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Yes, I was a victim of a bullying case.

To be honest, I was frustrated

at first because all my classmates are bystanders, they did nothing
but make me feel more depressed and hurt. I even think that they
all are reinforcers. What the bully did to me was not only spreading
rumors about myself, but also calling others to not be friends with
me. That being the case, I came over it and you may ask why. The
main reason is that I realized and understood that people are not
meant to treat you as how you treat them, even if you treat them in
a very nice and polite way, they can still find any point to hate you if
they don’t have a good or favorable first impression on you. I won’t
say this is a bad experience although it is unpleasant, it is an
invaluable one. I learnt a lot from this case and became a stronger
and tougher person. If I was you, I wouldn't waste my time feeling
sorrowful or dejected. You weren’t born yesterday and you should
know that you can’t control others ongoing unkind behaviour.
Enhance and improve your psychological quality by focusing on
yourself instead!

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