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→ The only fluid tissue in the human body

→ Classified as a connective tissue 
▪ Living cells = formed elements
▪ Non-living matrix = plasma
 Erythrocytes (red blood cells, or RBCs)
 Leukocytes (white blood cells, or WBCs)
 Platelets

Physical Characteristics of Blood

 Color range
▪ Oxygen-rich blood is scarlet red
▪ Oxygen-poor blood is dull red
 pH must remain between 7.35–7.45
 Slightly alkaline
 Blood temperature is slightly higher than
body temperature
 5-6 Liters or about 6 quarts /body
▪ 5–6 L for males; 4–5 L for females
Functions of Blood
 Distributing substances
 Regulating blood levels of substances
 Protection
Distribution Functions
 Delivering O2 and nutrients to body cells
 Transporting metabolic wastes to lungs
and kidneys for elimination
 Transporting hormones from endocrine
organs to target organs
Regulation Functions
 Maintaining body temperature by
absorbing and distributing heat
 Maintaining normal pH using buffers;
alkaline reserve of bicarbonate ions
 Maintaining adequate fluid volume in
circulatory system
Protection Functions
 Preventing blood loss
▪ Plasma proteins and platelets initiate
clot formation
 Preventing infection
▪ Antibodies
▪ Complement proteins
▪ WBCs

▪ Major contributor of plasma osmotic
Blood Plasma
 Composed of approximately 90 percent Formed Elements
 Includes many dissolved substances  Erythrocytes = red blood cells  
▪ Nutrients   Leukocytes = white blood cells
▪ Salts (metal ions)  Platelets = cell fragments
▪ Respiratory gases  Only WBCs are complete cells
▪ Hormones  RBCs have no nuclei or other organelles
▪ Proteins  Platelets are cell fragments
▪ Waste products  Most formed elements survive in
Plasma proteins most abundant solutes bloodstream only few days
▪ Remain in blood; not taken up by cells  Most blood cells originate in bone marrow
▪ Proteins produced mostly by liver and do not divide
▪ 60% albumin; 36% globulins; 4% fibrinogen

Plasma Proteins
 Albumin – regulates osmotic pressure
 Clotting proteins – help to stem blood loss
when a blood vessel is injured
 Antibodies – help protect the body from
 60% of plasma protein
 Functions
▪ Substance carrier
▪ Blood buffer
 Superb example of complementarity of
structure and function
Erythrocyte Function
 RBCs dedicated to respiratory gas transport
 Hemoglobin binds reversibly with oxygen
 Normal values
→ Males - 13–18g/100ml; Females - 12–16
Erythrocyte Disorders
 Anemia
▪ Blood has abnormally low O2-carrying
▪ Sign rather than disease itself
▪ Blood O2 levels cannot support normal
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) ▪ Accompanied by fatigue, pallor, shortness
 The main function is to carry oxygen of breath, and chills
 Anatomy of circulating erythrocytes Causes of Anemia
▪ Biconcave disks  Three groups
▪ Essentially bags of hemoglobin ▪ Blood loss
▪ Anucleate (no nucleus) ▪ Low RBC production
▪ Contain very few organelles ▪ High RBC destruction
 Outnumber white blood cells 1000:1 Causes of Anemia: Blood Loss
 Diameters larger than some capillaries  Hemorrhagic anemia
 Filled with hemoglobin (Hb) for gas ▪ Blood loss rapid (e.g., stab wound)
transport ▪ Treated by blood replacement
 Contain plasma membrane protein  Chronic hemorrhagic anemia
spectrin and other proteins ▪ Slight but persistent blood loss
→ Spectrin provides flexibility to change → Hemorrhoids, bleeding ulcer
shape ▪ Primary problem treated
 Major factor contributing to blood viscosity Causes of Anemia: Low RBC
 Iron-deficiency anemia
▪ Caused by hemorrhagic anemia, low iron
intake, or impaired absorption
▪ Microcytic, hypochromic RBCs
▪ Iron supplements to treat
 Pernicious anemia
▪ Autoimmune disease - destroys stomach
▪ Lack of intrinsic factor needed to absorb
 Deficiency of vitamin B12
 Structural characteristics contribute to gas ▪ RBCs cannot divide  macrocytes
transport ▪ Treated with B12 injections or nasal gel
→ Biconcave shape—huge surface area ▪ Also caused by low dietary B12
relative to volume (vegetarians)
→ >97% hemoglobin (not counting  Renal anemia
water) ▪ Lack of EPO
→ No mitochondria; ATP production ▪ Often accompanies renal disease
anaerobic; do not consume O2 they ▪ Treated with synthetic EPO
transport  Aplastic anemia
▪ Destruction or inhibition of red marrow by
drugs, chemicals, radiation, viruses
▪ Usually cause unknown
▪ All cell lines affected
→ Anemia; clotting and immunity
▪ Treated short-term with transfusions; long-
term with transplanted stem cells
Causes of Anemia: High RBC
Destruction • O2 loading in lungs
 Hemolytic anemias → Produces oxyhemoglobin (ruby red)
▪ Premature RBC lysis • O2 unloading in tissues
▪ Caused by → Produces deoxyhemoglobin or reduced
→ Hb abnormalities hemoglobin (dark red)
→ Incompatible transfusions • CO2 loading in tissues
→ Infections → 20% of CO2 in blood binds to Hb 
▪ Usually genetic basis for abnormal Hb carbaminohemoglobin
▪ Globin abnormal Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
→ Fragile RBCs lyse prematurely  Crucial in the body’s defense against
 Thalassemias disease
▪ Typically Mediterranean ancestry  These are complete cells, with a nucleus
▪ One globin chain absent or faulty and organelles
▪ RBCs thin, delicate, deficient in Hb  Able to move into and out of blood vessels
▪ Many subtypes (diapedesis)
→ Severity from mild to severe  Can move by ameboid motion
 Sickle-cell anemia  Can respond to chemicals released by
▪ Hemoglobin S damaged tissues
→ One amino acid wrong in a globin beta  Make up <1% of total blood volume
chain ▪ 4,800 – 10,800 WBCs/μl blood
▪ RBCs crescent shaped when unload O2 or  Function in defense against disease
blood O2 low ▪ Can leave capillaries via diapedesis
▪ RBCs rupture easily and block small vessels ▪ Move through tissue spaces by ameboid
→ Poor O2 delivery; pain motion and positive chemotaxis
Hemoglobin Leukocyte Levels in the Blood
 Iron-containing protein  Normal levels =4,000 to 11,000 cells/ml
 Binds strongly, but reversibly, to oxygen   Abnormal leukocyte levels
 Each hemoglobin molecule has four oxygen ▪ Leukocytosis
binding sites → Above 11,000 leukocytes/ml
 Each erythrocyte has 250 million → Generally indicates an infection
hemoglobin molecules  Leukopenia
 Globin composed of 4 polypeptide chains → Abnormally low leukocyte level
▪ Two alpha and two beta chains → Commonly caused by certain
 Heme pigment bonded to each globin drugs
chain Types of Leukocytes
→ Gives blood red color  Granulocytes
• Heme's central iron atom binds one O2 → Granules in their cytoplasm can be stained
• Each Hb molecule can transport four O2 → Include neutrophils, eosinophils, and
→ Larger and shorter-lived than RBCs
→ Lobed nuclei
→ Cytoplasmic granules stain specifically with
Wright's stain

→ All phagocytic to some degree
 Agranulocytes
→ Lack visible cytoplasmic granules
→ Include lymphocytes and monocytes
 Neutrophils
→ Multilobed nucleus with fine granules
→ Act as phagocytes at active sites of
→ Most numerous WBCs
→ Also called Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
(PMNs or polys)
→ Granules stain lilac; contain hydrolytic
enzymes or defensins
→ 3-6 lobes in nucleus; twice size of RBCs
→ Very phagocytic—"bacteria slayers"

 Basophils
→ Have histamine-containing granules
→ Initiate inflammation
→ Rarest WBCs
→ Nucleus deep purple with 1-2 constrictions
→ Large, purplish-black (basophilic) granules
→ contain histamine
▪ Histamine: inflammatory chemical
that acts as vasodilator to attract
WBCs to inflamed sites
→ Are functionally similar to mast cells

 Eosinophils
→ Large brick-red cytoplasmic granules
→ Found in repsonse to allergies and parasitic
→ Red-staining granules
→ Bilobed nucleus
→ Granules lysosome-like
▪ Release enzymes to digest parasitic
→ Role in allergies and asthma
→ Role in modulating immune response

Agranulocytes  Monocytes
 Lymphocytes → Largest of the white blood cells
→ Nucleus fills most of the cell → Function as macrophages
→ Play an important role in the immune → Important in fighting chronic infection
response → Abundant pale-blue cytoplasm
→ Second most numerous WBC → Dark purple-staining, U- or kidney-shaped
→ Large, dark-purple, circular nuclei with thin nuclei
→ rim of blue cytoplasm Mostly in lymphoid → Leave circulation, enter tissues, and
tissue (e.g., lymph differentiate into macrophages
→ nodes, spleen); few circulate in blood ▪ Actively phagocytic cells; crucial against
→ Crucial to immunity viruses, intracellular bacterial parasites,
→ Two types and chronic infections
▪ T lymphocytes (T cells) act against virus- → Activate lymphocytes to mount an immune
infected cells and tumor cells response
▪ B lymphocytes (B cells) give rise to plasma
cells, which produce antibodies

• Leukemias – all fatal if untreated
– Cancer→ overproduction of abnormal WBCs
– Named according to abnormal WBC clone
– Myeloid leukemia involves myeloblast
– Lymphocytic leukemia involves lymphocytes
• Acute leukemia derives from stem cells;
primarily affects children
• Chronic leukemia more prevalent in older
• Cancerous leukocytes fill red bone marrow
– Other lines crowded out→ anemia; bleeding
• Immature nonfunctional WBCs in
• Death from internal hemorrhage;
overwhelming infections
• Treatments
– Irradiation, antileukemic drugs; stem cell
Leukopoiesis Infectious Mononucleosis
 Production of WBCs • Highly contagious viral disease
→ Stimulated by 2 types of chemical – Epstein-Barr virus
messengers from red bone marrow and • High numbers atypical agranulocytes
mature WBCs • Symptoms
▪ Interleukins (e.g., IL-3, IL-5) – Tired, achy, chronic sore throat, low fever
▪ Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) • Runs course with rest
named for WBC type they stimulate Platelets
(e.g., granulocyte-CSF stimulates  Derived from ruptured multinucleate cells
granulocytes) (megakaryocytes)
 All leukocytes originate from  Needed for the clotting process
hemocytoblasts  Normal platelet count = 300,000/mm3
 Lymphoid stem cells  lymphocytes  Granules contain serotonin, Ca2+, enzymes,
 Myeloid stem cells  all others ADP, and platelet-derived growth factor
 Progression of all granulocytes (PDGF)
→ Myeloblast → promyelocyte→ – Act in clotting process
myelocyte→band→ mature cell  • Normal = 150,000 – 400,000 platelets /ml
 Granulocytes stored in bone marrow of blood
 3 times more WBCs produced than RBCs  Form temporary platelet plug that helps
→ Shorter life span; die fighting microbes seal breaks in blood vessels
 Progression of agranulocytes differs  Circulating platelets kept inactive and
 Monocytes – live several months mobile by nitric oxide (NO) and
▪ Share common precursor with neutrophils  prostacyclin from endothelial cells lining
▪ Monoblast →promonocyte→ monocyte blood vessels
 Lymphocytes – live few hours to decades  Age quickly; degenerate in about 10 days
▪ Lymphoid stem cell →T lymphocyte  Formation regulated by thrombopoietin
precursors (travel to thymus) and B  Derive from megakaryoblast
lymphocyte precursors – Mitosis but no cytokinesis →megakaryocyte
Leukocyte disorders - large cell with multilobed nucleus
• Leukopenia
– Abnormally low WBC count—drug induced Hematopoiesis – Blood Cell Formation
 Blood cell formation 3. Ejection of nucleus; formation of reticulocyte
 Occurs in red bone marrow (young RBC)
 In adult, found in axial skeleton, girdles,  Reticulocyte ribosomes degraded; Then
and proximal epiphyses of humerus and become mature erythrocytes
femur  Reticulocyte count indicates rate of RBC
 All blood cells are derived from a common formation
stem cell (hemocytoblast)
 Hemocytoblast differentiation
→ Lymphoid stem cell produces
→ Myeloid stem cell produces other
formed elements Regulation of Erythropoiesis
 Hematopoietic stem cells  Too few RBCs leads to tissue hypoxia
(Hemocytoblasts)  Too many RBCs increases blood viscosity
→ Give rise to all formed elements  > 2 million RBCs made per second
→ Hormones and growth factors push cell  Balance between RBC production and
toward specific pathway of blood cell destruction depends on
development → Hormonal controls
→ Committed cells cannot change → Adequate supplies of iron, amino
• New blood cells enter blood sinusoids acids, and B vitamins
Fate of Erythrocytes Hormonal Control of Erythropoiesis
 Unable to divide, grow, or synthesize  Hormone Erythropoietin (EPO)
proteins → Direct stimulus for erythropoiesis
 Wear out in 100 to 120 days → Always small amount in blood to maintain
 When worn out, are eliminated by basal rate
phagocytes in the spleen or liver  High RBC or O2 levels depress production
 Lost cells are replaced by division of stem → Released by kidneys (some from liver) in
cells → response to hypoxia
 Heme and globin are separated  Dialysis patients have low RBC counts
▪ Iron salvaged for reuse  Causes of hypoxia
▪ Heme degraded to yellow pigment bilirubin → Decreased RBC numbers due to
▪ Liver secretes bilirubin (in bile) into hemorrhage or increased destruction
intestines → Insufficient hemoglobin per RBC (e.g., iron
▪ Degraded to pigment urobilinogen deficiency)
▪ Pigment leaves body in feces as stercobilin → Reduced availability of O2 (e.g., high
▪ Globin metabolized into amino acids altitudes)
→ Released into circulation  Effects of EPO
Erythropoiesis: Red Blood Cell → Rapid maturation of committed marrow
Production cells
 Stages → Increased circulating reticulocyte count in
▪ Myeloid stem cell transformed into 1–2 days
proerythroblast  Some athletes abuse artificial EPO
▪ In 15 days proerythroblasts develop into → Dangerous consequences
basophilic, then polychromatic, then  Testosterone enhances EPO production,
orthochromatic erythroblasts, and then resulting in higher RBC counts in males
into reticulocytes
▪ Reticulocytes enter bloodstream; in 2 days
mature RBC
 As myeloid stem cell transforms
1. Ribosomes synthesized
2. Hemoglobin synthesized; iron accumulates
→ ADP causes more platelets to stick and
release their contents
→ Serotonin and thromboxane A2
enhance vascular spasm and platelet

Vascular Spasms
 Anchored platelets release serotonin
 Serotonin causes blood vessel muscles to
 Spasms narrow the blood vessel,
Dietary Requirements for
decreasing blood loss
Erythropoiesis  Vasoconstriction of damaged blood vessel
 Nutrients—amino acids, lipids, and
 Triggers
▪ Direct injury to vascular smooth
 Iron
▪ Available from diet
▪ Chemicals released by endothelial
▪ 65% in Hb; rest in liver, spleen, and bone
cells and platelets
▪ Pain reflexes
▪ Free iron ions toxic
 Most effective in smaller blood vessels
→ Stored in cells as ferritin and
 Injured tissues release thromboplastin
→ Transported in blood bound to protein
 PF3 (a phospholipid) interacts with
thromboplastin, blood protein clotting
 Vitamin B12 and folic acid necessary for
factors, and calcium ions to trigger a
DNA synthesis for rapidly dividing cells
clotting cascade
(developing RBCs)
 Prothrombin activator converts
Hemostasis prothrombin to thrombin (an enzyme)
 Stoppage of blood flow
 Thrombin joins fibrinogen proteins into
 Fast series of reactions for stoppage of
hair-like fibrin
 Fibrin forms a meshwork (the basis for a
 Requires clotting factors, and substances
released by platelets and injured tissues
 Reinforces platelet plug with fibrin threads
 Result of a break in a blood vessel
 Blood transformed from liquid to gel
 Hemostasis involves three phases
 Series of reactions using clotting factors
▪ Platelet plug formation
▪ Vascular spasms
▪ # I – XIII; most plasma proteins
▪ Coagulation
▪ Vitamin K needed to synthesize 4 of them
Platelet Plug Formation
 Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a
Blood Clotting
blood vessel
 Blood usually clots within 3 to 6 minutes
 Platelets become “sticky” and cling to
 The clot remains as endothelium
 Anchored platelets release chemicals to
 The clot is broken down after tissue repair
attract more platelets
 Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug
Undesirable Clotting
 Thrombus
 Positive feedback cycle
▪ A clot in an unbroken blood vessel
 Damaged endothelium exposes collagen
▪ Can be deadly in areas like the heart
 Embolus
▪ Platelets stick to collagen fibers via plasma
▪ A thrombus that breaks away and floats
protein von Willebrand factor
freely in the bloodstream
▪ Swell, become spiked and sticky, and
release chemical messengers
▪ Can later clog vessels in critical areas such  Based on the presence or absence of two
as the brain antigens
Bleeding Disorders ▪ Type A
 Thrombocytopenia (caused by viruses, ▪ Type B
medications or post-bone CA trtment)  The lack of these antigens is called
▪ Platelet deficiency type O
▪ Even normal movements can cause  The presence of both A and B is called type
bleeding from small blood vessels that AB
require platelets for clotting  The presence of either A or B is called types
 Hemophilia A and B, respectively
▪ Hereditary bleeding disorder Blood Types Determine Blood
▪ Normal clotting factors are missing Compatibility
▪ Impaired liver function
→ Inability to synthesize procoagulants
→ Causes include vitamin K deficiency,
→ and cirrhosis
→ Impaired fat absorption and liver disease
→ also prevent liver from producing bile,
impairing fat and vitamin K absorption

Blood Groups and Transfusions

 Large losses of blood have serious
consequences Rh Blood Groups
 Loss of 15 to 30 percent causes weakness  Named because of the presence or absence
 Loss of over 30 percent causes shock, of one of eight Rh antigens (agglutinogen
which can be fatal D)
 Transfusions are the only way to replace  Most Americans are Rh+
blood quickly  Problems can occur in mixing Rh+ blood
 Transfused blood must be of the same into a body with Rh– blood
blood group
Human Blood Groups
 There are over 30 common red blood cell
 The most vigorous transfusion reactions
are caused by ABO and Rh blood group
 RBC membranes bear 30 types of
glycoprotein antigens
▪ Anything perceived as foreign; generates
an immune response Rh Dangers During Pregnancy
▪ Promoters of agglutination; called  Danger is only when the mother is Rh– and
agglutinogens the father is Rh+, and the child inherits the
 Mismatched transfused blood perceived as Rh+ factor
foreign  The mismatch of an Rh– mother carrying
▪ May be agglutinated and destroyed; can be an Rh+ baby can cause problems for the
fatal unborn child
 Presence or absence of each antigen is ▪ The first pregnancy usually proceeds
used to classify blood cells into different without problems
groups ▪ The immune system is sensitized after the
ABO Blood Groups first pregnancy
▪ In a second pregnancy, the mother’s Diagnostic Blood Tests
immune system produces antibodies to • Differential WBC count
attack the Rh+ blood (hemolytic disease of • Prothrombin time and platelet counts
the newborn) assess hemostasis
Blood Typing • SMAC, a blood chemistry profile – liver
 Blood samples are mixed with anti-A and and kidney disorders
anti-B serum • Complete blood count (CBC) – checks
 Coagulation or no coagulation leads to formed elements, hematocrit, hemoglobin
determining blood type Basic tests to determine coagulation
 Typing for ABO and Rh factors is done in 1. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
the same manner → A reflection of the intrinsic pathway
 Cross matching – testing for agglutination ▪ Isolated prolongations of APPT should
of donor RBCs by the recipient’s serum, and prompt considerations factor VIII,IX,XI or XII
vice versa deficiency.
Developmental Aspects of Blood ▪ Factor VIII (Haemophilia C) has a variable
 Sites of blood cell formation phenotype ranging from asymptomatic to
▪ The fetal liver and spleen are early sites of severe bleeding.
blood cell formation ▪ Factor XII deficiency is not associated with
▪ Bone marrow takes over hematopoiesis by a bleeding disorder.
the seventh month 2. Prothrombin Time (PT)
 Fetal hemoglobin differs from hemoglobin → This is a reflection of the extrinsic pathway
produced after birth and common pathway.
 Fetal blood cells form in fetal yolk sac, liver, → Test of choice if a patient is on warfarin
and spleen therapy
 Red bone marrow is primary hematopoietic ▪ Isolated prolongations of the PT are most
area by seventh month often due to factor VII deficiency .
 Blood cells develop from mesenchymal ▪ Common pathway: deficiencies in factors
cells called blood islands V,X , thrombin & fibrinogen prolong both
 The fetus forms Hemoglobin F, which has the APTT & PT ,as they are in the common
higher affinity for O2 than hemoglobin A pathway.
formed after birth 3. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
 Blood diseases of aging → Measures coagulation throughout the
– Chronic leukemias, anemias, clotting intrinsic pathway & common pathway.
disorders ▪ Test of choice to monitor a patient on
– Usually precipitated by disorders of unfractionated heparin
heart, blood vessels, or immune system ▪ Routine PTT surveillance is not necessary
for patients on low-molecular weight
Transfusions heparin.
• Type O universal donor 4. Thrombin Clotting time (TCT)
– No A or B antigens → This is a measure of the final step in the
• Type AB universal recipient coagulation pathway (the conversion of
– No anti-A or anti-B antibodies fibrinogen to fibrin via the action of
• Misleading - other agglutinogens cause thrombin)
transfusion reactions ▪ it is sensitive to deficiencies in fibrinogen
• Autologous transfusions and drugs such as direct and indirect
– Patient predonates thrombin inhibitors.
5. Bleeding Time (BT)
Diagnostic Blood Tests → Is a measure of platelet function (how well
• Hematocrit – test for anemia platelets can form a clot)
• Blood glucose tests – diabetes → Typically elevated in conditions of platelet
• Microscopic examination reveals variations in dysfunction
size and shape of RBCs, indications of anemias
Coagulation can be initiated by either of time (PTT)* secs
2 distinct pathways Prothrombin 10-13 secs 2x to 3x the
 Intrinsic Pathway time (PT)* or 11-15 normal for
→ Can be initiated by events that take place secs control value in
within the lumen of blood vessels. secs
→ This pathway responds to spontaneous , APTT 30 - 40 secs 1.5x to 2.5x the
internal damage of the vascular normal or
endothelium which requires only elements control value in
(cloting factors , Ca++ , platelet surface secs
etc.) found within ,or intrinsic to the Bleeding Time* 2-7 mins
vascular system.
 Extrinsic pathway
→ Activated secondary to external trauma. Clotting Factors
→ It requires Factor III (tissue FACTOR I Fibrinogen
thromboplastin),a substance which is FACTOR II prothrombin
“extrinsic to” ,or not normally circulating in FACTOR III Tissue
the vessel . thromboplastin or
→ Factor III is released when the vessel wall is tissue factor
ruptured. FACTOR IV Ionized Ca++
 Both intrinsic and extrinsic pathway meet FACTOR V Labile factor or
at a shared point to continue coagulation. proaccelerin
Liver’s Participation FACTOR VII Stable factor or
▪ The liver must be able to use Vit,K to proconvertin
produce clotting factors FACTOR VIII Antihemophilic factor
▪ Clotting factors VIII(antihemophilic factor thromboplastin
component or
A), and III (tissue factor) originate from
christmas factor
endothelial cells.
FACTOR X Stuart-power factor
▪ Clotting factor IV (calcium ion) is freely
available in plasma.
▪ Considerations: antecedent
▫ Newborns need Vit.K FACTOR XII Hageman factor
▫ When the normal intestinal flora is FACTOR XIII Fibrin stabilizing
disturbed factor
Schema of the coagulation cascade
The average size of an RBC

Stem Cell
→ An unspecialized cell that can divide
without limit as needed and can , under
specific conditions , differentiate into
Normal values of blood coagulation tests specialized cells.
→ Divided into several categories according to
TEST NORMAL INR( therapeutic
their potential to differentiate
VALUES range)
 Unipotent & Oligopotent stem cell
Partial 25-30 secs
▪ Oligopotent
thromboplastin or 25-40
→ Limited to becoming one of a few different  Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug
cell types  During primary hemostasis,platelets clump
▪ Unipotent up together & form a plug around the site
→ Fully specialized and can only reproduce to of injury.Then in the second stage, called
generate more of its own specific cell type. secondary hemostasis, the platelet plug is
 Pluripotent Cells reinforced by a protein mesh made up of
→ Embryonic cells that develop from fibrin.
totipotent stem cells & are precursors to 3rd stage: Activation of Coagulation
the fundamental tissue layers of the Cascade
embryo.  The coagulation cascade involves the
→ It is a stem cell is one that has the potential activation of a series of clotting
to differentiate into any type of human factors,which are proteins that are involved
tissue but cannot support the full in blood clotting
development of an organism.  Each clotting factor is a serine protease , an
→ Become slightly more specialized , and are enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of
referred to as multipotent cells another protein. The clotting factors are
 Multipotent Cells initially in an inactive form called zymogens
→ Is a stem cell has the potential to 4th stage: Formation of “fibrin plug”
differentiate into different types of cells  Injured tissues release thromboplastin
within a given cell lineage or small number  PF3( a phospolipid) interacts with
of lineages,such as a RBC or WBC. thromboplastin,blood protein clotting
 Totipotent Cells factors, and calcium ions to trigger a
→ First embryonic cells that arise from the clotting cascade
division of the zygote are the ultimate stem  Prothrombin activator converts
cells: these stem cells are described as prothrombin to thrombin(an
because they have the potential to enzymme)
differentiate into any of the cells needed to  Blood usually clots withing 3-6 mins
enable an organism to grow & develop  This clot remains as endothelium
ABO Blood Groups regenerates
 This clot is broken down after issue

1st Stage: Vasospasm

 Vasospam of the blood vessels occurs first
in response to injury
 Vasoconstriction is the effect og this initial
response whenever there is a vessel injury

2nd stage: Platelet Plug Formation

 Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a
blood vessel
 Platelets become “sticky” and cling to the
collagen fibers
 Anchored platelets release chemicals to
attract more platelets

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