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The NWO and Aeonics

Perhaps the biggest failure of the renaissance was that the occult knowledge brought back into the
western world during the crusades via the Knights Templar was only kept amongst a tiny few and
thus unable to transform society as a whole. Sadly this mistake ties directly into the crisis of our age
for that tiny few gave way to an incestuous, insular culture that seeks not enlightenment but

Crowley knew that this knowledge had to be available to whoever wanted it for the world to be
transformed. His statement of “the law is for all” is less a call to egalitarianism and more a challenge
to the unquantifiable character of genius that will always pop up in unexpected places.

While the occult has been on a slow leak back into western culture since the crusades, it really didn’t
pick up beyond isolated people and times until the Victorian era. Granted there are people before
Crowley who deserve credit in this regard, but for the focus of what I’m building towards I’ll still have
to focus on him. To main factors of Crowley’s efforts have changed the world drastically- His making
knowledge of magickal practice commonly available and the reception of the book of the law. The
former changed things in an on-going way, on the immediate level where the individuals now are
frequently confronting and coming into awareness of the totality, and the latter is a burst into 3D
meat space by intelligences of higher orders of that totality.

The aeon of the crowned and conquering child is still trying to come through. Why do think child
abuse is so prevalent amongst the culture of the global elite? They want to stop it obviously. Why are
so many priests fucking children? Because the kids don’t need Jesus anymore and they don’t want
that old aeon to end. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Crowley may not have seen the full implications of his work, or if he did it isn’t until he started saying
things like how the future of human evolution was dependent on contact with non-human
intelligences. Perhaps Crowley did see the full scope of the Gnostic depth of reality and this is why he
wished to arm us all. He was a child of the financial elite of his culture, and powerful of England long
have loved the occult and still do. He perhaps may have understood what ultraterrestrial forces work
behind the Masonic-derived culture of the global elite better than his peers. While he may have been
a scum bag its clear he genuinely loved freedom and liberty. Maybe this was his ultimate rebellion
against the W.A.S.P./Zionist axis and its cults of control.

Since Crowley this Gnostic scope of reality has come into increasingly greater view, both on the level
of people seeking the totality and beings from the outside encroaching in. I doubt Jack Parsons knew
exactly what he set in motion with the Babalon working, but it is clear that the outcome of it was
allowing UFOs greater manifestation into our 3D meat space. Kenneth Grant claims nuclear weapons
also helped this, and I wouldn’t write that off. Parsons sought to usher in the apocalypse and this he
did, though not in the way I suspect he expected.

It’s clear a gate was opened, and a solid constantly running extradimensional gateway has been open
since. The slow leak of the book of the law, became the running hose of the Babalon working that is
turning into a tsunami in the early days of this new millennium. But as this current grows so does its
counter-current. Sadly this counter-current isn’t the old forces of the J/C tradition (Perhaps because
the genuine Gnostic Christ/Yeshua was in the same boat as Crowley) but rather the corrupted
children of the Templars.

We are indebted to various figures who each in their own way have contributed to our
understanding of the true totality- A.O. Spare, Aleister Crowley, HP Lovecraft, Jack Parsons, Kenneth
Grant, Philip K Dick, Sun-Ra, Miguel Seranno, R.A. Wilson, H.R. Giger, Alex Gray, Whitley Strieber,
David Icke and the many, many people interconnected with and between all these folks.

I know why the caged bird sings, it’s Malek Taos lamenting its torment in creating the universe in its
hubris by accident and trapping itself in it. The devil as the demiurge is a warden and a prisoner in a
prison that is itself. The supreme logos manifests periodically into 3D meat space in a cyclical fashion.
Between these descents other beings mediate that role. Some cultures have the Loa, some have
Angels, but it seems lately we all have the Grays, our new millennia aliengels.

But not every type of intelligence between us and the mind of a God is good, benevolent or even
useful force (which also is to say that the Grays aren’t “good” per say either just not a toxic force).
The global elite down the ages have been obsessed with reptilian symbolism and claim to be
descended from reptiles. In tandem with the increased presence of the Grays we are seeing a equal
increased presence of Reptilians. Granted in the whole scope of things there are far more than just
Grays and Reptilians out there, but these two types of non-human intelligence seem to have the
most direct hand in human affairs and always have.

I do not want to directly postulate a Gray/Reptilian conflict. Who fucking knows on either of their
ends, though I will say I have seen them fight each other before. I will say this however, the Grays,
though often stoic to nearly seeming autistic and frequently terrifying, do appear to interact with us
in a way that goads us along to a higher level of functioning. The Reptilians however appear to be
invested in keeping us locked into reactionary patterns in keeping with the old aeon. They want us
reduced to and completely on a qlippothic level.

I think David Icke is completely dead on about the culture of the global elite being ruled and
influenced by these beings. What he doesn’t get is how this ties in with the Kali-Yuga and the book of
the law. The Reptilians are qlippothic in nature but what exactly their relationship with Choronzon is I
don’t know. Or maybe it is not that they are Qlippothic or directly from the Qlippoth (The Qlippoth
does connect our world with many other worlds) they benefit from us being wired on a Qlippothic
level. Icke goes into this pretty in-depth, so I won’t bother.

The point of confronting the Qlippoth and Choronzon is to get past it and reach the totality, merging
via Babalon out the others side with one’s own fragment of divinity, thus reconciling self/not-self
with integrating all the abysses voices of self into a completed individual whole that is also part of the

Modern culture is Choronzon culture and the NWO is Qlippothic to the core. The concerns of the
NWO are all reptilian brain unconscious concerns- dominance, control, submission, social
automation, etc. The world it has made is completely driven by base natured, atavistic impulses, but
only as a means of keeping the public locked into a binary either/or thinking pattern. Excessive
indulgence exists as a socially acceptable practice but only as a weapon to be used against the public,
never in a genuinely empowering way.

As the NWO increases government control and builds towards a total surveillance state it will leave
only one area left as a viable tool of resistance- MAGICK. Cursing the system and cultivating the
psychic edge needed to survive the coming years will be the new revolution. Drowning culture in the
abyss will mean that those who rise to the occasion will cross the abyss, IN MASS. The NWO will fail
because it will create the pressure needed to fulfill the book of the law and fully bring in the age of
the crowned and conquering child. This is why you have celebrities, priests, cops and politicians who
like to fuck children. This is why “children are the new niggers”. They are possessed by and working
for, whether consciously or not, force trying to suppress the accent of the age of Horus, but
unwittingly will cause it.

I’ve long been a jihadist, bring it on mother fuckers!

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