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Confidence Cement Limited

October 14, 2022


Notice is hereby given that the second meeting of Board of Directors will be held at the
registered office of the company at 3.30 p.m. on Friday October 24, 2022

Yamini Anerao

Confidence Cement Limited

October 14, 2022


1.Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.

2. Matters arising from the minutes.

3. Financial irregularities of company accountants.

4. Confirmation of the appointment of Auditor.

5 . Date of next meeting.

Yamini Anerao

Confidence Cement Limited

Minutes of the Meeting

The minutes of the meeting, which was conducted on Friday,October 24, 2022 at 3:30 pm at
the Registered Office.

Present Members:

1.Ms.Bhakti Sawant.

2.Ms.Yamini Anerao

3.Mr.Mihir Vilankar.

4.Mr.Atharva Biraje

1.01.Ms.Bhakti Sawant was unanimously elected Chairman of the meeting.

1.02.That Ms.Bhakti Sawant be and is hereby appointed Chairman of the

board and of the company.

1.03.Approval of Bankers.

1.04.Next meeting of the Board was fixed to be held on Sunday, 20

November,2022 at 4.00 p.m.

All the above decisions were taken unanimously.Without remaining a single point on the
agenda, the meeting was concluded.

Yamini Anerao Bhakti Sawant

Secretary Board of Directors

Date: 16 October 2022

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