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e-SAMSAT Implement at ion as an Informat ion Technology Resource in Creat ing Public Value at East J…
Sawung Murdha Anggara

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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020


Master of Administration Study Program State University of Gorontalo

ABSTRACT: taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone

This study aims to determine the effect Bolango Regency.
of the modernization of the tax KEYWORDS: Taxpayer Satisfaction, Service,
administration system and service quality on Administration Modernization.
the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers in
the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency INTRODUCTION:
partially or simultaneously. The approach in Various ways have been done by the
this research is quantitative. The research government in order to increase taxpayer
method is ex post facto. This research design compliance which is still low. One of them is by
is in the form of causality. The data analysis improving service quality. Service to taxpayers
technique used is multiple regression. The as customers is said to be of good quality when it
results showed that (1) the modernization of meets or exceeds the taxpayer's expectations, or
the tax administration system had a positive the smaller the gap between fulfilling promises
and significant effect on the quality of service and customer expectations is the closer to the
at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. quality standard. Along with efforts to optimize
(2) The modernization of the tax revenue (Komala, et al, 2014). Thus it can be said
administration system has a positive and sump w a service is an important aspect and is a
significant effect on motor vehicle taxpayer proper way that can cause a positive reaction on
satisfaction at the Samsat Office of Bone tax compliance in paying taxes.
Bolango Regency. (3) Service quality has a Apart from services, another factor is the
positive and significant effect on satisfaction modernization of the tax administration system.
of motor vehicle taxpayers at the Sams Office Candra, et al (2013) stated that one of the means
at Bone Bolango Regency. (4) Modernization provided by the government to increase
of the tax administration system that is taxpayer compliance is by modernizing the tax
mediated by service quality has a positive administration system.
and significant effect on motor vehicle Regarding motor vehicle tax, this
taxpayer satisfaction at the Samsat Office of research was conducted at the Samsat Office of
Bone Bolango Regency. So that service Bone Bolango Regency. The choice of location as
quality is a good intervening variable to the phenomenon that people who make tax
accelerate the influence of the modernization payments two-wheel motorcycles and four
of the tax administration system in wheels each year has increase the b e agitu great,
increasing the satisfaction of motor vehicle it's all in k a itkan number kendaaran which
annually increases in the purchase of motor
70 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
vehicles, thus the greater the number of vehicles motor vehicle tax management takes a long time,
motorized every year, automatically the motor the server for Samsat Bone Bolango still uses the
vehicle tax revenue increases every year. Server. The general difference is that the Samsat
In the achievement of the realization of of Gorontalo City has used its own server so that
motor vehicle taxpayer payments in 2016, only the taxpayer data search process can be done
22,867 units or 63% of the achievement was still quickly and easily, facilities in the form of
not in accordance with the expected target of computers used are still limited so that
36,131 units, in 2017 the realization was 24,373 employees who accept public acceptance make
units or 57% not in accordance with the target of limited tax payments so as to create such long
42,171 units and in 2018 the realization of tax queues.
payments by society taxpayer amounting to 26 With the not yet optimal modernization
575 units or 59%, which is not in accordance of tax administration, it can hamper the
with the target expected in a n by SAMSAT Bone acceleration of motor vehicle tax payments such
Bolango amounted to 44 709 units, thus it can be as Motor Vehicle Registration (STNK), Motor
concluded that to achieve the target annually Vehicle Tax Collection (PKB) and Motor Vehicle
untu k society that taxpayers can increasing the Title Fee (BBNKB) and Compulsory
level of service quality can be right and facilities Contribution. With the limitations of the service
in service to make it easier for people who pay facilities provided by Samsat Bone Bolango, it
taxes on motor vehicles. can make taxpayers feel unsatisfied with the
With the lack of public participation in services provided by Samsat. Besides that, the
taxes, especially motorized vehicle taxes, which lack of facilities can require a long time in the tax
have been regulated by the regulations per Law payment process. Satisfaction of Motor Vehicle
Number 22 of 2009, where each motorized Taxpayers in Samsat Bone Bolango. Then the
vehicle makes tax payments as determined by administrative system is still not so updated
the central and local governments, with because there is no tax service using transfers
increased public participation in motor vehicle via mobile banking and easy printing of motor
tax payments then Sam s at Bone Bolango can vehicle tax notices through an Android-based tax
improve the quality of services and facilities at application as implemented by Samsat of North
Samsat Bone Bolang o to support the Sulawesi Province.
smoothness and acceleration of motor vehicle So that researchers are interested in
tax payments made by taxpayers. conducting a scientific research with the title
Based on the observations of researchers "The Effect of Modernization of Tax
that the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers Administration Systems and Service Quality on
in Samsat Bone Bolango , the services provided Satisfaction of Motor Vehicle Taxpayers at the
by Samsat Bone Bolango employees are still not Samsat Office, Bone Bolango Regency".
optimal according to the specified time, there are
still many facilities that have not been provided RESEARCH METHOD:
by Samsat Bone Bolango in providing quality This research was conducted at the
services provided by Samsat employees Bone Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency. The
Bolango, namely, services for paying taxes population in this study were 26,575 motor
through Mobile Samsat, Samsat Drive Through vehicle taxpayers in Samsat Bone Bolango
and other service facilities such as Samsat City of Regency. With the Slovin formula, a sample of
Gorontalo which have implemented these 100 people was obtained. The data analysis
service facilities, the implementation time for technique used in this research is path analysis
71 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
or path analysis. The following is a multiple b. Variable Quality of service (X2):
regression equation with intervening variables Respondents 'answers to find out how
(Hartono, 2011: 156) which is as follows: respondents' perceptions of service quality
X2 = α + β X1 variables. This can be presented in the following
Y = α 2 + β 1 X1 + β 2 X2 + ε table:
Y = Taxpayer satisfaction Table 2: Analysis of Respondents' Answers to
α = constant, the value of Y if X = 0 Service Quality variable (X 2 )
β 1 - β 2 = Regression coefficient X2 Score
No. Criteria
X 1 , X 2 = Modernization of the tax administration indicator Actual Ideal %
system , quality of service Pretty
1 1 1,982 2,500 79.28%
ε = Error term
2 2 2,016 2,500 80.64% Well
A. Descriptive Research Variables: Pretty
4 4 1,923 2,500 76.92%
The results of the descriptive analysis of each good
research variable are as follows: Pretty
5 5 1,906 2,500 76.24%
a. Variable Modernization of the tax Total 9,778 12,500 78.22%
administration system (X1) Source: Processed Data, 2020
The results of respondents 'answers to find
out how respondents' perceptions of the variable Based on the table above, it can be seen
Modernization of the tax administration system that the variable service quality lies in the
can be presented in the following table: criteria that are “good enough “with a score of
78.22 %.
Table 1. Analysis of Respondents' Answers to
the variable Modernization of the tax c. Taxpayer Satisfaction Variable (Y)
administration system (X 1) Respondents' answers to find out how the
Indicator Score
No. Criteria respondent's perception of each taxpayer
X1 Actual Ideal %
satisfaction variable. This can be presented in
1 1 3,319 4,000 82.98% Well
the following table:
2 2 3,129 4,000 78.23%
Pretty Table 3. Analysis of Respondents' Answers to
3 3 3,379 4,500 75.09%
good Taxpayer Satisfaction (Y)
Pretty Y Score
Total 9,827 12,500 78.62% No. Criteria
good indicator Actual Ideal %
Source: Processed Data, 2020 Quite
1 1 4,733 6,000 78.88%
Based on the table above, it can be seen 2 2 5,211 6,500 80.17% Satisfied
that the variable of the modernization of the tax Quite
Total 9,944 12,500 79.55%
administration system lies in the “good enough "
criteria with a score of 78.62 %.
Source: Processed Data, 2020

72 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
Based on the table above, it can be seen C. Hypothesis test:
that the taxpayer satisfaction variable lies in the The results of partial hypothesis testing
criteria that are "quite satisfied" with a score of are presented in the following table:
79.55 %.
Table 6. Hypothesis Test Results
B. Estimating Regression Model Forming Coefficient
Model Value (t- Significance t Table Information
Path Analysis:
Count )
Basically, path analysis consists of direct and X1->
3,090 0.003 1,985 Significant
indirect effects which are carried out by using a X2
X1-> Y 5,128 0.000 1,985 Significant
regression approach. The results of the analysis
X2-> Y 6,862 0.000 1,985 Significant
of the effect of X1 and X2 on Y are shown in table Source: Processed Data SPSS 21, 2018
4 as follows:
Table 4. Results of the Analysis of Equations X1 The partial test results of each construct
and X2 against Y can be described as follows:
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model t Sig.
1) The Effect of Modernization of Perpajakan
Administration System on Service Quality:
(Constant) 16,091 5,998 2,683 .009
1 Modernization .328 .064 .379 5,128 .000
The results of the analysis above show
Service quality .499 .073 .508 6,862 .000 that the t-value is compared, so the t- count value
Source: Data processed by SPSS 21, 2020 is still greater than the t- table value (3.090 >
1,985). So it is concluded that the modernization
Based on the numbers in the of the tax administration system has a positive
Standardized Coefficients column, the structural and significant effect on service quality at the
equation for the path analysis is as follows: Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency with a
determinant value of 29.80%.
Ŷ = 0.379 X 1 + 0.508 X 2 + e
2) The Effect of Modernization of the Tax
Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the Administration System on the Satisfaction of
effect of X1 on X2 with the help of the SPSS Motor Vehicle Taxpayers:
program are shown in table 5 as follows: The results of the analysis above show
that the t-value is compared, so the t- count value
Table 5. Results of the Analysis of Equation X1 is still greater than the t- table value (5,128>
Against X2 1,985). So it is concluded that the modernization
Unstandardized Standardized of the tax administration system has a positive
Coefficients Coefficients and significant effect on the satisfaction of
Model t Sig.
Std. motorized vehicle taxpayers in the Samsat Office
B Beta
of Bone Bolango Regency with a determinant
(Constant) 54,295 6,283 8,642 .000
Modernization .262 .085 .298 3,090 .003
value of 20.10%.
Source: Data processed by SPSS 21, 2020
3) The influence of service quality on motor
Based on the numbers in the
vehicle taxpayer satisfaction:
Standardized Coefficients column, the structural
The results of the above analysis show
equation for the path analysis is as follows:
that the value of t count is still greater than the
Ŷ = 0.298 X + e
73 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
value t table (6.862 > 1.985). So it is concluded that
service quality has a positive and significant
effect on the satisfaction of motorized vehicle
taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango
Regency with a determinant value of 31.50%.

D. Testing Path Analysis (Testing Hypothesis

In path analysis, the correlation coefficient (r) Figure 1. Chart Analysis Research Line
is needed in the calculation of path analysis (Path
Analysis). Following are the results of the Furthermore, testing the mediation
correlation analysis (r) testing with the help of hypothesis can be done with the Sobel UI which
SPSS 21: is presented below:
𝑆𝑎𝑏 = √𝑏2 . 𝑆𝑎2 + 𝑎2 . 𝑆𝑏2 + 𝑆𝑎2 . 𝑆𝑏2
Table 7. Correlation Coefficient 𝑆𝑎𝑏
Service = √0,4992 . 0,0852 + 0,2622 . 0,0732 + 0,0852 . 0,0732
Satisfaction quality
Taxpayer 𝑆𝑎𝑏 = √0.0017874 + 0.0003624 + 0.0000380
1,000 .531 .621
Pearson Satisfaction 𝑆𝑎𝑏 = √0.0021877
Correlation Modernization .531 1,000 .298 𝑆𝑎𝑏 = 0.0467733
Service quality .621 .298 1,000
. .000 .000 To test the significance of the effect for
Sig. (1- Satisfaction
tailed) Modernization .000 . .001 the indirect effect between the variables
Service quality .000 .001 .
Modernization of the tax administration system
100 100 100 on taxpayer satisfaction through service quality
N can be seen by calculating the z value of the table
Modernization 100 100 100
Service quality 100 100 100 with the following formula:
Source: Processed Data SPSS 21, 2020 𝑍𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 =
So that states can be described coefficient 0,499𝑥0,262
𝑍𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 =
of determination of total X1, X2 into Y or R 2 y (X1, 0.0467733
X2) are as follows: 𝑍𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 =
R 2 y (X1, X2) = (0.379, 0.508) 𝑍𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 = 𝟐, 𝟕𝟗𝟑
R 2 y (X1, X2) = (0.201 + 0.315) 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑍𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 = 𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟑
R 2 y (X1, X2) = 0, 516 (Determination Multiple)
P y ε = 1 - 0, 516 = 0, 484 (epchelon) Based on the calculation above it can be
seen Zhitung value of 4.197 with a significance of
Based on the table above, the path of the .00 3. This result is smaller than the value of 0.05.
variable structure X1 and X2 to Y can be So that the modernization of the tax
described as follows: administration system that is mediated by
service quality has a positive and significant
effect on the satisfaction of motor vehicle
taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango

74 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
DISCUSSION: where the more effective use of information
1. The influence of the modernization of the systems in tax administration governance, the
tax administration system on service better the services provided by the Samsat Bone
quality: Bolango Office. So it is important for the Bone
The results of descriptive statistics through Bolango Regency Samsat Office to continue to
the analysis of respondents' answers found that explore the information system used to improve
the variable of modernization of the tax taxpayer compliance, especially with the use of
administration system lies in the “good enough e-Samsat which must be continuously innovated
“criteria with a score of 78.62 %. This shows that and even integrated with modern payment
the Bone Bolango Regency Samsat Office is not systems.
yet fully capable of implementing and enforcing These results are in line with research
the use of an information system that makes it conducted by Herlina Werianty Paonganan
easier for vehicle taxpayers to make tax (2014) that there is a significant positive effect
payments, where tax payments still use a between library automation variables and digital
queuing system at counters and others. Then it services with the variable service quality of
can also be seen that the modernization of visitors. Obtained a correlation value of 0.605
human resources is still not maximal and the use means the level of correlation between library
of hardware and software that is not yet based automation and service quality of visitors is at a
on connectivity with outside payment counters strong level, while the correlation between
such as paying taxes through Alfamart and digital services and service quality of visitors is
others. 0.461 means that the level of correlation
Modernization of the tax administration between digital services and service quality of
system synonymous with information visitors is at a moderate level. The coefficient of
technology is a set of tools that help you work determination is 0.633 meaning that 63.30% of
with information and carry out tasks related to the variation in the service quality of visitors can
information processing (Haag & Keen, 201 96: be explained by the variation of the independent
2). Information technology is not only limited to variables, namely library automation and digital
computer technology (software & hardware) services. While the remaining 36.70% is
which is used to process or store information, explained by other causes.
but also includes communication technology to
transmit information. The role of technology 2. The effect of modernization of the tax
information in samsat at the moment is much administration system on motor vehicle
needed presence to help employees manage taxpayer satisfaction:
information becomes more easily and quickly The results of testing the second hypothesis
and the payment by the taxpayer so much easier. found that the modernization of the tax
The results of testing the first hypothesis administration system had a positive and
found that the modernization of the tax significant effect on the satisfaction of motorized
administration system had a positive and vehicle taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone
significant effect on service quality at the Samsat Bolango Regency with a determinant value of
Office of Bone Bolango Regency with a 20.10%. The meaning of the positive coefficient
determinant value of 29.80%. The meaning of shows that the modernization of the tax
the positive coefficient shows that the administration system has a good impact on
modernization of the tax administration system increasing taxpayer satisfaction in fulfilling tax
has a good impact on improving service quality, obligations related to motorized vehicles in Bone
75 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
Bolango Regency. So it is important to organize and guarantees in providing comfortable
services and improve services at the Samsat services and according to promises to taxpayers.
Office of Bone Bolango Regency by maximizing Services by Samsat must be facilitated and in
the use of technology from queues to payments, accordance with the SPM that has been
even if there is a need for a more optimal drive determined in order to increase the compliance
thru tax payment service to make it easier for the of taxpayers in making tax payments in a timely
community to fulfill their obligations. manner and can increase local revenue for
These results show the importance of a Gorontalo Province which is then distributed to
modern tax administration system. The spirit of Regencies / Cities in Gorontalo Province.
this modernization program is the The results of testing the third hypothesis
implementation of good governance, namely the found that service quality had a positive and
application of taxation that is transparent and significant effect on motor vehicle taxpayer
accountable, by utilizing a reliable information satisfaction at the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango
technology system. The strategy taken is Regency with a determinant value of 31.50%.
excellent service as well as intensive supervision The meaning of the positive coefficient shows
of taxpayers. If this modernization program is that the quality of service has a good impact on
examined in depth, including the changes that increasing taxpayer satisfaction, where the
have been, are being, and will be carried out, it better the service received by the taxpayer
can be seen that the concept of modernization is community, the higher the satisfaction of the
a breakthrough that will bring about quite taxpayer. Good service must continue to be
fundamental and revolutionary changes. provided by the Bone Bolango Regency Samsat
According to Diana Sari (2013: 14-17), to realize Office with the capacity building of employees in
the modernization of the tax administration the Bone Bolango Regency Samsat Office
system, the tax administration reform program environment, both done by on the job and off the
needs to be designed and implemented in a job. This capacity development is crucial for
comprehensive and comprehensive manner. increasing competence and also commitment to
This result is in accordance with the opinion providing quality services.
of Welly Surjono (2015) that the implementation The results of Diani Nur Hanifah's (2015)
of modernization of tax administration on research show that the quality of tax services has
taxpayer satisfaction results in an influence a significant effect on taxpayer satisfaction at the
between modernizations of tax administration Primary Tax Office. This means that the better
on taxpayer satisfaction at KPP Pratama the quality of tax services, the better the
Bandung Bojonagara. satisfaction of taxpayers at the Tax Service
3. The effect of service quality on motor
vehicle taxpayer satisfaction: 4. The effect of modernization of the tax
The results of descriptive statistics through administration system which is mediated
the analysis of respondents' answers found that by the quality of service on taxpayer
the variable quality of service lies in the “good satisfaction:
enough “criteria with a score of 78.22 %. This The results of descriptive statistics through
shows that taxpayers who pay vehicle taxes at the analysis of respondents' answers found that
the Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency feel the taxpayer satisfaction variable lies in the
that the services provided are not yet optimal, criteria that are "quite satisfied" with a score of
especially regarding the empathy of employees 79.55 %. This shows that taxpayers who make
76 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
vehicle tax payments at the Samsat Office of Bone compliance and satisfaction of taxpayers in
Bolango Regency tend not to be very satisfied fulfilling their tax obligations.
with the various services provided, especially in
the aspect of implementing standards in minimal CONCLUSION:
services in the office then the professional ethics Based on the results of research and
shown by employees. This must be a forum for discussion in the previous chapter, it can be
making various breakthroughs from an drawn some conclusions of research as follows:
administrative system based on an integrated 1. Modernization of the tax administration
information system in order to reduce service system has a positive and significant effect on
irregularities by employees and also make it service quality at the Samsat Office of Bone
easier for people to pay taxes which ultimately Bolango Regency with a determinant value of
makes them more satisfied and will continue to 29.80%. The modernization of the tax
improve compliance with better compliance in administration system has a good impact on
fulfilling their obligations on motorized vehicles. improving service quality, where the more
The results of testing the fourth hypothesis effective the use of information systems in
found that the modernization of the tax tax administration governance, the better the
administration system mediated by service services provided by the Bone Bolango
quality had a positive and significant effect on Samsat Office.
the satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers at the 2. Modernization of the tax administration
Samsat Office, Bone Bolango Regency. So it can system has a positive and significant effect on
be said that the variable service quality is a good motor vehicle taxpayer satisfaction at the
intervening variable to accelerate the influence Samsat Office of Bone Bolango Regency with
of the modernization of the tax administration a determinant value of 20.10%. The
system in increasing the satisfaction of motor modernization of the tax administration
vehicle taxpayers in the Samsat Office of Bone system has a good impact on increasing
Bolang Regency o. For this reason, there is a need taxpayer satisfaction in fulfilling tax
for innovation in increasing regional revenues obligations related to motorized vehicles in
through motor vehicle taxes, especially Bone Bolango Regency.
provincial revenues. One way that is able to 3. Service quality has a positive and significant
attract and increase public satisfaction is by effect on the satisfaction of motorized vehicle
providing Samsat lottery coupons so that people taxpayers at the Samsat Office of Bone
are interested in continuing to pay taxes on time. Bolango Regency with a determinant value of
This result is in line with the statement from 31.50%. The quality of service has a good
Ismawan (2011: 81) that tax administration impact on increasing taxpayer satisfaction,
reform provides services to the public in where the better the service received by the
fulfilling their tax obligations in a transparent taxpayer community, the higher the
and accountable manner regarding revenue and satisfaction of the taxpayer.
expenditure of tax payments, as well as 4. Modernization of the tax administration
providing an oversight of the implementation of system mediated by service quality has a
tax collection, especially for collectors taxes, to positive and significant effect on the
taxpayers, or to the taxpayer society. This satisfaction of motor vehicle taxpayers at the
statement shows that the modernization of Samsat Office, Bone Bolango Regency. So that
taxation will have an impact on tax services service quality is a good intervening variable
which will ultimately determine the level of to accelerate the influence of the
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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2020
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Service Quality, and Tax Sanctions on Motor

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