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 The spring season in human’s life is teenage.

 Age 13-19 is highly significant in youth life
 Teenage is a foundation of life
 During young age physical growth, mental growth and human
character formation takes place.
 During teenage physical growth reaches its required level.
 Some symptoms of physical growth are gaining body weight and
strength in hands and legs.
 Due to intellectual growth youngsters’ approach everything with
healthy curiosity
 Hero worship begins at teenage
 Anne frank was Jewish.
 Anne frank was 16 years old when she died
 Anne frank hided behind her father’s office.
 Anne frank’s family was hunted by Nazis
 The dairy in which Anne wrote her experiences was gifted to her
on her 13 th birthday
 Anne franks dairy was published in the name of “the dairy of the
young girl”
 Calculator girl dilpreet Kaur.
 Dipreet’s record found her plane in Limca Book of Records in
 Dilpreet solved 100 division sums in 96 seconds
 Dilpreet was only 14 yrs old yet set many records.
 Dilpreet solved 1000 sums of division in 17 min.
 She started solving sums when she was in class II
 Young pilot is yide (duoduo) from China
 Yide Youngest pilot to fly an aircraft 35 min on august 31 in
 The flight covered a distance of 30 km
 Yide competed 20 days flying lessons
 Duoduo got place in the Guinness book of records
 Duoduo participate in a competition and climbed 3700-metre-
high mount fuji in 15 hrs
 In Indian mountaineering 13 yr old malavath purna became
youngest mountain climber to scale mount Everest
 She climbed Everest after 52-day long expedition
 She wanted to prove “girls can achieve anything”
 Her achievements proves that anything can be achieved by
strong will power
 Google boy – 9-year-old kautilya pandit
 Kautilya is from Chandigarh Haryana.
 Kautilya impressed Amithabh bachan in 2013.
 Kautilya is well read in fields of statistics, geographical loacations
and data, trivia, mathematics.
 Sindhuja Rajaraman had become the youngest chief executive
officer in the country.
 Sindhuja was 14 yrs when she became the CEO
 She took over as the CEO of Seppan Entertainment Pvt.Ltd.
 Sinduja holds Guinness World Record for being India’s youngest
CEO and 2D and 3D animator.
 Sinduja made short films on the issues like global warming and
 Sinduja headed a team of 18-25 year old at Seppan
 Seppan was started in 2010.
 There are 160 members working in Seppan company.
 She worked with 10 other employees and gave training in
corporate affairs.
 Sinduja was working on three projects there, including a project
to create a replica of T. Nagar in Chennai.
 Conscious choice making is a critical step making your dream a
reality says Jillian Michaels.
 Students must learn to take right decision in their life.
 Simplicity of heart, high ambitions and good conduct will shape
students life
 Ones words and deeds will indicate their good conduct
 Conduct is a best proof of character
 “good people don’t need laws to tell them to act responsibly, and
bad people will find a way around the laws ” says Plato.
 Positive thinking and creative thoughts will pave way for very
powerful activities.
 Good thoughts leads us to great position in life.
 Students or teenagers potential will evaporate if we indulge in
negative thoughts.
 Education plays a vital role in students life.
 Intellect is source of power leading to creative actions
 Students should have zeal for reaching their goals

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