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You Are Allowed To Terminate Toxic Relationships

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Naruto
Relationship: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Background SasuSaku,
Cuckolding, Massage, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Dark Uzumaki Naruto,
Yandere Uzumaki Naruto, Non-Consensual Voyeurism,
Ambiguous/Open Ending, Prompt Fic, Cheating, Voyeurism, Additional
Warnings Apply, Top Uzumaki Naruto, Bottom Uchiha Sasuke
Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Where The Sun Meets the Moon Naruto Server Prompts
Collections: Where The Sun Meets The Moon (SNS Lovers) Discord Fics by
Stats: Published: 2023-11-06 Words: 4,042 Chapters: 1/1
You Are Allowed To Terminate Toxic Relationships
by GoldenEyesObsession


Naruto doesn’t want to say that he’s jealous of Sakura’s relationship with Sasuke… exactly.
Okay, so she married him, er, he married her, but it doesn’t feel like a real marriage.

It’s not a real marriage, not really.

Sasuke doesn’t even fuck her.

Not that long ago, Naruto tried to tamp down the dark voice in his head that said things like

He doesn’t bother now, especially when it’s true.


For the Where the Sun Meets the Moon Discord Server's Nov. Smut Prompt:

Act/Position: (31) Massage

Trope/Kink: (34) Cuckholding
Object/Body Part: (1) Blindfold
Quote: (7) "What makes you think I'm gonna fuck you?"

This one's dark enough that I'm really not sure how to warn or tag for it, so proceed at your
own risk.

See the end of the work for more notes

Naruto’s been Sasuke’s masseuse for two years now. It’s been a year since his massages got
more… intimate.

“You’re really relaxed today,” Naruto notes, three fingers sliding into Sasuke’s hole with little
effort to work him up to three. Usually, Sasuke’s a literal tight-ass who carries all of his
tension throughout his whole body, including his asshole.

As he works Sasuke’s hole, he continues to work trigger points up his spine, taking care to
genuinely relieve Sasuke’s tension as well as to work his whore hole. He’s told Sasuke that
it’s a genuine therapy—and who knows, it might be?—but the fact Sasuke hasn’t bothered to
either fact check him or tell him to stop is all the proof Naruto needs that he wants it.

His cock throbs in his pants, but he won’t be able to find his release until Sasuke leaves. They
have to maintain the lie, after all. It’s not sex if it’s not including a dick. It’s not cheating
because it’s not sex.

Naruto has told Sasuke those lies aloud more times than he can count. If Sasuke believes
them, it’s only because he wants to.

Usually, he doesn’t open Sasuke up with more than three fingers—and three is usually more
than enough to make Sasuke a complete slut—but he’s so relaxed that Naruto adds in a

Sasuke moans, tenses only for a moment, before he becomes putty on the table. He makes no
move to touch his cock—he never does. Naruto doesn’t know if it’s another one of those lines
in his head— if I don’t jack off, it’s not sex and not cheating— but Naruto can see the head of
his cock from between spread legs, can see how hard it is, can see how prettily it leaks.

It’s leaking a lot right now. Before Naruto’s done, Sasuke will come, just from the feeling of
Naruto’s fingers inside of him.

The first time Sasuke came untouched from his ass, Naruto actually came in his own pants.
He can’t count how many times he’s come watching the videos of Sasuke’s face and body as
he came just from his ass.

Not that Sasuke knows there’s a hidden camera focused on his face. It’s just hidden carefully
as a knot in the wooden floor, right beneath where Sasuke’s head rests. The other cameras
aren’t so carefully hidden, but Sasuke trusts him, and he’d never imagine that Naruto would
record these sessions.

Sasuke’s legs spread a little wider as Naruto straightens his fingers out so his hand makes a
blade, stretching out Sasuke’s rim with the breadth of his palm. His breath hitches, the
leaking from his cock becoming a continual stream. Naruto is going to use that towel to jack
off into as soon as Sasuke leaves.

“Naruto…” Sasuke gasps as Naruto twists his wrist, changing the angle of the blade,
stretching new sections of his rim with each movement. “You can’t fuck me.”
Even as part of him growls in displeasure, Naruto forces himself to laugh it off. “What makes
you think I’m going to fuck you?” he asks, his hand still half-buried in Sasuke’s ass.

Silence hangs between them for a moment before Sasuke can manage to muster the courage
to say, “You’re stretching me more than normal. I thought…”

“I told you, you’re more relaxed than normal,” Naruto says, opening his fingers wider inside
of Sasuke. Sasuke makes a delicious needy keen that goes straight to Naruto’s throbbing
cock. “Do you really think I’d need to stretch you this much to fuck you? Even if you

He presses all four fingers hard to Sasuke’s rim and tugs down on it. As if on cue, Sasuke’s
fingers and toes both curl, and he gasps as he comes.

The sheer satisfaction Naruto gets from that, from making Sasuke come just from playing
with his slutty ass—not even using his prostate, just his fucking hole—is almost orgasmic
itself. He has oils that can make the ass more sensitive over time, but he only used them the
first couple of times. Once it was clear that Sasuke was already deliciously sensitive, he
didn’t bother again.

Sasuke lets out a little sound of protest as Naruto pulls his hand out. He doesn’t push the
question about why Sasuke is so much more relaxed than usual.

Because he shouldn’t know that the reason Sasuke is so relaxed is because he fucked himself
on one of Sakura’s dildos yesterday.

It’s the same reason he knows that Sasuke doesn’t fuck his wife—when their first anniversary
came around, Naruto sent Sakura a teddy bear on Sasuke’s behalf since he knew Sasuke
wouldn’t remember. Sasuke was too grateful to Naruto for covering to wonder if there might
have been another reason Naruto did it—

Like putting a camera into the bear so he could watch.

Because Sakura is predictable, the bear has an excellent view of the bed. Naruto got quite the
show last night. Seeing Sasuke ease the toy into himself—bigger than Naruto would have
expected him to try, though not as big as Naruto is—watching him find his prostate. He’d
been beautiful. Honestly, it’s a surprise Naruto can still get it up today after as many times as
he jacked off to the recording last night, but the real thing on his table is still the greatest
turn-on Naruto knows.

Since he can’t say any of that, he lets it go and leaves the room to let Sasuke get dressed.

By the time Sasuke has gathered himself up to leave, Naruto has himself under control
enough that there aren’t any obvious signs of arousal lingering.

Sasuke pays for his service—he insists—and Naruto takes it and lets him leave. As soon as
he does, Naruto slips back into the room, locks the door, grabs the towel with Sasuke’s come
on it, then uses it to jack himself off.
He has to come twice before it even takes the edge off.

Sasuke doesn’t do quite a good enough job of cleaning up his experiment with the dildo, and
Sakura asks him about it. After a fight, Sakura offers to peg Sasuke, but he has an obvious
and visceral revulsion to the idea.

It hurts her feelings.

She doesn’t know it’s the only reason Naruto doesn’t kill her outright.

No one— no one— but him is ever going to fuck Sasuke.

The fight upsets Sakura enough that she decides to go to a retreat she’d been on the fence
about. They agree to talk about the sex thing when she gets back.

She will never make it to that retreat.

Sasuke, of course, tells him nothing about the argument or its fallout. They’re best friends,
but they’re not having sex, and Sasuke has never shared details about his sex life.

All the better. If he doesn’t tell Naruto these things, Naruto has way better plausible

They all went to med school together—before Naruto was forced out of the program by some
geezer who resented Naruto’s dead parents and pulled strings to get Naruto kicked out.

Naruto had fallen back on massage therapy, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still have quite a
bit of training. He has to get the plan together quickly to grab her, but he does—he’s been
planning something like this since the day they started dating if he’s honest—and he takes her
to the little cabin in the woods that Jiraiya left him. Well, he didn’t officially leave it, but
there hadn’t been anyone else, and Naruto had been taking care of it anyway. Naruto is still
untangling his will since the old man never updated it from Naruto’s old man to Naruto. This
particular little place was under a dozen layers of legal separations anyway.
She can scream all she wants there—no one will hear her, and the cops will never know this
place exists.

“Why are you doing this?” she asks him, sobbing, tied to a chair with enough specialty knots
that even if she got a hand free, she’d be hard-pressed to get herself out.

He turns on the video of Sasuke fucking himself on the dildo. “Because you’re not what he
needs. You can’t give him what he needs,” he says, leaning over her but palming himself
through his pants just seeing Sasuke displaying his slutty side so shamelessly. But then, he
had no idea anyone was watching.

The video cuts to the one where Naruto is more than half-way to fisting Sasuke on his
massage table.

“I know how he moans in pleasure,” Naruto taunts. “Do you?”

On the screen, Sasuke whines. Naruto would bet money she’s never heard him sound like

Sakura has been considered missing for a week when Naruto convinces Sasuke to come out
to the old cabin. Naruto hasn’t mentioned it to him, so he hadn’t even realized that Naruto
still had access to the place, but Naruto frames it as a chance to get away from everything for
a few hours.

After all, they all know, the first forty-eight hours are the most crucial. After that… well,
odds aren’t good.

It didn’t help that the cops had spent four days convinced that Sakura left of her own will. By
the time they decided that maybe she had disappeared, that there might be foul play involved,
the trail was already cold and made colder by two days of intense rains moving in. Naruto
couldn’t have planned the weather better.

Once at the cabin, Naruto suggests, “Why don’t you let me give you a massage?”

Sasuke stares at him. “My wife is missing and you want to give me a massage?” he asks.

“Well, I can’t do much else to help?” Naruto points out. “I know I don’t have the table here,
but there’s the lake down the way, so we’ve got towels?”

He can see the way Sasuke leans toward him subtly, see the desire in his eyes.
You want this, and you know it, Naruto thinks, but he knows he has to tread carefully.

“Face down on the floor doesn’t seem conducive to a massage,” Sasuke points out, but
something in his eyes says give me another option.

“You can lay on your back. If seeing my ugly mug working on you makes you
uncomfortable, we can blindfold you?”

He doesn’t think Sasuke will actually go for it, but Sasuke nods, hesitantly at first, then more
firmly. “Yeah, that’ll work.”

Naruto’s cock about springs to full mast just imagining it. He has to bite his tongue to stop
from moaning.

“Lemme grab the towels and the massage oil and something to be a blindfold, then I’ll let
you get ready.”

Sasuke nods, and Naruto does his best to leave walking normally. All he wants to do is shove
Sasuke down and fuck him right there, but he tells himself to wait.

Just a little longer, he promises himself. When he comes back with the needed items, he
doesn’t look at the louvered closet close by. He’s already warned Sakura that if she makes a
peep, he’ll kill Sasuke. Hurrying, he lays out the towels, making sure that Sakura will have an
excellent view through the broken louvers, then goes to stand in front of the closet, his back
to Sasuke politely as Sasuke strips down, then lays down, and covers himself with the towels.
He also blindfolds himself with a red tie that Naruto only owns because the color made him
think of Sasuke.

“Okay, Naruto. I’m ready,” Sasuke says.

Naruto bends low enough to meet Sakura’s eyes through the broken louvers as a warning,
then turns to face Sasuke.

He’s laid out like an offering, naked but for the white towels covering him. The red tie
wrapped around his eyes is its own aphrodisiac.

Kneeling behind Sasuke’s head, he oils up his hands and starts on Sasuke’s neck. He doesn’t
rush, methodically working his way down from Sasuke’s neck, to his shoulders, shifting to
work on his chest—and if he massages those pecs a little more than actually necessary, who’s
going to call him on it?—before sliding between Sasuke’s already spread legs.

To be fair, he works Sasuke’s waist first, reaching around to massage at Sasuke’s tailbone and
lower back—his damn waist is so small, Naruto can do that with surprising ease—making
Sasuke moan softly, his cock standing tall and ignored.

Naruto re-oils his hands, then reaches around Sasuke’s waist again, lifting his hips a little off
the floor to massage at his ass while at the same time, teasing at his hole. Sasuke gasps softly,
but opens his legs wider in silent invitation.
That’s right, you know you want it, Naruto thinks, dipping forefingers from both hands into
Sasuke’s hole, opening him up. Sasuke moans at the touch, rocking his hips into it.

Rather than driving his fingers in deeper, Naruto continues to tease just the rim. He has a goal
this time, an end he’s been working toward and that he needs to see the culmination of

Tonight, he’s going to fuck Sasuke, but not until Sasuke begs for it. He wants Sakura to see,
to hear how much Sasuke wants him. She needs to understand that he was never hers—he
was always Naruto’s.

So he takes his time, teasing Sasuke, taunting him, opening him up, then moving to massage
his waist, his hips, his thighs, and calves, before moving back to teasing his hole again. Of
course, he never touches Sasuke’s cock because this isn’t sexual until Sasuke decides he
wants it to be.

Watching Sasuke getting close to the edge again, Naruto backs away, moving to stroke over
the sharp indents of Sasuke’s hips. He wants to lean forward and taste them, bite them, leave
marks on them that will remind Sasuke for days, but he doesn’t dare let himself. Sasuke has
to ask for it.

“Naruto…” Sasuke gasps, trying to hitch his hips up, his hands gripping the towels beneath

“Yeah?” Naruto asks, running his tongue over the points of his unusually sharp canines,
eyeing the growing patch of pre on Sasuke’s stomach from where his leaking cock keeps
slapping it.

Sasuke flexes his hips again, thrashing his head slightly, but he clenches his jaw.

“Was there something you needed?” Naruto prompts. He works his fingers back around to
tease at Sasuke’s hole, for the first time sliding a finger all the way inside of him. It makes
Sasuke gasp and his cock visibly throb. Naruto’s own cock throbs in sympathy. He hasn’t
been teased and edged to the extent that Sasuke has, but he’s definitely been teasing himself
as much as he’s been teasing Sasuke.

He squirms for another minute, but Naruto teases his finger across Sasuke’s prostate. It
makes Sasuke’s breath hitch, he groans, and then says it. “More…”

Pulling his finger out, Naruto grins when Sasuke whines in protest.

“More what, Sasuke?” he asks. “What do you want more of?” He pushes two fingers inside,
though he’s careful to avoid Sasuke’s prostate this time. “More fingers?”

Sasuke moans, deep in his chest, his mouth open, panting, his hips rocking with the gentle
thrusts Naruto is teasing him with.

“Is this enough for you, Sasuke?” he asks again. “Or do you still need more?”
He can see Sasuke struggling, resisting, and then he can see the moment that Sasuke gives in
and goes limp. “You,” he says, barely more than a whisper.

That’s not loud enough for Sakura to hear from her closet. “What was that?” Naruto taunts,
pulling his fingers out.

Sasuke shifts his legs to lock around Naruto’s waist and says, much more loudly this time,
“You! I want you, damn it!”

“Want me how?” Naruto asks, palming his trapped cock while he places a hand at Sasuke’s
side to lean over him. “Tell me exactly how you want me.”

A beautiful blush colors Sasuke’s cheeks, even more so with the red of Naruto’s tie still
hiding his eyes. Sasuke bites his lip.

When he says nothing else, Naruto clenches his teeth, then begins to lean away.

That’s apparently all he needed to do because one of Sasuke’s hands comes up and grabs at
Naruto’s shirt, holding him in place.

Licking his lips, Sasuke says, “Inside.” It’s barely audible, even this close, but he seems to
realize that on his own because he repeats, more loudly, “Your cock, inside me…”

Naruto almost comes from the words alone. Without wasting time, Naruto stops palming
himself, undoing his pants and pulling out his cock, reaching for the massage oil to get more
to slick himself up.

“You want me to fuck you?” Naruto asks as he does it, just to be clear.

There’s another bare hesitation, then Sasuke bares his throat and says, “Yes.” This time it’s
loud enough that Naruto doesn’t have to ask him to repeat it. “Yes, fuck me. Want you
inside… wanna feel your cock…”

He doesn’t have to ask again, and Naruto isn’t going to check in again. He shifts them both,
quickly, then puts his cock to Sasuke’s hole, only pausing to make sure he isn’t going to come
the moment he gets the head of his cock inside Sasuke.

When he pauses, Sasuke lets out a delicious little whimper of need, and that’s all the
reassurance Naruto needs. He starts pressing forward. With as much as his hole and rim have
been relaxed and stretched, Naruto pops in without much effort. Still, Naruto has almost
exclusively been taunting his rim and the first inch or so inside, so it’s not long before he’s
sliding in and stretching Sasuke from within.

Sasuke groans and moans, the sounds of filthy desire pouring out of his throat just as readily
as pre spills from his cock.

“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Naruto hisses out, gripping his own balls to hold back his orgasm
while he sinks deeper and deeper. He’s only about halfway in when Sasuke’s body tightens
around him like a vise, he arches his back, and comes, spraying his chest with come. He’s so
tight, it actually helps Naruto keep control.
Slumping, Sasuke goes limp on the floor, his chest rising and falling as he gasps, trying to
catch his breath.

Cock still half-buried, Naruto leans over Sasuke, cragging his tongue up the come on
Sasuke’s chest, gathering it on his tongue. He leans up and kisses Sasuke’s panting mouth,
driving his tongue inside to share the taste of Sasuke’s come with him.

For a moment, Sasuke just lies there, limp, then his hands come up, tangling in Naruto’s hair,
and he sucks hungrily on Naruto’s tongue, apparently not at all repulsed by being fed his own
come like that. Rather, he licks into Naruto’s mouth, as if looking for more.

Sasuke responding so well and having relaxed gives Naruto what he needs to keep pressing
forward. It makes Sasuke break the kiss off to gasp again for air, though that doesn’t last long
before he’s groaning again.

“You’re taking me so good, Sasuke,” Naruto says, his own voice gone rough with desire. “Do
you want me to stop?”

He holds his breath but only for a second because Sasuke shakes his head vehemently. “If
you stop, I’ll kill you,” he growls out, using his grip on Naruto’s hair to pull him back down
and kiss him again.

Kissing Sasuke is both like he imagined—full of force that will leave bruised lips and teeth
that nip—and also not. Sasuke’s lips are surprisingly soft, and he sucks so hungrily on
Naruto’s tongue, Naruto can only imagine what that mouth would feel like wrapped around
his cock.

Will feel like. This isn’t going to be the end of them. This isn’t going to be a one-time stunt.
Sasuke has given himself to Naruto, and that isn’t a temporary state of affairs.

Naruto can feel Sasuke’s cock hardening between them as he continues to thrust, recovering
more quickly than Naruto would expect.

Forcing himself to break the kiss, he starts kissing down Sasuke’s throat.

“Harder,” Sasuke demands, his voice a breathy rasp.

As you wish, Naruto thinks, slowing his thrusts to put more force behind each one. Each
driving thrust pounds into Sasuke’s prostate, and his breath hitches with each one.

“Only I can make you feel this good…” Naruto says, his own voice breathy.

“Yes,” Sasuke agrees. “Only you…”

“Sakura could never make you feel like this, could she?”

Sasuke shakes his head, but he doesn’t say anything. A growl rumbles in Naruto’s chest, and
he presses at Sasuke’s hips to make him release Naruto’s waist, then turns him over on hands
and knees, yanking up Sasuke’s hips, then thrusting back in.
A full-body shudder goes through Sasuke at it, and his body tightens up around Naruto again,
though his cock is still hard and slapping against his stomach as Naruto fucks into him.

“Tell me,” Naruto demands. “I want to hear it.”

Like the slut he is, Sasuke rocks his hips eagerly back into Naruto’s thrusts, eagerly
welcoming Naruto’s cock into him. Though the moans, whines, and gasps he’s drawing from
Sasuke are rewarding, they’re not what he really wants.

“ Tell me,” he snarls, digging his fingers into Sasuke’s hips with enough force that he’s
definitely going to leave bruises.

“You fuck me so good… make me feel so good,” Sasuke finally manages to say. “Fill me…”
He reaches back behind him, and Naruto obligingly leans forward enough for Sasuke to grab
at the back of his neck. He whines in his chest as it changes the angle Naruto is fucking him
at. “Yes, fuck, yes. It’s so good. You’re so good. Fuck me…”

“Sakura could never please you like this, could she?” Naruto asks.

“No, never…” Sasuke agrees.

Fierce satisfaction rolls through Naruto hearing that, and his hips start driving like a
powerjack into Sasuke, chasing his own orgasm.

Sasuke gets there first, coming with a cry, his cock entirely untouched. His ass milks Naruto
as the aftershocks of his orgasm work through him, and Naruto comes fast on his heels, but
not without biting hard into the back of Sasuke’s shoulder, wanting to leave a mark on him
externally as he marks him inside with his seed.

As he catches his breath, Naruto grips Sasuke’s throat, twisting his head enough so he can
kiss him. Sasuke opens his mouth to him as easily as he’d open his body, as if taking this step
was the key to unlocking his enthusiastic participation. Sasuke whimpers into his mouth as
Naruto’s cock softens enough to slip out of him, and Naruto drinks it down like it’s a treat
before finally collapsing next to him on the floor.

Taking a chance, Naruto gently tugs the tie off Sasuke’s eyes, needing to look into them,
needing to see how Sasuke feels.

Sasuke flinches at the light, but as his eyes adjust, he just looks sleepy and satisfied. Naruto
strokes a hand down his naked side even though he’s still fully dressed except for his dick
hanging out. Sasuke doesn’t seem bothered by his nakedness or the fact that Naruto isn’t.

They lay there in comfortable silence as they fully come down from their orgasms and catch
their breath. Then, making sure Sasuke is with him, Naruto cups the back of Sasuke’s head
and kisses him again. Just as before, Sasuke kisses him back, though these are more languid
and lazy, more intimate, even.

When they break, Sasuke says, “Maybe this is why she left… maybe she knew…”
“Knew that you were mine?” Naruto asks. Sasuke starts to nod, but pauses, and something on
Naruto’s face must give away something because Sasuke leans up on an elbow, frowning.

“What do you know?” he asks.

Tucking his dick away, Naruto gets up. “Well…” he says, drawing out the word as he goes to
the closet. “If you don’t want to worry about her anymore…” He opens the closet, revealing
Sakura, sobbing, tears streaming down her face. Naruto looks back to Sasuke, whose eyes are
wide in shock as he stares at his wife. Naruto gives him a toothy smile. “Want to help me get
rid of her?”
End Notes

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