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The bar chart illustrates the most preferred types of coffee that are sold by two coffee shops

positioned in New York in a normal week in 2015. Both coffee shops have 8 types of coffee.
This includes Cappuccinos, Iced Coffees, Cafe Lattes, in Club Coffee and Espresso Express.

Overall, it can be seen that Club Coffee had an outselling at 5/8 types meaning that Espresso
Express is not as chosen as Club Coffee. Weaker coffees such as cafe lattes were more
preferred than stronger coffees like flat whites.

In detail, Cafe Latte was the best seller with an average of 130 and 120 coffees sold a week.
Following Cafe Latte, the next best sellers were Cappuccinos and Americanos that are usually
sold about 180 a week from the total of both coffee shops. The amount of Decaf Coffees that
are consumed is a little higher than Iced Coffees with an average of 75 sold at Club Coffee and
50 sold at Espresso Express making a total of 125 Decaf Coffee sold a week. Espressos and
Caramel lattes were not as popular as the other coffee types having an average of 50-70 sold a

The most and the least sold coffee at Espresso Express was Cafe Latte being the highest with
120 sold a week and Espressos being the lowest with 25 sold a week meaning that Cafe Latte
was almost sold 5 times more than Espressos. Club Coffee’s 5 types of coffee that had
dominance were Americanos, Cappuccinos, Decaf Coffees, Iced Coffees, Cafe lattes. And
Espresso Express also had a provision at Flat Whites, Caramel lattes. Also Espressos was a
tie, both sold 25 a week.

Atila Gülsoy

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