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Written Test

Time: 60 Minutes

Answer any fourteen!

1.Write the names of Shat-Darshans (6 Eastern Philosophies)!

2.Write Ashtanga Yoga of Maharshi Patanjali in order!
3.Write Bandhas and Mudras according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika!
4.Write the names of Shat-karmas.
5.Write the names of tri-gunas (3 qualities)!
6.Write the names of the Asanas we use in Traditional Surya Namaskar!
7.Write 4/4 names of Asana’s Standing, Sitting, Prone and Supine postures!
8.Write 4/4 names of Asanas Forward-bending, Backward-bending, Spinal-
twisting, Inverted, and Balance Postures!
9. Write 3 aspects of Breath (Pranayama)!
10.Write 5 breathing techniques!
11.Write the names of the chakras in order!
12.Write the names of 4 of 10 main systems of the body and 5 vital organs!
13.Write mudras belonging to Root-lock (Moola Bandha)!
14.Write 5 different names of Yoga!
15.Write types of Minds!
16.Write the names of the main 3 Nadis!
17.Write the names of 5 Pranas!
18.What is Prana and Ayama?
20.Write two heating pranayama?

Wish you all the best forever!


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