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2nd Quarter Written and Performance Task

Format for analyzing Philippine political issues

Chapter 1: Introduction
- Background information on the issue
- Statement of the problem
- Objectives of the analysis

Chapter 2: Contextual Analysis

- Political, social, or economic context related to the issue
- Historical background and relevant events that have shaped the issue

Chapter 3: Stakeholder Analysis

- Identification of major stakeholders and their interests
- Analysis of their roles, influence, and perspectives on the issue

Chapter 4: Causes and Contributing Factors

- Examination of the root causes and contributing factors
- Exploration of underlying dynamics and societal factors driving the issue

Chapter 5: Current State and Impact

- Assessment of the extent, severity, and implications of the issue
- Analysis of its impact on different aspects of society and governance

Chapter 6: Policy Analysis

- Evaluation of existing policies, laws, or regulations related to the issue
- Assessment of their effectiveness, strengths, weaknesses, and enforcement

Chapter 7: Comparative Analysis

- Comparative study of similar issues in other countries or regions
- Examination of different approaches and lessons learned from international

Chapter 8: Proposed Solutions

- Presentation of potential strategies or policy changes to address the issue
- Discussion of the feasibility, challenges, and potential impacts of each solution

Chapter 9: Conclusion and Recommendations

- Summary of key findings from the analysis
- Highlighting the significance of the issue and the need for action
- Concrete recommendations for policymakers, civil society, or other relevant actors

NOTE: Remember to support your analysis with relevant data, facts, and
reputable sources to enhance the credibility of your assessment.
Rubric for evaluating an analysis of Philippine political issues

Needs Improvement

1. Introduction (10%)
Clearly introduces the political issue and its relevance in the Philippine context.
• Provides a concise overview that engages the reader.
• Provides an introduction to the political issue, but lacks clarity or fails to
fully engage the reader.
• Presents a basic introduction to the political issue, but lacks clarity or
sufficient context.
• No clear introduction or lacks relevance to the Philippine context.

2. Analysis (30%)
Thoroughly analyzes the political issue, providing a comprehensive
assessment of its impact, implications, and underlying factors.
• Demonstrates critical thinking and offers insightful observations
supported by evidence.
• Analyzes the political issue with some depth, but may be lacking in
certain areas or include weak arguments.
• Provides a basic analysis of the political issue, but lacks depth or
sufficient evidence and support.
• Superficial or incomplete analysis with little evidence provided.

3. Recommendations (25%)
Offers well-reasoned and feasible recommendations to address the political
• Provides specific strategies and solutions with clear justifications.
Demonstrates an understanding of the complexities involved.
• Provides reasonable recommendations, although they may lack
specificity or fail to address all aspects of the issue.
• Provides some recommendations but lacks clarity, feasibility, or in-depth
understanding of the complexities involved.
• Recommendations are vague, unrealistic, or fail to adequately address
the issue.

4. Organization and Structure (15%)

Presents a well-organized analysis with a clear structure and logical flow of
• Transitions smoothly between sections. Consistent use of headings
and subheadings.
• Generally organized, but may have some sections that lack coherence
or need clearer transitions.
• Somewhat organized, but the structure may be confusing, and ideas
might not flow logically.
• Poor organization and lack of coherent structure. Ideas are disjointed
and do not flow logically.

5. Use of Evidence (20%)

Provides ample evidence from reliable sources to support arguments and
• Demonstrates a high level of research. Properly cites sources.
• Includes sufficient evidence to support arguments and analysis, but may
need more variety or depth. Citations may be inconsistent or incomplete.
• Uses limited evidence or relies heavily on generalizations. Citations are
inconsistent or lacking.
• Little to no evidence provided to support arguments. Citations are
missing or unreliable.

6. Writing Style and Clarity (10%)

Demonstrates proficient writing skills with clear and concise language.
• Ideas are effectively communicated, and grammar and spelling are
• Generally well-written, but may have some instances of unclear or
awkward phrasing. Minimal grammar and spelling errors.
• Writing is somewhat unclear or contains frequent grammar and spelling
errors that distract from the analysis.
• Writing is unclear, convoluted, or contains numerous grammar and
spelling errors that hinder understanding.

Overall Score: 100%

Here are some major political issues in the Philippines for analysis

1. War on Drug
Analyze the government's approach to combating illegal drugs, including its
impact on human rights, law enforcement, and public health. Evaluate the
effectiveness of the campaign and propose alternative strategies or reforms.

2. Federalism
Examine the proposed shift from a unitary to a federal form of government in
the Philippines. Analyze the potential benefits and challenges, implications for regional
development, and effects on governance and power distribution.

3. Territorial Disputes
Investigate the ongoing territorial disputes between the Philippines and
neighboring countries, particularly in the South China Sea. Analyze the geopolitical
implications, legal aspects, and explore possible diplomatic resolutions.

4. Freedom of Expression
Assess the state of freedom of expression and media in the Philippines.
Analyze issues such as press freedom, online censorship, attacks on journalists, and
the impact on democracy and public discourse.

5. Poverty Alleviation
Examine the government's efforts to alleviate poverty and improve social
welfare in the Philippines. Analyze poverty rates, social programs, and their
effectiveness in addressing income inequality and improving the livelihoods of
marginalized communities.

6. Political Dynasties
Study the dominance of political dynasties in Philippine politics and its
implications for democracy, representation, and governance. Analyze the effects on
political competition, policy-making, and propose reforms to promote inclusivity and

7. Education Reforms
Evaluate the Philippine education system, including issues such as access,
quality, curriculum, and teacher training. Analyze the impact on educational outcomes
and propose reforms to improve access, equity, and relevance of education.

8. Climate Change and Environmental Protection

Examine the Philippines' response to climate change and environmental
challenges. Analyze the effectiveness of policies and initiatives to mitigate climate
change, protect natural resources, and promote sustainable development.

9. Electoral Reforms
Assess the electoral system in the Philippines, including issues of voter fraud,
campaign financing, and transparency. Analyze the impact on democratic processes
and propose reforms for enhancing the integrity of elections.
10. Gender Equality and Women's Rights
Examine the status of gender equality and women's rights in the Philippines.
Analyze issues such as violence against women, gender-based discrimination, and
representation. Propose measures to promote gender equality and empower women
in various sectors.

11. Corruption
Analyze the pervasiveness and impact of corruption in Philippine society,
including its effects on governance, economic development, and public trust. Assess
existing anti-corruption measures and propose reforms to promote transparency and

12. Human Rights

Examine the state of human rights in the Philippines, including issues such as
extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, and attacks on activists and journalists.
Analyze the government's response, international obligations, and propose measures
to protect and promote human rights.

13. Labor Rights

Investigate the rights and working conditions of workers in the Philippines.
Analyze issues such as low wages, contractualization, and lack of job security.
Evaluate labor laws and propose reforms to protect workers' rights and improve their

14. Healthcare System

Evaluate the state of the healthcare system in the Philippines, including issues
such as access, affordability, and quality of services. Analyze the impact on public
health outcomes and propose reforms to ensure universal access to quality healthcare.

15. Infrastructure Development

Analyze the government's infrastructure development initiatives, such as the
"Build, Build, Build" program. Assess the prioritization, financing, and impact of
infrastructure projects on economic growth, employment, and regional development.

16. Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Examine the rights and welfare of indigenous peoples in the Philippines.
Analyze issues such as land dispossession, cultural preservation, and inclusive
development. Propose measures to protect indigenous rights and promote their
participation in decision-making processes.

17. Foreign Relations:

Evaluate the Philippines' foreign relations, particularly with major powers like
the United States and China. Analyze the implications for national security, economic
interests, and regional stability. Assess diplomatic strategies and propose measures
to enhance the country's position in the international community.

18. Terrorism and National Security

Examine the government's approach to counterterrorism and national security
threats in the Philippines. Analyze the effectiveness of counterterrorism measures,
their impact on human rights, and propose strategies for preventing radicalization and
promoting peace and stability.

19. Social Media Manipulation

Assess the phenomenon of social media manipulation in Philippine politics,
including the spread of misinformation, fake news, and propaganda. Analyze its impact
on public opinion, democratic processes, and propose measures to address this issue.

20. Disaster Resilience

Analyze the country's preparedness and response to natural disasters, such as
typhoons and earthquakes. Evaluate disaster risk reduction measures, response
mechanisms, and propose reforms to enhance resilience and protect vulnerable

NOTE: Remember to choose an issue that you are passionate about and
have access to relevant information and data. These topics require
comprehensive research, analysis, and consideration of different perspectives
to provide a holistic understanding and propose potential solutions.

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