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The election in the Philippines was a major event in our country in which the vast majority of Filipinos

took part. The presidential election has the feel of a massive festival, and everyone is getting into the
spirit of things. Flyers and streaming banners are all over the place, and political candidates' supporters
flood social media with updates and achievements of their candidates. The good and the bad are both
still there, even if it was more like a celebration. Let's begin with the positive things that happen during
elections, starting with the chance to cast a vote for those who we believe deserve our support, for
someone we believe would be capable of patching up our broken government and doing what is right
for the country and its citizens. By voting for the candidate, we believe will best serve the country, we
exercise our right to determine who will serve in that role. We learn more about how our government
functions and how we as voters hold the real power by participating in all of these activities. Attending
these gatherings would help us develop our communication skills by putting us in touch with others who
share our viewpoint. Bullying, vote-buying, and a sluggish voting process are all drawbacks. These tactics
are nothing new in electoral politics anywhere; history shows that "the strong devours the weak" holds
true. We, the voters, have become an integral component of the election process, making it impossible
for candidates without power and influence to succeed. Buying votes is becoming the norm; even
average citizens like you and me can be influenced by money. Life is tough, and a means to make easy
money sounds too good to be true, so no one can blame the folks who sold their vote. I suppose that's
the way things are; no matter where you go, you'd find the same thing. Let's move on from the
depressing reality that is our lives and instead discuss how the COMELECT manages the election system.
There needs to be a change since, in my experience, voting is exhausting; I once had to wait for nearly a
whole day, without food or water, simply to cast my vote. Our methods of voting have improved, but
only somewhat; the process is still time-consuming due to the signal issue, and I can only pray that this
improves before the next election. For the sake of our country's future, I can only pray that those of us
who participated in this election to choose wisely.

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