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Name: Basit Abdul

Assignment: Research Seminar "Linguistic Personology"

Pick up examples and discuss modal personalities typical for a linguaculture and model
personalities recognized in the linguaculture as role models.
•The sources could be fiction, non-fiction, mass media, social media, cinematography, etc.

Modal Personalities
The concept of modal personalities refers to the idea that people have multiple modes or states of
being that they exhibit in different settings. The theory of modal personalities holds that people
have several modes or states of being, each of which is associated with particular personality
traits, actions, or mindsets. According to this hypothesis, humans can switch between various
modes based on their circumstances or surroundings. For example, someone may be strong and
decisive in some situations (assertive mode) while being quiet and thoughtful in others
(reflective mode). Modal personalities emphasize the flexibility in human behavior and how
people change their personalities to different contexts or obstacles they face. This concept
emphasizes the idea that personalities are not fixed and can change depending on the situation.
Linguacultural context of Pakistan
Several common modal personalities have been noticed in the linguacultural context of Pakistan,
inspired by the country’s vast cultural diversity and socioeconomic conventions.
Community Oriented Communicator; In Pakistan, there is a major emphasis on community ties.
Many people exhibit a mode oriented on communal values, demonstrating cooperation,
solidarity, and concern for the wellbeing of society as a whole.Pakistani culture places a high
priority on hospitality. Individuals frequently adopt a hospitable manner, warmly greeting guests,
offering food, tea, or drinks, and making them feel at ease and respected. Respect and civility are
valued in Pakistani linguaculture. Individuals frequently demonstrate a mode in which they use
polite language, honorifics, and show reverence to elders and authoritative figures. Storytelling is
highly embedded in Pakistani culture. During social events, people frequently exhibit an
expressive mode, engaging in vivid storytelling, employing rich vocabulary, tales, and gestures
to engage listeners. Adaptive and Multilingual Communicator: The language diversity of
Pakistan has an impact on modal personalities. Many people transition between languages such
as Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, and others depending on the environment or audience they are
talking with, demonstrating versatility in communication.
These modal personalities reflect Pakistan’s cultural beliefs, communication techniques, and
social norms, demonstrating the various ways individuals express themselves and interact within
the country’s linguacultural framework.
Examples of modal Personalities
The Expressive Storyteller:This personality excels in vivid storytelling, utilizing rich language,
gestures, and engaging narratives to captivate audiences during social gatherings.
The Community-Oriented Communicator:This personality emphasizes community values,
cooperation, and solidarity, considering the welfare of the broader society and actively
participating in communal activities.

Model personalities in Pashto linguaculture

Several persons are regarded as role models in the Pashto linguacultural setting because of their
contributions, influence, or impact on Pashto culture, language, or society.
Khushal Khan Khattak
The poetry and teachings of the fabled 17th-century Pashtun warrior, poet, and philosopher
Khushal Khan Khattak still have an impact on the Pashtun people. He supported freedom,
unification, and the preservation of Pashto culture and language.He was a prolific poet,
philosopher, and scholar in addition to being a capable military commander. The Pashto literary
achievements of Khushal Khan Khattak have earned him special regard. Writing in Pashto, he
penned poems on a variety of subjects, such as love, bravery, honor, tribal life, morality, and the
fight for independence.Khushal Khan Khattak was instrumental in bringing the Pashtun tribes
together to resist outside powers, such as the Mughal Empire. He vehemently championed
Pashtun unity, autonomy, and independence from foreign rule.
Poetic work of KK Khattak; Khattak’s poetry often finds inspiration in nature and life’s journey.
The seasons, landscapes, and natural elements all serve as metaphors for deeper philosophical
and allegoric implications concerning life’s journey, changes, and cycles.
Leadership and Unity: Stressing the significance of Pashtun unity, solidarity, and autonomy in
the face of outside forces, he played a crucial role in bringing together disparate Pashtun tribes
against shared enemies. Relatively valued as a symbol of Pashtun identity and resistance against
foreign control is Khushal Khan Khattak. Pashtuns continue to find inspiration in his dedication
to Pashtun autonomy and his focus on the value of Pashtun traditions.
All things considered, Khushal Khan Khattak is a highly esteemed figure in Pashtun history and
culture because of his bravery, leadership, cultural achievements, and unshakable dedication to
Pashtun identity. He represents the ideal Pashtun model personality.
Malala Maiwand
In Pashto language culture Malala Maiwand is revered as a role model for multiple noteworthy
reasons: Representation of Pashtun Women: Malala Maiwand, a young journalist from Pakistan,
stood in for an empowered new generation of Pashtun women who were dismantling social
norms and breaking down obstacles. Her commitment to activism and journalism encouraged
many Pashtun women to follow their dreams in spite of challenges.
Effect on Pashto Media and Culture: She brought attention to the value of press and speech
freedom in Pashtun communities through her contributions to Pashto media and journalism. Her
journalism in her home language, which addressed social issues, made an important contribution
to Pashto linguaculture. Malala Yousafzai, another well-known individual in the Pashtun region
who was a strong proponent of education, especially for girls, was greatly influenced by Malala
Maiwand’s fervent support of girls’ education.
Fearlessness and Bravery: As a Pashto-speaking journalist and women’s rights advocate, Malala
Maiwand showed unwavering fearlessness and bravery. Her reporting on social concerns,
particularly those related to women’s and children’s rights in Kandahar, Afghanistan, was brave
in the face of threats and difficulties. With her bravery, dedication to women’s rights and
education, and contributions to Pashto journalism, Malala Maiwand became a unique role model
in Pashto linguaculture, representing fortitude, self-determination, and the pursuit of positive
change in the face of hardship.
Malala Maiwand and Khushal Khan Khattak
In different times and places, Malala Maiwand and Khushal Khan Khattak have had a significant
influence on Pashto linguaculture.
Era and Context:
KK Khattak: During the 17th century, Khushal Khan Khattak was a living example of the wars
and uprisings against foreign power, particularly the Mughal Empire, that characterized the
Malala Maiwand: Malala was a modern-day activist for women’s rights and education in
Afghanistan during a time of significant social and political upheaval, particularly for women in
the area.
Khattak is regarded for his contributions to Pashto literature and Pashtun identity, and he is a
symbol of Pashtun nationalism, bravery, and ethnic pride.
Malala is an inspiration for those who support social change and education. She represents
bravery, resistance, and empowerment for Pashtun women.
Although they both achieved great things in their own eras, Khushal Khan Khattak and Malala
Maiwand had different goals and environments in mind. Malala Maiwand is known for her
activism, journalism, and support of women’s rights and education in a modern environment,
whereas Khushal Khan Khattak is honored for his leadership, poetry, and protection of Pashtun
culture in a historical context. But in the Pashto linguacultural context, these characters embody
bravery, tenacity, and a dedication to their community and culture.

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