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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

The Republic of the Sudan

‫مركز دكتور مازن المبشر للتدريب وبناء القدرات‬ licence No : 159957
Dr- Mazin AL-Mubasher center for
certificate NO : 8705
training and capacity buliding

certificate of completion
this is to certify that

Has met all the requirements to be awarded this certificate and completed 15 hours in a course
titlled :

chest x _ ray
The course was held in DR-Mazin AL-Mubasher training center (khartoum –Sudan ) from

9/12/2023 TO 16/12/2023

Dr –Majed Al_Mubasher Dr –Mazin Al_Mubasher

Course instructor +249 912657706 General Director

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