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Bribery and corruption can have a profound impact on the development of criminal mentality in youth
today. Several factors contribute to this:

1. Normalization of illegal activities:When bribery and corruption are prevalent in society and go
unchecked, they become normalized. Young people observing this may perceive illegal activities as a
common and acceptable way to attain their goals, leading to a criminal mindset.

2. Lack of consequences: If individuals engaging in bribery and corruption are not held accountable for
their actions, it sends a message to the youth that these activities are not punishable. Consequently,
they may feel encouraged to engage in such behavior, perceiving it as a low-risk, high-reward

3. Loss of faith in systems: Witnessing bribery and corruption erodes trust in societal institutions and the
belief that the system is fair.This loss of faith can lead young people to conclude that the only way to
succeed is through illegal means, perpetuating a criminal mindset.

4. Desensitization to ethical standards: When exposed to bribery and corruption, youth may become
desensitized to ethical standards. They may start to prioritize personal gain over honesty, integrity, and
moral values, which can pave the way for engaging in criminal behavior.

5. Financial incentives: Bribery and corruption often involve financial incentives, such as receiving bribes
or kickbacks. The lure of easy money can entice young individuals into criminal activities, as they see it
as a shortcut to wealth and success.

6. Role models: Youth are highly influenced by their surroundings and individuals they look up to as role
models. If they observe authority figures, community leaders, or influential individuals engaging in
bribery and corruption without facing consequences, they might emulate these actions, further
fostering their criminal mentality.

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