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Name: Kristine Q.

MaEd English
Educational Statistics

Test I. Do what is asked.

1. Give the difference between continuous data and discrete data. Give
2 examples for each data.
Continuous data is quantitative data that can take on any value within a certain
It is measured on a continuous scale and can be divided into smaller and smaller


Height: Height can be measured in inches or centimeters and can take on any
value within a range. For example, a person's height can be 5.6 feet or
167.64 centimeters.

Temperature: Temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit

and can take on any value within a range. For example, the temperature
can be 25.5 degrees Celsius or 77.9 degrees Fahrenheit.
Discrete data is quantitative data that can only take on specific values.
It is counted or measured in whole numbers or distinct categories.


Number of siblings: The number of siblings a person has is a discrete variable

because it can only take on whole number values (e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.).

Shoe size: Shoe size is a discrete variable because it can only take on specific
values, such as 7, 8, 9, and so on.

2. Identify the different levels of measurement. Explain briefly.

Answer: ‘

1. Nominal: The nominal level of measurement involves categorizing data into

distinct categories or groups. In this level, data is qualitative and cannot be
ranked or ordered. Examples include gender (male/female), marital status
(single/married/divorced), or eye color (blue/green/brown). Nominal data
can only be classified into different categories, but no mathematical
operations can be performed on it.

2. Ordinal: The ordinal level of measurement allows for the ranking or

ordering of data. In addition to categorizing data into distinct categories, it
also provides information about the relative position or order of the
categories. However, the differences between the categories are not
necessarily equal or quantifiable. Examples include educational attainment
(high school diploma/associate's degree/bachelor's degree) or satisfaction
ratings (very satisfied/satisfied/neutral/dissatisfied/very dissatisfied).

3. Interval: The interval level of measurement not only allows for

categorization and ranking but also provides information about the equal
intervals between the categories. It has a fixed measurement scale where
the differences between values are meaningful and consistent. However, it
does not have a true zero point. Examples include temperature measured
in Celsius or Fahrenheit. In interval data, we can perform mathematical
operations like addition and subtraction, but multiplication and division are
not meaningful.

4. Ratio: The ratio level of measurement is the highest level of measurement.

It includes all the characteristics of the interval level but also has a true
zero point, which represents the absence of the measured attribute. In
ratio data, all mathematical operations are meaningful. Examples include
height, weight, age, or income. We can not only categorize, rank, and
measure equal intervals but also perform meaningful mathematical
operations like multiplication and division.

3. Give the 2 kinds of hypotheses and explain each.


1. Null Hypothesis (H0): The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect or no

difference. It assumes that there is no relationship or no significant
difference between variables or groups being compared. In other words, it
suggests that any observed differences or effects are due to chance or
random variation. The null hypothesis is typically denoted as H0.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): The alternative hypothesis is the opposite of

the null hypothesis. It states that there is a relationship or a significant
difference between variables or groups being compared. It suggests that
any observed difference between the groups.
4. What are the differences between descriptive statistics and inferential


Descriptive statistics are used to summarize and describe the characteristics of a data set.
They provide a general overview of the data and can be used to identify patterns, trends,
and relationships. Some common descriptive statistics include the mean, median, mode,
standard deviation, and variance.

Inferential statistics are used to draw conclusions about a population based on a sample
of data. They allow us to make generalizations about the population from the sample and
to test hypotheses about the population. Some common inferential statistics include t-
tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis.

Test II. Calculate

Use the following information to compute the following:
Given: 50 52 48 45 33 65 42 37 69 40 41 48
1. Mean
To find the mean, add up all the numbers and divide by the total count:

Mean = (33 + 37 + 40 + 41 + 42 + 45 + 48 + 48 + 50 + 52 + 65 + 69) / 12

Mean = 570 / 12
Mean = 47.5

2. Mode
Given: 50 52 48 45 33 65 42 37 69 40 41 48

Mode: 48

3. Median

Given: 50 52 48 45 33 65 42 37 69 40 41 48

4. standard deviation

Standard Deviation s = 10.664299

Variance s2 = 113.72727
Count n = 12
Mean x¯¯¯
= 47.5
Sum of Squares SS = 1251


5. variance

N: 12
M: 47.5
SS: 1251
s2 = SS⁄(N - 1) = 1251/(12-1) = 113.73

6. range
Range = 69 – 33
Range = 36

Test III.
Calculate a t-test for the following data of the number of times people prefer
coffee or tea in five-time intervals.

Group 1 Group 2
Mean 6.2 5.6
Variance 2.96 3.44
Stand. Dev. 1.7205 1.8547
n 5 5
t 0.5303
d.o.f 8
critical value 2.306
t < criticall value => no sig. diff.

Good luck everyone!!

Madam Mheng Banastas

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