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The Ensth is hheminq up an>
human ahe at least paztia to
\bame But thene is a_dehate gaing
Co ginhalluy abaut ifE
glcbal uioatang is
Hes andif humans
e the Cause fo it
Agenciesin the US
Enope and Tapan
lhave_analysed the
data and have g1¬ach
the Came decisian
Scientists haue nata
that natonly the seas
gseLsasumiag up_but even
/the qlacieus ane melting
A lO f this heat (omes fran
Daaninq_fassilfoels 5ome tacki
ye0 oh.sewed

A lotof Ehese\
1nclude the beoy hd
Scientists gAR
Ohserved to be fake,
L0d globalL uwching
US thougnk Of asS
a Conspacy
Date Topic

HE EsSAyAe e betnq fooled hy big.companfes?

Crlacies 02e melting sea Ievels ae iaing cloud
forests axe deyingand uidlife ís Scamblin 9 to
keeP peace Tt is belfeved that human activ ity affects
glabad Suface tempehatuses hy changing Earsh s
1acliadive balance Bu, is thfsau nea Or is it One of
the tacties playedby leading Companfes and scientikts
for thei On beneftts ? I. disageee with DrCiahan o'casaol
aaho says in his Climate Change, thas 'qlobal
Llahminq is entirely Caused by humansis a false
Statement and thene fs nothnq Knauan as qBohal ucM ing=
He also Said, that lead+oq bï Compan ies hied fake
expeutsto atock the integeity of inchvidual Scientists
and the Scient:fte process They left the publit with
the imp-ession that thene aiC alot of
questfons and that Science Should notbe thusted
Even Ex-(s President, Donald Tump betieves that
there_is Somethinq Coalled if
thee Should not be Cny Cold weahe
O SDOw: Butif thexe is Orlou tempeHatuie
Samethînqthot is Cousing
Ehe easth to heat tapidly then the
wOld will nat
be Chanqed Oventoqht and thee win be
as Domal 9+2 of Scientists cold lays
qiobauybetfe ue that
Date Topic

Llobal a09-minqis Cawsed by humans Tt Is Senled as

a link betueen Smokiog and Cance Eyen if Soome tactics
09e ped by Scientsts andbi Comanits we Can noot
denythp tact, that theue aHe Qlaciens Dnelting Ehe
tempeoiate is ising each cay lhe ozone laeh is
depiekinq and Most of this isCauseahy ativiiie-
EOlhLedhy buman beinas lire Cutinq douanfoLests,
Manufactuainq gocdsekr Nne of the lo wasMe st yeas_
Since 1BRO ha ve Oc @nd since 2005 and the G wasmLst
ahe ecotdea since aOIS I the 200 cutLosgkq 7aMbra
Pheeisa cage whee he notice Heads, The woldis
mpst dan9 ous gnimal Inside the Cage thee is no anjnal_
hut a mitHO whene you See youS@ It As mentioned in
The APinq planei- Fextilit Eals a incOMe Afse, educatinn
Spread S and health_omplo ve) Thus dev elo pmGAt ise f May
not hePosstble_ If the pesenr inC+eas nDumbMS LPapuk ahien
Continue Thus_Concluding Scientsts miqht play Such tactics
but that_docsn t hean that glohal Ldasm>nq isn' t eal
he tempesuatuhe has incteaied at 1C ai most plcue
and even Since 1280 in some Places HenceI
disaree with theStatemeats ia the pod.cast bt 00t
Comp1etety alabal nming is eal and humand aea
Majo Caule fo t but allo, Scientist s_and lecding Com Punit
ahE tty ing to Confuse_us and this shDuld be stopped nawl
Topic Date.

global Waming and pollution in India

Toroghout the world heatuaves are likely to become more intense

anc fheawent in the 21st centurg Unless there are intemeciate and
arge scalereductions in greenhouse emissions, limiting global uaming
t oclose to 15 degrees celsius or 2 degrees celsius over pre industrial
times uill be begond reach Keeping in mind that we have only one
planet. and global uarmming and pollution are ruining it rapidly.
cdecided to fake initiative and intervieuw the people around me to test
their knoudedge on the same as uwell as spread auareness on houw to
pemore eco fhendlg and decrease our carbon footpnint

1 tnterviewed mang neighbours and fellow classmates and they all were

quck to express their views on what is gobal uwaming and houw they
fhink that it is affecting our lives and the lives of out upcoming
menatons When asked if they knew the difference betuween climate
chage ang global waming, mang were confUsed and used the tems
anterchangedbl4Houever, I made sure to let them knouw the difference
Cnate change refers to natural fluctuations in the earths average

fempereture toroughout geologie time. betuween cold penods uhereas

8lobal uamog narrously refers to a rise in the Earths average global

Almosteveryone was aware of the climate change impacts being
fhecuent dtroughts and storms, melting glaciers and ice sheets, nsing
sea levels. uamin8 Oceans, etc. 3eein8 how evergone was refernig to

globaluarning as uaming of the earth. I wanted toinqure ifthey

kneuw the difference between climate and weather When being asked
that, 1f global wamming is real then uhg is it so cold in wmtersf" Some
of them were conflsed1 informed them that &Weather is uhat i_

Topic Date
happening outside todag, uhile climate is an areas typical weather t
wight be raining tocday. but typicaly the citys cinate rmight be dry As
fheaverage glóbal temperature increases, inters are more likely to be
shorterand less smou Houever, there are stll cold days and colder
thanaverage years dde to changes in atmosphenic circuation
associated uith weather pattems

Mang of them uwere shocked to find out that agnicuture as a whole is

responsble for 10, of greenhouse gaS emissions and that cimate
change affécts food seply Bg increasing the fhecuency and intensity
of droughts, floods, and stoms. climate change can impact fammers
ability to grow crops and the infhastructure necessary to transport
r d store food supplies Changes in seasonal weather pattems that

famers are accustomed to also make it more diflicut for them to

plan their plantings and harvests Waming ocean temperatunes are
aUsing rage shifts for fish and Shellfish species which. irn tum, impact

Thoghplahts need carbon dioxicde to grou. higher levels of carbon
dioxice in the atmosphere are not necessanly beneficialfor agniculture
Researchers have found that higher levels of carbon dioxice resuit in
crops th lower nutritional value
efter beng enlightenecd many of them uwere shook and uanted to
reducetheir darbon tootpnint A carbon footprint is the amount of
carbon emitted by the actions of a person. group. household

organisation or activity over a

given time peniod primanly due to the
consmptiod of fosslfuels The morefossil fUels areconsumedcuing
anactivty thelarger the carbon footprint (for example.fiyng nesuts
ina larger carbon
footprint than takinga train to cover the same
distance) Actinties that are part of the natural carbon cycle, such a s
breathing, are not countec Acarbon footprint can alsoincludte
emissions of other greenhouse gases,such as methane (in uwhich case. W
Topic Date

their conmtribution is USUally calculated based om their carbon

Reducingr offsetting greenhouse gas ernissions by improving energ4
efficiencg. Using reneuable ener and adopting sustainable practises
s the
bestway to reduce one's carbon footprint. Simple things like
takingpublic fransportation, using light emitting ciodte 0ED) igHt bus
and neducing food uaste are just a feuw of the mang uways gou can
recducegour carbon footprint and fight climate change
though all of therm uwere keen to complete their part in the joumey.
hey were curious as to what India as a country is doing to combat
these scenarios After doing some research. 1 infbrmed them that. Incia
js the only major counmtrg to be on track to achieve its targets set out

the landrmark Pans cimate agnreement, according to the Un

Envinormernt Prograns Ernission Gap Report
For ystance. India plarns to redtuce the emissions intensity of QDP
the volme of carbon emissions emitted for every unit of gDP- by

around E by 080 fhom 2005 levels

Tnctia has achieved its voluntary target of reucing emissions intensity
its gDP by 21 over 006 levels by 2000 the countrys environment
minister geri tastnovember
The colptES also yeaning its 2015 goal of achieving about 4Oz Share of

non-fossil fel-básed electnicity generating capacity. uhich the

80vemyen éxpects uAll be achieved by 2028- seven years aheadof
t theend, the jmportant and conceming question that everyone
asked uas 1s there hope that uwe ull be able to address climate
change beforet istoolater éven though cimate change is apressing
threat that is not going away. we can have a sgoficant impact on hous
t arfects
us n thenearfture Ay mvesting m reneuable energy and
energy efiaency.people conmDUTities.businesses, and govemments
Cen recUce the amount of greenhoUse
gas emissions reaching tne
atmósphere and slow global uaming This uill help
minimize thee
conseciermces of climate change in the present and for future
addition. through adaptation and resilience efforts, we can and
must prepdre an infrastructure built to withstand the
impacts of
climate change. protecting the lives of' ilions of people cuiTentlg livin
vulrerable areas Such investments wll also gr'eatlg reduce the costs
of extrerme ueather events and other disasters We know what needs
tobe done and that is a critical step in the right direction'

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