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17 de noviembre de 2023

Maria Hombrado
Street Mar 26

Senator Susan Collins

Dear Senator Collins,

My name is Maria Hombrado and I live in Boston. I hope this latter finds you well. I’m writing
you to address in a issue that it’s important to me.

The ability to participate in elections is an aspect of our system guaranteeing that every
individuals voice is heard and that our government truly represents the people. I have
noticed your voting history regarding this matter. While I admire your commitment, to service
I must express my disagreement with some of the decisions you've made concerning voting
rights. It is disheartening to witness the challenges faced by individuals when trying to
exercise their right to vote. Whether its identification requirements, limited opportunities for
voting or other obstacles these measures tend to have a greater impact on marginalized
communities. I understand the need to uphold the integrity of our process but striking a
balance that ensures accessibility and inclusivity for all voters is crucial.

For instance your recent vote on the "For the People Act" was a bill introduced in Congress
aimed at addressing issues related to voting rights campaign finance regulations and ethical
standards. To tackle these difficulties encountered by voters I would like to propose an
actions that could enhance how our government deals with this issue. First and foremost
supporting legislation that improves voter access—such as expanding voting options and
implementing voter registration—can make a significant difference.

Furthermore promoting the implementation of voter education initiatives may assist

individuals in navigating the voting procedures and gaining a deep understanding of their
democratic privileges.


Maria Hombrado

Mar 26


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