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It’s always raining downtown. The streetlights flicker, 1 An important witness or contact turns up dead.

What leads
cutting the world into swathes of light and shadow. does the crime scene offer? -2 Proof
People scurry down streets and around corners, collars 2 You tail a suspect, but a dark car violently runs you off the
up, hats down, and always looking over their shoulder. road. Who were you following? +1 Proof +1 Danger
The Game 3 You step out for a smoke. Where do you lounge and why?
Hard Case is a solo role-playing game, sometimes 4 An old man strums a guitar on the sidewalk and you toss a
known as a journaling game. To play, you will need few coins in his hat. What keeps you from his fate?
something to record your journals such as paper and pen 5 You go to see your pal, Jimmy, down at the bank. What
as well as a d20 and a d6. information is he unable to help you locate? -1 Proof
The game is divided into a series of turns known as 6 You discover an important invoice. What is it for? Where did
moments, representing the important elements of your you find it? +1 Proof
case. At the start of each turn, you will roll the d20 and 7 You stop to see your old flame Allison, a telephone operator,
consult the chart to determine what event or reflection who tells you about a mysterious and furtive phone call. +1
your character will undergo. Proof
If you roll the same prompt an additional time, reflect 8 You buy a drink to take the edge off. Why are your funds
on your previous entry for that prompt and reveal running low?
something new about it, which your character had 9 An old comrade in arms persuades you to a night out. What
previously not noticed or not revealed such as a new do you reminisce over so hard that you sleep through an
clue or a character that lied. Next, add 1 to your Danger appointment the next morning? -1 Proof
tracker (tokens or tally marks on your paper). Then, roll 10 You interview the last person to see them before the
the d6. If you roll at or above your current Danger, you incident. What detail do they let slip? +1 Proof
escape a threat. If you roll below, the forces working
against you triumph and you perish. You begin at 0 11 You think back to your last case. What went wrong?
Danger. 12 A letter arrives in the mail among the bills. Who is still
writing you?
Certain prompts will add or subtract Proof. If you reach
6 Proof, you solve the case and succeed. Narrate your 13 You stop back in at your office only to find it ransacked and a
climactic reveal. You start at 0 Proof. fire burning in the wastebasket. What vital information is
turning to ash? -1 Proof
The Premise 14 Sal, the bouncer at the Crown Club, owes you a favor. Who
You are “Tex” Williams, a down on their luck private did he see acting suspiciously last night? +1 Proof
detective with a (choose one – veteran, socialite, 15 You settle in for a drink at the Crown Club and a figure in the
criminal) past and a weakness for (alcohol, gambling, darkest corner beckons you over. Why do they tell you to talk
love). to and why are they hiding in the corner? +1 Proof
Your door swings open to reveal your latest client, a 16 You stop at a Catholic church to confess. What drew you
(femme fatale, mob boss, politician) eager to engage here? Do you feel better or worse?
your services for a (unfaithful lover, high profile theft, 17 A kid runs into you on the street. What do they pickpocket
dastardly murder). Will you solve the case? from you? -1 Proof
18 A thug steps out of the darkness in an alley. He pummels you
and tells you to stay out of it. You must be on the right track. +1 Proof +1 Danger
Second Guess System by William Lentz is licensed under CC 19 You awaken from a nightmare. What dark deed in your past
BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit still plays on your subconscious? 20 Despite their fear, a witness comes forward. What did they
see? What do they fear? +2 Proof

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