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2023 ACC 레지던시 지원신청 제출서류 안내

OPEN CALL for ACC Residency 2023 Application Guideline

▪ 제출서류 체크리스트 Required Documents

[양식 1]
[No. 1]
지원 신청서 1 부
지정 양식
Application form (1 copy)
Please use the provided form
[양식 2] [No. 2]
개인정보동의서 1 부
지정 양식
Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement (1 copy)
Please use the provided form
[양식 3] [No. 3]
포트폴리오 1 부
작업에 대한 간단한 소개와 이미지 캡션 포함/동영상의 경우 YouTube, Vimeo 링크로 변환하여 링크 제출
Portfolio (1 copy)
Please use the provided form
Description of the work and images with captions to be included. Please submit videos as YouTube or Vimeo links
추천서 1 부
추천서에는 추천자의 연락처가 명시되어야 함

Recommendation Letter (1 copy)

The letter must include the referee’s contact information.
▪ 지원신청서 작성방법 How to Fill Out the Application Form
- 아래의 지원신청서 양식의 모든 빈칸을 작성하시고, 해당사항이 없는 페이지와 파란색 안내 문구는 삭제해 주세요.
Please fill out the following application form. Before submitting, delete the guidelines in blue and pages not applicable.
- 지원신청서에 작성한 내용이 사실임을 확인하고, 마지막 페이지에 서명하고 제출해 주세요. Please make sure everything on the
application is true and accurate. Please submit the application form after signing it.
- 모든 제출서류는 국문 또는 영문으로 작성하시기 바랍니다. All documents should be in either Korean or English.
- 모든 제출서류는 PDF 로 제출해 주세요. All files should be submitted as PDF files.
- 팀으로 지원하는 경우 대표자 명의로 신청하되 ‘1 지원자 정보’ 부분은 팀원 개별 작성 후 첨부
If you are applying as a team, the application should be under the representative’s name but each member should fill out 1. Applicant
- 신청하는 기간과 겹치는 시기에 프로젝트 제작에 있어 타 기관의 지원을 받거나 개발계획 등 협약 관계에 있는 경우는 간략한
내역을 반드시 신청서에 기재하십시오.
Please specify in the application if the project is to receive support or committed to any prior arrangements with other institutions during
the period of ACC Residency 2023.
- 첨부 파일명 예시: 1. 지원신청서_성명 2. 포트폴리오_성명
Please title all files in the following form: 1. Application Form_(Team) NAME 2. Portfolio__NAME
2023 ACC 레지던시 프로그램 지원신청서
ACC International Residency 2022 APPLICATION FORM

1. 지원자 정보 Applicant Information

□ 그룹명 Group Name
* 그룹일 경우에만 작성 Groups only

그룹 인원
Number of Group Members
Name(Last Name)
Name(First Name)
성별 Gender
Date of Birth
거주 국가
Address 08 Hasouna Ayechi Street 4000
[우편번호 Postal code] [Address1 (City, State/Province)] 4000 Sousse Tunisia
[Address2 (Detail)]
전화 Telephone
+216 27 129 255
핸드폰 Mobile
+216 27129255
이메일 E-mail
홈페이지 Website
교육 배경
대학 College/University
전공 Major
학위 Degree

(*사용 가능 언어 및 활용 수준 Please list the languages you can use and the level of proficiency English , french and arabic
Applicant Biography

Occupation/ Position/ Affiliation

Musicien and composer

(*해당하는 경우 표기 optional.)

최근 중심 이력 순으로 2,000 자(공백 제외) 이내 (전시 경력, 수상 경력, 연구실적 등)

팀일 경우, 팀원 전원 약력 작성 필수
Applicant bio within 1,200 words focusing on recent projects such as exhibitions, awards, or research projects. If you are applying as a team,
please make sure the bio of each applicant is submitted.

Amine Dhouibi
Composer and guitarist born in Sousse (Tunisia) in
October 17, 1990.
Interested in modern jazz and improvised music.
And multiple cultures and musical dialects .
Influenced by several artists and new musical experiences around the world .
He Studied at the Higher Institute of Music of Sousse .and also participated in a many music workshops With international artists over the years
between 2011 and 2017
Trying to reach the next generations of young people and trying to push the local art scene to grow.
He has been an active member in several local musical projects,
He created the H,V s project in 2014 which is an electronic jazz project,
the band performed a series of live shows in Germany in 2015.
He has been working on the Pinworms project since early 2018.
The idea of (one man band).
He started working on El.kasset project since 2020.
His album Resurrection was nominated for best newcomer to jazz 2021. (mzantsi jazz awards).
The project also participated in the Carthage Musical Days of the same year,
He also participated in a concert at the Bozar, Brussels 2021 .
Participation in artistic residencies:
Halaquat by Goethe institut Brussels 2021,
Alm Residency munich 2022 ,
international center cultural of Hammamet Tunisia 2022 .
He works to carve his own unique musical style and create an alternative.
and advocate ways to disseminate its music to all social strata and to present it in a different Perspective .

ACC 레지던시에 지원한 이유와 이 프로그램에 필요한 태도는 무엇이라고 생각하는지?

What is the reason that you applied for ACC Residency and what do you think is the most important attitude
for a participant in this program?
국문 최소 500 자 최대 800 자 (공백제외)
Please fill in at least 245 words and at most 400 words.

I'm so excited to submit my application to be a part of ACC Residency , to discover a very important aspect of a great and very influential
culture .
I have a great knowledge of different musical dialects (African music, Maghreb, jazz, blues, classic and oriental music).
And I was very attracted to Asian music and the treasures it contains, But I am not deeply knowledgeable with it ,
so I believe that this opportunity will enable me to dive into the depths of a culture and partnerships that will yield creativity of a high level .

Im a composer and guitar player interested by modern music , jazz and many new experiences , Therefore, the artistic residency is one of the
most important opportunities that helps me focus entirely on developing new artistic ideas and productions , and motivates me to be creative
without barriers, in addition to partnering with resident artists in creating and producing other works.My style focuses on discovery in making,
developing music , I'm looking for mixing a bunch of different music classic , modern jazz ,African and Arab music To create a new global
concept ,
I had various musical experiences, the most recent of which was in Brussels late last year, prepared by the Goethe Institute, which brought
together artists from different countries, from jazz to electronic music,
It was a perfect experience and support my career as an artist .
I also believe that my experience of getting to know a new culture will open up new creative ideas for me, so I am very excited to participate

“사운드스케이프”에 대해서 어떤 생각과 경험이 있는지?

What did you think about or what kind of experience did you have regarding soundscape?
국문 최소 600 자 최대 800 자 (공백제외)
Please fill in at least 245 words and at most 400 words.
Im a composer and guitar player interested by modern music , jazz and many new experiences , Therefore, the artistic residency is one of the
most important opportunities that helps me focus entirely on developing new artistic ideas and productions , and motivates me to be creative
without barriers, in addition to partnering with resident artists in creating and producing other works.My style focuses on discovery in making,
developing music , I'm looking for mixing a bunch of different music classic , modern jazz ,African and Arab music To create a new global
concept ,
I had various musical experiences, the most recent of which was in Brussels late last year, prepared by the Goethe Institute, which brought
together artists from different countries, from jazz to electronic music,
It was a perfect experience and support my career as an artist .
. My artwork evokes emotions that have been drawn from my experiences loneliness , Deep reflection on the purpose and purpose of existence
and philosophy world,
immerse themselves in local cultural , natural and contexts,
with my being in a new environment, with favourable conditions for intensive work and fruitful implementation of creative projects.
are the biggest motivators for the development of new creative work What will be available in the residency
Which will open new doors for me and help me stand out more on the art scene today .

이번 주제 <Futures of Listening>에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지?

How do you interpret the theme Futures of Listening?

국문 최소 600 자 최대 800 자 (공백제외)

Please fill in at least 245 words and at most 400 words.

In the future, after a decrease in the level of noise in cities resulting from the development of man and his transition to the new era by using
electric cars and artificial intelligence, there will be a development in tasting sounds, and man will have the choice to listen to what he chooses.
Therefore, music and acoustics will have a significant and tangible impact on future generations.

이 주제와 프로그램에 대한 어떠한 결과물을 기대하는지?

What is your expected outcome through the theme and program?
국문 최소 600 자 최대 800 자 (공백제외)
Please fill in at least 245 words and at most 400 words.

While some artists maintain a very traditional approach to art, others risk the unknown, the project delves into this idea and even delves further
into the worlds of
Artistic creativity trying to raise new issues and questions in the world of modern music, what is its role, ethics and scope in the development of
the human mind.
Addressing the soul and feeling a set of ideas and messages in the form of music, which takes the listener to a field outside the race of slavery, to
open for him the doors of thinking and analysis .
As for the technical side
The project mainly consists of a set of original music tracks, which will be developed, reworked, distributed, and recorded using the guitar to
produce new tracks after diving into the depths of the creative dimension.
I am also eager to work in partnership and try to embody the melodies in images as well as physical
Walk away, and look at it from a different perspective and angle ,for many compositions and melodies . Working on developing and Refine it,
examining the effect of different location and whether on creative work.
and partnering with artists from different art magazines, dance, video makers , Light art and other , To embody new insights .
본인은 위 신청서에 작성한 정보와 제출 서류가 사실임을 확인하고 위와 같이 지원 신청합니다.
I certify that the information provided in the Application Form and the other submissions are true
and accurate.

2023. __01___ 27___

성명 Name: ______Amine Dhouibi________

서명 Signature: ______________________________
3. 개인정보수집·이용·제공 동의서

‘2022 년도 ACC 레지던시’ 선정과 관련하여 국립아시아문화전당이 본인의 개인정보를 수집ㆍ이용 하거나 제 3
자에게 제공하고자 하는 경우에는 「개인정보보호법」에 따라 본인의 동의를 얻어야 합니다. 이에 본인은
국립아시아문화전당이 아래의 내용과 같이 본인의 개인 정보를 수집ㆍ이용 또는 제 3 자에게 제공하는 것에

□ 목적
ㅇ ‘ACC 레지던시’ 선정 절차의 집행 및 관리, 경력·자격 등 확인(조회 및 검증), 선정 여부의 결정,
민원처리, 분쟁해결, 법령상 의무 이행
□ 수집항목
ㅇ 필수적 정보
- 개인식별정보: 성명, 생년월일 등 고유식별정보, 국적, 주소 및 거주지, 이메일 주소, 전화번호, 핸드폰
번호, 계좌번호 등
- 학력사항(학교명, 전공, 재학기간), 예술활동 경력(전시 및 공연 경력) 수상경력(대회명, 대회주체,
수상내용, 수상일 등 관련 정보), 해외체류 및 교환학생 관련 정보, 경력사항, 자기소개관련정보, 기타
선발을 위해 본인이 작성한 관련 정보 등
□ 보유이용기간
ㅇ 위 개인정보는 수집ㆍ이용에 관한 동의일로부터 36 개월 동안 위 이용 목적을 위하여 보유·이용됩니다.
단, 위 기간 경과 또는 지원자가 선정을 거절한 경우에는 민원처리, 분쟁 해결, 법령상 의무이행을 위하여
필요한 범위 내에서만 보유·이용됩니다.
□ 동의를 거부할 권리 및 동의를 거부할 경우의 이익
ㅇ 위 개인 정보 중 필수적 개인정보의 수집ㆍ이용에 관한 동의는 ‘ACC 레지던시’ 선정을 위하여
필수적 이므로, 위 사항에 동의 하셔야만 접수 진행이 가능합니다. 위 개인정보 중 선택적 정보의
수집ㆍ이용에 관한 동의는 거부하실 수 있으며, 다만 동의하지 않으시는 경우 심사 시 불이익을 받으실 수
□ 수집ㆍ이용 동의 여부
ㅇ 국립아시아문화전당이 위와 같이 본인의 개인정보를 수집ㆍ이용 하는 것에 동의합니다.
필수적 정보(동의함 □ 동의하지 않음 □)
□ 고유식별 정보 동의여부
ㅇ 국립아시아문화전당이 위 목적으로 다음과 같은 본인의 고유식별정보(생년월일)를 수집 이용 하는 것에
동의합니다. (동의함 □ 동의하지 않음 □)

2023. 00. 00

작성자 (서명 또는 인)

국립아시아문화전당장 귀하
3. Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement
To collect, use or provide one’s personal information to a third party in regards to the selection of ACC Residency
2022, Asia Culture Center (ACC) must obtain one’s consent according to the Personal Information Protection Act.
Hereby, I agree that ACI can collect, use and provide my personal information to a third party as stated in the
following terms.

□ Purpose
ㅇ To proceed and manage the selection process of ACC Residency, confirm career and qualifications(checking
and verification), decide one’s selection, handle civil affairs, settle disputes, and ful fill legal obligations.

□ Items of information to be collected

ㅇ Mandatory information
- Identifying information: name, date of birth, nationality, address and current address, email, telephone, mobile
phone number, account number, etc.
- Academic background (school, major, period), foreign language proficiency (scores of language tests), award
records (competition, host, details of the award, date), Biography, record of living overseas or international
exchange program, career record, contents of self-introduction and all other information one has stated for this
selection process.

□ Retention/use period of personal information

ㅇ Information above will be retained, used, and kept for 36 months starting from the day of the consent for the
aforementioned purpose. After this period is over or in case the selected candidate declines to participate,
information kept by ACC will be limited to those required to handle civil affairs, settle disputes, and ful fill legal

□ Refusalrightst and disadvantages of refusal

ㅇ The consent to the collection and use for mandatory identifying information is necessary for the selection
process of ACC Residency. Therefore, the submission can be only accepted if one agrees to the terms above. You
may refuse the collection and use of optional information but one may have disadvantages in the review.

□ Consent to the collection and use

ㅇ I agree that ACC shall collect and use my personal information according to the terms above.
Mandatory information (Agree □ Disagree □)

□ Consent for identifying information

ㅇ I agree that ACC shall collect and use identifying information (date of birth) for the purpose above.
(Agree □ Disagree □)

Name (signature)
Amine Dhouibi

For the attention of the President, the Asian Culture Center

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