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All information in this group is not to be

interpreted as Medical advice. It is for research
and educational purposes only. It is your choice
what you do with it.
Compiled by Aron at

Function of the adrenal glands.

Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism,

immune system, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood salts, autonomic
nervous system, response to stress and other essential functions. Adrenal
glands are composed of two parts — the cortex and the medulla — which
are each responsible for producing different hormones
The adrenals excrete at least a dozen hormones including cortisol,
cortisone, aldosterone, adrenalin, epinephrine, noradrenaline or
norepinephrine, DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, estradiol, estrone,
estriol, testosterone.
When someone is suffering from hypometabolism their adrenal glands
are what compensate and over time they become fatigued and burnout.
This is not supported by mainstream research most of the studies that
get done are lab animals and are in very controlled environments that
would be hard to replicate what a human would experience through their
life with poor diet, environmental toxins, infections, amalgam fillings,
breast implants, vaccines, Botox, MRI contrast dyes, antibiotic use,
chemo, radiation, toxic drugs that down regulate metabolism, chronic
ongoing inflammation, the list is long but hopefully you get the idea.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

• Unrelenting fatigue
• Fatigue becomes worse over the day
• Dizziness
• Dizziness on standing
• Low blood pressure
• High blood pressure
• Low blood sugar
• Sweet cravings
• Aches and pains
• Chronic infections
• Depression
• Despair
• Low self esteem
• Compulsiveness
• Negative thoughts
• Hopelessness
• Anxiety
• Heart palpitations
• Weakness
• Poor sleep
• Jittery/Shaky
• Allergies
• Tiredness after eating
Chelation and adrenals.
• For people who already struggle with hypometabolism chelation
will likely cause adrenal stress. OSR isn’t as bad as long as dose is
kept manageable as there is no redistribution of metals and people
can take one small dose at a time and chip away as symptoms
• Where all other methods of true chelation will cause increased
adrenal stress, which can destroy some people from mobilised
mercury and other metals that are moved around the body.
• If someone is struggling with chelation treating hypometabolism
by looking at low thyroid, adrenals, sex hormones, blood sugar,
methylation, sulfation, diet, gut, liver, minerals and vitamin
deficiencies, lymphatic system, sleep, infections, circulation,
inflammation as best you can will help to reduce adrenal
stress/compensation. Everyone is different and will have different
bottle necks in their metabolism so there is no one size fits all
approach but hopefully the files in this group can help people
understand their bottlenecks better and work through it. Testing
can help guide you but ultimately you need to find what works for
your body.

Testing adrenals.
• Hair testing is useful to see how your adrenal glands are working.
The Sodium/Potassium ratio measures the relationship between
aldosterone and cortisol, it is intimately related to kidney, liver and
adrenal function. Ideal ratio is 2.5-4. Na/Mg ratio is a measure of
energy output as the adrenal glands are a major regulator (along
with the thyroid gland) of the rate of metabolism. Ideal ratio is 4
the higher the ratio the faster adrenal activity the lower the ratio
the slower the adrenal activity.
• Saliva testing is also useful to give you an idea, a 4-point saliva test
is an excellent way to get an idea on cortisol over 4 points over the
day and how your adrenals are doing. This link gives you an idea
on different patterns.
• You can buy online testing here in the US
• You can order saliva testing in New Zealand here.
• Blood testing ACTH, 8am Cortisol, 4pm Cortisol, Aldosterone,
• With saliva testing my advice is do not stop what your taking
leading up to your saliva test. The thyroid groups recommend
doing this and by stopping all your supplements and hormones you
end up causing adrenal stress which can send you in the wrong
direction as well as crashing health. Use testing as a guide,
symptoms are everything. Tracking body temperature wellbeing,
cognition, strength, stamina, sleep etc to track how your going. An
example would be if taking Thorne adrenal cortex, or
Progesterone, or Estradiol, or Testosterone, or thyroid hormone, or
various supplements, etc causes temperatures to drop you get cold
hands and feet and what your taking makes you feel worse, if this is
happening it’s not working and will end up causing adrenal stress.
This is where you need to learn how to bio hack your metabolism
and find what works for you. No testing can give you definitive
answers. So, trying one thing at a time and monitoring your
response will give you more information. If your unsure of the
result repeat what you tried again by stopping for a while and
starting again, make sure to make a diary and record what you’re
• Dr Rinds metabolic temperature chart is a good tool to track body

Treating adrenals for low cortisol.

• Try Thorne adrenal cortex first, start slow and see if you can
workup to taking more morning and tapering over the day.
(Many people will need thyroid hormone in combination with
this approach) For me I was just able to use Thorne adrenal
cortex and feel good. I did experiment with thyroid hormone
and found I would quickly go hyperthyroid.
• A low dose of Hydrocortisone try to keep it under 15mg a day as
it will cause adrenal suppression by suppresion of ACTH which
is the hormone that signals your adrenals to make hormones.
More morning tapering over the day. (If you need HC you will
likely need thyroid hormone)
• T3 at around 4am in the morning starting low and slowly
• A low dose of DHEA up to 10mg.
• Pregnenolone
• Treat low thyroid signal at cells with a thyroid hormone trial.
• Treat RT3 while taking adaptions to lower cortisol like PS,
Magnolia Bark.
• Try to work out the cause of why you have high RT3.
• Low dose of HC in the afternoon or night, this can help heart
palps if they develop during the day and sleep if you are really
• Bioidentical progesterone.
• Most people do not do well on adrenal glandular that are not
defatted and still contain hormones like adrenaline so if trying
adrenal glandular keep this in mind.
• Avoid sugar, coffee, processed foods they cause adrenal stress.
• Whole food diet is important.
• Vitamin C.
• B5.
• Small regular meals of animal protein every 2-3 hrs cold meats
work well.
• Magnesium 400-800mg a day
• Zinc up to 30mg a day.
• Sodium Selenite 100mcg a day.
• Salt, sea salt or rock salts are good (Avoid processed salts)
• Avoid stress
• Do not over exercise
• Avoid alcohol
• Therapies that are relaxing, the mind is powerful and obsessive
thoughts can derail recovery and increase adrenal stress, DRNS,
EFT Tapping can be amazing for some people.
• Get good sleep if possible, try to get to bed at the same time and
at reasonable hours so not to disrupt your circadian rhythm.
• Don’t use devices and avoid blue light 2-3 hrs before bed
• Track your sleep with devices like the Oura ring
• Red light therapy before bed and upon waking
• Make sure to sleep in the dark our cortisol awakening response
is activated by light and has dark adaptation stressors.
• Inflammation changes hormone utilisation including
upregulating or down regulating cortisol receptors and Cortisol
Binding Globulin
• Treating viral infections and other infectious processes in the
body they can turn down adrenals by down regulating ATCH I
have seen this in 2 people now.
• Treating sex hormones, they are intimately linked to how well
thyroid signal works which affects how adrenals work. Watch
the 3-legged stool video on hormones
• Addressing Methylation
• Be careful with Saunas you can crash your adrenals.
• Improve gut health
• Improve liver detox
• OSR seems to raise cortisol in most people more than other

Treating adrenals for high cortisol.

• A low dose of DHEA 5- 10mg.
• Treat low thyroid signal at cells.
• Treat RT3 while taking adaptions to lower cortisol like PS,
Magnolia Bark.
• Try to work out the cause of why you have high RT3.
• Thorne adrenal cortex can work for some people with high
cortisol so don’t discount trying it obviously if you feel worse
stop it.
• Bio identical progesterone.
• Ideas in the blood sugar file.
• Avoid sugar, coffee, processed foods they cause adrenal stress.
• Whole food diet is important.
• Vitamin C.
• B5.
• Small regular meals of animal protein every 2-3 hrs cold meats
work well.
• Coconut water, Avocados, Carrots with the skin on are good for
getting potassium.
• Magnesium 400-800mg a day
• Zinc up to 30mg a day.
• Sodium Selenite 100mcg a day.
• Salt, sea salt or rock salts are good (Avoid processed salts)
• Avoid stress
• Do not over exercise
• Avoid alcohol
• Therapies that are relaxing, the mind is powerful and obsessive
thoughts can derail recovery, DRNS, EFT Tapping can be
amazing for some people.
• Get good sleep if possible, try to get to bed at the same time and
at reasonable hours so not to disrupt your circadian rhythm.
• Don’t use devices and avoid blue light 2-3 hrs before bed
• Track your sleep with devices like the Oura ring
• Red light therapy before bed and upon waking
• Make sure to sleep in the dark our cortisol awakening response
is activated by light
• Inflammation changes hormone utilisation including
upregulating or down regulating cortisol receptors and Cortisol
Binding Globulin, Progesterone also competes for the same
receptors at the cell membrane, nucleus and mitochondria
• Treating sex hormones, they are intimately linked to how well
thyroid signal works which affects how adrenals work. Watch
the 3 legged stool video on hormones
• Addressing Methylation
• Treat viral infections they can turn down adrenals by down
regulating ACTH I have seen this in 2 people now.
• Be careful with Saunas you can crash your adrenals.
• Improve gut and liver health.
• Constant high cortisol on saliva tests can be from inflammation
or signalling issues, mercury and other metals can easily get
into the Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands and cause
signalling disruption.
• Adenoma or adrenal tumours can be a cause of high levels of
Cortisol and other hormones
• Be mindful of your OSR dosing as it can raise cortisol. Cortisol
is intimately tied to thyroid so high or low cortisol has a a big
impact on how well thyroid works at a cellular level.

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