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rawwrr ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)‫و‬

🖤 be a perfect exact definitions of uwu, soft cute ulzzang, ethereal cg beauty. 8D unrealistic beauty from any angles, goddess appearance,
innocent and cute vibes, cute soft aura that match you, and make everyone fell in love with you.

🖤 short, small, narrow, slim, skinny, v shaped, sharp face along with sharp skinny noticeable jawline that sharper than your knife

🖤 extremely small forehead with round low hairline, ideal and cute hairline plus ideal face shape

🖤 simple ideal face affirmations ( yet detailed )

🖤 epicanthic folds, ulzzang like, cute doe eyes with ideal eye shape and size, thick big aegyo sal ( tear bags ) also ideal irises color.

🖤 eyebrow and eyelashes that thicker than kylie jenner lips, curles long volumized eyelashes. extremely detailed ideal eyebrows with super
straight shape.

🖤 small, thin, cute ulzzang like nose, boppable, with round small nostrils and thin nose bridge.

🖤 cute plump lips, with defined cupid bow, along with soft pink color and upturned cat like lips corners. short philtrum that make ur face

🖤 straight, white, mint ideal teeth, immune to all teeth problems, immune to under/overbite, healthy teeth/gums, bunny like teeth

🖤 pale skin with natural spf, smooth flawless, glass like, skin that can be used like a mirror, glossy, soft hairless skin

🖤 ideal hair type, length, color, etc. healthy manageable hair that thicker than kim kardashian's butt

🖤 detailed ideal hairless body, that fits and match perfectly on you no matter what.

🖤 super cute no matter what you do ( laugh, cry, talk, sing, etc ) very kind, cute, sweet personality along with soft adorable alluring sweet voice.

🖤 ideal cute smile ( type and shape ), eye smile, sweet kind resting face. treated like goddess queen everywhere.

🖤 be super rich, manifest everything u want ( only positive wish ) extremely photogenic and videogenic, manifest clothes and ideal aesthetic that
fits you.

🖤 love yourself, accept all of your flaws, heal any mental illness, etc

🖤 be master and goddess of dance, sing, rap, speech, etc.

hope u enjoy, sweetheart hunny bunny wnsjsjhshz ◕`ε ́◕

- xx.kottie / with love

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