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PIG PEN CIPHER (Tic-Tac-Toe Cipher)

What is Pig Pen Cipher ?

- A geometric simple substitution cipher, which exchanges letters for symbols which are
fragments of a grid.

- A specific type of written code that uses a variety of symbols made from spatial constructs
to represent letters of an alphabet, rather than replacing one alphabetic letter with another,
versus traditional ciphers.

*Insert sample phrase in pig pen cipher here*

- Grids represent pigpens or tic-tac-toe grids, that is why the cipher is more commonly and
creatively referred to as the pigpen cipher, or the tic-tac-toe cipher.


- The Pigpen Cipher was used by Freemasons in the 18th Century to keep their records
private, and for communication between lodge leaders. This is why it is also known as the
Masonic cipher or Freemason cipher. (insert minimalist symbol ng freemason)

- Also known as the Rosicrucian cipher, is attributed to an esoteric religious group or secret
society of medieval Germany. (image ng medieval germany symbol minimalist rin)
- The cipher is also believed to be an ancient cipher and is said to have originated with the
Hebrew rabbis. (Any hebrew ancient symbol siguro pwedeng image representation)

Where can the cipher be seen today ?

One of the most common still seen today is on gravestones, particularly those to have been
members of the Freemasons.

Drawing nito pero minimalist(shape lang ng grave with

pigpen shts)

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