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Neuralink : Mechanism and Overview

1.1 Working

Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) are systems that establish a direct

communication link between the human brain and external devices.

1. Electrode Implantation: A BMI involves the implantation of electrodes

into the brain, either on the surface or within specific regions. In Neuralink
thin flexible electrodes called “threads” are used to record and stimulate
neural activity.

2. Neural Signal Recording: The Implanted electrodes record electrical

signals produced by neurons, representing neural activity associated with
thoughts, intentions, or movements.

3. Data Processing and Decoding: Recorded neural signals are processed by

algorithms on a computer, employing machine learning and signal
processing to interpret and decode the information.

4. Commands: The decoded neural signals can be used to control external

devices, such as computers, robotic limbs, or other technologies, allowing
individuals to interact with the external world using their thoughts. 2.Overview

Neuralink is a type of brain machine interface (BMI) technology that aims to
provide communication with the brain and other external devices such as a
computer to prosthetic limbs. The technology is implanted in the brain of the
user which enables the said user to communicate with devices and provide
inputs to perform defined function. It potentially aims to enhance cognitive
abilities and allows humans to merge with artificial intelligence. Its long-term
vision involves addressing various neurological conditions such as paralysis
and various brain disorders, by providing a direct interface between the brain
and technology. The applications of Neuralink’s technology include treating
neurological disorders, it can also come with temperature and pressure
sensors, restoring motor functions in paralysis patients, and enabling direct
communication between the brain and external devices.

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