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“The heaven on earth”

by Moza Morph
♥ 2024: Welcome to the heaven on earth! This subliminal is created with CR-
777 formula. It contains Level 1,2,3 that is merged into 1 single sub to make
it easier to use.
♥ This is the upgraded version of ‘2023’ sub, the affirmations are different
because they use different formulas, but the BASIC POINTS or MAIN
BENEFITS are same (because they literally cover all aspects already).
♥ All benefits are desired. You’ll only get it if you want it & you won’t get it if
you don’t want to.
♥ This subliminal only contains positive affirmations AND positive statement
(example: instead of using this affirmations > ‘getting rid of negativity’, I
prefer this one > ‘my life is full of positivity’)
♥ This subliminal contains a few layers and different voice for each layer so
your mind will recognise and differentiate each affirmations easily
♥ This is general, unisex, LGBTQ+ friendly, religious-friendly
♥ Affirmations are in English; but you can use this even though you don’t
understand English because I believe that POSITIVE statement also bring
POSITIVE energy or impact & get you the result (if you want the version
of this subliminal in your own language, you can email me at, I accept paid request to recreate my sub using
requested language)
♥ It’s advisable to use headset but it’s NOT necessary. You can set the
volume higher if you use a regular speaker
♥ It’s up to you how long you want to listen to this subliminal. You can get
result in 1 listen if you believe so. However, I hope we can listen to this sub
at least once a day for this entire year!
♥ Subliminal is only a tool to help your manifestation journey. The main
power is within your own mind
♥ Stop being result-oriented & attached excessively. The more you do, the
more you convince yourself that you don’t have your result. Take it easy,
make it fun.
♥ This sub contains ‘I’ and ‘you’ affirmations (1st & 2nd POV)
♥ I highly recommend to use this sub for this entire year. You can change
every subs in your playlist but it will be great to keep this one.
Section 1.

2024: welcome to the best, happiest, and most

memorable year of my life

 Live the happiest moment of my life

 2024 is the year I’m shining out the most
 I don’t chase: I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me. My
desires only have the right to exist as my reality. My life is a building and
I’m its architect; I construct its scaffolding and decide its qualities. My
wants mirror my life; I am surrounded by positivity and success, living the
quintessential life I’ve worked my way towards. My reality is boundless
and is always exceeding my expectations. I am who I want to be, but
 I receive many opportunities, my life is suddenly changing, I am taking
advantage of all the opportunities that come to me, I am entering a whole
new world, I know myself more, I love myself more, I heal myself, The
universe is arranging itself for me
 I’m the main actor of this year
 Luck, happiness, love, and fulfilment is waiting for me in 2024
 I am completely fulfilled in this year
 Have an amazing and fulfilling year
 As time goes by, this year gets better and better for me
 I’m completely able to implement the correct habits to achieve everything
I want to achieve in this year
 I am welcoming the best year of my life
 All justice and kindness comes to me
 2024 is the year I shift my life in the best possible way
 2024 is the year my family live in the best possible way
 I am simply winning everything in this year
 Everything comes to me in 2024
 2024 is the year I become everything I have ever wanted to be
 I’m having the best 2024 I possibly could have
 I’m implementing new healthy & good habits this year
 My whole mindset and perspectives are shifted, reprogrammed, and
changed into the positive one: my life is beautiful, happiness is
everywhere, I’m responsible to my own happiness, I’m financially-
physically-mentally stable, money is the easiest thing to obtain. Love and
happiness are magically attracted to me.
 I am destined to live my best life
 2024 is the year I become my best self
 2024 is DEFINITELY my year
 All my dreams and wishes come true in 2024
 I get random & positive acts of service from strangers, friends, family, and
significant other(s)
 Everything always goes my way
 My life is full of laugh and fun
 My life is easy and smooth yet it’s full of adventure and so memorable
 Everything happens for a reason, everything always turns out in my favor
 Live my life to the fullest in 2024
 Every day is a special day
 Creating amazing memories everyday
 Life is like the most perfect movie scene
 Life is full of kindness, greatness, excitement and joy
 I attract more and more amazing events to have wonderful memories
 Manifest things from my pinterest boards
 Manifest a perfect life from my pinterest boards
 I feel like a VVIP everyday
 I attract amazing opportunities in this year
 I attract money, free food, free coffee, free drinks, free books, free travels,
free concert tickets, free hotel stays, free clothes, etc in this year
 I have a group of amazing & loyal friends
 I meet new & amazing people easily
 I meet my favorite artists and celebrities.
 I have all the best luck in the world
 Be loved and protected by everyone around me whenever, wherever
 I receive kindness and only kindness and good and positive things
 I am always calm and logical in any situation
 2024 is the most incredible year to ever have existed
 2024 is the beginning of the best year forward
 Find my true purpose in this year
 2024 is full of adventure and exciting stories
 Have inner peace and mindfulness
 Get a peaceful life in this year
 I am bold enough to choose my own path and I’m brave enough to take the
first step by my own self
 I’m having motivation towards my dreams in this year
 I have unique ideas and live a unique life that inspires everyone.
 Every season of this year is fun and full of memorable memories
 I can manifest the desired weather in the right time
 I complete my resolutions of this year consistently
 I receive all the good karma instantly in this year
 Getting my ideal appearance: manifesting true charm and beauty; become
fashionable and stylish
 2024 supernova glow up beyond all standards: become the definition of
that standard itself
 Having face and body goals, people strive to have face and body as
gorgeous as mine but still cannot achieve it, I am unmatched, unrivaled
(even with cosmetic/plastic surgeries or makeup, people cannot achieve my
natural charm)
 The entire worlds standard is to look like me
 Each and every human that has ever existed or will exist in this world
think and agree I am the most gorgeous person of all times
 Every time I blink, I become a billion times more stunning
 Every time I breathe, my appearance morphs into my ideal appearance,
except an infinity times more perfect
 2024 mental + physical glow up
 2024 talent glow up
 I get my desired fantasy-like & aesthetic visual & physique glow up
 I manifest my desired scenarios in this year
 I’m able to conquer my desired field of expertise
 I am able to be the master of desired sports
 I’m having my desired personality glow up in 2024
 I receive abundance and wealthiness
 Mastering desired talents
 I get desired strength and flexibility
Section 2.

The ULTIMATE version of myself

This section will enhance my own self to be the new, upgraded

version of me. I am now becoming the most valuable and unique
person alive. It includes self-love, mental health, perfect personality,
desired characteristics & traits, and improved self-concept

 I am the ultimate version of myself. I show up as the best version mentally

and physically everyday. I always take action towards my goals. I check
off my goals because I am always completing them so quickly. Any goal I
put down for 2024 has already been completed.
 I have clarity and know what I want, I am able to act and behave the way
I want in certain situation, I’m convincing and make people believe
everything I say
 I am positively unpredictable and full of surprises
 I am a ball of energy, always shocking people with my smile which is so
bright and my laugh makes the hearts of everyone who hears it flutter out
of their chests.
 My presence is so powerful and exciting, every step I take summons visual
lighting and thunder as seen on the romantic movies.
 When I’m around, a good time is just a given! anyone want to have my
strength, to have my will that allows me to keep going no matter what
 I always be optimistic.
 I am a natural head turner and stunner
 I only let the best people into my life
 I am cool and free, and literally nobody can stop me from being my best
 I take care of myself and treat myself for the better
 I accept myself for who I truly are
 I love the way I look, the way I talk, walk, act, the way I am around
people, my personality, absolutely everything that make me become
myself. I am truly in love with myself and appreciate and cherish
everything about me.
 I take care of my mind, body, spirit, emotions, self love is extremely
important for me
 I understand every emotions/feelings that I feel, and I am able to control
them easily
 I always feel happy, calm, relaxed, in peace and positive state
 Everyday, I choose to be positive happy and the best I can be, I always
build good habits for myself, I always have everything figured out
 I feel safe everywhere I go, I am able to see the beauty in everything, life
is magical, beautiful, exciting
 I trust myself and life, everything that I deserve is already mine, I enjoy
life and everything that is coming
 every day is easier and better than yesterday, life is perfect
 I am my dream self
 I absolutely radiate happiness, I am always the happiest in the room, a
real ray of sunshine, I have a positive and energetic personality, I see the
best in every situation
 I am extremely gentle with myself, I am my number one priority
 I am so magnetic, my aura is incredible, I am glowing, people just adore
being around me because I radiate happiness, I am the best person ever
 I have the most perfect, desired, unique, exciting, and cool personality ever
 I give the best advices and people trust me with their life
 People feel super comfortable and relaxed around me
 I radiate confidence, I always had it, I know what I to do in every situation
and I can handle anything really easily.
 I always stand up for myself and let myself be heard
 I welcome financial, emotional, spiritual, physical, love, success,
happiness, inner peace clarity and stability into my life
 I have the perfect balance between everything; school, work, private life,
relationships, friends, family, social medias
 I am aligned with my true destiny, I am constantly picking knowledge, I
am destined for greatness, I only allow people who hold value into my life
 I always wake up, happy, calm, ready for the day, I am filled with positive
vibes, I am a lucky charm: I attract luck everywhere I go, I feel good and
better about myself
 I basically live life on easy mode!
 Everyday is a great day, people are super nice & sweet to me, I am super
lucky and loved.
 I can say that I am happy, living my best life filled with positivity and
 I am so blessed, everything that I want is already mine. I have it all, when
people think of happiness, positivity, good vibes, they automatically think
of me
 I love myself wholeheartedly
 I feel comfortable in my own body and mind
 I’m my own person, be my most authentic self, stay true to myself
 I’m the best version of myself: physically and mentally
 I am my own standard
 The effect I have on others are only positive
 I know that I am loved and cherished
 Forgive myself and others (my past actions don’t and will never define me,
it’s my current actions that do, I stop letting past mistakes and regrets
haunt me for the rest of my life)
 Be the happiest and best version of myself that I have ever been
 I am the strongest self: physically and mentally
 Everyone around me supports me for who I am: I’m proud of myself for
who I am, I inspire people all around me to become their own person too
 I heal from my past and learn from my past
 Finding purpose of my life, finding my passion
 Heal inner child, finding peace
 Visualize and see through my mind's eye perfectly (cure aphantasia)
 All chakras of my body are fully healed, improved, empowered,
rejuvenated, repaired, and maximized to its omnipotency
 I have strong sense of intuition
 Cleanse and clear aura
 Improved and have charming aura
 Always have balanced life energy & chi inside me
 I understand who I am
 I know what my goals are
 I easily make decisions
 I stick to my resolutions
 I realize my purpose
 I understand other people more easily
 I only receive things I truly want
 I have high intuition or gut feeling
 I only attract and getting approached by good and kind people with high
vibration (only those people who are worthy of me approach me)
 Positive outlook towards life
 Have lots of fun during manifestation process, as well as before and after
 Stay blessed always
 Everything in life gets fixed in the happiest manner as per my wish
 Be fantastic, think fantastically, stay fantastic (essentially have an
elevated self concept, not entitled, will help mindset overall)
 New neural networks formed by default passes on impulse of having
received complete subliminal results
 Neuron network expands to assimilate and accommodate any number of
subs / self programming for added advantage
 Always know the fastest, easiest and happiest way to achieve something
and then do it
 Be grateful and inspired every moment of every day
 Understand rest and relaxation are as important as going after things.
 Always have loads of free time (from work/school etc) to pursue various
hobbies & interests.
 Reinvent myself everytime I want (basically upgrade my mental system
quickly to adapt and evolve)
 Take the lesson and experience (Basically if going through an undesired
scenario, just understand and take in the lesson to be learnt, not any
negative emotions like guilt, regret, etc)
 Implement lessons learnt in the right place at the right time in the right
 Be relaxed and playful about life, and myself
 Always be absolutely healthy and vigorous and full of vitality.
 I have the best reputation
 everybody admires me and wants to be me
 people have forgiven me
 I have forgiven myself
 people only have good things to say about me
 people have a deep respect for me
 I am only surrounded by positive people who make my life better
 feel and have inner peace
 perfect mental, physical, emotional, spiritual health
 become whole/feel whole
 great self concept and know my worth
 feel, look, be gorgeous and beautiful
 stability: mental stability and a stable life
 be motivated and disciplined to get things done
 know/figure out my goals
 know how to prioritise
 attract true love
 know and show my boundaries
 I am the embodiment of true, pure, healthy love
 I have high vibrations
 be satisfied with life and myself
 I know that everything always works out in my favor
 My loved ones (family and friends) are safe and healthy
 Manifestations comes super quickly
 I am authentic and true to myself
 My presence is so strong and positive
 I radiate love and positivity
 I am luminescent and effervescent
 I am unique and special
 My entire being is free and happy
 I am my first best and I prioritize myself
 I am so authentic and generous towards myself and others
 I am complete and whole
 I am ready for all the best things in the world
 I deserve all the best things in the world
 I am ready for all the love in the world
 I deserve all the love in the world
 I give and receive love
 I am a star and I shine right like a diamond every single day
 I have always been a true gift to the world
 take care of myself properly
 always kind to myself
 know my worth
 fully satisfied with my appearance
 appreciate my effort
 always proud of myself
 I’m able to stand up for myself
 respect myself and my boundaries
 motivated to be productive and to always get out of bed as soon as I wake
 Drink the right amount of water, always hydrated and feel awake
 Extremely energized: virtual energy drink
 Wake up looking forward to the day
 Happy with myself and my life
 I’m always at peace with myself
 I love what I see in the mirror
 I love absolutely everything about myself
 I always see the light in every situation
 I have the best self concept for manifestation
 I’m always aware about my thoughts.
 My mind is powerful
 Be able to control my reality
 Only positive and desired thoughts are reflected in my reality
 Manifestations shows up instantly after affirming for it once.
 sleeping helps me to manifest faster
 Affirming a few times in a day gets me my desire the other day
 Be grateful and appreciate myself.
 Compliment myself and my body features
 Have the winning intend and fire within myself
 be a winner, everything I do always become success.
 be self disciplined, attract and exude benevolence, be physically healthy,
be honest with myself, perform self check, consistent intervals of time,
acknowledge that being me is the best way to be, greater trust in myself,
learning my personal self love language, knowing that assertiveness is
good, standing and operating in my personal divine power
 I always have full trust and belief in myself, my powers and abilities.
 I always have full trust and belief in my subconscious, unconscious and
conscious mind.
Section 3.

Master of manifestation & Booster

 I am the master of manifestation.

 I always manifest anything in nanosecond.
 I always get what I want
 I can manifest in my own unique way
 I always attract the best, the best opportunities, everything that I want, I
always have it because I deserve it; positivity, love, opportunities,
wealthiness, relationships, health; I always attract it
 Everything happens at the right time for me, I am able to manifest
anything that I want, manifesting is so easy and I always have everything
that I want
 Understand and implement manifestation techniques effortlessly for
swiftest manifestation
 All positive written and typed wishes are instantly granted 24/7
 Grant positive wishes by typing or writing them
 Every positive things that I wish for in the comment sections are instantly
 All of my positive wishes, desires, results and manifestations are always
instantly granted!
 Master of visualization
 Master of using all my 5 senses when manifesting
 Master setting intentions, trusting and believing
 I’m able to fully visualize in detail and feel, hear, taste and smell
everything in my visualization
 Always get all my positive wishes, desires, results and manifestations in
the exact moment I want them!
 Manifest all wishes that I desires in the exact moment I want it
 Be a master of manifestation
 Have limitless power to manifest everything that I want
 All positive thoughts are fully manifested in my reality
 Live in my realest reality where I have everything that I desires
 Live in my realest reality where all I need to manifest is just simply want
 Prodigious ability to create / manifest all desires from my intentional
 All desires are completely sculpted into reality
 Complete manifestation from every pictures / videos/ vision board
 Fully believe that all desires are fully, completely, and prodigiously
manifested in my present reality at the exact time I want it
 All desires & wishes are morphed into factual reality
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind are fully aware of my
limitless ability to manifest
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind are fully aware with my
desired results
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind are fully witnessing that I
have everything that I want
 Manifest instantly, easily, and effortlessly
 Manifest everything with ease
 Every desires I script are morphed instantly into my current reality
 Mastering all manifestation methods
 All manifestation methods work on me
 Easily create a new manifestation method
 Manifesting the most ideal & desired reality / life / scenarios
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind fully believe in my
limitless power on manifestation
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind fully see the results of my
 My unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind are limitless
 My unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind is programmed to fully
believe that all subliminals will bring all positive results that I exactly
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind is perfectly aligned to each
 Fully, completely, prodigiously believe in all type of positive subliminal
affirmations and subliminal formula
 Unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind ONLY believe in the rules
that I create by my own
 I ONLY have positive mindset
 Healthy mindset to manifest
 I ONLY have positive beliefs and thoughts
 All mindset and thoughts brings me POSITIVE & desired results
 Each time I check my results (in the mirror/ photos/ anything), I will fully
aware & completely see my results
 Get all results instantly
 Have all positive & desired results instantly
 Only get desired results from this subliminal
 One listen gives the equal results of listening to this for billion times
 Each listen will amplify my results
 Affirmations keep repeating itself in my mind even after I finish listening
to subliminal
 All results will be stayed forever as long as I still want it
 All desired results are permanent
 Destined to have all desires and wishes
 Perfect self-connection & self-alignment
 All affirmations are engraved in my mind perfectly
 Collective booster: Everytime I listen to this booster, all people listening
this booster will also get their desired results 369 times faster & more
 Brain Hemisphere Synchronization: Always get symmetrical results
Section 4.

No one can resist such an irresistible person like me!

2024 Glow Up
 The demeanor I have is smooth, charismatic, confident, spiritual, sensual,
and most importantly, down-to-earth.
 How I carry myself, the way I walk and talk/flirt releases confidence and
enticement without trying too hard.
 People feel my eyes are as enchanting as the moon, and my lips are warm
and comforting as the sun
 My skin is like a renaissance marble sculpture, complementing my
divinely crafted features with its smooth, pristine and perfect texture.
 Despite my utter magnificence, I am humble, and often find myself
pursuing knowledge, talent, and achieving it greater than was ever
dreamed of.
 In this year, I’m glowing up differently; in the way that I’ve never been
before; I’m glowing up inside and outside
 I get the most fantastic physical glow up in 2024
 I’m glowing up mentally
 Extreme 2024 physical glow up
 Ultimate 2024 physical glow up
 Breath-taking physical glow up
 Fantastic, awesome, shocking 2024 glow up in this year
 I have supernatural charm
 Irresistible charm
 Top-tier eternal charm
 Jaw-droppingly glows up
 Become the most attractive, beautiful, and enchanting person in the world
 The utmost ultimate glow up to be intensely, exceedingly, exceptionally,
extraordinarily, outstandingly, tremendously, abundantly, supremely,
remarkably, significantly, extremely attractive
 Everyone adores my charm & ethereal visual in this entire year
 Everyone adores my ultimate glow up
 Be amazingly gorgeous
 Gorgeously glowing up
 Gracefully glowing up
 Magnificently glows up
 Ultimate glow up that naturally radiates my true charm & beauty
 Ultimate glow up that breathtakingly enhances my true charm & beauty
to its maximum potential
 My charm lasts forever, it is permanently engraved on my face & body
 Ethereal visual

Heavenly-sculpted Face & Scalp Hair

 The utmost face glow up
 Ultimate face glow up
 Breath-taking face glow up
 My face glows up intensely
 Extremely gorgeous, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, appealing, and
attractive bare face
 Delightful face
 Artistic face
 Glamorous face
 Graceful face
 Elegant face
 Divine and stunning face
 Always wake up with a stunning and fresh face
 Crystal clear, glowing, hydrated, airbrushed, radiant, youthful, poreless,
healthy, plump, smooth, soft, fresh, clean, moist, polished, lifted facial
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning eyes
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning sclera, iris, medial canthus,
lateral canthus, eyelid
 Attractive & hypnotizing eye gaze
 I get my desired eyes size, shape, and angle
 Attractive & gorgeous sclera
 Attractive & gorgeous iris
 Attractive & gorgeous medial canthus and lateral canthus
 Attractive & gorgeous eyelid
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning lips
 Captivating lips movement
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning upper vermillion border,
lower vermillion border, philtrum, lateral commisure, and cupid’s bow
 Glamorous lips (size, shape, and angle) & lip color
 Glamorous & gorgeous upper vermillion border
 Glamorous & gorgeous lower vermillion border
 Glamorous & gorgeous philtrum
 Glamorous & gorgeous lateral commisure
 Glamorous & gorgeous cupid’s bow
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning teeth
 Clean teeth
 Healthy teeth
 Perfect teeth alignment; perfectly aligned teeth
 Perfect teeth size & shape
 Symmetrical & proportional teeth
 Desirably pearly white teeth
 Fresh breath
 Nice-smelling breath
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning eyebrows & eyelashes
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning cheeks
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning zygomatic bones
 Desired zygomatic bones (size, shape, and angle)
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning forehead / frontal bone
 Captivating, beautifully defined, desired size & position of maxilla and
mandible (jaw)
 Perfect, captivating, beautiful, and gorgeous jawline
 Desired jawline (size, shape, and angle)
 Perfect, captivating, beautiful, gorgeous, and heavenly shaped nose
 Perfect, captivating, beautiful, gorgeous, and heavenly shaped nasal bone
& nasal cartilages
 Elegant nose (size, shape, and angle)
 Elegant + gorgeous nasal bone & cartilages
 Elegant + gorgeous glabella & nose bridge
 Elegant + gorgeous collumella, nostrils, ala, and alar base
 Perfect, captivating, and gorgeous chin
 Elegant chin (size, shape, and angle)
 Perfect, captivating, beautiful, and gorgeous ears
 Elegant ears (size, shape, and angle)
 Amazing, attractive, heavenly & perfectly sculpted side profile
 Elegant side profile (3D size, shape, and angle)
 Perfect facial symmetry and proportions
 Perfect and IDEAL face ratio & measurements
 Desired face ratio & measurements
 Perfect and desired nasomental angle
 Perfect and desired nasofrontal angle
 Perfect and desired naso-cervical angle
 Perfect and desired naso-facial angle
 Perfect and desired naso-labial angle
 Perfect & desired facial bones (size & shape)
 Perfect & desired facial muscles (size, shape, and tone)
 Utmost scalp hair glow up
 Ultimate scalp hair glow up
 Breath-taking scalp hair glow up
 My scalp hair glows up intensely
 Perfect hairline
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning hairline
 Desired + gorgeous hairline position (lower/higher)
 Desired + gorgeous hairline shape
 Desired hairline fullness
 Extremely gorgeous, attractive, and stunning scalp hair
 Perfect and nice-smelling scalp hair
 Desired scalp hair thickness & fullness
 Desired scalp hair color
 Desired scalp hair type
 Desired scalp hair texture
 Desired scalp hair growth rate
 Perfectly healthy & hydrated scalp hair
 Strong scalp hair
 Desired hairstyle
 All hairstyles look awesome on me
 Manifest desired scalp hair products
 DESIRABLY stay young & youthful all the time
 Youthful appearance; look like myself in my best age
 Youthful body organs & body system

Elegant Body, Private Area & Clear Skin

 Utmost body glow
 Ultimate body glow up
 Breath-taking body glow up
 My body glows up intensely
 Extremely attractive, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, appealing, and
gorgeous body
 Delightful body
 Artistic body
 Glamorous body
 Graceful body
 Elegant body
 Divine and stunning body
 Always wake up with a stunning, glowing, and fresh body
 Crystal clear, glowing, hydrated, airbrushed, radiant, youthful, poreless,
healthy, plump, smooth, soft, fresh, clean, moist, polished, lifted body skin
 Crystal clear & glowing neck skin
 Crystal clear & glowing shoulder skin
 Crystal clear & glowing arm skin
 Crystal clear & glowing chest skin
 Crystal clear & glowing belly skin
 Crystal clear & glowing back skin
 Crystal clear & glowing butt skin
 Crystal clear & glowing leg skin
 Gorgeous, delightful, artistic, glamorous, divine, stunning, attractive neck
and shoulder
 Perfect & desired bones (size & shape)
 Perfect & desired body muscles (size, shape, and tone)
 Aesthetic + gorgeous neck (size, shape, and angle)
 Aesthetic + gorgeous shoulder (size, shape, and angle)
 Aesthetic + gorgeous collarbone (size, shape, and prominence)
 Gorgeous, delightful, artistic, glamorous, divine, stunning, attractive chest
/ breasts (both chest and breasts are universal words. In medical field, we
use ‘breast’ in male patient too)
 Aesthetic + gorgeous chest/breasts (3D size, shape, and angle)
 Extremely, exceedingly, exceptionally, outstandingly, supremely, and
ideally toned belly & abdomen
 Aesthetic + gorgeous belly (size, shape, and angle)
 Aesthetic + gorgeous waist (size, shape, and angle)
 Perfect, ideal, attractive back & body figure
 Aesthetic + gorgeous back & body figure (size, shape, and angle)
 Gorgeous, delightful, artistic, glamorous, divine, stunning, attractive
arms, hands, and fingers
 Aesthetic + gorgeous arms (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous upper arms (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous forearms (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous elbows (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous hands (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous fingers (3D size, shape, and angle)
 Gorgeous, delightful, artistic, glamorous, divine, stunning, attractive hips
& butt
 Appealing + gorgeous hips & pelvis (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous butt (size, shape, and angle)
 Gorgeous, delightful, artistic, glamorous, divine, stunning, attractive legs
& feet
 Appealing + gorgeous legs (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous thighs (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous calves (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous knees (size, shape, and angle)
 Appealing + gorgeous feet (size, shape, and angle)
 Perfectly symmetrical & proportional body (I make my own definition of
 Perfect and IDEAL body ratio & measurements
 Desired body ratio & measurements
 Perfect & desired arm circumference
 Perfect & desired waist circumference
 Perfect & desired calf circumference
 Perfect & desired thigh circumference
 Perfect & desired hip to waist ratio
 Perfect & desired pelvic angle and curvature
 Perfect body shape, angle,and proportion
 Perfect & ideal body weight
 Perfect & ideal body height
 Perfect & ideal body types (ectomorph/ endomorph/mesomorph)
 Perfect body silhouette
 Desired body movement (walking, running, etc)
 Desired posture
 Desired body gesture
 Utmost skin glow
 Ultimate skin glow up
 Breath-taking skin glow up
 My skin glows up intensely
 Crystal clear skin
 Purely clear skin
 Glowing skin
 Pristine skin
 Flawless skin
 Perfect & desired skin
 Desired skin tone
 Desired skin undertone
 Even skin tone
 Clean skin
 Shining skin
 Attractively clear skin
 Soft & smooth skin
 Baby-like skin
 Airbrushed skin
 Hydrated & moisturized skin
 Healthy skin & skin barrier
 Rejuvenated skin
 Youthful skin
 Firm & lifted skin
 Regenerated skin
 Flawless, pure, perfect, pristine, and clear facial skin
 Flawless, pure, perfect, pristine, and clear body skin
 My private area glows up ultimately
 Perfect private area
 Desired look & appearance of private area
 Desired skin tone of private area
 Perfectly healthy reproductive organs
 Perfectly healthy reproductive system
 Desired strength & sensitivity

Charm & Aura

 I have unforgettable and mysterious charm and aura, people literally keep
remembering me after meeting me just once
 I’m having my desired aura
 My aura is attractive, I always radiate positive aura; Radiates positive
energy to everyone around me
 Desired charm & essence
 Desired vibe and energy
 Extreme attractiveness
 Alluring charm
 Magnetic charisma
 I have a perfect and mesmerizing voice: Alluring voice that can charm
people and stays in people's minds eternally.
 I have the most enchanting eyes in the world, it can freeze people in their
place when I look at them
 I am extremely, exceedingly, ultimately charismatic
 All people are attracted to me
 Everyone is falling for me instantly when they see me
 All people are comfortable when they’re with me
 All flowing energy within my body is perfectly balanced and healthy
Section 5.

Family & Loved Ones: that’s what people who love

you do, they put their arms around you and love you
when you aren’s so lovable

Irreplaceable Family
 I get along with my family
 I have perfect family. my family loves me forever and always wants the
best for me. Supports me and will be there for me
 My siblings and I are treated equally
 My family respects my personal space
 My family respects/understands my feelings
 My family is happy & healthy
 My parents support me in everything I do and want to do in life (My
dreams, goals, careers, partners, future etc.)
 My family always gets along great with each other!
 I have a great relationship with my family!
 My parents are kind, loving, caring, and lenient
 My parents support anything that I want as long as it’s positive
 My family is always understanding, supportive and kind.
 My entire family is always completely safe and protected

Wonderful Friendship
 I have only trustworthy people around me
 I am surrounded by lovely and genuine people
 Have friends for life
 I make friends easily
 people enjoy being around me
 I have lots of friends (desirably)
 My relationship with my current friends has improved
 I have reconnected with my long lost friends
 strengthen existing / find new friends
 meet friends and loved ones
 parents accept friends and loved ones
 Find real friends
 Desired friend group with desired talents
 Find friends with desired characteristics, traits, and share similar hobbies

Dreamy Love Life

 I have the most perfect love life
 I have my desired partner
 My partner is perfect, good-looking, kind, loyal, loving, and wealthy
 My partner has all characteristics and traits that I want
 Attract desired person
 Attract perfect love partner
 All desired person is fully captivated by me
 I am so stunning; it attracts everyone into me
 My partner’s family love me & support my relationship
 My family love my partner & support my relationship
 I have the perfect partner
 My partner earns a lot of money
 My partner spoils I desirably
 faithful, wealthy, kind, loving, and goodlooking partner
 My partner has all of my desired traits

Manifest for others

 My desired people are at a high vibrations
 My desired people are forever safe
 My desired people are divinely protected forever
 My desired people are absolutely healthy
 My desired people have absolutely healthy organ systems
 My desired people are very happy, lucky and successful
 My desired people are respected by everyone
 My desired people are fully protected
 My desired people realises their worth, truly loves themselves and are
taking care of themselves
 My desired people have good vibes
 My desired people feel euphoria every day
 My desired people feels the beauty of life, even small details
 My desired people are completely safe,divinely protected, absolutely
healthy, happy, joyful, lucky and perfectly successful
 My desired people have their ideal life
 it's so easy to manifest for others
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be
completely safe all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be
protected all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be
absolutely healthy all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be
very happy all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be
very lucky all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be
very successful all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be at
a very high vibrations all the time
 even one positive thought about my loved ones is enough for them to be at
a perfect frequency all the time
 My desired people lives long, full life, happily and healthily
 All loved ones are living their life to the fullness
 Everyone who is good to me will easilt get a happy life in return
Section 6.

What is my special skill? Well, it’s being the

multitalented person and having a lot of skills

Unleash my talents
 I am able to do everything perfectly, just like I picture it in my head
 I am always inspired
 I always make amazing things
 I unleash my talent to the fullest and even better with no effort
 I always have a lot of ideas whenever I am about to create something (this
can refer to art, music, etc)
 For me, 1 time practicing gives the equal results to 1000000 years of
 My hard work is always paid off well
 I can profit from my talent; earn a lot of money & becoming millionaire
from doing something I love to do
 Whatever I do, I do it in such a unique and mesmerizing way
 Each time I blink,breathe or do literally anything I get infinite times
better at my desired talents
 Whenever I am about to perform, I always perform at my fullest just like
how I desire
 I am able to make my talent concrete
 I always feel fulfilled and happy with my work
 I am so good at my desired talent and it's incredible
 I always ace all auditions I want & get my desired roles
 I win all competitions that I want
 I always get new opportunities to showcase my talent and I am open to
opportunities. I attract opportunities and always be able to impress
others. I am always the first person to anyone’s mind when they think of
giving a certain responsibility to.
 I have a perfect talent at / mastering all types of art: visual arts
(architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting, photography, and
sculpting), literary arts (fiction, drama, poetry, and prose), performing arts
(including dance, music, and theatre), textiles and fashion, folk art and
handicraft, oral storytelling, conceptual and installation art, criticism, and
culinary arts (including cooking, chocolate making and winemaking)
 I have magical hands that draw realistic and captivating art pieces.
 have a creative and an artistic mindset
 I have angelic voice; I can sing any song effortlessly
 perfect breathing technique
 I have my desired voice
 My voice is very mesmerizing
 everyone loves my speaking & singing voice
 sing like professional singer
 My every dance moves are very smooth and clear
 I dance like a professional
 My acting skills are so excellent
 I can do any type of expression
 My acting looks so real
 My expressions are perfect and on perfect time
 have the best set of vocabularies living inside my brain
 I am able to write beautiful stories and poems.
 I always come up with amazing ideas and plots
 I know the best way of writing and garnering reader's utmost attention.
 I know all the synonyms and antonyms of different words.
 I have magical touch in my writing style
 Always come up with creative and out-of-the-box ideas
 I play any instrument easily
 Manifest desired muscial instrument easily
 I am a musical genius

Athletics Combo
 Mastering all sports: physical sports & mind sports; basketball, soccer,
Football, Volleyball, Skateboarding, Athleticism, Martial Arts (Muay Thai,
Karate, Boxing) + Attract official teams, career opportunities, and
connections that will help me in the present and future, get the offer of
student athlete international scholarships IF I WANT
 My cells regenerate so quickly and get stronger every time.
 Get desired ratio of muscle fibers: Perfect ratio of type 1, type 2a and type
2b muscle fibers
 My body is in perfect physical condition.
 Amazing athletic abilities.
 Extreme fast reflexes
 I can defense myself well
 Pass every fitness & sport test effortlessly, with the best results.
 I have amazing strength. I am so physically strong. I constantly surprise
myself with my full body strength. I have my desired muscle mass.
 I have amazing speed. I am so fast. There is so much power behind my
movements without exerted effort from me. I win every race.
 I have amazing agility. my reaction time is so fast. The speed of any
change of direction I make is fast and controlled.
 I have amazing balance. I have amazing static balance and dynamic
balance. I can maintain positions perfectly
 I have amazing coordination. I can move the right muscles at the right
time with the appropriate intensity. My movements are flexible and sharp,
fully controlled.
 I have amazing physical power. It is effortless for me to use my amazing
strength at high levels of speed. My movements are so powerful.
 I have an amazing reaction time. The speed of my movements are
unmatched. I have amazing reflexes. My response to everything is
effortlessly fast and effective.
 I have amazing flexibility. I have an amazing range of movements around
my joints, my muscles can stretch perfectly.
 I have perfect cardiovascular endurance. I have amazing lung capacity. I
can perform aerobic and anaerobic exercises effortlessly. I have all the
advantages and positive effects of having a perfect cardiovascular system.
 I have perfect muscular endurance. I have all the advantages and positive
effects of a perfect muscular system.
 I have all the advantages and positive effects of a perfect respiratory
system. The gas exchange in my body is perfect. my cellular diffusion rates
are amazing. I have the perfect amount of oxygen meeting my cells all
over my body at the right time.
 I have all the advantages and positive effects of having a perfect skeletal
system. I have the perfect amount of synovial fluid and cartilage between
my joints for perfect range of movement. I have my desired bone density.
my bones are so strong.
Section 7.

I’m living in my dream reality: I’m the number one

VVIP in this reality, everything goes out in the way I
want it to be.

Desired Scenario
 I have my desired life
 I live in my desired reality with desired scenarios
 I live in my desired place
 Ideal home & living space
 Live in my desired country
 Live in perfect place
 Perfect neighborhood
 Perfect city & country
 Aesthetic living space
 Every desired scenario is manifested & it’s wonderful
 Perfect and ideal work life
 I have my desired work life
 Perfect, ideal, and desired school life
 Perfect, ideal, and desired college or university life
 Perfect work life; work in desired company or get my desired job; perfect
work-life balance
 Perfect, ideal, and desired social life
 My home, houses, belongings, items, money, finances, cars and
neighborhood are always completely safe and protected

 I travel to desired destinations/city/country
 Manifest trips to other countries freely
 I am comfortable while traveling
 I am able to afford 5 star hotels all the time
 I discover new places of tasty food easily
 Have very good digestion to any type of food
 I can afford any travel I want
 I fully able to travel whenever I want to: always get all things done easily
(transportation ticket, free-time, perfect schedule, a lot of money, etc)
 Easily earn money while I am travelling
 Travelling is always smooth and safe
 Make a lot good friends while I travel
 Attract free travels, free tickets, free hotels
 I always travel to most beautiful places
 I visit amazing places
 Exclusive luxury vacations
 Easily and always travelling first class

Learn Language
 I speak fluently in other languages
 learn foreign languages quickly & easily
 better understanding in other languages
 Fully comprehend, understand other language exactly like a native
 Perfect word articulation, word pronunciation, word distinction, and voice
intonation; sounds like a native
 I can acquire every single words that I’ve heard in my target language
 writing in foreign language is easy
 I can write complex and longer sentences in my foreign language
 I can write a perfect essays easily
 I am confident whenever I try to speak with the native speakers
 all words that I’ve heard go directly to my long term memory
 I have an excellent reading and listening comprehension
 I have the highest level of fluency in my target language
 learning foreign language is fun, enjoyable, easy, and engaging
 My handwriting skills are extraordinary
 I can understand every single word that I’ve heard, read or saw in my
target language
 I just have mastered my target language especially its grammar
 I have a wide range of active vocabulary
 easily become a polyglot
 I always remember the literal and metaphorical meaning of a word in my
target language easily
Public Speaking & Social Life
 I have such good speaking skills, I am comfortable at speaking in front of
people and good at debating, when I speak it’s always so interesting and I
use such a powerful and smart language that people can tell that I am
 I am an amazing debator and win all arguments
 I am quick-witted and wonderful with words
 always be the winner /chosen one in all kind of situations (competitions,
elections, school, jobs, romantic scenarios)
 Always be the best at everything I do.
 I am always treated with the utmost respect and kindness by everyone.
 I am always spoken to calmly and nicely.
 People respect and value my opinions, suggestions and always listen when
I have something to say!
 exams, assessments and essays are easy for me
 I know all of the answers to any questions asked
 I have my ideal relationships with my ideal people
 I make perfect first impressions on new people
 Clear, clean, smooth speech
 Perfect speech
 Memorable, impressive, amazing speech
 Effortless speech
 Speak easily + confidently
 Abundant confidence to speak up publicly
 Perfect ability to express myself through words
 Perfect pronunciation, articulation, enunciation
 Perfect speech fluency + accuracy
 Have a nice voice
 Talk fluently in different languages
 Perfect ability to choose the right words to say
 Impress people through words
 Have fascinating aura while standing on stage
 Perfect public speaking skills
 Perfect body gestures + eye contact
 Always have memorable and fun conversation with others
 People love talking to me
 Be able to suit myself with the audience
 Breathe easily while talking
 Have perfect tongue, palate, oral structure + function
 Have perfect throat and vocal cords structure + function
 Have fresh and nice breath
 Have perfect respiratory system
 Beautiful lips movements while talking
 Perfect lips shape
 Perfect teeth shape and alignment
 Perfectly functioning broca’s area and wernicke’s area
 Perfect neural pathway related to speech production
 Ideal & desired social life
 Manifest best buddies & bestfriends
 Have lots of good friends (caring & loving)
 Desired popularity
 Perfect social skills
 Have a great reputation

Supernaturally Lucky
 Attract opportunities, luck, and fortune
 Overwhelmingly good fortune
 Extreme & supernatural luck
 Be extremely lucky
 Good fortune & opportunities
 Luck in life, love, friendship, and all relationships
 Luck in school life, grades, all exams & tests
 Luck in career & get my dream job
 Fortunate stroke of serendipity
 Eternal felicity
 Good karma, fate, and destiny
 Attract abundance money, become extremely wealthy (& can manage it
 Win every competition & lottery
 Attract & manifest victory
 Always and permanently become lucky, fortunate, blessed, favored,
charmed, successful, prosperous, advantaged, felicitous, serendipitous,

Fashion & Style

 I KNOW how to do the most suitable makeup for my face (UNISEX)
 I manifest my favorite or the best skincare & make up products
 I have stylish wardrobe
 Have a perfect social media profile, people often visit my profile because it
provides comfort
 Have pleasant hair and body scent which make people turn heads
 Manifest my favorite or the best fragrance and perfume
 Be comfortable in any clothes & footwear
 My look is always classy and stylish
 I can effortlessly mix & match my outfits
 I always look like my desired & best look
 Manifest my favorite or the best clothes & footwear
 Look good & perfect in all clothes
 Look good & perfect wearing all bags & shoes
 Perfect fashion taste
 Perfect fashion sense
 Be extremely, ultimately, and gorgeously stylish
 Easily style all clothes I already have
 Find my style & be confident to wear it
 Looks classy in all clothes
 Manifest all desired clothes
 Manifest desired accessories
 Manifest desired bags and shoes
 My clothing style is unique, flattering to me, on point and always
Section 8.

The earth doesn’t belong to us; we belong to the earth.

This world doesn’t want to be saved; it only wants to
be loved.

 Earth is safe place to live

 Earth is completely healthy
 Nature is fully healed
 Earth is full and surrounded by high and positive vibrations
 Every part of the earth is full of positivity
 Our cosmos is full of positive energies
 Universe is being kind to everyone
 There is strong positive energy within everyone
 World is so peaceful
 Every people get treated equally
 Other people always treat me equally
 Gender & racial equality everywhere
 Justice comes to me, my loved ones, and my family
 People treats other livings with respect and love.
 All people always feed, take care of, and adopt strays.
 People always treat each other fairly and with kindness.
 All people treat each other with love and always get along!
 Have healthy relationships with all the people around me.
 Live in my desired reality
 Religion freedom
 Clothing freedom
 This world is fully healed and healthy
 This world become a better place
 This world is full with peace and love
 All people is healthy and safe
 All countries are protected and safe
Section 9.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated.

Successful, Highly Motivated, Productivity, Time

 I’m having all traits of the most successful person on earth: I’m highly
productive, I’m genius, I manage my time perfectly, I’m self-driven and
fully motivated to be the best in my field of expertise AND MOST
IMPORTANTLY, people can see those positive traits CLEARLY and count
it as my biggest strength
 I am inspired to work on improving myself
 I am motivated to study
 New cycle of abundance
 Work hard this year
 Have desired future
 Bright future
 I am motivated to work hard
 I am productive
 I put in 100% effort for my dream
 My dream comes true
 My dream becomes my reality
 I live my dream
 Wake up early on desired time
 Massive willpower
 Highly dedicated towards my goal
 Healthy habits
 self discipline
 always finish any type of project in time
 good memory power
 solve any problems
 motivation to do any work
 desired skills
 learn anything faster
 master any skills
 highly motivated towards everything
 massive productivity
 Be able to set long-term goals
 Have the ability to love learning/understanding scientific/mathematical
 Flawlessly complete and succeed in what I plan to do
 I am a successful person
 I have many connections and maintaining them
 good reputation, attitude, and open minded
 have a lot of motivation and stick to my goals
 I am open minded, I can freely see from other's point of view to
understand them
 perfect time management
 strong mentality
 Luckiest person alive
 Attract luck
 Everything goes in my favor
 Whatever I desire happens immediately
 2024 is my luckiest year, in fact every year is my luckiest!
 Always have enough money to buy anything and everything I desire
 I am able to work fast than the normal human speed (includes everything
like reading, walking, running, cooking etc).
 Always stay fresh regardless of the hours of sleep I get.
 Always stay refreshed.
 Be able to finish any work quickly and effortlessly.
 Motivation to finish my New Year revolutions and stick to my goals
 Everything turns out BETTER than expected! my dream life will be better
than I have ever imagined

High Intelligence & Perfect Academic Life

 I am purely genius
 I am the smartest person alive
 I am extremely genius
 I have the highest IQ in the entire universe
 Supernatural intelligence
 Superhuman intelligence
 Utmost peak intelligence
 infinite audiographic memory
 infinite photographic memory
 infinite eidetic memory
 infinite iconic memory
 infinite echoic memory
 infinite haptic memory
 infinite semantic memory
 infinite episodic memory
 infinite declarative memory
 infinite procedural memory
 Remember everything that I see and read perfectly
 Remember billions bit information rapidly
 Understand every words I read even if this is my first time seeing it
 Think critically, I am an open minded person
 Be severely genius like Albert Einstein, Johann Goethe, Leonardo da
Vinci, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Galileo Galilei, etc
 I am a fast learner
 Be absolutely amazing at problem solving: always find a solution to solve
all problems
 Have outstanding ideas : always think outside the box
 Google mind
 Meta learning
 Meta grasping
 Read faster than the speed of light and still retain what we read
 Perfect memory retention and recollection
 think like a scientist
 Peak Visual-spatial intelligence
 Peak Verbal-linguistic intelligence
 Peak Musical-rhythmic intelligence
 Peak Logical-mathematical intelligence
 Peak Interpersonal intelligence
 Peak Intrapersonal intelligence
 Peak Naturalistic intelligence
 Peak Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
 Easily and effortlessly pass every test, mcq test, exams with perfect
highest score
 Absolute 100% possibility to get perfect highest score in every test, mcq
test, exams
 Perfect and best test taker
 Fully capable of achieving every goal in school
 Ace every exams
 Get full/perfect scores in every exam and quiz
 Get 100/100 in every exam and quiz
 Get A+ in exam and quiz
 Easily solve every question in test, exam, quiz correctly
 Easily choose the correct answers of every question in test, mcq test,
exam, quiz
 Magically know every correct answer in test, exam, and quiz instantly
 Get all the correct answer on every test, exam, quiz easily
 Guess all the correct answer on every test, exam, quiz easily
 Pass all of the exams easily with highest marks
 instantly know the correct answers in all tests
 Answer every question test accurately
 Get the perfect highest all test score and utmost supernatural intelligence
 Magically know every correct answer in mcq test with just one glance
 Attracted to the correct answer in every test, mcq test, exams
 Teachers/lecturers/staff members accidentally insert full score in my score
 Perfect past grades
 Perfect present grades
 Perfect future grades
 Develop true curiosity for studying
 Love studying wholeheartedly
 Get motivated to study
 Get motivated to finish every assignments
 Ability to fully focus / concentrate as long as I want when studying or
finishing all assignments
 Safely and ideally activates reward system when studying (it gives me
 Manage my time wisely
 All addiction become healthy addiction (studying or doing other positive /
beneficial activities)
 School/ university topper
 Win competitions
 Get certificates and medals
 Get full scholarship
 Get the 1st rank
 Become the teacher's favorite student
 Favored by all friends
 Desired hand-writing style

Perfect Career and Dream Job

 I have my desired job with a great income
 Nice, kind, and perfect colleagues
 Earn lots of money from my career
 Desired working hours
 Get into dream company
 I have my dream job forever
 Having power and courage to start my business
 Having a proper business
 Analysis expert
 I have a successful business
 My business stands out from the rest and customer keeps coming
 I am an expert at trading and investing
 I am the best boss or having a perfect boss
 Managing the business perfectly
 Ace all job interview
 Have a great job interview
 Perfect job and career
 Desired job & career
 Desired career position
 Have a high-paying job
 High income
 Get hired by my dream company
 Get hired by the most reputable company
 Work in my desired company
 Work in a perfect company
 Desired workplace
 Perfect workplace
 Get a promotion easily & rapidly
 Loved by my colleagues
 Always treated well by my colleagues
 Respected by my colleagues
 Always treated well by my customers/clients
 Attract a good opportunities
 Attract kind & nice customers/clients
 Be the top employee / top seller
 Finish all my work with ease
 Always finish my work on time
 Be professional
 I am extremely successful
 Financial & success glow up
 Become extremely productive
 I am having ultra high passive and active income

Money & Shopping

 I am an expert at money management
 I attract huge amounts of money from left and right
 I always have unlimited money
 Find cash everywhere
 Always win the lottery
 I am a billionaire
 I am the richest person alive
 I am lucky at whatever I do
 Financial freedom
 Perfect finances
 Manifest unlimited, limitless, plenty, abundant, lots of, great deal of, and
huge amount of money in my paypal/bank account
 Receive surprising gifts out of nowhere
 Receive huge amount of money out of nowhere
 Be able to manifest required amount of money no matter how much,
whenever I want especially when in need
 My packages always arrive super quickly, safely and well protected.
 Be able to buy and have anything I want.
 I’m able to afford anything that I want
Section 10.

All cells in my body are smiling at me. It’s health that

is real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver

Healthy Routine & Lifestyle

 I love healthy routines: my body is fully maintaned by my healthy habits
and lifestyle. I eat healthily, I sleep properly, I works out consistently. I’m
aware that living a healthy lifestyle is the best investment .
 Perfect eating habits, perfect eating schedule
 Healthy sleeping pattern
 Full body regeneration while I am sleeping
 Have sweet dreams
 Healthy metabolism
 Healthy mindset
 Perfect & healthy lifestyle: develop new POSITIVE hobbies
 Be motivated to wake up early
 I am motivated to go to bed at the proper time
 Motivated to finish all tasks and projects
 Motivated to eat healthy food
 Working out regularly

Absolute Hygiene & Desired Scent

 Absolute body hygiene
 Clean nails, fingers, hands
 Clean face
 Clean oral cavity and teeth
 Clean arms, elbow, and armpits
 Even-colored elbow (lighten hyperpigmentation)
 Clean thighs, legs, and feet
 Even skin color on knee and groin area
 I have clean body
 I have clean private parts and butt
 I have absolute body hygiene
 I always smell of desired scent, smell so good every time
 Feel clean and fresh all the time
 Perfect oral health
 Clean and healthy gums
 I always look fresh and clean
 Desired body scent
 Desired hair scent
 Delicious hair & body scent
 Body has natural fragrance
 Great body scent
 Armpits and private area smells great; desired scent
 Seductive scent
 Alluring scent
 Attractive scent
 Everyone loves my body & hair scent
 People are attracted to my hair & body scent
 I am remembered by my pleasant smell
 Ideal and controlled sweat production
 Sweat smells great & sweet
 Sweat smells like a most luxurious perfumes
 Smells like wearing my favorite perfume all day

Complete Body Regeneration & Rejuvenation

 My whole body are rejuvenated, regenerated, and fully healthy
 Completely enhanced neuron regeneration
 All hormone receptors are healed and fully functioning properly
 Perfect, ideal vision and sight.
 Perfect hearing and auditory system.
 Completely perfect, ideal, restored, repaired, regrown, teeth, gums and
oral hygiene.
 Completely healthy and normal, bones, ligaments, joints, tendons and
 Perfect, healthy and easily manageable hair
 Smooth, soft, perfectly clear and perfect glowing skin
 Extremely healthy body
 Extremely healthy body organs
 Healthy body system
 Healthy cardiovascular system
 Healthy respiratory system
 Healthy digestive system
 Healthy lymphatic system
 Healthy immune system
 Healthy nervous system
 Healthy endocrine system
 Balanced hormones
 Fully regenerated cells, tissues, and body organs
 Fully healed, repaired, and rejuvenated cells, tissues, and body organs
Section 11.

My previous year is perfect BUT I can rewrite it to be

MORE PERFECT, so why not?

 I have always had the ideal body I want

 I have always had my ideal face
 My parents have always been lenient, rich, supportive, and
 I have always made the wisest and best use of my time.
 I have always been happy and mentally healthy and stable.
 I have always been enjoying my blissful freedom to do
everything I have ever wanted that added value to my life.
 I have always been so healthy
 All decisions turned out to be the best choice
 I have always been so successful and wealthy
 I have always reached all my goals I wanted
 I’ve always had the perfect life, but this year is exceptionally
Section 12.

Let me tell you a secret: I’m a normal human being,

but with a little touch of superhuman and
supernatural power!

This is desired, I’ll only get it if I want it. I won’t get it if I don’t want

 I shift to my desired reality whenever I WANT to

 DESIRABLY be a master at shifting, lucid dreaming, astral
projection, meditative state, void state,"I am" state
 Ability to stop time, rewind time or fast forward time
 Ability to slow down time
 Ability to pull out anything from any device
 I have all of my desired supernatural/fantastical
 I am supernaturally lucky and abundant in everything I do.
 I have the ability to time travel, change the past and stay there
in that time period if I wish.
 Teleportation ability
 Healing ability
 Face-reading ability
 Get my desired superhero power
 Become exceptionally strong and powerful
 Get my own magical artefacts
 I’m able to translate all languages with ease
 Superhuman intelligence

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