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In recent years, there has been a phenomenon of using animals for entertainment purposes to be

considered satisfactory across various cultures. From my perspective, I partly disagree with this notion.
Throughout this essay, I will explain more perspective in more detail and provide examples to support my
On the one hand, I agree with that statement because the entertainment services provided by the animals
can lure visitors, particularly those from foreign countries. Local communities established numerous
circuses and centers that exhibit exotic animals, including terrestrial animals like elephants and tigers, as
well as aquatic animals such as dolphins and sea lions. These animals are trained to perform a myriad of
unique acts. A significant number of travelers and tourists are appealed by various novel performances
and shows. These services aid local people not only can enhance the reputation of the hosting country but
also can contribute to economic gains and cultural enrichment.
However, on the other hand, it is worth noting that using animals for recreational intents can have several
drawbacks. Animals may undergo harm during the training processes. Trainer use sticks or whip to hit
animals in order to make them do many hazardous activities such as stand up with two feet or somersault.
Furthermore, animals may be confined in poor condition, lacking access to clean food and water. It not
only places noticeable stress on animals but also eradicate their natural abilities.
To sum up, making use of animals for entertainment brings both advantages and disadvantages that
people should consider carefully before accepting. Government and citizens should coordinate strives to
stimulate responsible animal entertainment practices and intercept immediately violent training animals
for circuses.

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