5ttfa.^^fuult.eun etgtebtettte
bt^^erammt.<b7pofiiedit> rtt^mToefdebtutai^m^offiti.
jSiouaetteLO^ _
i • * " . .
__.—________—_____________________ *•- -
vjj&uirqutf. jSftquisuemt. ; poftuftt.: u>a$maenr. t^ufi
(dalbautttm o Inturaue. 0squtbucbt. • i^uarVimot.
^stur.2fita.>7pofutftt. :7ii^tqsiutltiie., cnagua.
"iX"'•;\f(fi rJ V i- y stowsbapte;
J m ) a utneas z&rfmrt accaubitaen. oiauom ^-fttuum.
Z/i./-—-•/,• •

•jjr""r"-J i H - 31' 7 / ? i w . , - ? . ____§>

l-.• CJ7T-T __ ,/7 7 1 ** •*? ' _±_ E?
utstobimnemeoerttma_nius cmambommo etfyutmfattto)
C, iv77 ' 7 -*?T ; T ?*-, J 7 7 7_Sg
teplebtturabbuc^r tttett) mams Cue eo uutlu mnantutate
WFfti I ft'7' ' ' ^^.mm^M^
L___Z ^ ^ * j& Xcmfceflaa?;
ems gatt bebuut.' lonemutrattc. 2(mew. tfeett&tba. a*.
(L A J
te6w.<. :^3hut/ tyomo mtf ' ftts
7 J. (L-7.ii * * ^-*a beo an nomento^

bannes e tatbu ne mt. vXXttefttmontttm

7 7 7 7
^z E 7 *^ 7 l%^" jfc§ At* ? * ft
petibereobelumt ne*ecpamtebcmtmo piebemperfeflam.

uKelupa. ^/©ttptt erpaopfa

777 Ljt
feUlg 3 7t7t(f^ " :^ - rfSHl
ra aittf ftmtuocabetts mctj>ts ante bo >
m Hmm ....a. • 370X. * iwmbtebibt.o%.
7 ft
P,-yP^/l/t. --^ 0^eobo.r><tyaimaefl.
mmftpamnrtttase uts. t e ^ reflSemt^
" nternatos..fettbomo.] .n^tifo *a

JtjLXXzhzzt-ZTZaZ / -' \ibtC2CD

~iX 707tframr/
^_ z ^ //t-imc fuouetequtamtftrboramusange ofticuim.

^it^tt^etmpttttittgeemanithe ^ts^ec^pmtu^

peftanoneple tusiufecwitm.f.illtpiftuisabfemtfufbui
' o^^qtubobteraZ
/ ^tkoatfttbembes

A/XSw esfv m o n b a r t o n a cutcamector

. )4rz
Xz-~XXh 3^£
# J. • > /
-Snottrettela 7/>tlS r tSrbumpatfts fecfpfepa
it .7.
mctr '
__ qttf fc
ter us.
y it_?.
m ^c92^aubetocttba.(f, jTfc m3~
eun HXemttlfcm^' -' ! AmT
K ^ l I mt A t tit I. L l l L l ' f aflf __. • _•_ . .

oflS^ a6fttcuer.<_>o.\OT
zgnt/fa -Z-" y I n c b m e m ^ ^ ^ ^ M jt
__Z r«7jLmr-/I
7 37_ Jli. l__flfdin
eto c m ctebtot Vc ceratf exHumim. ecdeftam m e a m .
7 _-,—
br . s 7' *JZ u7XX=^<&^
fttmqtttapotenseft bepfttimimeitmferttarem tuumbtem,
X - J t y . c^0bqtumttliu7emofbeftt>
^^tZ:zzzzz7Xzzn ' P^mjo^^squtbopetnj.^NtWb.
- 7 7 7 petmof^sqtubbpetto.^itMr.
& 5_3necpbafttme.^tme_bj. ^ott"tttobtf.(^j__lutopet^tf_ft.

» f c
e lu ^.ftrag- nuf
afturpan ~ ltcTtMuT.Sett. o r t t « n f e Z — 7 ^ -
-j—",|'• • — - - - M - ~ v
'^" %_ 2

otgneeftrglon -ft eanbus.

O^ubxaid. _;emno beapoftoltslertomf ocf qutobeapoftoufcW
nutfa.ct aradtrouo.qtf^
L- vlEEJ ^ l C ^ c ^
H<Xon_hnte^._ffaA J^mtts. eunjf ecmanbo.ofe<9rbnftim^.cC
TXosqutfc. 7;Huarreb^mocemeomammamomliiubtcabfi
opfeqtunofbo?.. q>taj@fupctftbem.(^^tlmbw
etm ^ (Jiouabutre. cc .Hmenbtco.7r "^ tmnflacce
w n 5 m n i 0 ^ 6 t t W l t c ' 0 ^ ^ s q t u ? p . e p r a Otmufpm._«|nuent.
atRi.v. ^e^.ftm3?olttettmet^it.c^^
M ocraptb^ofepaplamf ^ ^
^mtmbimr»jttftoy, ^matj%fetmnfratu^
l_»__ _#_S___g_____^^ . V J ; •'•>-.:"

* & ••< 1» ••'

2uIba te ptten botttmttmlattbate^omenbomtmqutba
•_-_£_, •__-. _. _ ; * IT---'

- ' T r y Lzv fewir ^ttmttm.KeQnuieg^^c^tKbieJ

^myttbe^tfe:^ * _ % o t e ^ m ^ t t ^
bo.cb.oirmguaeil. Z|t7atfd2tmutp!7ttmcc^hj__lecabmtr. c
£tefto<up. cf^a:_3fsturqmfa.<^^ ,
ptqstitttofmeaffejnuimtte.rc'pouttftt. Hnatfcet^tgatctT
Pfetua.C!te#.txeme^ec-.becdtttm pmuleeftfc^.cZkCH_e
txm.mtuc^.(X7:rfetttb*.< ; iiitat^ptaxebtsutt^.ofT*.i.J/oquel5.
opatoftt-epla(_mptaitmctr.%$tlc^i(tt.3ftTa.v e(muloi. etm ^fifte
eft&c*te.omy0fftat^ Hnatfcta^anem.H
"baieneo-ttii. dattbean?. o $ ,T0aT^tx.mcmc^&efro^ vp.
ffl^Ks uife.ep I ajftuuetem u at be m a t tc*
TT "%. • yf_ ! -"
lit <j.a. _ ^7 • ^ ^ p t n n a m p a r temete
gtrftbttttana ~ T H ~ quenonatuV
__g _^zij z__^__^<nane^ma. at. i
Q ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^(t^cmbattbtof^^
te .mrab t came ter "tutm. fegttm.^^tftufaem
( t3uat.fd.ip-uumufutw-offm ^aeetbotesttu.avXlouuanos..fia.

etusftcurfolmccmfpettumeo eoluntltmapecie^mecemtteeotef
_^. . ^vn^Za{flfo7jtaplineq.!tfrotabef^imvifmv
I J 7_Ar^ a^lfi)«nbefcqvpma^ttg o;_>,jmnttgeunaranofc
ttsmceloftbeus. ^.etvidmbti-ffi^
c> ciq^Hmc^ #sperqu^
jS'tfii.fteeotetm $ceetruaottfm.vH% jnat {fc#
<yu.bon i. 110 eft ufRh. paiusa_ op # s qtttgtb .eplii 1u(h_j?a.4:epttiltaba
• «-_r- "'" *>-

i H n a f fampComsejncceom^.^ j
^ifa.^ _mautt- etmJEfo qmbffpe.c^^mtmtbtf. cbjefe^
c ^ & c f e o'&cpfa,^^
nmfttceubtteafcr.ont^ Hnaf r%uuV.
^bonet^mnmjm^mjntter. Of^squi.. cplaaaitbc1sbe?(7*tv<_.tb(^f.
f :HnaHd(?etmameotetton£^
J-ltllllVC. ••- a, nin-..v<--Hi.l' v vvn-tiiill-. villi V_Al^-l.-V\.i v..i-%VAtC.tV_t_.. .

cb.^uecincj*.. < {gabttrnmiaCctpcmoftmaf.tinefaottete. ojg.

^.squtbth cnem bemaebabetCo^.^ntuauoC. epmergtefTufpe.^
a^ oo nu ^ r — - — r t f * -
(tint •Hl—mZZ
eo\m. r
eseo.jrne lu ffa. ',' *^.p?H tie
i_ r ^,;^i77v F^.7Z>V7Erf
^7^-^Yj.;jt._ ft-•-*-_
tabennrbe- *^ ocenrnttmj. n y c a t M , tmsqtufa r
;.„. a .-r7V-

fls* w • 7 w _
asurpateanr celefttateg- nabea
_£>^ j™,/m
I v — 7 - "*-^---v-Guespetr? Hnaffdfttpbam^etmtjyctmmtm.
us. 0avetbotesttu. c^T-^sqmttobts.cplaotmxtfpa.^tv.
jmtmt.OTa.v eaegmattt.J_fo qtttbamuo.ot^inumt.eo.TBtteqttcp.
; i^inumuoucfttftepbamqtaftantfiuumaltoftftop:efcftebo
ecf>fimo.op_. 0'squtcelebp. 'TtHtiatfdofiutalbt-egir^mtyoutu.
__.. _.__,_ ___«__. ..... .^.. » _ _> ».•.- ..»_,--._. . _. _• y*._*>_A._. /.»_

H nat fcb# mt^tmftrttafftmt etaccftpm offth. paiusaub. o$..

^sqm.cpl . r j 3 m e m t ^ (EXiiaubt '
etms.oitvOiottabtmtfcG(gbuos. m a t fdbonau eptimus
oftm. paeetbotesbet.oj. j&s qtuesf&p. cpliOftemo m t r ^ u u e m / i M .
*b ©tCpofiu. «mtxtgiteteqt.<rtu;inturutte. cbftTagna.» jg«at
fct <r^iT autottoyq. em. emit .^tmete.o._tfs 4 nos er^tniemetttet.%
/Gmtete. m.^mtmbtus.ettu. euttft tfnlwoftt^jOetamtm. € &

,, ^-=---______i_^..____l'
) | ^ ^ n W 5 q u t m m e e t e b t m t b e t f e q u e n r bemontaetetem
/ I jlggg__g_g _j 3y>jK>/t y g
71 _T~~ y. ~Z 7 _r__f___ __•

jrtt^eosmanttfmtxmentecbene^bti bebttht. m.'ontuu

* 5 1 7/( 7"71_Zft-^#atfso^y3.<Y>em.
_ z -_ 'T " l1^befcbromanooinemtfe.
^eamtittrqtunmetbtmi.Qlmetj. efptftonjsftmn^^

je^rfttbe tatpattpe nbus tt^aae ttts*

-4*: I ; TTJTTaW
m a n e t m f e cttlumfe mt.. -^Jpotenf

mter .. ,- . . raMitfemene

^•_ msgenemtiotec turn

frVlfr^^V^ryt?—^i>etmgtliambomtmcn ettenent
f y|S-3 ^camr2Cra.bei»tuntnms^mc;

^ ________
'mnomer amun tonfcbeturlo ctts
_7 n'(jj',], szf
I* ' f*' f*
____ , *-—-—<—r
^_J}_^^R^:;iS^: 1
--'£'- V »V -t'-y ' ' —
;ummeemce loAutj^teft mc^ntettsectTOfmtsmetis
1 *

_ - T 77
num afcen bat ao oomtmutibepieeatto
J7 7 7 Ji^ l c ^C(t777 7 ,
A _m ^ CTV.liVlUl-—- 7""-/ —-
I 'rr' - _.__._%.'_-._*»
jonfeXTtoetpuloiaaum. m e a. &5 4@tmiuttc.
j t 777 (. _«_ JL'
mtuo.tnw-tmaetuf fanctttas cc maratftrencta
^_=_^__T^Pn Z "' - ^^
1. #rl a? ft 7 •J 7fc 7" -^ —
f 03? 0ano\.t^%fe=^vii« ___-» _/* '7777,-'jfoi jfjpjg
mfanifeficaao neeuis.^Oantate.t.2tmeH.
fSbuei.c^la./g.^:: ^^Wt; - * "

luipatttyfe3^tobafti bomme cozme urn

*'tt '•'JLgnerae
eciuftta zftinot. i te ».r»
.' 5 - ';77l7.,v77.,T,7 K g , Mmjft 1 p fj
ecamtna 7a (h^nonWmiten tammemtqtutaC
7 "nn^ja 7
lauten cms b o n u m o pus opera

3.XXzz± - "-+ a> "jf-'J "7 £ _ &

m s eft qutper figmmt cm cos tuttmt na utteu

^^Sto^latoron J 1 0
i f t ^ u . o ^ . ^ * ^ ^ erpulcttutbom confpet m e uts
' ^^^ ^^^^71771777'^
fintfetaf comagtitftceu aa&fatouttcaao net r&psp;


.i " ' Z ^.jtVo"bo"~'- mauautr

ce !os af cent/tcgatt betequtammjcpSi^
£ T Z ^ ^ T " S^--
J>er octabas. mlelttjpa. .. 2hTtttm> ta
J ±_s
A - fe?V
4^ ^-"it
Jt__±,_t*??r* W7v__^
^tnanamceuvmgau bnTeang^ltacouaubatttes
"«,._. ft. '" T . (^9-ttvaim8a.efih.
bmebtumtb3mmum.Reflt.mBttftfimfi, <6.
7^-^^%3*"-r" . JIMJ. .. >.»17-
e_^uu1^ramatteitttgmtsqitepona umtntetetmt^ m s

A* af-aT* tencumtflabt
Kobafttbommecy metmtectuft catugfeplb
memttectttft cai z?
pt-tx ••<:.,•


Jtaftt not t e u j n m e ^ r a m t u a u ^ e c n ^ l ^
~ T »». » *3)3» «» __ to^eattiatttmnjef*
tqutras.$ € ^ t tzt—z
t b t b ^ ^ x^Ejlz^'mmp'^^^
;feati#t^.o_!t?3mum < iT^v^C&battfe^^
/ apl..^cmmeotamcoi'mvtg'ttmufapli.a?embenu^n^iotbeocr
metn.i ttbteofttmOKemattt.^
tttw o ^ w q t u p b m e m . e p ! ^ a m n o e ^ ^
^^^ecc c\-cot .eftu .1m5 eft cm

rjHrult'fdutip^i': .omu.luuusttbcottt.o^^

f l
efttsfaite-ofl^enms^ 7 H^^ "^^^^°^'
0louaetbo.o^Z*T tt~aJ ' W h f f i l ^
^diooi9,(riftor#.^ I J z ^ Z - Z ^
7.^fuifh.yille lu jpa
£gm _____

Ofrtflb ijetobesfptattato tetnecepttanuntta


"captir tobamtts m catttron.
^yt^0dbatmfte.euh {nifttbembes.omjr^oftuftt.cb ftiagnaeu-.
ep^#heb1sms.(^tttUfa.C?ttfa/^ p$e£etm pfmuie^f c*i>. ofttm
etm .^ttmbtteaitr.oftt^J/emmtm. cb 4@&otco uo. < t^naf fdegpbq
abtfts oftm08tuttt.o?2*ptetmbe. mett\befcbpttfeoc^.o|»sfbsftJ2_S.
0eft5^.cbjSldt$. ^tmuftbeftt .tmberaottmpmtutrcLo^.
qmbampe.ofnyaetn^s.cb^sfer. • THnafful^nntal^tsotttn.
OStuftt.o?o|. sftfs.e^ua^co. fit <^siuftt.Qto.^9.mattt£
euu.Tleraoaccm.o%7_=mtbenu.cb^ t^naf fcemaue
^mbetgeb^0tt|pltmcbem. b * mmttrfraoc^ecmociftbntm
niu^btpce(roc_mt^.^ &_*-
beomtbi fctir^fo mtftlfoftm. O a i i b e a m ^
^itn^ltt.epHi e(go qt.uelO ifa.iu^.jfubtfrtiaexiu
*&e ecmdma autem tit a m

— AILJJI __zz2±__7-_y_-£ffi
enethctte bommo ottme. '——zZZZZZ
fstente. utttttt
jpgujft ft ttsnenutmeitis.

7$z\^k<&__Gcnebte a m m a mea bommo

757Tfr%(ttt; Jir-'~Ji/'tWl . lt777)?Ar7
mono me
' M ^J^—_7 ' ^Jk

turn e m s .
?i :
fe^nV ^ ^t -.—..


»/,. y » > ^.^ A


^ »
TJ^ 7 T ^ ^ ^
c- ^toflbedebtes.
_Y7V** __^% _*¥7r| _Mt'aV__h__-' ' . __ JF i*"
:^b celebiesz ** M _¥jT—_i
^7v eim"
us.^Jane ? tttanjelus

tuxta a m m tern pltba bensnimbttfe^*

[thmanufttaSbataftmte % t fttmuHaerafom^

' ' _____ *bttfttm u s a m m a u t m m c o n f p e m t

'X? m
alle -ittpa
fttalle __ i t 40^
t ^ . % .^K_^^^^
i ^ m e o t a t e omnesangett

bommtbomtno^pnftbtctte eofu^^ltateetmim fe culi

5 g§n.t6rdteroutmtero#o^
eb.lBnequmcp. tSuarfZ. .aermaut.tiemtgtietbauomfcjf'
ofttj^acetbotes ef. o? ^xnttbtb's .epfapluteff?0%pacet&tes '.ftfe.
^ Jut^trcetm.^mtta t_ nat
fdleobegamef. t etmra-owh, ^retbotesbei.o^^squibm.epfacc. emoi
elto.<^mtmt.3ftfa/£ -aiegtt. tun. ^BUuuof aiuo%.Ueutaf. coaster.
faefrtT^ $ & & & & & . m n pmuleef.£e.^.ofu> Oifam&nttra?.
co^muTeeu:< t^t^fcb??mt^mammau7elUeoapuiet.c^ttu.gaittsrf.
c^pebytme-epra pdprfi ^.<5^ttto^.t^.^«Hra OuT
aubte».(jTl^e(ntlmbat.cb 1«fta_{?.. t_ narfcb-.bpontfttfoetome?.
oft™. ftutec .cq?#'s qui botf. {prajpauluftu a. 0lo»(m?$/_-H«i.Vj uf -
«epitfceuu.^efembms.c7ftt^? nnatfd
crewmtfdtfomtuttfoffa^ pdperftbem.i^jttflQ^
< f-=3natrdjUwaftrCouo^-^
epTa^ememoiammt ^eaeet^es.QWa .^ ocnrabtf. euth Ottpetfe
q « e m t o % efrttunbttt-. co efgouos. i \$ nat4 Id Kaltmp??tt7t#outb.
(ifocetwtesbet. CVL0$ r} ofptus- epta ©ocfemf.iTrf Jmtmt/3ftla .^.
eflegtt.etut tXtgilate. onVUetunf.d^slcr. i ^ naffd^ttlftnnt
cpt. ccmfodth. pmtmo.o? be eot .efla.^ctrfa.%{>nepze,Qtim. ^>.
3«ft^f^?q.bre6t. nm.Troqutfctpe. offtytXemaf. confer, nbtefd
<t> tcbaelt. mmoteutmbac>tuu3nbtate.
It Ui 'j?a. <w(&qmvwY$0n*.6ffiitoit
,•—,,•,,_, . frCXouutfutm etbma
Me. -

"... ...—__ _ . ,#^J-—-__t,,, 77.. _—, ......——
hrr*^ 1ft irKJ '.!• ^«_._---Yitrr. _-!>_*-_-
. •

7.7. 7 4777*J-
irecamtte mttttter • raubt
^ - ^ " " ^ " I S 7 Etj~t[" «yW^crdrmtut.
__*£-*-£ j _fe__J_p a o&^ttttaugt.
attban^ttsmtcbaelbefirmbebaebe'eV lo. ii^enedttu*.
i H^ftT^ettangeltfttcTmu.Osm
<VemAcxf(5ontftp^.TJ^sqtttb6.evta ptmtumftf(mO$titfti&.^.
pttmaof£_#ou/attcemora. etm -0mgtmuu7.ouwpofmftito.eo.
magna. Httai^^nmfXuuumltatnty.oittn.Tlttlttmtnt.or
iSsquttcam.eplft.eqm>,Offietettt ntnot.6.^ujppm.;i_Httai:
^mamepticw^mu.ptattttt.o?2 i5*suttb'$m.ep}aXittaee.
w & ctefafcos. c m ^ f u u e m . ctm Utgtlate.omv XXetnas. cb.
i_tbeus.< tjnaf Ccb^ettCpmtecmCpmtammiy.oittu. paittaattfc
u£,&s qmfcbs.epra. ppetramlu.C.« acteqm.gfffa.* 1umeb.e(m.
eCeeeegomitto.offte. Clouabutmeb ptcotam.z tjvtgr$t6#_»>
momswutbe.oim^mtet.o?. aonceteql5.epra.iii{h^a.<^mbtffi.
^ m b n t m euettu.ouaS^fccdtplo^ ^ ,
^tlmbitr^oiufto^ ^bte^h.'oafemmc^^sqtunos.W/
0ct^cttjt.<^^ SecmantotM.
ofu). ^ c w n r cellos quite. < Wvic ornmti fdrcofnu ./0ttnece. cte,
#neteufttt\7l«naftatt^ e(cteego.(wepctttrabire^ta.^.
i ^bteat><peeaamuK. ©icfn cebt^tttetto ^ainatoi.dumtffifoffin.
@ m i b ( ^ . o y 0 t t _ f * f-—:•-..-
b^^ — - : — . •. 'ili^t ii.. . •••rr
•TO Utpa. z^^ttbtta
Dtmrfaneft nauo ttes etfcomtna btmthr poptuts i

_cj«*a. butUoittmt^nr>^
Zatt&pm* 7^{fcS
^xxt ^mdtto.<atn.Utbmfmd>a8. ^
• ••: ^t fdlecniat^eoTtf?o(tttt.Os ^i^^ptecjesniits.eplalttftttf
cwfu.t«_08 utu^.OQIaAZpofiu, eim,|lsmcacten.o%.uemHt^,
JubJliS. Hnatfti)inm-coiOnfm>^omit.mttto.o^phicfs.qil^,
Itifto^a.ijiutnbtta. M l .^. m m. tz.ettrt .<k-tinaubtmt*£.om*_, pofttwlt.i i1nt^Cdmeoboitnm»-c^Tntmttr.
etui, (9iquifwtlr.o%.0toua*bo. cb magna.; fcjnar fdrttartim
EJa;10 Z %./-V\ri
7 ^ga&
' '' __^_____|_g
ue . ittpa.m o b t ats cefumbutef tttgre
pattperco ^Jrftctfiar tmn$
_ '•" btmrjTmp

nts eele' iWKtSwfi> z^fttttt. J f

J&xp ^acet^otem^.etm liomo quiba pe.o%tietttas. ^j^sfmutf.
fbjSbmS. t^rmf fdttraebtme^iexeoTrf^fj^.ptauttt. clomps
fetm}bs.ep?a 6fceefacetb3S.^|mtmt^.'2(ias> juft^4. enmifoqutba*
uo.offeXXettras.c©^^ gnetrfdmufmteptetcr^
Trfy qb^mpe.o%juuemrc^K(tbs. * tj oec/fdepamm ofttt^Sratutt:
o^ ^ o u e ^ c f s . c D e m o n u f t ^ » T ^ n a i t d e b m u b u e m f
^mB? oftth. (houftet. bo. og^smeft^btt.ep^^smrqmmue.6^_.
Hna-bfec (Ttaltetut^.olftn.ijbqttebar. o | ^ s qutnofan.ef 11
jHebmfwote^ii-to^ -
emtj(tmtie*£^ m ME^^tz
battli tfnat^dtlemetmswm&f&mmi^E^
(,~ . !3* : -^"ZZZ7^^IZ A.^
fetmonesmetqi&sb^tmosmt^ w

^d^^mi-fa% jjz± 3' iu _ _

tu o aoett e m m no m e n m urn ecmttnemttta accepta e

ttttSfttpefaltate me umX ^eejcwA/^da^met)'

cflkT-c^^uos^ura etntJVomo qmbatn^uv.
Jmimiby.c^^fetiuif.t ^uatftiCmfo^mmt_/<)ttm.0lwm'ibo.
etm jf-tmttoCatt.o.^.Oioua?bo.copofm&t. i tj nat" fee Kate
ntieutt^ermtyomu. ociee^muettmr. o^ o fsfeun>b%.epfe.
<Xotittt«b».<^p|_>d^a.^ loquefe_u^ec^obasb^embteAetm.
ptrndeettfrc«&oi^;lK%tsgttm. commute; t tj nat Cd l u u ^
ttu^-omu. ^cetfotxs tULo^beeb i ^epm. O m n t f pm.^juuent.
I qutbatnno.of% Juueut.cb jEb^tsCen!.
_H ':• f- ••'• •,.

_•#***- A
^-•-ltrtm^L-..--_.Tt ^ ^<hm?apft.
6oatmrniftutrobttanttgttica tu abtutir^tttb^taim.
a ~ J 17 -«ay -'-
^MT^^-^^ ^
bomo bommt fpnmitmmtfwcoibtaj^^

_ , , . , , , , _,_,„ nm i i- - 11 _w •> - a r y * — * * *a-P-r"f^*-""»fl"___|^- —•»-- a» >5 _*V

/• /f nomen tttumquomambonm
Mt * __ .^izzzz :J _£ ^(fc^^feomps^.
:__••• 7^_^^--!"z ^e^-Bnbtcuobmf.
tnmnto mm.f.^uo^ans^m^ cpJ^siurquie^,.
i£zz...~^ / t ^
yumtStttpaimaSoie rbtofta^a^tsUtam. -

£7tz_^J__ _2__~__3_t
tmtui^c^^bttur ^ ^ ^ nemtft
i^ay* /. /_ZZZ.___fc%.

^tamm ameottetttaceram
i_T--_?:J. x??7v« ^C^8»nltu(ia_i MJ~t177*'
§_ _____e-^7 r ^rH cifttagoffiutttj^y^rp
per nocfen.
uofpai. <J>S^ Jt_>loita etljono
-a? : T*
^H y<X^Z^^XX^ 777-^,
ttco2ona(tteumet.amftttm(U eumfttperope^
ra m a n u u m m a r u m b o mtne. arsOOagnaetb

? 7 J
*fe ^ * *M_1^ * 5*£-
e umbomme. •

7 ^

earns uirqut ttmetbommttm mmanba

1 7 J7 ___
¥^®h^M i -'
ctt pur m m t s . ^ p otensmmmettti:

tttsgrnemuoretfetttun benebtcetttr. ^T0louaeo

btutaembomoe mseoutfticta e m s maneomfeatutm
^«ub. I-eettia^amaceeeqo.ofFltiiiomnemter

mjm mm^tuttfonus eo- turn ecmi

to eoutm. <_^,onfouteq, e„Qgpnm omttem

^.^.*'rjfl 3Esm*p£t\
\ J
& T_-
tetmmme moiesemntuommtsut tmotuntpto

ne. (j>u%. Uftcbtatttemm mts bcmouftca'


u f u n t anctut
m m m t be usutmtsconfbitaititsete 7 p$nJ
X6(ttebn. 7 ^ Sap
mejffl _ -zti
3 mTm, m/ mf fumr. Gbv. _ios qmfmtneftismeftbebttt$
2 7 ^ '&

* 1 | i ^ ^ ^ tttchmebtmbtutr faptetmam eolmgtta emsloqttetttr

M A 3 3 y
^fzzXE' ' ' ^ "^ m
oy_fittem!mtatjr -177- rifrriEftTZ^^-'^ f c r f t
e p l t e m u i t t i J ^ W ^ / m ^ i ^ l ! U"7
botutittC. tp. O sHfe_ tu fttmebtmbmtrfaptenaanj eol
ems loqumtttubtttttm. (V.Jl/jcbetttttt
^ ^ _ ^ W 7 > ^ jvyv7^ 7 -j^g
betpftus ecnon ftibpiantabuntur
I '-.V a- -'.,-
gteflttsettts. tlelujm. f^pximxxk j m t ^ ' " _W*

. aofp
&~WWzE^ <• -

talent mangeuftam
onbt ceo ecce iatmtmeotem
^^ausbm __.

"babo. ^f e^T.u.€3(gofruimstta.o%#ofut fubo
Ii t» * -'A •^• _.jnii&:7i7-*-* c •_.
Bg. r
w .%»
tnmeiica pureitisioio uambelaptbe pseuo

fpmtampe7^ curate mbtttfttetaUe

U ..:fZ-. .Sktlfc- 7 .>2E»«-a $7
lona ecbon^tricwona & J L ™ | eo con
i 7^^7^J7||_^^..I_7|1- / j ? J
femt ftte tunic turn mantm.
7% V

7 §t7_tjt i i t . AJW.7" '' l/ " "7^ it~~

(_7 U ftusnonconutrbabtntr qttta bommttsftrmabmanureittsc n?,
_.-y jf -
r 7 7
*fr- 7-j**, «KWif " - ' >^ V
torabtemtfereutr en cbmooat; ecfemen ettts mbmeotctxcmee

gif rtt metemtun router ttabttttr. i THouemttlart. Qlmet=6.

• -^ 7C Jtt
4 pUllf., 3 777>7>,;777.7"7
U. ftus in. palma funebto fimr cebuts labammuUtplt ca

@3 --
J j g 3 ,Jt
% »-/t W«y/«7 (t«^_ [jjfimMaA~+M.jl
^Zi| btturmbomobommtmamtsbomtts8#ho _777jt_Z • -777X.,
i ZZZ^- - _y ^ ' _7 _»ontt«ft_lth.o_itr
„_J_-V_ L A _ —
_ _.* ff_ ff * __.«__._

I fe _*v7 - p^«moaW" .• -

ecabtuttiitftusmbommoeo{p*m b t o m e o eolattbabun
turom nes ret n ^• 0(xaubtbso^ntu"tbe|)C^Qlmetr5. oftti
_^5^^_#Sft.. _/7777M.
aj tttrtttteutabommeletabmtr utfttts eofttper Cauttateut urn
si. ^ * +- — —-*.-_*_--_ _________
1 ^ ptttabttttebemmterbeftbenum a m m e euts mbttt ft* e t. #
fEEr-— *E^~^^^
^7/ ' " ^ y f y tetnwie,
JRmpimeutfti ettmmbttbebtbjbulcebmts. (flmetij. a fttaum. r-4»
!,. e5*"
J^otewfttmete^ aUetiup
^ " ^ v jt""*") ^ X ^ %
neoperanatmtmtqtumtemaneltn^aane [ttbttBOpfttCU.

cum'. ' •
is -

o vabeftooneftip. qgpba cfs of)5b,s.O¥lJetetetclta.o7;tXottttOsnoT

It: _L_ V .-V - • iL^L%£diz%A ;
tttro . mmefttper ca oute * ?
TZFZXAt-- ZzZ^ptzTzz^
uts ano n a m beiaptbepietto r fo. ^•jBMfatsP
antmee ttts mbttt ftt e t eo uoUm -
ta M telabto n t m e utsuon^raubaftte tttn.^Rnbite.
• 7 - * - -IO-7.-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZJ&,
^hMK • viS


loea tttsitttstttrqtttnmerbo
_ _ _ * £ / r feq^
flse tuocupte nttuts.
mtuttm muutnba

' cv.3>oten8mtem.
^ 7
in .. .
ertr .femene utsgrmeffluoreflo
nmtbmebtcenit. (m„tmtc. )u ftusnonconrntbabttut

qutabo mtnusnr matmamtmetus. n^./0otabi &

«. a,
mtfeteutretcomobat et. femene uts tnbeti.


_poftt tfttbo ' mmefupercapute

tuscoio nambela ptbeptea 0C0.

t lu y&. . t,. jH.

g___f!E_E_5i^.,w.T' J M i ^ "
Xitfttts Utpalmaftotr btreoftmtce
"tttusmuittpltca buxtr. jfHe itu
1 5
^"y.7^,^0' ^ ^ ^ j - z
'jpa. * 5 •' fr.ji-feca bmtrtu ftttsmbo

__^^^*P*^ r
tmttoeofpetw uttmeo
eolaubabtm ntr om nes tefa coibe* , *^

pile ittpa. \znTTKjT?xM?ji\£ fancntsbtg-

^ 7;, 3AJteSto-----^
ne mmemon amttertmtrbommtmiqiuabgau

^utmttmt ftmange loutm. jffieltt tol.

_£ __—^ —. _.—11_(__#_^—_^—/—_
_fe%_vr______iv_r^-- — ^ A > , T : ' ^ ^ - A r
o.aM.'''....Tyx.-..fc-0ea. uts utrqmfttf
<____7 1
onem quomammmptobamsftte rir^capt
temptattonem -ft et
__%3 7
to'nfettTV Bnelin>a ^.^-^___v.<,

m s ittrqtuttmtt/
__: J-fl-. _ __•__ f71^8 T O "
»»»I-.*-_** a»- -»-»*%» • » >_»iv(|T_'%

__7 f"*-• ->-7 -7Jr--*-»Kt -

tts e ttts cupir^___ar
ntmts. _^KT ZZ™" '
tta ecbono
ITTHUEE Aiz ~ trcoiona -I— Jl u/ •• ....- -. ______(_..

^3. rfym& X ftteumbtte I

etojnftmuftie umfttpero peramanuura tuautm._
rr m
'gZ '^^^7L^ -noncontttrba
watixxy*. ^^=^^^!nmts
^_ < 7 m 7__xxzht^^
_£__ , ,.__?,
stir mm aa ^t mm aa nn uu ee uts.
tmnusftr uts.
efibt ttttm antmee msmbtttftiet'^n^efets__
<Z|. G- —.—T-i _ff-t_. 777_r a. - _,a7 *^#«r^777l^7_L777a
r ^ w ^ i r n r y ' g * zr_. p w */.-« / - . 7 — w £ ^ 7
etttolitmateiabtoYumettts nonnnitbaftierj.;
'tttt£inp.]& ttmmbenebtStone
:^3^z^^^x,Ej:izyiE &&fz
tiDfi bulce
a,A_I«*.-»___._-. < butts. ^. rpofutftt i__/
.-SLX__-_.- _^_>_rv.i____v. ftV
li t
-^m^ x^p^^^ 7-^.
canutems cotonam
^ I T N ^ . ^ j ^ j t f c <Rm9lmab'U-Jltftgranit.(hm,^iutos
'_** ~7 aubu.fom ptqtusttttltuemiepme.eun. _ttuV

nutrmteflta bo m t ne lembtutr tu ftus eofitperfaitttnie m

ttra ecultabtr uebemenrer befttemtm amine e ttiftttotuftt e ^

t^t^ofittfti.Ott%jlonfttebitntttrce It
gj . .*|t_\j 7 777 JV, ^ • • I. g j j 777?%/. 7 7--H
1 -
mtrabtlta tua bo m t ne eottetttatemtit a m m ectlefta

_—r- ' •—.- z'*-

ftmeto m m alle ltn>aane
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ofty ,0toua etbottctte^T^jaepleaftimtts manemtfencoi

'btant a eo erattattt mufeobelecta nftt mus al le

y_,.-___,_ jjt J7,W tteqwtcmbtcfd
^ ^ f o z z ^ T I U ^ tomseuangcltto
up^.c>ftt^yttftttStttpaimafto. mnatbalttpz. <ro.

)BLutttttitttenttepoft:meab uegetfemenpfttmettollatcntcem

ikamett^atttrme,Cb^oftuftt bommemcapueetuscoio
S j^w^^-.Tn^'. ^-iT^fe---
n a m beta pt S_4>, en ofo. Co jLjembtmrtuftusmbo mt n o

> eclprra btr m e o etiattbabtmttir omnes tecct cm beal

^\5^W. f77________
lelupa aKe lu ^a.Co'^tumtrtujrmm*uratmefequ
3 =::E
' etubte
gofttmtHtc ' et B^^^^^
et mtntftermetts
tutrmeus em.
^JX^^^^_ 7^-^-4
fttm tuns item ecttos paimttes qutmanecmmeetegom <

J btcftfttftumimultu alleluya au>uW.ajm 0) agna eftgloua.

J j k ^namaltutumattmsccvont- ^©msqttttcamnobts.eptftola.
i/ Ottuuspomtf$r.cpla©ommtsaams.ettauGOtmubattHc.ettanch"
,jb \f}omo qmbamhob th H natbah pluumo^txm/to tmiTamoftm.

I l^ttec mcon_pecumtobomtnegemtuts umipebmmtmtsftewu


@1 fe^^^^^^z^_____^_B^^^"
z^-Tttsnfcsfepm plttmmftmt e ommtunbtcafangttmemfantT^
^1TT^777A j ' < > J > ^--
.toi&ttt^ eft.£3§8umerutgetttes. Q i m z ^ o ^ u

|ilfe_^___^_____E^^^ .
••*** ijlamatimnrrtuftieobommus eraubmtr eos eoexomtttlg
®\\ *n*=a*a&tt&a^^
^^Mjlttd&MtrzlJ ' Z=^ #
J$ mbttlauontb3emttmitberabtte o8.^5l_Gnbtcaottm.5tmet?^.
jj.) 7 • T7 ft i»|. .. .7 '^Zzmk^X
Imte t. Dominumomne8fancneut6qmmmti beef,aiHSh,
f ~J 1tt,V~7T7 ">' - Z . 3 \ j f j 7 Tat 7m^ 7 7 t 7
metmtn ? umbmttese#tetttt eo eftute mtttmnttnentes ait
3= £?_
temDmnnonbenttentom mix. uo.tfri
aTJaT^ZZ^Z^TZaTjj^ * J%ftm,m ^X^ZZmmZ
-y jl. fe
___: ___43t___r
nna.^- ^tt^tbetts„bt_q>en.mtmtae.. Qlme*-ijofim

r Jl'lE
^/•7_.J^/. *(l -v _ • mmmJmZjtZ
»w:" X' y-jff y^^-m^p-
ttcleftanota atuteoutm uuiecmfmtUtmfetttU^^
^rr 47_rr7 > > -t..<c.^.- % ~
* *

-ttttsatuemutfhnmnabo tumoe._nocq_roeou_m eft.offii.

tfttf_-7____;'.i^i'-t p»1 3 mm mm j a _3t
inmnpjte7 ttt unitecto ' ra_-.^_noltenm_ut_ima._!meti-j.
~T>7-fry*-"* Hmr-rt
U- • • .• •
j—l—_s—i - - , ; — L _

batsju. «mimf»tpemum.f eimltatem&mofto.-tmetH.

____-U: 1
a n m mtirnnraebmebtcemeoj^amtcgm'tmbtctmrofutt.

He lupa. .V <90cultatemfttmbuo. 9(mei==3.

A -7
, z tttcetnbulacto nes utftwtun ecbebus omntb; u
o« ~mtmt.tomtitcttrteola ofla antrm ttmtm er bus nb confer?
7 77 ' " §EB * "'ZltTp;
lebtcambommummomnttenuxne- -Xmefcag..,
jrt 777/t ^/c J7 ,m ^ rffl_jv1 j W

i^ermeosqtuconuemmmrab tpfttm. l3nb)nftt.Qlmt

zomit bomtmftiperutr.entes ettm fperanrefmmtfem -

^btaeittfalle itt^aittetis. tat amoiteantmaseo mm quoma*

aottttxweo^tecfenoftereifcallktt^ lupa. etntltfu/XnT.

Opsftfs. ^fequtnos.z aoncebeqsotfs. - ia.
pdp?rf.eem.^ ;yttfto^a.cpzIufttaud.z ;Rememcj#cp7^

Wbmoftts be ^tts infant tts mtrabt itsmma

ate pibbtgtk. " ^ f e s ^ ^ j S e ^
Y*L^ ^£t
»mM? mmeglctfftcata eft mturttt
faff, 7 rfl
* / » * > • •

marntsm acontt. ' »j. » .

" — . .... j_ i,..«'i

• '< " ?__r
.cum. ^6alr-lUlatnattcr
C ^ " ^M^fl-M.'KM 7 ?.77- 7
mtntts jvattbuitt eos eoeeottmt b u s mbtilactqp
3—;——_ , ' ' : 2-—S—^.... .7—______—i ,
$0Htm liberatuteoSo _c^3Kpctaeabdf
SHsii.7-~ 77*fc
^yy^ mmusbitsqutmbula to fui#
ffcflte * to?
cot ber
0$S1l 7 ^ l # ! t R A J?
etbumt lesfpm mfaitiabtt.
(^fc^STPtmete r r

Imnmttm omnes fanfo ems quontamntebtlbeett?

tembftm nonbeftu ehtotti tubono

urn amine' % m a n u b e tfimtl

er non ran gectllos tfemenmmmaittte. ofc

THtftftmr * 7 ff^77 - outltsmftpteuutimni^r 1

tUt att tern ftmtmpa ce. (foaoale.

^=gs& frS^l.,,TTwrto^gB5Jt
Leultabuntfanc ttth <rto « a feodum tor jfit
fo- > evA^-r* \^'%X
mbtttb?ftus. ^.Ofamatcto tnmo
can umm no uumlanse uts metdc -

t3»fe^^g^iri: • • 7 •• ywrHnt j j I
fia famfettm.^imk(Mmbttttommc fanguutf

can&mun mo mm qnteffttfttseftz rfc.

*^olWmtmo«altafento^mo2inn acas

itbtts celt car nesfanttontmmoHim

tsteme. (maoale.r^ c ce qin bonumecqth toutnbttm

e-, r^~t
te frames nut num. nksnmtunguemum
- •


ntcaptte quoobcfcen bttfhVar

e r^n*ii%X^ •r^ ;^
ftambariwimaawm. 7
W^yy*' JJJU~+J-
*-*-Jl ~&* :&
mmustenebtfitoneOTetuttatqufijptn fetulum.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^m m e6be
r£. Bantft tu t bo

uebtceurecglotiam teg- mtmbtffnt7:

fliteltt ^>a. ~ ... ... ^gfamfttu tbommefloiebuo

^7*f fc^yg-yWlT*^ j ^7.'7JJ
ficuetttutmeoCiatoo fcnbaimmte n m o a n w te.

7 lima. F^M^n-ir^
7^jt ji r7^J'7
Sr.gfanch eo tuftt
f*-* JI.C7 7*7 -^—
mbonunogattbe beus mberebtta

z ^XX7C^3%. utca' nontserfalu

-~1 ns
7- =7-*- ^i/tW11
mtabema cults tufto m m .
[He lu' y&.
» ' • •

ttrtterutd^ 5 T W iv

turmle tt eta. ^ 7Jfitc

5ks$fe&N& —————' _ _ __________—__


. ttofam^^moiumetoebticeotl 7 uoStlt

f 'vj * }>•&

g ts. Tile
e luva.
ittpa. ^..{..T!

JJaubice i pu robommttm thttba tenomencotm

dnpa <7^0(on6ttebtj

leltmtmbtitam a tomtneeo- entmuetttatem

— 1 _j y J.
i l ; ... -j^U--
—*• - - •—.-•' v- -

^eptttim btmtfau&mgloita
—.— __.
iecabtmmr mtftbtltb*
. ! -r— 1 • —i
fins* jfez
_, . - -—ff—
ttri>a. jfifvjjemmmtmbommo et^culta te
*Z . _—__
. j ;• t . •- -- ~

-= " T
. • i ^ •-•••• • < — i • — *••

taftt eo gloitathmt o m nes tvcfc cmbe*

pe lu ya. '*' 7' X

' WVJt » 3~ — \L
ran'btbatttslau batercer a m s b o mtne;\3mct

Z.^ hx6§/m &mt nant m lammts th gatt bto metent:

^ ©(antes tbatmeofle batttmttcentes

fe mtnaftta. ^XXententes autem ttement

metttltacto ne pommtefmam pttlosfuos.

I C itliiHiMi ^^totansttfc. ;i Uitensmtbas. 5'
njy •fPV—^^^C(ftp^eqitmt.eaupomtemcoi.aidefcett
C bms.vfoiattaubtet&e; flttenbttettf*
55 . _ » « aaJ aaaa am a. +*J -. * Am,

. 7 ^ -
x •

c#nt ttfftttfrfr&tfrfrael tpftrbabtt turttTlceiite^-

ttjubtnemplebufu ebenebtc tiifbe t&oJT

XZ»A~AmA+^ At
ton a bun ntrmteom nef qtttbtU gttfttnomen
ZJTT^ZJZEIEX^^EE^^ :hi jp7' ''V t
mumquomammbommebenebtcef ut fto'trnntticutfcu

to boneuolttntamf tu Vwonafttno6.cH%jtJ( leca mtnt

^ T i W f j t / A ^ T A M , .rt^if 177^47 77 > ^ J^ A T '
jommo et ^eulca te ut ut ec gfotamtm omnes

rem coi b^o%j^tlrabuntfannH mglo tta

^ V T Z ^ f 7 7 ff 7 J7fc^.
letabunmr mmlultbttffu ts gmltauonecbe tmfattr
i~ M V I ^gZZbfity.eXonntebtm^T"" t. 7M7bt^
ctbttf e o nftn. oft^.iyeprect.oomigattbetefu ftt

mtomtno atteltmap?t tosbe ceccollaubau oalle

a f ' • '•;;"

ttt^a'.co. U/mtftubo lanpenctum ecquttt|rabautttr
^ 7 :j^^f=^mj
afpmttbttsmmtm btsttemetantabe isnrX^p
. . . i 'Tin iiii'nfMi.'- • - "TlUMftytoMuMf J
. :

JEXXXZ '7TZZZ~rirj"j",> ,-y, ^

^ foffi Metfa^^^ v

iDgt^^ggg^ggm^g^S^gn^i^ i^ffltttesfanc

tmumta^tiMbftus tee teiyimbttmmagmmbmemlna^u

^^/^^ *»^ >t^ /t 3C^7 *. •<• ?,
imipoffibett it o$moitepttnttt«^atttmem
- 77 _ — -jr-J- .Jgf
l It*, „ j 7 • • Jla . / ft ,. . J T ^ F
manubaftmt ecnonrangwltos toffltenttupmalttt etttfl
c<c 7
-'- 4-> *Wf1. j*7fr=
ftttttomUsmfiptmmtmmwuniaittfefttmm^acK com*
73fc: €
i^fe^g,, )t.^,;, T a ^^
Jl$o nos elegtbemunbo ttr ea tts etffttmwn aftemus eofhtc'
\ ~~ if... IT T • & «* 7c ^ /ti C
• 7, (t 2 A ( Pip- - g 7 • ~ ^±=:
pairtfumbtttsthnptatttiftl tostanquamaummmfbrnace
mobatttte osetquaftbolocatiftaaccepmti tbs.<Ed.ffmma"

noftmftmtpafrerettpta efttela

p ^ § fSf /i p * -~i * ^zzxEE
fmen btco ttobts qttob xxwCyc mtmmts mets:feis mtcbt
ztt __^ .
3 4L_*L iT3ir t±^z£XZlzS^
S ^A,
utret bommtts
m u m s teftamemttmpactf#
«§mm -~.~~±

J^Z-Z7±777$ 77-^—*7 77—ft-
7 • " • 7 'imtrjL
tnpem^tommuruttHtfacetjoatbtgmtasm e E
fTZaTjat m H^ZTTTZAw~~-^~-^-~-_~~-_
^m.^ffltfettcoibtasbomtm. ^me^g. ofittmqs
^m^otestwbommemoitantntftttt amepfan&tu
rctttmttt ttmnonattettas^cti
|i mtltmtpiopcerbatub fettttttm
ut t^^emenmbfte^t^.f(m^g,(&aaum»

U^7^7*^U-- omuoi
3Sttbatea- w um. ^®mSbt^3^e^f^<|n
busftt'tspimtr m 0 \=01oneftmuentus

ftmtUstllt 7 •: - qtuconfmta
legemtrcelft wkmtie* ftt-taint" bomm
^W -:
cotton- pemtsbtte urn tuts

iDosmeter ntmt
i ^f^yu
fmtribttmoittt nemmekbtf(
-at at -at
WV,^ J7^
^^^^.j^ntbommtisbomtno the

ue abprtctsmets. <&dm
TLn.^7^3% ; -&*** t IT£
r"1 •• •* '-': '

mftautbftrattmme:• j 7 ttfn g t e o & n c m t m e S m_7

«i 1
fontt mev j^ij> oaatjietltabttit^mm.eiiii^^. 4
* •

m e ttmconftntabite tun. <=^SI Itditlpioft
ttbtlp*ofta ct e©

tmt ctts m e o etft^lutsmtotitta'


us non' -<w^ocebtte ' ttim^Sfl

^ L" > X^XXx^zzm.
^ — f vft. J fHzzZt:-
jgjomme pmendheitmmbmebtttumtbti6bulc«btml$D;

flu ftim caput emf cwonambflapt btyteno fi>,

t:z^fii7tt„7TtiS" •> ** w TJsht 7X(,
.y<— >7 7 //Try ' Zff^Z^J[~^zzj37w*l
cviattam pmtteotttbutftte tlon&Kt ' •

^^g^rf*^^ Az
!ueuij?a. ^•r.M. —<JLtt Out
tuna bttftmtltlt ttmerftee v v

fit .:• *A .»» ^syapg^

' btrmeccr nttm antetmumum. ' JJUelttpa,

tm^-tf ur nt ba ttt&fte ttummt

ttmole o fanSome otm*i e ttm. j m e ittm
ftS^nfc^ i^^^=^*Ex 3E
.-jvm?*^Aratutmmtxm^ uttetttn
•*_ ii'—a_ _
*=- ' _ 7 # — ; • 7 • "-J-mm Jl* L
ftoiaglo titmbtttt e urn.
^^J&t^ofttT5 tsftametT

tttmelectt&me -*.**<*

tub fecuumme ttm.A m

t sTTt 7 " ' 3" XI
eunixttetetttgrt; offtf


e ttts.oftte 1ftttembatttbfmtttm mettm ecm oleo fautfo .

zzzXLLh ! _ n V^M/L/^XZ
ttntiettmmanusetumme aatjrtltabttttre tectoacbt •••

OLJ. yL^rm-' '• •"••—A " v-

timmettmconfbtta btc wm.<romlgotmne<tumff talen;
f^__J_^AXli^44=* " B g J\XX~7
ta«abtbt(hmt^>tetteahaqutn^fttpettttcttttus fttmeugg
^E^sft^±T*. J • | g J ^Jt^±-fz^
turn bo mtnf m t^CbSGwtas
Cer tuts quern cum ttenettt bo mmtts mtienettrttigtlamem a m
. ;'

tjZT^T^^-^+Z^jzzjiZjL ~jkz:
roieouSbtstttper ommafena fua conftttuet/ etmtcowlbijdts

ftttmseoimtbms quern cot^tmttbgmti

t _ (xmFcDfcoefcr.
amtrctectuts m tempoie m ttn menfuram. o % ^ « ^
^^s^Cffittl,3S^mtfabtus et7W0aS.O8ittm.022.
gtttofto.(m0 > gqntbm.^. ^ttft^coiftt.^Ostttfti^^rb?tC

tufa. c^pofcn aoutto ttum fttar

jkg „ ., ^ fa >* V ^zzz: IMeft^f
eletatmbeplebeme a. r f,
Tt/ etmlTemoacce;
7 rottlu.<&ftetc^?.m -1
>j LIT? —:
jBefibemtmanmteeuts mbtttftt et ajoratneecttoUmtate
^^ v z,X
| lSbtwttm e uts n o n f f i u b a ^
Sll ^^^zzzzmZ
J t^smam'br
netto laptb^psecto
. fo.c^eiteoffidttm.
„ emfmbttant ftaumteeofantt^emseitflSS7
t¥-n-jLZTiz- L^piEEz^xj op&S qiilttof^.
^11 mm»~- .-_ — <»« , J»«. .u«d£
%|1 ^Xknnte&bmtt.Qk
acmSotesiT tusrabuantfa tttta tr
7 .J^V'P^m J^'^i"
co fanfttems entltacto / nrgtdmbtnH). <5*=

Huttnobttcamommba ttto para ut
x B nam Jty ftome


M l g e w lAtttDiitftto/
immnumetr ranquamfcm
tsmquamttm tuiema^
'fc J3K:-a.tJtmm «1l770Ja

tobtf mtietttmeter^ ~^ 7^~

iefttangelutm. 0m©lumbuteftnptecm&. fctaugta.

i ttolhmtenameoo^ttetniqttttaeemptopteteat^r
"i r Vt>' \ _ -J i^g. —
tttebettsbettstuusoieoieuae piettmfoitt
WZ737a7 sft: SS
^eps 35E .tiit.- •»••

oquebarbetefttmonusttt tsmconfpetfuregttm<$>fltn.

eonon cotrftmb^arcrmcbttabartnmanbatis tu tsqttebttcti

• c£z
m &v l'_"i.f
S3:z\ m
ttfmts i rf'v33eantnmanilanmtua. 2lmet^. ©fftcutm.

\ cgnoutbomme q m a eqtutas ttibtaa tu aerrattcn

7 ! l i
^7^ %i.^ ^^
g E tare tua bumtuaftr meconftgrnmoietttoc^mefme
-T-J". f.M.JijifX,fmXJ1" 'L'WHib
i asamanbatts ttus notFSepel Tas.ffrflftmmatttlau.flmeH.

1 LrT^e^qjciFlatierftt' peccatoies tttpettetmtmecefttraomaoffm.

tua bomme mtellm onmtfconfumauonis uibtftnem latu

^ manbammtittunnmttsi&^eattmmamlatt.
III K l U l l O ' l ' ^ I C / v U M m i i w iQtmet=g*
m i v M * ' * v » » v * r-i»
nlflutf.tittat&jsiuattt utfti ctamec
^^Hi^ti^^ :
obtfttmtqttttatcm. rfcjproptetea
»afrgs ^^g&sg *m3
us'beustmtfoleo ^ lectew. W n t e S r S S p m e t u a

ptticntu *bt n e tti ayttenbgr ^p?o

' ••' • t
na* rvzwtopteritema
¥^"> ~ fj-^^^X-Xz-
cem ecjyqanftiembpiem

vi/una a a m eooeottcec.. temtmut

liter bptctam a. (rumk^^tfaeft^cta

mlabttsm ts p*optetea bmebmttebe u?

1^^^-^^^-TC— T wym#zx m
- ^ ^ ^ m -J v f - j — - : oftibt
m e oernum.^rptppiDerttettta tem.filtau

P^Z^J^ff)tit j /^jp
TTtle tupa g v e muioientmubf
btt emttlacto ne oefponbt uos am tu no ttttgmem fer
A jj |

tam^m z te^cptfto. flMuya. / V" .

JTI foXXe uteUecame a

temttyto n a m metttn quia coucttpt vu&mc* v

jgctemttiam. 7 yflleia^a, ^^~^~^=^^

<S^jettettt aecputatttbmetu amtenbe

-%• •
He Utjril r>&l&$ttto

eftgra natnlabttstu tspsopteteabenebpr

tttebe us meter num.
^^^GTflten r ^-Z7Zfe -J
I win va. '" • 7 " rv.fteceftitttgofapm

q u a m bo mt mtStugtUn tern m ite


mt. //H* lupa.

EJoque bar be tcfttmomts m ts m confpet ^ta;

trgimt etnouamftmbe •^m#5»&m

EftjM* J 7^^S7.?NjN7i/,iI^~ •

M r T>o mtne. n>mz "&a&u$k

tflufttfeft- gntcta mlabusttus

IB"^ ,

f>.... z^zgjg^ji 77 ,;7 r%

pioptetea beuebjttt re ^ iiftttecetntm. rfyfj) pectetxr
•mzfzrz-FtzrzZ P^vX^^I^
aecpttlttxtubmtta a nttenbeptofpere y?p

cefoecteg' ua.rfoptopter 1lv ttertf

^\7y ){ - - atf-Km at « S ^ J j . ) ^ ^
ta rem ec m a n f u e m b m e m et utftt n a m

dbfcbucec temtrabtitter^roemm a.nJulttbtfllta

Vy^n^ ,-Kir..,... . ^
- .:••••.•:.•• ec tu be eotnttma attttmttt r
dth ^ qftutconcnptutc tjt fpr uemm

ant. ritts.offtjtAEWktenntt regt ttttjmes

pofteamw^r tmer ittsoftwen tut not. ©ffljt.

Vj"**m**lfiim} t* f ^' <t "; <l 7777777.7^t^ fe:
Itt regum mbonoiettio aftttcc tegt naabpt
m sttttsmueftttube aura to nitttmba tauaneta

te.ofl^©^etemttrttgiuttgmefpiypmz ems oflfe

mmtrttbtmlectaa eoecttltanoneabbucemur mtempltl


trot'bo mtno.comj&tfihfacftsmna'ralabusm ts
J.J«gatmX m .
»- * y 0 3** • - ^ 7 * f/j^V- "* / z >fc''Vr * y
*" * W T j
J$ mnleeft tegnttm celontm bomim neronatrot qttetetmbD
a9%- • a,fo*Cm3 m m m t M It T " * J* -
~M V f "^ ^ a 7 " 1 7 ?
naf margatttas muentatmapteuofamaigantabcburomm -f
.7^z g|gi.<n3- jteu tttbtttttm ect'uftmam bomvv%
aftta etcompatntttteam
5Eg 7 7 (t7>7 7 » ..». H t r ^ H t r ^ g i
nenon calutnpntanttir mtcbifttpwbtao omtttjfmanbatatu-
a "bmgebar omnemutamtraqmumfobtofyabttt. flfrguttncft
Vz^Ef -j A^^rSl I l^fj 7 «* • Jhl-.1
tmtbmtef uttgmcs accepwtttrotettmmttaftsfttts cttmlampafrt

"bjtnebta autemno&ecfamoz&rtttseft etteCiponfttsttcmt^we'

obutan^ptfto bomt no.<BJi ^tmttpgsperfeumfttntmegm^ m

V . Xt Mt'T^J 7 >tft 7 7.7. ,77,.'-'^
tts ecatterbtsm tsfomtbattttcotmettm leeabotegofttfcreto/
quia uta ftctttqtttmuemt fyotta utttlta conuiptuttammamta!
* =
-T± h 7 ^fi,\
teftimoutamabommectbtljnte auebemen ter. So.jLottftmba


tmmbatts utts^xa^botmuu^ft^c^aSuSitstitnon
xebotmuttsuifttftcaaombttstttuon atttnoan
(/ ^ uahmfvtttfuoutmy.oflth. ©tlfn(h.o^. Ofcsfti$.cp. Ebutg&tf
ep ^apla.ofj (MutteJjwfettyfcOffid Ot<Rim.ctni^tUe^ce.tece.
IS \Z-X -*-A-
h^-AiJLiVP *'mf* " 7 ' ^ - . a f t
PCrf. 7 s-.m.jajiji.riJTi^,.77* ••*#=-
ngtuttgnusprfbeampj^rtmeetusaibttcentttfabttnleaaa eo
f J) t ' 7 " • 7 . t t t J7^7tt^^ 6 3^ l t ^ c P K 'X>euit8i»nk
^ntltauont^ 6ltti«au«i.amet^. t»ts.#€Jftii«biracfim<h<»i.

uiebfta. o>. (Xbbttcen

turngtuugmestoib cam ptgrtmcetusati&ucsn

| * tutubtmlett ct a. rflle
W '' VyE* A.> 7 /t ' 7>

«a a ^ k A A A ai .•* ^» - *• — a a ^ al^ a an^^^ ~

it.33 2
uaflsftusmmlam statu?

:^X^ | nofteclamoa ^acteeft eccefymutm^

r^v/t (Bin piUftt-fooff&t
^ f
o a
V z ± Oflhet^cfe^aiupp^ ;
g ^ ^ ^ e o b utattyeptfto bo mtno

qtumiecematnbona bomtneeclmcj»tp?tttalu^ I
7_ m.d3flolumW.pfi.
tear o^e ts. jmtpnus. ^met^^teftit^tc. G&
jA^equtem eter n a m b m a e ts bo mute eciurpape^

uta lu cearets.i n n +to. [ywwwi V -iZ^rtrmr
W\ **»»
Ul9 ».l IIU uatvvu>.
lit •cvar. tc.:-'
fof ft . Ife T ^ l t ^ y ^
^htmmbo msbemozen

uircofemmeo ' ntm bete

> » ^u«i^_*zi
> - C^g^ambulem.ticqtutefabl?oi5aeomce

S''J sag j* r'L yYe^^gtuurcenttts.ugqttttrm vtgtitq
mtet^cr ram. pafcbe/lSi6^funbts.necHtitembScl#
wtefterratz kJ • •». iW - • :*

• $^t^.eune(gompa.euagliba.b'U^tfi^~3-f-
m ^jnrmarcba. ounOmneqtftottefm \ t 7 ^tF"
iQi/.i ITI?I ftitli. jiu* j*~ ""L^/n * ofl^>
i» .. ^otntnetljeu^ptfte^t

im iibanammasomtutmt^b^tmibefimdmumbemamt

>Tih7mr^trTNA7cJyi»T.t«a^vv5^>irt.^^Tyv^-.*„_^.if. * * . : "
'< ~

i ] :
f 7 i Jfl
- •' * 1 ' j 1
jL *rt_AJEEE-tt
— > u ^ ^ - - ^ i ^ *-'
z z z z z _P r z z
mstmtbatiltepiefenteoe asmlttcemfandHim {tuamoltmju
73ZizXz$77dE F 7< J >zzEpdr.iuenfcatted
jSbepionuumeofe mini e ms.mmamta.

JT^ofttas etptetesttbtbomme oftenmits. 'taiifuuiprpio am

j g - f r ^ — ' j * < i ' '3 < *--*-aTjrr*t-*-

mab*tUts quammbobtememouamagtmusfiaceasbommebe
-ft*i*7. T_j~^^tf=^
ar..7.ZJI7f^___^L_X4 3fcfc^:.--
t r - : , 7 • 7^4 T fSofhJUtpr etetnaluteac
etsbommecumfan&8tm8metemtttmvuaptu8 esr\5\eqtu

t ecemambouaetsbnume eoitptpHpmtaluceao ets. d^disx
feqtto^memoua coiptts^tfumtturbonaeisbotmneteamr
%^-L, \T^'"''l :X- j
tmCempttemam.'v w^rpctpmtaUiccatetsrpmquc^me
7 7
&"' -^ g7rr7?7Jjt^:,
A» ^ ^ j V - "** V £_ ^^ ^ -flf*» - ^ ^ J&a^a^aaim St*--«*l^/*
1 *

7 _ ;t/C
#7. ^
K 3 -j* l^lf.3 it^ 77r777~ JniJ«»nwra«p.
3'/'\^*ZI -*" '—— *
Si.7^7 ptnmsbommtitplattrojbmttemutnn tmtflramoflin.

e$l eata aens anus eftbotmmtsbeuseo m m po

: >7> ^ Itar7 - ^
z tele
mnsquemele gttbo mtnttf m bctw temfibt.*

r tt^"jT^^
i ^tXerbobo
vixeroooo mtnt
*mmm *ce ttntmaa

fttnrerfpttmtons otn ^ mfuittuseo

nun Jrne ittpa. . •pJrnrjHrtAe- mfaidfa
fryfillet 1**1hi 1
fyx troistepiemgpcDabafibettitmertutamo
fkmJL^ lilt lVEmJ^n,ftl<imt ^
Ftezr^y—rJJLjL) ffi^iii«tmeffij_l.?A
mcittgnemac cente. fettno.oftWjlonftmiaboc txtts qtf

opera tusesmnobts
•ft atemplom oquobeft- mteutfatemu
tjyt^^,. 77, 4 «^4tKt « ,fNr~Ty~~y
£ § S E * An^^7-jt/cr^ffej
b i & f a m o t r g e s m u n c t a ane iuj>a
* /'

& I pemebecflofomisabiiemetttts fptttttts uebttnetmsitbterattp

: ftbmtes alletu^a ecreplenfftootfts^uftolotuientefmasnaUa

osau cemgtonari jmiflVfo^/oetaMi^attelt^

opomom micebomtmnoftntbefttrptftim quo eftfalitsmta
^ J^rfW ,7,M •-!- 1*11*0***^:
eoteftu^onoihaperqttatttfal^^tbetTOfttmttS. fc
C/lj 7TjU.^°F^ t t m ^i-^r J-~

btsobe btmsuf^aomottemmwttmattcem emits,

.. • rT^77zte^ f /

s,>fi'Xifiin^7 ._ v >frnte3
eotoSbtttllt nomen q^eftfuperomnenomw.
tfftelu in, ^^^n^^utceUgnumbulces da.

nos -puluafet^isttm beta qittfolaftufttbtgttafuftme

~^fl l* 1 fl "* l0 ^A^gSyfr fenftbrf
ttt&gemrar m m etbomt num. te».<m^

mlmM 'am* 0 •• • • > H " • •'HM.'I^I

777.^*V E * 1 £-**•— r' —•-£.

totkebomtue plebemniamiprfw ;
numfanc i
*. V — " '•—~- - ' : — — j t " — ^ —

te cruets ab out mbttC mCibt ts mimtcoiumbm

£ jm+ 3k
~2 •• .

i i p jM^zJJL ufttsffcr
,.utmfcti? b T g r a t a m ^ b i o g a

tuttttem eoaccepta bile nbtfiatrfa twfi en in nof tram

y-—-— ~ <| i _g-*
IfTJ^t 71' "1X^1-*
er lignum femtfi^t(Umu#;
C- •^ *

fantfam mtcem itbeta %fttmtts-fttufrisarbons fefrtjrtfrttbs

_s fJ|»

fUtusbettebetmtnos aHe lit^a,


A .>

tclciKUHftmmftwcatu tate men6 mtcawfttD non enitefaim itegi^ftm

« " " Z - ^r1--
-t= JEt -T-i
tttetttfewc mwtiti m a :£*
ttcm Timiicrft gmte ^ c*r t i*U/l3
^ w n c m t 6Vz.fl^W
1 ^ j ^ V - ^ r ^ u a p n . ^ 4*witicmt?,tf#
tuae tttfetcTttonfttti mwtru cfcferoitae tua* etoce tuc* l o^fofl^L .<ett)orjjt»nr ont^
»tuft»«u A ««c jaffiotue ife.6 . aDmuOa tet&ftHj) tf atoicutti i»^»!M$w»$
/teauonfmofmtffa. o*. <epatti& Dfouie te>tnateJl£tte8 ^ S ^ - ^ J J S T ? 1 i?.'r-4tvvwA

c. 00inv u ivwrURTID. |mmr\o ADrow*uwgMH^HTmuw»cum>i>wr nuirow w v»^

|7Xftfi one o^fjcait^urnf) uttmKtftfv*?teoHijft»._tf..tftnatttit age trtttftt|_
jp.tfft&ji a&ueu^wt^tyc jafifj Cuqtt wDicfo~oTtmOii rqajTi^ttefitojjtf« ^
tpntturfctttiief&tocante ttufla imr. } n ^ c ? t ; i r m & a T w / ^ a p ( a f tity, 0 * t M |
W> afcmc titildutaftdj;fDiUmg&U? autlftfitfiMTfcforaDrntfiS.^oftaf ottofi& «J*
«..-r.^.......^.."^ .,v.-..._i;y^r, A*.... ^ - .JUST A . < M W .MIIIA fifhuir rri^tumtt ahtnttf

J»V *|ji>-J»W' BU">) W/UJH-"* uveirvi)*'!* • »»•»») » » » v 7 H*vv,i -».»-~~-rnr T ~ :—rTT-— —_

wf>(uwtt(air cifco^C«fiet»te^4i4aic(K».^m6a0Cta / ^ttodrmatt^te^^H^iuiDai.
titfife(wc «rf dK (ivaft 0* mtfla.^fto# i& otf cpfyc *% ao myut imu^flur tfomi«
iu>6&. tfjfteolfcf fi»fteCftto^J|^ :
i|>eutf anuo. ')• j#r»fr rc^i*&»^»ji$f&j 8tt*£Svt^^a^ttiflateicnutto rnilpi j
amto i > ? ^ r ^ i H c t X f » F ^ 1 ^ 0 ^ * ^ ^ W6^-^^ tt(iam^ConoeDtittO?F.'ia|
S^jfiw.^^ftcte^oi^tf-ff $>|Hte<^#Cu$aipio. ffer tj£uie * & * # # £ & $
ttmtfrtbtncufof ao «wit& aiitnflJC.te tauiuo Diu iUcfulfo^ t^t ffcOicfft* $tfteu*s£
4 < S M u m g o^fiqj. ^te^*r»COiwteMol^t^ ; tei«MiS ^Cffctteqq>tftut4ti^ir
vvv^&& «*o*<i*toL'fi>^WESt5r.^Pfti« anut) it ferial' ov^abafittttUia
nfceuf ^ ^ w£*&f& pcl«»^itw:&twenDC;(Kr, ^UI6QJJ ww. uf teoTb^ftis o^&i
^nittJc q. d 6*'tt^ m^,..-liSe. . • ^ o w $ m j % ap |Ou«i^lb tftrtje* wifetij It fittc»»[±

j?f/9 ~/V7. pTT^t

KT&otb^iuiov- Cmiccte tuo.lAit«ti w^urai&tt Av&dirifttf < £ & $ £ &
* *^cw6fljuo.,vdntt)fttttieit olufflff wtoele mfiR#t:^iiltfifStjilitif-Sr'
fiatf m eteftotajittdcone 4 t^ftfU^ turfifr nfteteffeteoft? (ab ^ j w c
fro^ccCft jf marfrniamfiattriem £tt*t6 teCcD^w^tlpio temte^hej^efctt^
jbttTcteolb?.<£Ui T^oTttttfl*a.£alii6aiTi vV. |£oe ante, tilr ffov cnftte£rtt.mcfceS>> £
fe^tmtCtfal'cigt-g^yitlfooytamrttiatefail epl'a tafufatttffiuteisfrtattH» tt,
fimagmXfttau:(liOiarjjmctmlrfiafrtefl^tftjlfl ?»• , , *mT*X$J£.
e^laiuftottatlcgate^Va m\n0#ito < W W , M P 1 U - ~ r Z . Z. __ __T__i_4|^'
Swmfttmfortityugt^mt^totu aiimtliortttllll^caio gilt IcaUtftutt^H^OHr
ij4 z ^ C *« • • • • « • « 1^1
T_5^ Kfe^^ocngeiqitialww.
'; _ = = i r o f«foe ctfiaoo
t f t p cter .Co| jtuptto^irgcit.
| f [ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ " 7fmtat?
7 A ' . ,miJ I # -
\ jfl ^ ? m O n m m u DroitflitU*uiiiJ totum mitw. 7 Wl \ <iirtuo yftuc^ljctc. hi
^-7 [|ff.
U # # .__a"I
am _ - _a _* J—• _.•••^THH
_ _. WW _ ' _
a *-' ^_. _M ^ __.__ - * - • * - » -

Oicb;aU67onimecft- one ao arfja^ dtte6. peteftbiiujw!a D tloteotuo f.yfiut

v.. m&
BE3 1 * 3 "~^^ w r :, • • . •»_»
_a i. MSmaSamwa
vuco JfctmjOpmtuoftteefttuoteftoeeflfctjotm
CtflT £ -n m-m • m4 m
I tub, qw&molcfo efa6frttotueo. antvi^umtl etr mcl tomotet; ntt faafi mm.
- * •*- -^wOiOfi _ZL7______^z^or «" - '• *
tyattnuahTjft&gmtoftfl.waflifc* £&taftDi!fcoitipgjra*. f n ^ S itjfi Otto\m
W*frlJ L J L J ' ••• • M ; ^ n ep tcgit^uo ufn m ftmrtm$ fartamduwufac
I j o r — _7*z 7 ____abflltR»taopticlio uimUuttitjjtucot^dfj aD<?^T
m ! %i)iltru^mDuuiiimi.|mcu»ie©fifmlfitutaui)Cc^amtt^firmajna^^
rtj . 'Cliqy iteit^tat ^pCeifnu tatu on- uftj? ffiuc qtfjjtottlF
y ^ ^,tfbiueffn(^u atanto^e va^rt^ttrCmiCfoe i^ttc rtau DttanUS

q. e^cc^otttbjitfetMtotao
_i cttmftaOiJ$i:oiC|Hfc^e>ucbC(^'
ftqu\,g(^tmntt ttgjpp.fltmtitttar CDuuite^i&fi^,
^ i a s tttas teiuutc fi'iil 7totao far tut
gp nutae nt *_*ii

Cl f
*'' " * T^H'i1 ^ y ' ' ...n i •
Z.EX"i <c4ttena (audi eitugtlq fttfw.ajatfott
wr_ T7____Z__
7Zi%l < * T g g•^

|fltinmiqircfttlfr tcrofoluwg tpmiflfrtetltfagt ao tttontf otmefatttfrunfittD u o s

; (n m * m—*-m—jrW^111 q •, *,* ma «-M j—m-mU-m-a—•s—rZ~
n 1
—^mcozr:^ ' * 1 'n V;*
Otftvpnloe pirfectfr. tcm. Z>(auuafiho CamD; ImOirtue <\w;ucmt? uinptwue^
1Dw. getio. <Qfr mtiau cftts ^(ositftnoucs aftcnOut m rofoucfottifTah>jL
^1 j 1 .7 e f r ^ C ZZ-T-^a
M ^ ; M ^ ^ M ^

-' nv ' ' ' ^ ' <i ^ * ^l**1"maltocuHgr

h a m , ^fr. 0)oi'to.flDcpfrfts.Sjatttmoua. £ > a w o . foia. jhuty>cmote 0icRt?
^ = ^ - ^ . . » iltcm^ ^ , « M ^ Zbtr^octrifjanr
— y - " ' flhocv 1 V M 7o1mtTifa)t8»atuI
iV ,
j£ H * « 7 H » a , —.., . , ;, a cSeotemntwte^at cuTlr jv
mamcoittmo&ig. W | ajartfyft.n^tl)»ifoUnta
1 eet. Ita m m Jjny rt^
4: " ' E 'Mttlaaflaa M %$*$Xtt\t?
^ ^ « i <$w autnutf u b u u i tei$ cuftoonwr tUuO n gant*eim{f f<® wtuijjttfif.,
Zrr*5JiTr-J. ^V^T
_—: Z ~ "Z.7 . ~ ~ . r * Z - ^ % — :^— : M "r i" Hfl
• *J 11
_ ., .. ;

< , itlu^eto fcftumtofll C H E V • # ouMj.^3a»ubfajjtem.1 & tutiatt'flfe'Sftitj
_' ' ' ... J. ' ,r . . oyruinra ; - -i

<8tfiKa^a— '• • . "",',' • -r-n—vaii&uc^wDt" oirco^e

muhr—3— L^t)p(t n©lo Icgauttic tL
^ | 1 — 1 - ^ - — - 1 utr^amtr^octnoptoicgatimc

—^- , 1^ ,"',, —-' r ...1 ^ ....-;•—..^..^ .«,.,. -^^^

icoxm^meiL #tt tu ijoti OwQet.^^ueoiliffit tue. '^htt a

n t ^ # w teimmoi* a# Wn 7^m^^rt@iii^/

.Ajfrtotfyot^n— '- •, • . -•; • • • - Z T I Zfl~i «

jp.igic;. patiaitouiiwKiittmftfutojcMtcttmtiiiMulotumit ct; mmfiln

V-S ' F ^ '^-. 7 , * i , 7?5 : : 7^Z ! ,J Z
- putt cnmi ttjm s p mtilutmtenmtgemtff.<gj<amittc aamautt
, .^Mt,<r,-.- 1 -rtrr^".j^S
^onCafoatia.£?eitteteohmtetehtmmcteilucrtiteteouero.<Pemtu non fim
*^i-T^ri ^ ^ ^ j r f c ' ^ T ^ T ^ 7 :;. ^ -
^amCttofaumalew yuujj qtte" o w a fartafu^gm^ttniog frtmttms A^ter
; ^ ^ i z r ~ r y ^ 1 IJL-^, _._^_.t.:^^_.;_..._Xg-^:^Z^-
^u^^^HttetuteCcenOttitetths. ^ m c a m a t u e e d r t c ^ m n m Ceo ct-mammi$t
g«e;tt)(mt6 fartugieft.<gmaftgH6 enfttu y uoWs fob"ytiao jjflato jajfocj efcte

Mlilntlej. gtrrefitrmw tcrna Otc CemuDfl Ctr^nims^aftetiott; tnelit Ceccfc ao

^ ^ ^ - ^ Z ^ P * - 1 "rSL R--7 ' t'"VV
r .""TVV
^ ** -•*;\V_i_r
.fe^ttmta^ig;<ictiimT Mettfume «$ al gfoua uiOtmtt iwioe ftmotfttoe.ciiri
J:W'. — — • — — — _ « _ — _ _ ____ _ _________ __ (
_ ._7_. „ ~ ' ;"."~~J —

Maa^^m^^^^fea ecdcfi*. cinmwp t»t^;

Z7Z177&zz7$Z!$4rJf^^ ^^j
"wwuiSriniii v f ^ S ^ ? 1 " " 4 B t m M ^ ^ ^tttUTafttitteScagr (taction

«MJWU- «ia*0 *^ti^C«m^ael:^-naa^u7 ^^ JS

H efroml tet m m an te ftt acm

it ^atttmlmo fentb^ mttero fbttc S u f e S S getti^ el

&A Vf- •
J^ct&tu tat(D'.6.poft:Um$teleiwal>Cor que c$»c R2rijorcfe^$eot€t&
|fiofmt^'nlis^tfy.^iifotefMfcc^ ...

Qt-fwlgctofritoej __$ ftuw uoegmattattiertt nounstotnP

= *
r> # uus»nqmbtutr aotmmbt lie te us pwepe w a e m t ^ l i t u n E
amis mt fan*. $ &oitmw3 u^utttt©^
_mz ^ , i 7 i ^ » M » »-»-»-H<% iv V i vlbtyactutfli
•1 •
mbutus e& ••". X cte
mthtnie ~ZZXX—i-^zz___
Mis f o m m m t i e t Jpmmt Z A iK\\m&$%M$
X A J LCc* fcimC.abfo
uii&rtaitfmfffoitij wte-'dx, ^ftitofols q$ajife & ^(e^Mftudkft&Ov :
&>&uobig qe jfeoti ttTptum tiaftjsuwOKtf oftmeg m littmiaiLTfcflfcte-"••

B^*zz 1*&

15? i*ffi Y \

.Me .ii|f ..HOSTS
**Xi »^«»«Ki._. i ...3 _^
m 7*
m flwt ^.ottitr tomtttuo fat tlUl dlUCtU *jgfrtfj*W
1 3=t? •i_Li_i X *


^nettt tegiuato uouacantttaocmu6 p u g
11 . « n
fcatrntua materrifcmrgo ranattfttwa. cnemo \\\c tictat femma ifla eft
W mto gtuteuCWu•rope-yarnsgcmoT fl^ftm1a/-;Mtttj^
=£=^ _i_M

I -*—a-^^—— -^-NFi
.gtouoftltiummia^mtriWLgfijr tcuafantnlfitito uatfeftmtmW {
W~. . a
I= — -. a-—= m'u _•• •
VT .*.

" - "• ,
• n '-xzqz^_ V
nttt btwat. trte onentelauttt nln cautaR:
s = ^ mtcs fatutt
tiaut^^flcwmta wtflms fffylcmntz
« * «^ X^ZLXTLZX*
gfaUic daiuauCD u o e a i M u a ^ citas mjfomo m u a
•^m.CVuca. \,^ato^toq. ;Hpj|fjVr.
CilcgaSftiiyitttytt; mqtetfclu •X- T - ^ T ^ g g y f r ^
cuttnftrmautt07 H M tmt_
;:^z£»tr?grJi_A^^ ft
• •

A w uou
= — —

(C teotiiateu©
cotumicbvUiy^ntafr m m a tens ^ u m r a t m t n ^

comtto (yon
iffl& «uta fifta (von
u.ComtU) lautaftba
lauta ftba tcmftkttL
• I»B
' —_Z ^ { ?* S ttiatofttfotq. aoohti t.pcr
>te*?Ji f ue utf CeuubtT^?ftttuato: untOt<• emmtfta aa uj OTia»te
% m t » 6 muirloiuitw fouibjftaDtmffa (ttbleaucnt* mlftiit'pmia^Hl aoolit
T&$fcittDf tttOni&tftti notffti&tf 6ntOfciTt^ofeu m c O m m m i c e teftrt^efcg
^eJ^iaite a0^f*nwttrfec#jtty/iu^ <#c*a?£$ute£ww I
a-nre lamiafc eeotfayrtc djo .")twt yjua1 aaoUn offin eOrti^Salc aa altar *mtuc off*
at c o ^ a h b ;ffiyott'aD loattwftmtoio. 6. aufco alfcat auMaypiatt-tErtrte
^ttuc tit m U h a t taKon f m a m t u abtutoe ^umltwtii teSfta«Jf tefat ab. 4
*itto f. &gtz cfttytsfcepctdcfoawt tyfe ite ttucfc yatu t i vaifyti qila^ Otto.
tthmneteC-ttUt^ irtcaAj^* $)teofailantefotiieOtotac* titaetefettfolftffi|M.ptt1>_.
at tt}ttr$ctfete4fte*fanial' cfif m n c b t o m (ftntftiMlfit* * e teccfte offiq^'ttftk
iiufti^loT dpmftt altar aottnu^caa. Otto, eejttteram qumiflctttiiiefe
fcmtfftp ab n o * aD tui^cotton oC&o| taya f-icafetettao ttytr a k a r m # w w *
^ a t t m W ^ t ^ ^ u i r a m q j ^ a i ^ a m v a f n r a tefett alt) c*alt^cmPtigpshZ
tjlaont tn&fttttettta % t £ emit tot aidnmblb ^te catmte |)ctmt*out^u»rtpf«
aott$t*flm eitft Df&tm (8* aaoltfc cfrpifcrottlTeuutf ^ W c ^ M t f t - fcaoolm D«o
atue awfeacm ydiratou^ f m a t u etmjt Icgmtie tcnck Dutcmw wflbltttotwauitij
ttwrnftwit^tetetxuttfanottr> tmfoHtfcibDiar\tefeitflDttlTep**? maxmii ablucSe
$ c ^ aDctuattto wiffi^frfta r aDu^
tmptattfl.aouo attottft (fo ftmtmo ftffnKehqmtt.g.ow sfffyfrimo
films tamo • efruobie
M jg jatuiSttn^ttKigjtjmuem
( ~-aD tfyttiMa m altntf atm
e aunt
a*1 uatuo cftr uobio et otejtatal otaaotmOiSofito*
iff *' * '^ ' ^ ^ * ^ ^ % ** A yii-j
ttouten cgts m a g m coufth t au$ctuo..yrcaqftttezfo m n
i f i C ^ ^ y i ^ M - ^ i ^ w . j |"l^fc ^cuotwatq; o^^utpteqfcope
utfl ttoutttuttauutabt
^tOn^tlllBl 1 1 1 ^

cefetutiftc&mstUu^tt uo

* - • • ' • -


luetic ntte g r o w *a(matc totumfi q m a b o b t t

H7t* ,ii: <a5tautioM)'

l|| euo etu bnuatut ty* •a
v£*cco. offtv tern tern
roumioucbimv jamia Ce tee m a teue frttwr a J t . i |
fzz_ 7p$cfaao. 7 -+-T j ^ ^---^v
*itu es.eslma
Com. 1 oUenucni ct#matmucttt6 efcuiwt
•i- '

<sEt*fcribtuiinu ia*cmc <3aia u mmi^fl>«H » P w n ? W o ^ y f c - t ^ r I

iiatoarf* ROtmro otfe yaiicrtiatiie „...._

fjk^li^ 'fM ft JL - J-V-7-i' • -SMS

<L J tw* te ug lofo»& l§% y vBftje

vka'JB " __ ,—_
ititetfruo hxi mftlw

a * \ ^ T——fhuitoeuiig- uioptat raattttt ct |

===== eft- a t<>7-V^z;ut
(totrto tvguc<5i6 tattc. ,cayu fctm/Cc
n PIC tytfc aoten lattmtww 1

> oc atmcutt commamt to utwue etttgwt twttia

J=5X ^ < - * - -Kyucftmo tomcat'
- . A S'l ^^HVV - *fti r ! * >> 1
ico te faia ueumtt? atmuu rrdute tcfti
^t^Z'. C(. '<5
^N_Etautf touutio, auumwautco. :*>sui$t
U^Aa^UnUq M . u ^ QiWti\W.m OK &1I9
^ & ^ .
-iboV.^ ot#<*<£*aumu.
<&ftmfln i^aoljuctealfitY\ uOicyaCrtjao ftuffa.oftn

jdJehifay»(uiiS fttyjct nte mauft mam^tUn^ un

infrlM 53E
B M facta eft faettoa
OP m a alleluia al' letoty^yr.&twime.yjiar
M M VV1*A___________,^1 ? ^
ft meeft to$nomfti ttte^ tu (ognoutltifefoonemeet ^ tefttmttiottftMtL

c4k--U I'M — <

mt»a* 7*

_ Uittgtmuusfago ^ g fat|^, tis CetS k m k X ^ m


-« 7' \'-<W7V
— •» : -^- - ja..
TV ' ' "
fc-^-__ 75 |fe:on ttCs trim gut, p i a n o s ua ftfr
[***-*__ a o u o s * t
**r£2 Moljmi.<tu jff%
ueuttttete.or /jftii

to amtaa mica ftnuuttt WtutaU) tomuulm -m tame

lz- T^fci
yjCdilam te 0 m c 0 qif bt u cu> Al ic ' itj^a,
* •

£^W^r* X r-S
atcr m cflcut nl c is ego Ccmaia cos auoe tcbifa mtdit attc
£ autem ab fxxteucm o no togo nttoUae cos teitit
a J W - V P L • „ 4 foS h "5•njc stemin
tot aicfoetot&ft'
fa& ftitt n « L c o s ajualo atldiri'a allc
ialo attcntfa allc n $ a i.atifmem
tui>ai a ^ u m jitt etfUivmJE

Lloali#djiJamutCCui)igtJMit: aacmt Car ao altai1 oi inacfcfljOtag

tctle nu(& altar f Colem auamrnfttr mgr yafcfj) cofeftume tatio & M
" Jtnu^legar o&te aoiguioulK gtoms tCfyrtttf aogb' rtjabGntufc
.^jtamttEVtoft oKn$>i!6 wnifctjtmrti.^eufl.o*£)$ d tatfhc
[TAmjmi movfC6.ut$T tug1 yaWi/CrST* Alttcute ceUl. tYciDig- yaftK
> $ Our a d\b altnatf yjf u M i * 06 o^ 6fitutoant 6i< 5>tTs uob. Ot
ta^euJt 0iZD6 a m ®^ijccct K ? nn^yaffijtoHtp
mcafac.ot^cu6 ((utuo&.Tc my. aUtbi ttrt.^OclqittUOb. T^Jco^
^Itfet^^taitccrufV^tu Ot^ lyce Otic ©fc*ltfiMQ.*^*ctfim0«
\t toioncek <(&. aitao$$yJc.c t& tern &djut"vletafc ^Imouto fonail
rt itijf pi&ti cotttH m ^atott ICCUDtot dico * (tatoc.' jtmcetUo ^ ^ H
^cafcuuat^mOMf twfifuaaj ^uonlfrHfattertrattmeat faft
_jj«tt btitt
ttuttc torn tmriu^wl6.TauD^^^KtmCcfeuteutn
Ofttf^cSft <#ltal$< ^Jicjemtfltttft ametttetfr
%U$puftuQAe fitupUr fino& ffi&mp,j
u e i>pU. #*Qxti. o^jft
*ti?actitii NP trtaCficCL fcniif
= T *awloyfftni£ai aymztlcgaritfutynto ttr*crifutcfttfS«[
ymntttm tu utiTct atabimnuTfcmtoua ins L f X
%0irs> <Stmtct< % ranter *umol>} nhe.teftowcffO*ut tayn??
1 ^ ftern^b u^o d ^
fmihnto Ctutt tintijf yafd[. ^ fbTmtatnsutgi
m ttty A ^
£fimo W>W zfl^llKs =F!I:=
-5^ :£^scs*Al0nus. .alMr M UJX=
Tuva. totfti^intr.coi61*!! mttto fffiuttla
. ~ ' • a-J Km — i

^. c Dicclat il)Clu6 IS
(promt ox bit ftrimma ttbcunt
vr+aZ^-X- ___ .. H ^ 1 1 • " ' * * • -fc E
^teumejloteuite Dmt te (ymtu cyiic antyjtim craut ottc"
n £ S
_^5^£&te6 ut EE^J
mm XXE
MaaftT ^^^-x^^^^m
toirom mneyjlentr oagmtmavii aliriupk
teglcmt oamttmavu almupfl
X M m • L mm » m \ •••. * • ••• —•

fttjottyifcouu tictr omfa (acnnam lyaletnogg

-" c fllltluva alleluia* atieuif ai yi' wuiaar tens * Otftiymr m u w u #

r ^ i r r * ^ ^ - ^ g ^ itoD'€n amrii 1 i /S/vVW LU37
us« apufe.i
w e *ftfligifrtfcf oterife eu a fane etui ayfl^.^flffolcteif
J ^ ^ N S *^-% #tmttc
^.^k3^=6 ^ i> y^ r
fiSmttmt twun & cccabun •"

_ turccwnoufftiefan curm^te.

hipa 5* ^ynnmefauct
T = ^ , ^ S * ' ^Vflrj, v an.1*^ a ;k
gfeus a tiynotip ayoftoio unn yectoya ntwfifrm

tttra • M *-*—^*K 5a

^inctt €pue alMnobtes g m Etc cmta nf^i^ccpienaS?

* m i*. 4 *=X fc—3—•— i
^' - i__
•| * M . M if!
ftfnfanat i^mm\a*eC#itlfi6 m|c rome uwjg (ynntaltu?
ftfle atfrt. Efmfotntne(jpjrcm n o n ^ u S i t S r ^

vmnat. vTwmi pi X0$ir

vox «p|e .tye aaaum_ ttmtm jrte»cmtooffltf

j7_-_S_ .^;4?vy^|
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^— V-7-T w^'i'fi
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ii itixx^.
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*tnnut> f .*-^*___&i omme tm*fittttttstnmn dm

jj cunnam ct. node ocamu tr m e t e r W wwix\$LWm

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c 7 aunt,
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&mi&ihth& tnfecuut. ,

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nnfrai(«*o«m lu mil.
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.afes^ t^n^uetrbummuttiiir
i-A?f^2z£ e^i/C
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mcmiimatnc famine leugtnp tig. ^wn : xt_g r

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, F mw • 1-1 I maW mW\ -* - t
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utt_grufttttm mctujttr

Q. /rf&uis
g^^__^3_£_ ctmtrtn-f*. mate ctaut w ^ contact

o : n » eo nuiia ofo-Wtattatix
QifoiKtotfam tunmet rmm
^ x - . :7ff - f o L ~ z^j7_7«z_3_:
ne o m ^ t e m a n V . c&mt' " " ^ s fetoa
ftrmconetttm- turn
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m j ^ minim ttfpmoetmr utafottttT* tttcottffrc

/ g ^ ^ m a i ^ . l g . ^ilfo nobis jawfe


efl? atigetts trt *hu two
J ____l^_J_^l
fer. J* m 0m-^'in Xim! fiwL :z_z:
fcfrPz^z7zz:zr ?V|. x C ^(t^3---
mm^mtnm ipi canto asrmmone* m cm etuott

m^z^^ a+-*~m>—m-
&-T * —- Z-i—IT.-; -_7v3

m*^ tctram tumn aurnifa ottrauttmcm ta<_«*z .^mato
^aflfoS^UilSm U06.
*55* • •

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i c^ilmt^tuouttnTwcttilem itaivo ntuemuntem
e7 .*. ./ /
icpcwmtte qm&tnnttefr pa Mrs:
tsr^erego mjtmr- .S3 mgiF
|!ltct m m apn uo tutCfAm bm
bgutu <^xu\uxvixctxvv\xxv
• ! .

e ^ 7 f i--7j-fflt <*^fer:z
$ ^f^feSj^z: f —..... _—_—. _...»._
omnef tncommo ho&tmuun

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ZU1 Va. ^ .' C JM ;___E__L-_7-
_» » r _» .._• .
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c .
71. 0ifi :m JST(_ —ev

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/. — _ . _.
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-.. 5 3 \T
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• ;?7 •.«•*

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7 tr
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/ /

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(him— r-.--* .
Amy-K«tett«x. , **
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_E^^=^ S' P^*---.^
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— ^ ^ &—-..:;.•• —r: — r
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mt aw I
ttuyo ntatiapu tnanWa^P^ncaucertau
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5 _. . . . .,.. ' . a .... a_... . - .•••-•-•__.. ,, ...»f T »
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mna^niae etumedtnt ce
^w^xvitut m u u „ 5J

4XLX7£±:£*m u^izzm&:
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• ^

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-f A? *^_fc_^t>-r C

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tttonte ^o_o«e^tuf«-w?t__«/

4_i|ttiii_ii^ S^^^Zi

to aOtempiutuiaiimmt tu«w£ t .^*_.w_*~

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«Hf. - _. , ?/f _ 57
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«wttt? U t |Blma^vv\x\\vrxvv-t.

^rtmWtuumeAutauunt n^i.ttzncut ctww^nif <tur

I_.XJI:--|T J t / ^ i_ ift77t-"-"Xli;~Z__-
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1 i;
uo*» •pjet-btf eiuiu
. __.. ...

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J ,77. _*iacicm#*©tmuTi
m\Tc> /
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' • _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

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*i5atiteftmt«*raTr^ tumttar nrntawetmtnW'
fc»- zHuigirapto^ ?/ •/-

I**1 ?r *7 usri er pM«U_ 7-

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pint bug i ^
"n m"*
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. ./ H|«^**^- -r -7- '.^y: 7 7zzJ: :__Z4_7_._7__-.J"
f a^ac wtaxnMemnin |l tuft noftiftn^_^J^in^
| PjrjL:-_-- _ /v ^ j^V/i' 1W? /i * z~r_ ^i«ant#
uot ems m m autem lenucwe quia-* a<» uto te.- uauwv • J-c^^o M . i&*f
/ v __^:7^^:^^ i'^^t^S^^S ^
% .
Witt 1 'er---•--.»
emger Outer ctuom„--._., ^Z^:77Z1_:±ZK:^
[ \mt^ronumio

Altz7 777 \ I
uoit?tti||^uittetn 6xy\

fimufquamojVdm^ncrtutr' ht^n^^et l^ omnf^f^

___5f ~Z=z*_s_t__
n&cfcc{M$b&iu mens cttv.$J^&\m
C ,4" ^ J 7"V|t
£_ J. -*
c*tv ctece cor M
t fa
^j 7« J XF~Z3-XE>
iiumti n& tntr. terreamtut &fbii$ q m tto*'
W >fl.* A3to^ mi, C _ - _frz ^ u y t ^ m a t u m
• - uometituctetnar.
p** £ ...•____ --———-
j&l ?F* _____£!__
, TW^ES^^Z^^ fattcta m?
r~ yif-.

tn <*u%r / xwt
iitffimfttta* tutagnut p ^ H ptterpm te $ r m q w
<__7.1 ^ j; z ^ 3. J. ^ 7
cm* t( a m cetnm tenant eg re g^nt

* n^mp, t* L: fmtta.
ft If if
tm^t ntunifcitriiiefc dtcfet at in multertb:est***


c 7 -
7 7
- z7 ' ^ ' 3 ^ 6 ~ ftf*
'_. |t 7-It-lzA^-
a%Z mom ra_^tan*lft£tet Z
. X Wjja j7
»itfe ter ' -f .'V ' «
r-V iJentmr zw.
yy^*_&*« fc
•A. 7 . if>**
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-:^~-—"7"Z""" >
l__ ^ __- ... -.,7^:;
•jffira"" ^ t g m t n y r q j ^ i j h ^ $f esteem
urnam esteem inV-
t^S___^~i___ . C
7 #•» a/ —-E • _» a 7 « a aj
%1 T
pE^ tn$tlcftphr.-ft' " crotA t&?e£or^t*1tt
j ^ Z * 7zj_t

tsl^mo. mefeiiitit/ *<&$*-$

v -'- z%_J__S# (•*
I 3i£ /_%•• t Z
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to^!lS^^Y M ^A5 ^aitnnte

_«-____- V

<?• /*#***„
C 7
J *s
7 ) ~M ft'~~
t/t 7ZZZ. 8j| J
trtr (ucntm ^lecantrt. m cuttc 7 " ^n\ 1t izl®' ; •
. J1 ftjA. - m mea vt m ; f e ^ i w f tien
none* quocr- imaptccanwr _ ~ zz
A . /__ . -_- m muern.anutimantetu
1 atm f " " ' ~ f" *>' * jt 777, J>,'.HPU
iu&u** uv cm* ywcOnw aow m- a, m - m ;

cr m m a <w.
* Ntrtrtmann
niautentttf mnttarnnvftmi. U M erubuccr\tey ___ 7-^j
7 ik
f"3E *J ' P lw 3^w7'-i
_J^tute4tnu9 omncg in to t v i_ygg
""'. J
mt no otemfenttm cetrtwftoo rttfl. _Vtt(H|t
'7 ,7_.|t> -_±z*
fttV >on«e m a w uttgnu* ce
j _. _, «- 7 ^_-__l _ jy ^
mtu* affiutnp-to ne gmtfcmr te et .nclum mt
C777 7 - l j l A j l „ rEj
an gr u^toirau wnrlt mntttam cmta^ctt

xr*i* ^7 7 •
ttum tr
& wrm /•> / ;
, . ,- i

3S Jt-jis - - 7 ^ 7 ^ ;
m acrmitewtatttna^tr autma mea teutmontamato
C 77l7 _A 7 7 777
/ 7.>,7 (t >"i it t'f >%S___E£
mtuam mecwftgrmtio mute er ouenr e 4 ue frittc
3 1 r c
'•^f: taw \l —fr-l i izl1.
ttmocarucomeag aman
| (t IuOttl!' MoonoW
ttt..a co.
*au$ cuts u6 me repel wfe.m tene^agtftmcin lumnte

y.j 3-f^
5 j\ a— - XX
y i"-:
V3_«au tnmaculan in utaqtu otortfmfnuecrcntbfcm autr

amlmlanrmTeoxtotmm. afuutts ^ItmJ (Upcrtetnit

i n it
c zrj. : 1*. 7-7-,aV7Jl
A im " " "
a> m mi at

:c.fitinAp» \safemn ftmrme uhfutacrut te .

fttm» er a uerfog nug fcnmtmcn
S 7 h ft 7 7- 7-777
tautr cot metmt Umto ego (h t»

* , , t ! l j " " N - ?-, ,.

^dcqumm^0ctirqm am .
j7 7
C* e _ 77-*/t V ^
tttr* muitScotictiptttr quia-ftuptmrt^


*-£_./$•* * * _ •
?— •
- ft

gtoi Bf75
ri^oaatetti 7 T»t

am. .. itt/ Wtlam, pmr,^

CM tu / a tu > tu&dt«i£
^fc #.fA- 7.7^^_S
lu ta*

t ••':
M |t
M Jt -
mta* m m g m matter^
^-tZTt fli" — ^
amf ggbKttm •/ *^ ymcr f
Zj ~ 3 m ami m JyjL C
''Lf? -7 -;
-" (.7 x^fcz^az^
cmceeomirottb urttlitt^X*~~

.i« «&* ' die** (U. AuClUUt. „#. <W-ttt*t Ay\jOc*

§§5 _'__Z^-7, -. _ a. ^ J'-^' 51

u./ ^<jp_ututg afcfjfon

mws. tt cerec/ ce erte •

0 7 17. _>,-,. a>.
—-xi |SS______ ***
q$ ec t*u* e^fantrtTlum w (ktwettuatt
71 & 4
«ettimui tralx>. 2* j
•J • a. a. ar m
- - irw^_ <^> /.
* m J " t n(1777 7 J7
cetttorffltnomm ue4utt*#fmiofu4*.

en'_f^ . . . Jy£J%777 C]7t J 7 At


^cCtlnv^0"1^116 I «>Tt emg potcnwg w m t m

.ft^^jj S^j_ qui ^nftg cuts as

N/ 7-%;.i A'
».. _uttn*ntwmttoc$ iermo tt§
Ju. ^ ; j — -_!-__-!__
f«£ ticctem-
_ nimwliotte^wttrimm
ISPferlfc tui tr ug tn^ .fcG^efr

••' "an1 ' "•••>;nv. '"' ~-

-r~- ; viti.-- n'_air

7 /' M _ ° ^ 1 1 ! r •.?mtcipw»<0/tttimtp
at3~&r~ m '

fe;'unite nej^nut mret^of^ttouu¥tw,
tTit • a-Z.m- mt~~mr~ ~a» m at—m—tD» a.'-:-<»-*->-
- .

:___t___!_7^ ft J "~
wn/fiipero J___ ... ;• •^ •••,•»:.. ' — . • --
* a

Jnrr ___ cogent* tfcu^iufaw

ma ttuuntmatnm iBtrefett^meatn

Sm&e^S^ §_-«' a»-• a.-

tftuie. . uouoja ^ tv^lramt cini

1 ft
^ 3-. .3 rs =W___K^ "-'-*
-~ :7-jWr^7iP-.-- *

• - tugetV Z:
• %

z*:i7#Cz 'Z. J *> -J (tl_!^ >
tte._%e}«m ^tmoe- tusconmt.
77" Tsfe&T^^^*

. -. -
______ ___7___i_i
A' ,'OClUJ/ mtmroar fimtamctra!,
C- ^7I7V771^>7>/1 .
c\J,irvi If£ -' -.
per at* ^ . tUf .. Slhtuegeoe

'7 7 [f\_J. „ Am,

, . •

mWltcalnitttur. -gunnpsg uqjrom

. 1 . ,7u,„). ¥.f
ufteroC m*_> mo7tef
%.(7..7_l4^7/ti,(l 1 f j
/ tufcto tut* ef/tS. _£M i - -¥^
V'-A^teJiC erunr uonumis tuttomme.
e. m._K*e_(y_»tw
7» uerTftaeo^utn. 5 mlnttt
I£^AL Bft__: ' v>f QE*TJIX^
^•m^tenar jg nannitt#t!%fi

mnrgtenattv littttttr-a
# tct^ga ttt&titmtt'tff-t^

mflfhftc - tOf
„ *'7__-t-"_



&-CC, H
\I ^ m P
ugmuifspliam / v
C n 7%
temtti tttts
db^^nutvpfttufe o r u m .
1 7 7
frl 10%. 0 ^.L\|J ' "funr autut m t tr ^ ufc
C •- --; _- 177
\i_^S_?___* 7 7

* "M™ £li_ Tr
^ffgy :
mtf et) Me^iimcg
mxataT confbnamf

Cf i p. a * "^7J ^X^^.X i
ctfWgterte uet^i eomm. efr fgntrnpt wfo -
O/tttttt* •& **•
ottos* a_tontti.cue5 e o*> (0[/J7MI^7>7 - jy§
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*. C777^"V? -"" J(,-J-""1- '.
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rff ,_.;•
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=.y''V"\^. -«.-: _i_ ••-"
f%7^J*y I = :C.'77(UT j^77.
fgetietmto ne. ^mlntirttt^
&i „flu.fluemcmm _u7.hti.ft alle
C ^nuflT. |&rta ant. man, K7IU-
~7Z-frf p^ On'MB. jjBfupnr an. »Oo
itugfhi _5 _§vtD. HDuim^rr.__»7)0ffiH
a myitr immn u(j „D ono Otu fotifltt
mrili.flrTttt*fi.u tin uiTpDifnpt'nut)? m
gzfljjjhttotprjjautj tTtttatm (..
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_» ~J •«— —_>H - I Ml
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ai.t) |)flffiO-.f Domm..JIM.\» # *__ -«>v $ t *__1-
ccrofttratrmroVm ttmttrnta nm p '
w .trait, tr t i0ftrnCE-catt£. wsmygt
rftat*. cmiflfjfe cmalaro^ oftif # a *
g u m intnttpriiaftfiflli
uttntm. ,y>m finnunra jiff cf ' " ZJ7_ 9? *Z ^ _ - _ * - L
— i m
_* ^ ISC_L. T W " . .fa jrrtmt. at« sft /cnm Ourfarc

.iurun.s. « I c«ww> -«___. Utfa
£trnmL?.0ftifl$ip$ co tia_ptaOt£r J fcut>Cott#-;#» utntf|)etmfriiitraiia
. .quite m tonttnuH tcnina JJrftotf_ % f
—_ _ _ _ _ . j * ^_5_____z_i-
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nmto.tiftOit^^|jto'fliTfriifSt %\ S \ '*-.* • , U - t - Z
?rfts^ir^tmmflij9;un«iiftoiJ jij >* :
^ri , fafm8Bfldm^oar7pjm?_i$ r;^itf
____t_d__X_K: ^caHttt^atmt otirs.
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< ft? j a
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tiimOaafT?Wrnrftilf. a0.ti.7wD /i^-tf * T — 3 - ^ ' 4^=^
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-_-..^- r_. _»._ : _« _ . a«..._i y 1V1 / _.

ij __jtttautf djantts aO atta_t conuaf ^ • 4 . , -.-|v^zzz__z_.

milntatisirwtiml ouufcuuiqi n a u r ^<j_ * ; ________^rfyr^_^
ao nnitam Oicatut. uor mote, _ |«, m m m i d^ttm ^T-tw ate fms

^. /*- 7^,Z
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m _
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W n? gnuttp mgturtt ueta crDunt cttj)uJU^_ie qui nan ttatfi

£^__: 7*^*a- _____
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1t ^'%'^. -WW -7Z Z7-Z= C - , T ___S____5
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m 1 7 ar _, 7
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rn uuta .-po rnttUjrusfljoirroll.
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_t__: -•LJ!..«___t_
__£- 7---a-jj-y-— , '_,• __p
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*_M1il * —*- ^ i . ~7 , 7 7" >. f 7 4 j.-
uirtntuf (motftepfmt^-T^mmiX
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notns nutens t rr que atone nVemiwiit wan. 41
_____l_zZ___Z_ _^ J—^-m—pa—a •

l^fini^^tfqinjjnto ymftnatn Qrumt^damfltit mrfflmntttto

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_h* 7 1 _. ? »1 " .___^Z tz;^_____E •-Tr^r 5__fc
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^-£3: .1 1* 7 ,=______: T«*^g-
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^ a___Z___ '^ 1 , X Z 7 7 a 7_ = £ _Z3

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StXzaZ< 7 • ^
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ftZZZ — - ar-7—-B-
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-a-a- zzt-k^zj:—_______._
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3t_t PZ 7 "7"T * J~f _/

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aflis potodor to uiuamuo mtr b$i__¥^^iw ,

Wffin_^«e ___
______ =__(jotmu punts tor c£_v ^ifei.
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UJ. fOU yilt o«oc«. (WCOWJOX*
otfimf fmtr ntfio otf rpn'trri. m j d|0.i
lOmfmuspatrmt onmilRtoonsab , *^ =_——__ _ .
•• , • - a. _•__ »—H.
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TfcW* 7_

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/****» U^Ut0tl1)_!_^e<^=^xv«><^. foil gontjiflpj-fl-f ec****,

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\xw> l ^ f O t l . T ^ J ^ t r cxwccvweco or in. ftm^pe «««,<»» tyfou

_*___T ~aa—I i*^*a
=£5= X * *»»'y •ft ^"
bpfim^-^oe •»««»" t .***. Xpr irp(on.Zp~r « ««v> Irp-lm
^ \ J > V ^ >?XtuS-n).lr
* = = uurmj m _^-^S
^?itr -«»tr^fou __^#nr ***. tg. fou
oocc*c*oo r Uyfon imotrftnf*
qndfs non tratf\ mftujs pufriia.' TT 1

tempts uT imu ift___ mnf tufi m ns ue^«««« r _ww_. ifj'fou

mqtub^gf 2-~f'tuur nnm of rat''f&I
-W»_ !^M^^7E£__^^a^
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.^ i Jzvafar Ta^y
r^Tt-t TZ^ Jy'7,?n
IfljfoiO^j) oc iqifim ^p"r <-<** fiiuiq^tue lr/»foni|^me «v^,
_1 1 I5T» „», a__ _____r_V
.— a——' . •
Z f , z : ^uouTib? urnsp a!
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X^X'i iXj^z^zL ~v~*>itj) *fou uig-^ui-iuftjute
— a Z-a_I_j£__L .in miu4s£.aiu8 mti . u i M s g Z
upfini'* .!-^%)iie
a? U
a% -aa-a «vcvvvv- irpcon
Iia %
£__.. mi iTo tr rrutrrtqummo /«'E-8—"
Ui.foii___^jUif c_c<v Dtmtur M * . $ iftt omr' /<**flj)j
c -7— • oifuu*
l i dittos
J__7_-7Z ziZTjtTz:anuiiqutrtor *»y-
< v w x v - f o c x w w |(|)fOU , acv\*>
< tmr))fotni)^pflriifonMiX^tdr))
fou nX^ttdep ton agnur % i$u
r*7X ' 7 r* 7 * % - • ^ -—______ «____»Z____f_
$2tr irpfott^j) ne <su'a m m OX innl
~~i±F-* ifttK-^ tofpornrto
* n ___.
us £nt Ritrr tlfs aO attart -mfus Du
Uf3^nrJo>fong,pr jrpfon s5\inmmtL mcl\oat'rpionf?tyoi'mn
£_.. f«V~ .* 7 : Z - V=== ^ _ _ 7 z 3 c mmffl.fij'aDi).Tt.i.a AOftmmste
3 .i —--- J,tmir atomriiqioitmno ftur auqua
J x p r leo fim>z:pr n^fotCi?^;^#^ nuttr paujgwo^q'pttmiamrilobPtut"
m Jp inut?. ii% aO epirfut in* it*
• *!•__-
fc ^f>——i3 =a—_ a _? 1 _. 3_0y ^^g-^_________JS='*^___>S) i*-Va_
rt)02iis aO aimf fr uirfiuft rt perm

nr ttpton^tuicptou^^tr i^loim menrifls tr

i^^te ^___3-___
o «ct m m m pm
^_^^^____S_^___^ ^ H lionuiiiiJB
ne icpum^ttr * irjjton^ Uonmnls bone uoUratun^ laumm"'

X &X mi
Cnr "_MV 1T< U:
±-~±± ^^.-.taTTr- 1 -
teiirurOwunistr aaoauuistr tts tnumurtr-ifiDimifteaioiaiuu^
_• •-
(jumfumuus te lianas aguuus tr Giqnfinuuttstr «sianasaat
^_z_S_s: M-a- _5_V
tibi mfumgnotn giiam tuam s_o uuts tibi#_trr magna eip^tatum
H-__z_-t_r^"~a_^.~"Z WPm nV^lr
-5-ai—-f_zz77r r : _______7-_L.. >z7..*_„o
uunr mis tu. tdrihs mispnor ot I
a m Doimurtmsierolrfits teus
_ ^

tzzzz ^Z —v > * * » 7 "7

uomts-anefttttuugmnt rtnupe p a m omnipottttfir Hue ou rouge
| § ^ « TV^a 7 ^
s u e mis a g n o s m fimt8 patus q iutrti|utpr zjimuuemtsaatuistr
* •? 1 ft»~a _? a a "~
* 'fr f
P* a 7-a.^^v -T--" -*-•—* a_> -fcr
touts proam touttto nufrmt tto 11filiuspams ___tu touts pnffl tmm
P - a V __._• _S
za ziT* _^
bisqwmu7spenamnnntdt. nj,
I ZtT"
to tmfrmr nobis i^n touts pamta
C==E7tL_: 71^ ^ ^ - 7
fufiipr trpranonmt tinfnt qui feus
f (* a tiau a* 7
nuotto bo- tiifnpettpmoonrum^
________^_^^v^_ > a -.
ao t ^ m m u j d s mttvitte ttotosa " .<_5
sain fr irs no tutumtt p n m s
e=^=a=" * 7 . 7fV^ Ja -»____ 78^..

uiatn tutoJusfaurttis 130 fohts mifmtr nobis iattomatn uifOiufr

tontnots IFU folus amtfunuS no.
fammsiiJii fonts touumui _ u lb"

C^r, J' lSL_a_ *7

-f (jeni tpnf tr nun fa into fpaiut
Ttatt > :_L_i_

-%-aj m-"_7___
lusamnttnus bo. ji)Ouuui.fccu
_7-a___ a. • • . - L Z ^
iltgtmtampa m s a tnm, fatutontuttttmgloua» z p a
' ?fr*|\,7 7 mm m~
^^s^:i_Btl=__fea irT
iqm m ^olnsOo<gtm ttts a iqiia tt-pr
"hy a J 7%* »» . i i • •? ^ _ % _a7*___._ar^z=:
_J_- ^ ^ * a
tmapnr bonrmmtum Olfisfto et to teno _par ijomtutlnur
LL-I._ " 7 » * ' j; .z;,
Douruoiunmns.iiaummuSn- __jrue ui mta oa^ uoioitripj uoiu> noum
1 n
BJh_-B5E 1 7>.- 7 ^ a" 7 7 . 7^7 = : 1
Dtmnu_vtc o • aomantustr (gtrnifi tans
HtisjRiimums tr jjmrtoanms ft
jurtt 7
~. ' .'»•» a . 7 tanZ"I a la*__%_„_•_;
m u m s tr ©mnasagtmnatfoypt' uan attftamns tr ^itBifitammr
£__£: '* 17 7r.
__i IT—IT" 7
magumu (jlauaui uiam Due"muf
-E*-*' S £" rw^4
tr^ooo lianas aaonusoin w
f»" r» #4- ^5=_f* u/
ip. utcfttstcm.pat'otutupottU8_o a magna glcnatn maniTiEiu^ttus
.. ^ T(fc. 7 _!-, 77. ^ . 1-V 7 fer
I tdrfliSft****tig pa trrmu
f-rotJilturogram utujrpr Taorowe ^

^ m e m p" 1 i ^ 1*=*: ^r

mis agnusm" (tints patoS. iBut tot tupotens a m r o wfidutugnntr tfjc

a .1. aj 1 _jj_j__jg 77 7 _~/ Ir- "«7% .*-5-
US pan tuuuto uufrtrtt nobis mm (u ^ttif te zjommr teus ojous
7f»* 7« = &
touts pna routito Da., . fu(*tpr fcpir
tr i fUms pa «>»x_x» ttts iain
g 7_*7 , 1 s C _^-^ r-
77 7 f 17 • 7 *7 *7. j 7 _liLf!5^y}-
amour nofltant ismfttesftbi^tcrd u M s prtmtaironito irotoar uob £. nx
6-z -r-^- 1*4- ~ ..J7 a7 7'*7Vj*:K
pstns .tufetor nobis isuommn m Odctprttpmuonettnon
_: - * ' f* a? fL *7*f- 7 7a*Z_g__: M.7.
(blurtfuufttsi^ufimistonttuisisiit ^fr<v ?^Bt^i»ri^gnu(htrti_-ao
''7 h. i7 ., -v^ndtfr-
*_ra A n n 1
nan »7 7 __7 ,_._? a • C V I* • ~
onus otofltmorLOo., innMr **un ikuotuam mfotuaats^u coins *
•1 * Trv *7 *7 j!7 :
6—# •""_"• Z . J]tidt
mntto mmtu m niqna m p a m s ! . n i 7 . _. ^-f-f^tiBn
' o »- a1.1 . j- tuoumtb;fiis:uta Kftmum ~zv (bnur
- ^ S f ' " ' '"itcndntoip^fu ^ijr Rt
_ = = h
* __—
iynf trnno to.
- - j - * * * ^ 'inen. )uuuttn.u bu^ oft' -S** —7"
ill.nana a 7'ff a te >*5=3l
mreolfis o &
:7ZjZl_ ^ ^ ^ z
uis ioiuuuis tu fonts al urrroms
&t7T~~ ^a_^Z__^_?Z_ir
jd(i6 tto <itritouo pa* i|o«*x» jilrfit fpnnrromjaurto (pmut ut
^V-i P" a I- 7 1 z: _.______: 7a7-_zzi
mitttb; DoneimluntnosiantHui' ;
I "juriii' ttjo-»ia tn pa<?«*> m s a.<*cwc*x-
ftjT^ tmn p m ^U mensflstoup.1?buautr unfi
ate 23rueD-totttts tc Ho., samatm — - ro.nmtmt iidvm tftmt^j tof
DOM aitnauuis
l E * ^ » ^Tzazz^-T^zz^,
i—: z^5v_?z___ _tneti_iiofinonf mnttms
M>XJ*__- lo^iaromtftis tro & tu torn
^v-&mnw ^__a_7
- ,„,_-^, •
ttto.ipttr ntEUjuaii gto<***> natntu ^V loita m eudfis tro <st m m
_s=t**. "I_o:' ^ a ma a-

e?» ^jotuonj
3w -9*
rr nst^nlrmsir
wpat boue uolutrtans
a T A ^ .j,

jgS-gam om<^ccw m p o t m s 2»o lautmuttstr 25au8inmustr atoia

~~xx~ ar •

mine 0 n inugmttr tipfii memo mustr ©iqmtnonus tr <;raausa

(.1 *_, > . ^» ^ - M - M --J fc=___Hzz___z*-_--_^
^uttttr tutsftp;-oocc mis ta otitis
c! -ft
_tf_5 9_7_
flinnts oftmmr magnum oio^imn
_-^~ 7 JT gj 7_7g^zj^-
.pfl tps j^mtotJig prtrem luttnto
• ________ ' *»*** ar § 7*» 7 tuatu Bounnr nos m -dims tms
— « *^ _•
a7a.' J1i^Xr-aj-j=^—* 7', a. ^
c s
itu^ _ __ ^nobts mm torn jjattr ononpomts Boumte fin urn .
^m r
i —_k 2 ! tr% .

gtmtrmojpf Hommrmtsapus
proata monto. _,rfSQuttpe opman
a"aV~ZT"" 7'*7-=====7-j HJV
tr t m m s pan.6 __. 111 tomspda
mtttu uoftiH £.m fttts ab to-
Xjl 7 at a g %a ^Zg.. tttntotmftiTrt u0^.^tolb^n^fiifttyf fc
Jrnuu pantsaTav unftit
_ f fy.» «c«^
E it
_*s.uo ^n^TTTTVt*^7 ^a-^Tl^" ,Ffc ;4;7-^
ins -Bttomamot Onusttusot (0 p«iwbnrtti^,!d_^a2)l^im^ roifntit

^T-TTS: "•tT ~W 17 7.7 7» 7« 7777=
nobis £.uoutaut m fonts fnlsisn a* agtmos ttoi jo* 5ifl«L am
-*-7- VTtTtT: g' 7 " 7 . , 7 7 17, m- 9_*3
faius nnttmtts s n ami* atttdhtuts UIHIII lungiia Boiutur mismrdfrns
. ' - ^ I T a ^ 5_3_. fe -9-H»-

nirfn -puftr m mfinirtofpntot tins patrr otmnpotms Dotmoefitt

m giana m pa m s a C\3CN^ nun mugnote iipupr Dotiunrmt#a#

tumujq,(ofnunrf)a •\ ^ 7 - * 7 T -9-7-
f.iS7mft" fa Dnofta tuts Tnfilmspants i>iu toiuspn
uiO^nirtmmiS./ -7-1 7 7*7 aa
= — j B J ~ -m ottmito us %nior e - •—at-

rata utitnto uttuwt nobis ant tol

p " lb . EtWqumtitfamty
J ». a 7 a 7g7¥*r t C4 a-_r *|OZ3z_r^Iii^
a in eerdfis Hi
z h i o m DJmm./ta£,pt)up
bro m ewdfis op us pnmta imiuto ii fuiuprrqjm
mnl H -s~a-
— p orih g " ' 1 '\ ^7^______7_Z77z
jtpna m eudftstooJti)fi$(miWb? nouon nmlu j& m fdrs aD mtntmi
tnin-nilf qui t_Mr ut qmb? rimms n.i ^T: -7-7-
U_tmr* tufto od'otmnotiKm to pams iiufaor nobis s/iommti oi
jgnountt_ tfloy^
£ p i di^iof muflfflS.
,*a~'_y7»»J e*7-^ T ^ T=7 K
toua ntfftdfistco. c\>__ foius frits to fonts rouomts &it to
- , * 7 n _z=z^.ir. t* •(H|T7=^ ar'
titota nicmffistro fatrtt lug amffnims tt'^iloTspr noo (&
| 7 « ar 7 7 * a „ i "
^gferi/o * in orfjtntoo %. » 3 * ^

rtfs oon trgtmttilturn j qjurm^ ui gfooa 01 pa tos 3 m m

iftoj-^itocpouramf^ J [tona
1 *-1%-*—,
m^ = s .
fiaJ 7 7 •. 7 » h _] 1 7 7, 7- <£t nttrno
tta ineatlfisoo <gt ut +7-
7_tmm yep fV=5= 7 a 7 a. _ -'

iionitutb. lour u oi nutans luu to urn-- rjotmotO. uonr tiomrno o s

^*M- idt q- i 77a—g
_. / =_.,>*A 7-j«
m u s te 25mrtooums tr ii. 3to summits tt 2!» 771ril
C7 »• . „ m' 7 •1 TV
• ' • • 1 !

mums tr oloiifiraums tr Gran atopanmstt Gioufinfmtustr

i*=3: - » ;
amM ^ f ^ _*7-
as agnniis tt bt jptrr maguaui iqna mrudfis tto
i_lTT=ZZ- 3=*7=£i 7 7 i ezX=3*zE=zzjX±
atu matu _Diimir mistt£re ct ui m m par lionumty bour uo
m ai-7- -K 7 iT. N. •fa"7

trf ttstais^patrtomtnpomts 2?o

a fr_ Z__ fV^^-j-—^7Ly _^
-7 " h:
* : ja *or>. gq=3__z: tutooos lautoiuus tr jgmdnmns
•- F- in g7|t__ , 7 1.^ A'-h
mute Ittiumgrnttr iluupl IBO
» - _JT> ±z± >km 777
«. i.. >la 7.«_rTt" f-
_: rtt! rv: -azzzz,__3z_-
^7- :.!__
¥ £^ -7-B-
tt n'V .ttmamiiso Gimtfinyuiis
emis agons te t ooos.pams tr crmnasap^turttoi^tttmaff.
-_W- *
aiumius pontm tuiutto nufr
35 •_._./
Ijptrft" =-£«?—%.

itfltu gltmam uiath Dominant*

fc* ~ * — a > ar » ^r«^ l/E-S-
19___^ ; ZKtc
tr tr uobtSiBintouts proa m* rrldhs mis pam* oiumpomts
"* M 1**j *TT» .7 77iff- 7 - 7 i - _ _ i r . ^ > ^u until
-—th' —^aT*^—— Z -and on
Otatoomto o ; fnfnpr ^=£±tepmnounu =»x _ttrfintungrnnt iiju spr a&urtmT
norm. £?ui fdrs ab rmrram pams =taim H* InUptts *al. atom rtjmp
^ 7 - 7 _ 7•"r
T V »%, 4--V tnflamsin ott' u-arfupr * not' be uw
, " ___- ^=s: orij_ atttb. dfns'tr fuptotir gratoifcf
o.A>uwtf<wA? notos _am^ djou.ab "ggymnis
z z ^ - T tr ,ahoe
^L ~tupijatu|_
y 7 a . > A 7 S-TT-Z'TO
a tti folusfatutiis s u foius Oils
a ,7 |
z _ZJZ
.. :•. ihf-9—' *-*- - Z 7 T Z
'" " : 7»TJtz~..
pmudnrBotmitetnis agmisotft
» » ' » a. 7 IVa.*J 7» T UaZ 7
T 7~
_M T ~ ~ ~ 7g7 ' —S._X-~ 7"Z_ZflZJ
^3 ;^snr
^5tt amis attiutnoistf^tni a$oif • hus o m n s 4i>utogntim8 niaor
_ 7 al .
^zz_fcfezfe_ a . 7 z^ |
rum _m
^ T r ^ t
mitts m a m s ^mtoUis prno tn
5 ^ = = = = ^ ___*__£ • *«7-in ftntp' . — x — _ -' '-~9\-r^ I
^ja ttfr 2Uv>5«xv ooO, meor' 3Z2I uamto ttttuW^bis tam touts
.geotantig mrmtmis qfi DJ _>ifa.t g. - r S ^ *_^
Tf| i- '7 .ij.,,,, :n qnat' - tit* -Z7.
nuuito '_tffluttpcttpttm
m'9t_Kyf.tt0 ^qunl
4^ » : Zlzzf^zzz^z-- ivp-z^^z
lib iitfMnflem afiatotcimTFtatJ ^ t i
nonem notni ab otanrgiioioto
0O'afft-pf=ntaffirmarieolrb^ li'tof?
I ®m•&** abmittam patns morir _c-«oo

^»» |TW9, ^__-,t1 *- ***>. n a m m ittro ut urol utm.

-_tfS*S L
J% nobis jauomant ol fonts nuo jrts.!^p_g aor aor tns tns sri
«l . _ ___, -9-*- a.*.
_>/>,. -ois;
_ — = mauaot frifiraos uuututabns B a n t Ois 130 munis ous to
t) i
rtjanam gubcmaus. isu fouts al cs*xv_~» _*»«. fpaotli :potu flott
Zt_€T: 7
7" • sZkimTi tu ==7zz • h^^XZ*mz^z^z^^z~~-~
EZT zsffe a n our m giqnaoi a otao
ttfltums ajana roionans if. il|ii3v _IZZ_-_Tvr-r Tr :vyrX-^
1wa> j_ — •
tptmtn wuttofpit
|f_L£___ a a «»«! * in~T<
gfOJia lopa at—= A——,

-4—,?- v ]uotfiii utaionb? nlT uuiun^fis ^rwtouiisouT^ F

gZ- —- _ - -yff-«-» -m-fm ±
••• **toip*tn itummus .iirnrttttitotmmtmnooolmi u a
tns itmai. -niwpurftdrffs
ftbtimtrdaofiiiam -irnrDutnsqur;
KBi% .—!*^Tr-jh
* i % fis
.~_<~, » z- j§l__I!iflur
". - Z '5
£» a'ly 7*/z: \_z_I1
rtfs fr figndfiationuns jjnbtto
quoD obftntmir motor ui auitft •*«• tus_j__J^mtdus
P-flttr, «*«

*-7 7_
ms Ttns ^ w u t j n s mt8 mtiflot.) |>um

am ai\ tit mm glo OR ma* o

I <*«» uts ant cxxsww« uts B O /anna.met ^*» cd m fis m-
' tr
f z _ ^ E j z z * JV "Z * z„z "/vTzv" £ izz
ZIZ_L 7zZ^__1_^r-
T^SE* _-ZZ5Z__f_JRl!f.
mmus o us fflbaotfi ]pi&» firT itrtonw qtniuott utumr romoo
I 5_77*_*yT,7i_a^ X'X- ' fe^* • _S^_Sf^«
f% -—. . -m-m 7*—}*-7 m»Z - -^— i %tttorf i?
1 ' ---Sr-
Z idtim-
- -in7 gio TT—i*-1 ' a Tot _imam
— ^ ^oa tnaofanoa w l lw a* ut
? V l ^ a _ i ^cm-punt
V.+£ N *? -* a« ? -- J ? i OtT QflUUI »/'.ft J f ! - 3
r I f z iniml^fis mitodusqw k_m^,pbif|icat.Z^Maui
c 5LO.
(>' ^ v * T% ..... ; ^Sp%> - ^3
ItoLjirurt m tioutruf Totnm ofanimrs/jf
7J-SBI' amtiis . Z^P.' Z/t '•' TmT'm'®
f„-z-7®J /' --'--.r
"Jf a V 5* 76>*- ...)
SaurtoTans mis Cftb-UrtO _pie audits £auffli8
rrs..-. -7 ^'-'*1 " zg
E a^-^_ZZ__
Wfirat orb"tfterm gtana tua sandofi B c m u n u s mis tObaodi
- • *

HgV#7- (-_ . -i7 # 7 , j..^v

Iofatma ~x~tu.t .alfisp^eur
^imt uuo att rttura gumaoi
5 7 -II
btito^qmttmO mtiotuowOmtmi i
a ofatma m $ nifis i^mrDu
-a 7 "f "T*» " "Za. a %^4 ^ a ». •

. _ § E ± : - — ^ a - — r f g .tfr
«****» otatmn <****» tuff idfis
W qui ueuo m uouuur touiuu
C7 •* *•..
jm }ftUb tU
rorib;w(S rcgdi =tp octal - tEE -.*-*•? 7 nltnnfl
^ttuuiaa^fiDiQji ofauoB c^vo«>meeoi fis upo^m
M fioort' tigoifisIF5—11 <_^ u E.
LO Kyu te fE^- ' quautu liuuf-JMHr "autOts * *
"• a a
SS*. J j - • -. _.a. : ——-_-— •
I a
a OUOIK mirtaf * 7*
W. i anctus _£. aurtus .satutus fe stunts Jbaartns -ooronnis mis
_0utttuis t m sfit °°<*x>
Al - -*%? a- -«- - - V /fc a. - a
* — . — _ — a
v w » oimifttua
- — — ••
f± * i i a •»7 I.
mfinno! ii rtmta uaort) op u fabaottj ipimtfittom irtm m
nffi i . — ,_V._f _ -— »7 _

a. ««^>f8mta„_ m^trifis ^cndur gfoiio uta o fauna m eudfis

C7 : _ -g—r
_ -B---m-+h 7 «.. . 7 _ -7i~
*•' 7%
. P-
uis qui umtt m uotumritmttra iifeittortus qui ur int m notwtir I
ft e a ihftzi , lufp
F^Z^zZZ& p ^ '=7^iifi^:i(it4
p oc««x» (fctma <***> nt ^tdus pan? hmuitt ofiutna,motdfig Uftua f-U>_l
tpis *rofisttvfr. * m oO' * m f m qtt rtfs b?iprnm'pp ^ » T^-^
tumogmtt bi m m tfaw ti no $ ^of rViqnm'h : ^" -"atf 7 >
Ttttnsts tunc cull)? tamus fiat utamio.l7^r anr ^0iS-?ant
Z art* —ats^
n*?. — Z uis
Z Ttin*
* >m- fabf
... .^.__
___A — •—5 ^T —
• •
f"\ ^-r ; ^ ,, A. \Z
"- tt
tns -Gallons Uoiuums mis fa
M )3iuufiftxdi ?fta gtia o w offi;; C ^ '"•.' 7.
£ . 'f - i> " -" fa a " a ;. * a 1
E I ^ ta«7>'._ _..%---.*. * %
bnotb 450mfitutfrtift m m gio
7 ;%7»v" ' Z. 7.7 *•: ; . * 7. a
•.tn^mi&'jsnOut^fjiiottmiirbm ' natua iftan na mmd fis • *
rono ofamia m cro! ««*••fisfitf* qui touts pttmtattulDi m a n nobis
m m ! rrf abunrnl jjz zzi-p o/lll£j. tffll$ UUII0Ubus
"Pv*7y- ***1'-•
* auto.* F orf auupr * turf T-Z-Z-ijiijpJ. jnmfiOm iifjf aim
i alf titrramito t\ic tar?
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pctmto munto tona nobis.

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quriimiisnourratho^ tuiii iftoxui m rt tn ini(08.-£?afits ooon* It m o t tff

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nutsto^vnoito ^ O m r b u a«w> itr conboo? «*> nufla eft.iliannii
* ntnujf
: z w t z z ^ttfiStqlrto dtnmvtrnip. atcpos uigirpafiij *
_ z z ± * T mtoot iflot'an
i i ifln» _qufie
prof »rbtirai ipmfto?mida j§a.n$
**w*v tuns Hmuttfl. ^tvtmftai
blUJOfifj^^la-^ZZZZ-ZZZZ^-^ fliti i tr tour. m oimb? ftftis ni-ir. Anc
AwzIL^\ S?B __? w J o d t y t O -C-. ... ^'7:::977^Zi97-
art tr _^l T ___ trnnf
q m t n b t ^ Tzzzzzrzzzzzzzzz
b? ii tr 4ptemuotsto
tattts^ m d n m m u s Ono m m
& u t ^ « w * v _ fr nnfcvwx. font
147774 ipronttus.
gtaoas TC-l-tiiurfiam
In enmb. mnlis
t-_»aTa», i% .^ ..I ^ju luffpafi:
_ tpnn'ton
,i7rcvwwv« undo dt numts. mpatr -Unru.
^ . maf"%am.-ama-
Xtr^wvxxwxv nntta rfMDf
[C^.^wib m/ltJ'fl'^ flotanb'r it
_— ,i -fljnwlt mot*
-xvwv«v gtanas^fvxv rubfrnjimnti
ab iroOaOffiQilt^ir. O f ^ g j f e ^
pf ftqtwamotitara a., z g (f!Fz
ab biipofttt. biadur Jfci -i-^
<2_ mis tmoofi<v>«\v mifla dlZCtr
fofrietiNr nOOkal^Ctt fens

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