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Agriculture Assignement 1
By:Kalkidan Getenet

Submitted to:

1.What are Vegetable Crops?
2.List the benefits of vegetable crops for producers and consumers?
3.Explain the opporuntunities for vegetable production in Ethiopia.
4.Discuss the constraintes of vegetable production in Ethiopia.
1.Vegetable crops refer to classification of agricultural crops under horeticulture.These crops are
having edible parts(such as fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves, or flower) that are
used in culinary preparations either cooked or raw, as in Salad recipes. Vegetables like carrots,
spinach, and lettuce are examples of vegetable crops.
2.for producers:Vegetable farming provides significant advantages for farmers looking to
manage resources effectively. The crops have a lower water requirement compared to others,
enabling farmers to conserve soil moisture.Vegetable farming often requires less land than
conventional crops like maize and beans, meaning farmers can produce bigger harvests on
smaller plots of land and Vegetable wastes can be efficiently utilized for composting.
for consumers:Fight inflammation,Improve blood pressure,Up your fiber,Help your eyes,Reduce
risk of heart disease,Reduce risk of cancer,Keep your brain young.
3.Ethiopia is endowed with abundant agricultural resources and has diverse agro-ecological
zones and diversified soil and climate. Ethiopia has considerable altitudinal fluctuations, making
it suited for the cultivation of economically significant vegetable crops. These include (a)
temperate zones (above 2400 m asl) with average daytime temperatures of 0 to 16oC; (b) sub-
tropical zones (1500 m asl to 2400 m asl) with temperatures between 16 and 20oC; and (c)
tropical/arid zones (below 1500 m asl) with temperatures of 27 oC or higher. The nation has a
sizable water supply for irrigation, which is ideal for the sustainable production of premium
fruits and vegetables for both the local and international markets.
4.The majority of farmers are smallholders with limited access to resources, modern technology,
and market linkages. Land fragmentation, inadequate infrastructure, and climate change impact
further hinder agricultural productivity. Additionally, reliance on rain-fed agriculture makes the
sector vulnerable to erratic weather patterns, leading to fluctuations in yields.Land Tenure and
Fragmentation,Climate Change and Environmental Degradation and Technological Adoption.

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