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Effect of Microwave Radiation on Bacteria, Fungi and Some Growth

Characteristics of Cowpea Vigna unguiculata L.
Wael Mohammed Mahdi1 · Khaled Saeed Lateef Al-Badri2 · Mustafa R. M. Alqaisi3

Received: 5 June 2020 / Accepted: 13 November 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2020

In this study, an experiment was conducted to describe the effects of using microwaves and chemical fertilization (isolated
and combined) on the number of bacteria and fungi in the soil and on the growth of cowpea plants Vigna unguiculata L.
Several times of exposure to microwave radiation (0, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 s) and several concentrations of chemical fertilizer
NPK (0, 0.9, 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil) were carried out. After individual and combined treatments, experiments were carried out to
quantify microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). In addition, 45 days after planting, analyzes were made of the cowpea plants
for their development under different experimental conditions. The experiment was conducted in plastic pots to find out
some characteristics of plant growth. The results indicated that the microwave sterilization resulted in the complete killing
of bacteria and fungi and the fertilizer additive (NPK) to the soil had a critical role in increasing the values significantly
for the number of root nodes and the remaining plant growth characteristics measured in this study.

Keywords Bacteria · Cowpea · Fungi · Microwave sterilization · NPK fertilizer

Wirkung von Mikrowellenstrahlung auf Bakterien, Pilze und einige Wachstumsmerkmale der
Augenbohne Vigna unguiculata L.

In dieser Studie wurde ein Experiment durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen von Mikrowellen und chemischer Düngung
(isoliert und kombiniert) auf die Anzahl von Bakterien und Pilzen im Boden und auf das Wachstum der Augenbohnen-
Pflanzen Vigna unguiculata L. zu bestimmen. Es wurden mehrere Expositionen mit Mikrowellenstrahlung (0, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45 s) und mehrere Konzentrationen des chemischen Düngers NPK (0, 0,9, 1,8 g 3 kg–1 Boden) getestet. Nach indivi-
duellen und kombinierten Behandlungen wurden Experimente zur Quantifizierung von Mikroorganismen (Bakterien und
Pilze) durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurden 45 Tage nach der Pflanzung Analysen der Augenbohnen-Pflanzen bezüg-
lich ihrer Entwicklung unter verschiedenen Versuchsbedingungen durchgeführt. Das Experiment wurde in Plastiktöpfen
durchgeführt, um einige Merkmale des Pflanzenwachstums zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse deuteten darauf hin, dass die
Mikrowellensterilisation zur vollständigen Abtötung von Bakterien und Pilzen führte und dass der Düngerzusatz (NPK)
zum Boden eine entscheidende Rolle bei der signifikanten Erhöhung der in dieser Studie gemessenen Werte für die Anzahl
der Wurzelknoten und die übrigen Pflanzenwachstumsmerkmale spielte.

Schlüsselwörter Bakterien · Augenbohne · Pilze · Mikrowellensterilisation · NPK-Dünger

 Mustafa R. M. Alqaisi
Department of Physics, College of Education, University of
Department of Biology, College of Education, University of Samarra, Salah-AL-Din, Iraq
Samarra, Salah-AL-Din, Iraq 3
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Tikrit
University, Salah-AL-Din, Iraq

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W. M. Mahdi et al.

Introduction encouraged researchers to make numerous attempts to de-

velop microwave-based technology (MW) in large-scale
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) production suffers from seed and soil treatment. It has revolutionized agriculture
extreme despair due to pests and diseases. The main prob- (Nelson 1996).
lems are caused by Striga gesneriads parasitic weeds; The microwave is part of the electromagnetic radiation
Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid, a fungal disease, spectrum. The frequency ranges from 300 MHz to 300 GHz
and bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris with a wavelength of 1 m to 1 mm (Halmagyi et al. 2017).
pv. vignicola (Pammel) Dowson, with various viral dis- This technetium has many uses such as industry and wire-
eases. Data indicate that M. phaseolina attacks are more less communications Laboratory also besides it uses in ex-
significant when the cowpea plant is already weakened periments and biosciences (Chen 2006). It has other uses,
by high temperature and severe drought conditions. The mainly to sterilize laboratory instruments (Tisserat et al.
fungi will be present for long periods in the soil and on 1992), as well as soil sterilization of pests and pathogens,
the seeds, which is essential for the epidemiology of the as well as their very rapid drying (Diprose 2001). In the field
disease. Various control methods, such as pesticides and of crop production, microwaves are applied using individual
breeding, are used to combat these diseases (Adam 1990; devices that allow weeding in field conditions (Velázquez-
Iqbal and Mukhtar 2020). Martí et al. 2008) and sterilization in greenhouses to pre-
Soil is a complex environment because it contains many vent the occurrence and transmission of fungal and viral
living and non-living components. Especially beneficial and infections (Soriano-Martin et al. 2006; Oza et al. 2008).
harmful microorganisms (Erabi and Ali 2014), and bush Treatments with this technique are practically applicable
plants compete for cultivated crops (Sahin 2014). So, re- in disinfecting soil and seeds of vital pollutants in addition
searchers in the field of soil turn to find different methods to their role in reducing weeds that may accompany plant
of sterilization of the soil contribute to the elimination of growth, as well as being inexpensive financially (Brodie
various pathogens. Including bacterial and fungal, which et al. 2007). Heat source, temperature, and duration of ex-
lead to significant losses during the growth stages of plants posure can affect the physical and chemical properties of
(AL-Samarrai et al. 1988; Erabi and Ali 2014), or when chemical fertilizers (Song et al. 2012), and various soil ele-
experimenting with the effect of bio fertilization technique ments (Ferriss 1984; Gibson et al. 1988; Hendricks and Pas-
to study the effect of the organism used. coe 1988; Zhang and Shen 2006). Microwave soil releases
Sterilization of the soil is the process of eliminat- some absorbed nutrients and dramatically increases the ef-
ing worms, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and other plant ficiency of converting organic nitrogen to metal (Zieliński
pathogens (Nutter 1957). There are various methods of and Zieliński 2010). Khan et al. (2016) in their study of
soil sterilization, some of which have a selective effect soil exposure to microwave radiation (2.45 GHz) that the
on soil type, but not others. Such as fungicides, which sterilization gave a 175% increase in dry biomass and 96%
should be considered when using collateral damage such in grain yield compared to untreated soil.
as toxicity to humans and residual impact. As well as high This study aims to investigate the effects of microwave
cost and, effort to achieve (Almeida et al. 1994), or the in soil sterilization, and the vital nutrients added NPK for
use of solar energy (Blacksmith et al. 2016) and others the impact of this technique on the number of root nodes
may cause general annihilation of organisms such as the and growth of cowpea plant grown in plastic pots.
use of an autoclave, gama rays, UV rays, microwave rays,
formalin, methyl bromide, vapour, etc. Komarova et al.
(2008) studied the effect of soil sterilization in different Material and Methods
ways on microbial content. Erabi and Ali (2014) found that
the results of the sterilization methods and their numbers Soil Sterilization Based on Microwave Oven
had a significant impact on the numbers of bacteria and
fungi, and the characteristics of the soybean plant. The A field experiment was conducted using plastic pots with
number of bacteria and fungi decreased before and after a capacity of 3 kg per pot. It was filled with mixed soil
planting by sterilization with formaldehyde and formalin sifted with a 2 mm sieve after taking a sample to deter-
compared to unsterilized soil. The results also showed that mine its physical, chemical and biological characteristics
sterilization by two methods led to a significant decrease as in Table 1. The soil was fertilized with NPK compound
in germination percentage, plant height, dry weight of fertilizer at two levels (0.9 and 1.8 g 3 kg–1) in addition to
plants and total roots compared to the non-sterile treat- non-fertilization. Then five seeds/pot of local cowpea seeds
ment. Public awareness about the adverse impacts of bush (black-eyed pea cultivar) were planted at a depth of 2 cm
pesticides and harmful microorganisms and the possible according to the method described from De Wilde et al.
adverse effects of their residues on the environment have (2017). The pots planted for sterilization in the microwave

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Effect of Microwave Radiation on Bacteria, Fungi and Some Growth Characteristics of Cowpea Vigna unguiculata L.

Table 1 Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil Design and Analysis of the Experiment
Characters Unit Value
EC Ds.m–1 2.28 An experiment was designed according to the randomized
pH – 7.75 complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. The
Organic matter g kg–1 15.54 units of tests were: first factor exposure times 0, 25, 30, 35,
Available N mg kg –1 26.35 40 and 45 s and second factor addition of chemical fertil-
Available P 9.03 izer NPK at different levels 0, 0.9, 1.8 g 3 Kg–1 soil. The
Available K 88.5 experiment results were analyzed based on the Duncan test
Sand g kg –1 51.6 at a probability level of 0.05.
Silt 19.0
Clay 29.4
Soil texture Loam Results and Discussion
Total number of fungi CFU g–1 6 × 10 3

Total number of bacteria CFU g–1 120 × 106 Effect of Sterilization Using Microwave Radiation on
Bacteria and Fungi in the Planted Soil of Cowpea

oven manufactured by Kenwood (1000 watts and 2400 MHz The results of Fig. 1 show a significant decrease in the num-
frequency) were presented with different exposure times: 0, ber of bacteria and fungi in the soil due to sterilization at
25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 s in addition to the control treatment. 100% energy level. The 40 s time sterilization treatment
Then, all pots were removed from the oven and given gave a significant reduction in the microbial population
equal amounts of plain water as long as the plants remain of 0.02 × 105, 0.01 × 107 CFU g–1 dry soil compared to the
in the pot. Dilution and dish counting method was used to unsterile treatment that gave 46 × 105 and 6 × 107CFU g–1
calculate total bacterial count using nutrient agar medium dry soil for bacteria and fungi, respectively. The results
and full fungi preparation using the potato agar dextrose of Fig. 1 show that microwave sterilization has killed bacte-
medium in soil according to the method described by Ishaq ria and fungi completely, especially in time 45 s. The effect
and Khan (2011). Plant data collection of growth parameter of microwave radiation on microbial soil totals is associ-
like the number of root nodes (node plant–1), plant height ated with many unknown factors (Nelson 1996). Microwave
(cm plant–1), dry vegetable and root weight (g plant–1) were propagation in the soil is influenced by many factors such as
calculated after 45 days of planting (Motaleb et al. 2020). soil moisture content, total density, organic matter content
and temperature (Nelson 1996; O’neill and Jackson 1990).

Fig. 1 Effect of sterilization

using microwave radiation in the
planted soil of cowpea

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W. M. Mahdi et al.

Table 2 Effect of microwaves Time of Mean

Chemical fertilizer
sterilization and fertilizer NPK exposure
on number of root nodes of NPK NPK NPK
[seconds] 0.0 g 3 kg–1 soil 0.9 g 3 kg–1 soil 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil
cowpea plant (node plant–1)
0 1.00ef 1.00 ef 1.33 def 1.11 b
25 2.66 bce 6.00 a 4.00 abc 4.22 a
30 1.66 def 1.00ef 1.33 def 1.33 b
35 4.33 ab 3.33 bcd 2.33 bcdef 3.33 a
40 0.33 f 1.33 def 2.00 cdef 1.22 b
45 1.33 def 2.33 bcdf 2.00 cdef 1.88 b
Mean 1.88 a 2.50 a 2.16 a –

Table 3 Effect of microwave Time of Mean

Chemical fertilizer
sterilization and chemical fertil- exposure
izer NPK on height of cowpea NPK NPK NPK
[seconds] 0.0 g 3 kg–1 soil 0.9 g 3 kg–1 soil 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil
after 45 days of planting (cm
plant–1) 0 13.00 d 13.33 d 12.66 d 13.00 c
25 20.83 abc 24.16 ab 16.33 cd 20.44 b
30 20.00 bc 22.33 ab 20.00 bc 20.77 ab
35 23.83 ab 23.83 ab 22.50 ab 23.38 a
40 20.90 abc 23.65 ab 25.50 a 23.35 a
45 20.16 bc 22.66 ab 23.50 ab 22.11 ab
Mean 19.78 b 21.66 a 20.08 ab –

The effect of a microwave on the growth of microorgan- 0.9 g 3 kg–1 soil gave the highest average number of nodes
isms depends primarily on the frequency of the wave and of 6.00 nodes plant–1 compared to sterile treatment with 40 s
the total energy absorbed by the microorganism (absorbed exposure and non-fertilizer which gave the lowest average.
dose). Also, besides when the microwave is used in high The number of nodes was 0.33 nodes plant–1. The steril-
frequency and high energy for a long time, the thermal ef- ization of the soil significantly on this indicator, its role
fect probably is the effecter on killed the bacterial cells or may be, removing pathogens and some harmful organisms
yeasts. Rahi and Rich (2008) and Brodie et al. (2015) have and competition for plant growth (Hess et al. 2018; Brodie
shown that microwave soil treatment reduces or eliminates et al. 2015), as shown in Table 1. As for the interfering
weed seed, nematode, soil bacteria and pathogenic fungi effect between microwave sterilization and fertilization in
such as Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotium rolfsii. addition to the role of sterilization, in other fertilizer stud-
ies, the application of phosphorous fertilizers has consider-
Effect of Microwave Sterilization and NPK Fertilizer ably improved the number of nodules (Nkaa et al. 2014).
on the Number of Root Nodes of Cowpea These observations are actual since phosphorus initiates the
formation of nodules and influences the efficiency of rhizo-
Table 2 shows the effect of different sterilization times and bium-leguminous symbiosis, thus improving nitrogen fixa-
NPK fertilizer and their interaction on the number of root tion (Haruna and Aliyu 2011). Whereas, these results are
nodules of cowpea after 45 days of transplantation. The re- inconsistent with the findings by Abayomi et al. (2008).
sults showed significant differences between exposure times
25 and 35 s compared with other times and control treat- Effect of Microwave Sterilization and Chemical
ment. The exposure time 25 and 35 s give a higher mean of Fertilizer NPK on Cowpea Plant Height
several root nodes which was 4.22 and 3.33 nodes plant–1,
respectively, compared with non-sterile control treatment Table 3 shows the effect of varying sterilization times, NPK
which gave the lowest average number of node reached to fertilization and their interaction on cowpea height 45 days
1.11 nodes plant–1. post-cultivation. The results showed that there were signif-
As for chemical fertilization, there were no significant icant differences between the different exposure time and
differences between fertilizer and non-fertilizer treatments. control treatment. As the exposure time of 35 s was the
The overlap between the sterilization and fertilization highest mean higher by 23.38 cm plant–1 compared to the
process also showed significant differences in some cases. non-sterile comparison treatment, which gave the lowest
Where sterile treatment with 25 s exposure and fertilized at mean height of 13.00 cm. plant–1. This may be attributed

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Effect of Microwave Radiation on Bacteria, Fungi and Some Growth Characteristics of Cowpea Vigna unguiculata L.

to the killing of harmful organisms in soil and bushes that Effect of Microwave Sterilization and Chemical
compete with cowpea. In addition to increased accumula- Fertilizer NPK on the Dry Vegetable Weight of
tion of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil as a result of Cowpea Plants
the thermal effect of microwave (Khan et al. 2016), Cooper
and Brodie (2009), Wainwright et al. (1980), Cawse and Table 4 shows the impact of different sterilization times
Crawford (1967) who demonstrated that microwave steril- and NPK fertilization and the interaction between them on
ization leads to increased ammonium ions and sulfate ox- the dry vegetable weight. The results showed significant
idation in the soil, which may lead to improved seedlings differences between the different exposure time and control
and improved growth. treatment, the exposure time 30 sec. give the highest dry
As for chemical fertilization, the results showed sig- vegetable weight, which was 1.22 g plant–1 compared with
nificant differences between fertilized and non-fertilized non-sterile control treatment, which gave the lowest average
treatments. Fertilized treatment at level 0.9 g 3 kg–1 gave height of 0.60 g plant–1.
the highest average height of 21.66 cm. plant–1 compared As for the chemical fertilization, the results showed sig-
to non-fertilized treatment that gave the lowest average nificant differences between fertilizer treatments level 1.8 g
height of 19.78 cm plant–1. These results are consistent with 3 kg–1 soil, which gave the highest average dry vegetable
Kwon et al. (2019) application of typical compound fertil- weight of 1.11 g.plant–1 compared to non-fertilizer treat-
izer (NPK) increased the plant height, This may be due to ment that offered the lowest average dry vegetable weight
the contribution of these elements (NPK) to the essential of 0.88 g plant–1.
components of growth factors, such as DNA. As for the interaction between the sterilization and fertil-
As for the overlap between sterilization and fertilization ization process, there were significant differences in many
process, there were significant differences in many cases. cases. The sterile treatment with 25 sec. exposure time and
The sterile treatment with 40 s exposure time and fertilizer fertilizer level 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil gave the highest average dry
level 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil gave the highest average height of vegetable weight of 1.40 g plant–1 compared to the non-
25.50 cm plant–1 compared to the non-sterile and non-fertil- sterile control treatment fertilized at a 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil level.
ized control treatment, which gave the lowest average. The It gave the lowest average dry vegetable weight of 0.56 g
height reached 13.00 cm plant–1. plant–1. These effects coincide with those obtained by Pok-
luda et al. (2018), who claimed that adding NPK increases
some of the growth characteristics, such as the dry weight

Table 4 Effect of microwave Time of Mean

Chemical fertilizer
sterilization and chemical fertil- exposure
izer NPK on the dry vegetable NPK NPK NPK
[seconds] 0.0 g 3 kg–1 soil 0.9 g 3 kg–1 soil 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil
weight of cowpea (g plant–1)
0 0.57 de 0.67 cde 0.56 e 0.60 c
25 0.82 bcd 1.12 abc 1.40 a 1.11 ab
30 1.28 ab 1.21 ab 1.18 abc 1.22 a
35 0.93 abcde 0.93 abcde 1.17 abc 1.01 ab
40 1.01 abcde 1.15 abc 1.29 ab 1.15 ab
45 0.69 cde 0.91 abcde 1.07 abcd 0.89 b
Mean 0.88 b 1.00 ab 1.11 a –

Table 5 Effect of microwave Time of Chemical fertilizer Mean

sterilization and chemical fertil- exposure
izer NPK on the dry root weight NPK NPK NPK
[seconds] 0.0 g 3 kg–1 soil 0.9 g 3 kg–1 soil 1.8 g 3 kg–1 soil
of cowpea (g plant–1)
0 0.20 cd 0.20 cd 0.24 c 0.21 c
25 0.36 b 0.46 a 0.38 ab 0.40 a
30 0.22 cd 0.25 c 0.14 d 0.20 c
35 0.46 a 0.40 ab 0.44 a 0.43 a
40 0.44 a 0.26 c 0.22 cd 0.30 b
45 0.25 c 0.24 c 0.35 b 0.28 b
Mean 0.32 a 0.30 a 0.29 a –

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
W. M. Mahdi et al.

of the leaves. This may be due to the presence of nitrogen, Conflict of interest W.M. Mahdi, K.S.L. Al-Badri and M.R.M. Alqaisi
declare that they have no competing interests.
which has a role in stimulating photosynthesis activity.

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Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the Department of seven indigenous Trichoderma species against charcoal rot
Biology and Physics, College of Education, University of Samarra, causing fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina. Gesunde Pflanzen
Salah-AL-Din, Iraq to work in the laboratory and department facilities 1(72):195–202
and would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful Ishaq F, Khan A (2011) Isolation, identification and comparative study
suggestions. of fungal and bacterial strains found in organic and inorganic

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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