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Arooba Javed

Ma’am Reena Edgar

English Composition

20 November 2023

Method SQ3R


Topic: What Percentage of the Human Brain is Used?

Subtitle: Debunking the 10% Myth Source: By Alane Lim (4 years old)

Main Topics: This article basically talks about 10% myth about brain usage. It also explains
origin of this myth, neuropsychology studies and revolutionary arguments that debunk this myth
through evidences. How different parts of brain work in coordination when a person performs a
specific task.


Q1. What is this 10% myth?

Q2. Is there any scientific evidence in support of this myth?

Q3. What are impacts of brain injuries on an individual?

Q4. Which parts of brains are inactive, if this myth is true?


 Scientific studies show that each and every part of brain is useful, in fact different parts of
brain work in coordination with each other.

• Recent studies on neuron reveal that there is not even a single neuron that is inactive.

• Brain is the most important part of body, as being the 2% of the body, it consumes about

20% of body’s energy.

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• Both the bright spots on brain as well as dark part of brain are active.


1. 10% myth about brain activity suggests that only ten percent of human brain is used by a

person in entire life.

2. Though psychologists of past believed in this myth, recent neurologist studies and

revolutionary arguments show that every part of brain is important. This myth is not

supported by any scientific evidence.

3. Any minor injury to any brain part can have serious impact on brain functioning.

4. There is no useless part of brain. Scientific research cannot identify any part of brain that

is completely inactive.


In my opinion, this article explains the 10% myth about brain’s activity beautifully. This myth

may or may not be true. It is said that Einstein explained his brilliance using the 10 percent myth.

At present no scientific study supports this myth but still most of people have faith in this myth.

Though humans use 100% of their brain throughout each day, this myth has inspired many

references in cultural imagination and certain self improvement books become reason for

promotion of this myth.

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